MONDAY, FEB. 11, 2019 VOLUME 93 ■ ISSUE 37
College Cinephiles share love for movies.
Petty describes need for Tech indoor tennis facility.
Column: At home DNA tests pose problematic promises, privacy concerns.
ONLINE The women’s basketball team won its annual Play4Kay game for the second Big 12 win of the season.
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Carnegie Tier One classification promotes research, engagement By ADÁN RUBIO
CIARA PEROZZI/The Daily Toreador
Sophomore guard Jarrett Culver looks to pass the ball during Texas Tech’s game against West Virginia Monday, Feb. 4, 2019, in the United Supermarkets Arena. Last season, Culver averaged 11.2 points per game, which has increased to a team-high 17.6 ppg in his sophomore season.
Culver, Moretti highlight team’s development since 2017-18 By AUSTIN WATTS
Managing Editor
fter a deep NCAA Tournament run for the Texas Tech men’s basketball team, several young players were expected to step up to fill the void left by seven departing key players. Despite losing a bevy of starters and being projected as the seventh best team in the Big 12 heading into the season, Tech head coach Chris Beard has the Red Raiders back in the conference race, relying on the pieces left from last season’s run and a couple of graduate transfers to keep his team in the running for the conference title. The key player amongst all returning members of last season’s team is sophomore guard Jarrett Culver, a projected first round
talent who finished third on last year’s team in scoring. Now, in his second season as a starter, Culver has shifted from the third option to the top option on the 2018-2019 Red Raiders, and he has progressed mightily since his freshman season. Last season, Culver averaged 11.2 points per game, which has ballooned to a team-high 17.6 ppg in his sophomore season. Culver’s rebounds per game have increased from 4.8 to 6.3 this season, while his assists have doubled from 1.8 assists per game to 3.7 apg as a more traditional ball-handler in his second year. It is no secret with guys like Keenan Evans and Justin Gray gone, Culver has become the focal point of the Red Raiders’ offense, and a transition like that comes with some negatives.
In 2017-2018 Culver was more of an off-ball shooter, rarely being called upon to command the offense with the ball in-hand. This season, Culver has taken the ball down the court more often, leading to an increase in turnovers per game, from 1.5 to 2.9, which is to be expected as he is tasked with playing more on-ball basketball. With the task of now creating his own offense rather than waiting for open looks like he did in his freshman season, Culver has turned his focus from perimeter shooting to driving the rim. In his freshman year, Culver shot almost as much from outside as he did from two-point range, but in his sophomore season, that difference is much more noticeable.
The advantages Tech has in research fields are other factors HepNews Editor pert said one should acknowledge Being recognized at a national when considering the importance level, can benefit a university in of the Tier One designation. many ways. For Texas Tech, recog“One of the things to recognize nition as a quality research institu- is that this designation means that tion can be impactful. Texas Tech is already nationally Due to being recognized by known,” he said. “Some of the types the Carnegie Classification of of things that helps bring is federal Institutions of Higher Educa- support for programs.” tion and listed in its Very High With this support, Heppert said Research Activity category on different types of research aimed Dec. 18, Tech was designated as at helping people and society can a Tier One institution. be promoted, as more students can The classification, which is engage in research that has a posiawarded based on the number of tive effect on the world. an institution’s research expendi“There are research programs tures and doctoral that are definitedegrees within a ly aimed at imyear, is used to proving specific support research aspects of the huprograms across man condition,” colleges and univer- This award reflects Heppert said. that Texas Tech sities, according to “There’s research the CCIHE website. University is among engaged heavSome people ily in outreach of a group of the very may be unaware communities.” top institutions of the impact the Heppert said Carnegie classifi- in the nation undergraduate stucation has on a re- conducting research dents on campus search institution, could also benefit and scholarly and such as Tech. from Tech’s Tier creative activity. Joseph HepOne classification. pert, vice presi“UndergraduJOSEPH HEPPERT dent for Research ate students, as RESEARCH & INNOVATION VP and Innovation well, have the opat Tech, said this portunity to parclassification does not just per- ticipate,” he said regarding campus tain to Tech’s success in science, research opportunities. “Students technology, engineering and who are coming into Texas Tech, mathematics fields, as the Tier because of the scholarly and creOne designation also emphasizes ative activity going on at our other aspects of research. institution, can choose to engage “This award reflects that themselves in that aspect of activTexas Tech University is among ity at Texas Tech.” a group of the very top instituOther peer institutions that do tions in the nation conducting not have the Tier One ranking are research and scholarly and cre- places Heppert said may not proative activity,” he said. “It speaks vide students the same chances to very much to the fact that our engage in research. programs are topflight, they’re nationally competitive.” SEE TIER ONE, PG. 2
City of Lubbock produces interactive Buddy Holly map By RILEY GOLDEN Staff Writer
Texas is known for producing many well-known musicians, from Dallas to Houston. Although Lubbock might easily be left out of the conversation, no shortage of great musicians has come from the county. Curtis Peoples, an archivist in the Southwest Collection/Special
Collections Library, said Mac Davis wrote songs for Elvis Presley, and David Box is a good musician in his own right, but they both followed in the footsteps of one of the greatest musicians to ever come from Texas: Lubbock’s very own Buddy Holley whose stage name was Buddy Holly. It is nearly impossible to venture to downtown Lubbock without coming across a statue or mural dedicated to Holly, but Lubbock
Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Analyst Sarah Johnson said most people do not realize Holly was not just from Lubbock, he also spent ample time in and around the Hub City. Lubbock GIS staff wanted to put this into perspective for community members and visitors, so they created an interactive map to do just that.
ADRIAN ROMERO/The Daily Toreador
The Lubbock community gathered to celebrate the life of Buddy Holly at 6 p.m. on Feb. 1, 2019, at the Buddy Holly Center. The Lubbock Geographic Information System created an interactive map of Buddy Holly’s life in Lubbock.