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Campus parking, travel Advisers, mentors share impacts first school week first week experiences By ADÁN RUBIO
News & L a Vida Editor Whether it be finding a place to park or knowing what bus to hop on, questions about campus travel are ones Texas Tech Transportation and Parking Services work to answer. As students get ready for their first day back from winter break, taking time to understand campus parking and travel rules may be necessary to avoid issues such as being late to class or parking citations. Understanding where one can and cannot park could be a difficult task for some students, new or old. Brian Brand, assistant director at Tech Transportation and Parking Services, said there are R, Z and commuter lots on campus. “Your R lots are faculty and staff, and then your Z lots are your residence hall lots, and those are reserved for the folks who live in the residence halls 24 hours a day,” he said. Information regarding the Commuter North, West and Satellite lots can be found
on the Tech TPS website. In addition to the current parking lots, students can expect changes to parking as well. The C10 lot behind the Horticulture Gardens and Greenhouse Complex, located at the intersection of Hartford Avenue and Main Street, will later receive additional parking, Brand said. Work on the lots may start around spring break. “That’s basically going to be parking that’s going to be added that replaces what was taken away by the Womble,” he said. “So, we’re going to gain some space out there back that we lost originally.” A completed roadway project can be seen at the old campus entrance at 15th Street and University Avenue, Brand said. There is no longer through traffic in that area. “We finally finalized the R13 lot, which is a faculty and staff lot, the one off of 15th Street and University,” he said regarding why the area was reconstructed.
News & L a Vida Editor As students stress over their class schedule during the first week back, campus advisers and other mentors have to be ready to face an array of dilemmas. Wanting to replace a class last minute or needing to rearrange a schedule could be reasons why students crowd the advising offices during the first week of the semester. Catherine Nutter, senior director of Tech University Advising, said she has worked as an adviser at Tech since April 2010. University Advising, which focuses on helping students who have not declared a major and provides pre-professional health advising, sometimes see students who want to change their schedule during the first week of classes. “We see a pretty good number of students who need to add a class or want to change their schedule around,” Nutter said. Regarding students she has advised, Nutter said students have asked for the
quickest ways to graduate, needed to find an additional course for their major or have tried to get back into a class that filled up after having dropped it. Needing to add more hours is another reason Nutter said students want to change their schedule after classes start. With spring orientation being hosted close to the first day of classes, she said one should consider how a majority of classes one is looking for during the first week of school may not be available. Regardless, there are ways one could make his or her advising appointment run smoothly. “I think anytime a student wants to talk with their academic adviser, be prepared with the questions, know exactly what it is they’re asking or wanting to do,” Nutter said, “and be willing to listen.” During the first week of classes, the student’s preferred solution is not always available, Nutter said. One needs to be openminded to other possibilities and courses.