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Welcome elcome back back students students. Learn earn about about Winter inter Welcome elcome Week eek on on Page age 5. OPINIONS


While Winter Break was fun, it’s good to be back.


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Read about what you missed over Winter Break:

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Campus parking, travel Advisers, mentors share impacts first school week first week experiences By ADÁN RUBIO

News & L a Vida Editor Whether it be finding a place to park or knowing what bus to hop on, questions about campus travel are ones Texas Tech Transportation and Parking Services work to answer. As students get ready for their first day back from winter break, taking time to understand campus parking and travel rules may be necessary to avoid issues such as being late to class or parking citations. Understanding where one can and cannot park could be a difficult task for some students, new or old. Brian Brand, assistant director at Tech Transportation and Parking Services, said there are R, Z and commuter lots on campus. “Your R lots are faculty and staff, and then your Z lots are your residence hall lots, and those are reserved for the folks who live in the residence halls 24 hours a day,” he said. Information regarding the Commuter North, West and Satellite lots can be found

on the Tech TPS website. In addition to the current parking lots, students can expect changes to parking as well. The C10 lot behind the Horticulture Gardens and Greenhouse Complex, located at the intersection of Hartford Avenue and Main Street, will later receive additional parking, Brand said. Work on the lots may start around spring break. “That’s basically going to be parking that’s going to be added that replaces what was taken away by the Womble,” he said. “So, we’re going to gain some space out there back that we lost originally.” A completed roadway project can be seen at the old campus entrance at 15th Street and University Avenue, Brand said. There is no longer through traffic in that area. “We finally finalized the R13 lot, which is a faculty and staff lot, the one off of 15th Street and University,” he said regarding why the area was reconstructed.



News & L a Vida Editor As students stress over their class schedule during the first week back, campus advisers and other mentors have to be ready to face an array of dilemmas. Wanting to replace a class last minute or needing to rearrange a schedule could be reasons why students crowd the advising offices during the first week of the semester. Catherine Nutter, senior director of Tech University Advising, said she has worked as an adviser at Tech since April 2010. University Advising, which focuses on helping students who have not declared a major and provides pre-professional health advising, sometimes see students who want to change their schedule during the first week of classes. “We see a pretty good number of students who need to add a class or want to change their schedule around,” Nutter said. Regarding students she has advised, Nutter said students have asked for the

quickest ways to graduate, needed to find an additional course for their major or have tried to get back into a class that filled up after having dropped it. Needing to add more hours is another reason Nutter said students want to change their schedule after classes start. With spring orientation being hosted close to the first day of classes, she said one should consider how a majority of classes one is looking for during the first week of school may not be available. Regardless, there are ways one could make his or her advising appointment run smoothly. “I think anytime a student wants to talk with their academic adviser, be prepared with the questions, know exactly what it is they’re asking or wanting to do,” Nutter said, “and be willing to listen.” During the first week of classes, the student’s preferred solution is not always available, Nutter said. One needs to be openminded to other possibilities and courses.





JAN. 15, 2020



Dining options to continue improvement By MALLORY ROSETTA

Digital Content Manager With the start of a new semester, the Hospitality Services team is ready to welcome students back and improve dining across campus to make sure it meets students’ needs. Alan Cushman, manager of business development for Hospitality Services, said the Hospitality department is part of Texas Tech rather than a contracted food service, and he said that means everything they do is built towards supporting Red Raiders and the campus community. “We have over 22 different dining locations across campus. And that represents all you care to eat, food courts, mini markets, national brands, express kiosks, academic buildings, we have a food truck, you name it,” Cushman said. “No matter what students are looking for, we’ve tried to provide it in the highest quality in the best locations available on campus.” At the moment, Cushman

said the department does not immediately have any new implementations in terms of dining coming up on campus, but they are working on some new programs on the back end. One program Cushman said he is most excited about is improving the Dining Bucks program to make it easier for students in the long run. “So, it’s just another way of kind of creating those better options for students and that’s again, part of Hospitality Services and what our mission is, is to do the best thing that we can for Red Raiders,” he said. In the fall 2019 semester, Hospitality Services implemented self-ordering kiosks at The Market in Stangel/ Murdough. Over the fall semester, Cushman said the kiosks were reworked in how they are operated, such as the streamlining of some of the menus, as well as people being able to customize their orders however they would like. Cushman said Hospitality Services is also looking at

changing some of the pickup points at The Market to make it clearer and more concise. The menu and culinary teams are going through and looking at the menus to make sure those customization options are still there. Some of the items people have been requesting that had been removed are also potentially coming back. Cushman said he believes the kiosks in The Market are what people will start seeing in restaurants everywhere and said they are always going to be in constant evolution. “We always want to make sure that we’re listening to students, not just students, but faculty and staff and anybody in the Red Raider community who can dine with us, so we want to make sure if it’s not working, then we’re going to do what we need to do to make it work,” he said. “So, we do see some changes that will come in this spring to the service styles over there. It’s been interesting, you know, it’s always fun when you bring in something

new on campus.” Another thing Cushman said he is looking forward to doing this spring is hosting more unique events on campus. Hospitality Services’ chef Dewey McMurray has been working with some companies to bring in some guest chefs to do a Mardi Gras dinner at The Commons on Feb. 25 and on May 5 for Cinco de Mayo at Fresh Plate. The annual chili cook-off is another event Cushman said he is looking forward to on Feb. 19 in the Student Union Building ballroom. “That’s kind of some of the fun stuff that we’re looking to do for the semester is just kind of, you know, really showcase some of these unique products and some of the talented chefs that are in our in our department, but then also bring in some, some new faces to you,” Cushman said. “But that’s kind of it, you know, everything that we do from Hospitality Services’ standpoint, we do pride ourselves

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador

The Market at Stangel/Murdough provides kiosks that allows students to order their meals. 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019, at the Market. on being Red Raiders feeding Red Raiders. And so, we really want to make sure we are supporting all students in their academic pursuits

and how we do that by feeding them and making sure you guys are ready to go and achieve your goals.” @MalloryRosettaDT


What you need to know: Academic Calendar Spring 2020 Semester

Jan. 20 — MLK Day Jan. 21 — Last day for student-initiated addition of a course via MyTech (course may be added until Feb. 5 through an adviser) Jan. 31 — Last day for student-initiated drop on MyTech without academic penalty (drop does not count against drop limit) Feb. 12 — Last day to withdraw from the university and receive partial financial credit and, if applicable, pro-rated room and dining plan refund March 14-22 — Spring Break March 23 — Classes resume March 31 — Last day for student-initiated drop on MyTech with academic penalty (counts against drop limit) April 2 — First day of fall term advance registration for currently enrolled students (continues through April 25) April 13 — No classes April 22 — Open fall registration begins. Also, last day to withdraw from the university May 5 — Last day of classes May 6 — Individual study day May 7-12 — Final exams May 13 — Last day for most dining locations; residence halls close at 10 a.m. May 15-16 — Commencement Source: Texas Tech Official Publications, www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/calendar

Pelosi sets Wednesday votes to send articles of impeachment to Senate WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. House is set to vote Wednesday to send the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to the Senate for a landmark trial on whether the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are grounds for removal. Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the next steps after meeting privately with House Democrats at the Capitol, ending her blockade Tuesday a month after they voted to impeach Trump. It will be only the third presidential impeachment trial in American history,

a serious moment coming amid the backdrop of a politically divided nation and an election year. “The President and the Senators will be held accountable,” Pelosi said in a statement. “The American people deserve the truth, and the Constitution demands a trial.” The Senate is expected to transform into an impeachment court as early as Thursday. The Constitution calls for the chief justice to preside over senators, who serve as jurors, to swear an oath to deliver “impartial justice.’’ The House managers will walk the articles

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across the Capitol in a dramatic procession after the vote. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday the chief justice would open the trial this week, but that the significant proceedings would launch next Tuesday, after the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Trump was impeached by the Democratic-led House last month on charges of abuse of power over pushing Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden as the president withheld aid from the country, and obstructing Congress’ ensuing probe.

Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Adminstration • 2 locations

Engineering Center • 1 location

Terry Fuller Petroleum Engineering • 1 location

Holden Hall Main Entrances • 2 locations

Math • 1 location Also available in Science building

Chemistry • 1 location Also available in Biology building

Map courtesy of Office of Space Planning & Graphics

There are more than 90 pick-up locations on campus. Find one in your residence hall or in any of your academic buildings.

Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center • 2 locations

College of Media & Communication; Student Media • 2 locations

Texas Tech Library • 2 locations

Student Union Building Main Entrances • 2 locations



JAN. 15, 2020



CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 Along with construction projects, people on campus can expect a change in parking during men’s basketball games at the United Supermarkets Arena. Starting on Jan. 18, all parking at the Tech Recreational Center will be used for game days, Brand said. Because of the traffic in the area, parking for the Rec Center will be moved to the R18 parking lot southeast of the Physical Plant, which is near the intersection of Flint Avenue and Main Street. Two hours prior to a men’s basketball game, that parking lot will start opening up for students going to the Rec, Brand said. A parking attendant will be present to direct people to the gameday Rec Center parking lot. “It will be easy to get out, it will be easy to get in,” he said. “They don’t have to get into all this traffic, and there’s quite a few more spaces.” With the current and new parking rules, some students may worry about parking in the incorrect lot because of the possibility of a citation, towing or vehicle immobilization device. For immobilization devices, Brand said TPS is using boots, which latch onto a vehicle’s tire, and barnacles, which are blocks that stick on and cover a vehicle’s windshield. Brand said TPS will tow under certain circumstances, such as a driver that has six or more outstanding citations, someone with a 60-day overdue citation, receiving eleven or more citations, parking in fire lanes, ADA parking or causing other safety hazards and parking in a reserved space. Regardless of which situation, knowing how to pay a citation or retrieve a towed vehicle may seem difficult to some. Although, Brand said paying a citation does not have to involve a trip to the TPS office, which is located at 407 Flint Ave. in the Administrative Support Center Room 145. “If a student’s vehicle gets towed on campus or they have a boot or immobilization device, used to, they would have to come over here for sure and make that payment in person, over here, to have their vehicle released,” he said. “We now have it where they can, through the website online, they can pay their citations and the boot fee or the tow fee online.” One can go to the Tech TPS website and click on the “My Parking” tab to pay their citation, boot fee or tow fee. But, if the vehicle is towed, Brand said people will have to come over to the office to obtain the vehicle, even if they paid the fee online. For boot removals, TPS staff can come to the vehicle and remove the boot. Understanding when one can drive through the center of campus is another factor individuals may need to consider. Brandon Richard, TPS media relations coordinator, said during the weekdays, one needs to consider the entry stations placed in different parts of the campus. From 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., students are not allowed past the entry stations into the center of campus. “The entry station attendant will kindly let them know they are not allowed access,” he said. “Because there’s just way

too much foot traffic.” Not letting students drive past the entry stations during the day acts as a safety precaution, Richard said. For those who do not have their own vehicle, one may utilize other campus transportation options. Neil Kilcrease, assistant director at TPS, said the bus routes will remain the same this semester. There are three on-campus routes, which are Masked Rider, the Red Raider and Double T, and seven offcampus routes. For information on specific stops for each route, one can visit the Tech TPS website in the “Busing” section under the “Information For” tab. For information on other travel options, such as Lime scooters and e-bikes, Zipcar, a car-sharing ser-

vice, and Raider Ride, a night shuttle service, visit the TPS website under “Mobility Solutions.” For Lime, Kilcrease said people are able to park scooters and e-bikes at 13 designated parking areas. Although, one needs to consider the zone that extends from the SUB to the Administration building over the R7 parking lot. “This semester, what they might see new with the Limes is the dismount zone by the library and SUB is now going to become a non-operational zone for those scooters,” he said. “When they enter that zone, that scooter’s going to shut down. It won’t lock the wheel, but it will go down to zero miles an hour, and they will have to walk it through there because that is a dismount zone.” Riders cannot end the

This establishment, Texas Tech University & The Daily Toreador do not encourage underage drinking or alcohol abuse.

ride when they are in this zone, Kilcrease said. A student would have to go to a bike rack or designated Lime parking area. In addition, the area from the Administration building to the Engineering Key will go from a 15 mph zone to a 12 mph zone for Lime scooters to increase pedestrian safety, Kilcrease said. Pedestrians have the right

of way, even on sidewalks. “I encourage riders to go look at the rules because when there is a bike lane present, the scooters should be riding in the bike lane, not on the sidewalk,” he said. Along with changes to transportation, students can look forward to events, such as the free car clinic, bike clinic and Lime scooter

safety education, expected this spring semester, Kilcrease said. “Watch our social media, Facebook accounts for those events to come out,” he said. “Watch their email because we’ll send out emails when those come out as well.” Tech TPS can be found on Facebook at @TTUparking or Twitter at @TTUParking. @AdanRubioDT


Page 4 Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020


@DailyToreador www.dailytoreador.com

Nice to be back from Winter Break A

fter nearly a month off from school and work, it is a nice change to be back in Lubbock, back to work and back to the books. For weeks, the holidays had filled our lives with food, gifts and family, as the days were spent without the stress of work or school. But at the same time, it felt as if these things were missing, hiding around the nearest corner, ready to surprise you at any given moment. Back home, family and friends gathered for the holidays, and I had the chance to catch up with relatives I had not seen in nearly a year. We swapped stories about our lives, things we

Austin Watts is a senior journalism major from Sweetwater.

had planned for the upcoming year and the most important topic around our household: football. Now don’t get me wrong, the winter break is great, as you get to catch up with friends and family while enjoying the holidays, but overall the break feels too long. It is as if everything goes on pause for four weeks, and until the spring semester resumes, normal life is on hold.

For me, school and work slowed down the second week of December and did not pick up until the second week of January.

Now don’t get me wrong, the winter break is great, as you get to catch up with friends and family, but overall the break feels too long. After the week of Christmas wrapped up, I found myself missing my daily job, my girlfriend

and my apartment back in Lubbock. For the better part of a month, it was as if I had been ripped away from my life to go live someone else’s life. The worst part is, it was my life, but the one I left behind when I came to college. Do not get me wrong, my life prior to Tech was not bad, but after spending time at college, it is hard to go back to what it was before, stuck in small town Texas. After seeing loved ones over the break, they all got to return to their lives, to their normal jobs, to their daily routines. But for me, it would be another two weeks until the opportu-

nity arose for my life to hit resume, and for everything to get back to normal.

After the week of Christmas wrapped up, I found myself missing my daily job, my girlfriend and my apartment in Lubbock. Soon after Christmas, the itch came back. The itch to get back to work, to see friends back in Lubbock, to enjoy the peace of my own apartment again. While it might not be

the most luxurious home in the world, there is a certain simplicity in the comfort of being back to where you call home. And then suddenly it is all over. The drive back to Lubbock is not a long one for me, but as I drove, I got excited for the new school year, for another semester with The Daily Toreador, and for the excitement of getting back to my life. Although the days off that we all enjoyed over winter break will likely be missed in the weeks ahead, it is exciting to get back to the daily routine of life, even if that sounds a little boring. @AustinWattsDT


Lubbock: Not exactly family home, but different kind of home


oming back from winter break, especially after spending ten days in my other country, Panama, is difficult. Although I was born and raised in the United States, there is something special about going to another country I call home, to the country my mother called home for 25 years. When I stepped off of the tiny little plane of my connecting flight from Houston to Lubbock, there was an overwhelming sense of disappointment that lingered. I wasn’t dressed for the weather, nor had I thought to brace myself for the dryness I would feel upon landing. More than anything, I hadn’t anticipated feeling

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EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Austin Watts (806) 742-3395 editor@dailytoreador.com Managing Editor Chase Seabolt managing@dailytoreador.com News Editor Adán Rubio news@dailytoreador.com La Vida Editor Adán Rubio features@dailytoreador.com Sports Editor Max Hengst sports@dailytoreador.com Opinions Editor Gloria Matheson opinions@dailytoreador.com Multimedia Editor Ikechukwu Dike Luis Perales photo@dailytoreador.com Digital Content Manager Mallory Rosetta online@dailytoreador.com Copy Editor Akhila Reddy Emma Sipple online@dailytoreador.com

Gloria Matheson is a senior political science major from Round Rock.

any level of discontent associated with coming home.

Although I was born and raised in the United States, there is something special about going to another country I call hoome, to the country my mother called home for 25 years. After all, Lubbock is currently my true home. Regardless of how fulfilled I feel when I go back to Panama, I have to acknowledge my entire life is here in Texas. My mom, my dogs, my job, my school, my friends, my independence, everything. Lubbock is operationally my home, so why was I filled with so much sad-

The DailyToreador strives for accuracy and fairness in the reporting of news. If a report is wrong or misleading, a request for a correction or clarification may be made by calling (806) 742-3393 or emailing dailytoreador@ttu.edu.

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION © Copyright 2020TexasTech University Student Media/The Daily Toreador. All DT articles, photographs and artwork are the property of The DT and Student Media and may not be reproduced or published without permission. The DailyToreador is a designated public forum. Student editors have the authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval.

is associated with work, school and maybe a tiny bit of loneliness. This comparison will never be fair. Despite the initial disappointment I felt upon my return to this new home, it’s important not to pit it against my family home. Nothing will ever be the same as coming home to my grandmother’s cooking or the feeling of breathing in fresh air when my uncles and I set off for the mountains or the way every stranger feels like a friend.

When I compare the new home I’ve created in Lubbock, thousands of miles away from the people I love the most, it’s inevitable I will feel some level of disappointment and longing for my other home. Of course this is not the same as Lubbock, but that doesn’t mean this small city hasn’t been a

true home to me as well. I’ve had the opportunity to study at an amazing university, to get a good education, to get invaluable work experience, to meet life-long friends and to begin discovering who I truly am as a young adult. I’ve been endeared to even the seemingly annoying things about Lubbock because of these experiences. The way the city floods if it rains a little too much, the way dust collects in every inch of my house (and the way I’m constantly fighting against it), the way I have to work hard to prove myself and develop my future career: none of it seems quite so bad when I think about how much I’ve gotten out of my time here in Lubbock. No, this new home I’ve created in Lubbock is not quite the same as my family home, nor will it ever be, but it’s a different kind of home. Something unique, something that is only created by being away from family, something that blossoms from independence and working a little too hard towards my future. @GMathesonDT

‘Racist video incident’ highlights importance of combating ignorance


nfortunately, ignorance plagues our society, and its ugliness can present itself at any time. Ignorance may come in the forms of homophobia, sexism, racism or simple closed-mindedness. It’s easy to think that the people around us, in our communities, in our neighborhoods and in our schools, do not hold closed-minded beliefs. We want to think that we live in a world surrounded by kind and loving people.



here at home. Here in Lubbock, I’ve grown accustomed to the frigid wind that aggressively whips my hair around my face and steals any receipt I forget to tuck away into my shopping bags. There is a certain harshness, an aridness to the climate here that accurately reflects the immense stress I feel being away from my family, working and studying at ungodly hours of the night. I’ve grown used to this harshness and the stress I associate it with over the years I’ve been here, but somehow it feels harder coming back to these feelings this time. When I compare the new home I’ve created here in Lubbock, thousands of miles away from the people I love the most, it’s inevitable I will feel some level of disappointment and longing for my other home. Comparing a sacred place filled with quality family time with a place where I have to work incredibly hard and push myself beyond what I previously considered my limits is unfair. One of my homes is associated with happiness and relaxation while the other


Assistant News Editor Elizabeth Herbert

Email dailytoreador@ttu.edu, call (806) 742-3393 or tweet information to @DailyToreador.

ness when I got back? More than likely, these feelings derive from contrasting desks, notebooks, lectures and work trainings with the rolling hills and mountains, breathtaking beaches, lush rainforest-like greenery, great food and quality time with my sweet family. Unfortunately, this has made coming back to Lubbock and transitioning back into the semester slightly more complicated and filled with just a little more dread. It’s impossible not to view the difference in climate as almost symbolic. In Panama, there is humid warmth that embraces you like an old friend as soon as you step outside, a soft tropical breeze that caresses your face – here there is cold, dryness and freezing wind that leaves you wanting to run back in the moment you step outside. Considering my close family members excluding my mother are all in Panama, the actual feelings that are provoked by my trips there much reflect the climate of the country: warmth, fuzziness, relaxation. The opposite is true

While there are meaningful and significant actions being taken by our university leader, fighting ignorance in our community becomes a responsibility for all of us. It’s devastating when we learn about an incident that shows us not everyone holds the same open-minded views as us. It’s especially sad when the incident occurs within

LETTERS The Daily Toreador welcomes letters from readers. Letters must be no longer than 300 words and must include the author’s name,

Hannah Snidman is a social psychology PhD student from St. Louis.

our own community. At my previous university, there was a reported sexual assault on campus, which led to a lot of sadness and embarrassment from the student body. This was made worse when an administrator publicly dismissed the incident by saying kids sometimes get drunk and don’t behave very well. It’s important for leaders in any community, especially universities, to validate and seriously consider accusations or concerns by the student body. Students can feel confident and comfortable on campus knowing that people care about their safety and well-being. On Jan. 7, students on campus received an email from the Office of the President titled Racist Video Incident. My heart sank before even opening the email because the title led me to believe that ignorance had presented itself at my school, in my community. The email stated that

signature, phone number, student ID number and a description of university affiliation. Students should include year in school, major and hometown. We reserve the right to edit letters. Anonymous letters will not be accepted for publication. All letters will be verified before they are published. Letters can be emailed to dailytoreador@ ttu.edu or brought to 180 Media and Communication. Letters should be sent in before 3 p.m. to ensure the editors have enough time to verify and edit the submission.

a racist video had been shared on Nov. 21. The president described the video as repugnant, vile and not representative of Texas Tech University. In addition to explaining the incident, the email also outlined steps that were being taken in order to help prevent anything like this from happening again in the future. These steps included a comprehensive review of sports club programs’ policies and management, training for sports clubs and s t udent organiz ations that include Title IX, equity, inclusion and diversity, a meeting with the Black Student Association and more.

I feel confident that we can continue pushing against ignorance so that everyone may feel equally welcome and accepted here. While these are meaningful and significant actions being taken by our university leader, fighting i g n o r a n c e i n o u r c o m-

munity, especially in the form of racism, becomes a responsibility for all of us.

I feel safe at Texas Tech and it is only fair that all students, facultuy, alumni and staff get to feel safe as well. My belief is that no one should have to fight against ignorance about their own group. Instead, we should all be standing up for one another so we do not have to face discrimination on our own. For example, since I am Jewish, I hope that I do not have to stand up against anti- S emitism alone. I would hope that if someone makes an antiSemitic joke in front of a group of people, others would defend Jews, even if I am not in the room. Similarly, I do my best to defend other groups when group members are not present. If someone makes an offensive comment about another race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, I try to explain how the statement

GUEST COLUMNS The Daily Toreador accepts submissions of unsolicited guest columns. While we cannot acknowledge receipt of all columns, the authors of those selected for publication will be notified. Guest columns should be no longer than 650 words in length and on a topic of relevance to the university community. Guest columns are also edited and follow the same guidelines for letters as far as identification and submittal.

was offensive and why someone may be hurt by that rhetoric. Although I know it is easier said than done, we should all strive to stand up against racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of ignorance when we witness it. If we all work together to shut down hatred, then we can live in a more loving society. I feel safe at Texas Tech and it is only fair that all students, faculty, alumni and staff get to feel safe on campus as well. We all deserve to be valued and included at this university. I feel confident that we can continue pushing against ignorance so that everyone may feel equally welcome and appreciated here. I am proud to be a member of the Texas Tech community, and I am sure many of you feel the same way.

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EDITORIALS Unsigned editorials appearing on this page represent the opinion of The DailyToreador. All other columns, letters and artwork represent the opinions of their authors and are not necessarily representative of the editorial board, Texas Tech University, its employees, its student body or the Board of Regents. The DailyToreador is independent of the College of Media and Communication. Responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies with the student editors.

@DailyToreador www.dailytoreador.com



Page 5 Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020

Winter Raider Welcome offers entertainment for new students By CHASE SEABOLT Managing Editor

Winter Raider Welcome consists of multiple events aimed at engaging current and incoming Texas Tech students. Currently, certain events have already begun, but the last welcome event will conclude on Jan. 22, according to the Tech Events website. Most of the events will require a student to have a valid Tech ID. Upcoming Winter Raider Welcome events, according to the Tech Events website, will include:


CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 “I also encourage, before a student drops any class, to consult with an adviser,” she said. Most scheduling issues are avoidable if students take time to understand and ask about the availability of certain courses, Nutter said. Whether it be figuring out who to reach out to or the worries that arise from not having the best schedule, students in need of academic advising may face different amounts of stress. Donna Burt, senior aca-

Wednesday, Jan. 15 First Day of School Photo Booth The photo booth will be hosted from 9 a.m. to noon. The event will take place near the Barnes & Noble at the Student Union Building. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration There will be a celebration for Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday with cupcakes and music for those who attend. The event will last from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the SUB Gathering Pavilion.

Thursday, Jan. 16 Student Organization Fair The Student Organization Fair will be hosted from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Red Raider Ballroom at the SUB. Multiple student organizations on campus will attend. Library Escape Room Students can take part in an escape room from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the University Library in the Arts Research Collaboratory Room University Library 001A. Nap+Relax+Restore The Tech Recreational

Center will be hosting a 30-minute class in which participants will do yoga for the first 15 minutes followed by a 15-minute nap. This will take place at 5:30 p.m. in room 121 in the Rec Center. Country Dancing Lesson and Dance Raider Catholic will be hosting a country dancing lesson followed by a dance from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at John Saleh Catholic Student Center at 2217 Main St. Friday, Jan. 17 Vitalant Blood Drive There will be a blood drive

from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the SUB gazebo. Cornhole Tournament The Tech Rec Center will host a cornhole tournament from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. outside of room 116 in the Rec Center. Monday, Jan. 20 MLK Day of Service From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., there will be a day of service in Lubbock in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. at Parkway & Cherry Point Neighborhood. An RSVP is required to take part in the event.

Tuesday, Jan 21 2nd Annual MLK Legacy March The 0.7-mile-long march will start at 3 p.m. at the SUB Bookman statue and go along a route to Memorial Circle. Tech President Lawrence Schovanec and Carol Sumner, vice president of the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, will deliver remarks at Memorial Circle. This will be the last Winter Raider Welcome event. For more information, visit the Tech events website.

demic adviser at the Tech College of Human Sciences, said she has been advising Tech students for over 16 years. From freshman to seniors, she said she has multiple experiences in advising and dealing with stressed students. “I’ve seen this cycle of stress many times over,” she said. Knowing how to interpret certain information, such as error messages when trying to register for a course that needs a prerequisite and campus holds and restrictions, can be confusing and result in stress, Burt said. Taking advantage of advis-

ing appointments and learning information, such as the last date to add a class being Jan. 21, can help ease some worries, Burt said. “You have some sort of action that happens in your life, and you have an emotional response,” she said, “and the students bring an emotional response of feeling of, ‘I’ve got to get this done.’ It’s an emergency from their part.” From the advisers’ perspectives, Burt said the advisers are used to these emergencies and know how to handle them without concern. “Hopefully, they’ve been

doing it long enough or have the support from other advisers in their office to be able to help overcome a lot of those obstacles,” Burt said. There are some factors when adding or dropping a class some students may not think about when they are stressed about their schedule. Getting another perspective on an action, especially when it involves one’s class schedule, can be beneficial, Nutter said. One may not be aware that a schedule change could impact one’s full-time status, which could hinder receiving financial aid and certain scholarships. “A lot of that is perspective and knowing information,” she said. “So, I encourage students when they think there is a situation or they’re concerned there could be a situation, take a deep breath, email your adviser or if your adviser has walk-in time, go see your academic adviser and look for the solution.” Most of the stress regarding class selection comes from the unknown, Nutter said. Even if a student knows the issues they want to tackle, some may still need advice on who to consult. Joshua Sills, program director of the Success Takes Practice program in the Tech Student Success and Retention Initiative department,

said the department has peer-success coaches and life coaches that guide students to appropriate resources. Even though the department does not have any academic advising services, he said the staff will still help students prepare for advising. “We absolutely do help students prepare for advising,” he said. “We help them think about what are the kinds of questions you need to have for your adviser.” Using DegreeWorks and figuring out where issues arise are good steps to take before an advising appointment, Sills said.

“They need to know where they are in their degree plan,” he said. Knowing one’s completed and required credits, are more information students need to know, Sills said. One also not assume an adviser can fix everything. “Some advisers are meeting with up to 500, 600 students,” Sills said. “When it comes to really preparing for advising, the student needs to take the time to understand what their situation is as a student when it comes to their academic progress.”

SARAH VECERA-KING/The Daily Toreador

Students stand in line at the Early Advising Pop-In to check in and speak with their adviser. Students were offered a bag of popcorn while they waited.




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JAN. 15, 2020



Wells makes offseason moves for 2020 season By MAX HENGST Sports Editor

Although the 2019 college football season has just officially ended Monday with Louisiana State defeating Clemson 42-25 at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, the Texas Tech football program has seen several changes for the upcoming season. One of the biggest changes was the hiring of Todd Orlando as the Red Raiders’ assistant head coach and linebacker coach, which head coach Matt Wells announced on Jan. 8. Before being hired as a part of Tech’s coaching staff, Orlando was the defensive coordinator for an instate conference rival, Texas. “We are thrilled to bring a coach with Todd’s credentials into our program,” Wells said, according to a Tech Athletics news release. “He is one of the top defensive minds in football, and I know he will help us continue to build a strong culture within our program.” While serving as Texas’ defensive coordinator for three seasons, Orlando helped coach the Longhorns to 25 wins and

two bowl game wins, according to the release. Texas’ bowl win against No. 5 Georgia in 2018, 28-21, marked the Longhorns’ first 10-win season since 2009. One of Orlando’s biggest highlights of his coaching on the defensive side of the ball occurred in his first season with the Longhorns. In 2017, Texas’ defense led the nation with both seven defensive touchdowns and five interceptions returned for a touchdown with Orlando as defensive coordinator, according to Texas Athletics. Nationally, Orlando’s defense also ranked third in third-down defense (.271), eighth in fourth-down defense (.300) and eighth in rushing defense (106.8 yards per game). Even though this will mark Orlando’s first year coaching at Tech, this will not be his first season coaching under Wells. In 2013, Wells hired Orlando as his first defensive coordinator at Utah State, according to the release. In his two seasons with the Aggies, Utah State’s scoring defense ranked seventh nationally in 2013 and 12th in 2014. In his two seasons as the defensive coordinator at Utah State, Orlando’s defense forced

59 total takeaways, the eighthmost in the nation over the span, according to the release. This created the takeaway culture Wells preached in his first season with the Red Raiders. “My family and I are excited to rejoin Coach Wells,” Orlando said, according to the release. “We’ve won a bunch of games together in the past, and we plan to do the same here at Texas Tech. I’m looking forward to meeting the staff and players and then finishing up on the recruiting trail for the 2020 class.” Aside from coaching at Texas and Utah State, Orlando has been a part of Pennsylvania, Florida International, Connecticut and Houston, according to the release. The 2020 season with the Red Raiders will be Orlando’s 24th season as a coach. With the addition of Orlando, Kerry Cooks will not be a part of Tech’s 2020 coaching staff and defensive coordinator Keith Patterson will coach the defensive backs, according to the release. Along with coaching changes, 16 Red Raider seniors will not return for the 2020 season. Several seniors played a big role for Tech, including linebacker Jordyn Brooks, defensive back Douglas Coleman III, defensive lineman Broderick Washington Jr., offensive lineman Terence Steele and wide receiver RJ Turner. The defense will take the biggest hit with the seniors leaving as Brooks led the team in tackles, tackles for loss, fumbles recovered and quarterback hurries, according to Tech Athletics. Coleman was also a big part of the Red Raiders’ defense as he recorded a nation-leading eight interceptions last season. As several players will not return for the 2020 season due to running out of years of eligibility, one of Tech’s starters made the decision not to return next season. Last season, Jett Duffey stepped up as Tech’s quarterback following an injury that sidelined Alan Bowman for the rest of the season. After entering the transfer portal following the conclusion of Tech’s 2019 season, Duffey posted a picture

AUDREY KERR/The Daily Toreador

Head coach Matt Wells whistles to players on the field during the game against Texas Christian on Nov. 16, 2019 at the Jones AT&T Stadium. The Red Raiders lost to the Horned Frogs, 33-31. The loss to the Horned Frogs was one of Tech’s eight losses, as the Red Raiders finished their season 4-8. on Twitter of him in a Tulane uniform on Jan. 9. Two days later, Duffey went to Twitter again to announce that he was keeping his recruitment open, de-committing from Tulane. With Duffey’s future uncertain, several high-profile Red Raiders decided to forego the 2020 NFL Draft to play out their senior season. One of the first to announce that they would forego the draft was offensive lineman Jack Anderson. “This decision has been difficult for me due to positive feedback I have received about declaring early, and my lifelong dream of having an opportunity to play in the NFL,” Anderson said on Twitter. “That being said, I feel that it is in my best interest to forego the 2020 NFL Draft and remain at Texas Tech for my senior year.” Anderson played a big role in Tech’s offensive line in his tenure at Tech as a right guard. Coming out of high school Anderson was a four-star recruit, making him one of the highest-rated recruits

in program history, according to Tech Athletics. Anderson started in 26 consecutive games, but the streak came to an end after missing the game against the University of Texas at El Paso last season due to an injury. He came back to play Arizona and Oklahoma after missing the game against UTEP, but another injury sidelined Anderson for the rest of the season. Along with Anderson, Tech’s offense will keep wide receiver T.J. Vasher for the 2020 season as he announced his decision to forego the 2020 NFL Draft over the winter break. “Thank you to my family and all those who have supported me along the way,” Vasher said on Instagram. “After a lot of consideration, I have decided to stay for my senior year here at Texas Tech.” Vasher has been one of the Red Raiders’ leading receivers since he has arrived at Tech. After he was redshirted in 2016 due to an injury, Vasher finished three-straight seasons with over

500 receiving yards, according to Tech Athletics. In his three seasons as a Red Raider, Vasher recorded 1,747 receiving yards and 19 touchdowns. Aside from Anderson and Vasher staying for their 2020 season, Wells has also brought in new talent in hopes of a more successful season. In terms of recruiting, Wells has landed one four-star recruit and 18 three-star recruits. The incoming freshmen are highlighted by four-star wide receiver Loic Fouonji. Along with the 19 incoming freshmen, Wells landed two graduate transfers to help add a veteran presence on the team in former Michigan State outside linebacker Brandon Randle and Utah State inside linebacker Christian LaValle. With the coaching and personnel changes, Wells and the Red Raiders will look to have a more successful season after going 4-8 last season, winning just two of their nine conference games. @MaxHengstDT


Ex-player sues Penn State over football hazing allegations HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A former Penn State football player claims in a lawsuit that Nittany Lions players hazed him and other younger teammates by imitating sexual acts in the shower and invoking Jerry Sandusky’s name. Isaiah Humphries filed the lawsuit Monday in

Pennsylvania federal court against the university, head coach James Franklin and one former teammate. University police conducted an investigation and turned over their results to the local district attorney, who declined to prosecute, Penn State said in a statement. The university said it

conducted extensive interviews but found nothing to substantiate claims against Franklin or to indicate that anyone had been hazed. The allegations include that older players said to younger ones, “I am going to Sandusky you.” Sandusky was the team’s retired longtime defensive coordinator when he was convicted in 2012 of sexual abuse of 10 boys, including physical attacks on university property. He is serving a 30- to 60-year state prison sentence. Sandusky’s arrest prompted the firing of Hall of Fame head coach Joe Paterno, and the university subsequently paid more than $100 million to people who said they had been abused by Sandusky. Humphries’ lawyer, Steven Marino, said it took courage for his client to come forward. “And he wants to be vindicated — he didn’t leave Penn State because he wanted to,” Marino said late Tuesday. “He left Penn State because he was harassed, bullied, humiliated. He wasn’t protected, like he was entitled to be.” The lawsuit claims some of the older players would physically restrain younger players, taunt them and engage in mock sex acts. It further claims that starting in January 2018, several players “collectively orchestrated, participated in, directed and or facilitated a campaign to harass and haze lower classmen members of the Penn State football team,” including Humphries. The AP does not generally name people who say they are victims of sexual abuse or similar crimes unless they consent to being identified, but Marino gave consent on his client’s behalf.



JAN. 15, 2020



Texas Tech goes 6-3 over Winter Break By JAY STRADER Staff Writer

The Texas Tech men’s basketball team is currently ranked No. 23 in the nation and is 11-5 following a 6-3 record over the break. Tech entered the break on a two-game losing streak but managed to snap out of the slump and while also starting Big 12 play. The team’s leading scorer, Jahmi’us Ramsey, did not play in the first three games of the break due to a hamstring injury. He returned in the game against University of Texas in Rio Grand Valley where he recorded 15-points and two steals en route to a Tech victory. Tech’s winter break began with a 65-60 loss to DePaul in overtime, giving the Red Raiders a three-game losing streak. Freshman guard Terrence Shannon Jr. had a season-high in scoring, dropping 24 points in his hometown of Chicago, Ill. to keep the Red Raiders in the game. DePaul’s big man and projected first-round pick in the NBA draft, Paul Reed, proved to be too much for Tech as he recorded 18 points, seven rebounds, three blocks and two steals. Reed stuffed the stat sheet to help the Blue Demons defeat Tech by five. Tech bounced back from the three-game losing streak beating the No. 1 team in the country, Louisville, 70-57 in the Jimmy V Classic that took place in Madison Square Garden. Junior guard Davide Moretti posted his best game of the season with 18 points while going 8-8 from the free-throw line. Sophomore Avery Benson was a catalyst for the Red Raiders with one of the best games in his career. He posted 10 points and did not miss a shot, recording a true shooting percentage of 100 percent. He added two crucial blocks, one of them at the buzzer before halftime to keep the momentum on Tech’s side going into the break. The Red Raiders built upon their win against the Cardinals, beating Southern Mississippi 71-65 with Shannon leading the way offensively, putting up 18 points. Graduate transfer Chris Clarke recorded a double-double with 14 points and 11 rebounds as he also added six assists. Tech shot 24-27 from the free-throw line against the Golden Eagles, mak-

ing up for their 37.5 field goal percentage. Ramsey returned in the game against UTRGV after missing the previous four games to injury. Ramsey and Shannon’s 29 combined points pushed Tech to a 6858 win over the Vaqueros. Former Red Raider Jordan Jackson did not make it easy on Tech, recording 12 points and three steals against his old team. Freshman guard Kevin McCullar tied his season-high 10 points in just 16 minutes played to add production coming off the bench. Tech’s first game of the New Year came against Cal State Bakersfield. This game closed out non-conference play. The Red Raiders won 73-58 thanks to sophomore Kyler Edwards and Ramsey’s 20-point games. The guards combined for seven threepointers on 10 attempts, posting a 70 percent threepoint percentage. The Red Raiders’ defense forced 17 turnovers while they committed only nine themselves. The Red Raiders’ first Big 12 matchup came against Oklahoma State. Tech won 85-50, outscoring the Cowboys 49 to 20 in the second half. Four Red Raiders had double-digit points, led by Ramsey’s 18 and graduate transfer TJ Holyfield’s 17. The Cowboys shot 28.8 percent from the field while Tech was 54.5 percent from the field. The Red Raiders’ defense proved to be too much

as they forced 14 turnovers and only allowed six assists. No. 4 Baylor ended Tech’s five-game winning streak with a 57-52 win in a gritty defensive battle. Both teams struggled shooting the ball and shot 30 percent threepoint range and combined for 15 missed free-throws on 29 attempts, missing more free-throws than they made. Despite the Bears’ 20 turnovers and only six assists, they seemed to make shots when it mattered, not allowing Tech to get past the four-point lead they held for most of the second half. The Bears were all over the glass recording 44 rebounds, 17 of which where on the offensive side, to Tech’s 25 boards. Ramsey was a bright spot for Tech, recording 20 points on 7-17 shooting. Tech lost their secondstraight Big 12 matchup 66-54 to No. 17 West Virginia on Saturday night. The Mountaineers held the Red Raiders to 54 points on 30 percent shooting from the field, making Tech’s shooting struggles more evident. Moretti’s shooting woes continued over the break as he shot 26.8 percent from three-point range over the seven-game stretch before looking to snap out of it against the Mountaineers. He went 4-9 from behind the arc, finishing with 16 points to shake off the slump. Holyfield played just 11

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AUDREY KERR/The Daily Toreador

Sophomore guard Kyler Edwards protects the ball while he looks for an open player during the game against Baylor on Jan. 7, 2020 in the United Supermarkets Arena. The Bears defeated the Red Raiders, 57-52. minutes in the game due to early foul trouble, and Shannon was out with a back injury. In its final game of the break, Tech defeated Kansas State, 77-63. Edwards led the Red Raiders with 24 points, shooting 64 percent from the field and 75 percent from the three. Along with Edwards, three other Red Raiders reached doubledigits in the scoring category. As the new semester has began, Tech’s next game will be against Iowa State at 3 p.m. on Saturday. @JayStraderDT

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JAN. 15, 2020



Lady Raiders go 6-2 over break By ZACH RICHARDS Staff Writer

The Texas Tech women’s basketball team played eight games over the winter break, going 6-2 as the Lady Raiders started conference play 1-2. The Lady Raiders began their winter break slate with a matchup against Houston Baptist University at United Supermarkets Arena on Dec. 15. The game began with several lead changes, and the biggest lead of the game was the Lady Raiders’ six-point advantage going into halftime. The second half was riddled with offensive dry spells, as both teams went extended stretches without scoring. The game was predicated on runs and the Lady Raiders came up on top, defeating the Huskies 59-51. The second game of their stretch was a home matchup against Prairie View A&M on Dec. 17. The first quarter was low scoring and relatively inefficient for Tech; however, Tech’s defense masked its struggling offensive output. In a short span of the first half, the Lady Raiders’ defense picked up its intensity to the point where Prairie View did not score for over five minutes. This defensive stand gave them a comfortable lead which they kept throughout the game. Going into the second half, the Lady Raiders had a 25-point advantage as Tech defeated Prairie View A&M 82-48. As the game ended, six Lady Raiders finished in double-digit scoring, helping pull off the 34-point victory. Following the win, Tech played Pine-Bluff on Dec. 20, who sat at the bottom of its conference with a 0-5

record. The match started on a relatively careless note for Tech as they had three turnovers in less than two minutes, which the Lady Lions capitalized on to open the game on a 10-4 run. Despite the slow start, Tech’s offense went on several runs, including a 14-0 run to give them one of their largest leads of the game. The Lady Lions could not overcome the deficit, and Tech eventually won by a score of 8155. Junior Alexis Tucker finished with a game-high 20 points. On Dec. 22, the Lady Raiders hosted LouisianaMonroe at United Supermarkets Arena. Tech came out of the gates with an abundance of energy, steals, deflections and blocks. Their defense resulted in the Lady Warhawks not scoring for the opening four minutes of the game. Tech forced an abundance of turnovers and capitalized with 19 points off of turnovers. The third quarter was historic as senior forward Brittany Brewer gauged the first Lady Raider triple-double since 1997 with 10 points,10 rebounds and 12 blocks. She made it exceedingly difficult for the Lady Warhawks, finishing with 12 points, 14 rebounds and an NCAA record-tying 16 blocks. Brewer played a big part in the Lady Raiders 83-38 victory, sealing off their 10th win in a row. Following the win, head coach Marlene Stollings credited the team for being more active on the defensive end, saying it played a huge role in the Lady Raiders’ win. After a week of rest, the Lady Raiders returned to the United Supermarkets Arena to face off against the University of Texas at

San Antonio on Dec. 29. The Lady Raider defense was once again aggressive, forcing 24 UTSA turnovers on the night. Offensively, their fluidity on both ends gave them an 18-point lead after the first period. The Lady Raiders capitalized on their turnovers as they finished with 36 of their points converted off of them. They finished the game shooting over 60 percent from the field and 50 percent from beyond the arc. Their offense was led by junior guard Lexi Gordon, who had a season and career-high 31 points on the evening. The Lady Raiders broke the century mark for the first time on their season with a 115-58 victory over UTSA. The last game of the Lady Raider homestand and the first of the conference play was against Iowa State on Jan. 3. The Lady Cyclones were hot to start the game, not missing a shot until halfway through the first quarter. Despite the hot start, Tech trailed by 12 at the end of the quarter. Tech then went on a 27-10 run which cut the Lady Cyclones lead to two points going into halftime. Going into the final quarter of play, the Lady Raiders trailed 7849 after scoring just four points in the third quarter. Despite losing their first game of the season 96-66, Brewer finished with 20 points, five rebounds and a steal. In their first away game after a long homestand, the Lady Raiders traveled to Fort Worth to face TCU in their second conference game on Jan. 8. Both teams were defensively locked in and held each other to suboptimal shooting percentages early. The Lady Raiders’ offensive efficiency led to a

14-point lead nearing halftime. Defensively, they were getting out and contesting the Lady Horned Frogs’ shooters, which led to a below-average 25 percent shooting performance for TCU. Tech also dominated on the board, out-rebounding TCU. This effort was led by Gordon, who finished the game with 15 rebounds. The game went down to the wire, but a clutch threepointer from sophomore guard Chrislyn Carr and nearly perfect free-throw shooting down the stretch allowed for Tech to maintain its lead and ultimately defeat TCU, 80-76. The Lady Raiders returned home on Jan. 11 to face off against Kansas State for their last game of the break. This matchup was yet another game of runs. Gordon and Carr led the Lady Raider offensive attack to push them back into the game, and they did, tying the game up halfway through the fourth quarter. The persistent and interior offensive ability of Kansas State hurt the Lady Raiders, as they had 40 points inside the paint. Although both teams traded baskets, another scoring drought by Tech allowed Kansas State to gain a lead with a couple of minutes left in regulation with the Lady Wildcats defeating the Lady Raiders, 76-72. Following the break, the Lady Raiders will continue conference play as they will take on Texas in Austin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday. After playing Texas, Tech will have 14 games left of the regularseason. Regarding Big 12 standings, the Lady Raiders are sitting in eighth place. @ZachRichardsDT

KINLEY ROBINSON/The Daily Toreador

TOP: Freshman guard Alexis Tucker goes up to block a shot during the game against Kansas State on Jan. 11, 2020 in the United Supermarkets Arena. The Lady Raiders suffered a 76-72 loss to the Wildcats. MIDDLE: Senior forward Brittany Brewer attempts to block a shot from her fellow teammate on the USA Pan American Games team, Peyton Williams. Brewer finished with 17 points and 17 rebounds. BOTTOM: Junior guard Jo’Nah Johnson begins a layup against Kansas State. Johnson finished with eight points, five rebounds and 11 assists.

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