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Rainfall totals approach

Voting should be based on

all-time record

substance, not impulse

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New parking garage aims for convenience STAFF WRITER

With the 2010 football season just around the corner, Texas Tech students and fans have more than just the games themselves to look forward to. Developer Clayton Isom of Tao Development Company said the new parking garage — called Raider Park and located north of Jones AT&T Stadium — will be completed and operating in time for the Red Raiders’ season opener against Southern Methodist University on Sept. 5. Tao Development Company is based in Lubbock. Isom said that after breaking ground in November, construction has progressed well. “We are ahead of schedule, actually,” Isom said. “Everything has been wonderful. We’re about oneand-a-half floors away from being done with the concrete.” According to Isom, upon completion, the mixed-use structure will have 11 floors, 10 of which will be devoted to parking. The garage will have 1,500 parking spaces and 16-17 exterior RV spaces with hookups. It will cost fans $1,500 per year to reserve a parking space and $5,000 per year for an RV space, Isom said. Students can expect to pay $350 for the fall and spring semesters and $50 per summer session. Bill Dean, executive vice president of the Texas Tech Alumni Association, said the alumni association and Red Raider Club have formed a partnership to sell the spaces for the game days. A portion of the revenue from the spaces will benefit students. “We will be paying the developer the bulk of that revenue,” Dean said. “The rest will go to our programs — scholarships and things of that nature.” The term mixed-use structure is fitting for the garage. Isom said retail spaces and a sports bar will be placed PHOTO BY PAUL HAILES/The Daily Toreador on the bottom floor. The 11th floor THE NEW PARKING garage, which is set for completion in time for football season, consists of 11 floors and will not have parking spaces, but will be home to retail stores, two sports bars and 1,500 parking spaces. instead a rooftop bar that is open

to the public, easily accessible and ing around the garage. According overlooks the stadium. to Isom, recycled material is being “The bottom sports bar area will added to all structural concrete. have a back hallway to elevators that Construction Enterprises, Inc. will go up to the bar on the 11th has been contracted by Tao Defloor,” Isom said. velopment for the construction According to Isom, the first floor of the garage. The company was bar will hold about 200 people and introduced to Isom by Asset Plus, the rooftop bar will have a capacity a developer that is in the construcof approximately 700. tion stages of the 25 Twenty student The ability for fans to park and housing complex next door to the socialize is a welcomed opportunity garage. for some. According to Barrett Kirk, senior “The garage should draw for at- vice president of development and tention to that acquisitions area and influfor Asset Plus, ence people ground was to park there. broken on the I always hate 249-unit projwalking what ect in May. seems like six The commiles to the plex will contain game,” Amanmany studentda George, a friendly amenisenior social ties, including work major a 180,000 galfrom Panhanlon resort-style dle, said with pool, a theater, a laugh. “And private study aryou can stop eas and a virtual and get a drink, golf simulator. too. I don’t see 25 Twenty anything wrong will have a cawith that.” pacity of 562 Students alresidents that ready have the will use the new CLAYTON ISOM opportunity to parking garage. Developer reserve parking There will be a Tao Development Company spaces in the sky bridge that garage. These connects the spaces will be two structures. available in the spring, and the adResidents will have the opportuditional parking should help shorten nity to reserve parking spaces close the waiting lists for the Flint Avenue to the sky bridge for a monthly fee or Parking Garage and commuter park- park in any space in the garage during ing areas that consist of about 4,500 the week for free. and 1,800 students, respectively, Leases will be available for fall Isom said. An exact price for the 2011 beginning this December. Kirk new garage was not confirmed. said the project should be completed The garage will also contain two by next June. features that have been designed “This is going to be something with the environment in mind. spectacular for Lubbock,” Kirk Two cisterns will collect all of the said. “I think we’re going to do rainwater that comes off of the struc- well with the students. We’re ture, Isom said. The cisterns hold just trying to give them what around 40,000 gallons, all of which they want.” will be used to water the landscap- ➤➤evan.jansa@ttu.edu

We are ahead of schedule, actually. Everything has been wonderful. We’re about one-and-a-half floors away from being done with the concrete.


Russia-US spy swap appears to be in motion amid arrests BY LARRY NEUMEISTER AND TOM HAYS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

NEW YORK (AP) — The largest Russia-U.S. spy swap since the Cold War appeared to be in motion Thursday, with a Russian convicted of spying for the United States reportedly plucked from a Moscow prison and flown to Vienna. Defense lawyers in the U.S. said they hoped for an immediate resolution for their 10 clients accused of spying for Russia. A swap would have significant consequences for efforts between Washington and Moscow to repair ties chilled by a deepening atmosphere of suspicion. Ten people accused of spying for Russia were expected to appear in New York federal court Thursday afternoon, and many were expected to enter guilty pleas to charges that could set deporta-

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Attorney Robert Krakow, who represents defendant Juan Lazaro, said Thursday that Lazaro’s actions Thursday would be motivated by a desire to be with his family. An attorney for defendant Anna Chapman, Robert Baum, said late Wednesday, “There’s a good possibility that the case will be resolved at the initial court appearance tomorrow.” An attorney for defendant Donald Howard Heathfield, who was arrested in Massachusetts, said Wednesday, “if they can resolve the case, great,” when asked why his client was being transferred to New York. Special riot police had beefed up security around Moscow’s Lefortovo prison early Thursday and a gaggle of TV cameras and photographers jostled for the best position to see what was going on. A convoy of armored vehicles arrived at the prison, thought to be the central gathering point for people

Scattered Thunderstorms



convicted of spying for the West, including Sutyagin. Police cars and prison trucks left the prison all morning, but it was unclear whether they carried any passengers. “A swap seems very much on the cards. There is political will on both sides, and actually by even moving it as far as they have, Moscow has de facto acknowledged that these guys were spies,” intelligence analyst Pavel Felgenhauer said Thursday. Five of the suspects charged with spying in the U.S. were ordered to New York on Wednesday, joining five others already behind bars there, after Sutyagin was transferred from a forlorn penal colony near the Arctic Circle and spilled the news of the swap. Dmitry Sutyagin said his brother remembered only one other person on the Russian list of spies to be exchanged — Sergei Skripal, a colonel in Russian military intelligence who in 2006 was

Scattered Thunderstorms





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tion proceedings in motion. An 11th person charged in the case is a fugitive after jumping bail in Cyprus. Igor Sutyagin, a Russian arms control analyst serving a 14-year sentence for spying for the United States, had told his relatives he was going to be one of 11 convicted spies in Russia who would be freed in exchange for 11 people charged in the United States with being Russian agents. They said he was going to be sent to Vienna, then London. In Moscow, his lawyer, Anna Stavitskaya, said a journalist called Igor Sutyagin’s family to inform them that Sutyagin was seen walking off a plane in Vienna on Thursday. However, she told The Associated Press she couldn’t get confirmation of that claim from Russian authorities. Russian and U.S. officials have refused to comment on any possible swap.

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sentenced to 13 years on charges of spying for Britain. A spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron would not confirm or deny a possible London tie to the spy swap. “This is primarily an issue for the U.S. authorities,” spokesman Steve Field said. Defense lawyers in Moscow and New York have expressed confidence that their clients’ fates would be settled very soon. The 11 suspects were formally charged in a federal indictment unsealed Wednesday in New York. All were charged with conspiring to act as secret agents; nine were charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering. The indictment demanded that those accused of money laundering return any assets used in the offense. “Of certain events tomorrow that might occur, the fact the indictment

is minimal makes perfect sense. This is a crazy situation,” Krakow said Wednesday. Prosecutors released a copy of the indictment as federal judges in Boston and Alexandria, Va., signed orders directing that five defendants arrested in Massachusetts and Virginia be transferred to New York. All were charged in Manhattan. The defendants were accused of living seemingly ordinary lives in America while they acted as unregistered agents for the Russian government, sending secret messages and carrying out orders they received from their Russian contacts. All are in U.S. custody except for a man identified as Christopher R. Metsos, who is charged with being the spy ring’s paymaster. Metsos, traveling on a forged Canadian passport, jumped bail last week after being arrested in Cyprus.


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