World Security Report July/August 2017

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FEATURE: Beyond European Critical Infrastructures PAGE 13

FEATURE: WannaCry and The Threat Environment PAGE 18

FEATURE: Integrate the Security Checkpoint into Your Customer’s Experience at Large Events PAGE 24

COVER STORY Technology Evolution: Cyber Security Challenges and Opportunities

What comes after the Caliphate? As IS are squeezed more and more on the ground in Iraq and Syria and the inevitable destruction of the so-called Caliphate gets closer, the tempo of attacks happening in Europe and beyond will inevitably increase! Why? Because many of those radicalised individuals that would have gone to fight and die for IS in Iraq and Syria will find that opportunity for martyrdom closed. They will therefore take to the streets to kill and be killed in whatever country or neighbouring country that they find themselves. Add to this, jihadists infiltrated via mass migration and potentially thousands of IS fighters returning via Europe’s porous borders, and what you have is an internecine war in Europe that is likely to continue for a generation or more. Now some may say that is a rather pessimistic outlook and I hope they’re right but it is difficult to see any current policies in Europe or elsewhere that are likely to change any of the essential facts. European borders remain porous and are likely to remain so long after the final defeat of the IS on the ground and therefore those coming to Europe have little to stop them. As we have seen in the vehicle attacks in Barcelona and Charlottesville and the stabbings in Turku and Surgut, low-tech attacks mean that virtually any idiot can become a terrorist at any moment, whether that’s because of religious, political or racial radicalisation.

A lot is said about the importance of continuing with our way of life and not letting the terrorists win by changing the way we live. But the reality is, that time is long-past and we must do things differently.

Not all changes are necessarily bad. More pedestrian only city centres, with more public transport and limited access to vehicles may be seen by many as highly desirable. Planters lining our roads and public areas could bring welcome greenery to our cities and towns. But these changes, however necessary, will only divert the determined attacker elsewhere. Our best defence now is to engage with the communities where terrorists live and ensure that the eyes and ears of everyone in society is looking out for the tell-tale signs of danger and report it!

Tony Kingham Editor

Editorial: Tony Kingham E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker E: Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker E: Subscriptions: Tony Kingham E:

World Security Report is a bimonthly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 100,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, armed and security forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It is a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counter-terrorism, international affairs, warfare and defence.

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G4S Risk Consulting Global Forecast 2017 Quarter 3

At the halfway point of the year, it is worth reflecting on the global themes we set out in the 2017 Global Forecast back in December 2016. The Trump Administration’s “America First” strategy has yet to translate into concrete actions. Nonetheless it has encouraged some US allies to take greater responsibility for their own security affairs. The Saudi-led blockade of Qatar appears to be one consequence of the complex issue of the US’s role in global affairs. Meanwhile, the Islamic State “brand value” remains high despite territorial losses, inspiring attacks by sympathisers in Europe and Asia and keeping the threat perception high. The risks to information security continue to emanate from organisations struggling to keep pace with rapidly evolving cyber threats, including the re-emergence of ransomware. Finally, humanitarian concerns have deepened in Sub-Saharan Africa as conflicts threaten food security and essential services. Global terrorism threat Further terrorist attacks are likely to occur or be foiled during Q3. The locations of attacks since 2015 – from the US, UK, Norway, France and Germany, to the Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh, Australia and Turkey – underlines the threat is not specific to one region. In South Asia and the Asia-Pacific, Islamic State (IS) will seek to establish a wider, more diffused footprint, capitalising on ungoverned spaces and entrenched insurgencies. This underscores the group’s cellular structure which enables it to pose a threat globally. Sahelian Africa, South Asia and South-east Asia provide these conditions for groups seeking to establish another IS territorial base, allowing its surviving foreign

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fighters to flee Iraq and Syria. In these locations, large-scale, spectacular attacks are more likely to occur than in Australia, Europe or North America, where low-tech marauding attacks carried out by one person or a small group, including vehicle ramming and stabbing attacks, have become the more common mode of attack.

by returning fighters, as IS militants flee defeat in the Middle East, who have the potential to launch or enable more sophisticated attacks, such as suicide bombings, although the competence of security services

Following a spate of similar attacks in western Europe in H1, copycat attacks in Q3 are likely to utilise easily-accessible, lowtech weapons to conduct attacks that are harder for security services to detect. Additionally, there is an increasing threat posed


mitigates some of the threat, foiling multiple attacks at various stages of inception.

security forces, particularly as UN forces are refocusing on Kasai at the expense of the Kivus. In the Central African Republic, a peace agreement involving the majority of armed nonstate actors, including anti-Balaka and Seleka rebels, is unlikely to see a cessation of conflict in the country with sporadic fighting to continue due to a weak government and a lack of monopoly of force to enforce the ceasefire.

Summer of discontent The summer months have seen a rise in the number of civil unrest incidents in previous years across the Middle East and North Africa, triggered by failing infrastructure, government legislation and socio-economic issues. Added pressure on electricity and water networks due to a surge in demand will likely trigger protests an annual occurrence, including in South Asia. In Europe, strike action and protests over economic crises are expected in Greece and Italy, with domestic issues-driven rallies also anticipated in western Europe, including Francetowards the end of the quarter as the new president begins to push his reform agenda. Alleged political corruption will remain a key trigger for unrest in South America, especially in Brazil, Asia-Pacific and Africa, where mass rallies and potential protests are expected before and after the 8 August general election in Kenya. Storm seasons to test disaster management planning Warmer sea surface temperatures across the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea are forecast to result in a stronger than average storm season in North America. Although adept at responding to strong storms in the region, a destructive storm will test disaster response, particularly in Mexico and the Caribbean, where districts can be isolated by blocked roads and disrupted communications. In South Asia, monsoon rains are forecast to be lower than 2016, but may trigger mass displacements, challenging disaster management plans. In southern and eastern Africa, droughts continue to pose threats to food security, including in South Africa’s Western Cape, where water shortages could trigger unrest as farmers bear the brunt of water restrictions. Africa Persistent terrorist threats despite security responses

Terrorism will remain a prominent threat in Q3 as terrorist groups have continued to mount numerous attacks in their areas of operation in Q2, particularly in Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia and Mali. Security forces are struggling to contain the threat despite international support. InWest Africa, French troops under Operation Barkhane, alongside EU and UN troops in northern Mali, remain a target of jihadist group Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM), as illustrated in the attack on a luxury resort east of Bamako in June. Increased security raids and patrols are unlikely to blunt JNIM’s intent to target international personnel. In Somalia, despite the US easing restrictions on airstrikes targeting al-Shabaab, insurgency is expanding. The group launched seven major attacks in Mogadishu in June alone, with the trend likely to continue in the absence of indicators that the government’s ability to counter the threat will improve in the short-term. In Nigeria, Boko Haram demonstrates maintained capabilities to launch attacks on soft targets and security forces in the north-east of the country with no tatical variation anticipated from the government that will result in change in Q3. Political violence driven by militias Political violence continues to threaten security stability in central Africa as governments fail to address grievances or implement operations to quell unrest. In DR Congo, militia activity in North Kivu as well as the Kasai regions is stretching state

In South Sudan, the government’s appointment of an ethnic Luo army chief of staff is intended to undermine the opposition’s accusations of ethnic cleansing, around which defecting army generals have convened in opposition to Dinka domination. However, militia recruitment is unlikely to be affected. With the rainy season due to take hold in August, a surge in fighting is likely in the first weeks of Q3 as forces seek to establish control of strategically important areas, such as oil fields, before movement is restricted by washed out roads. Anti-government unrest linked to election campaigns Campaigning has already begun for several elections in 2018 and with it concerns over election-related violence. In Angola, suspicions that President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos will continue to control the government through his appointed successor Joao Lourenco will likely trigger opposition demonstrations. Protests demanding the resignation of President Jacob Zuma in South Africa foreshadow a weakening of the ruling party alliance with powerful unions and will continue particularly if further allegations of corruption emerge. In Zimbabwe, the government will stifle opposition calls for President Robert Mugabe to step down ahead of the 2018 presidential election. Police forces are expected to revert to rely on repression to disperse unsanctioned protests, especially in Harare. Middle East and North Africa Mediation efforts unlikely to resolve Qatar diplomatic crisis

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Saudi-led attempts to isolate Qatar with the implementation of a transport, trade and diplomatic blockade predominantly by Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain since 5 June will be a dominant concern during Q3. Qatar has relied on Iran and Turkey for basic supplies, amid concerns of shortages as a result of the closure of the Saudi border and restrictions on using regional airspace. Forging closer ties with Iran will prolong and possibly escalate the crisis as Saudi Arabia has called for Qatar to cut relations with Iran. Kuwait-led mediators will struggle to end the crisis in Q3 as Qatar has rejected the demands, including the closure of Al Jazeera, severing all ties to “terrorist groups” and curbing diplomatic ties with Iran, as Qatar maintains the blockades are not impacting its state airline or LNG production and measures are in place to ensure the supply of basic commodities. An escalation would likely involve the extension of economic sanctions to more Qatari officials in Q3, via additions to the terror blacklist announced on 9 June. Sanctions will avoid inflicting significant economic hardship on the country, such as the blockading of LNG shipments via the Suez Canal or Straits of Hormuz as this would be tantamount to a declaration of war. Long-term, Qatar’s isolation suggests the entrenchment of a “third bloc” of competing influence will emerge in the region besides Saudi Arabia and Iran, comprising Qatar and Turkey, while potential Qatari alignment with Iran and Turkey will further complicate the support networks in Syria’s civil war, as well as force the US to reconsider its strategic partnership. Anti-government unrest spurred on by summer conditions The failure of governments to improve dilapidated infrastructure

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will likely trigger unrest during the summer months, as water and energy shortages continue to disrupt everyday life in Egypt, Libya and Algeria amid heightened demand triggered by high temperatures. Although governments inMorocco and Tunisia have pledged to address the grievances of populations in marginalised regions that have been demonstrating in Q2, protests are likely to persist as populations remain frustrated at their lack of opportunities, while authorities are slow at releasing protest movement leaders. IS territory losses increase disease outbreak risks Islamic State (IS) will continue to lose territory during Q3 following the liberation of Mosul, Iraq, on 10 July and as the offensive to recapture Raqqa, Syria, launched in June, advances at pace. The presence of thousands of civilians in the active military operation zones is likely to result in health crises as infrastructure is destroyed in street-to-street combat. Water supplies at displaced persons camps will come under increasing pressure as numbers swell, heightening the likelihood of waterborne diseases, such as cholera, spreading. IS will seek to demonstrate its ability to launch attacks and remain a threat to populations despite its territorial losses, illustrated by a suicide bombing in eastern Mosul on 23 June. Longer term, the dispersal of IS militants from territory will not end the threat, but will return the insurgency underground. Coupled with the government’s inability to address the drivers of the insurgency – namely Sunni marginalisation and sectarian-driven politics – militants will continue to launch attacks across the country. The critical question will be whether Iraqi leaders can overcome the popular desire for revenge and re-integrate alienated Sunnis without allowing Shi’a paramilitaries to win the upcoming elections. Votes to highlight fragility of Iraq’s peace

Doubts remain as to whether municipal elections will be held in Iraq in September due to insecurity in the north and centre of the country and protests over the integrity of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)’s non-binding independence referendum will take place in September. The KRG will include Kirkuk, among other disputed areas, in the independence vote, highlighting its determination to leverage territorial gains in eventual negotiations with Baghdad. With minimal international backing and more pressing challenges to address, the referendum will not see the immediate creation of an independent Kurdish state, but it will undermine national unity, restoring the dispute between Irbil and Baghdad, an arena mostly comprising budget rows due to the KRG selling oil overseas, alienating foreign investors. SOUTH ASIA

Civilians suffer as security deteriorates Islamist militants will continue to target civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan in Q3. Islamic State (IS)’s regional franchise, Khorasan Province (IS-KP), will continue using established militant networks to stage attacks. Bangladesh remains vulnerable to an attack in Q3, with the trend of domestic militants’ use of explosives in Q2 set to continue. Security personnel are the primary focus of attacks in the country; however, civilians, notably foreign nationals and non-Muslims, have also been


targeted. Following the hacking death of a blogger critical of radical Islam in May, evidence of the estimated 200 Maldivian nationals who are fighting with IS in Syria and Iraq returning to the Maldives will fuel concerns about an attack in Q3 and beyond, particularly one targeting the country’s tourism industry. Monsoon season to test disaster recovery programmes The onset of the summer monsoon season in Q3 will test the disaster management capabilities of governments in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal and India, despite forecasts of weaker rainfall compared to 2016. While rainfall will benefit agricultural production, inclement weather and resulting floods threaten to displace and impact thousands of people, increasing the importance of coordinated disaster recovery programmes. Although improved disaster planning by governments will serve to mitigate damage and accelerate recovery times, the prevalence of antiquated drainage systems will contribute to disruptive flooding in major cities, including Mumbai, Colombo and Dhaka. In Pakistan, summer rains will provide some respite from a persistent heat wave that has affected the country since the beginning of 2017. However, with the country’s outdated electricity grid unable to cope with demand during periods of hot weather, civilian populations are likely to continue service delivery protests across the country until the summer monsoon begins in earnest. Insecurity and repression drive civil unrest Further protests over security concerns are likely in Kabul, Afghanistan, with terrorist attacks forecast to continue into Q3. However, protests will take on a more political character, with members of predominantly Tajik Jamiat Islami (JI) seizing upon the issue of insecurity to call for President Ashraf Ghani’s ouster. The formation of a new political coalition comprised of JI

and the Hazara Hizb-e-Wahdat-eIslami party and Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum’s Uzbek-dominated Jombesh-e-Milli party will serve to attract greater numbers to protests in the capital, with party leaders accusing Ghani and his Pashtun bloc of overseeing efforts to undermine non-Pashtun political influence, including state-sponsored violence. Protests, raids and retaliatory security measures, such as curfews, will persist in India-administered Kashmir. Unrest is becoming a sustained cycle of repression and rebellion, since July 2016 with violent protests triggered by the death of a militant left 120 people dead in 2016. The mobilisation of student groups via social media will result in more people attending protests, especially in the capital, Srinagar. Violence by members of Nepal’s indigenous parties related to the country’s new constitution is likely to continue in the southern Terai region over the summer months, with groups arguing that it does not adequately represent ethnic minorities. ASIA PACIFIC

Korean Peninsula drives regional security dynamics Governed by its overriding strategic aim of regime survival, increased international sanctions have not quelled North Korea’s determination to enhance its military arsenal, particularly attaining intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capability. Associated testing will severely challenge regional security dynamics amid strained bilateral relations

between all relevant parties. China is unlikely to strengthen its sanctions on the regime despite US pressure, with Pyongyang turning to Russia to find a sanctions loophole. The prospect of escalation in the South China Sea between territorial claimants is low, in part due to a framework for a code of conduct agreement drafted and agreed upon in Q2 by China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This increases Beijing’s bargaining power as it shifts the debate away from the 2016 UN ruling against China’s claims, buying it time to find a resolution on its own terms. The US will continue freedom-ofnavigation exercises, driven by China’s militarisation of artificial islands, with the US stating its opposition to such activities and draw Beijing into restraining North Korea. IS attempts to expand foothold in South-east Asia The threat from IS-affiliated militants seeking to launch attacks in the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia is high, with porous borders enabling the movement of and infiltration of militants in ungoverned spaces. With more than 1,000 South-east Asians believed to be fighting alongside IS in Iraq and Syria, returning fighters are bringing back combat and technical skills, but also funding and logistical support. IS will move to leverage local militant groups to embed itself and establish an operating base, such as the Maute Group and Abu Sayyaf Group, which still hold considerable sway among local communities. The group will adopt a “wait and see” approach as it mulls when to declare an “emirate” in the region. Peace processes stall Efforts by the government to uphold dialogue in Myanmar with the eight insurgent groups who have yet to sign the nationwide ceasefire agreement will prove difficult. Opposition groups continue to doubt the government’s influence over the military to agree key demands, such as the reorganisation of state-society

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relations and military integration on federal lines, while intervention by China, crucial in getting peace talks this far, is likely to remain minimal. In Thailand, the government’s rejection of the Barisan Revolusi Nasional’s - the largest insurgent group preconditions for entering into formal peace talks will result in an uptick in attacks targeting security forces in the southern provinces. Elections bring political risks In Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen, threatened by opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) gains in the 4 June local commune elections, will persist with its opposition crackdown in order to hamper their progress ahead of the general election in 2018. Though Malaysian parliamentary elections are not due to be held until 2018, Prime Minister Najib Razak may call for early elections to take advantage of a fractured opposition in order to reassert his political mandate amid ongoing allegations of corruption involving the 1MBD state fund, aided by his rural support base who will forgive and forget. NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA

experienced 15 named storms; the most since 2012 and included Hurricane Matthew, which killed more than 600 people, affected Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, the Bahamas and the US, resulting in estimated losses of more than USD 15 billion. Coastal regions along the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Southeast US, the Caribbean and Central America are most at risk, particularly during the peak of the hurricane season in August; widespread power outages, stranded communities and flooding are expected. Major systems are likely to affect countries with fragile infrastructure such as Haiti, but could also hinder oil and gas extraction in the Gulf of Mexico.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts the hurricane season, which runs from 1 June-30 November, will produce between 11 and 17 named storms, with between five and nine hurricanes and two to four major hurricanes. This year is forecast to be as active as last year, which

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Controversial policies to fuel protests in US The main issue driving anger in the US is the proposed American Health Care Act, a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare that is projected to insure 22 million fewer people. As long as the bill continues to move through the Senate, it will trigger ongoing protests outside state and federal government buildings. Public opposition to the bill will not sway the Republican’s commitment to passing the legislation, with similar stances expected for tax reform, which is the Trump Administration’s next priority. The partisan atmosphere may trigger further isolated acts of violence, such as the shooting of a Republican congressman in Virginia on 14 June. Organised crime to continue in Central states

Above-average hurricane season to hit the US and Caribbean

cooperation in Q3 and beyond should the US seek to reduce the USD 2.6 billion in funds it provides to combat organised crime under the Merida Initiative.

The lack of adequate funding will hinder law enforcement ability to contain drug violence and organised crime in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and to a lesser extent Panama. In Mexico, 2017 could see a record level of homicides linked to organised crime; the defence ministry has attributed a 34 percent increase of homicides in January to drug gang infighting. The strained relationship between the US and Mexico, attributable to US President Donald Trump’s anti-trade rhetoric and plans to build a border wall, could hamper

Colombia struggles to secure peace In Colombia, the transition to peace will remain fragile amid continuing violence by National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas, criminal groups and right-wing paramilitaries. Government efforts to broker peace with the ELN will be undermined by the group’s factionalism, with dissident blocs in eastern and western departments continuing to engage in kidnapping and attacks, in defiance of ending these activities as a precondition to government peace talks. With the control of lucrative trafficking routes and illegal mining operations at stake, violence will continue as groups fight for control in provinces along the Pacific Coast. With coca production continuing to grow after reaching a 20-year high in 2016, the incentives for groups seizing control of criminal economies in Q3 are high, with competition certain to breed further violence. Despite missed disarmament deadlines and ceasefire violations, the government and the former rebel group FARC will continue to make stuttering progress towards fulfilling the terms of the peace accord in Q3. Tensions remain over logistical and operational


shortcomings in the demobilisation process, including a lack of containers to store relinquished weapons, and allegations of bribery against some soldiers and FARC rebels will remain an impediment to realising deadlines. However, this is unlikely to scupper the peace accord as both sides remain committed to the deal. However, civilian frustrations may manifest in protests, as occurred in the latter stages of the peace negotiations in late 2016.

the power to amend the country’s constitution and replace officials from all branches of government, including the opposition-led National Assembly. Despite the resignation of National Defence Council head Alexis López Ramírez in June over the proposed Constituent Assembly, unrest is unlikely to force Maduro’s departure in Q3, owing to consistent military support, although some senior officials are showing signs of waivering.

percent increase in Islamophobic attacks in Greater Manchester in the month after the Manchester Arena bombing compared with the same period in 2016. Attacks motivated by Islamist terror attacks, such as vehicle-ramming attacks outside the Finsbury Park mosque in London and the Créteil neighbourhood mosque in Paris in June, highlight the heightened threat from individuals seeking revenge for so-called Islamic terrorist attacks.

Governments cling to power despite weakening popularity


Public sector strikes and protests anticipated

In Brazil, President Michel Temer will have a weak grip on power. Despite being cleared of claims that he violated campaign finance laws by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) in June, Temer will continue to face pressure from an investigation into alleged bribery. The Attorney-General’s office will continue to call for the president’s suspension over the allegations as the judiciary remains committed to punishing those involved in corruption scandals. Support from the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB), Temer’s main coalition partner, is wavering and is vital in preventing Congress from securing the two-thirds majority required by the country’s constitution to try a sitting president. Temer’s unpopular reform agenda, specifically a proposed increase to the pension age, will continue to inspire countrywide protests, with the country’s trade unions likely to hold further general strikes. The impact of protests and strikes will be limited to disruption and inconvenience, as with previous protests, which have failed to result in a change in political direction. Temer’s administration remains committed to implementing needed reform to ensure Brazil does not return to recession. In Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro’s unpopular decision to establish a Constituent Assembly will fuel more anti-government protests in Q3, which are likely to be met with a heavy-handed response from security forces and allied militia. With its members set to be elected on 30 July, the assembly will have

Terrorism threat continues to evolve Europe is expected to experience further Islamist-related terrorism in Q3 as Islamic State (IS) militants flee defeat in the Middle East and have the potential to launch or enable more sophisticated attacks in destination countries. The threat is exacerbated by domestic selfradicalism that has seen IS-claimed attacks in the UK, France, Germany, Belgium and Scandinavia in H1. Low-sophistication impact attacks, such as stabbings or vehicle-as-aweapon attack, are the most likely threat due to ease of preparation and a lower risk of detection and prevention, undertaken by individuals operating alone or in small cells, inspired by Islamist ideology, rather than directly instructed.IS will continue to claim such attacks despite little or no direct involvement. In reaction to these attacks, local police forces report increased hate crime rates in the immediate aftermath - the Greater Manchester Police (GMP) reported a 500

Economic and political factors are expected to continue to prompt union strikes and anti-government protests in EU countries during Q3. The ongoing fiscal crisis in Greece concerning a deal over its third bailout to avoid a July 2017 default could trigger nationwide union strikes and protests as typically occurs in the weeks before such deadlines. Italy’s fragile public finances and ongoing banking crisis could prompt further protest action and strikes, following repeated public sector transport strikes in Q2. Anticipated reforms of France’s rigid labour laws by President Emmanuel Macron are likely to be unpopular with unions. Macron is expected to present a draft bill in early Q3 and could push legislation through by early September, likely triggering strikes and protests. Government failings and ongoing public anger over transparency and tackling corruption will fuel anti-government demonstrations in Q3 in Eastern Europe, particularly in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Merkel victory to assuage EU bloc concerns for now Chancellor Angela Merkel’s centreright Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is likely to receive around 38 percent of the vote in the 24 September federal election in Germany, allowing it to form a coalition. Nevertheless, with the farright Alternative for Germany (AfD) party potentially entering parliament for the first time, eurosceptic and

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anti-establishment sentiment cannot be treated with complacency. Macron’s victory in France coupled with a Merkel government should deflect questions about the EU’s continuity, for now, as rhetoric about EU reform and the strength of the Franco-German alliance steps up despite concern in Berlin over France’s budget deficit. Further challenges to harmony in the EU include Poland and Hungary’s continuing criticism of “undemocratic” EU institutions for domestic political gain, though the EU will avoid delivering punishment for fear of dividing the bloc. RUSSIA & FORMER SOVIET BLOC “One Belt One Road” initiative gradually reshaping Central Asia in Chinese image China’s hosting of an international conference for the “One Belt One Road” (OBOR) initiative in May provided more detail about its ambitious programme to invest in transport infrastructure in Central Asia in Q3 and beyond. The 30 leaders in attendance, including the presidents of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, revealed how the OBOR is bringing a gradual geostrategic re-alignment away from Russia, regardless of China’s efforts to persuade the world that it is apolitical. Beijing is working to avoid recreating colonialist economic patterns of trade and debt financing, such as in one-way trade traffic and by lending large sums to governments that may struggle to repay their loans. However, without alternative sources of investment, the region’s leaders will have little choice but to accept Chinese assistance, despite signs that China is exporting its own economic imbalances, particularly in relation to industrial overproduction. The projects bring new risks for Beijing as well, such as in securing its investments, as Chinese firms increasingly become targets for militants in places such as Bishkek and Balochistan. Moscow mobilises ahead of 2018 election With the Russian presidential election scheduled for March 2018, President Vladimir Putin’s government will continue with its low-risk approach to domestic policy over the coming quarter, centring on convincing the public that Putin is the only person capable of improving people’s lives. Meanwhile, every action, ranging from the recruitment of organised crime networks in Europe to the establishment of a 400,000-strong National Guard reporting directly to Putin, is tied to the short-term stability of the regime. The most serious threat to this, at present, is anti-corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny, as he tries to compete in next year’s election. Over the coming quarter, his campaign will continue to be subjected to continuous harassment with

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arrests and assaults on him and his staff and bans on protests. The scale of Navalny’s mass protest on 12 June, attending by an estimated 120,000 people, demonstrates the level of rising opposition to the regime, largely driven by working class anger over falling real wages and high inflation. Information warfare campaign escalates With Putin’s re-election campaign in full swing behind the scenes, the theft and release of documents from adversaries of the Kremlin will continue during Q3 as an evolving threat for governments, companies and NGOs in former Soviet Union states. Typical targets range from former Russian government officials, cabinet ministers from Europe and Asia, diplomatic and military officials, executives of energy companies, investigative journalists to anti-government activists. Stolen information is leaked in order to serve specific propaganda aims related to extending Russian power. Ukraine is the main target accounting for 22 percent of phishing attacks, according to one study by the University of Toronto, but Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Uzbekistan have also been heavily targeted. Ukraine’s digital space is increasingly functioning as a laboratory for Russian hackers to try out cyberwarfare capabilities, indicating there will be more cyberattacks in Q3 against businesses, infrastructure and many other targets. Further afield, suspected Russian state-sponsored “The Shadow Brokers” hackers may threaten to release new exploits stolen from the US National Security Agency (NSA) from August.


Technology Evolution: Cyber Security Challenges and Opportunities

Commercial and government organizations alike face a dizzying array of threats to their data and systems. From ransomware to industrial espionage to hostile insiders, the modern enterprise must continuously evolve its defensive toolsets and techniques. Chris Barnett, CTO, Intelligence Solutions, General Dynamics IT looks into the challenges. Criminals, nation states and insider threats are the principle cyber security challenges. However, organizations also must plan for data growth, technology obsolescence and provide an information technology (IT) infrastructure and environment that is secure and promotes more efficient and effective mission accomplishment. The tactics and techniques of transnational criminal organizations and nation state threats are evolving as rapidly as technology. The challenge extends far beyond traditional IT, however. Technical changes – from highly sensorized cities and manufacturing facilities to the enticing benefits of utility computing – are dramatically altering organizations’ information security requirements and the skillsets required to address them. Software

complexity opens new avenues for attack, while the explosion of data provides adversaries new places to hide. Specific defensive products and technologies will come and go, but at General Dynamics IT we believe that the most important ingredient for managing future threats is a focus on our customers’ missions and the decades of experience we have in operating, maintaining and building security into everything we provide. From our experience, we believe there are some general principles that organizations can use to improve security and mission performance. Make Data Your Friend It is no secret that adversaries hide in the background noise of an organization’s data. The challenge is particularly acute for many critical

infrastructure and manufacturing entities, whose data processing requirements extend well past conventional IT protocols and services. Traditional security tools and analysts are often not adequately trained to understand specialty device protocols or construct complex queries to comb through petabytes of information. To address these limitations: • First, consider breaking down silos so the data is available for search by authorized parties across the enterprise. Your adversaries have few limits on what they can access, so you shouldn’t limit what your security staff can access as a result of arbitrary silos within your organization. • Second, commit to profiling data flows so irregularities stand out. While heuristic tools to manage risk

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and detect anomalies have existed for several years, many organizations simply have not committed the investment. Consider establishing a repository of common queries so analysts can pool their knowledge and not have to commit an extraordinary amount of time to execute complex searches. • Finally, not all event data is equal. Tie data to assets the organization absolutely must protect, enabling rapid understanding of context for the event, as well as the mission or business impact. Automate the Routine to Enable Effective Hunting We’re long past the age where security operations center (SOC) analysts can sit in the front of their security information event manager (SIEM), identify and diagnose a particular event, pull the proper data, and take effective, timely mitigation measures to protect the enterprise. The modern IT environment is a complex web of hybrid, off-premise, and third-party services and applications. Multi-vendor defensive toolsets tend to proliferate across the enterprise over time. While this helps mitigate against vendor lock-in, it adds additional complexity, and often time to the incident response process. Consider ways to automate the mundane to reduce the noise and enable security staff to focus on sophisticated threats that may outmatch more traditional signature and heuristic-based detections schemes. Various commercial and open source solutions exist to automate and orchestrate the monitor-detect-react function in a vendor-agnostic fashion. Select vendor solutions – such as end point protection, virtual firewalls or network intrusion prevention that ship with application programming interfaces (APIs) – enable integration with independent orchestration platforms. You also should identify common scenarios that can be developed into security workflows, or playbooks, to automate much of the time-consuming data analysis functions inherent in incident response. Doing so frees up an analyst’s time to determine context and root cause of an event. For instance, given a potential malware outbreak, automate the pulling of appropriate log and domain name system (DNS) data, the movement of the suspect artifact to one or more malware analyzers, and the distribution of derived indicators to your network and end-point defense tools. At each step, a human can still remain in the loop if necessary to approve the action. The ultimate benefit is enabling analysts to eschew most of the mundane incident response steps, providing them more time to research sophisticated threats and spot trends that may indicate a long-term adversary operation against their enterprise. Enter Cloud Organizations have a variety of options in regard to how to leverage cloud computing. Some opt for a wholesale migration to a commercial cloud provider, while others take a hybrid or primarily private cloud approach based on the needs of their business, mission and budget. Whatever the approach, cloud computing offers some security advantages. However, you must understand the caveats. In many ways, cloud represents an outsourced security model. Whether the organization is simply consuming infrastructure or complex cloud-based software, components

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of their enterprise now fall within the responsibility of the cloud service provider (CSP). While capabilities vary widely between CSPs, in general terms this means faster software maintenance (i.e., more rapid addressing of software vulnerabilities) and robust, cost-effective physical controls for the underlying infrastructure. With many of the more traditional security controls now provided by the CSP, data security becomes the critical enabler of effective cloud-based enterprise IT. Where data resides, who can access it and how cryptographic mechanisms can be used to protect it become critical considerations. General Dynamics IT has found that effective adoption of, or migration to, utility computing begins with a structured data map, architecting out the specific data sets and controls that will be implemented to protect the information irrespective of where it will ultimately reside. Finally, forensics in a cloud environment becomes a shared responsibility. Easy snapshotting and the ability to conduct forensics from anywhere are advantages, but conducting incident response across multiple cloud providers, hybrid environments and various software services gets complex very quickly, requiring additional investment in staff training and tools. Conclusion General Dynamics IT’s strengths and innovation protect critical networks that help lay the foundation for more resilient cyber defenses in the future. Rapid technical change presents significant advantages to the organizations across the commercial sphere and public sector, but security must continuously adapt to stay ahead of adversaries. Speed and effectiveness of response to a breach are key measures of effective cybersecurity capacity. Achieving these technical changes start with an accurate and real-time understanding of the IT infrastructure, leveraging the data, automating where feasible, and understanding the risks and benefits of cloud services. By taking these steps, organizations can enhance their security posture, and better protect their businesses and missions.


Beyond European Critical Infrastructures

The EPCIP as de facto supra-regional term of reference for National Critical Infrastructure Protection plans and regulations: the case of Kosovo. “Critical infrastructure is an asset or system which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions. The damage to a critical infrastructure, its destruction or disruption by natural disasters, terrorism, criminal activity or malicious behaviour, may have a significant negative impact for the security of the EU and the well-being of its citizens”. The statement above summarizes, in a nutshell, how much the European Union is aimed at reducing the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures and at increasing their resilience, with the goal of assuring an adequate level of protection and reduce/avoid the negative effects of disruptions on the lives of EU citizens and on economy and industry. Upon invitation from the Council, in 2004, the European Commission has worked to prepare an overall strategy to critical infrastructure protection (CIP). This work has led to a 13 years long journey that has, as its core, the European programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) and the Council Directive

2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 “on the identification and designation of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection” (ECI Directive). These two measures have been deployed in a more complex constellation of interventions that include the Security Agenda, the CBRNE action plan and measures for combating Terrorism. All along the way, the EPCIP has been adjusted to incorporate many aspects of the lifecycle of critical infrastructures, which were deemed important: starting from the fight against terrorism (2004), passing through the need to protect critical infrastructures from all hazards

(2006), until the more recent call to work further on prevention, preparedness and response (2013). Thanks to the framework provided by the EPCIP and the ECI Directive, the EU Member States have been engaged in harmonisation and cooperation activities that have contributed to the creation of a “European community” for the security of critical infrastructures. The state of play of CIP-governance in EU Member States shows that the EPCIP has provided effective tools and right fora to foster the migration from isolated to more integrated and harmonized national frameworks. The actions taken by the EU

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Fig. 1 – From isolated to integrated and harmonized frameworks.

Member States to be compliant with the Directive 114/08, has made some beneficial “side-effects” emerge. These effects go beyond the pure compliance and effectively constitute the pillars at the base of the community for critical Infrastructure protection. Nowadays, in fact, the Member States share a common vocabulary that has brought better understanding and awareness, despite the language barriers. Terms like operator security plans, security liaison officers, transboundary externalities, together with other sector-specific jargon, are now widely recognized and fully understood throughout the Union. Furthermore, the “hands-on” the ECI Directive and the need to apply criteria, thresholds and methodologies, have fostered and enhanced the perception of the big picture on the needs and criticalities of CIP in the EU. At the same time, the transboundary cooperation and the work on the identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructures have brought better mutual awareness and contributed to the fine-tuning of criticalityassessment methodologies and good practices. The side-effects go beyond the ones described above and span from better governance practices

to more effective protection and resilience measures, as the EPCIP has provided the right ground for Member States to get to know better and compare governance models. For sure, the rise of the aforementioned CIP community has reduced seclusion, in favour of integration and has also brought to a better mapping of CIP-needs and (inter)dependencies. 13 years later, the objectives of European policy and strategies on CIP still look the same: (1) set a response to the risks of possible transboundary catastrophic events which can hit critical infrastructures; (2) strengthen the robustness and resilience of vital infrastructures that are pivotal for the orderly life of European communities. The reasons can be found in the longterm commitment of strategies and policies as such, in the need to let the results emerge before planning further actions and, finally, in the need to avoid the uncertainty brought by sudden or too frequent reorientations of the focus. Many Member States, in fact, following the promulgation of the ECI Directive, have launched or amended their national frameworks in view to incorporate the EPCIP’s principles and spirit. Apart from the main elements of the ECI Directive - such as the procedure for identification

and designation of European critical Infrastructures, the need to implement an Operator Security Plan (OSP) and the one to train and designate the Security Liaison Officer (SLO) - the areas of intervention have spanned throughout the “pyramid” of CIP-related governance. The Member States, in fact, have taken this opportunity to provide more transparency and to apply a betterintegrated vision on matters like competency (who is in charge of what), sectorial approaches, operative aspects related to the governmental intervention and on important elements like the coordination with infrastructure operators and information sharing. The parallel work at national and EU level, made of bilateral and multilateral meetings, workshop, conferences, projects and cooperation on transboundary externalities, as said above, have contributed to the creation of a strong CIP-community. The fact that all of the Member States have “metabolised” the European strategies and policy allows the consideration that they now share a similar state of play. As a matter of fact, the EPCIP has proven to be a very effective programme which importance will grow further as the Member States will become more connected and integrated. In the current landscape - in which transboundary externalities are perceived as the ones that could create many inconveniences, the more in case of missing cooperation-agreement or shared prevention and response plans - it shouldn’t be a surprise to find out that some non-EU countries are “embracing” the spirit of the EPCIP for the initialisation or amendment of their national CIP-plans. Such circumstance further confirms how much the EPCIP was forwardlooking and the decision to work on transboundary externalities and on

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Programme for Implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (NPISAA) 2017 – 2021 and the National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan 20162019.

Fig. 2 – The main areas of intervention for the governance of CIP.

regional cooperation still perceived as pivotal. Among the countries that have referred to the EPCIP for the implementation of national plans and strategies, the Republic of Kosovo is a noteworthy case. The Republic of Kosovo, during the last 7 years, has put in place many measures in order to tackle the issues of terrorism, emergency management and cybersecurity. These efforts have resulted in issuing the following plans: the “Integrated Emergency Management System” (May 2010) , the “National Response Plan” (2010), the “National Strategy against Terrorism” (2012-2017) , the “National Cybersecurity strategy and action plan” (2016-2019) and the “Natural and Other Disaster Risk Assessment” (2016). Within the National Cyber Security Strategy, the first strategic objective is the “Critical information infrastructure protection”. Under this objective, among other activities, the Government of Kosovo aims at identifying the critical information infrastructures also according to the ENISA methodologies for the identification of Critical Information Infrastructure assets and services .

on critical infrastructures which fully transposes the EU Council Directive 2008/114/EC. The draft law was not adopted by the Government due to elections, however, the upcoming Government is expected to be formed soon, thus the draft law should receive governmental approval in the next future. The law will regulate for the first time, by a legislative act, all aspects related to national critical infrastructure and also incorporate the ones related to European Critical Infrastructures. Although the EU Directive is oriented towards identification and designation of European Critical Infrastructures (ECI’s) that are placed in the territories of the European Union, the concept behind this draft law is to cooperate not only with EU Member States but also with other European countries that are not currently part of EU, especially the Western Balkans. The draft law is part of the National

The draft law prepared by the Republic of Kosovo, highlights the same areas of intervention that have characterised the work undertaken by some EU Member States, in which the need to define a procedure for the identification and designation of National Critical Infrastructures looks like the very initial step, together with the definition of the main competencies. Other aspects considered by the draft law are the adoption of 11 sectors of national critical infrastructures, the provision of the operator security plan and a specific procedure for the identification of European Critical Infrastructures, which, from the perspective of Kosovo, would concern infrastructures located in the Republic of Kosovo which disruption or destruction may have an impact on another neighbouring country or infrastructures located in a neighbouring country which disruption or destruction may have an impact on Kosovo. A deeper look at the definition of the competencies, as laid down in the draft law, gives back an original approach in the coordination of CIP-related activities. The draft, in fact, foresees the designation of “security coordinators” that are in charge of each sector of national critical infrastructures and act as point of contact with the Ministry

More recently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo has finalized the draft law

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of Internal Affairs. Additionally, the draft law, through a sublegal act, foresees the establishment of a relevant institutional mechanism for the implementation of the law. Such approach seems to differ from approaches of other countries that have established specific Centres for the Protection of National Infrastructures (e.g. CPNI in UK or CCCIP in Romania). Once the Law will enter into force, it would be worth re-analysing this governance model in view to extract lessons learned and evaluate its impact assessment with key performance

indicators based on criteria like effectiveness, proportionality, robustness, flexibility and comprehensiveness.

harmonisation activities. The EPCIP implementation action plan and many of its phases and actions are still up to date and applicable nowadays. The overall picture gives the impression that a multi-national shield for critical infrastructure protection and resilience is emerging in the European region and the future challenges will call for further actions to be taken under this umbrella. Also in this dimension, the EPCIP was forward-looking as the intention to work on the “external dimension” of CIP was clear since its presentation back in 2006: “Terrorism, other criminal activities, natural hazards and other causes of accidents are not constrained by international borders. Threats cannot be seen in a purely national context. Consequently, the external dimension of Critical Infrastructure Protection needs to be fully taken in to account in the implementation of EPCIP. The interconnected and interdependent nature of today’s economy and society means that even a disruption outside of the EU’s borders may have a serious impact on the Community and its Member States”.

The facts reported above suggest that the ongoing activities, in which the proactivity of countries and infrastructure operators are playing a fundamental role, are boosting the consolidation of a European CIP community that operates beyond the EU borders. Such community relies on the EPCIP as de facto reference and platform for the initialisation and maintenance of cooperation ad

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*Alessandro Lazari. The views in this article are expressed in the author’s private capacity and do not reflect an official opinion of the European Commission. The responsibility for the information and views expressed lies entirely with the author. **The author would like to thank and acknowledge the view of Dr. Dardan KOCANI, Acting Director, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of Kosovo.

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03/08/2017 09:38:31

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WannaCry and The Threat Environment

WannaCry is the first Internet worm to include ransomware. This malware did not happen in a vacuum, but was the product of the changing threat environment.

The motivations and capabilities of threat actors to cause harm are constantly evolving alongside the abilities of defenders to remediate vulnerabilities, protect their systems and to prevent or minimise harm. Defenders must take the shifts in the threat environment into account in order to improve their ability to protect systems. Over the past few years we have seen an evolving landscape that ultimately led to WannaCry spreading so quickly and causing damage. These changes include the following: technical advances, the democratization of threats, and the development of ransomware as a criminal business model. Technical Advances

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Moore’s law, predicts that the number of components able to be included on a silicon chip doubles at a predictable rate, approximately once every two years. This implies that in the near future we will have computing devices that are smaller, more powerful and cheaper than those we have had in the past. The availability of cheap but relatively powerful devices is driving the automation of many processes that were previously manual, bringing about many efficiencies and cost savings. However, the quality of software engineering may not be keeping pace. Far too often systems are found to exhibit software vulnerabilities such as hard coded credentials, buffer overflow vulnerabilities, or even hidden administrative backdoors.

The connection of vulnerable devices to networks creates potential points of ingress for attackers that attackers can use to persist or to launch attacks against further systems. Threat Democratization The democratization of technology is the inevitable transfer of what was previously only available to a few highly resourced groups to the wider population. Examples of these include making the satellite imagery that was previously only available to super powers available to anyone with a mobile phone through mapping apps, and the transfer of GPS technology from the military to almost any vehicle. Cyber threats are also prone to the forces of democratization. Threats can be democratized through


thought leadership: advanced threat actors showing that it is possible to attack high profile or critical systems. Threats can also be democratised accidentally. The Shadow Brokers group released tools leaked from a well-resourced team into the public domain, which ultimately led to WannaCry. The source code of many malware variants, such as Zeus, Carberp or Dexter have been made available on-line to inspire and to be reused by other malware writers. These code releases are likely to increase the capabilities of unsophisticated threat actors at a rate faster than they would otherwise achieve. The Ransomware Model Ransomware is akin to kidnap, updated for the 21st Century. In a ransomware attack, malware encrypts data, preventing the legitimate user from accessing it unless a ransom is paid in order to recover the encryption keys necessary for decryption. The development of ransomware as a criminal business model allows criminals to monetize attacks against systems which may be too difficult to profit from information stealing malware or denial of service attacks.

connected to the Internet, many of which without an adequate software patching regimen, or without adequate security protection.

accounting for the rapid spread and damage caused by the malware.

The timeline of the attack is well characterised. On March 14th, Microsoft released Security Bulletin MS17-010 which patched the vulnerabilities exploited by WannaCry. Vulnerable systems that were patched according to this bulletin were resistant to the attack.

It is easy to be wise after the event. Nevertheless, it is in the moments after a significant attack that lessons can be learned and steps can be taken to protect systems against subsequent threats.

On April 25th, the exploit code and backdoor functionality used in the attack were released by the Shadow Brokers group. These tools were very quickly picked up by unsophisticated threat actors and integrated into malware. On the eve of May12th, a critically important patch for the vulnerability exploited by WannaCry had been released. Network signatures to detect and block the exploit and backdoor code were available. Additionally, industry press had reported on the active use of the Shadow Broker released code by threat actors. Yet the events of the forthcoming 24 hours would show that many systems were woefully unprepared. Cisco found the first trace of the malware in the wild at 07.30 UTC May 12th. The malware spread by scanning for and infecting unpatched Windows machines over port 445 TCP. Once a system had been infected, the malware would set about searching for additional machines to infect, while encrypting files. This cycle of infection, installation, spreading and encryption repeated on each affected device,


Patching was a key protection against WannaCry. It’s not always possible to fully patch every system. Nevertheless, vulnerable systems can be wrapped in extra layers of security to detect and block attacks. Effective network segregation can keep malicious activity from spreading across the entire organisation if one area become affected. However, the Achilles heel of ransomware is the backup. Restoring a system to a backed-up state can remove malware and restore operations. Organisations should be aware that back-ups aren’t always successful, and not every system may end up being backed up. WannaCry was not the first destructive Internet worm, nor will it be the last. Organisations need to remain abreast of the latest techniques used by threat actors and how developments in the threat environment may affect their own systems. Organisations that are informed and prepared are likely to be those best placed to resist and minimize the consequences of future attacks. This is a modified and updated version of a paper presented at CIPRE 2017 by Martin Lee CEng CISSP, Technical Lead Security Research, Talos.

WannaCry WannaCry combined these many factors into a single attack. The model of the worm functionality that allowed it to spread autonomously across the internet is not new. However, the Internet had not experienced a widespread and damaging worm since Conficker in 2008. Since then, many more systems have been

World Security Report - 19

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For the world’s border protection, management and security industry policy-makers and practitioners

COVER STORY digital identity or government profile


Border Security In Ghana: its impact on world migration issues p.17

A global review of the latest news and challenges from border agencies and agencies at the border. p.24

ICAO and the IOM: Enhancing effective border control and migration management in Africa p.22

Latest news, views and innovations from the industry. p.29



Refugees Crisis: Has Italy run out of patience? At the beginning of July the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi said “What is happening in front of our eyes in Italy is an unfolding tragedy. In the course of last weekend, 12,600 migrants and refugees arrived on its shores, and an estimated 2,030 have lost their lives in the Mediterranean since the beginning of the year.” Since the beginning of the year alone, 83,650 people have reached Italy by sea. This is an increase of almost 20 per cent compared to the same period last year. There are a total of 200,000 accommodation places are available for refugees and migrants across Italy, but they are nearly all full. Italy and Greece have performed wonders in managing the migration crisis but have justifiably felt let down by the rest of Europe, which is strong on declarations of support but short on practical help, most notably by taking only their designated quota of refugees. It doesn’t help that migrants trying to enter other EU countries, for example, France, if stopped are returned to Italy. At the end of July, the EU Trust Fund for Africa adopted a €46 million programme to support integrated migration and border management in Libya. This is part of a much larger fund being spent across the region. The new measures proposed under the EU Trust Fund, plan to address the migratory flows along the Central Mediterranean Route. The programme aims at stepping up activities in support of the Libyan Border and Coast Guards, to enhance their capacity to effectively manage the country’s borders. However, these measures might be too little too late as it seems that the Italian government may have finally lost patience. According to media reports a deal has been negotiated with the UN backed Libyan government for Italian naval forces to enter Libyan waters and assist the Libyan coastguard in intercepting and returning refugees to the Libyan coast.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017

There is some confusion as to whether the plan was agreed by all parties or indeed whether it will go ahead at all, but there is an undeniable logic to the plan. Currently, being rescued by the Italian Navy or Coastguard, Frontex, an NGO or charity is the name of the game for the traffickers and the migrants alike. If when picked up, migrants are returned to where they came from, the whole cycle is broken, which will end the misery in the Med. Or so the logic goes! Tony Kingham Editor



CONTENTS 4 digital identity or government profile Hans De Moel, Policy Officer at the Royal Netherlands Marechausee, looks into the identity triangle and how it can help governments better manage who we are.

11 Free Movement of People in Africa and Mitigating Security Impediments The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) has been updated by the Commission on Free Movement of People in Africa. »»p.4

12 AGENCY REPORTS Latest news and reports reports from key agencies INTERPOL, OSCE, EUROPOL and the IOM.

17 border security in ghana Chief Superintendent Justice Amevor, Sector Commander, Ghana Immigration Service looks at its impact on world migration issues.



22 ICAO and the IOM: Enhancing effective border control and migration management in Africa Brexit is a multifaceted issue which will continue to dominate the news headlines for years to come.

24 AGENCY NEWS A global review of the latest news, views, stories, challenges and issues from border agencies and agencies at the border.

28 World Border Security Congress Details of the next gathering of the international border security community in Madrid, Spain on 20th-22nd March 2018.

29 industry news »»p.17

Latest news, views and innovations from the industry.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



Digital Identity or Government Profile

Hans De Moel, Policy Officer at the Royal Netherlands Marechausee, looks into the identity triangle and how it can help governments better manage who we are.

With identity fraud on the increase, and hacking of personal data for fraud also on the rise, do we need to go back to basics to verify and authenticate who we are for controlling the movement of people? All over the world verification of one’s identity is becoming more challenging, not just at the borders, but also in daily life and especially online. The

Border Security Report | July/August 2017


conventional way at the border to check a person’s identity is by verifying the person against an identity document and then checking the authenticity of that document. The same process applies for instance with car rental or (secure) access control. These everyday actions form the basis of the concept for the Identity Triangle. With the introduction of biometrics in documents the process has changed a little already, but with the introduction of the internet and digital ID’s, things will change significantly. The concept of a new Digital Identity or Government profile will explain how the world has to prepare for this shift in processes on establishing one’s identity.


all depends upon the level of required reliability what kind of data is needed and and upon the level of privacy what data is gathered. The basics of the Identity Triangle

The basics of Identity When a person is asked about his/her identity the response can greatly differ per culture. Where some may tell you their life story starting with their parents and their birth, others may describe their physical appearance or their social status and yet again others may simply present an identity document officially issued by their government. So what actually is an identity? In a world where identity fraud is a growing menace, how can one prove one’s identity claim? What constitutes an identity? Is it the physical person or just the label (a name, a number, a template) or is it all kinds of data stored in (official) records? Should we distinguish on the basis of the physical properties of a person (face, finger, iris, DNA, etc.) or should we just use labels like a name, date of birth, place of birth or residence, a social security number, etc. ? What do we need to make a person unique in a system? Is there a difference between the real physical world and the digital world of the internet? Of course there is. In the real world millions of births each year are not entered properly in a population database, leaving children without any civil rights. On the other hand on the internet numerous registrations at several websites occur under false data, so the same person can enter multiple times or a person can be ‘more or less anonymous’ or even completely fictitious. Many current identification systems are based upon just biographical data, many access systems nowadays only require a token (key, card, chip, etc.) and some systems just need particular information (a password or passphrase, a PIN or TAN code, etc.). On the other hand highly secured facilities often use the combination of these biographical data with biometric data to ensure that only the rightly authorised person is admitted. In the concept of the Identity Triangle these three cornerstones make up the triangle: Person, Information and Token (often this is some kind of a Document). For Information both biographical data and biometrical data play a crucial role. Of course, it

In classical identity management the three elements often appear separately in different steps of the process: the real-life actual person, (official) information about this person and a token in the form of an identity document or device. These three elements lay down the foundation (the corner points) of the Identity Triangle. In the concept of the Identity Triangle there are two main procedures. The first procedure is enrolment, how does a person get a listing, an identity or identity document or a valid registration, in an identity management system? In the enrolment cycle the main processes are defined as Registration, Validation and Verification. An arrow on the side of the Triangle represents each process. The basics of enrolment

Whether it be a birth of a new citizen, a new place of employment, opening a bank account, passing a driving license test or a person applying for asylum, at some

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



point one has to enroll into a (governmental) system to be recognised within that system. The enrolment processes normally involved for recognising a person’s identity within a system consist of three steps going from one element to another. Going from the person to information (about that person) is a process called Registration. The information collected can consist of many biographical data like a name, an address, a personal (registration) number, but also biometrical data like face, finger print, iris, DNA, signature, etc. In the Netherlands when registering a birth only biographical data (name, date, place of birth, parents, etc.) are listed in the population register. Assigning an identity

driving test whether a person will get a driving license for a motorbike, a car, a lorry, a bus or all of them. In case of an access card it can be full access or limited access. In the Netherlands during the application of an identity document, this is the process where the biographical data (recorded at birth or previous enrolment) and biometrical data (recorded on the spot) are combined, connecting all information about the person to the token (identity document) to be issued. After the production of the token with the information of the holder that token should not be given to another individual. Verification that the token is given to the rightful owner is the final step in the enrolment process. Thus the enrolment process is completed from person via information and token to the person again, thus going full circle. Identity check The second cycle is the checking process, how does one check whether the person really belongs to a claimed identity? In the checking cycle the main processes are defined as Verification, Authentication and Identification. Traditionally every country in the world had its own set of local rules for admittance of foreigners. In a standard border passage the following processes need to be checked:

Building an identity database or filling a population register requires official collecting data from an individual and validating and verifying this data with the individual involved. In general, the validating step is combining data to issue the right token to that particular person. For the production of the token the correct attributes or details have to be assigned to that token. For instance for a driving license it will depend upon the succesful passing of the

• Verification: the person must be verified against the travel document. • Authentication: the travel document must be checked for authenticity (no alterations and/or forgeries). • Identification: the person and document must be checked against (inter)national databases.

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The processes above are not always performed in the same order. In the Netherlands traditionally the first step will be Verification, the comparison of the person to the document by the border guard. In Australia the first step is normally Identification with a split between known persons (Australians, New Zealanders and all other travelers in the Visa register) and unknowns (undocumented of incorrectly documented). In most ABC systems the first step is Authentication where the validity of the document is checked. It doesn’t matter in which order checks are performed as long as the whole checking cycle is executed, going full circle for every person.

is not the token but the information like the PIN number or TAN code that will give authorisation. In these systems the token often only serves as an identifier, but not as the authorisation part. For security access it is also not the token (card) but the person itself with biometrics like face, finger, iris, etc. that will give the authorisation. The most secure systems will require all three pillars: token, information and the person.

After these checks and the rules of admittance the border guard will grant permission to enter the country. The final process is called authorisation.

allowed to cross a border or travel by plane. It enables the authorities to identify the traveler and assess the risk of admittance on a flight or to a country. The identity document required in air travel is normally a passport, a secure document protected by several security features. The nature and number of these features vary per country and per document model. The security features are subject to a continuous development process, making manual inspection of the travel document more complex for the border guard. While some 25 years ago a (hand written) passport contained on average about 5 to 10 security features that had to be checked to establish the authenticity of the document, most passports nowadays have at least 15 and some even up to 30 security features. According to ICAO regulations and standards all newly issued passports have to be machine readable since April 2010. After November 24th 2015 non-machine readable passports are no longer valid for air travel. In addition European Union legislation states a minimum set of security features in e-passports of the Member States of the European Union. In contrast to the regulations on issuing identity documents there are no regulations or standards, not even uniform methods or techniques on how to check a document. As a result, each individual country and even each individual border guard uses his own interpretation of how to check which and what amount of security features in each travel document. Consequently, border guards have to know a rich variety of security features by heart in order to check travel documents from every country correctly.

• Authorisation: the border passage must be compliant with the rules of admittance on purpose of stay, means of support and duration of stay. Depending upon the purpose of an identity check there can be different levels of authorisation.

For many simple access control systems the token will give authorisation, often being a chip, a key or a card. No matter who uses the token anybody can gain access using that token. For a fair number of financial systems it

Travel documents Travelers must carry an identity document in order to be

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Change in fraud

Government Profile or Digital Identity

The improved security of the physical document leads to a shift in fraud operations. An increasing number of people no longer use altered or forged documents to travel, but use authentic travel documents that do not belong to them. This is referred to as look-alike or impostor fraud. As such, verifying a person against the document takes more time than it used to. Especially because the printed image on the holder page often lacks the quality of the old-fashioned passport photograph. The digital image in the RFID chip is therefore more often needed. This means that next to the physical security features in the passport the electronic security features of the RFID chip in the passport also have to be checked.

Therefore let’s see what already is available and can be implemented shortly. Over a hundred countries already issue a passport with an RFID chip. In one of the electronic security features lies the way forward, not just for countering fraud with impostors, but also for checking an identity claim online. Let’s call it a ‘online government profile’ like a FaceBook profile. This can act as a ‘digital identity’. The government profile is officially issued (like in Estonia) and derived from the data in your passport. So all countries issuing e-passports can apply this proposed scheme. On the RFID chip in the passport, there is a unique file for every passport called EF.SOD: the Document Security Object. This file might be the key to a new way of verifying one’s identity. The Document Security Object contains the digital signature of the issuing organisation. The authenticity of EF.SOD is easily checked with the certificates from the original issuer. So the only thing EF.SOD initially reveals, is that this identity does officially exist and is confirmed by the government of country X.

Due to the lack of uniformity and standardisation going from the manual physical check at the border to an electronic check or digital check with biometrics will take moere time. A fully digital check of a claimed identity online in the digital world is not simple, but can be realized if all required information would be avaible online. This would mean that all population databases of every country in the world would have to accessible online like a cloud solution. With the introduction of such an online accessible digital identity simple direct verification of an identity claim might be possible in theory. For the moment however this seems an unrealistic scenario as not every country has a central database and if they do, often those databases are not kept up-to-date in real-time. As governments and other organisations normally do not want to share their population registers or identity databases, another approach is required. A few countries however, with Estonia leading the way, do offer such a central and online available service, but this is not yet common ground to the rest of the world.

EF.SOD is also containing the hash value of the hash values of all the data on the chip. As this is a hash and therefore already asymmetrically encrypted, there is no need for further encryption to ensure privacy. So a central online database in each country already issuing electronic passports with just EF.SOD of every issued passport is all it takes for a digital identity. Now EF.SOD can act as the token for all subsequent processes: Verification, Authentication, Identification and Authorisation. This requires a little more from the government side. As not just EF.SOD has to be available, but also all the other data on the person. This however does not have to be the same database. As stated before EF.SOD can act as the token between these databases, just being the anonymous, authentic and unique identifier. So only the

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EF.SOD database with the authorisation matrix should be available online to anyone, but the record of the citizen in the database with full details can be accessed securely by the citizen only. If a government has this second database in place, then from this moment on the genuine holder can opt for disclosing more details at his own discretion. For unofficial


or semi-official use there can be an option to disclose just attributes instead of actual data. So instead of revealing the actual date of birth of the person (in this example March 10th 1965) the attribute can be ‘over 18 years old’ or ‘over 21 years old’ depending on the requirements of the user.

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Depending upon what information is required for which purpose the person or the government can disclose more details, varying from just that the identity exists revealing nothing else via attributes or user discretion to full details for official use. Another part of EF.SOD contains the hash values of every data group on the chip, so the personal biographical data (DG1) and biometrical data (DG2 with an image of the face) and optionally filled datagroups like DG3 with fingerprints or DG7 with the holder’s signature can be verified. If supported by the government a citizen might even upload other biometric data to his own profile for commercial purposes like iris, handprint, voice or even DNA. Or the citizen might add details like address of bank account for online transactions. This way online shopping becomes less susceptible to fraud, as the shop at least

knows that the identity is officially verified and therefore a person can be held accountable in case of irregularities.

Automated Border Control Gates for Europe an excellent opportunity to study how the current Automated Border Control solution works in different border control points. The information gained from different pilot environments is essential for achieving the core object of the ABC4EU project: to make border control more flexible and easier for travelers and border authorities by harmonizing the functionalities of e-gates.

Explaining a technological project may sometimes prove challenging. If the project includes also actions of authorities that all travelers are subjected to, it might be even more challenging to describe the project understandably. Instead of trying to explain, we decided to show what we in ABC4EU are actually doing. We made videos about our first pilot phase and some of the videos are now live on Facebook and Twitter. The ABC4EU-project had the proof of concept pilots in Madrid-Barajas and Lisbon airports as well as at Algeciras seaport border crossing points between October 2016 and February 2017. Conducting the pilot in Madrid and Lisbon in an airport terminal environment and in Algeciras in the seaport provided

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The results of the pilot are beneficial for various ABC4EU partners. To mention a few useful results, the technology providers received operational feedback about a real-life situation, and the border guards gained firsthand experience on the technology used in border control. The pilot results can now convince more stakeholders of the easiness of using mobile technology in border control. The videos picture different scenarios for different traveller groups at the border crossing point. The videos describe the functionalities of border control system for different traveler groups. With the videos ABC4EU wants to show the travelers and other stakeholders how the project could facilitate travelling to and within Europe.



Free Movement of People in Africa and Mitigating Security Impediments and continental design and specifications. Council further recalled communiquĂŠ PSC/PR/COMM.1 (DCLXI) of its 661st meeting, held on 23 February 2017. Council acknowledged that free moment of persons is one of the crucial parts in efforts aimed at deepening continental integration and unity, in the spirit of Pan-Africanism, African Renaissance, as outlined in Agenda 2063.

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 704th meeting has been updated by the Commission on Free Movement of People in Africa and Mitigating Security Impediments. Council took note of the briefings provided by the Department of Political Affairs of the AU Commission and Rwanda, in its capacity as Chair of the Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA) on Free Movement of People in Africa and Mitigating Security Impediments. Council also took note of the statement made by the representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Council recalled decision Assembly/AU/Dec.607 (XXVII) on the Free Movement of Persons and the African Passport adopted by the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government at its 27th ordinary session held in Kigali, Rwanda, in July 2016, in which the Assembly urged all Member States to adopt the African Passport and work closely with the AU Commission to facilitate the processes towards its issuance at the national level based on international, continental and national policy provisions

Council commended the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) and Member States that signed and ratified all relevant AU instruments on free movement of people, and have already adopted mechanisms to facilitate free movement of people in their respective regions and countries, and encouraged others to emulate the example. In this respect, Council urged Member States to address all institutional and regulatory capacity gaps, in order to have a common policy on free movement of people in Africa. Council underscored the importance of enhanced collaboration between and among Member States, particularly their immigration, defence, security and intelligence services, to mitigate security impediments to free movement in Africa. Council also stressed the need to work closely with the relevant African and international institutions, in order to ensure timely sharing of intelligence and build mutual confidence and trust, with a view to address security concerns pertaining to the free movement of people in Africa.

African Union Border Programme (AUBP) concludes Confidence Building Workshop In its efforts to assisting all Member States in the delimitation and demarcation of their common borders, the African Union Border Programme (AUBP) held a Confidence Building Workshop at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, to facilitate the delimitation of the maritime boundary between the Union of the Comoros and the Republic of Madagascar. The three-day workshop was held following a joint request by the governments of both countries seeking the assistance of the AUBP in the delimitation of their common maritime boundary.

experts in the delimitation of international boundaries, the African Centre for the Constructive Resolutions of Disputes (ACCORD), and staff from the AUBP.

The workshop brought together delegates from the Union of the Comoros and the Republic of Madagascar, African

Participants reviewed the Report of the AU Technical Assessment Team (AUBPTAT) that undertook training and capacity building needs of both countries and exchanged views on best practices in maritime boundary delimitation processes. Participants further adopted the necessary structures and guidelines required to start the delimitation process of the common maritime boundary between the two Member States. A consolidated Report on progress made will be presented to the Commission of the African Union (AU) at a later date.

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ASEAN National Central Bureaus gather to promote regional security exchanging information and best practices; developing strong professional relationships; and developing strategies to tackle the most pressing crimes affecting the region. With regional cooperation and information sharing at the heart of the global security architecture, the 15 participants reaffirmed the vital role of strongly coordinated NCBs in promoting international cooperation and data exchange. The inaugural meeting of Heads of INTERPOL National Central Bureaus (NCBs) from the 10 ASEAN countries saw senior police leaders from across the region gather to address key transnational crime threats. Held at the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore, the conference provided a forum for

INTERPOL’s Director of Capacity Building and Training, Harold O’Connell said: “The exchange of knowledge and best practices is of mutual benefit to each ASEAN country, as well as to INTERPOL, as it allows us to identify where our support will be the most effective in day-to-day policing operations to best ensure that our global network makes a difference to officers on the frontlines.”

Heads of INTERPOL and Italian police discuss global security INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock met with Franco Gabrielli, Chief of the Italian Police and Director General of Public Security to discuss global security issues including organized crime and terrorism. Border security was a key issue on the agenda, particularly in relation to migrant smuggling and security

threats to the Southern Mediterranean area. Italy’s provision of access to INTERPOL’s global databases to frontline officers has seen a significant growth in the number of checks made on a daily basis, making Italy amongst the highest performers globally.

How to identify cash and asset smugglers focus of INTERPOL workshop Strengthening the capabilities of police and customs services in the seizure of assets, especially cash being illicitly transported was the focus of an INTERPOL training course. The three-day Expert Workshop on Cash and Asset Seizures provided both theoretical and practical training to 20 police and customs officials from 10 countries across Latin America, the Caribbean and West Africa. Participants were able to see first-hand the methods used

at Frankfurt international airport to detect smuggled cash and assets, in addition to being trained on using INTERPOL’s policing capabilities and the World Customs Organization’s communication platform for information exchange. The need for inter-agency and cross border cooperation to identify potential links with organized crime networks involved in drug trafficking for successful prosecutions was also a key area during the course.

Hazardous materials seized in largest global operation against illegal waste More than 1.5 million tonnes of illegal waste were discovered worldwide during a global operation coordinated by INTERPOL targeting the illegal shipment and disposal of waste. The month-long ‘30 days of action’ was the largest global Border Security Report | July/August 2017

enforcement action against waste crime and trafficking, with police, customs, border and environmental agencies from 43 countries participating. While previous actions have focused on electronic waste, this operation widened its scope to include all types of illegal waste, such as industrial, construction, household and medical waste.



Afghan Border Police Officers complete OSCE-supported patrol leadership course The course was delivered by a national expert in border management, with the sessions on gender mainstreaming, human rights and demining awareness delivered by members of the OSCE Programme Office.

Seventeen Afghan border service officers completed a four-week OSCE patrolling and leadership training course at the Gissar Training Centre, Tajikistan. The participants improved their knowledge of map reading, pathfinding and provision of first aid in the field. The focus of the course was analysis and observation using topographic maps, satellite imagery and other tools. Field exercises were conducted in alpine skills, topography, land navigation and tactical movement by GPS and azimuth. Each participant was issued a uniform and the required tactical patrolling equipment.

“The improvement of the capacity of Afghan Border Police Officers contributes significantly to strengthening security at the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan and through this project, the OSCE is continuing its support of such efforts,” said Ambassador Tuula Yrjölä, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe. The importance of Tajik and Afghan co-operation in the field of Border Management was also emphasized by Japanese Ambassador Hajime Kitaoka. “Only joint endeavours and mutual co-operation will build regional confidence and increase detection and seizures of illegal commodities and activities in border areas. Tactical training courses provided by the OSCE for Tajik and Afghan border officers are of great relevance,” he said.

OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and Tajikistan outline priorities for co-operation in 2018 The meeting explored opportunities for the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe to assist Tajikistan in its efforts to ensure security and stability. This will be done in accordance with the OSCE’s concept of comprehensive security and in line with the Government’s development priorities, as stated in the National Development Strategy and other sectoral strategy documents. The participants particularly focused on how the Office can increase its interaction with counterparts in all phases of project implementation. The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and its main counterparts from the Government of Tajikistan held the 11th Task Force Meeting to agree on priorities of cooperation for 2018. Under the new mandate, which came into force on 1 July 2017, the co-operation between the Office and the Government of Tajikistan will continue on a broad range of issues. These will include areas such as border management, police reform, environmental education, good governance, rule of law and gender. Border Security Report | July/August 2017



Police Dismantle Crime Group Trading Horsemeat Unfit For Human Consumption behaviour was detected in horsemeat markets. They detected a scam whereby horses in bad shape, too old or simply labelled as “not suitable for consumption” were being slaughtered in two different slaughterhouses. The animals came from Portugal and several places in northern Spain, their meat was processed in a specific facility and from there sent to Belgium, which is one of the biggest horsemeat exporters in the European Union. The criminal organisation forged the animals’ identification by modifying theirs microchips and documentation. The Spanish Guardia Civil, in coordination with Europol, has dismantled an organised crime group that was trading horsemeat in Europe that was unfit for human consumption. The operation was carried out in coordination with Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. In Spain, 65 people were arrested and charged with crimes such as animal abuse, document forgery, perverting the course of justice, crimes against public health, money laundering and being part of a criminal organisation. In the summer of 2016, Guardia Civil’s Environmental Protection Service initiated Operation Gazel after unusual

During the investigation, Guardia Civil was able to locate the Dutch businessman related to the Irish case of the beefburgers containing horse meat, in Calpe, Alicante. From there he led the activities of the organisation, putting his most trusted men in charge in every country affected by the scam. In total 66 individuals were arrested or investigated. Three officers from Europol supported the Spanish actions in Alicante and León. As a result of all of these actions, several bank accounts and properties were blocked or seized, and five luxury cars seized.

107 Suspects Detained and Over 900 Victims Identified In Pan-European Hit Against Sexual Exploitation Europol supported a Europe-wide action week carried out by law enforcement agencies from a total of 22 Member States and Third Parties aimed at organised crime groups (OCG) trafficking vulnerable individuals for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Between 26 June and 2 July, two crime areas - trafficking in human beings (THB) and facilitated illegal immigration (FII) - were targeted with actions undertaken to safeguard victims and identify those responsible for their trafficking and sexual exploitation. Throughout the operation, coordinated by Europol and under the lead of Austria, more than 126 927 individuals were checked, alongside 6 363 vehicles and 4 245 locations - known to facilitate the exploitation (red-light district areas, brothels, private flats, massage parlours, airports but also land and sea border crossing points, etc.). Special attention was given to the online

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environment, used as a means to advertise victims of sexual exploitation, the activities undertaken lead to the identification and safeguarding of potential victims of trafficking. As a result of these wide-ranging actions, 107 suspects were detained or arrested for offences including trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration. 910 potential victims of trafficking were identified. Information collected during the operation has led to the launch of 25 new inquiries and to intelligence developments of others, in order to identify additional suspects and victims connected to human trafficking cases across the EU.



Over 38,000 Migrants Assisted with Voluntary Return by UN Migration Agency in First Half of 2017 Some 19,088 migrants have returned home voluntarily with assistance from IOM, the UN Migration Agency, from 1 April to 30 June 2017, according to the IOM AVRR quarterly bulletin published today (18/08). These migrants have returned from 81 host and transit countries to 136 countries and territories of origin. This brings the number of migrants assisted to return home voluntarily to 38,019* since the beginning of 2017. The bulletin produced by IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) Unit shows an overall decrease of assisted voluntary returns in the first semester of 2017,

as compared to the same period in 2016. This reflects fewer beneficiaries returning from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Such a decrease can be explained by a combination of factors including lower influx of migrant arrivals and lower numbers of asylum applications. Other influential factors include changes in national migration and asylum policies, such as restrictions on eligibility criteria for assisted voluntary return. The bulletin also highlights that one third of migrants assisted by IOM during the last quarter were female and nearly one quarter were children.

Mediterranean Migrant Arrivals Reach 119,069 in 2017; 2,410 Deaths IOM Libya’s Christine Petré reported that on 16 August, 107 migrants (including six women) were rescued off Al Khums by the Libyan Coast Guard. So far in 2017, 12,945 migrants have been rescued in Libyan waters. IOM Rome reported that according to official figures of the Italian Ministry of Interior, 97,458 migrants have arrived by sea to Italy this year, which is a 4.03 per cent drop from the same period in 2016. IOM Athens report for the year so far, a total of 12,725 migrants and refugees have landed in Greece, compared with 162,015 for the same period last year. The IOM reports that 119,069 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea in 2017 through 16 August, with almost 83 per cent arriving in Italy and the remainder divided between Greece, Cyprus and Spain. This compares with 266,423 arrivals across the region through 16 August 2016. IOM Spain reports this week total migrant and refugee sea arrivals had reached 8,385 by 9 August, not counting the 600 or more migrants rescued at sea earlier this week. The official number – 8,385 – is greater than all sea arrivals recorded during 2016, when the full year count totalled 8,162.

The latest count for Mediterranean Sea fatalities is 2,410. That figure lags by almost 800 behind the number of deaths (3,208) recorded at this time last year. Nonetheless, 2017 marks the fourth consecutive year migrant deaths in the Mediterranean Sea have exceeded 2,400. Worldwide, the IOM Missing Migrants Project (MMP) reports that there have been 3,493 fatalities in 2017 through 16 August. The Mediterranean region continues to account for well over half of all fatalities worldwide.

Estimated sea arrivals to Spain since 1 June 2017 are approaching 6,000, with over half of those (3,181) just in the month of June. Last year’s busiest month for sea arrivals off Spain was November when 1,855 arrivals were recorded.

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Successful 8TH ASEANAPOL Contact Persons Meeting (ACPM)

The 8TH ACPM was recently held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This annual meeting which gathers all designated contact persons from Member Countries, Dialogue Partners and Observers, discussed issues based on the outstanding and ongoing ASEANAPOL issues, further to be reported at the 37th ASEANAPOL Conference.

amongst others from Australian Federal Police, Ministry of Public Security of China, National Police Agency Republic of Korea, Ministry of Internal Affairs of The Russian Federation, Turkish National Police, ICPOINTERPOL, Fiji Police Force, National Police of Timor Leste and EUROPOL, with regards to current and future collaborations with ASEANAPOL.

The meeting brought four speakers from Gujarat Forensic Science University (GFSU), the first and only University dedicated for Forensic and Applied Science, in which they presented the advanced and specialized course they offer for their post-graduate studies. The meeting also listened to presentations made by ASEANAPOL Dialogue Partners and Observers,

Counter-Transnational Organized Crime (C-TOC) Course Africa-Asia

ASP Johnathan Putra Laum, the ASP for Plans and Programmes of the ASEANAPOL Secretariat attended the Counter-Transnational Organized Crime (C-TOC) Course for Africa-Asia in Lusaka, Zambia. The course, supported by the Freeland Foundation and USAID Wildlife Asia, were participated by wildlife officers, police, customs and prosecutors from Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam who involved in trans-national and trans-continental wildlife investigations. The C-TOC Course consists of eight (8) days of

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instruction, interactive hands-on application and training-the-trainer modules. C-TOC provides a modularised, hands-on training package which draws from real cases to build capacity and robust networks to stop organised crime in its tracks. Collating, providing and sharing updated information with law enforcement officers, investigators and prosecutors from selected countries in Africa and Asia, the course had effectively empower participated officers in intelligence-led (proactive) targeting of the illegal trade and trafficking of wildlife and wildlife products. The objectives are to enable increased seizures with follow-on actions including controlled deliveries, investigations, arrests and prosecutions ultimately to dismantle the criminal networks.



Border Security in Ghana: its impact on World Migration issues

by Chief Superintendent Justice Amevor, Sector Commander, Ghana Immigration Service, Aflao Border Post, Ghana

The threats that confront border security have existed since the creation of borders by the colonial imperial powers. Unlike the developing world, the institutions in the developed world mandated to monitor their borders and are at times able to confront these threats. In most of the developing world, including Ghana, adequate institutional capacity to enforce the

rule at the borders is one of the main challenges that face border security. This concept paper has therefore examined the dynamics pertaining to Ghana and has identified, among others, the institutional challenges that center around the lack of modern border infrastructure and facilities, and the capacity of the agents directly involved in border security and those that lend support, to apprehend and deal with suspects. Lack of public

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consequences and feedbacks. As States implement extensive border controls and apply a wide variety of deterrence measures such as visas and carrier sanctions to prevent irregular migration, they indirectly push unauthorized migrants into the hands of smugglers and traffickers who promise to evade these controls.

knowledge on border issues also compounds the problem. Regarding the drawbacks, the paper has suggested that the States commitment to ensuring effective border security must go beyond legislation and be exhibited in the provision of border infrastructure. Other actors involved in the security issues at the borders are also to contribute their quota to enhance the state of security at the borders. Background to Border Security In an era when countries and their populations are increasingly exposed to the opportunities and risks associated with the everexpanding global movement of people, policymakers are rethinking approaches to border controls and border management. These policies and programs run the gamut from facilitating the legitimate movement of people and trade to thwarting the unauthorized movement of humans and contraband, and as the public have become ever less accepting of irregular immigration.

Border enforcement should therefore represent a more holistic function, integrating resources and information at, and between all ports of entry, whether air, land, or sea with external collaboration from other international partners abroad, to fight the emerging migration issues from Africa. Irregular migration from Africa and Ghana, is a phenomenon confronted by many major immigrant-receiving countries, one that vexes policymakers and the public, alike. All countries have the same basic goals regarding national borders: to ensure that the beneficial movement of legal goods, tourists, students, business people, and some migrants is allowed, while keeping unwanted goods and people out of the country. All countries also face a similar set of border enforcement goals and challenges. They must prevent crossborder terrorism, illegal migration, human smuggling and trafficking, and drug smuggling. In adopting policies and practices to combat these activities, countries also face a common and basic dilemma: policies in any one area have perverse, regrettable, and often unintended,

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Weak African States cannot have strong borders, and will not get border policy right unless they get their institutions, policies and logistics right. Accordingly, proper border management depends on effective policing and border control forces, and successful coordination both among responsible agencies (locally and internationally) like-minded on tackling international migration. In Africa, borders serving as the line that links and at the same time separates one country from the other could be a source of benefit and of detriment to a State depending on the extent to which they are porous or secured. States therefore are trying to put the necessary measures in place to protect their borders on land, air and seaports. The initiation and perpetuation of cross border crimes are inextricably linked to the porous borders that needs to be properly protected to mitigate the movements of migrants to the developed world whilst at the same time ensuring world security in this era of terrorism and other trans-national crimes. In West Africa, smuggling is a universal phenomenon common in frontier communities where the youth take advantage of the porous international boundaries between them to make economic profit through migrant smuggling and human trafficking. While smuggling became a problem, legislative and judicial provisions existed to regulate the movement


of goods and people across the borders. In the case of Africa, the borders separating people belonging to the same culture, coupled with the counter restrictions mounted along the borders of rival colonial governments resulted in an ultimate disregard to the regulatory provisions. The result therefore was an increase in smuggling and other border crimes which poses a challenge to a country’s border and world security. In recent times, constant cycles of conflict within states in Africa with its consequences felt beyond borders in the form of refugee influx, proliferation of arms, unemployment and the increase in violence and crime, have exacerbated the security challenges at the borders. Within the past two decades, Ghana has experienced some spillover effects of the political turmoil of its immediate neighbours notably Togo, Cote D’lvoire and Liberia. Currently, the issue of border security has evoked concerns and debates. In line with modern notions of security, advocates have argued that security is meaningless unless it is linked with development, where the focus of security extends beyond military and political capabilities to protect and include issues such as satisfaction of basic needs, sustainable environment and protection of cultural and religious identity and human rights, which gives the individual the confidence from fear of violence. All these are geared towards the improvement of life. In line with that, border security is entirely about border development, where there is improvement in the issues and activities that enhance security at the borders.

a host of factors which include lack of job opportunities and the desire to seek greener pastures in the developed world. In addition, the response mechanisms instituted to address the problems do not meet the modern required standards to ensure effective security and the borders of Ghana have become major transit points for human, firearm and drugs trafficking as identified in the categorization of cross border crimes in West Africa. Stephen Krasner, an international relations professor at Stanford University and a former Director of Policy Planning at the United States Department of State, author of six books and over ninety articles, taught courses on international relations, international political economy, international relations theory, policy making, and state-building at Stanford University: argues that “a state that cannot regulate what passes across its borders will not be able to control what happens within it.” This line of argument underscores the need for Ghana to partner its development partners as well as the sub-regional bodies like ECOWAS to identify the migration and border management challenges: and tackle


them to ensure effective security at the land borders especially when issues that threaten border security such as money laundering, human, drug and weapon trafficking are on the increase with its consequential effects on the developed countries/ economies. To gain an understanding of the challenges that confront border security, requires an all-inclusive approach by Ghana and its development partners to investigate the root causes to border problems, the training/equipping needs of the security personnel that enforce the rule at the borders and other factors that influence border management. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Borders are very critical to a state’s security and development. The irony lies in the immense benefits it has for a state and at the same time an avenue for issues that weaken its security. Global market forces and increased human mobility have made it increasingly difficult for a state to assert effectively its traditional sovereign right to control its borders. In Africa as well as Ghana, the factors that threaten security at the borders have their root in the origin, nature

In Ghana, there are complex issues confronting border security. The rise, sophistication and perpetuation of border crimes could be attributed to

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and the mode of administering the borders during the era of imperialism. In recent times, the old border threats have not disappeared but are rather joined by new and complicated ones and manifests in activities such as smuggling of goods, weapons, drugs, human beings and animals. These go together with the threat of terrorism and money laundering which are not readily visible. The institutions charged with the responsibility to enforce security at the borders are woefully under resourced hence nullifying their efforts directed at improving security. Their constraints involved a lot of factors that are intertwined and include outmoded and dilapidated border facilities and equipment, and the deficiency in their capacity to act according to modern standards. The issues are exacerbated by the uncompromising attitude of the border residents who perpetuate smuggling at the borders. Assessing Ghana in terms of the enormous task involved and the threading of the paths to an ideal secured border, Ghana is making all efforts to ensuring border security due to the alarming number of Ghanaian youth risking their lives in the Mediterranean Sea to reach

Europe in search of greener pastures. For instance, last year 2016 alone, the IOM recorded close to 6,000 young Ghanaians who arrived in Italy by boat. “The context in Ghana is pretty difficult at the moment. We know that young Ghanaians are increasingly trying to use irregular means to go to Europe for greener pastures” – IOM/Ghana Chief of Mission. The situation is worsened by the recent wave of young Ghanaian girls being trafficked to Arabian countries through Ghana’s eastern land borders to North Africa under very dangerous conditions. So far over a hundred (100) of these girls have been intercepted within the month of June 2017 at the Aflao Land Border. Ghana’s eastern neighbour, Togo, has become a major transit point for Ghanaians and other West Africans especially young people from La Cote D’Ivoire who embark on such deadly adventures. Some Ivorian refugees said they are also trying to go North Africa to get to Europe and so are using Togo for their travels. Previously we thought Ghanaians were not using Togo for their irregular travels, but this is what is coming up. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Ghana on 10-072017 inaugurated two (2) new small border posts at Agortime-Afegame and Hodzokorfe all in the eastern borderline of the Volta Region to ensure the borderline is properly protected. The two facilities are as a result of the implementation of Ghana Integrated Migration Management Approach (GIMMA) funded by the

Border Security Report | July/August 2017

European Union as measures to equip Ghana’s land borders to enable it to control the increasing trends of irregular migration. The two small facilities have offices, holding rooms for human trafficking victims, computer, vehicle, solar energy systems, standby generator, and other equipment including a Pick-up for patrol. Furthermore, like many other countries, Ghana migration data is scattered among agencies and ministries, with no structured means to share data for policy development. There are data gaps within institutions as they are unable to fully capture their administrative data or in some instances perceive some of the data as irrelevant. This approach hinders the country’s capacity to understand its migration dynamics and design appropriate migration and development policies. Once again, through the Ghana Integrated Migration Management Approach (GIMMA) project intervention, the Ghana Immigration Service Management Information System (MIS) unit has completed the development of a Data Processing System (DPS) at its major entry point including Aflao at the eastern side of Ghana. This electronic system scans and extract the information provided on the migration cards. The extracted data is verified and authenticated before it is stored in a centralized database at its headquarters. The system is linked together for the verified and authenticated data to be transmitted to its headquarters via the Wide Area Network (WAN). GIS officers have been trained by the IOM and have commence the usage of the data processing system through the scanning and verification of migration cards. At the Kotoka International Airport


(KIA) in Accra, the Ministry of Communications as part of the e-Ghana Strategy has implemented an integrated e-Immigration system (E-Gates) that will enable the regulation of entry into and exit from Ghana and also provide a case management system for permit processing as well as help improve security at Ghana’s only international airport. The project called e-Immigration is aimed at ensuring security and efficiency at the country’s major entry points at Aflao, Paga and Elubo borders including KIA. Ten (10) e-Gates have been installed at the airport to help beef up security and ease passenger transit. This has reduced congestion at the airport which saw 2.5 million passengers passing through in 2014 as opposed to 1.3 million in 2009. In this regard, as Ghana is geared towards fighting global migration, it needs the support, collaboration and intervention of all international partners and development partners in respect of more modern ICT sustainable approach required to address the migration issues and challenges especially along Ghana’s land borders which are very porous. It spans more than 80kms with several unapproved routes. It therefore makes nonsense the institutional efforts being put in place by Ghana at its main eastern border post at Aflao since most of the irregular migrant movements are conducted through these unapproved routes which are not well protected due to inadequate institutional capacity.

Though the institutions involved are already playing their role, the impact is still minimal. There is the need for them to beef up their efforts regarding the present state of our borders, which currently, leaves much to be desired. The capacities of the institutions that gather, analyze and exchange intelligence information should be enhanced to complement judicial efforts. Competencies must be improved by the key actors in the business of ensuring security, through continuous training/equipping, to enable them to meet the modern requirements or the standards set by the global world. Some amount of intelligence training should be incorporated into their induction process. Co-operating with neighboring states and other international migration experts/countries as well


as development partners is essential to good border management in Ghana. This is because aside the fact that organized crimes thrive where conditions prevailing within neighbouring countries are conducive, a country also bears the repercussions of the push factors for irregular migration such as natural disasters, war, poverty and unemployment. Thus, improving security at the borders will amount to nothing if it is not done in collaboration with other countries and donor partners. Finally, as indicated already, it is the bedrock for an integrated approach to effective and efficient border management. This however can be achieved if border facilities are upgraded to the required standards that will ensure a fast and efficient means of sharing information.

WAY FORWARD The role of some key players, such as the government, the border agencies, international development partners, non-governmental agencies and civil society groups is critical to good border management in Ghana.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



ICAO and the IOM: Enhancing effective border control and migration management in Africa Participation drew representatives from Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, specifically from their respective ministries and agencies responsible for border control management, including airport authority, customs, immigration, police and transport. These officials were provided with the opportunity to enhance their skills to effectively perform travel document examination and traveller risk assessment in order to expedite the movements of legitimate travellers while intercepting high-risk individuals.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are working together to help States achieve sustainable improvements in the field of travel facilitation and security of travel documents, efforts that include related identity management challenges.

The joint ICAO-IOM Tanzania training mission was made possible through voluntary funding from the Government of Saudi Arabia, earmarked to support the ICAO Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Security and Facilitation in Africa (AFI SECFAL PLAN). Two further courses in Africa are now planned under this Saudi funding framework, you can visit the ICAO website for more information on the related ICAO Training Package.

These priorities are highly relevant elements of an efficient and effective border control and migration management system. To support these goals a joint training session on travel document examination was conducted by ICAO and the IOM from 31 July to 4 August 2017, at the IOM African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) located in Moshi, Tanzania. The training, consisted of two parts: the ICAO Training Package entitled Control of the authenticity and validity of travel document at airport borders – Level 1, and the IOM modules pertaining to the Second Edition of the Passport Examination Procedure Manual (PEPM), published in 2017, and on biometrics.

More than 225 illegal foreign workers arrested in Australian Border Force blitz More than 225 illegal foreign workers have been arrested, border force officials say, and hundreds more have been stopped from entering Australia, in a nationwide blitz.

Workers swept up in the raids were employed in industries ranging from agriculture to retail and hospitality.

Nearly 50 commercial and residential properties were raided as part of the operation targeting visa fraud, illegal work and exploitation of foreigners.

They came from countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Tunisia. Almost half were arrested in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



AMERIPOL Participate in Airport Security Course Dominican Republic, as well as Holders of the Federal Police of the different Airports of Mexico, with a total of 40 students. The objective of the course: to equip participants with basic knowledge on safety, prevention and combat of drug trafficking in airports, as well as new techniques for the detection of illegal narcotics. The Airport Security Course was held at the Superior Academy of the Federal Police of Mexico, which involved 15 police officers from AMERIPOL, IBERPOL and RINEP from the countries of Brazil , Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru and

The students received a lecture on Security AVSEC FAL; Analysis ICAO Conventions; Measures and perspectives to be based on international criteria for the future; Methods of concealment and methods of detection of narcotics, paper money, weapons and explosives in Airports; Public Security analysis; Causes of attacks against International Civil Aviation; among others.

AMERIPOL, EUROPOL and INTERPOL Carry Out Joint Action Day Various regional security blocs were activated to combat the fraudulent payment of airline tickets around the world; This operative led by EUROPOL, counted mainly with the co-responsibility of 3 Coordination Centers strategically located in Asia, led by INTERPOL, likewise; In Latin America, AMERIPOL and CLACIP participated, thus activating 9 countries in the continent and more than 30 international airports in the region.

The deployment of judicial police officers at international airports allowed the generation of 54 alerts that linked 76 people and of which 39 were involved. The countries affected by the origin of the flights were Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Dominican Republic and the main international destinations were France, Canada, Colombia, the United States, the Netherlands, Cuba, Mexico and Spain.

This type of operational activities propose a renewed strategy to combat the modalities of cybercrime and conform to the tendencies of a criminal form that should exhort to the authorities in the articulation and to propose differential courses in front of this type of threats.

The economic impact in the day due to the fraud in aerial tickets oscillate the 17800 Euros. The annual worldwide loss generated by the fraudulent purchase of tickets is around 1 billion Euros.

AMERIPOL and CLACIP included airports from Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Panama, Bolivia and Colombia.

It is shown, that the articulation between regional security organizations, are becoming stronger and seek to decrease organizational organized crime.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



Agency News and Updates I

m m i g r a t i o n S e r v i c e Comptroller-General of Immigration Syria where radicals connected to a intensifies fight against (CGI) when he inaugurated a new former Al-Qaeda offshoot have gained cross border crimes border post at Antokrom near Dadieso control. Turkey also recently restricted in the Suaman District of the Western Region of Ghana.

the passage of non-humanitarian goods at the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing into Idlib.


Turkey currently holds some 3 million Syrian refugees, making Ankara the world’s largest host of refugees. The refugee camps are also providing aid along the border. The Turkish Red Crescent has already helped the refugees by distributing clothing and toiletries in Idlib, and in June began a housing project there that is expected to cover about 1,000 properties.

urkey tightens border security ahead of possible new wave of Syrian refugees

The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) has indicated its preparedness to tackle cross border crimes including human trafficking and other irregular migration activities at Ghana’s borders. This is being actualised through the provision of logistics and equipment, training and congenial working environment, amongst others under one of the deliverables of the Ghana Integrated Migration Management Approach (GIMMA) projects, sponsored and implemented by the European Union (EU) and International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Amid speculation about a fresh wave of refugees into Turkey through its 150 km border with Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, Ankara is making its national stance clear: The maintenance of national security is a key priority.

The Western Regional Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Immigration (DCI) Dr. Prosper P.D. Asima, said this in a speech delivered on behalf of the

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that Turkey is taking necessary measures on this specific part of the border, across which lies an area of

Border Security Report | July/August 2017

Turkey earlier this year completed the construction of a 700 km wall along the Syria border, controlled by a sensor system, cameras and drones.


wo men arrested after Australian Border Force officers discover 5.28kg of MDMA in postal package

CA HUGE bag of MDMA — also known as ecstasy — worth more than $2 million was discovered by Australia Border Force officers in a package


sent through the post in August. The 5.28kg package of methelenedioxymethylamphetamine, which is often referred to as MDMA or ecstasy, was seized at the Australian border. The drugs were already linked to a SA police investigation, which continued after the parcel was intercepted. Serious and Organised Crime Investigation Branch officers arrested a 31-year-old man from Beverley and a 22-year-old man from Saint Clair.

Edinburg Assistant Police Chief Oscar Trevino says the immigrants may have been locked inside the 18-wheeler in Edinburg for at least eight hours before being freed by officers late Sunday morning. He had earlier said there were 17 immigrants locked in the tractor-trailer before correcting the number to 16.


early 50,000 Syrian refugees trapped at Jordan border

Both were charged with trafficking a large commercial quantity of a controlled drug.


fight against terrorism, according to General Ramezan Sharif, head of public relations for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), also known as the Pasdaran. “In recent years terrorist groups have created instability along the borders between Iran and Turkey, above all in the western and northwestern areas,” Sharif said. “Iranian armed forces and the IRGC are already ensuring security on the borders, but there is still always concern for terrorist actions,” he said.



exas police find 16 i m m i g r a n t s l o c k e d Around 50,000 - mostly women and inside rig at truck stop near children - refugees are stranded on border Syria’s southern border with Jordan,

essel with migrants in Romanian Black Sea waters increases likelihood of border police improvements in Romania, Bulgaria

the United Nations said, an area which is increasingly unsafe due to airstrikes.

UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters that “some people are reportedly attempting to leave the area, risking further danger and deprivation in an inhospitable desert location”. Those found locked in the tractortrailer included eight people from El Salvador, six from Mexico and two from Romania. Police said they had been locked in the trailer for at least eight hours.

Food and healthcare in the area known as the berm is scarce, Haq said, with around 4,000 people in one section surviving on just flour and water.

Police in Texas acting on a tip found 16 immigrants locked inside a tractortrailer parked at a gas station about 20 miles from the border with Mexico, less than a month after the deaths of 10 people who were packed in a hot truck in San Antonio.

ehran looks to accord with Turkey for border security


Iran is working on an agreement to ensure security on its shared border with Turkey and strengthen the

Romanian coastguards intercepted a motorised yacht carrying 69 migrants from Iraq in the Romanian territorial waters of the Black Sea. The vessel was sailing under a Turkish flag and was intercepted 10 miles from the Mangalia port in Southeast Romania, near the Bulgarian border. According to a preliminary investigation, the boat was driven by a Bulgarian and a Cypriot national. In the first half, 2,500 foreign citizens attempted to cross the Romanian border illegally, a five-fold increase compared with the equivalent

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



period of 2016 (507). Around 1,400 migrants were caught at entry and approximately 1,000 were detained while attempting to leave Romania, mainly into Hungary.


ustria deploys soldiers to border with Italy

Austria is sending 70 soldiers to the border with Italy to help border police stop the entry of illegal migrants.

Rakhine state. Security forces in Buddhist-majority Myanmar launched a massive crackdown in the state after Rohingya insurgents killed nine police in October, but the flow of refugees into Bangladesh had slowed until hundreds more soldiers were deployed recently.


ulgaria to deploy 600 troops to TurkishBulgarian border against Police official Helmut Tomac and illegal migration Herbert Bauer of the Austrian army say the move is in response to increased instances of migrants trying to hitch rides over the border under the carriages of freight wagons, Tanjug reported.

Austrian officials said earlier they were ready to deploy armored vehicles along the border to prevent migrants reaching Austria - “but Tomac said today no such moves are being planned,” the agency reported.



order Security Force seizes 24 kg cannabis in Berhampore The Border Security Force (BSF) jawans have seized 24 kg of cannabis from Berhampore in Murshidabad district recently. Official sources said that a tip-off was received about smuggling of ganja near Border Out Post (BOP) Meghna of BSF’s 43 Battalion under Hugalberia police station in Berhampore. Following this, a special search operation was carried out by jawans of BOP Meghna and 24 kg cannabis were seized.

Bulgaria has decided to increase its border security measures in order to prevent illegal migration from Turkey, Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said in an interview.

angladesh is ramping up its border patrols to Karakachanov said that more soldiers stop the influx of Rohingya will be deployed to the TurkishBulgarian border in order to provide muslims from Myanmar

security and the Turkish border will also be divided into five parts in order to monitor the area more conveniently.

Bangladesh has stepped up patrols on its border with Myanmar, following reports that about 1,000 Rohingya Muslims crossed into the country in the past two weeks, amid fresh tension in its neighbor’s northwestern

monitored through security cameras and drones all along the border.

Saying that each part on the Turkish border will have its own armored troop of soldiers, Karakachanov indicated that there will be 600 soldiers in total along the border, some of whom will be specially trained. The minister further expressed that according to their previous experiences, the soldiers are more effective in border security than the police forces. Besides, he added, illegal migration movements will be

Border Security Report | July/August 2017

“The cannabis were wrapped in six plastic packets inside a bag. The seized ganja has been handed over to Customs officials of Jalangi,” said an official. So far this year, the BSF South Bengal Frontier has seized over 489 kg of cannabis and have apprehended five people, including two Bangladeshi nationals.


,000 asylum seekers crossed Canadian border in July. Even more have crossed in August

The flood of asylum seekers crossing the Canadian border shows no sign of slowing down. Immigration officials said that in July, 2,996 people were intercepted as they walked across the border with the United States. That’s four times


the number of people who arrived in June: 781. However in the first two weeks of August alone, more than 3,800 people crossed the border, mostly at Roxham Rd. in Hemmingford. The influx of thousands of migrants has created massive backlogs as Canada Border Services Agency conducts background checks on each person, then hands them over to the Immigration and Refugee Board to accept or reject their claims.


Agency, in the first high-level public encounter between the nations since the crisis erupted. The king has permitted “the entry of Qatari pilgrims to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through Salwa border crossing to perform hajj, and to allow all Qatari nationals who wish to enter for hajj without electronic permits”, a statement said.


eru minister warns of new drug hotspot at border with Brazil, Colombia

audi Arabia to open AA new cocaine-producing hotspot border with Qatar to let is taking root in Peru near its border pilgrims attend hajj with Colombia and Brazil, and local

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has ordered the reopening of the land border with Qatar to facilitate the annual hajj pilgrimage, according to state media, in one of the first signs of a thaw in the region’s worst diplomatic crisis in years. The Salwa border crossing had been shut after Saudi Arabia, along with Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, severed diplomatic and trade ties with Qatar on 5 June, accusing the emirate of supporting Islamist extremist groups.


authorities worry that dissident FARC guerillas may join forces with drug traffickers there, Peru’s defense minister said Thursday. Coca growing and cocaine production is expanding in the triple border region mainly because Peru stepped up efforts to crack down on drugtraffickers in the Vraem, a bundle of jungle valleys where more than half of Peruvian cocaine is now made, said Defense Minister Jorge Nieto. “If we’re successful in one place, they go elsewhere,” Nieto told a news conference with foreign media, lamenting what he called the “cockroach effect.”


height of the refugee crisis. And the Bavarian government claims the reintroduction has been highly successful in stopping criminals and illegal immigration. But the European Commission claims there is no longer a threat to the state, and is pushing Bavaria to cease controls from November. Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann of the CSU, Bavaria’s conservative sister party of Angela Merkel’s ChristianDemocratic Union (CDU), said that the reintroduction of border checks has proven its worth.


rmy Chief General Bipin Rawat to Visit Ladakh on Sunday, Review Border Security Army Chief General Bipin Rawat will pay a three-day visit to Ladakh during which he will take stock of the security preparedness along the border with China besides discussing key operational matters with top commanders, official sources said.

avaria refuses to bow down to EU rules as The Army Chief’s visit to Ladakh German state demands comes days after Indian border guards The announcement to reopen the border checks remain foiled an attempt by Chinese soldiers border for Qatari pilgrims came after the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, received an envoy from Doha, according to the Saudi Press

IThe border controls on the German state’s border with Austria were introduced in September 2015 at the

to enter Indian territory along the banks of Pangong lake in Ladakh.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



the world’s most engaging border security e v ent 20th-22nd March 2018 Madrid, Spain

As we see the continued escalation of the global migration crisis, with mass movements of people fleeing the war zones of the Middle East as well as illegal economic immigration from Africa and elsewhere, international terrorism shows every sign of increasing, posing real threats to the free movement of people.

Controlling and managing international borders in the 21st Century continues to challenge the border control and immigration agencies around the world. It is generally agreed that in a globalised world borders should be as open as possible, but threats continue to remain in ever evolving circumstances and situations.

The world is seeing a continuation of unprecedented migration challenges for the border management and security community, as little sign of peace and security in the Middle East is apparent and porous borders in Africa continue to provide challenges.

The World Border Security Congress is a high level 3 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management.

International organised criminal gangs and human and drug trafficking groups exploit opportunities and increasingly use the internet and technology to enhance their activities.

Border Security Report | July/August 2017

Further details can be found at



people travel gates read and analyze Securiport Unveils eGates, A million through this international travellers’ passports, scan airport in Dakar. their fingerprints, snap Big Data Analytics Solution Leveraging Securiport’s their photos and perform That Helps Airports Securely eGates, the Senegalese detailed identity database airport can process up to background checks in a Vet Passengers Faster for nearly 6,000 passengers matter of seconds versus per day, per gate. The minutes to hours Better Traveller Experience, automated immigration and Shorter Lines at Senegal’s International Airport Elbit Systems of America’s Securiport has announced it successfully launched Border Security System eGates, it’s smart immigration processing gate that securely expedites passenger lines through Accepted by U.S. Customs automated intelligent vetting using big data and Border Protection analytics.

The launch was deployed at the Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport in Dakar, Senegal, where an inaugural ceremony was recently held presided over by Senegal’s Director of the National Police, Mr. Oumar Maal; the General Director of the Senegal Airports Agency (ADS), Mr. Pape Maël Diop; and Securiport’s General Manager, Mr. Franck Dour. Securiport’s eGates provide governments with the ability to save resources and expedite the excruciatingly slow immigration processing of travellers. These

automated immigration gates speed up the vetting process (a 15-second average processing time) and provide a better airport experience without compromising security. International Security experts noted that, at a time when global airports are challenged by increased threat assessments and slower passenger lines, Securiport’s eGates intelligent solution could help international airports and Government Aviation Authorities improve operational security and deliver a better traveler experience overall. Securiport’s eGatesoffer a better way to effectively cope with the congestion at terminals during simultaneous arrival of multiple flights. For example, every year, 2

An Elbit Systems Integrated Fixed Tower (IFT) border security system passed U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) systems acceptance testing.

This IFT system, located in the Douglas, Arizona, Area of Responsibility (AOR), marks the company’s second successful deployment of the system, with the first occurring in the Nogales, Arizona, AOR. “We achieved this important milestone by working closely with CBP and understanding their agents’ needs,”

said Raanan Horowitz, CEO and president, Elbit Systems of America. “Border Patrol agents rely on our homeland security solutions to provide situational awareness and enhanced safety.” As the system integrator, Elbit Systems of America furnishes the sensor towers with radar, day/ night cameras, and command & control software, which correlates sensor information to provide a single operating picture. Information from all the towers is networked into Border Patrol Station command and control centers, which increases situational awareness for Border Patrol Agents. The IFT’s high reliability and proven contractor

Border Security Report | July/August 2017



logistics support provides CBP with 24/7 surveillance coverage. The system also provides CBP with a platform to integrate existing and future sensors to improve border protection and agent safety. The IFT program continues to deliver to customer performance and schedule requirements, as well

as meet cost goals. On the path to system acceptance, significant milestones must occur. Several months of construction, integration, test activity, and system verification ensures each IFT meets performance requirements. Each system must detect, track, identify, and classify border activity.

Smiths Detection gains STAC certification for Checkpoint. Evoplus Checkpoint.Evoplus from Smiths Detection has been successfully assessed and certified by STAC, the French civil aviation authority technical centre.

Designed to increase passenger throughput, optimise resources, reduce operational costs and raise security levels, it is the first solution for multiplexed image analysis to receive this official approval for use at French airports. An advanced screening and management platform, Checkpoint. Evoplus allows a collection

of individual components and sensors to be transformed into a single, integrated and intelligent solution. Producing valuable operational data and supporting new functions such as centralised screening and directed search, it streamlines the overall screening process. Checkpoint.Evoplus was

Border Security Report | July/August 2017

developed based on systems used in hold baggage screening (HBS) so there are economies to be gained for airports who use it in both HBS and passenger checkpoints. Although there are already combined HBS and checkpoint systems delivering management and performance data, more complex data exchange between the two screening areas could well improve security even further and also generate additional operational benefits. “Achieving STAC approval is just one example of how this innovative

platform is paving the way for checkpoint management software in Europe and around the world,” commented Tony Tielen, VP EMEA of Smiths Detection. “It has the potential to deliver the highest possible levels of security combined with significant operational advances – including networking groups of national or international airports.” Checkpoint.Evoplus is 2D and 3D ready and also designed to be vendor independent in order to support third-party devices, technology and lanes with open interfaces.

Cobalt’s Resolve new handheld system that identifies hazardous materials Cobalt’s Resolve new handheld system that identifies hazardous materials through sealed opaque containers, including explosives and CWAs, will be demonstrated at DSEI, London. This will be Cobalt’s first time at both these major international defence and security events, and there will be hands-on Resolve demonstrations. At DSEI, Dr Robert Stokes of Cobalt is also presenting in the prestigious seminar programme; “Handheld Raman

for Through-Barrier Explosives, Narcotics and Hazardous Chemical Identification”. Resolve was launched in 2016 for applications in hazmat incident management, military search and EOD, first response, law enforcement, and screening at ports &



contacts Editorial: Tony Kingham E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker E:

borders. The system uses Cobalt’s proprietary spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) technology to detect and identify chemicals through opaque barriers such as thick coloured plastics, dark glass, paper, card, sacks and fabric. Measured spectra are accurately matched to comprehensive on-board spectral libraries and the

Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker E:

system identifies materials including; explosives and precursors, hazardous and toxic materials, CWAs, narcotics and new psychoactive substances, plus thousands of benign chemicals. Resolve is already deployed worldwide in military applications as well as in hazmat response, policing and customs screening.

Subscriptions: Tony Kingham E: Border Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic magazine and is the border management industry magazine delivering agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over 16,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide.

Copyright of KNM Media and Torch Marketing.

ADVERTISING SALES Paul Gloc (UK and Rest of World) E: T: +44 (0) 7786 270 820

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Border Security Report | July/August 2017

20th-22nd March 2018 Madrid, Spain

The World’s most engaging event and discussion...

Collaboration and Interaction for Action

Converging and Enhancing Border Security Through Constructive Dialogue The world is experiencing the largest migration movement in history, with challenges for the border management and security community, as little sign of peace and security in the Middle East is apparent and porous borders in Africa and Asia continue to provide challenges. International organised criminal gangs and human and drug trafficking groups exploit opportunities and increasingly use the internet and technology to enhance their activities. Controlling and managing international borders in the 21st Century continues to challenge the border control and immigration agencies around the world. It is generally agreed that in a globalised world borders should be as open as possible, but threats continue to remain in ever evolving circumstances and situations. Advancements in technology are assisting in the battle to maintain safe and secure international travel. The border security professional still remains the front line against these threats. The World Border Security Congress is a high level 3 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management.

ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN For further details and to register online: We look forward to welcoming you to Madrid, Spain on 20th-22nd March 2018 for the next gathering of border and migration management professionals. ...for the international border management and security industry

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Drones are risky business

The anti-drone market is taking off at quite some rate. While most drone companies are privately owned making figures more challenging to obtain, estimates put sales for 2016 at 2.2m units worth $4.5bn rising to in excess of $6bn in 2017.

For every security and safety feature implemented to limit hazardous or illegal activity by the drone production companies, there are other companies providing a service to re-write the software to jail break the drone. It’s not an exaggeration to state that if you are in the security business in any way, there’s a very good chance that you’ve considered or will soon consider adding the threat of drones into your risk assessments.

the-middle cyber-attacks. If you’re organising a high-profile event - maybe a stadium sports final or music festival then be assured that drones can stream video to nonsubscribers. If you haven’t got a response plan in place for when a drone flies into the area with an aerosol can attached underneath it, then be prepared for some tough questions about why you didn’t consider the chemical weapon threat from that vector.

You run a prison?

Low cost, widely available, easy to operate, virtually disposable and able to deliver a malign effect that requires a considerably higher level of resource to defend against – drones represent the very definition of an asymmetric threat. Today’s security managers face challenges across the board, from lone actors to organised crime through to coordinated State-

Drones are already delivering mobile phones and drugs over the fence line. You’re a celebrity in a mansion, hotel or super yacht? Drones are taking your picture. Managing an airport? Drones are trying to fly in formation with your aircraft on final approach. Responsible for an information hub? Drones are delivering man-in-

sponsored terrorism. Security and the Resources to support it are in demand like never before, so how does an organisation deal with the addition of yet another potential threat in amongst many? What’s your appetite for risk? Are you averse or tolerant? How does your assessment process consider the likelihood and severity of a drone threat? The objective target for incidents should be zero of course, but in reality, a holding position that the risk is ‘tolerable and as low as reasonably practicable’ is a working solution. Many organisations claim to be risk averse, but it’s likely to be that while there may be a line on a risk assessment, little practical mitigations are actually in place for a number of threats – that is not a criticism, merely an observation of the budget-driven reality of security.

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Resource prioritisation is the perpetual burden of any manager and security is no different. A good risk mitigation process should be able to track the growth of a risk and provide the last safe point to take action once it becomes a threat, allowing the organisation to continue to function normally until a response is actually required. Drones are now in or rapidly approaching this category. A head-in-the-sand approach is one option. Let’s wait until it happens to someone else. However, what if you’re the ‘someone else’? If you suffer a drone-related incident then you know the hindsight management team will shortly be on hand to deliver their considered assessment of why you should have had mitigations in place to have dealt with this already. No one remembers all the months and possibly years you spent as a safe and well-defended organisation, they just know about your ‘failure’. Human nature favours the negative and that’s why your reputation takes years to build and minutes to lose.

be dissuaded from their course of action by rules. Burglars know fine well that breaking into a house is against the law, but still they burgle. If a criminal wants to deliver drugs to a prison, they’re going to do that in the easiest way they can, low risk with high gain – use a drone then; they can sit in their car 500 metres or more away from the perimeter wall, fly their drone and if successful, they know that their smart phones are selling for many times their value inside – a great return on the $1000 they spent on the drone. Crashed it? Big deal, they’ll get another one tomorrow. The phones are cheap to buy on the outside so they’re soon replaced. These are criminals and rules are for other people. If not regulation then what else? We see a lot of ‘solutionizing’ in this industry. Buy some equipment and then work out what to do with it. This is letting the tail wag the dog. At Quantum we prefer a requirements driven approach. What actually is your problem?

You may not even know exactly. Do a risk assessment and get professional help. You know that cliché ‘if you think professionals are expensive, you should see what an amateur costs…’? Do your own due diligence on anyone purporting to be an ‘expert’. Are they really experienced in the field? Can they prove it? Or are they just wannabees? The anti-drone industry, like any other, is full of snake oil salesmen. Before you commit to a product, check if it’s really in production and out there getting used, there’s a proliferation of beta systems – you don’t want to be surprised the system works! Situational awareness (SA) is generally the key. As is often quoted, you don’t know what you don’t know. Start here. Build your picture, establish a pattern of life. When you begin to understand your issues, you can then take a meaningful approach to any next steps. Drones tend to be challenging to detect without bespoke equipment and so capital expenditure (capex) is going to be required. However, by procuring the right system with proper through-life support, you maximise the relevance of your capability, ensuring maximum value for money. It may well be that enhanced SA gives you enough information to take in-house mitigation without further capex. When you do detect a drone, not all threats need a jammer or net gun to resolve. However, if you need a more robust response, and the law permits, then re-run that risk assessment and consider the options. None of them

From a practical perspective, what means are available to protect you against drones? Regulation plays a big part. This both manages the benign drone operator, be they hobbyist or commercial, and helps restrict the availability of unregistered drones. Regulation helps prevent a benignly intended but incompetent operator accidentally infringing your infrastructure. However, the malignly driven person is unlikely to

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balanced against risk and cost/ benefit. It was ever thus. If you believe you have a problem then don’t ignore it, get assistance from experts who can support and assure you. Ask them tough questions about how they are qualified to help. The anti-drone business is a specialist vertical and while there are many claiming to offer expertise and solutions, few have real-world experience. Drones are here to stay – they offer wonderful capabilities to legitimate users – and a considerable peril for those who are vulnerable. are cheap and all have limitations, but solutions are available. From experience, there tend to be 4 levels of entry into the anti-drone system market. Capabilities start at the low tens of thousands of dollars, then jump to low hundreds of thousands, there’s a bunch of equipment at a half mil, then the high-end mil-spec kit sits around the million mark. Quantum prefers to tailor individual and bespoke systems rather than impose a one-

size fits all approach – beware of companies that give you the answer before you’ve really explored the question. The proliferation of drone production, advances in technological capability and, importantly, simplicity of use has enabled those who would wish us harm, or to illegally profit from us, a very simple and relatively cheap means of facilitation. Resource allocation will always need to be

Martin Lanni AFC is the CEO of Quantum Aviation Ltd, a British company providing airspace security and maritime aviation services and consultancy. The company has extensive experience derived from the London 2012 Olympic Games and numerous counter-terrorism projects.

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DSEI Celebrating its 10th Edition

Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI), the world leading defence and security event, will be celebrating its tenth edition when it returns to ExCeL, London, 12th–15th September 2017.

The biennial event will play host to 1,600 exhibitors from around the world, with more than 34,000 global visitors expected, including military and government officials, academia and members of industry. With just weeks until the event opens, DSEI 2017 is already the most comprehensive edition to date, offering new features, expert speakers

and the broadest range of defence, aerospace and security innovation and services. The DSEI Strategic Conference programme has been enhanced to meet the growing demand to hear from the experts that the event attracts. Taking place on Monday 11 September, at the ICC, ExCeL, London the conference will focus

on five main topics: Land Capability, Air Capability, Maritime Capability, The Future of Military Rotorcraft, and Trauma Innovation & Military Medicine. DSEI’s superior content offering will continue for the duration of the event, with a series of seminars taking place throughout the week in dedicated theatres. This includes: Major General Kathryn Toohey, Head Land Capability from the Australian Army and Michael Garrety, Counsellor Defence Materiel - London, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group Australian Government, Department of Defence. Officials from the Royal Australian Navy will also be present. This year’s event will provide a unique opportunity for industry professionals, high-ranking military, and senior government officials from across the globe, to discuss the most pressing questions, requirements and issues facing the defence community.

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Focusing on policy, strategy, innovation and the implications of future equipment programmes, visitors to DSEI will hear the latest opinions and insight, and interact with the capabilities and state-of-the-art solutions that they can procure at DSEI. DSEI’s pre-eminent VIP engagement programme will provide multiple opportunities to open a dialogue between the event’s exhibitors and the many hundreds of the most senior military, government and procurement personnel that are hosted as official delegations. The organisers currently anticipate a record 250 international delegations will attend. Security zone The modern security threat environment is extremely varied and complex. Intensifying state

competition, regional instability and civil unrest, and the borderless realm of cyberspace have shaped a series of emerging security trends facing individuals, companies and governments globally. Duncan Reid, DSEI Event Director, said: “DSEI Security zone and seminar programme will be a unique opportunity for both exhibitors and visitors to discuss key topics and themes for the future of the industry and create networking opportunities to find solutions to global security challenges”.

national border security. DSEI Security zone will focus on the security sector’s expertise within a bespoke community to increase new partnership opportunities. Products and services ranging from security and special forces training, tactical equipment, perimeter security covert and overt surveillance and camera equipment will be showcased, with exhibitors including Barrett Communications, BeaverFit, CEIA, BTZY, ViaSat and Vastech alongside a catalogue of prime contractors.

The Security Theatre seminar programme will consider the evolving threat and the role of industry and government in shaping security policy and propelling security capability into the future, through innovative cyber capability and skills, the digital modernisation of legacy systems and the enhancement of regional and

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Integrate the Security Checkpoint into Your Customer’s Experience at Large Events

Security checkpoints are the first security interaction for all visitors and participants for major events and play a significant role in the delivery of the security solution as well as clearly indicating the levels of preparedness of the hosts. Together with other physical security measures, search and screening solutions create the safe zones in which events take place, protect logistic hubs and other critical sites in an environment of high media sensitivity. The deployment of search and screening however starts at points of entry to the host country or city. Solutions are deployed at airports, ports, borders and critical national infrastructure sites and planners need to deliver coherent and integrated solutions. Selection of surge capacity manpower, completing a full accreditation programme, conducting training and support are equally as important as the equipment itself. The overarching aim is ensuring that the Games run without significant incident, but that people return home after the Closing Ceremony is over feeling they were properly protected and not unnecessarily delayed when being processed through checkpoints.

and vehicles so that they can gain entry into the secured area on time but there is pressure on budgets which has to be recognised.

The technology involved in search and screening has become more powerful and sophisticated to adapt to the changing security environment. However, security checkpoints are often viewed as barriers and disruptions to the free flow of people and goods—functioning as bottlenecks instead of gateways. As game time demands continue to grow, many host agencies are considering how to update their security infrastructure plans to accommodate to growing requirements. Airports to venues all need to be able to screen thousands of bags, people

Consider a fan attending a major sports event. It’s possible this fan has downloaded the team’s smartphone app, which he uses to purchase a ticket on the spur of the moment one evening. At the stadium, he parks in a lot with CCTV security cameras. At the ticket gate, he provides his ticket and is processed through the gate’s metal detector. Because he has the smartphone app and has registered with the team through it, his travel through the gate and security checkpoint could be the starting point to enhance his event experience. Once cleared through security, the fan

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Better integration of checkpoint technology into overall security operations can help address these issues, making passage easier and more efficient, and aiding in the flow through checkpoints. In addition, checkpoint technology also offers opportunities to capture and utilize highly useful information that can be of critical value to an entire operation. Wider Benefits via Technology Integration


Progress is being made on industry cooperative efforts around enhancing checkpoint data integration; checkpoint equipment providers are working with global agencies to find ways to advance integration on a wider scale. For example, the World Customs Organization promotes the use of standards such as SAFE framework and the ISCM Guidelines that is available to any organization looking to use mutually recognized standards to facilitate integrated customs controls. LEVERAGING CHECKPOINT INTEGRATION: KEY QUESTIONS

receives a personal message welcoming him to the game, an automatic download of that night’s program and digital coupons for discounts at the concession stands or the team store. All of this customer service could be triggered at the security checkpoint. This example demonstrates how checkpoint information, when combined with other sources of information and integrated more fully into security center operations, it can help: • Overall efficiency and effectiveness of security operations. • Aid in cost control and planning efforts. • Optimize revenue streams. • Improve end user experience of security operations.

ACTIONABLE DATA: THE BENEFIT OF INTEGRATION Security operations generate continual streams of data, but often with separate paths, formats and recipients in the security center. Currently, checkpoint systems providers can deliver their information into security center systems, but that scanning information is, for the most part, delivered in isolation and without purpose. Bundling these streams of data and standardizing their formats are two important steps that can help eliminate barriers to efficiently delivering of “rich” data for major events, reducing complexities and helping improve operations across the entire games footprint, from points of entry to venues. By bundling X-ray scans with other data, the file would include the results of any adjudication decisions. This concept could also allow for data sharing across different agencies, without the need for specific tools in each location other than a unified file viewing mechanism. This kind of cooperative industry effort creates a framework for future opportunities to bundle even more checkpoint data into complete, actionable information for security center managers.

Those responsible for selecting and purchasing security checkpoint solutions have in the past focused on more basic issues when making buying decisions: costs, ability to physically fit into checkpoint locations and compliance with the latest regulatory requirements. Now is the time to be asking how your security screening technology fits into the whole security picture and what should you be able to accomplish by integrating it into a Games hosting control center. By viewing checkpoint systems as strategic contributors of actionable data to security center operations, security center managers and decision-makers should consider several questions, in order to make the most effective investment on decisions about checkpoint technology: • How is this technology going to fit into my total security operations, both in terms of IT/interface/file format issues, and enhancing my operational efficiencies? How much effort will it take to accomplish this integration? • How do we design the checkpoint system to move screened assets through as quickly as possible, while at the same time accomplishing all the necessary security checks? • With data from checkpoint systems, what will we need to do to use that data to proactively improve operations, planning, cost

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control, training and optimization of revenue streams? This is a different way of approaching decisions about checkpoint technology selection, and provides the opportunity to evolve the concept of operations (CONOPS) of many different security organizations. Ultimately, security directors should be seeking checkpoint solutions that function as more than a gate that has to be manned and managed; they have the potential, with the right vision and integration, to be critical contributors of the data your security operation needs to maximize its value and create better customer experiences. In concluding, the emphasis must be on the integration of not just the technology but of the people. Games create unprecedented surges in manpower. They cannot be trained too early due to skills fade, or too late leaving little time to prepare. They need rehearsing in Games scenarios which is different from business as usual Airport or Port deployment where processes are well established. These “one off” events demand deployable solutions rapidly set up and rapidly re-deployed and this means working with security providers who have the experience of managing an entire operation. By engaging security operations firms early, the event will be off to a good start.

25th-27th September 2018 The Hague, Netherlands

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Europe is now under “constant attack” John Donlon Chairman International Association of CIP Professionals (IACIPP)

Europe is now under “constant attack” from terror groups. These are the recent words of the UK Security Minister; Ben Wallace who describes an increasing threat as so called Islamic State loses territory in Syria and Iraq. His comments come just days after IS said it was behind the tragic attacks in Spain and continue to be a reminder to all of the need for increased vigilance and awareness in our day to day lives. In my last article in June, I spoke of the apparent random nature of attacks only really being matched by the uncertainty of future targets. This certainly still appears to be the case and we all have to continue to be mindful that complacency is an open invitation to those who would seek to do us harm.

all staff with security and resilience responsibilities • Legality, Ethics and Transparency: Security principles, policies and procedures should be transparent, understandable and accessible • Strong Security Culture - Soft Measures: A good security culture relies on visible endorsement and engagement from the top driving clear and fit-for-purpose security policies (particularly on how to report incidents) supported by training and regular communication • Strong Security Culture – Hard Measures: There should be robust procedures for dealing with poor security behaviour, enforcing policies visibly and quickly for staff, contractors and suppliers who do not comply.

Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Information remains a priority consideration for countries, and continues to be subject to new initiatives, innovations and Government policies. However welcome these Protective security and resilience should come new initiatives may be we also need to ensure we do not lose sight of the basics. Defence-inthrough a sensible mix of good housekeeping depth should be obtained through employing a range of the most appropriate measures, applied in proportion to what matters most, what is most at risk and what is most vulnerable. Alongside these it is important to recognise that ultimately

Protective security and resilience should come through a sensible mix of good housekeeping, the use of appropriate barriers, deterrents, detection and recovery systems. We all know that there is a plethora of advice out there with regards to security and resilience and it is eminently sensible to remind ourselves of some of the ‘basics’ and take stock of where we are on a regular basis. Areas such as threat and risk identification, risk management approaches and mitigations are normally well formalised and regularly reviewed but it is often other areas, such as those within good housekeeping that may not get the attention they need. These could include: • Good Governance: Is it clear who is accountable for security at board/executive level and are there clear reporting lines to

it is your people who could be the make or break of your security. Even in this enlightened age often overlooked is the potential for your own employees/contractors to inflict damage or disruption. This could be intentional through staff that have become disgruntled or disaffected or could be through the external manipulation of your people. Whatever the reason or means it is essential that workplace behaviours are capable of being monitored and employee risk is clearly understood. The terrorism threat continues to be both constantly moving and multilayered and the biggest gift we can give to those who would seek to cause harm is complacency. Believing that the latest trends may not be focused in a certain direction can lead to a reduced vigilance in some of the ‘basics’ and produce vulnerabilities which are easily avoided.

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INTERPOL Dialogue unites public and private sectors to combat cyber and financial crimes Governance Architecture, and will develop recommendations aimed at streamlining the global response in the face of escalating cyber and financial crime threats.

A high-level dialogue hosted by INTERPOL is bringing together senior public and private sector officials to identify areas for closer cooperation to more effectively combat cyber and financial crime. Nearly 190 representatives from law enforcement, financial, telecommunications and Internet sectors are taking part in the two-day (12 and 13 July) Countering Cyber and Financial Crime: A High-level Dialogue for a New

The interconnectivity which enables individuals, associations, corporations and government agencies to establish powerful partnerships and platforms, also means that when one player in this virtual chain comes under attack, every link is potentially vulnerable. Although this increased connectivity can open both public and private sectors to sophisticated and hitech scams, basic social engineering frauds involving just a telephone remain one of the most widespread. INTERPOL’s Operation First

Light 2016, targeting a variety of social engineering frauds and related financial crimes, resulted in the arrest of 1,500 people in one twomonth period alone. In Spain police closed 13 call centres in Madrid, Barcelona and Alicante which had scammed thousands of victims in Asia out of some EUR 16 million. Addressing the meeting, INTERPOL President Meng Hongwei said greater unity was essential to combat this ‘flood’ of cyber and financial crime, and called for an alliance between the public and private sectors. “Law enforcement agencies, banks, financial institutions, Internet service providers and telecom operators face many difficulties in addressing cyber and financial crimes, in particular the constraints

relating to information sharing, data privacy laws, multijurisdiction issues and a lack of resources. “No single entity is able to rely on their efforts alone to combat these crimes, so we need to create a strong coalition between the involved parties which can develop a quick response mechanism to better protect our systems and enhance the investigation process,” said President Meng. INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock said the Organization is ideally positioned to be the gateway and interface for more streamlined cooperation between global law enforcement and private industry partners, especially in the financial and telecommunications sectors.

Massive Blow to Criminal Dark Web Activities

Two major law enforcement operations, led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Dutch National Police, with the support of Europol, have shut down the infrastructure of an underground criminal economy responsible for the trading of over 350 000 illicit commodities including drugs, firearms and cybercrime malware. The coordinated law enforcement action in Europe and the US ranks as one of the most

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sophisticated takedown operations ever seen in the fight against criminal activities online. “This is an outstanding success by authorities in Europe and the US,” Rob Wainwright, the Executive Director of Europol, said today, while appearing alongside the US Attorney General, Acting FBI Director and Deputy Director of the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), at a special press conference in Washington DC. “The capability of drug traffickers

and other serious criminals around the world has taken a serious hit today after a highly sophisticated joint action in multiple countries. By acting together on a global basis the law enforcement community has sent a clear message that we have the means to identify criminality and strike back, even in areas of the Dark Web. There are more of these operations to come,” he added. Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, said: “The Dark Web is growing into a haven of rampant

criminality. This is a threat to our societies and our economies that we can only face together, on a global scale. The take-down of the two largest criminal Dark Web markets in the world by European and American law enforcement authorities shows the important and necessary result of international cooperation to fight this criminality. I congratulate the American and Dutch authorities for their successful work, as well as Europol for centrally supporting this endeavour. Our fight against criminal activities online and offline will continue and intensify.”


Condemning deadly attack in Charlottesville, ODIHR Director calls for leaders and authorities to counter racist rhetoric Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), condemned the violent attack by a suspected white supremacist in the United States that caused one death and injured at least 19 people. “My first thoughts are with the victims of this heinous crime,” said Director Gísladóttir. “This attack took place in a climate of racist,

xenophobic and anti-Semitic speech, and demonstrates the danger of such intolerant rhetoric becoming the incitement to violent crimes. Political leaders must speak out against such rhetoric in all its forms.” “The U.S. authorities should also fully investigate possible hate motivations behind this attack, and prosecute it as a hate crime if the evidence supports such a charge,” she added.

One woman was killed and at least 19 injured when the attacker drove his car into their group. The attack followed a rally by white supremacist groups in Charlottesville, Virginia, including individuals carrying firearms and other weapons. A counter-demonstration was met with violence by members of self-described “militias”, and the police were reportedly unable to prevent clashes between the two groups.

“This terrible incident underscores the responsibility of law enforcement and other authorities to do everything in their power to ensure that people can safely exercise their freedom of peaceful assembly,” the ODIHR Director said.

INTERPOL and Palo Alto Networks team up to strengthen efforts in combating cybercrime cyberthreats and cybercrime.

INTERPOL and Palo Alto Networks have signed an agreement which will see increased cooperation between the two organizations to prevent and combat cybercrime. The accord, signed at the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore, provides a framework for threat information exchange focusing on data related to criminal trends in cyberspace,

In April this year, Palo Alto Networks was one of seven private sector companies which provided support to an INTERPOL-led operation targeting cybercrime across the ASEAN region, resulting in the identification of nearly 9,000 command-and-control servers and hundreds of compromised websites, including government portals. Information provided by the private sector combined with cyber issues flagged by the participating countries enabled specialists from INTERPOL’s Cyber Fusion Centre to produce 23 Cyber Activity Reports. “Tackling cybercrime is not something which law

enforcement can do in isolation. Cooperation with the private sector is essential if we are to effectively combat this global phenomenon,” said Noboru Nakatani, Executive Director of the IGCI. “INTERPOL’s agreement with Palo Alto Networks is an important step in our ongoing efforts to ensure law enforcement worldwide has access to the information they need to combat cyberthreats which are a significant issue for both the public and private sectors,” added Mr Nakatani. “Cybercrime represents a significant amount of risk for businesses and organisations today. This collaboration marks a mutual commitment

to information sharing, which is necessary in preventing successful cyberattacks. Together with INTERPOL, we can continue to raise awareness and educate business leaders and reduce the collective cybersecurity risk over time,” said Sean Duca, vice president and regional chief security officer for Asia-Pacific, Palo Alto Networks. An expert from Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42, its threat intelligence team, will be assigned to collaborate with the IGCI, helping provide a clearer understanding of the current landscape, which can equip law enforcement officers with information needed to prevent cyberattacks.

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Join the Community and help make a difference Dear CIP professional I would like to invite you as an infrastructure operator or related government agency representative to join the International Association of Critical Infrastructure Protection Professionals a newly formed body that seeks to encourage the exchange of information and promote collaborative working internationally. As an Association we aim to deliver discussion and innovation – on many of the serious Infrastructure - Protection - Management and Security Issue challenges - facing both Industry and Governments. The ever changing and evolving nature of threats, whether natural through climate change or man made through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber, means there is a continual need to review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing and changing demands. Our initial overall objectives are: • To develop a wider understanding of the challenges facing both industry and governments • To facilitate the exchange of appropriate infrastructure & information related information and to maximise networking opportunities • To promote good practice and innovation • To facilitate access to experts within the fields of both Infrastructure and Information protection and resilience • To create a centre of excellence, promoting close co-operation with key international partners • To extend our reach globally to develop wider membership that reflects the needs of all member countries and organisations For further details and to join, visit and be amongst the first to shape the future of this increasingly critical sector of national security. We look forward to welcoming you.

John Donlon QPM, FSI Chairman IACIPP


NiDAR Command and Control System Installed on a Flotilla of Fast Interceptor Boats MARSS Group have announced an important new contract with the installation of NiDAR command and control system on a flotilla of Zodiac Hurricane RIB fast patrol vessels. The contract with Zodiac Milpro, is valued at over USD 2million and was for the supply and installation of an expeditionary version of NIDAR command and control system and the complete sensors package. The NiDAR X (eXpeditionary) is to be fitted to a flotilla of 11m Hurricane RIB fast patrol and intercept vessels for an undisclosed special forces unit. With NiDAR X installed, the RIB’s are transformed into a fully networked widearea surveillance system, providing a shared situational awareness picture between each of the craft. NiDAR X is completely sensor agnostic so it integrates multiple sensors from each of the craft including; cameras, radar, sonar (optional) plus AIS, digital radio, tracker and transponder inputs to detect, identify and monitor unknown

of carrying surveillance equipment, such as a tactical ground vehicles or small craft. It can integrate and share the data of all available surveillance assets including other patrol vehicles, craft, UAV’s, UGV’s, ruggedized tablets, body worn camera’s and even “smart” glasses.

and known air, surface and underwater objects. NiDAR X provides detailed threat and targeting information to the vessel helmsman and other operators, via innovative head up displays. Any RIB can be designated as the command craft. The flotilla can either act independently as a high speed, high mobility surveillance/interdiction force, or via a dedicated high bandwidth digital radio system, share data with, or be controlled by, a command centre on land or a mothership. Rob Balloch – VP Sales for MARSS said “As far as we are

aware this is the first time a system of this capability has been fitted to any fleet of small tactical craft like RIB’s.” Rob Balloch went on to say: “The latest generation of Zodiac Hurricane RIBs are incredibly fast, flexible and maneuverable platforms, able to respond at high speed to all sorts of threats. With the addition of these high-performance sensors and NiDAR, this flotilla of RIBs becomes a fully integrated tactical network able to monitor, detect and respond to threats over an area of some 200 nautical square miles. “ NiDAR X is so flexible and can be installed on virtually any platform capable

MARSS see a whole range of other scenarios where this system can be deployed, such as; providing command and control for a fleet of vehicles to secure critical infrastructure, borders, an international event, sports meeting or conference. With NiDAR installed, these vehicles or fast water craft can even be temporarily deployed to protect a warship in a foreign port. NiDAR X enables any operator to cost effectively upgrade any fleet of small vehicles, land, sea or air and all available sensors into a fully networked tactical surveillance or reconnaissance system. It is what the military call a force multiplier; giving small platforms big platform capability.

DefenCell joins Maccaferri commissioning of New Hostile Vehicle Incursion Prevention System – MacSafe MacSafe is a new hostile vehicle incursion prevention system, developed in response to a need to upgrade security in public places. It is designed to integrate public safety discretely into the landscaping of highly trafficked public areas providing high performance with low visual impact.

The MacSafe system consists of a minimum two high tensile steel cables, anchored at each end with a

patented energy dissipation system. The cables are supported on tubular steel posts which are secured to

ground foundations. MacSafe has been installed on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France.

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BMT develops mobile application to help responders safely assess hazardous situations BMT has developed a mobile application to help responders safely assess hazardous situations. The system processes data captured by drones into real-time 2D and 3D maps of the scene, enabling responders to make fast, informed decisions about how to proceed. The research project was designed to help find a way of translating data gathered by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into real-time, user-friendly maps, accessible on a mobile, tablet or desktop. It was funded through the Defence and Security Accelerator themed competition ‘autonomy in hazardous scene assessment’. BMT collaborated with Blue Bear Systems, using their RISER unmanned aerial survey system, and with disaster risk reduction specialists Rescue Global, to develop a proof-of-concept tool which was successfully trialled in a live training exercise at

processes data captured by drones into real-time 2D and 3D maps of the scene, enabling responders to make fast, informed decisions about how to proceed.

the Fire Service College. The application is designed around a team of responders and can sit on any device. It utilises sensor data from small, lightweight, autonomous platforms – either commercial or specialist that are deployed to autonomously scan an environment, both inside and outside. The programme will evolve to combine advanced gas sensing technologies with other UAV platforms to allow a wider range of end users to use the tool with a view to deploying the system into the boot of the car of every responder within the next few years. Simon Luck, Head of

Information Systems and Information Assurance at BMT Defence Services comments: “Funding such as this is crucial and has enabled BMT to work with Rescue Global and Blue Bear to deliver an innovative proof-of-concept tool that enables first responders to gain rapid situational awareness of life-threatening hazards such as chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear substances. These types of projects allow us to progress vital technologies to deliver towards the wider national innovation agenda.” BMT has developed a mobile application to help responders safely assess hazardous situations. The system

The research project was designed to help find a way of translating data gathered by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into real-time, user-friendly maps, accessible on a mobile, tablet or desktop. It was funded through the Defence and Security Accelerator themed competition ‘autonomy in hazardous scene assessment’. BMT collaborated with Blue Bear Systems, using their RISER unmanned aerial survey system, and with disaster risk reduction specialists Rescue Global, to develop a proof-of-concept tool which was successfully trialled in a live training exercise at the Fire Service College. The application is designed around a team of responders and can sit on any device.

Raytheon enhances cyber threat hunting with CyberSponse automation tools Raytheon Company will integrate the CyberSponse security platform to automate threat detection and response for its managed services customers. This technology collaboration combines CyberSponse’s automated incident response and security orchestration capabilities with Raytheon’s innovative Virtual-Security Operations Center, or V-SOC services, to reduce attacker dwell time in enterprises defended by Raytheon.

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The combination of Raytheon and CyberSponse capabilities will give existing security operations centers the ability to collect data and react at near machine speed. This approach improves the efficiency of security operations by removing the time consuming and repetitive manual tasks found throughout the incident response lifecycle. “Our enhanced offering enables our expert human defenders to do what they do best: hunt for more

sophisticated, evolving threats,” said Mark Orlando, chief technology officer for Raytheon’s managed security services business. SOC orchestration, the method of connecting security tools and data, and automation platforms are gaining traction in the security product market because they automate time-consuming incident response tasks across multiple point security products and case management tools.

“CyberSponse’s advanced technology coupled with Raytheon’s expertise in managed security services bring together a powerful combination of experience and technology to advance protective measures for customers,” said Larry Johnson, CEO of CyberSponse. “Our collaboration with Raytheon enhances our security automation platform which is essentially the central nucleus of security operations teams and toolsets.”


Battelle Working with Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) To Strengthen U.S. Network of Explosives Detection Canine Teams Canine and explosives experts are reaching out to state and local law enforcement across the country, assisted by Battelle researchers, to better understand current capability gaps and to provide vital education, testing, and training to the nearly 4,000 canine teams working in those agencies. It’s not quite teaching old dogs new tricks, but it is acknowledgment that these hardworking and effective canine teams don’t always have easy access to the latest knowledge, tactics, and materials. Calling it REDDI, the Regional Explosives Detection Dog Initiative, The Department of Homeland Security’s Advanced Research Project Agency dispatched its team of trainers, evaluators, and scientist early this spring, and have continued with additional sessions in Miami in June; and Long Beach, CA in July. It is all in an effort to help the canine teams realize their

full potential by arming them with key information on threat materials and recent attacks, exposing them to relevant operational scenarios, and providing an opportunity for valuable odor training. The DHS’s Explosive Detection Canine Program is working with subject matter experts from Battelle, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division. “At Battelle, we have more than 20 years of experience in caninefocused research, development, testing, and evaluation,” said Kevin Good, Senior Research Scientist. “With our teams of engineers, chemists, biologists, explosives experts and veterinarians, we are perfectly suited to provide the insight and tools necessary to understand and advance the performance of our nation’s canine teams.”

Ultra Electronics USSI - HyperSpike® has announced that it has been awarded an order valued at over $400k for multiple HS-14 RAHD™ systems for a major defense and security prime integrator This is the third substantial, multiple unit order for HS-14 RAHD™ to be used in U.S. infrastructure reinforcement this past year.

RAHD™ can be configured with a video camera, search light or laser dazzler and IP-enabled sensors. These additional tools provide security personnel valuable time and information to evaluate possible intrusions.

The HyperSpike® proprietary technology incorporated into the HS-14 RAHD™ allows for 148 dB of penetrating acoustics and authoritative verbal commands that cut through high background noise environments. Operated remotely across an IP network, the HS-14 RAHD™ allows operators to respond to potential threats

from a safe setting, creating a complete unmanned perimeter security solution

with an acoustic footprint of up to 1500m. Enhancing the remote abilities, the HS-14

Patrick Allison, Vice President of Marketing and Sales for HyperSpike commented: “The Ultra Electronics HyperSpike® team takes great pride in offering acoustic hailing solutions that strengthen our country’s safety and security.”

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Sonardyne sonars installed to protect new Middle East energy facility Maritime security company, Sonardyne International Ltd, UK, has announced that its underwater intruder detection sonar technology, Sentinel, has been installed on the site of a new Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) facility in the Middle East to monitor unauthorised access from the sea. The programme of work included the supply of multiple inwater sonars and redundant control room equipment in order to provide uninterrupted situational awareness over a large waterfront. CNI facilities such as power plants, dams, gas storage terminals and offshore oil platforms represent attractive targets for sabotage. Many of these installations have comprehensive above-thewater security systems that can include physical barriers, access control, surface radar and long range optoelectrical sensors. However, many are vulnerable to intrusion from the water, and in particular, from below the

closed circuit. Due to the strategic importance of the new facility within the region, for the first time Sonardyne was requested to supply dual redundant controlroom equipment to ensure uninterrupted service. All equipment was interfaced with the facility’s third party C2 (Command and Control) security system. surface. Sonardyne’s Sentinel closes this gap in surveillance capability. It reliably detects, tracks and classifies divers and small underwater vehicles approaching a protected asset, alerting security personnel to the potential threat. With a track record spanning more than 10 years, Sentinel is widely regarded as the security industry’s most extensively deployed diver detection sonar. The small, lightweight design of Sentinel’s in-water sonar

unit makes it ideal for mobile security operations but for this contract, Sonardyne’s in-country partner installed the sonars on permanent seabed mounts placed in key locations around the shoreline. Each sonar is designed to provide 360 degrees of coverage and provides long range warning of incoming targets for the local security personnel to intercept the threat. It is even able to determine, with a high degree of probability, what type of diving equipment they are wearing; open or

Speaking about the contract, Paul Rosewarne, Maritime Security for Sonardyne in the Middle East said, “Our announcement today marks the end of many months of planning and on-site activities with our local technical partners and end client to deliver, install and commission Sentinel at this important new facility.” He added; “We’re confident that our diver detection technology will provide the same peace of mind as the many other Sentinel systems that are in service across the region.”

IPS Announces the Addition of the New ORION 900 HX and ORION HX Deluxe Non-Linear Junction Detector to their Existing Range of REI Products The new ORION 900 HX NLJD uses lower frequency to detect electronic semiconductor components through dense materials such as bricks, concrete and soil. The longer 900 MHz wavelength enables it to detect older, less refined circuitry, to detect and locate hidden cameras, microphones, and other electronic devices regardless of whether the surveillance

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device is radiating, hard wired, or turned off. Whereas the ORION 2.4 HX NLJD has a shorter wavelength of 2.4GHz, is better at detecting modern, surface-mounted circuitry and electronic semi-conductor components within normal office environments. The ORION HX Deluxe

NLJD has interchangeable 2.4GHz / 900 MHz antenna heads which are easily exchanged. The touch screen controller, automatically recognises which antenna is being used and displays the corresponding data. The Deluxe sweeps both small, modern circuitry in office environments, and older, less refined circuitry through dense materials.


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World Security Report

World Security Report is a quarterly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 40,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. Smiths Detection

Obexion Shutters, developed by Charter Global Ltd, now include the first ever security shutters certified to LPS 1175, Issue 7, SR5 Security shutters to SR2, SR3, SR4 and bespoke risk specific specifications also available protection without compromise

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World Security Report

World Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 50,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. Smiths Detection

Border Security Report

Border Security Report is the bimonthly border management industry magazine delivering agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over16,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide. Smiths Detection


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September 2017

6-8 IFSEC Southeast Asia 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 7-9 CEDIA Expo 2017 San Diego, USA 12-15 Defence and Security Equipment International 2017 London, UK 14-17 ISAF Security Istanbul, Turkey 27-28 SecurityUser Expo 2017 Copenhagen, Denmark

October 2017

4-6 Fire & Disaster Asia Singapore 4-6 Safety & Security Asia Singapore

November 2017

14-17 8th Middle East Security Conference & Exhibition Kingdom of Bahrain 6-9 Defense & Security Asia Bangkok, Thailand

39 - World Security Report

To have your event listed please email details to the editor

7-9 Securexpo East Africa Nairobi, Kenya

December 2017

5-7 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA

March 2018

20-22 World Border Security Congress Madrid, Spain

July 2018

17-19 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Asia Sarawak, Malaysia

September 2018

25-27 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe The Hague, Netherlands

December 5-7, 2017

Kennedy Space Center Florida

Online Registration Now Open


Early Bird Deadline: November 5th, 2017 Register online at

Current confirmed speakers include:

The Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21): Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience advances a national policy to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure. There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety.

• Senior Representative, Office of Infrastructure Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Americas brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to debate and collaborate on securing North America’s critical infrastructure. Conference Topics Announced An exciting range of topics have been announced for the conference program to include discussions: Developing Greater Resilience in CNI; PPP & Collaboration in CIP and CIIP; Emerging Threats on CNI; Cyber Security Legislation, Best Practice & Standards; Standards and Best Practice in CIP and Resilience; Cybersecurity Threats and Trends; Enhancing Preparedness and Response Capabilities; Cyber Defence Strategies for CII; Technologies to Detect and Protect; Cyber Techniques and Technologies to Detect, Prevent and Protect; Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Join us in Orlando, Florida for the premier event for operators and government establishments tasked with the regions Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience. For further details and conference fees visit To discuss exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities and your involvement with Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Americas please contact:

• Fred Ruonavar, Chief of DISA/DODIN Critical Infrastructure Program

• Michael Lowder, Director – Office of Intelligence, Security & Emergency Response, US Dept of Transportation • Mark Troutman, Director, George Mason University • Frederic Petit, Research Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory & Regional Director, International Association of CIP Professionals • Victoria Sherazi, Project Lead “Mitigating Risks in the Innovation Economy”, World Economic Forum • Stacey Stanchfield, Lead Cybersecurity Engineer, MITRE • Nathaniel Evans, Cyber Operations, Analysis and Research Lead, Argonne National Laboratory • Adrian Fielding, Business Leader – Telecoms and Security Integration, Honeywell • Brian Harrell, Director of Security and Risk Management, Navigant • Guy Buesnel, PNT Security Technologist, Spirent Communications

Paul McPherson (Americas) E: T: +1-240-463-1700

Marc Soeteman (Benelux & Germany) E: T: +31 (0) 6 1609 2153

• James Menge, Sales Area Manager, Bertin Corp

Paul Gloc (UK and Rest of World) E: T: +44 (0) 7786 270 820

Jerome Merite (France) E: T: +33 (0) 6 11 27 10 53

• Andrea Chiappetta, Professor of Geopolitics, Marconi International University

• Andrew Tormey, Business Development, Gryphon Sensors

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