World Security Report NovDec 2016

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Official Magazine of


FEATURE: Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Assessment PAGE 8

FEATURE: Energy Security and Conflicts: Protecting our Critical Energy Infrastructures with Oil and Gas Infrastructure Specific Approach PAGE 12

FEATURE: Today’s Authentication Challenges Require Going Beyond 2FA and MFA PAGE14



disruption, terrorism and the corporate response

A World Turned Upside Down! Nearly six month’s on from Brexit, the world seems like a very different place. The UK is on its way out of the EU, Donald Trump is President elect of the USA and more recently Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy has resigned after referendum defeat on a constitutional issue. Is this another victory for a growing antiglobalisation, anti-establishment populist movement? Well France’s far-right Front National leader, Marine Le Pen seems to think so; “The Italians have disavowed the EU and Renzi. We must listen to this thirst for freedom of nations,” she said. But then she would! EU Economics Commissioner Pierre Moscovici dismissed the referendum as a domestic issue and said it was not a vote against the EU. But then of course, he would! The undeniable fact is that populist parties are on the rise and anti-immigration and xenophobia with it. As a result we are now sitting very uncomfortably in unknown territory wondering how we got here and why? Well there’s no single answer to questions this big but you can bet your bottom dollar that organisations like ISIS and Al Qaeda will be telling their adherents that it was their campaign that has destabilised the West giving rise to the populist parties. And, they will say, if we just keep up the pressure by killing people on the streets of Europe and the US, the whole edifice of Western imperialism will implode and come crashing down. It’s not difficult to imagine their rational. The ISIS war in Iraq, Syria and Libya has led to mass migration. Mass migration has led to widespread anti-immigration feeling amongst the Western populations. Terrorism on the streets of Europe, the US and elsewhere has created a climate of fear directed at foreigners and Muslims specifically. Hence Brexit, Trump and the growth of nationalist parties. There’s plenty of rhetoric from extremist groups to confirm the view:

“Rejoice with support from Allah, and find glad tidings in the imminent demise of America at the hands of Trump,” the Washington Post reported al-Minbar Jihadi Media, an ISIS-affiliated network, recently wrote online. “Trump’s win of the American presidency will bring hostility of Muslims against America as a result of his reckless actions, which show the overt and hidden hatred against them.” SITE Intelligence Group director Rita Katz said white supremacists called Trump’s win a “victory for nationalism” and supporters of al-Qaeda and ISIL said his win exposed America’s “hatred of Muslims” and will contribute to the West’s downfall, likening it to Brexit – Britain’s exit from the European Union.

But probably the most prophetic claims came from Taliban commanders and Islamic State supporters saying the “Campaign trail rhetoric against Muslims, at one point calling for a total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States - will play perfectly in their recruitment efforts, especially for disaffected youth in the West” according to Reuters. President elect Trump has given his Generals 30 days from the day he takes office to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. This makes perfect sense. Defeating ISIS on the ground, in their own self-declared ‘Caliphate’ is the pre-requisite to their ultimate defeat. But any strategy that relies on battlefield defeat alone is not enough. As the ‘Caliphate’ is slowly reduced and finally destroyed, as it ultimately must, given the application of overwhelming military force. ISIS fighters and their ideology will disperse, infiltrating back into the societies from which many came. And if we provide the right conditions of distrust, hatred and Islamophobia, like a cancer ISIS and its ideology will grow again and flourish. So, unlike the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the war against ISIS must include a post war strategy to win the peace. The military strategy must be matched by an equally well resourced plan to win the hearts and minds of the Muslims in the region and within our own societies.

Tony Kingham Editor

Editorial: Tony Kingham E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker E: Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker E: Subscriptions: Tony Kingham E:

World Security Report is a bimonthly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 50,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, armed and security forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It is a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counter-terrorism, international affairs, warfare and defence.

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Hotspots in 2017: disruption, terrorism and the corporate response

The global security landscape in 2017 is likely to remain highly complicated and fraught. A surge in new conflicts since the 2011 Arab Spring has helped fuel this. Led by Syria, recent conflicts have been particularly violent and disruptive, resulting in the sharpest increases in battlefield deaths, terrorism-related deaths and displaced persons since the end of the Cold War.

The militarisation of strategic confrontations worldwide is of growing concern for business because of the rising potential for accident or miscalculation. While major conflict remains unlikely in the South or East China Seas, further militarisation of disputes among China, its neighbours and the US over territorial control and freedom of navigation is likely. Similarly, Saudi Arabia and Iran will continue to avoid direct military engagement in 2017 in favour of proxy conflicts in Syria and Yemen, but also continue to jockey for position in both the strategic Hormuz and Bab el-Mandeb straits. As anticipated, the Iran nuclear deal – while preventing a regional nuclear arms race – has emboldened Iran to challenge the US-Saudi regional security architecture.

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Russia, meanwhile, will strive to avoid a direct and unwinnable military confrontation with NATO, even as domestic political and economic factors continue to promote militarisation of foreign policy. NATO’s Baltic deterrence task force will be in place by early 2017, initially under UK leadership, blunting overt military threats to Europe. However, Russia is likely to maintain a high level of air patrols in or near European airspace, and will continue to bolster its Black Sea and Mediterranean naval fleets, with a view towards securing its positions in Crimea and Syria. IS territorial collapse leads to fragmentation in terrorism risk Escalation in the militarisation of strategic conflicts worldwide, direct or by proxy, has helped create the more fragmented,

less predictable terrorism threat that companies will face in 2017. Alongside persistent threats from left-wing, right-wing and ethnonational militant groups, the Islamist extremist threat continues to evolve. The most significant evolution will be the collapse of IS territorial control in Syria and Iraq. IS will lose much of its financial and military resource base; its safe haven for training militants and producing propaganda; a convenient platform for launching transnational attacks; and – crucially – the geographic pillar of its ideological influence. The collapse of IS territory is likely to prompt a global exodus of foreign fighters. IS specifically – and Syrian militant groups generally – have benefited from an unprecedented influx of foreign fighters. A trickle of foreign fighters returning home, especially to Western Europe, could


become a flood, imbuing local extremist networks with experience and capability. With the loss of its territory and part of its foreign fighter contingent returning home, IS is likely to shift further towards transnational terrorism. In Western Europe, a series of IS cells have been disrupted since the March 2016 attacks in Brussels, while ‘virtual’ IS controllers operating via encrypted chat apps have been linked to several small-scale ‘homegrown’ attacks.

co-ordination, but remain far from being an integrated regional counter-terrorism system. No European police or intelligence service currently has the resources to monitor all potential threats all the time. The situation is more favourable in the US, which faces smaller domestic and foreign extremist networks, and is geographically more difficult for foreign militants to access.

What will stay the same however is the existence of a dense library of high-quality, vernacular jihadist propaganda online, serving as a source of inspiration and incitement for jihadist sympathisers and other threat actors. Extremist methods will also continue to colour violent acts by disaffected, attentionseeking, aggrieved or mentally disturbed individuals. Motivations in many violent acts are more likely to be ambiguous and potentially more precipitous, defying easy categorisation or apprehension.

At a basic level, the militarisation of global conflict and fractured terrorism threat increases and complicates a company’s basic duty of care obligation. In fulfilling duty of care, the litmus test consists of identifying risks to employees that are ‘reasonably foreseeable’ and putting programmes in place to mitigate such risks. Altering the threat environment like this radically expands the scope of a ‘reasonably foreseeable’ risk. Put simply, companies now have a larger share of responsibility for a problem that is also harder to define.

Few governments are ignorant or idle in the face of shifting terrorism threats. The US, Europe and allied countries such as Canada and Australia will remain involved in counter-terrorism operations in many theatres in 2017. This will continue to supply intent for both jihadist groups and homegrown extremists to carry out retaliatory attacks. The US in particular may adopt an even more aggressive global counter-terrorism posture under the next administration. The public response Counter-terrorism co-ordination continues to face institutional and resource deficiencies. In Europe, significant deficiencies persist in routine information and threat intelligence sharing between countries and agencies – even in the same country. Efforts launched by Europol in early 2016 may eventually improve international

The corporate challenge

Company responses In response, companies are adjusting risk management practices. They are augmenting threat intelligence and monitoring programmes to leverage technology, while updating crisis management and risk mitigation planning to account for new scenarios. Despite its benefits, technology also poses one of the greatest risks for businesses. The disclosure of advanced cyber weapons – as well as the colonisation of new internet of things terrain – is just the latest wave in the developing cyber capabilities of nation states, criminal groups and hacktivists. Such is the concern around cyber security, that it warrants a corporate response in its own right. Companies are also revisiting insider threat programmes in light of the convergence of self-radicalisation with traditional

workplace or personal grievances. Companies have started to tackle threat intelligence as a ‘big data’ problem. The types of information sources available and the volume of potentially relevant threat data – especially via social media – have exploded in recent years, prompting companies to adjust both threat assessments and monitoring programmes. Technology is helping to substantially automate and optimise this process, particularly via the spread of the virtual global security operations centres (GSOCs) model, as well as the application of machine learning to threat intelligence. Multinationals are also working to mitigate the risk by: • Selectively beefing up physical security precautions for personnel and assets. • Recalibrating impact mitigation planning to reflect the changing threat environment. As part of this, crisis and incident management programmes have been adjusted to reflect diffuse terrorism risks and involve relevant intelligence and law enforcement stakeholders. • Sharing information among peer organisations and conducting formal third-party benchmarking against those peers. Success in 2017 means recognising and adapting to a prolonged period of strategic uncertainty. With a wider range of plausible risks threatening businesses, risk prioritisation will become more difficult. As risk comes closer to home, businesses should apply consistent methodologies and processes regardless of geography.

By Bill Udell, Senior Partner and Jonathan Wood, Director at Control Risks

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G r e e n l a n d ( D E N M A R K )

Alaska (US) Reykjavik


Faeroe Islands (DENMARK)








Northern Ireland (UK)










Brussels BELGIUM






Quebec Montréal Ottawa

Minneapolis Toronto





St Louis San Francisco

Corsica (FRANC

Barcelona New York Philadelphia


Washington (DC)








Oran Los Angeles


Phoenix Dallas





Madeira (PORTUGAL)




New Orleans




Canary Islands (SPAIN)



Western Sahara



RiskMap 2016






Hawaiian Islands (US)

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Mexico City

GUATEMALA Guatemala City San Salvador







Port-au-Prince Kingston


San Pedro Sula

HONDURAS Tegucigalpa










Niamey Bamako





San José Colón

M A L I Dakar



















TOGO Cotonou Lomé Accra

Lagos Port Harcourt






Quito Manta











Panama City















La Paz


Salvador da Bahia


Santa Cruz Belo Horizonte

Rio de Janeiro





São Paulo

Santa Fe Rosario


Buenos Aires



Falkland Islands (UK)

Copyright © Control Risks 2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part prohibited without the prior consent of the Company.

The Risk Ratings are compiled from sources that Control Risks considers to be reliable or are expressions of opinion. Control Risks has made reasonable commercial efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information on which the Risk R are based, however, the Risks Ratings are provided ‘as is’ and include reasonable judgments in the circumstances prevailing at the time. The Risk Ratings provided should not be construed as definitive or binding advice. Boundaries and n shown on this map do not imply endorsement or acceptance by Control Risks.


























St Petersburg


Gothenburg Riga



Aarhus Copenhagen

Kaliningrad (RUSSIA)


Novosibirsk Minsk









Bratislava Budapest



Rostov on Don



SLOVENIA Ljubljana









Nizhniy Novgorod

















C H I N A Lahore


Al Khobar




Fuzhou Dubai


Abu Dhabi















Sulu archipelago


Kuala Lumpur






Marshall Is.






abinda GOLA)

Micronesia Aceh







Ho Chi Minh City Jaffna






Phnom Penh





Addis Ababa

Douala Yaoundé

N. Mariana Is.





Poso Sulawesi















Shenzhen Hong Kong

LAOS Hyderabad















Port Sudan


Shanghai Hangzhou










JAPAN Tokyo Nagoya























Vladivostok Shenyang







Kurdistan Region Erbil



























Dar es Salaam










Bougainville (PNG)


Port Moresby


















NAMIBIA Windhoek

Port Louis





Réunion (FRANCE)

Gaborone Pretoria Johannesburg







HIGH security in deprived urban areas Perth

Cape Town

Sydney Adelaide

Canberra Auckland Melbourne

NEW ZEALAND Wellington







The security risk rating evaluates the likelihood of state or non-state actors engaging in actions that harm the financial, physical and human assets of a company. It assesses the extent to which the state is willing and able to protect those assets and the extent to which state or non-state actors are capable of harming those assets. The impact of security risk on companies can include theft, injury, kidnap, damage to installations, information theft, extortion, fraud, expropriation and loss of control over business. Security risk may vary for companies and investment projects because of factors such as industry sector, investor nationality and geographic location.


Areas of heightened piracy risk.

Ratings names






The political risk rating evaluates the likelihood of state or non-state political actors negatively affecting business operations in a country. It assesses the extent to which the state is willing and able to guarantee contracts and the extent to which non-state actors may threaten the viability of business operations. The impact of political risk on companies can include negative government policy, judicial insecurity, exposure to corruption, reputational damage, expropriation and nationalisation, and international sanctions. It assesses the extent to which political, economic and institutional stability may enhance or diminish the likelihood of these risks taking place. Political risk may vary for companies and investment projects because of factors such as industry sector and investor nationality.

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Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Assessment

Throughout the world there is strong recognition that critical infrastructure security and resilience needs to be improved. In the United States, the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) provides the strategic vision to guide the national effort to manage risk to the Nation’s critical infrastructure.” The achievement of this vision is challenged by the complexity of critical infrastructure systems and their inherent interdependencies.

The update to the NIPP presents an opportunity to advance the nation’s efforts to further understand and analyze interdependencies. Such an important undertaking requires the involvement of public and private sector stakeholders and the reinforcement of existing partnerships and collaborations within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other Federal agencies, including national laboratories; State, local, tribal, and territorial governments; and nongovernmental organizations.

interdependencies constitute a risk multiplier: they can themselves be a threat or hazard, affect the resilience and protection performance of critical infrastructure, and lead to cascading and escalating failures.

Interdependencies influence all components of risk (Figure 1). Assessing critical infrastructure interdependencies requires the consideration of complex and

Characterizing Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Critical infrastructure

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Figure 1 Effect of Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies on Risk Components


systems. This information can in turn help determine where to conduct more detailed site assessments on only the most critical asset-level components.

Figure 2 Dimensions of Interdependencies

multidimensional elements (Figure 2). The term “Type of Dependency” classifies the existing interactions between infrastructures. “Operating Environment” characterizes elements that could affect the different types of interdependencies. “Coupling and Response Behavior” illustrates how a critical infrastructure could respond to a disruption related to a dependency. “Type of Failure” addresses the degradation that could result from existing interactions between infrastructures. Finally, a risk assessment that integrates interdependency considerations must account for the specific “Infrastructure Characteristics” of each infrastructure and for each one’s “State of Operation” when an incident occurs (e.g., degradation of infrastructure interconnections). A complete understanding of interdependencies should incorporate multiple aspects of this multi-dimensional space.

to manage these complexities, the infrastructure community should use a process that helps partners prioritize resilience assessment efforts through a “systems approach” to regional interdependency analysis. This approach is based on the assumption that a critical asset or facility can be considered as part of a broader system of infrastructure. Higher-level constructs (e.g., a community or a region) include multiple systems. As such, a community or a region operates as a “system of systems.” Viewed within this framework, high-level systems analysis—using proven and scientifically sound tools—can help identify the most critical lower-level

A “system of systems” approach can help establish the appropriate scope of an interdependency analysis, as well as the specific assets and/or subsystems for which resilience-related information should be collected. Using this approach, analysis would consider the highlevel context (e.g., a geographic region or an industry sector) and the associated states of these systems, ultimately represented by the most critical assets to inform the scope and focus of a resilience assessment, including the most critical assets from which to collect interdependency data. Executing this “system of systems” approach requires combining top-down and bottom-up data collection and analysis methods to fully consider regional infrastructure interdependencies (Figure 3). Top-down and bottom-up approaches are used in several engineering fields, including reliability, safety, system, and resilience engineering. , Top-down approaches involve analyzing a system (or multiple systems) in

A Systems Approach to Interdependency Analysis Infrastructure interdependency analysis can be analytically complicated, time consuming, and costly, which in turn can limit the ability of stakeholders to understand and use this information to make risk-informed decisions that enhance resilience. In order

Figure 3 Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches to Regional Dependency Analysis

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its entirety and then focusing on its component parts. Bottom-up approaches consist of analyzing the component parts of a system individually and then building on this analysis to describe the system as a whole. Taking a closer look at two of these engineering fields, reliability engineering generally uses a bottom-up approach to evaluate the effect of component failures on system function, while safety engineering generally requires a top-down approach that evaluates how hazardous states can occur at the system level, leading to failures of individual components. These failure and hazard analysis techniques are applicable to analysis of all types of systems, subsystems, or an integrated set of systems and can be used for a number of purposes, including: • Aiding in system design to withstand failure, • Assisting in operational planning, and • Providing inputs to risk management. Given the nature of dynamic and uncertain threats, there is a critical need for an integrated approach to optimize resilience and protection of critical infrastructure. A top-down approach provides simultaneous analysis of an entire system, enabling decision makers to define resilience measures for implementation at the system level. A bottom-up approach is more appropriate to determine resilience procedures at the facility level. Combining top-down and bottomup approaches is a comprehensive

Table 1 Comparison of Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches

method that can be used to support decision making based on accepted engineering principles. Interdependencies exist at individual levels (e.g., assets are interconnected with other assets) and between levels (e.g., assets are interconnected with systems, systems with other systems, and so on). Table 1 presents attributes of bottom-up and top-down approaches to critical infrastructure interdependencies assessments. Analyzing interdependencies among critical infrastructure first requires examining the unidirectional links (dependencies) and then considering the bidirectional links (interdependencies). These two types of links are the basis for conducting risk assessments considering the effects of critical infrastructure interdependencies on critical infrastructure vulnerabilities, resilience, and consequences. Conclusion Critical infrastructure dependencies and interdependencies are complex elements to consider. They are characterized by different dimensions (e.g., types, operating environment, coupling and response behavior, type of failure,

infrastructure characteristics, and state of operation). They influence all components of risk; can constitute a threat or hazard, affect the resilience and performance of critical infrastructure, and lead to the propagation of cascading and escalating failures. It is therefore essential to integrate the characterization of dependencies and interdependencies into risk and resilience methodologies. To achieve this ultimate goal, the development of a comprehensive and interactive assessment of critical infrastructure dependencies and interdependencies requires integrating multiple areas of expertise (e.g., engineering, social sciences, business continuity, and emergency management) in a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. Acknowledgment The submitted manuscript has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne. Argonne, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC0206CH11357. The U.S. Government retains for itself, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government. Frédéric Petit, Risk and Infrastructure Science Center, Global Security Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory and Duane Verner, Computation Institute, University of Chicago

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December 5-7, 2017

Orlando, Florida

The ever changing nature of threats, whether natural through climate change, or man-made through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber attacks, means the need to continually review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing demands.

- Chemical Sector - Commercial Facilities Sector - Communications Sector - Critical Manufacturing Sector

Call for Papers

- Dams Sector - Defense Industrial Base Sector - Emergency Services Sector

Abstract submittal deadline: 30th April 2017 Submit your abstract online at

- Energy Sector - Financial Services Sector

There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Americas brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to debate and collaborate on securing North America’s critical infrastructure. The Advisory Committee is now accepting abstracts for consideration for inclusion in the 2017 conference programme. Join us in Orlando, Florida for the premier event for operators and government establishments tasked with the regions Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience.

- Food and Agriculture Sector - Government Facilities Sector - Healthcare and Public Health Sector - Information Technology Sector - Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector - Sector-Specific Agencies - Transportation Systems Sector - Water and Wastewater Systems Sector

For further details and to submit your abstract visit To discuss exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities and your involvement with Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Americas please contact: Bernadette Terry (North America) E: bernadette@ T: +1-613-501-5316

Paul Gloc (UK and Rest of Europe) E: T: +44 (0) 7786 270 820

Marc Soeteman (Benelux & Germany) E: T: +31 (0) 6 1609 2153

Jerome Merite (France) E: T: +33 (0) 6 11 27 10 53

Leading the debate for securing Amercia’s critical infrastructure Owned & Organised by:

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Media Partners:

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Energy Security and Conflicts: Protecting our Critical Energy Infrastructures with Oil and Gas Infrastructure Specific Approach

The general and traditional literature concerning “energy security” is mostly associated with 4 A’s -especially from the consumer’s perspective- which could be defined as the ability to access available, accessible, acceptable and affordable source of energy. However, this traditional literature remains insufficient to understand today’s emerging threats and challenges and recent cases and lessons learned could be perceived as an immediate alert to take appropriate measures. For example, in 2016, World Economic Forum highlights the new geopolitical conflicts, cyber security and challenges in energy infrastructures as the current rising risks and relatively new challenges in shaping today’s energy security concept

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In fact, the war over resources has a long history and the relationship between oil and geopolitics first rose during World War I when this type of energy resource emerged as the new reliable source of energy supply. Today, despite the significant rise of renewables and other alternative types of alternative sources, statistics show that fossil fuels will remain their dominant position in global energy mix. In such context, where we are still living in a fossil fuel world, having the control over energy resources (mainly over oil and gas) is still considered to be an essential dimension of “power”. Similarly, it is widely recognized that the presence of fossil fuels and their concentration and the desire to control of these resources’ transportation modes could affect the risk of conflicts. Additionally, researches and statistics show that the conflicts and the physical attacks on energy infrastructures are generally concentrating in oil and gas producing regions which are generally associated with political and economic instability. A subject matter research, Energy Infrastructure Attack Database (EIAD) indicates that between 1980 and 2011, the top countries which experienced attacks on energy infrastructures were Colombia, Iraq and Pakistan. But how energy resources and conflicts interact and how to protect our energy infrastructures against emerging threats? This brief paper aims to investigate these two central questions and try to create a general framework for CEIP (Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection) -especially for oil and gas- from a conflict focused perspective. Linking Energy Resources and Infrastructures with Conflicts When a quick google search for the popular “energy and war” topic is conducted, it is possible to find around 3 million research results came over which had more than 5 million hits. Even though, there is no agreement on how energy resources and infrastructures interact with conflicts, some scholars tried to elaborate various categorizations to understand the relationship between these two phenomena. For example, Andre Mansson has developed three broad categories for understanding the link between energy resources and conflicts. 1) Energy could be the primary objective of conflict 2) Energy could have a mean in the conflict 3) Energy could be a cause of the conflict. In the first assumption, energy could be the real source or objective in the conflict. In such case, it is possible to observe that some actors may try to secure the vital parts of the energy systems or actors could try to influence international energy flows or the structure of market systems in order to maintain their security. The competition over energy rich Middle East region could be mentioned as a concrete example for this case. Or the terrorist attack targeted the In Amenas gas plant which is one of the largest Algerian gas facilities in 2012, January could be mentioned as a direct attack to an energy infrastructure which has an aim to create a major damage on gas supply or impact negatively regional and national energy security.

In the second category, energy could have a mean in the conflict and it could be used as a political tool to achieve non-energy-related objectives. The actors could use the vulnerabilities of the societies to disruption of energy flows or they could have the intention to damage the interests of a producer or a transit country. The Iranian oil embargo or the gas crisis between Ukraine and Russia in 2006 and 2009 has brought transit pipelines into the headlines and this incident could be mentioned as examples of this case. Recently, international community observed that in addition to energy resources, energy infrastructures could be targeted or used in the conflicts due to their strategic importance. For instance, the recent cyber-attack on Ukrainian power grid which caused a country wide black out could be mentioned as an example to understand how energy resources and unconventional threat vectors could be used as a reflection of geopolitical tensions among states. In the final case, “energy” could emerge as a part of conflict. In that case, energy could be used as “threat multiplier” or “catalyst” which could destabilize a country or increased the tension in an existing conflict. Such consequences could be observed in the case of resource curse, environmental degradation, reduced supply security, or interaction with food prices. As a socio-political factor, high food price crisis occurred during the “Arab Spring” could be mentioned here where energy is considered to be also a part of modern agriculture in these states. Additionally, as an assumption it could be claimed that low oil prices could be used or instrumentalized to increase the tension in some states or regions whose economies are highly dependent on energy exports. A Strategic Target: Oil and Gas

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Pipelines Besides the abundance or scarcity, their concentration and location of energy resources; the discussion on oil and gas pipelines and their resilience problematic emerges as another research question. Oil and gas pipelines and their major components- specifically pumping and compression stations- are vulnerable to attacks that could disrupt services and negatively impact economy. For instance, in London, police foiled a plot by the Irish Republican Army to bomb gas infrastructures and other utilities across the city. Between 2003 and 2007, 449 pipeline attacks were reported in Iraq Additionally, 67 major pipeline attacks were reported in Columbia between January and June 2012. Similarly, attacks on Yemen’s pipelines cost $US 15m per day in 2012. In Nigeria, 125 people lost their life due to pipeline related accidents in 2003 and estimated monthly cost of oil theft is around $1.5 billion in country according to 2016’s statistics. For transit pipelines which cross via multiple nations’ territories, the problem is becoming more challenging. In that respect, Chatham House released a report dated 2009 that explains the characteristics of transit pipelines which produces dispute and conflict: Firstly, different parties with different interests are involved in the transit pipeline projects. Secondly, there is no overarching legal jurisdiction to police and regulate activities and contacts and finally these types of projects attract profit and rent to be shared between various parties.

researchers pointed above, energy resources or infrastructures could be a main objective in a conflict or could be used as a tool to increase the tension or gaining political or economic leverage in a conflict.

How to Manage the Risks and Protect Oil and Gas Infrastructures

Regardless the reason of a conflict or an attack targeted an energy infrastructure is, the protection dimension should be a part of coherent and holistic security strategy. Popular approaches like using CCTV, fences, barriers may have a critical role in security nevertheless they could sometimes remain limited and could be easily disabled. On the other hand, responding the non-traditional and hybrid threats with traditional security measures is very difficult and a new security mindset for energy industry is required. According to experts, in responding these unconventional threats, the solution should not be solely technical, social tactics should be included in a layered protection approach. For example, partnering with all stakeholders and recognizing the requirements and characteristics of local communities could give a tactical advantage for defenders. Finally, conducting risk and threat impact assessment seems to be a pre-condition in securing the critical assets where multiple scenario based approaches could have a key role in building strategic security plans.

Even though, empirical data and researches show that there is an apparent link between energy resources, infrastructures and existing conflicts, making a typology and taxonomy to understand the main reason is challenging and it requires a case specific approach for analyzing each incident. As various

Ayhan Gücüyener Regional Director, Caspian and MENA International Association of CIP Professionals

Even the incident is an act of terrorism or sabotage, a small attack on pipelines could have devastating and expensive consequences. For instance, in October 2001, a single gun-shot caused a leak of 285,000 gallons of oil spill from Trans-Alaska Pipeline. The clean-up took several months and cost estimated $13 million. Another figure is explaining the cost of repairs to USA Onshore Pipelines according to 2004’s prices as below:

Cost of Repairs to USA Onshore Pipelines Repair

Cost (Prices 2004), $million

Repair (non-leaking) to gas pipeline (depends on whether supply is interrupted)

$20,000 to $40,000

Repair (leaking) to gas pipeline

~$200,000 to $400,000

Major Failure to Gas Line


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Today’s Authentication Challenges Require Going Beyond 2FA and MFA

Data breaches have plagued organizations of all sizes, both commercial and governmental, for over a decade and show no signs of abating. Alarmingly, the costs associate with data breaches are climbing fast.

In Finance and Banking alone the average cost per stolen record is $215 (2015 Ponemon report). Research shows that most breaches are due to compromised or stolen credentials. To combat this scourge, many organizations are beginning to implement two-factor and even multifactor authentication, but will this be an effective approach to stopping the rampant theft of data?

Why Two Factors Aren’t Enough Multifactor authentication was designed to add an additional layer of security to network and system access. While this might seem to provide stronger authentication security, it suffers from serious limitations. First, most solutions rely heavily on user-generated passwords as one factor and choices.

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Secondly, choices for the second factor are limited, typically a one-time-password (OTP). This lack of flexibility limits its effectiveness; it’s just too simplistic. Despite the large investment being made in authentication solutions, the biggest impediment to a workable solution hasn’t been removed – the reliance on human compliance and cooperation. Humans are incapable of creating and remembering strong passwords and defeating them is fairly straight forward, meaning that most multifactor authentication solutions ultimately boil down to one factor, an OTP. Additionally, most authentication solutions are unable to take risk into consideration, that is, the value of what is being accessed, who is accessing it, as well as when and where it is being accessed. It makes no sense to impose productivity draining authentication protocols on users that only want to edit run of the mill office document while it makes abundant sense to aggressively protect access to trade secrets and critical financial information with stringent authentication policies. A secure, flexible, and dynamic approach to authentication is needed.

16 - World Security Report

Composite Authentication – the Modern Approach to Authentication Composite Authentication was designed to provide strong, risk-aware authentication that goes far beyond static multifactor approaches and eliminates the reliance on people. As traditionally defined, multifactor authentication is comprised of what a user knows (e.g. a password), what a user has (e.g. a smartcard), and who a user is (e.g. a fingerprint). Composite Authentication introduces additional risk factors that allow organizations to strengthen and tailor authentication polices to fit specific use cases and risk profiles: DigitalPersona’s Composite Authentication approach offers the broadest set of factors, creating the right mix of authentication options for every user, moment by moment. It goes beyond traditional authentication to provide risk-based factors that deliver the strongest, most complete protection available to secure networks, applications and digital assets. Chris Trytten Market Director – Authentication Crossmatch




For the world’s border protection, management and security industry policy-makers and practitioners

COVER STORY How Illicit Trade in Art and Artefacts is Robbing us Blind


Systematic Check for EU Citizens p.11

A global review of the latest news and challenges from border agencies and agencies at the border. p.16

Successful Operation Against Mooney Mules p.14

Latest news, views and innovations from the industry. p.25



The Trump Effect Although we have already talked about the Trump effect in the lead editorial for WSR it is impossible to talk about borders without again talking about President elect Donald Trump and what his Presidency will mean for borders in the United States and its neighbours. Throughout the Presidential campaign, Mexico was front and centre in the firing line of Donald Trump’s rhetoric. He has promised a wall with Mexico, which Mexico will pay for, and that he would deport millions of undocumented illegals. No one questions the US’s right to manage its borders and immigration policy, but it’s in the detail that these promises are likely to come unstuck. Already Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu has said “Mexico won’t pay for building a wall along the U.S. border, nor negotiate anything about it.” And why would they? So how will President Trump differ from candidate Trump?

into the vast baron dessert and the rugged terrain of the Rio Grande, the cost per mile will inevitably rise. Some estimates are as high as $25 billion. House Speaker Paul Ryan suggested using approaches that simply make the most sense. “Conditions on the ground determine what you need in a particular area,” in an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” In the end, it will be about finding a mix of solutions that work and provide US citizens with the sort of protection they voted for. As for deporting millions of illegals’, ignoring the human issues for a moment it sounds like a perfectly sensible policy. But it is still unclear what the effect on the US economy would be if 11 million people, largely working in low paid agricultural jobs, where sent back across the border. Would millions and millions of dollars of crops end up rotting in the fields, as they did the year Georgia expelled all its “illegals” and they had nobody to harvest them.

Well Mr Trump has in the past suggested he could ransom Mexico by blocking undocumented immigrants from sending money home or raise the money from Mexico by enforcing trade tariffs, increasing the cost of visa’s etc. However, the net result of all this may increase Mexico’s financial problems thus increasing the numbers trying to enter the US illegally, making the problem bigger, not better.

What is not in doubt is that voters in the US and Europe have perfectly legitimate and reasonable concerns that their way of life is under threat from waves of immigration that they neither asked for, voted for, nor want. It was the lack of response to these concerns from the so-called ‘establishment’ that has led to Brexit and a Trump Presidency, and who knows what else going forward?

Some sort of border barrier does seem likely, but the ‘Wall’ will probably fall short of the tall, powerful, impenetrable and beautiful wall of his campaign claims. Already members of Trump’s team are backing away from a ‘Wall’ and suggesting a combination of fence and a mix of technologies and sensors.

Tony Kingham Editor

About one third of the 1900 mile border already has a barrier of varying sort, at an estimated cost of $7 billion. But that was the easy bit. As you head out

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CONTENTS 4 How Illicit Trade in Art and Artefacts is Robbing us Blind OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, explains why trafficking in cultural property is a security threat that the OSCE can and should do more to address.

7 interpol report INTERPOL-led operation dismantles criminal networks behind fake goods and other INTERPOL news.

8 OSCE report


OSCE workshop promotes establishing Advance Passenger Information (API) system in Serbia and other OSCE news.

10 EUROPOL report Eight Arrests in Counterfeit Euro Operation and other Europol news.

11 Systematic Checks for EU Citizens Systematic checks of EU citizens at external borders agreed by European Parliament and Council »»p.8


14 successful operation against money mules 178 arrests in a successful operation against money mules across Europe.

16 AGENCY NEWS A global review of the latest news, views, stories, challenges and issues from border agencies and agencies at the border.

22 World Border Security Congress The preliminary Congress Programme is announce for the 2017 World Border Security Congress in Morocco, 21st-23rd March. »»p.11

27 industry news Latest news, views and innovations from the industry.

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How Illicit Trade in Art and Artefacts is Robbing us Blind What is the link between cultural property theft and security?

Dennis Cosgrove, who heads the OSCE Secretariat’s Border Security and Management Unit in the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, explains why trafficking in cultural property is a security threat that the OSCE can and should do more to address.

At first glance cultural property theft appears to be very much a boutique area for art dealers and people interested in paintings and cultural heritage. How it relates to security or organized crime is not immediately apparent – or rather, it wasn’t until the looting activities of terrorist organizations like Daesh became known. My first encounter with this was many years ago when as an FBI Special Agent I was working on a case of theft and smuggling from Russia to the United States. There were diamonds and gold involved, which everyone understands have

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value, and in addition there were pieces of art. It was my first encounter with this area as an investigator. I became aware of the value that art and artefacts have for criminals, and that trying to recover and return them to the rightful owners is not an easy task. When I joined the FBI Art Crime Team and worked further cases, I also learned that convincing others of the importance of fighting the illicit art trade is not easy. Part of the problem is that there is also perfectly legitimate art trade. There is no legitimate trade in heroin, for example. So you have this blend of legitimate and illicit trade, and that can get very tricky.


Essentially, what has happened in the art world is that the value of artwork and antiquities has skyrocketed; in comparison with the 1990s, prices have gone through the roof. That is what makes this area so enticing, not only for honest investors but for criminals as well. A stolen piece of art can be used as a money laundering vehicle, traded for weapons or drugs – or used to finance terrorism. Not only has the illegal trade in cultural goods exploded, it is sometimes linked to the illegal arms trade, the trafficking of human beings and migrant smuggling. Organized crime is becoming increasingly engaged in this type of trafficking. In financial terms, while it is difficult to get an estimate, most studies rank illicit trafficking in cultural property closely behind that in weapons and drugs. How can the problem be tackled? A lot needs to be done to increase the knowledge of people, especially border and customs officials. This became clear to me when we conducted our first weeklong OSCE workshop on combating illicit trade in cultural property in Dushanbe in July, for participants from the different agencies in Tajikistan that deal with crossborder criminality. They learned from experts of INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNESCO, the Afghan Customs Service and the United States Department of Homeland Security. Each of these agencies brought something else to the table.

accompanying us to museums and sites and explaining: “these are the things you need to look for when you are conducting a search.” For some of the participants it was quite an awakening. Without the training they may not have caught even the most obvious illegal shipment of antiquities. I think in the future they will have quite a different reaction when they come across a box of broken pottery that looks old. What are international agencies doing to combat cultural heritage crime? There are well-established agreements on the protection of cultural property and prohibition of its illicit trade, such as the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols. Recently, there are attempts to criminalize cultural heritage destruction. The International Criminal Court in The Hague will pronounce a sentence in September on the first case in which a defendant (Mr Al Mahdi) admitted guilt to the destruction of historical and religious monuments (in Timbuktu, Mali) as a war crime.


The Council of Europe is preparing a new criminal law convention to combat the illicit trafficking of cultural property. The OSCE is participating in the process and we have provided input for specific areas. The museums and academic community play an important role in combating this illicit trade. The International Council of Museums has a number of helpful tools and useful data bases to assist investigators as does the World Customs Organization. This past April in Vienna the International Conference on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East issued a statement warning that cultural heritage in the Near East and North Africa is in great danger and calling for intense international cooperation at all levels. There are gaps in the international efforts, however, that need to be filled. The UNESCO conventions, for example, are mostly focused on thefts from museums. The same is true of initiatives by the European Union and the World Customs Organization. There is a lot the OSCE can do in close partnership with the other organizations and agencies that I have

We had Konstantinos-Orfeas Sotiriou, for example, an investigator with the Greek National Police and passionate archaeologist,

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already mentioned. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly passed a resolution on protection of cultural property at its 2014 meeting in Baku. What role could the OSCE play? First and foremost, we have our expertise in border management, which is central to combating trafficking in cultural goods. We have our border focal points network, our field offices; we can connect people from different agencies in a cross-border, regional context. To me it’s a natural fit. Fighting cultural property crime is closely linked to our other work on transnational threats. You can’t look at it separately from combating trafficking in drugs and weapons: we know that the same groups are engaged, because it’s so profitable. In the OSCE we have an unusual mixture of source, transit and destination countries. The only way to address cultural property trafficking is to bring together representatives from different countries. At the workshop in Dushanbe we had Afghans and Tajiks: not many organizations can do that. Engaging Afghanistan is very important because it has such a serious problem with smuggling of artefacts.

Keeping up with the evolving nature of the illicit artefact trade is an important challenge, which the OSCE is equipped to fulfil. It’s not enough to have just training; you have to stay fresh in terms of what is going on: the routes, the people involved, the sellers, the end users – this is changing all the time. But it’s no different from trafficking in weapons or drugs or human beings. At the OSCE, we have expertise, networks and forums in all of these fields. We have the POLIS forum for strategic police matters, for example, where we can update one another on the latest trends, trafficking routes and modes of operation. Another area where the OSCE has experience is working with communities. Local people often know exactly where heritage sites are and what is going on there; they have to be encouraged to step up and protect them. In terms of expertise, we are very lucky that our OSCE participating States – Greece, Turkey, Italy – have some of the world’s best experts. Italy has arguably

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the best unit for investigating cultural trafficking in the world. We are not short on experts. We hope to organize a regional workshop for Central Asia and one in the Western Balkans region that will involve Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. Also, we are looking to future engagement with the OSCE Partners for Co-operation in the Mediterranean region. While stopping the illicit trafficking of cultural property may never become a priority area for the OSCE, it definitely deserves to be included in our work to combat transnational threats. As Orfeas put it during our workshop in Dushanbe, if you stop an illegal shipment of items that will be sold to a terrorist organization, you may have contributed to preventing a terrorist act.

Originally published in Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s Security Community



INTERPOL-led operation dismantles criminal networks behind fake goods placed under investigation. With millions of dollars in profits being made through smuggling and counterfeiting operations, the criminal groups do not hesitate to use force in defending their networks and operational bases, meaning many of the interventions had to be conducted with support from specialized armed riot forces.

An INTERPOL-led operation has resulted in police across the Americas dismantling 34 criminal networks involved in the production and distribution of fake and illicit goods worth tens of millions of dollars. More than 650 interventions were made by police and customs officials across eight countries during the two-week (1 – 15 October) Operation Jupiter 2016, with nearly 240 individuals arrested or

Food, mobile phones, toys, alcohol and electronic components were among the more than three million fake items worth an estimated USD 93 million seized alongside drugs, guns and ammunition. Information shared via I-24/7, INTERPOL’s secure police communications network, during the operation is now being analysed against the Organization’s databases to identify potential links with other criminal networks.

INTERPOL border operation targets organized crime networks across West Africa An INTERPOL-led border security operation across West Africa has resulted in the arrest of human traffickers, migrant smugglers and the seizure of drugs, stolen vehicles, cash and counterfeit goods. During the eight-day Operation Adwenpa II, more than 100 frontline officers used INTERPOL global policing capabilities to identify criminals, victims and illicit goods at 28 key border control points across 14 countries. With several of the involved countries part of

key people smuggling routes to Europe, at the Kourémalé checkpoint on the Mali/Guinea border, seven Guinean nationals were arrested on suspicion of facilitating the illegal immigration of seven men and women aged between 16 and 22, heading towards Italy. At the same checkpoint, 10 men being trafficked to Europe via Libya and to gold mines in Guinea were rescued and two men arrested on suspicion of human trafficking.

Arab Police Chiefs’ support vital in global terrorism response says INTERPOL Chief INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock has told a meeting of the Arab Chiefs of Police their continued, and enhanced, support is vital in responding to the threat of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs). Addressing the meeting convened under the Arab Interior Ministers Council (AIMC), Mr Stock said their experience and expertise made them well versed in addressing the complexities of today’s global threat

landscape. The INTERPOL Chief highlighted the positive examples of information sharing, pointing to the example of Tunisia as the single highest contributor of FTF profiles to INTERPOL. To date, more than 9,000 profiles of suspected FTFs of more than 80 nationalities have been reported to INTERPOL by 61 countries.

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OSCE workshop promotes establishing Advance Passenger Information (API) system in Serbia

The Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia, held a three-day workshop in Belgrade on establishing an Advance Passenger Information (API) system in the country in line with international standards. The workshop brought together decision-makers, airport and border control authorities, national police and customs officers, as well as data protection experts with the aim of raising their understanding of the functions and benefits of API in combating terrorism and transnational crime.

API systems are increasingly being used by government authorities for the purpose of regulating the exit, the entry and the transit of air passengers. They are electronic communications systems that allow for the collection of biographical data from the passenger’s travel document before a flight’s departure or its arrival at the airport of destination. When checked against law enforcement watch lists, such as that of INTERPOL, API data can be an effective tool to enhance aviation security. In close co-operation with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and national experts from other OSCE participating States (Germany, Hungary, the United Kingdom and the United States), participants of this workshop managed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current national passenger processing environment, determine the technical assistance needs of the country, and draft a road map that will eventually lead to the establishment of an API system in Serbia.

OSCE foreign ministers to discuss threats to European security in Hamburg Foreign ministers of member countries of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) will gather in Hamburg for an annual meeting. They will discuss problems of European security following the events that changed the status quo on the European continent - Brexit and Donald Trump’s victory at US presidential elections.

The situation in Ukraine will also be on top of the agenda. Moreover, Germany that chairs OSCE this year plans to initiate a broad dialogue on new approaches to arms control in Europe and on strengthening the role of the organization in responding to conflicts.

OSCE promotes instruments to address current challenges and emerging trends in the identification and referral of trafficking victims Aiming to develop more effective responses to address trafficking on a national level, NGOs, think tanks, private businesses, leading international organizations and academics gathered in Geneva for consultations organized by the Office of the OSCE Special Representative

and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, and supported by the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

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23 NGOs from 22 participating States and representatives of Geneva-based UN agencies worked together to identify and highlight challenges related to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), a framework within which state actors, in co-operation with civil society, fulfil their obligations to protect and promote the human rights of all trafficked persons.

“Addressing trafficking as a human rights violation implies a state obligation to put in place protective measures for persons at risks, as well as potential, presumed and actual victims,” said OSCE Special Representative Madina Jarbussynova. “Ten years on from the introduction of the NRM concept, the effectiveness of such measures greatly


depends on how well these mechanisms can adapt to emerging challenges and needs.” Besides its prominent human rights protection principle, the NRM aims to ensure the identification, support and empowerment of victims of human trafficking through a comprehensive, multiagency and multidisciplinary approach. However, the experience of implementing the NRM across the OSCE region has revealed a number of gaps in relevant protectionspecific legal frameworks. The identification of trafficking victims among migrants and refugees, along with asylum seekers and the protection of unaccompanied minors, remain problematic areas.

Regional Meeting of Heads of Anti-Money Laundering authorities of South East Europe The OSCE Mission to Montenegro facilitated a twoday meeting of the heads of Financial Intelligence Units (FIU) of the six South-East Europe countries, hosted by the Montenegrin FIU in Budva. The event was an opportunity for senior representatives of the anti-money laundering authorities (AML) of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Montenegro to share their experience

and explore the possibilities for improving cooperation. Opening the event, Vesko Lekic, Director of the Montenegrin Government’s Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, emphasized the importance of direct contacts among the AML authorities, thanking the OSCE for its continued support.

New anti-corruption tools and international co-operation promoted An international conference on modern policies and approaches to prevent and combat corruption took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. The event was organized by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Service Affairs Agency for some 110 representatives from law enforcement agencies, civil society, embassies and international organizations to inform the participants about the progress on anti-corruption reforms in the country.

incorporating international anti-corruption standards into national legislation. The participants also discussed the need for international and interagency co-operation.

The OSCE Programme Office in Astana supported an expert from Latvia and other speakers who discussed the legal, institutional and practical aspects of the fight against corruption and Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Eight Arrests in Counterfeit Euro Operation

Criminal group is one of the most active counterfeit euro vendors online. Counterfeit currency was sold on Darkweb marketplaces and paid for in Bitcoin. Europol has supported Italian Guardia di Finanza in an investigation targeting a criminal group considered to be one of the biggest vendors of counterfeit euro currency online. As a result, eight suspects were arrested, including the vendor and leader of the group. During the course of the investigation, several hundred counterfeit euro buyers were also identified. Investigations revealed that the vendor was

selling counterfeit 20, 50 and 100 euro notes on the Darknet for around 30% of their face value. Payments for the counterfeit banknotes were made using Bitcoin virtual currency. It is estimated that the group received over EUR 160 000 in Bitcoins, which then were sold to a specialised exchanger in Malta. The vendor, who had several profiles in different marketplaces, had accomplices from the Naples area. Wil van Gemert, Europol’s Deputy Director Operations, says: “This operation is an excellent example of how law enforcement cooperation and effective information exchange are vital for tackling this crime. The hidden services of the Darknet and Bitcoin payments can give sellers and buyers a false sense of anonymity.”

EUROPOL Joins Forces with Counter-Terrorism Experts to Undermine Online Terrorist Propaganda 1814 pieces of terrorist and violent extremist online content have been assessed for the purpose of referral to online platforms during a two-day concerted action coordinated by Europol, in collaboration with representatives from dedicated units in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Romania. The processed content was in nine different languages and hosted by 35 online platforms. The final removal of the referred material is a voluntary activity by the concerned service providers, taken in reference to their own terms and

conditions. This intensive campaign was held at Europol’s headquarters focused mainly on the online production of terrorist material by IS and al-Qaedaaffiliated media outlets. Europol’s Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU), composed of specialists, analysts, translators and counterterrorism experts, teamed up with their Belgian, French, Dutch and Romanian counterparts to coordinate a swift removal of propagandistic terrorist messages present on the internet.

’Rose of the Winds’ - International Operation Against Drug Trafficking A multinational police team including Europol announced the arrest of a major Moroccan drug kingpin, who had acted at the peak of the hashish supply chain impacting on the European Union and North Africa. The event took place in the margins of an operational meeting between France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Europol. The meeting was presided by the Nucleo di Polizia Tributaria di Palermo, the

police unit that triggered the international team of front-line investigators known as Joint Operations Team (JOT) ‘Rose of the Winds’. The Europol Drugs Team played a key role in the operations. Over 20 operational meetings have been funded in three years, bringing investigators to the same table. On-the-spot support was also provided during five operations.

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Systematic Checks for EU Citizens

Systematic checks of EU citizens at external borders agreed by European Parliament and Council

The European Commission welcomes the agreement reached by the European Parliament and the Council on the Commission’s proposal to introduce mandatory systematic checks of all travellers, including EU citizens, against relevant databases when crossing the EU’s external borders. The Commission now looks forward to the swift adoption of the proposal by the European Parliament Plenary and the Council. Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos said: “In the wake

of the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, we proposed to introduce systematic checks of all citizens at all external borders so we know exactly who crosses our borders. I welcome that the European Parliament and the Council have now agreed on our proposal to modify the Schengen Borders Code to that effect. In addition to the successful launch of the European Border and Coast Guard in October, enforcing systematic controls on all travellers crossing EU external borders is another crucial step in our work to preserve the freedom of movement within the Schengen area and ensuring the security of our citizens.” While third-country nationals are already subject to systematic document and security checks against relevant databases upon entry, the targeted reform of the Schengen Borders Code also introduces mandatory systematic checks of EU citizens against relevant databases, namely the Schengen Information System (SIS) and the Interpol Stolen and

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Lost Travel Documents Database (SLTD). In addition, Member States will have the possibility to carry out systematic checks of EU citizens against other relevant national systems and other Interpol databases. Furthermore, thirdcountry nationals will now also have to be checked systematically upon exit against SIS and Interpol’s SLTD. This should be done strictly respecting data protection rules and the EU’s legislation on fundamental rights. It was in response to the attacks in Paris in November 2015 and the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters, the Commission has swiftly taken action to accelerate work and implementation of measures under the European Agenda on Security. The proposal agreed upon today responds to the need to reinforce security controls at the EU’s external borders. The proposal was adopted by the College of Commissioners on 15 December 2015, as called for by Interior Ministers on 20 November 2015.

9 months after the Commission’s proposal in December, showing a clear commitment to reinforce the management and security of the EU’s external borders. On 16 November the Commission proposed to establish a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to strengthen security checks on visa-free travellers. The latest progress report on the Security Union highlighted the urgent need for the European Parliament and the Council to follow through on their commitments and reach agreement on the Commission proposals on the revision of the Firearms Directive, the Directive on Combatting Terrorism and on the establishment of systematic checks of all persons crossing the external borders of the EU. The creation by President Juncker of a specific Commissioner

Security has been a constant theme since the beginning of the Juncker Commission’s mandate – from President Juncker’s Political Guidelines of July 2014, to the latest State of the Union address in September 2016. Internal security and the fight against terrorists have been further prioritised in the Bratislava Roadmap and the October Conclusions of the European Council. Since the adoption of the European Agenda on Security on 28 April 2015, significant progress has been made in its implementation. Most recently, on 6 October the European Border and Coast Guard became operational, only

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portfolio for the Security Union in August 2016 shows the importance the Commission has attached to stepping up its response to the terrorist threat. Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King said: “Terrorists don’t respect national borders and systematic checks at the external borders are a key way to stop them from coming into the EU but also from travelling to conflict zones. I welcome today’s agreement as it will mean that for the first time all those entering and exiting the EU will be checked against a key database for law enforcement in the EU – the Schengen Information System. It will help detect all the wanted individuals who have an alert placed on them– including foreign terrorist fighters. The agreement should now be formally adopted by the co-legislators so that it can enter into force and be applied by Member States as soon as possible.”



Biometrics Pilot Study at U.S.-Mexico Border Pedestrian Crossing A six-month project used biometric technology to match entry and exit records of pedestrians at the Otay Mesa U.S.-Mexico border crossing near San Diego. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPB) administered the pilot, focusing on the more than 9,000 pedestrians crossing the border there daily. The in-field portion of the project ended last summer after testing the capabilities of iris and facial recognition systems from Iris ID to rapidly identify people moving through pedestrian lanes. The test was a response to recommendations of the

9/11 Commission and U.S. Congressional mandates pushing for a reliable way to identify foreigners who have overstayed their visas. During a first inbound visit, agents directed foreigners to one of five kiosks equipped with a fullyautomatic Iris ID iCAM D1000 irisface capture system. Individuals were asked to remove hats and/ or scarfs, but glasses could remain on. Motivated, cooperative subjects completed enrollment in five seconds or less. Software digitized and encrypted the images for storage in a standalone, onsite CBP database. Once a pedestrian

completed the process there was no need to repeat it. During future visits, Exit-lane camera systems captured their images for comparison to those in the onsite database. Project data is currently being reviewed by the CPB in a process that may take a year or more to complete. When done, the information will be shared with Congress, possibly leading to similar systems being installed at other border crossings.

President-elect Donald Trump has selected retired Marine Corps General John Kelly to head up the huge Department of Homeland Security Seen as a hawk when it comes to border control and immigration, the choice of John Kelly would seem to be an ideal candidate for a Trump Presidency to start delivering on the campaign promises to toughen up on border control. Until he retired last year he was head of the U.S. Southern Command where he was responsible for running operations against criminal drug gangs and human traffickers in Central and South America. Known to be straight talking, “he tells it as he sees it” and that is what is said to have shortened his career under the Obama administration. His appointment will please those voters for whom immigration and border security is a key concern but it may have unforeseen and maybe unwanted implications for a Trump Presidency. Kelly makes the link between the stability and

prosperity of the US’s neighbours and mass migration and crime. Two years ago, Kelly helped the Alliance for Prosperity agreement secure nearly $1 billion of US funds to address problems in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Speaking to a Senate committee last year on behalf of increased aid to Central America, Kelly remarked: “Addressing the root causes of insecurity and instability is not just in the region’s interests, but ours as well.” Now he has wider remit than just what’s going on in South America, will he advocate “Addressing the root causes of insecurity and instability” on a global basis? If so, how this approach will sit with an avowed isolationist President, only time will tell. It will be interesting to see if Kelly lasts a full Presidential term?

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successful operation against money mules

178 arrests in a successful operation against money mules across Europe

Supported by Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and the Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce (J-CAT), as well as Eurojust and the European Banking Federation (EBF) the second coordinated European Money Mule Action (EMMA) culminated in the arrest of 178 individuals. Law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities from Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, Ukraine, the United States Federal Bureau of

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Investigation (FBI) and United States Secret Service participated in the international operation.


Across Europe, 580 money mules were identified and the national law enforcement agencies interviewed 380 suspects in the course of the action week (14-18 November 2016), with overall reported losses amounting to EUR 23 million. During the week of the joint action, Europol and Eurojust set up a command post and a judicial coordination centre to assist the national authorities, cross-check all incoming data against the databases and collect intelligence for further analysis. Europol also deployed mobile offices to Italy and Romania. The successful hit on this wide-spread crime was supported by 106 banks and private partners. The second EMMA action week is the continuation of a project conducted under the umbrella of the EMPACT Cybercrime Payment Fraud Operational Action Plan1. This priority area targets perpetrators of online and payment card fraud. From all reported money mule transactions in the scope of this operation, 95% were linked to cyber-enabled criminal activity. Money mules are people who have been recruited as money laundering intermediaries for criminals and criminal organisations. After receiving the illegally obtained funds into their accounts, the individuals acting as money mules are asked to wire the money to a different account. These schemes are often disguised as legitimate job opportunities and the mules may keep some of the money for themselves as a commission. Money mules play a crucial role in money laundering as criminal networks gain access to the stolen goods or funds without revealing their identity. As such, they could face a prison sentence, a fine,

community service or the refund of the received proceeds to the victims. Think you are part of such a scheme? Find out what the signs are on our webpage. Building on the success of the first EMMA operation, the second coordinated action banded together new partners among the police, judicial bodies as well as the banking sector. Starting today, the fight against money muling is underscored by a four-day prevention campaign in the participating countries. The multilingual communication campaign aims to raise awareness about the consequences of this crime3 both to the international, as well as the national audiences. Steven Wilson, Head of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, said: “The European Money Mule Action is a successful example of publicprivate cooperation at the closest level. The results of this second edition demonstrate a very strong connection between cybercrime and the illegal transactions identified. Law enforcement, judges and prosecutors working together with the banking partners can crack down on extensive criminal networks either knowingly acting as money mules or misusing people who are duped into facilitating financial and other forms of crime. Furthermore, education also remains a powerful tool for law enforcement: EMMA has now grown in participation, bringing the awareness campaign to a larger public.”


surface seem to be a small crime, but is orchestrated by organised crime groups, that is what we need to inform the public about. Therefore, the European Money Mule Action II is paramount to stop people being lured and recruited into aiding serious crime, to break this crime link, by being aware of who is behind this type of crime.” Koen Hermans, Assistant to the National Member for the Netherlands, commented: “As money mules are an essential chain in every financial cybercrime criminal organisation, it is of the utmost importance to target these individuals as well. The critical success factor in this highly effective money mule action is the close cooperation between private, law enforcement and judicial actors, in order to deter offenders in Europe, and thereby reduce crime.” Keith Gross, Chair of the European Banking Federation Cyber Security Working Group, said: “EMMA is now seen as a benchmark and a prime example of how law enforcement agencies, the financial sector and other key stakeholders join forces in tackling the illegal activity of money muling across Europe. This initiative can only go from strength to strength as more and more countries participate strategically and operationally.”

Michèle Coninsx, President of Eurojust, said: “To effectively tackle money mules, we need seamless cross-border cooperation among judicial and law enforcement authorities with the private actors. It is important to understand that money laundering may on the

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Agency News and Updates F

ake currency smuggling of the third week of November, jihadists’ unrealized plan to attack f a l l s a l o n g I n d i a - according to data provided by the a synagogue in the country’s Bangladesh border capital city a year ago, a local daily Border Security Force (BSF). Data provided by security forces and the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show that the smuggling of fake currency was down from Rs43.83 crore in 2015 to Rs27.70 crore in September 2016.

On the India-Bangladesh border, while smuggling of fake currency has been on the rise over the past eight years, it saw a reduction from Rs2.87 crore in 2015 to Rs1.53 crore in 2016. The smuggling of fake Indian currency notes has fallen sharply along India’s border with Bangladesh since the government’s demonetisation move. On the India-Bangladesh border, while the smuggling of fake currency has been on the rise over the past eight years, it saw a reduction from Rs2.87 crore in 2015 to Rs1.53 crore in 2016, as


utch police nab several jihadists who plotted synagogue attack


The main suspect belonging to the ring, which is connected to Amsterdam’s Arrayan Sunni mosque, is a man in his 40s of Moroccan descent with a goatee and a receding hairline who possesses considerable knowledge of Islamic writings and drives a white Audi, according to a police document obtained last month.


omania investigates Syrian migrants at border

Two main suspects and additional accomplices had planned to attack a synagogue in Amsterdam last year. Dutch police arrested several suspects in connection with

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

Romanian border police are investigating 17 Syrians on suspicion that they tried to illegally enter Romania. Border police they detained the Syrians, 11 adults and 6 children, who had left Bulgaria and were walking toward Ostrov, in southeastern Romania.


The migrants told police they were trying to reach Western Europe. Romanian and Bulgarian authorities are jointly investigating the group on suspicion of illegally crossing the border.


BF arrests four men linked to illicit tobacco syndicate


emocratic Voice of Burma: Thailand begins repatriating refugees from Burma The first, voluntary repatriation of 68 Burmese refugees from camps along the Thai-Burmese border began on Tuesday with the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR calling the movement a “milestone” while underscoring it would not lead to an exodus. The return of the refugees is the first to receive endorsement from the Thai and Burmese governments, the UNHCR said.

Four men have been arrested and approximately 4.5 tonnes of tobacco seized during an Australian Border Force investigation into an illicit tobacco smuggling syndicate operating in Victoria. The ABF Tobacco Strike Team estimates that the illicit tobacco products, also including 615,000 cigarette sticks, seized during the operation equates to around $3.5 million in attempted revenue evasion.

For tens of thousands of refugees living in a total of nine camps along Thailand’s border with Burma a return home has been a dream made impossible because of political and economic uncertainty in Burma.


ietnam busts 2,000 drug-related crimes in just a month

About 68kg of drug, 58kg of opium, 44 guns and 434 bullets were seized by police, border guards, coast guards and customs forces during the month, according to a report from Tieng Chuong (The Bell), the website of Vietnam’s National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control. Locations with high rates of drug– related crimes included Hanoi, Hai Phong, Son La, Lang Son, Nam Dinh, Bac Giang, Dien Bien, Lao Cai and Hoa Binh in the north, Nghe An, Quang Tri and Thanh Hoa in the central region and Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Nai in the south.


order police arrested in Thailand with meths

A Cambodian border police officer was arrested by Thai authorities on Sunday for allegedly trafficking 150 methamphetamine pills into Thailand’s Chonburi province, police said yesterday. Chhor Kern, deputy police chief at Battambang’s Kamrieng district, said the officer was identified as Ob Tevrith, who is a police officer at a border crossing in Kamrieng. He was arrested in a market in Chonburi province just across the border.

The Australian Federal Police has also restrained more than $1.3 million in associated cash and property as a result of the operation. ABF Assistant Commissioner Investigations Wayne Buchhorn said these figures highlight the scale of organised crime’s movement into the illicit tobacco market.


Vietnam’s law enforcement agencies uncovered 2,107 drugrelated cases and arrested 2,775 criminals in one month as part of the government’s anti-drug action month and on the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.


alaysia-Philippines to step up cooperation on cross border crime control

More cooperation will be established between police in Malaysia and the Philippines

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



in tackling cross-border crime in future, said Sabah police commissioner Datuk Abdul Rashid Harun. “Inspector-General of police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, and I just came back from the Philippines. From our discussions, we expect more cooperation between both countries, including in identifying 23 suspects involved in cross-border crimes,� he said after the handing over of duties ceremony for Datuk Razarudin Husain Abd Rashid as new deputy police commissioner from Datuk Awang Sahari EM Nadzeer. Abdul Rashid said the names and pictures of the 23 suspects were the result of intelligence gathering by police and the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom).

not encounter any people on the boat or the surrounding area. During the inspection, agents discovered several large bags throughout the boat that contained a total of 82 cellophane-wrapped bundles of marijuana. The estimated street value of the marijuana was about $1.2 million. The marijuana and the vessel were seized by the U.S. Border Patrol.


BP Seizes $13K in Unreported Currency a t Wa s h i n g t o n D u l l e s International Airport


order Patrol Seizes a Ton of Marijuana from Abandoned Vessel

U.S. Border Patrol agents seized approximately 2,400 pounds of marijuana from an abandoned recreational watercraft beached at Calafia State Park, near San Clemente. Agents responded to a report from California State Park rangers that a 25-foot Bayliner was in the process of washing ashore. With assistance from the rangers, agents pulled the vessel ashore for further inspection. Agents did

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO), at Washington Dulles International Airport seized over $13,000 from an Ethiopian bound U.S. citizen on Tuesday for violating federal currency reporting regulations. During an outbound inspection, the man declared, both verbally and in writing, to CBP officers that he possessed $5,000; however, CBP officers discovered a total of $13,294 on his person and in his luggage. The officers seized the $13,294, returning the equivalent of $424 in foreign and U.S. currency for humanitarian relief, and advised him how to petition for the return of the currency.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

The traveler was then released to continue his journey.


igeria introduces online border monitoring

The Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) will launch a control centre for online border monitoring by next year and also activate complaints centres. The Comptroller General of Immigration, Mr. Mohammed Babadede, unfolded the plan in Abuja during the decoration of 41 senior officers, including 14 Assistant Comptrollers General of Immigration. Babadede described the occasion as one that would spur officers to brace up to defend their ranks and change their orientation to face the challenges of recent times. He told the officers that migration had assumed a major problem and advised officers not to allow Nigeria to become a victim.


IS Collaborates with GIZ Police Program AfricaNigeria in Building Capacity for Border Management

The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GIZ Police Programme Africa, representatives of the German


Government on support programme for the NIS in the area of institution reform through capacity building. In his brief remarks at the ceremony which took place at the NIS Headquarters in Abuja, the Comptroller–General of Immigration, Muhammad Babandede recalled that GIZ had early in the year visited Sokoto and Kebbi State Commands after which it donated patrol vehicles for the enhancement of security at the border in North West Nigeria. He added that as promised when the donation was made, the vehicles were put into good use. This resulted in the rescue of victims of human trafficking and irregular migration. The CGI also said the essence of the collaboration between NIS and GIZ was to fortify the template designed to enforce border security and control.


IOM Niger launched a training in which 10 police officers from the Diffa region were trained as trainers in combating document fraud. The project was developed by the National Police Academy with IOM’s support. Between 28 September and 14 October the group trained another 80 national police officers in Diffa, Mainé Soroa and Guigmi. The training was part of an IOM project: “Strengthening Diffa’s border security – SEDINI” funded by the European Union under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) and the High Authority for Peace Consolidation (HACP). The project aims to support the Nigerien government’s efforts in managing immigration and borders.


and lined with barbed wire, it is hoped the wall will curb the movement of Daesh militants and arms smugglers from entering the Sahara from Libya. Despite similar plans surfacing last year, no immediate action has been taken by the Algerian government to begin construction of the wall. However reports of an incursion of around 700 armed fighters and criminals alongside attacks and kidnappings in the south increase chances of the construction of the wall.


efugees stuck in Serbia begin marching towards Hungarian border

lgeria to build security wall along Libya border

OM Trains Niger Police in Identification of Fraudulent Documents

Document fraud (fake passports, visas, IDs, marriage licenses, etc.) is one of the most widespread types of fraud, and is one of the main problems facing the Nigerien border police. Despite technical progress, it is still a growing phenomenon.


Belgrade says it will not erect wire border fence but will deploy army to seal off borders with Macedonia and Bulgaria

Algeria looks set to build a 120 kilometre-long wall along its border with Libya, Algerian and Libyan media sources reported. The wall along the 600-mile border is another step in a list of upgraded security measures Algeria is undertaking to improve its counter-terrorism initiatives. Measuring three metres in height,

Hundreds of refugees stranded in Serbia have begun walking from Belgrade towards the border with Hungary to protest against its closure for most people trying to reach the European Union. More than 6,000 people remain stuck in Serbia following Hungary’s introduction this summer of strict limits on the number of refugees allowed to cross into the EU-member country and reinforced a razorwire border fence with heavy patrols.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



European Commission proposes a European Travel Information and Authorisation System ”We need to know who is crossing our borders. By November, we will propose an automated system to determine who will be allowed to travel to Europe. This way we will know who is travelling to Europe before they even get here.” – President Jean-Claude Juncker, 2016 State of the Union Address The Commission is today proposing to establish a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to strengthen security checks on visa-free travellers. This follows the announcement in September by President Juncker in his 2016 State of the Union address, and is a first deliverable of the priorities for action identified in the Bratislava Roadmap. The ETIAS will gather information on all those travelling visa-free to the European Union to allow for advance irregular migration and security checks. This will contribute to a more efficient management of the EU’s external borders and improve internal security, whilst at the same time facilitating legal travel across Schengen borders. First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said: “Securing our borders and protecting our citizens is our first priority. ETIAS will close an information gap by crosschecking visa exempt applicants’ information against all our other systems. At the same time, the future ETIAS will be easy, quick, cheap and effective.” Migration and Home Affairs Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said: “ETIAS is the missing link in our border management, connecting the dots with our migration and security policies and enhancing Schengen entry for at least 95% of visa-free travellers. Europe’s openness does not come at the cost of its security.” Security Union Commissioner Julian King said: “Terrorists and criminals don’t care much for national borders. The only way to defeat them is by working together effectively. ETIAS will help do that: by spotting problem individuals and stopping them from coming, we’ll enhance Europe’s internal security.” The ETIAS authorisation is not a visa; it is a lighter and more visitor-friendly regime. Nationals of visa liberalisation countries will still be able to travel without a visa but will have to obtain a simple travel authorisation prior to their travel to the Schengen Area.

This will help identify persons who may pose an irregular migration or security risk before they arrive at the border and significantly enhance the security of the external borders. The ETIAS will also bridge an existing information gap on visa-free travellers by gathering information that could be vital to Member States’ authorities in advance of their arrival at the Schengen border. The ETIAS is therefore an important step forward towards stronger and smarter information systems for borders and security. The ETIAS will also facilitate the crossing of the external border by visa-exempt third country nationals. Travellers will have a reliable early indication of entry into the Schengen area which will thus substantially reduce the number of refusals of entry. In order to decide whether to issue or reject a request to travel to the EU, an automated system will conduct prior checks, in full respect of fundamental rights and personal data protection. Although the final decision to grant or refuse entry will always be taken by the national border guards who are conducting border controls under the Schengen Borders Code, prior verifications of all travellers will facilitate border checks and ensure a coordinated and harmonised assessment of visa-exempt third-country nationals. The ETIAS will be managed by the European Border and Coast Guard in close cooperation with the competent authorities of the Member States and Europol. The Agency eu-LISA will develop and provide technical management of this information system. The key functions of ETIAS will be to: Verify the information submitted by visa-exempt third country nationals (such as information related to identity, travel document, residence information, contact details etc.), via an online application ahead of their travel to

the EU’s external borders, to assess if they pose a risk for irregular migration, security or public health; Automatically process each application submitted via a website or a mobile application against other EU information systems (such as SIS, VIS, Europol’s database, Interpol’s database, the EES, Eurodac, ECRIS), a dedicated ETIAS watch list (established by Europol) and targeted, proportionate and clearly defined screening rules to determine if there are factual indications or reasonable grounds to issue or

Border Security Report | September/October 2016


refuse a travel authorisation;

Issue travel authorisations. In cases where no hits or elements requiring further analysis are identified, the travel authorisation is issued automatically within minutes after the application has been submitted. An authorisation will be obtained through a procedure that is simple, cheap and fast; in


the vast majority of cases, an authorisation should be given in a matter of minutes. The authorisation, the application for which will not take more than ten minutes to fill in and which only requires a valid travel document, will be valid for a period of five years and for multiple travels. An application fee of €5 only will apply to all applicants above the age of 18.

Prime Minister Theresa May announces a new package of joint measures with the Gulf that will tackle terrorism and bolster security To keep British people safe at home and overseas, the Prime Minister has announced a new package of joint measures with the Gulf to tackle terrorism and bolster our joint security.

• The establishment of a new joint UK-GCC Working Group on Counter-Terrorism and Border Security to build on existing border security co-operation and efforts to counter terrorist financing and to protect critical national infrastructure • Additional counter-terrorist financing training with individual Gulf partners, with the first workshop due to take place in Qatar next week • The appointment of 3 UK specialist cyber experts to help build capability in Gulf institutions, with these experts due to make their first visits to the region later this month

At a meeting of leaders from the 6 Gulf countries in Bahrain, the Prime Minister announced new co-operation with the Gulf to strengthen aviation security, specifically by working with these countries to more effectively implement traveller screening systems and sharing expertise to make it more difficult for terrorists to avoid detection at any airport in the region. In a series of additional security measures, the Prime Minister also announced:

• Intensified co-operation to counter violent extremism, including through new Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) support for national action plans to prevent and counter violent extremism The UK’s security relationship with Gulf states has already saved lives – for example through the October 2010 discovery at East Midlands airport of a ‘printer bomb’ on board a US-bound flight, which was a direct result of information received from the Saudi authorities.

European Border & Coast Guard Agency Launches Rapid Intervention Pool Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will be able to deploy as many as 1 500 border guards at short notice to assist member states in emergency situations at their

EU’s external borders. The creation of the rapid reaction pool is a significant milestone in the development of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, which was launched in October.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



tac k ling international border security challenges    event update                                    World Border Security Congress announces Preliminary Congress Programme.

21st-23rd March 2017 Casablanca, Morocco

The organisers of the 2017 World Border Security Congress are delighted to announce the Preliminary Congress Programme for the forthcoming event to be held in Casablanca, Morocco on 21st-23rd March 2017. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Interior and Directorate for Migration and Border Surveillance, the World Border Security

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

Congress programme will focus on the international border security challenges and how the international community can work more effectively together and collaborate in tackling these challenges. Developing strategic border management resolutions and solutions The past couple of years has seen the largest displacement and movement of people since World War 2. The Middle East warring


factions creating mass refugee movements across Europe, illegal economic migrants from Africa and Asia have created increasing challenges for the international border management and security community. The rise of ISIS, Al Quaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Al Shabaab, the Taliban, and other terrorist groups create cross border threats to national and international security, whilst organised criminal gangs and human and drug trafficking groups exploit opportunities in our fragile international border security community, increasingly stretched by bigger challenges and reducing resources. No part of the world has been unaffected by such problems. Governments around the world need to continue to invest in their border security, as a wide range of threats, such as combating terrorism, controlling the movement of goods and monitoring personnel across international borders, continue to pose challenges requiring round the clock monitoring. Despite the expansion of international agreements in Europe and Asia, reducing the number of secured international borders, threats from international terrorism continues, and cross-border crime and illegal immigration continues to remain a top priority for border security. The European Union has launched a programme to support border security in North Africa and the Sahel region. This is an important recognition of the fact that despite being the other side of the Mediterranean, North African nations are the EU’s immediate neighbours and

therefore vital partners in securing EU’s borders and security. This provides the ideal backdrop for Morocco to play hosts to the 2017 World Border Security Congress – a country that is leading the way in the Maghreb and Africa with a forward thinking strategy for border protection and security. Started as far back as the 1980’s through the foresight from King Hassan II and more recently King Mohammed VI, Morocco started a strategic programme of investment in its border security, first in coastal protection and then followed by its land borders. Today the Moroccan Coast Guard has over 13,000 staff responsible for more than 3000km coast line and work closely with Spain on initiatives like joint patrols to build a culture of trust and transparency. Morocco’s 3000 km land borders, from southern (Sahara) all the way to Algeria, are secured by physical barriers either fence or bund and are covered by a range of surveillance systems. The country has also implemented a Human Development Initiative that encourages soft surveillance on border security with the inclusion of its people to work in partnership with authorities for tackling security issues.


migration, or organised criminal gangs involved in trafficking of humans, drugs, contraband and CBRNe proliferation, all these generate a national security threat to any country. How should emphasis be placed on ensuring freedom of movement against the security threats these provide? Can a coherent border management strategy be developed and implemented in the face of increased security threats from migration challenges? Are we compromising safety and security at airports, border points and seaports through streamlining for cost efficiencies? Maritime, Port and Coastal Border Security Challenges Whether it’s the current high profile migration and human trafficking threats across the Mediterranean, Andaman or South China Seas, or from the west coast of Africa to southern Europe and the Far East, migrants continue to risk their lives across the waters to reach their salvation. With many organised criminal gangs exploiting these channels, what are the main challenges for the coast guards and how can we best guard the coast and major ports from international organised criminal activities, including human trafficking and drug smuggling?

Some of these elements will thread through the programme of the Congress which will see topics include: Building Coherent Global Border Management Response Against Illegal Migration and International Terrorism Whether it’s the threat from international terrorism to mass

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Latest Speakers include: • Hans de Moel, Policy Officer, Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, Netherlands • Don Enrique Belda Esplugues, Deputy Director General of Communications and Information Systems for Security, Ministry of Interior, Spain • Samy Gardemeister, Director of Enforcement, Finnish Customs, Finland • Alvaro Rodriguez-Gaya, Head of Strategy and Outreach – European Migrant Smuggling Centre, EUROPOL • Dr Anthony Luka Elumelu, Head of Division Free Movement & Migration, ECOWAS Commission • Simon Deignan, Counter Terrorism Officer, OSCE • Dr Anthony Luka Elumelu, Head of Division Free Movement & Migration, ECOWAS Commission • Peter van den Berg, President, European Association of Airport & Seaport Police • Erdal Duzdaban, Head of Protection and Head of Passport Departments, Ardahan Police Directorate, Ministry of Interior, Turkey • Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, Commander, EU Naval Force Mediterranean • Rear Admiral Dr Hatem Albesher, Assistant of the General Department Director for Legal Affairs & International Cooperation, Saudi Border Guards and Chairman, Saudi Maritime Center for Consultations and Services, Saudi Arabia • Peter Nilsson, Project Manager, Border Police Division, AIRPOL • Muhammed Babandede MFR, Comptroller General, Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria • Lieutenant-Colonel Olga Derkach PhD, Senior Officer, International cooperation and Eurointegration Department, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine • Lieutenant-General Vasyl Servatiuk, The First Deputy Head, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine • Josef Iroko, General Legal Counsel Board Secretary , Ghana National Identification Authority, Ghana • Senior Representative, ICAO, WACAF Office • Alket Furxhiu, Executive Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, Albania • Michael Gaul, Senior Advisor in NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division For full speaker line up and Preiminary Congress Programme visit

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

Standardization of Systems and Making Advanced Passenger Information (API) Work There are many trusted traveller programmes available, yet few integrate and communicate to create a more global benefit of passenger clearance and information sharing. Standardization of systems has not occurred despite lots of talk at ICAO, IATA. Is it possible for standardisation to occur and how can API and PNR sharing be made to work more effectively? External and Internal Land Border Challenges External land borders provide unique challenges in the fight against cross border organised c r i m e , h u m a n t r a ff i c k i n g , smuggling and mass migration. Yet internal land borders, such as at airport and ports, are becoming an increasing focus of terrorist threat or illegal travellers using fraudulent travel documents. What are the latest global challenges and how can strategies and technologies help deliver a more secure border? Identity and Biometrics at the Border – Compliance, Application and Implementation Ease of travel for bona fide travellers has not become less burdensome, it has become more complicated despite new technologies such as biometrics and e-visas. How can biometrics can be implemented in compliance within legal, privacy and data protection requirements. And be more effectively applied and integrated with trusted traveller programmes and other data sources to ensure the integrity of the traveller to speed up the travel process? The Global Fight Against International Terrorism and Cross Border Organised Crime


and How We Make Interagency Co-operation and Information Sharing a Reality Countering border threats as a result of the so called “war on terror” & “the war on drugs” is without end despite the billions spend in human resources and treasure. What are the latest challenges and threats? How can agencies better collaborate and share intelligence in the fight against organised criminal gangs and international terrorist movement? How can border administrations better share information and data under increasing pressure from privacy laws? IBM and Technology Challenges and Security in the Face of Mass Migration In todays currently climate of mass migration caused through war and unstable regions, terrorist organisations are able to infiltrate countries using migration routes as cover. What are the latest challenges and threats to security and what challenges does this pose to Integrated Border Management (IBM). How can IBM and the use of latest technologies adapt to be more effective in such challenging times? Pushing Out the Border and the Future of Successful Border Management In the climate and pressure of achieving greater results from limited resources, how can we

best make information sharing and upstream intelligence a reality for identifying the genuine traveller. How can we push out the border for making identification of threats more effective and efficient? What is the future for ensuring successful border management? The World Border Security Congress aims to promote collaboration, inter-agency cooperation and information/ intelligence sharing amongst border agencies and agencies at the border to better engage and tackle the increasing threats and cross border security challenges that pertain to today’s global environment. Border agencies and agencies at the border can benefit from the ‘Closed Agency Only Workshops’, hosted by the Moroccan Directorate for Migration and Border Surveillance, Directeur de la Migration et de la Surveillance des Frontiers, with a series of behind closed door discussion and working group opportunities. This years Closed Agency Only Workshop topics are:


International Border Security Challenges – from THB and Document Fraud to Inter-Agency Co-operation and Information Sharing Information sharing and upstream intelligence is key to identification and tracking of travellers. Yet agencies and enforcement organisations are still not effective in accomplishing this to best effect. How can agencies best share information and what are the restrictions and implications? Is it regulation and/or operation that needs to be modernised? Health Issues in Border Security It is not just the migration crisis seeing vast numbers of people cross borders with potential health risks. Legitimate travellers also bring health issues across borders, such as the Zika virus, Ebola and Asia Bird Flu epidemics. How can we enhance best practices for, and what role should the different agencies play in detecting and preventing the international spread of health issues? Soft Surveillance at Borders – Human Development Initiatives Without its people a nation cannot achieve anything and they are a

2017 World Border Security Congress

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



and security industry policy-makers and practitioners convene annually to discuss the international challenges faced in protecting borders.

Border Security Challenges: Migration Crisis Tests European Consensus and Governance Migrants and refugees streaming into Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia Big Business of Smuggling Enables Mass Movement of People for Enormous Profits Climate Change and Natural Disasters Displace Millions, Affect Migration Flows Europe and the United States Confront Significant Flows of Unaccompanied Child Migrants Tackling Southeast Asia’s Migration Challenge ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe Border Skirmishes Resonate in National Domestic Politics Women’s Labour Migration from Asia and the Pacific

vital part of the security community. How can we improve human development on borders and work with people to enhance cross border security? How can Human Development Initiatives in a Public Private Partnership help tackle international security issue? The World Border Security Congress is a high level 3 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management. The World Border Security Congress, supported by the Ministry of Interior of Morocco, Organization for Security & Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), European Association of Airport and Seaport Police, International Security Industry Organisation, National Security & Resilience Consortium and International Association of CIP Professionals, is the premier multi-jurisdictional transnational platform where the border protection, management 2017 World Border Security Congress

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

You are invited to join the world border management and security community in Morocco on 21st-23rd March 2017 to develop strategic border management resolutions and solutions - Tackling International Border Security Challenges. To view the full Congress programme and for registration details visit 2017 World Border Security Congress Supported by:

Ministere de l’Interieur & Directeur de la Migration at de la Surveillance des Frontieres


Blighter Surveillance Systems unveils the Blighter® C400 series coastal security radar The Blighter C400 series is a modular, solid-state nonrotating e-scan advanced Doppler radar designed specifically for the detection of small, slow moving and uncooperative targets often undetectable by traditional coastal surveillance systems and maritime radars. For example, the radar can detect a small wooden boat, panga or dory with a radar crosssection (RCS) of 1m² at a range of up to 11km (6.8 miles). It does this day and night, in heavy rain, dense fog or even rough seas.

The Blighter C400 series is a modular, solid-state non-rotating e-scan advanced Doppler radar designed specifically for the detection of small, slow moving and uncooperative targets often undetectable by traditional coastal surveillance systems and maritime radars. For example, the radar can detect a small wooden boat, panga or dory with a radar cross-section (RCS) of 1m² at a range of up to 11km (6.8 miles). It does this day and night, in

heavy rain, dense fog or even rough seas. The Blighter C400 series radar is optimised for this purpose with a range of features including advanced Doppler signal processing, low power passive electronically scanned array (PESA) and frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) technologies. The radar also has a built-in static target detector, sea clutter filter with low false alarm rate, and a ‘shadow boost’ feature that gives the

radar an extremely short minimum detection range (10 metres) to enable boats to be detected as they land, even when close to the radar. Blighter radars are already operational on water borders in Europe and Asia and to protect sea-facing royal palaces. Moreover, the new C400 series has been demonstrated in numerous ports, harbours and coastlines around the world and has proven to be highly effective against small and uncooperative targets. Mark Radford, CEO, Blighter Surveillance Systems, said: “The principal challenge for coastal security system integrators is detecting unwanted intruders using small and slow moving boats during poor environmental conditions. That’s because smugglers, terrorists, pirates and illegals exploit the weather conditions to evade detection knowing that sensors are often compromised during heavy rains and at high sea states. “However, we have designed the Blighter C400 coastal security radar to work in these conditions by developing techniques and algorithms for differentiating boats from waves and detecting very slow and static objects on the water surface, even in cluttered


environments. Hence, we can detect a kayak, canoe, jet-ski, RIB or other small boat alongside larger ships even in a busy harbour or port.” The Blighter C400 series radar uses advanced Doppler signal processing to provide the ability to precisely examine the motion of waterborne objects with respect to waves or ripples on the water surface. Unlike traditional Doppler radars, the C400 series characterises non-moving targets using the static target detector so that moored boats, buoys and other structures remain visible on the radar screen. The radar’s built-in sea clutter filter automatically adapts to changing sea states and wave conditions to remove the unwanted radar signal produced by waves using both velocity (speed) and amplitude (height) characteristics. The Blighter C400 series radar can be used as part of a larger coastal security system incorporating day/ night and fog penetrating electro-optical camera systems, AIS (automatic identification system), other boat transponder/ tracking systems and CCTV. These elements can all be controlled through the BlighterView HMI command and control (C2) software platform.

Border Security Report | September/October 2016



Smiths Detection Launches ‘Aviation Insider’: New Global Web Portal for Aviation Security Smiths Detection has announced the launch of Aviation Insider – a new online hub for the aviation sector. As both risks to airports and the technologies to counter them continue to evolve, the need to stay informed has never been greater: aviation-insider. com has been set up to showcase best practice in aviation security and facilitate discussion. It will host informed, expert opinions and articles written by leading voices in the sector. Cameron Mann, Global Market Director, Aviation at Smiths Detection, said: “The series of attacks on airports over the past two years is evidence of the fact that the world’s 2,200 airports are facing unprecedented security threats.” “Taking an integrated approach to aviation security, from kerb to gate, has never been more important. This has been recognised by IATA and ACI with their Smart Security scheme, and is also at the core of Smiths Detection’s approach to provide integrated airport security solutions. “The benefits of a joined-up approach are considerable. Airport operators need to consider

passenger experience, operational efficiency and security effectiveness when developing their security processes. They are interrelated and need to be considered together so that airports can streamline their operations and reap the benefits of improved efficiency and productivity.” Mr. Mann continued: “Aviation Insider is designed to be a critical hub for industry opinion; a place where best practice ideas can be shared and where discussion between practitioners can thrive for this evolving landscape. Passengers need to keep flying with minimal delays and maximum safety and we hope that this hub will contribute to making that happen.” The website’s launch comes as Smiths Detection – a world-leading designer and manufacturer of sensors that detect and identify explosives, weapons, chemical agents, biohazards, nuclear and radioactive material, narcotics and contraband – has set up a dedicated aviation solutions team to help airports improve

their security, based on a fully integrated approach to security from kerb to gate. The team

will develop integrated solutions for each airport adapted to their specific requirements.

Crossmatch solution celebrates 5 years in Morocco Sandwiched between the poverty and conflict below and affluent democracies above, North Africa sits along one of the busiest migrant routes in the world. Any region would be hard-pressed to deal with the massive flows of people through its borders. For an area still recovering from the Arab Spring (or in some cases, desperately trying to prevent its resurgence), the task appears nearly impossible. Under-resourced and lacking trained staff, governments in North Africa are starting to leverage sophisticated technology as a way to gain a strategic advantage. Biometrics are the standard for law enforcement and immigration services in the developed world. North African governments are now using this technology to manage their borders and deny criminals and terrorists the benefit of anonymity. The Royal Moroccan Gendarmerie is responsible for maintaining control over a vast and rugged frontier used by migrants to reach the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla – gateways into the European Union. Faced with the challenge

Border Security Report | September/October 2016

of migrants without reliable documentation, the Gendarmerie turned to Crossmatch for a biometric solution which would allow officers to make informed decisions in the field. Working with the Gendarmerie’s technical staff and a local partner, Crossmatch built a biometric database to catalog encounters and match them against criminal records. The Gendarmerie then deployed the SEEK, a Crossmatch mobile biometric device, with officers in the field. When they encounter migrants or investigate a crime, officers of the Gendarmerie are now able to query a subject’s identity instantly, even when no documents are available. This year marks the


fifth anniversary of the Crossmatch solution in Morocco, and it continues to deliver impressive results across the deployment scope, including remote immigration screening along the border.

Morocco’s experience with biometrics demonstrates that even the toughest security challenge can be addressed through strong identity management.

Unisys Awarded Border Security Contract by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Unisys has announced it was awarded a contract by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), part of the Department of Homeland Security, to modernize the agency’s technology for identifying people and vehicles entering and exiting the U.S. Under the new contract, Unisys will provide uninterrupted technical support for the LBI technology currently deployed at CBP’s ports of entry. The program seeks to

reduce processing and wait times for travellers crossing the U.S. border as well as provide greater flexibility to CBP border agents through the increased use of mobile devices.


contacts Editorial: Tony Kingham E: Contributing Editorial: Neil Walker E: Design, Marketing & Production: Neil Walker E: Subscriptions: Tony Kingham E: Border Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic magazine and is the border management industry magazine delivering agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over 16,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide.

Copyright of KNM Media and Torch Marketing.

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Border Security Report | September/October 2016


21st-23rd March 2017

Casablanca, Morocco

Confirmed speakers include:

Supported by the Ministry of Interior of Morocco, the Organisation for Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), National Security & Resilience Consortium, International Security Industry Organisation and International Association of CIP Professionals, the World Border Security Congress is the premier multi-jurisdictional global platform where the border protection policy-makers, management and practitioners together with security industry professionals, convene annually to discuss the international challenges faced in protecting borders.

- Alvaro Rodriguez-Gaya, Head of Strategy and Outreach - European Migrant Smuggling Centre, EUROPOL - Simon Deignan, Counter Terrorism Officer, OSCE - Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino, Commander, EU Naval Force Mediterranean - Peter Nilsson, Project Manager, Border Police Division, AIRPOL - Muhammed Babandede MFR, Comptroller General, Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria - Lieutenant-Colonel Olga Derkach PhD, Senior Officer, International cooperation and Eurointegration Department, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine - Lieutenant-General Vasyl Servatiuk, The First Deputy Head, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine - Rear Admiral Dr Hatem Albesher, Assistant of the General Department Director for Legal Affairs & International Cooperation, Saudi Border Guards and Chairman, Saudi Maritime Center for Consultations and Services, Saudi Arabia - Josef Iroko, General Legal Counsel Board Secretary, Ghana National Identification Authority, Ghana - Peter van den Berg, President, European Association of Airport & Seaport Police - Senior Representative, ICAO, WACAF Office - Alket Furxhiu, Executive Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, Albania - Michael Gaul, Senior Advisor, NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division

We look forward to welcoming you to Casablanca, Morocco on 21st-23rd March 2017 for the premier gathering of border and migration management professionals.

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Developing strategic border management resolutions and solutions SAVE THE DATES 2015/16 saw unprecedented crisis on a global scale, from the Middle East warring factions creating mass refugee movements across Europe, illegal economic migrants from Africa and Asia have created increasing challenges for the international border management and security community. 2016 is expected to see a continuation of the migration challenges for the border management and security community, as little sign of peace and security in the Middle East is apparent. The World Border Security Congress is a high level 3 day event that will discuss and debate current and future policies, implementation issues and challenges as well as new and developing technologies that contribute towards safe and secure border and migration management. We need to continue the discussion, collaboration and intelligence sharing. for the international border management and security industry

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To discuss the limited exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities and your involvement with the 2017 World Border Security Congress please visit

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’Avalanche’ Network Dismantled in International Cyber Operation After more than four years of investigation, the Public Prosecutor’s Office Verden and the Lüneburg Police (Germany) in close cooperation with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the Department of Justice and the FBI, Europol, Eurojust and global partners, dismantled an international criminal infrastructure platform known as ‘Avalanche’.

The Avalanche network was used as a delivery platform to launch and manage mass global malware attacks and money mule recruiting campaigns. It has caused an estimated EUR 6 million in damages in concentrated cyberattacks on online banking systems in Germany alone. In addition, the monetary losses associated with malware attacks conducted over the Avalanche network

are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of euros worldwide, although exact calculations are difficult due to the high number of malware families managed through the platform. The global effort to take down this network involved the crucial support of prosecutors and investigators from 30 countries. As a result, 5 individuals were arrested,

37 premises were searched, and 39 servers were seized. Victims of malware infections were identified in over 180 countries. Also, 221 servers were put offline through abuse notifications sent to the hosting providers. The operation marks the largest-ever use of sinkholing[1] to combat botnet[2] infrastructures and is unprecedented in its scale, with over 800 000 domains seized, sinkholed or blocked.

First CYBERPOL Security Operations Center (SOC) to Open in USA with Protecting Tomorrow CYBERPOL, The International Cyber Policing Organization, with headquarters currently located in the United Kingdom, announces a strategic partnership with Protecting Tomorrow, a United States Cyber Protection Organization whose headquarters are established in San Diego, California. In recent months, CYBERPOL received endorsements from major international players in the cyber security domain with involvement from both public and private sector organizations. In addition, CYBERPOL received support from law enforcement agencies active in the international cyber security landscape who have recognized the need for cross-border collaboration in support of the fight against global cyber crime. The President of CYBERPOL, Mr. Ricardo Baretzky advised that the door is open for all

countries to join CYBERPOL in this quest to make the internet a safer global environment for all. The newly appointed Secretary General of CYBERPOL, Mr. Jay McGowan, informed media sources that CYBERPOL is on track to become a significant cyber crime information sharing capability, with requests to participate increasing as the CYBERPOL reputation and objectives become public. The Chairman of Protecting Tomorrow, Mr. Rusty Sailors,

stated that Protecting Tomorrow is strongly supportive of the expansion of CYBERPOL into the United States and welcomes the partnership. Through this partnership between Protecting Tomorrow and CYBERPOL, the team is on track to open the first international crime focused Security Operations Center (SOC) in the United States, in support of public and private sector activities. As a non-profit 501(c)3, Protecting Tomorrow is in a unique position to coordinate across a broad spectrum of public and private organizations facing cyber crime challenges across the United States and abroad. “The need for cross border collaboration in the fight against the evergrowing risk and level of sophistication deployed by online adversaries requires a coordinated effort; CYBERPOL provides a vehicle to make this happen” Mike Loginov CEO

Ascot Barclay Group. The first international CYBERPOL Cyber Security Summit occurred in Brussels, Belgium on 17 and 18 Nov 2015. The event received much attention with dozens of officials from the international community. CYBERPOL continues to grow steadily with official representation across multiple countries; including the Unites States, United Kingdom, Denmark, Africa, Hungary, and Italy. CYBERPOL has continuously demonstrated its effectiveness by sharing undisclosed critical vulnerabilities to appropriate partners and officials, and worked together to mitigate some of the most unique and complex cyber related threats the world faces today. In addition CYBERPOL, The International Cyber Policing Organization was just recognized as a “One Star Organization“ in the UK by officials.

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IACIPP - John Donlon News from the Chairman Back in November I was delighted to chair the second edition of Critical Infrastructure and Resilience Asia (CIPRA) held in Bangkok. It proved once again to be a very productive meeting of minds and ideas of CIP professionals from across the globe. CIPRA brought together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to discuss and collaborate on securing Asia CNI. The conference looked at developing existing national or international legal and technical frameworks, integrating good risk management, strategic planning and implementation. It also reinforced our view that as the threats to critical infrastructure grow and evolve, whether man-made or natural, it’s vital for all those involved with the protection of our critical assets to share information, experiences and best practise and here at the IACIPP facilitating that process is our reason for being. So over the last many months we have been working on global intranet that will allow our members to communicate in a secure, fraternal environment. That work is now coming to fruition and we should be ready to launch that network before the next issue of WSR is published in February 2017. The password protected network will include news and articles from around the world, case studies, best practice documents, white papers, academic studies and crucially a ‘Threat Watch’ both for physical and cyber security. If you are a CNI operator, security officer, law enforcement, emergency services, policy maker or government official we would like you to join us. You will find it via the association web site at .

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The IACIPP Poll Go to the IACIPP Take the IACIPP Poll at Where do you see your next major security threat? - Cyber attack - Insider Threat - Man Made / Ineptitude - Terrorist attack - CBRNE threat - Natural Disaster Please give us your opinion - we will publish the results in the next issue. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, North America is officially launched! With threats from natural and man-made disasters, cyber attacks, state sponsored espionage and terrorism an ever present danger to critical national infrastructure, collaberation, co-operation and convergence are key to ensuring their protection. That is why 3 years ago we launched an event Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, Europe with a unique format. The difference is that it has a uniue two track programme of physical security and cyber security running in parallel as well as combined plennary sessions. This means that delegates can choose to hear from experts in their respective fields but still have the opportunity to network with colleagues from both diciplines who need to work together to mitigate threats and attacks to CNI. In consultation with our North American colleagues we are delighted to announce that we will be launching Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, North America in Florida, December 2017.


Join the Community and help make a difference Dear CIP professional I would like to invite you as an infrastructure operator or related government agency representative to join the International Association of Critical Infrastructure Protection Professionals a newly formed body that seeks to encourage the exchange of information and promote collaborative working internationally. As an Association we aim to deliver discussion and innovation – on many of the serious Infrastructure - Protection - Management and Security Issue challenges - facing both Industry and Governments. The ever changing and evolving nature of threats, whether natural through climate change or man made through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber, means there is a continual need to review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing and changing demands. Our initial overall objectives are: • To develop a wider understanding of the challenges facing both industry and governments • To facilitate the exchange of appropriate infrastructure & information related information and to maximise networking opportunities • To promote good practice and innovation • To facilitate access to experts within the fields of both Infrastructure and Information protection and resilience • To create a centre of excellence, promoting close co-operation with key international partners • To extend our reach globally to develop wider membership that reflects the needs of all member countries and organisations For further details and to join, visit and be amongst the first to shape the future of this increasingly critical sector of national security. We look forward to welcoming you.

John Donlon QPM, FSI Chairman IACIPP

9th-11th May 2017

The Hague, Netherlands

Co-Hosted by:

Converge; Collaborate; Cooperate The ever changing nature of threats, whether natural through climate change, or man-made through terrorism activities, either physical or cyber attacks, means the need to continually review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing demands. Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to debate and collaborate on securing Europe’s critical infrastructure. Join us in The Hague, Netherlands for the premier event for operators and government establishments tasked with Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience. For further details and to register visit Confirmed Speakers include: • Sir Julian King, Commissioner for Security Union, European Commission • Philip Rydén, Chief Security Officer, E.ON Sverige AB • Gonzalo Martin de Mercado, Studies manager, Integrated Applications, ESA – European Space Agency • Konstantinos Moulinos, CIIP Project Manager, ENISA • Ben Govers, Senior Advisor / Project Manager, Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, Netherlands • Jaya Baloo, CISO, KPN, Netherlands • Andrew Wright, Head of Industrial Resources and Communication Services Group (IRCSG), NATO • Michael Lowder, Director - Office of Intelligence, Security & Emergency Response, US Dept of Transportation • Gabriela Matei, Analysis Team Manager, National CYBERINT Center, Romania • Anjos Nijk, Managing Director, European Network for Cyber Security

• Martin Lee, Technical Lead, Security Research, CISCO • Dr Zahri Yunos, Chief Operating Officer, Cyber Security Malaysia • Pepijn van den Broek, Senior Associate, International Safety Research Europe BV • Frederic Petit, Principal Infrastructure Analyst/ Research Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory and Regional Director, International Association of CIP Professionals, USA • Duane R. Verner, AICP, Program Manager, Argonne National Laboratory, USA • Kalliopi Anastassiadou, Research Associate & Project Manager, Federal Highway Research Institute of Germany / Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen • Cyril Widdershoven, Director, Verocy • Ayhan Gücüyener, Regional Director, International Association of CIP Professionals, Turkey • Robert Mikac, Faculty of Political Science & National Protection and Rescue Directorate, Croatia

Leading the debate for securing Europe’s critical infrastructure Owned & Organised by:

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Motorola Solutions’ Digital Two-Way Radio Technology Enhances MissionCritical Communications at Munich Airport Motorola Solutions has received an order to implement a comprehensive update and extension of its existing TETRA digital twoway radio system at Munich Airport. The newly modernized communications infrastructure ensures greater connectivity, interoperability and collaboration between various business and operational functions at Germany’s second largest airport. Motorola Solutions will also provide services for ensuring smooth operations. Within the framework of the TETRA radio network refresh, Motorola Solutions is equipping the airport with a new MCC 7500 IP Dispatch Console. The comprehensive, scalable solution enhances the IP architecture to ensure optimum call set up and availability. It will also allow Munich Airport to expand its communications infrastructure in the future without

interrupting existing services. As well as this, Motorola Solutions will implement two TETRA base stations for improved TETRA radio coverage in the terminal buildings. Alongside the improvements to the TETRA system, the airport has started a pilot project for the potential introduction of Motorola Solutions’ broadband pushto-talk (PTT) platform WAVE. The goal of the installation is to ensure that airport staff can communicate, no matter which device or infrastructure is being used. The powerful PTT solution

WAVE™ Work Group Communications provides airport authorities with secure and reliable communications beyond TETRA radio – including broadband devices and networks – to enable greater workforce connectivity, interoperability and collaboration. WAVE connects the TETRA system used by administrative staff with service management employees who join the broadband platform via smartphones, computers, other radios or telephones, meaning that staff across the airport can communicate with one another from virtually any location.

“We have been working with Motorola Solutions’ TETRA two-way digital radio system since 2007,” said Michael Zaddach, head of the IT service division at Flughafen München GmbH. “The update of our TETRA infrastructure enables us to further improve our communications in airport operations and make our processes even more efficient.” “We are collaborating closely with Munich Airport to provide a future-proof TETRA digital two-way radio network,” said Klaus-Dieter Drossel, sales director for key accounts, Motorola Solutions Germany GmbH. “We are also pleased that Munich Airport is testing our broadband push-to-talk platform WAVE, and we are certain that it will enable airport staff to work together more closely, no matter which device or network they use.”

Critical Infrastructure protection Market to Reach $145.67 billion with 9.15% CAGR Forecast to 2022 The Global Critical infrastructure protection market is projected to reach $145.67 billion by 2022 growing at a CAGR of 9.15% during the forecast period. Some of the key drivers for the market growth include globally existing trend of investment in the smart grids, boost in IT spending, development in the operation of automation solutions, integrated

functioning of cloud and CIP, raise in cyber-attacks & cyber-crimes and wellorganized policy system & implementations. However, scarcity of technical personnel, a deep understanding of industrial control system and the paucity of interoperability between products are some of the major factors inhibiting the growth of critical infrastructure

protection market. North America commanded the Critical infrastructure protection market with more than 30% market share in 2014 and this trend is expected to persist over the forecast period as well. The market is mainly driven by the United States, continues to grow due to its vulnerability to terrorism, cyber hacking,

bio-terrorism, hijacking and other such threats. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing market, due to rising insider attacks, increasing cyber threats along with growing investments made towards infrastructure security. Risk management service holds the larger part in CIP followed by the designing, integration and consultation segment.

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Convergint Technologies and BriefCam Boost Security and Efficiency at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport Convergint Technologies and BriefCam, the Video Synopsis® have announced that Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) has expanded its use of BriefCam Syndex®, doubling the amount of licenses to further increase security and operational productivity across the airport. Convergint has overseen the migration of ABIA to a unified access control platform based on Genetec Security Center with BriefCam Syndex® embedded. Using BriefCam’s technology, ABIA can rapidly

review, analyze and investigate large amounts of video data for maximizing security, while using the same data to get better insights into operational activities. Tony Varco, Vice President of Security for Convergint Technologies, said, “Our companies’ long-standing partnership has deepened as Video Synopsis has become more powerful, enabling us to meet customer needs not only for security, but for transportation, safe cities and enterprises.”

Amit Gavish, General Manager, BriefCam North America said, “ABIA is a busy airport, providing service to 15 airlines and 48 destinations, alongside managing business, retail, ground transportation, parking and many other functions. BriefCam Syndex enables leveraging the huge amounts of already-available video data to expand its value beyond security, allowing the airport to easily control and optimize operations where needed.”

Supervisor Bryan Moore: “Using the Access Control System unified with Genetec Security Center, as well as BriefCam, can protect people and keep them where they need to be within our airport. So if you were to receive an alarm, it would automatically populate that camera in that location with Genetec Security Center. And within that, you can also use BriefCam technology, be able to slim it down, save time and keep people safe.”

According to ABIA Telecommunications

Gallagher announced the global release of its latest state-of-the-art mobile security solution: Gallagher Mobile Connect Harnessing Bluetooth® wireless technology and the power of smart phones, Mobile Connect transforms a mobile phone in to an access device – empowering businesses to use mobile technology in place of traditional access cards. Partnering with Nok Nok Labs and the FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) Alliance, Gallagher’s unique Mobile Connect solution uses FIDO certified authentication to deliver exceptionally safe and secure credentials. “Mobile Connect really brings the best of both worlds to the market,” said Steve Bell, Chief Technology Officer at Gallagher. “It makes access simpler and easier

code to verify the user and mobile device. This creates further administration efficiencies by removing the need to physically deliver an access card.

for users while operating on highly-secure, cuttingedge FIDO protocols that give businesses supreme confidence in their security.” Delivering more than just peace-of-mind, Gallagher’s new mobile solution significantly reduces costs and simplifies administration through a range of exclusive features. In addition to eliminating the costs of

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supplying and replacing access cards, Mobile Connect customers will enjoy a unique subscription model, which allows for credentials to be transferred between users and reissued to devices. Using two-step remote provisioning, Mobile Connect delivers secure enrolment by sending an email invitation with SMS

Optional two-factor authentication, either PIN or biometric, provides added security and flexibility for sites using Mobile Connect. “We’re thrilled with this latest release in our mobile technology development program and the simplicity it brings to our customers. Our goal is always to develop simple solutions underpinned by the strongest security, and that’s what we’ve achieved here,” said Bell.


FLIR Systems Acquires Prox Dynamics for $134 Million Acquisition adds unique nano-drone unmanned aerial systems leveraging Lepton capabilities to Surveillance product range FLIR Systems has announced that it has acquired Prox Dynamics AS, a leading developer and manufacturer of nano-class unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for military and para-military intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance applications, for approximately $134 million in cash. Based in Oslo, Norway and founded in 2007 by pioneers in nano helicopter technologies, Prox Dynamics develops, manufactures, and

distributes aerial sensors that are revolutionarily small, light, and covert surveillance systems. Prox Dynamics’ Personal Reconnaissance System (PRS) features their Black Hornet aerial sensor and a hand controller, a system that is pocket sized and hand-launched by a soldier in the field, enabling a significant advantage in situational awareness and mission planning. The Black Hornet aerial sensor utilizes FLIR’s Lepton micro thermal camera, visible spectrum

cameras, advanced lowpower rotor technology, and proprietary software for flight control, stabilization, and communications. The Black Hornet helicopter is one of the lightest, stealthiest, and safest drones in the market, offering a highly advanced, lifesaving surveillance solution for traditional military forces and special operations forces. Weighing less than one ounce, the Black Hornet helicopter can fly for up to 25 minutes at line-of-sight distances of up to one mile. The addition of the Prox Dynamics business will augment FLIR’s Surveillance

segment by extending FLIR’s Airborne sensor product line and fully leveraging Lepton technology. FLIR intends to invest in optimizing the PRS platform to further enhance the range, cost, flexibility, and performance of the system. The Prox Dynamics team will benefit from close interaction with FLIR’s thermal sensor development group as well as the ability to leverage FLIR’s brand, distribution, and customer support infrastructure to better serve a global base of users. The business will

become FLIR’s Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) line of business operating within the Surveillance segment.

Convergint Technologies and BriefCam has announced that AustinBergstrom International Airport (ABIA) has expanded its use of BriefCam Syndex®, doubling the amount of licenses to further increase security and operational productivity across the airport into operational activities.

Convergint has overseen the migration of ABIA to a unified access control platform based on Genetec Security Center with BriefCam Syndex® embedded. Using BriefCam’s technology, ABIA can rapidly review, analyze and investigate large amounts of video data for maximizing security, while using the same data to get better insights

Tony Varco, Vice President of Security for Convergint Technologies, said, “Our companies’ long-standing partnership has deepened as Video Synopsis has become more powerful, enabling us to meet customer needs not only for security, but for transportation, safe cities and enterprises.” Amit Gavish, General Manager, BriefCam North America said, “ABIA is a busy

airport, providing service to 15 airlines and 48 destinations, alongside managing business, retail, ground transportation, parking and many other functions. BriefCam Syndex enables leveraging the huge amounts of already-available video data to expand its value beyond security, allowing the airport to easily control and optimize operations where needed.”

Genetec Security Center, as well as BriefCam, can protect people and keep them where they need to be within our airport. So if you were to receive an alarm, it would automatically populate that camera in that location with Genetec Security Center. And within that, you can also use BriefCam technology, be able to slim it down, save time and keep people safe.”

According to ABIA Telecommunications Supervisor Bryan Moore: “Using the Access Control System unified with

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Globalstar Solutions To Monitor Fleets and Safeguard Oil Industry Workers In Tunisia Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd has announced three contract wins in the North African oil industry. These new customers have chosen to deploy iVMS (Integrated Vehicle Monitoring System) from Tunisian Globalstar partner, Virtual Mobile Data (VMD). iVMS switches seamlessly between Globalstar’s simplex satellite network and the land-based GSM/GPRS network to ensure the safety of people and equipment even in the most remote areas. VMD worked with local technology partner, Neuron Technology Systems (NTS), to design iVMS, which switches automatically to simplex satellite communications when the GSM network becomes unreliable or if a GPRS transmission fails for any reason. In VMD’s most recent deployment, a Ukrainian oil services company is using 30 iVMS devices, which incorporate Globalstar’s SmartOne B simplex tracker, to help its oil exploration and production customers monitor their vehicle fleets and safeguard staff across Tunisia. The devices monitor vehicles used for transporting heavy engineering equipment, including scientific engines for seismic measurement, as well as monitoring vehicles used to transport personnel.

Kilani Enterprise for Public Works, deployed iVMS to track its fleet of 4x4 vehicles, for better fleet security and to help monitor driver behaviour. iVMS gives Kilani Entreprise the precise location of its fleet as well as transmitting engine data which indicates driver performance such as sudden braking or unexpected acceleration. In addition, Kilani Enterprise has been using Globalstar’s SPOT handheld devices since 2013 as its only means of safeguarding staff carrying out operations in southern Tunisia’s vast desert. In a third recent iVMS deployment, VMD integrated SmartOne B transmitters with GPRS devices from another local reseller, MYCOM, for a Tunisian services company whose support for oil industry firms includes providing equipment, transportation, site maintenance and staff services. The company

Early in 2016, a Tunisian civil works contractor,

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is using 56 iVMS devices to track transporters and containers carrying mechanical and oil rig equipment used in petroleum production and refining. VMD customised solutions for all three deployments by adding a one-touch SOS button onto the drivers’ dashboards which alerts the respective companies’ in-house security teams if anyone is in danger, requires emergency medical help or if the intervention of security forces is needed. This level of always-on connectivity is an essential security measure in the remote regions in which oil operations take place. iVMS integration with VMD’s own partner platform enables security notifications to be sent via email, SMS or other means. For all three wins, VMD’s Globalstar-based solution was selected after a thorough evaluation of other technologies and was chosen because its reliability, affordability and network coverage. VMD decided to put Globalstar’s SmartOne B simplex asset manager at the heart of its dual-technology communications solution because of

its dependability, long battery life and ability to automatically switch between battery and line-power as required. SmartOne uses motion sensors and comparative GPS positions to gather and transmit asset status information over Globalstar’s satellite constellation, the only complete next generation mobile satellite network in orbit today. Jamel Hajji, Sales & Marketing Manager at VMD, said: “As oil exploration and production once again starts growing in Africa, providers of logistics and other support services are being called upon to work in more and more remote regions. Knowing the location of assets 24/7, and safeguarding personnel as they transit to and from remote oil operations sites, is essential.” “The operational challenges posed by inadequate GSM coverage in the regions where oil is extracted are compounded by remote, inhospitable terrain, and additional security risks,” commented Karim Chagra, Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE) Manager with Kilani Entreprise for Public Works. “Thanks to the expertise and support of VMD and Globalstar, we have a cost-effective and capable tracking and monitoring system that enables us to work more efficiently and securely.”


LDS Unveils SpectroDrone: Drone-Operated, Laser-Based Explosive Detection System as LDS’ SPHERE vehicle inspection systems.

SpectroDrone is the world’s first sensor system capable of detecting explosives, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and other chemical compounds from a safe, standoff distance. Following extensive testing in the laboratory and in the field, Laser Detect System (LDS) Ltd. is unveiling SpectroDrone – the world’s first drone-based explosive detection sensor. Utilizing LDS’ laser-based explosive detection system, SpectroDrone detects explosives and other hazardous materials, in gas, liquid, powder or bulk form, at a distance of several meters from the threat. SpectroDrone can perform such missions over an operational radius of up to 3 Km. In addition to the detection of dangerous materials, SpectroDrone can

“We are very excited to unveil this innovative solution for security and anti-terror applications at Israel’s HLS & Cyber, “said Eli Venezia, LDS founder, and President, “We are also encouraged by the great promise our technology offers for commercial applications.” remotely analyze different materials in real time, fulfilling essential role in mining and other industrial operations. LDS is unveiling the SpectroDrone this week at Israel’s HLS & Cyber Expo in Tel Aviv (15/16 November 2016). At the exhibition, SpectroDrone is displayed integrated on the Airobotics Optimus drone – a high capacity multi-mission multi-

rotor drone. In this new configuration SpectroDrone automatically detects and analyzes explosives materials and IEDs, hazardous compounds, and narcotics from a distance, in addition to its surveillance role, thus enhancing situational understanding and real-time response to emergency situations. The SpectroDrone payload can also be mounted on ground robots and in fixed operation such

“When running security, emergency or surveillance missions in an industrial environment, the ability to dynamically and swiftly replace payloads, as well as introduce new innovative ones, is a real step forward,” says Ran Krauss, CEO, and Co-Founder of Airbotics. “The next generation of security lies in introducing unique technological capabilities, which I believe LDS and Airbotics bring jointly to market.”

CarteNav will commercialize GE’s advanced computer vision and video analytics technology within intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance marketplace CarteNav Solutions has announced the signing of a long-term technology transfer and licensing agreement with GE Ventures. Under the agreement, GE shall transfer and license proprietary computer vision and video analytics technology. CarteNav will undertake commercialization of GE’s technology within its global marketplace of defence, security, and commercial

clients. CarteNav provides situational awareness and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (“ISR”) solutions to government and non-government customers in more than 30 countries around the world. GE’s video analytical technology will provide identification, classification, and tracking capabilities that will assist users of CarteNav’s software for a variety of special mission

applications. “This technology is very relevant to our end customers who undertake complex and critical missions including surveillance, reconnaissance, law enforcement, search and rescue, disaster response, infrastructure inspection, and resource protection,” said Paul Evans, CarteNav’s President. “The technology that will be commercialized is very complementary to

CarteNav’s core product as well as to the products and technology of numerous industry partners we work with today. This is an exciting development for CarteNav and we look forward to working closely with GE to leverage their significant intellectual property and expertise to bring groundchanging new capabilities to our marketplace.”

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Multitone Launches EkoSecure For Campus Worker Protection Multitone Electronics has announced the launch of its EkoSecure solution, for the campus or site wide protection of workers. EkoSecure builds upon the company’s EkoTek staff protection system, featuring a wider coverage area, ideal for outdoor and remote locations around any workplace facility. Husam Al-karnaz, Solutions Architect at Multitone, commented “EkoSecure is a development of our EkoTek solution. It widens the coverage area using a mesh network of repeater units, which can be up to 60 metres apart, that extends the protection quickly and efficiently, reducing installation and operational costs.” Using the mesh network system also adds significant redundancy mitigation to the solution, as Husam continued, “Using this approach, if there is any failure in the network it can

will call for immediate assistance. Man Down Alarm – If the user falls the alarm is raised after a short period. Snatch Alarm – Should the alarm be forcibly taken from the user. Deadman Alarm – The user is polled at pre-defined intervals and prompted to respond. be instantly compensated for, the alarm raised and assistance called for, when a worker is in trouble. Additionally, the handheld EkoSecure device uses a loud audio alarm to direct a response team directly to the incident, which is vital in large areas where pinpointing a precise location can be a challenge.” EkoSecure pagers offer four types of alarm, ensuring users are fully protected and that the assistance team is informed what type of emergency it is. They are Red Button Alarm – A single or double press of the button

As well as operating as a stand-alone solution, EkoSecure is also able to operate with Multitone’s EkoTek indoor staff protection system, for even greater flexibility and location accuracy. The new EkoSecure pager can be used to roam within the EkoTek mesh network and uses the repeaters for alarms and location in the just the same way. Husam added, “EkoSecure allows a user to roam an entire site or campus buildings, safe in the knowledge they are protected wherever they are. This is particularly useful

around a large site such as a hospital, prison or university, with a broad mixture of different buildings and large outdoor spaces, where it would be very easy to go unnoticed if there were a problem.” Once an alarm has been triggered, the alert can be escalated to a rescue team via a choice of communications platforms, including mobile devices, DECT/Wi-Fi enabled phones or by email/IM. This can also be automatically routed to different devices at different times to ensure the right person or team is alerted immediately. EkoSecure also logs all events for audit purposes. Husam concluded, “EkoSecure requires minimal training for use and can be installed rapidly, with additional capacity being simple to add, especially for customers that already use EkoTek for indoors emergency alerts.”

ISI Selected by an African Country to Provide Intelligence as a Service ImageSat International, has been selected to provide Intelligence as a Service to an African country. ISI’s Intelligence Research Department will provide the client with periodical tailored reports to enhance the country’s capabilities in analyzing multi-source intelligence data, including satellite imagery, and transforming it into

actionable information. According to Noam Segal, the CEO, “The Company’s Intelligence Research Department is made up of intelligence experts with an accumulated experience of hundreds of years in Israel’s most recognized intelligence institutions. This department’s experts and analysts will provide clients with the

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highest level of professional research and intelligence services, tailored specifically to their needs.” He continued, “Intelligence as a Service was designed to meet the needs of many countries and organizations for additional intelligence capabilities with the important strategic enhancement of space-based

visual data. The service is also planned to include, in the future, on-the-job training for end-users to develop their independent capabilities in interrogating and processing data from multiple sources including satellites. Intelligence as a Service provides our customers detailed periodical reports with significant operational value”.


Elbit Systems Presents Groundeye™ Elbit Systems presents GroundEye, an innovative line of systems for groundbased wide-area, focused and persistent surveillance at the Israel HLS & Cyber Conference, taking place this week in Tel Aviv. The GroundEye line comprises advanced systems and capabilities in the field of imagery intelligence gathering, which together provide a complete picture and large Field of View (FOV), to a large number of users, in both real time and back-intime, for forensic debriefing and in high-resolution. GroundEye was developed specifically to address requirements raised by security and law enforcement agencies to improve operational responses

ability to acquire, record and investigate forensic data, in real time or ‘back-in-time’ (via video recording). In addition, the system enables creation of highly-effective virtually closed-off areas (safe zones) that generate a virtual fence around the perimeter of any secure area.

against terrorism and homeland security threats such as border protection, facility security-related events, sporting events and mass public shootings. Readily operable by one or more persons, the GroundEye surveillance system can be used to zoom into multiple target areas of interest, while offering easy maneuverability between

FLIR has Launched its Second Generation FLIR Meridian Network Video Recorder

FLIR Systems has announced the launch of the second generation of the FLIR Meridian Network Video Recorder (NVR). An all-in-one video surveillance recording system that adds a built-in 8-port PoE switch and dual monitor display functionality. It’s aimed at small to medium

enterprise security systems, the FLIR Meridian NVR’s new built-in 8-port PoE switch and external 8-port PoE switch options allows users to connect up to 24 cameras. With new dual monitor support, users can easily control multiple cameras, quickly browse through recorded footage, and generate detailed reports using FLIR’s built-in United VMS Control Centre, or the modernized EZ Client web interface, which is optimized for touch screen monitors.

different areas according to operational requirements, and facilitating continuous reception of data and video coverage as well as highquality image resolution in all areas of surveillance. When deployed, the system provides ground force commanders important insights on events occurring simultaneously but in different places, as well as the

The GroundEye features a fully-programmable alerting application based on the “safe zone” area, allowing operators to be notified for specific/unusual events. These capability complement and enhances GroundEye’s unparalleled persistent surveillance functions and provide the operator with an exceptional solution for locating, identifying and monitoring diverse event types.

Leonardo to provide maritime security for the port of Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo Leonardo has been contracted to provide an integrated system for maritime security for the port of Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo. The contract, which is worth a total of over 150 million Euros - around 30 million of which will go to Leonardo Leonardo will provide systems for both maritime and land-based security which will employ radar and electro-optical sensors, communications systems, logistics management and port operations systems. The agreement also includes

civil work including the construction of new docks for a total length of 700m as well as further engineering and design work and the project management of the other companies involved in the port development plan. The contract is part of an intergovernmental agreement between Italy and the Republic of Congo which involves the development of a ‘multimodal’ integrated transport system in the Congo basin covering river, sea and rail transport.

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Panda Security Releases Whitepaper Detailing Cyber-Attacks on Critical Infrastructure PandaLabs’ latest whitepaper features information on threats to critical infrastructure that can affect the operation of essential services; Malware and targeted attacks aimed at sabotaging these networks are the main threats to critical infrastructure; Oil refineries, gas pipelines, transport systems, electricity companies or water supply control systems all form part of a technologically advanced industry where security failures can affect the whole of society. Today’s increasing trend towards interconnecting all types of infrastructure also increases potential points of entry for attacks on the services that have become essential for today’s societies.

because it has been the attack vector for attacks as notorious as Stuxnet. When protecting such critical infrastructure, it is essential to ensure that malware doesn’t enter the internal network through pen drives or that they are not used to steal confidential information.

How could these attacks have been avoided?

• Checking systems for vulnerabilities.

The technical characteristics and the high level of exposure of data that can be stolen means that special care needs to be taken in protecting these infrastructures, including a series of good practices, such as:

• The networks used to control these infrastructures should be adequately monitored and, where necessary, isolated from external connections. • Control of removable drives is essential on any infrastructure and not just

• Monitoring PCs to which programmable logic controllers (or PLCs) are connected. These Internetconnected devices are the most sensitive, as they can give an attacker access to sensitive control systems. Moreover, even if they don’t manage to take control of a system, they can obtain valuable information for other attack vectors.

The Mariner Group is Now a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of ARES Security Corporation The Mariner Group has recently been fully acquired by ARES Security Corporation (ASC), who has held a majority ownership in The Mariner Group since 2013. As a result of the purchase, the Mariner team will gradually be transitioning into ARES Security. This acquisition builds on Mariner’s expansion while strengthening ASC’s position to serve the global security market by providing comprehensive end-to-end physical and logical security solutions.

ARES Security will incorporate Mariner’s CommandBridge™ platform into their suite of risk management and security optimization solutions to provide sensor integration and real time command and control capabilities. Throughout the transition ARES Security will continue to deliver the exceptional situational awareness and response management solutions that are the hallmark of The Mariner Group. Along with the transition,

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Mariner has also had a change in leadership. Steve Dryden has officially left the Mariner team to start a new venture and Ben Eazzetta, President of ASC, will be taking his place as the Mariner CEO. “The acquisition will realize ARES Security’s vision to become the leading provider of advanced situational awareness and risk management solutions worldwide. CommandBridge, which currently is deployed in 40% of the top ports in the US, not only opens

new infrastructure security markets for ARES Security, but also is key to our vision of deploying real time security optimization solutions,” said Ben Eazzetta, President of ASC. “Most importantly, we believe this acquisition benefits the customers of both businesses because it expands the depth and breadth of our security offerings, providing our clients with solutions to plan, prevent, detect, assess and respond to all types of incidents.”


Smiths Detection

World Security Report

World Security Report is a quarterly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 40,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. Smiths Detection

Obexion Shutters, developed by Charter Global Ltd, now include the first ever security shutters certified to LPS 1175, Issue 7, SR5 Security shutters to SR2, SR3, SR4 and bespoke risk specific specifications also available protection without compromise

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World Security Report

World Security Report is a bi-monthly electronic, fully accessible e-news service distributed to over 50,000 organisations globally. It tracks the full range of problems and threats faced by today’s governments, security and armed forces and civilian services and HEADLINE HERE looks at how they are dealing with them. It aims to be a prime source of online information and analysis on security, counterterrorism, international affairs and defence. CYBER ATTACK INSIGHTS BY INDUSTRY PAGE 00 Official Magazine of

ISSUE 2 | APRIL 2016

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FEATURE: Story Headline goes here for the featured story PAGE 00

FEATURE: Story Headline goes here for the featured story PAGE 00


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Border Security Report

Border Security Report is the bimonthly border management industry magazine delivering HEADLINE HERE agency and industry news and developments, as well as more in-depth features and analysis to over16,000 border agencies, agencies at the borders and industry professionals, policymakers and practitioners, worldwide. BORDER SECURITY



VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 | 2016










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advantages 30 - World Security Report


January 2017

17-18 MilSim Asia Singapore 22-24 INTERSEC Dubai, UAE 30-31 Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance Technology Rome, Italy 31-1 Feb Cybertech Tel Aviv, Israel

February 2017

13 8th Annual Land Forces Simulation and Training London, UK 15-17 European Defence Procurement Amsterdam, Netherlands 19-23 IDEX Abu Dhabi, UAE

March 2017

7-8 Defence Logistics Eastern Europe Prague, Czech Republic

To have your event listed please email details to the editor

21-23 World Border Security Congress Casablanca, Morocco 28-31 Emergency Management for Airports Summit Singapore

May 2017

9-11 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe The Hague, Netherlands

December 2017

5-7 Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Americas Orlando, Florida, USA

14-16 HomeSec Madrid, Spain

31 - World Security Report



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