Raiderland 1301 - 2022

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A product of Raiderland1301Navigating your first year at Texas Tech Fall 2022 Inside: TTU Bucket List Dozens of things to do and see while you’re at Texas Tech Page 20 Timeless Traditions Read about the many traditions that make Texas Tech great Page 22 Weather Extremes Learn PagetopatternsLubbock’saboutweatherandhowbeprepared11

FALL 20222 WWW.DAILYTOREADOR.COMRAIDERLAND 1301 Texas Tech University has 13 colleges and schools, offering more than 150 un dergraduate degrees, 100 graduate de grees and 50 doctoral degrees. Texas Tech is the second largest cam pus in the United States by physical size, with 1,839 acres. The Red Raiders were named the Mata dors from 1925-1936. Raider Red was created as an alternate mascot due to live mascots, such as the Masked Rider’s horse, not being allowed at away games. This rule was created by the Southwest Conference in the early 1970s.There are more than 500 registered student organizations at Texas Tech. The Double T was first used as a deco ration on the football players’ sweaters during the 1926 football season. It be came the official university logo in 1963. The Masked Rider leads the football players onto the field and runs across the field after every touchdown. To be Raider Red, you must be a Saddle Tramp or a High Rider. Bangin’ Bertha is a large bell on a trailer that gets rung by special guests and the Saddle Tramps at Texas Tech home foot ball games. The original bell was designed in 1959.Thevictory bells, which are housed at the top of the east tower of the Admin istration building, are rung by Saddle Tramps or High Riders after any Red Raider win and other special occasions. The bells were a class gift and rang for the first time during graduation in 1936. Texas Tech’s Goin’ Band from Raiderland was founded in 1925 with 21 members, making it the oldest student organization on campus. Before home football games, the band marches through campus to Jones AT&T Stadium and then marches back to the music building after the game. Texas Technological College formally became Texas Tech University in Septem ber of 1969. Fast facts about the school we love so dearly FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Texas Tech’s architecture is inspired by the Spanish Renaissance style. The Administration Building was modeled after La Universidad de Alcalá, in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain. Source: Various Texas Tech history and tradition website and documents Check out more fast facts on the following Raiderland 1301 pages. Roommate Ready page 3 Staying Safe on campuS page 6 eating on campuS with food ReStRictionS page 7 managing time page 7 RaideRcaRd & RaideRgate — what you need to know page 8 cReating connectionS page 9 Study tipS page 9 getting active page 10 navigating RaideRland pageS 12-13 RaideR welcome page 14 fall enteRtainment page 15 RaideR Roundup page 15 libRaRy logiSticS page 18 celebRate youR family page 18 getting aRound campuS page 21 local attRactionS page 21 Raider Red at the Leisure Pool photos by Wyatt Adams/The Daily Toreador Also Inside:

Photo courtesy of University Student Housing

Adjusting to living with roommates can require comprise from everyone. It is also important to set clear boundaries and expectations for everyone in the space. Communication and common sense also are important to creating a happy living environment.

What you need to know: Decorating on a budget Sources: and

• Make your space more inviting by adding cost-effective lighting. An old lamp can be refurbished with a new lamp shade, or inexpensive holiday lights can be strung to cre ate an inviting atmosphere and give you a more soothing alternative to harsh fluorescent lighting.

• Turn an inexpensive decorative metal wastebasket into a side table — flip it upside down.

FALL 2022 3WWW.DAILYTOREADOR.COM RAIDERLAND 1301 Going into freshman year as a college student comes with a lot of changes for youngOneadults.ofthe biggest chang es freshman year brings is learning to live in a residence hall and navigate life with a new space and roommates. “The best tip I could give for good dorm etiquette, is to have open communica tion with your roommates,” Abigail Bautista, a commu nity adviser in Murray resi dence hall and a third-year anthropology and biology student from San Antonio, said. “Communication with each other helps a lot. Open ing up the conversation with something as small as just saying hi, asking how their day is Thegoing.”mostimportant thing about moving into a resi dence hall, Bautista said, is making sure to communicate boundaries with roommates both personally and as a group.“Ithink it is important to respect your roommates as far as letting them know ahead of time about visi tors coming over and even staying,” Rylee McKinney, a first-year animal science student from Brady, said. “Staying mindful of your roommates and how some

• Use floor cushions to add color to your space, as well as additional seating.

• Use window décor to control the natural light in your space.

Housing staff discuss tips for sharing spaces, getting along

• Create a wall mural with photos, posters and decorative, removable tape. Not only will this add life and personality to your space, it will let you keep home close.

Residence hall space is at a premium, as is a college student’s available money, so room décor for most college students can be challenging. Let these tips help guide you to making your room reflect your style:

• Choose a few design elements and create a theme (think beach, a specific color or Texas Tech).

• Use some potted plants to bring a bit of nature into your room, but consider the lighting before you purchase.

Dead or dying plants aren’t a good look anywhere.

Ready for roommates?

• Find inexpensive accessories or furniture items at thrift stores, garage sales or online. Some may require a little elbow grease (think spray paint or maybe just a good cleaning), but there is often treasure in someone else’s trash.

By STEPHANIE GHANDOUR Staff Writer of your behaviors and ac tions may impact them is especially important when discussing dorm etiquette.” McKinney said it can be frustrating to deal with roommates who do not re spectDuringboundaries.roommate con tract time, Bautista said, it is crucial to be vocal about concerns that may arise as this is the best way to ensure all roommates follow rules and“Beboundaries.self-aware,” Bautista said. “Do not be afraid to re visit the roommate contract or even just have an open dialogue of what you can do better to fit your roommates needs. When having these conversations don’t be afraid to ask your roommates to hang out and do something to build those connections evenJordanfurther.”Littlefield, an other community adviser and fourth-year mathemat ics student from Kress, said cleanliness is a crucial part of dormWhileetiquette.students are given individual spaces and the freedom to do as they please, it is important to be respect ful of their roommate’s space and the housing guidelines set by the university. “Never hold anything in. It just builds up and builds those toxic roommate envi ronments,” Bautista said. “However, in the situation that this does occur, step out of this environment and speak to someone on the out side like us, an adviser who canMcKinneyhelp.” said her big gest tip for having good resi dence hall etiquette is the cleanliness of shared living areas.By doing things like not letting trash pile up, clean ing up after themselves and making sure to dispose of things properly, students can help create a better living environment.“Neverassume things,” Bautista said. “It is impor tant to ask questions. Espe cially if they seem like little things, your roommates will appreciate you taking the time and consideration to get their opinions on things and accommodate to their needs as well as your own.” Above all, Bautista said, when it comes to roommate etiquette, students should follow their own moral com pass and rely on common sense to create stable living situations for themselves and their“Makeroommates.sureto take care of your area and the shared living areas in your dorm and be open to communicating with your roommates about any issues you may have, or they may have,” McKinney said. “Be willing to change. Constructive criticism is a part of being independent and living with other people so being able to take notes into consideration and ac commodate to others are important for maintaining good dorm etiquette.”



Across the Texas Tech campus sit tall poles adorned with blue lights on top. Commonly referred to as the “blue lights,” these phones are equipped with a direct landline to the Texas Tech Police Department dispatch center. There are 120 blue light phone systems located in various locations around campus, according to the Tech website, usually near or between academic buildings and residence halls. Tech Police Department Capt. Amy Ivey, who oversees the department’s dispatch center, said the phones are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “We respond to all blue phone calls in an emergency manner,” Ivey said. “So if somebody pushes a button and they don’t say anything, we do send officers, lights and sirens, to respond to that area.” While Ivey said many students use their cell phones to call 911 in the case of an emergency, some stu dents have utilized the phones in different ways. “We have had students push the blue phones if they felt like they were being followed because the blue light does strobe. … It’s kind of a crime deter rent,” Ivey said. “Also, somebody having a medical emergency was able to push the button and we responded and got EMS out to them.” A map of available phones across campus can be found on the Tech website under the Housing tab.

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador

Beginning on Aug. 12, students will begin pouring into Texas Tech University’s 13 residence halls, with most of these residents being firstyear students. Students liv ing away from home for the first time often feel uncertain and anxious but here are some safety tips to make the transition more comfortable. While there are methods the university utilizes to prevent crime in and around dorm halls, students are just as responsible for keeping themselves and others safe. Texas Tech Police Depart ment Capt. Amy Ivey said simply being aware of the surroundings can go a long way.“Treat (your dorm) as your home,” Ivey said. “Make sure your valuables stay locked up, don’t prop doors open. We are an open campus so if somebody does leave the door open, anybody can walk in.” Every residence hall is equipped with a community assistant (CA), who is avail able 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist any resident in need. Ivey recom mends students take advan tage of these assistants, as well as law enforcement in case of an “Alwaysemergency.utilizethe CA desk, because they get in contact with the police de partment all the time,” Ivey said. “Or if they see or hear anything suspicious, always call 911 because our officers are always available.” RISE, which stands for Risk Intervention and Safety Education, is one resource students can utilize if they find themselves in an un By CHRIS WILLIAMS SportS Editor

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Chitwood Hall is one of 13 traditional residence halls on the Texas Tech campus. In addition to these halls, the university also offers four suite-style complexes and one apartment complex. Regardless of where students are living, taking some basic precautions such as locking doors, hiding valuables and being aware of surroundings can help keep everyone safe and their belongings secure. pleasant situation. Haley Wallace, program manager of marketing, communica tion and design, said RISE can guide students through their options should they experience a crime or uncom fortable experience. “We are mandated report ers, so we will automatically fill out a Title IX report if you were to mention something like stalking, then the appro priate department will reach out with resources and ask if they can be of help,” Wallace said. “The great thing about reaching out for help is that it only goes as far as you want it to. You don’t have to go through an investigative process unless you want to, which I think is really cool.” Though her work has presented students who have not had the most enjoyable time as dorm hall residents, Wallace said she recalls her time as a freshman in Gordon Hall fondly. “I thought my experience was really great,” said Wal lace, who graduated from Tech in 2021. “I always felt very safe on campus. We had strict guidelines, like you had to use your keycard to enter (the building) so I was never in a situation where I felt unsafe.”

Safety First Simple measures can ensure security on campus, in rooms



• Develop a schedule and stick to it. Figure out what time of day works best for you — are you a morning person or someone who has more energy in the evening? — and try to use that to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to map out a daily or weekly to-do list if that helps.

Allergies, food restrictions can create challenges when eating on campus

By TANA THOMPSON L a Vida Editor Hospitality Services offers guides on its website to help those with food allergies and other dietary restrictions make decisions about where to eat. Allergies Dietary Restrictions

“When I do occasionally eat on campus, my favorite place to go would be The Boar’s Head for a sandwich paired with either an iced coffee or a sugar-free Powerade. This meal gives me adequate amounts of protein, carbs, fat and fiber, along with a bit of caffeine or electrolytes to get me through my day,” Bar ton said. “When I was in the dorms my favorite things to cook were the microwavable bags of steamed vegetables. The thing I often craved most were cooked or grilled veggies, which I did not see a lot of on campus, so I would make it myself and pair it with an other microwave-meal entree.” Along with eating in the dining halls, students often cook food in their rooms, which can be easier when fol lowing a strict diet. However, sharing space with roommates can make keeping food separate a little more complicated, Diller said. “I think first and foremost when you’re on a special diet it is kind of creating a small space where other people don’t use your saidundecidedlikeundereasyrefrigeratedbecausedormeasyandlikemuchaboutdon’tDillerequipment,”said.“Wehavetoworrycrosscontactaspre-packagedgoodscannedgoodsandsnacksthingslikethatarereallyandconvenientintheorinourresidencehalltheydon’thavetobeandsothat’santhingtostashinabinyourbedorsomethingthat.”EvanCaswell,afirst-yearmajorfromDallas,heisallergictoartificial

• Set time limits. Allotting a specific amount of time on assignment-related tasks will help keep you on track; however, do the same for other reoccurring tasks (cleaning your dorm room, grocery shopping, run ning weekend errands) to better manage your time.


• Schedule rewards for completing tasks. Life doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Plan time for breaks — time with friends and family, working out or whatever fun activities you enjoy. If you don’t, you risk burning out.

What you need to know: Time management Source: Texas Tech Library,, and Southern New Hampshire University, • Make time management a priority. Organize and review your schedule weekly, prioritizing the tasks that must be accom plished. Schedule high-priority items first, they fill in with lower-priority tasks. Good planning is the key to good

foodThecoloring.bestway to discover where to eat on campus is by trying out new places and looking at the ingredients lists, Caswell said. “My favorite restaurant on campus is Starbucks, be cause they allow you to look at all the ingredients in all of their food,” Caswell said. “My favorite food to make in the dorms are sandwiches or mac and cheese. Those that also have food allergies, if you go and ask the manager if they can show you the ingredients labels, they will.” Diller said many places offer ingredients lists and special diet accommodations, although West Texas is oc casionally behind some major“There’scities. a few common apps that some people use … and there’s dozens so maybe checking out some apps too and finding some local places that are easy to adapt to,” Diller said. “Most people don’t realize they have a separate menu. You just have to ask for it and then become very aware of who of fersDillerwhat.”said on-campus lo cations also offer quick guides and nutritional facts on the website at smartchoices.ttu. edu for the convenience of students.

Photos courtesy of Hospitality Services Hospitality Services offers a wide variety of food choices on campus to help ensure there are options for all students, including those dealing with food allergies or dietary restrictions. results.

Some college students face adversity because of food al lergies and restricted diets. When eating on campus, things can be tricky. Mindy Diller, a Hospital ity campus dietitian, said her department has worked to adapt to people’s dietary needs across the Texas Tech campus.“Especially like The Mar ket, they have gluten-free bread and gluten-free buns and fried chicken nuggets and things like that. And then also, you know, our vegan and vegetarian aren’t dairy-free and are not free products,” Diller said. “We don’t use peanut butter in our recipes on campus. We have those pre-packaged goods and our mini markets. And then other locations have that adapted menu like a vegan option versus, you know, allmeat option or something dent from Cedar Hill, has Type 1 diabetes. She said this situation has cre ated some complica tions when eating on campus.“Although I do not have any food al lergies or particularly limiting dietary restrictions, nutrition and dietary diversity play a large part in managing my chronic illness,” Barton said. “When I was a freshman living in the dorms during the climax of COVID, there weren’t a whole lot of dining options available to me. I would do my best to plan my meals around my schedule and whatever nutritional needs I required to manage and balance my blood sugar levels, but not all places on campus stayed open the same times every day or had their full menu available to order, so planning ahead es sentially became pointless and Barton said it took her time to discover the best places for her to eat on campus, and she prefers to prepare meals at home when she can.

• Understand assignments and when they are due. Write down deadlines for each assignment, big and small, and break longerterm projects into smaller tasks with their own deadlines to help avoid procrastination.

• Use technology wisely. When you log on to access reading materials, do research or tackle other classroom-related tasks, avoid getting sucked into web surfing or social media use. Maintain your focus on the task at hand. Turn off your phone if you need to.

Managing time is crucial if you want to achieve success not only in the classroom, but in your job, relationships with family and friends, and involvement in other interests. For optimal success, try adopting some of these time management strategies: Fast facts: The Student Union Building has under gone several name changes over the years. When it opened in 1953, it was the Student Union Building. Many called it the Tech Union until the 1970s when it became the University Center, or UC, according to the facility’s website,Eventually,

• Don’t overschedule. Your plans for each week should be a guide, not an “iron clad contract.”

• Minimize distractions. That may mean you don’t need to study at the coffee shop because of the noise and people around you. Or you may need to find someplace other than your dorm room because of the temp tation of video games, music, visiting with friends, etc. Determine what works best for you and structure your study environment accordingly.

• Learn to say “no.” Your time is valu able, and you’re the one who needs to make sure you have the time you need to accomplish your goals. Sometimes that means saying “no.”

• Nov. 12 — Tech vs. Kansas • Nov. 26 — Tech vs. Oklahoma File Photo/The Daily Toreador

Before every home football game, students can attend



Each student is issued a Texas Tech ID when they start their time at the university. These RaiderCards serve a variety of functions, including being a basic photo ID, granting access to a student’s residence hall and serving as a “debit card” for Dining Bucks.

RaiderGate, hosted by the Student Activities Board. This year, RaiderGate will be staged in the R-3 parking lot Raiderland 1301 2022 Staff: Unless otherwise credited, all photos in this issue were taken by Toreador Media Media’sproducedandlicationspecialRaiderlandAdams.wasThecontent.thepartmentprovidedCourtesyPhotography.photoswerebythedesubmittingcorrespondingcoverphotographtakenbyWyatt1301isastudentpubforincomingtransferstudentsbyToreador The Daily Toreador at Texas Tech University in Questions,Lubbock. comments and concerns may be directed to: Texas (806)79409Lubbock,BoxToreadorUniversityTechMedia43081TX742-3388Editor Arianna Flores Reporters Faith Dolan Stephanie Ghandour Tana BishopThompsonVanBurenChynaVargasChrisWilliams ToreadorDirectorMedia Susan Peterson AdvertisingManager Dawn Zuerker EditorialAdviser Sheri Lewis To read The DT online, dailytoreador.comvisitor

RaiderGate: A Student Tailgating Tradition Football season is right around the corner, which means Texas Tech students soon will begin gearing up for their own red and black tailgating tradition: RaiderGate. RaiderGate, which will be in a new location this year, opens four hours before kickoff for each home football game. Hosted by the Student Activities Board, RaiderGate takes place on campus in the R-3 parking lot south of the Library, according to the event’s website, Passes become available starting the Monday prior to each Saturday home game, and season passes are available starting with the first home game. Passes are available on a week-toweek basis, according to the website. All passes are free and only available to Tech students and student organizations. Individual students may reserve up to two passes, while student organizations are limited to a maximum of six passes, according to the website. RaiderGate events will take place on the following dates: Sept. 3 — Tech vs. Murray State • Sept. 10 — Tech vs. Houston • Sept. 24 — Tech vs. Texas • Oct. 22 — Tech vs. West Virginia Oct. 29 — Tech vs. Baylor

RaiderCard vital to many parts of campus life another form of

Silang said suggests the best way not to lose the Tech ID is keeping it at tached to a “Havingphone.that like a sticker or a cardholder in the back of your phone, or even made a convenient phone case or something,” Silang said. “Everyone just has their phone on them nowadays.”TheIDoffice is open lo cated in the from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student Union Building, Monday through Friday. For more informa tion, contact raiderid@ttu. edu or go to the Raider ID website.

FALL 20228 WWW.DAILYTOREADOR.COMRAIDERLAND 1301 Students can lose their IDs before starting school again. What may seem like an easy thing easy to keep track of, students lose their university credentials often during a break. Kat Silang, who is from the Philippines, and the senior business assistant for the Texas Tech ID office, said many students come into the office requiring a new ID after losing their old“Especiallyone. in the fall or they usually lose it over the summer,” Silang said. “And during or after Thanksgiv ing, people tend to lose their IDs a lot, and then after winter break as well.” It costs $20 to replace a student ID, Silang said. If the card is lost, stolen or damaged, according to the RaiderCard website, price remains the same. The payment can be added to tuition or paid up front. For what seems like a hassle and new responsibil ity for some students, it is important to keep track of this card. Silang said not only is it a key to get into the residence halls but By CHYNA VARGAS Staff Writer

best to have one’s ID on them at all Withouttimes. this card, stu dents cannot fully enjoy the dining hall facilities. A stu dent’s meal plan known as Dining Bucks is connected through their student ID, SilangKylesaid.Panon, a senior business assistant at Tech’s Hospitality Services, said it is a simple process when using one’s ID as it’s a swipe or tap away with their card. “It’ll deduct the Dining Bucks from their account from their dining plan,” Panon said. Students can add more to their dining plans on the Hospitality website if they start getting low on Dining Bucks.Panon said the dining halls only accept Raider IDs when it comes to using a dining plan. In addition to food, ac cording to the Tech Athletics websites, students get in free to athletic events by swiping or scanning their IDs. On the academic side, students also can use their IDs as a library card to check out books, equipment or a study room, according to the university library website.

• On-campus academic assistance is available. Visit The Learning Center website,, for information on peer tutoring and more.

for you.

Making the transition to college isn’t easy, especially in the classroom. Here are some tips that might help make it easier: Study tips

• Need some help to manage those finals? Visit Tech’s Support Operations for Academic Retention (SOAR) website: Need more help?

OLIVIA RAYMOND/The Daily Toreador

Developing connections requires effort, interaction

Ohlmann“Studentssaid.can go on a trip with the Outdoor Pursuits Center, join the Feral Cat Coalition, volunteer in the community or tutor kids,” Ohlmann said. “Students can get to know people when they participate in common activities.”Students who do not have friends should not feel alone, Ohlmann said. “It is easy to look at social media and think, ‘everyone has friends except for me,’” Ohlmann said. “There’s no reason to be intimidated. Everyone is kind of figuring it out at the same time.” Colin Owens, finance ma jor from Albuquerque, said students should get involved on campus to meet others with similar “Studentsinterests.should go to an organization fair at the beginning of the semester,” Owens said. “There are about 50 organizations at each

it’s paper vs. electronics, color

vs. random

FALL 2022 9WWW.DAILYTOREADOR.COM RAIDERLAND 1301 Before coming to college, many individuals have expec tations that involve creating memorable experiences with friends. However, one may find that finding friends is not always easy. Megan Ohlmann, as sistant director in Tech’s Transition and Engagement department, said students must be willing to get out of their comfort zones to create meaningful“Studentsfriendships.can’tjust sit in their room and expect to meet friends,” Ohlmann said. “There are lots of opportuni ties such as talking to new people, finding opportunities with someone in your class to study together, joining an or ganization or joining a group fitness class.” It is always easier to make friends when one shares com mon interests with others,

What you need to know: Study tips

• More study skills tips are available through the Student Counseling Center at Virtual_Library/study_skills.php

By FAITH DOLAN Staff Writer

Running routes offer campus beauty Looking for a running/ walking route to create your own physical fitness course on campus? Visit outdoorParkyourtoedu/urec/fitwell/routes.phpwww.depts.ttu.developtheperfectroutefornextworkout:•1mile–Interiorcampus•1.1mile–Urbanovskyrunningtrack•1.2mile–RecCentertrackplusaroundthe United Supermarkets Arena • 2.3 miles – Rec Center start for a run throughout campus•3.1 miles – A standard 5K route used for on-campus races, triathlons and recreational walking/running•4miles–An extension of the 2.3-mile route that will take runners through certain areas of campus twice

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Moving to a new place and starting school in a new environment can be challenging. Finding ways to make friends can help make those transitions easier. There are many ways to meet people on campus, from those living in the same residence hall or in your classes, to attending student organization meetings. There also are events on campus to help students meet others with similar interests and find ways to get involved on campus. fair and all have different interests.”Owens, former Student Activities Board president, said students should go to meetings for different orga nizations and see if they like any of “Trythem.toget involved by getting an officer position. If that’s not available, just com municate and connect with social media,” Owens said. “Make personal connections and see who you get along with.”Megan Vaughan, a sec ond-year elementary educa tion major from College Sta tion, said she made friends by putting herself out there and saying hi to everyone she“Imet.had anxiety about mak ing friends, but I knew that having friends is a basic human need and that every one generally had the same ideas as me,” Vaughan said. “I thought that I might as well try, and I ended up get ting more and more positive responses.”Vaughan said she started by saying hi to people and complimenting them. “I was scared of getting a negative response, but that wasn’t the case,” Vaughan said. “People have been so nice in the Everybodypast.”wants friends, Vaughan said, but not every one is going to be the one to initiate.“What’s the worst that could happen?” Vaughan said. “Take it upon yourself to not take it youhowworst“Youaboutdon’taboutofmendsVaughanpersonally.”saidsherecomstudentstrytogetouttheirheadswhennervousmakingfriends.“Don’tthink,‘whatiftheylikemeorthisaspectme,’”Vaughansaid.couldbethinkingtheandwillneverknowitcouldturnoutuntiltry.”

One of the most important study tips for any college student is what best Whether coded ink journey.

methods work

color or any number of other strategies, figuring out your preferred method will help your academic

• One of the most helpful tools is the class syllabus. It details the classroom timeline, expectations, allowed absences and other items important to student success. Taking notes increases classroom engagement and is not a one-size-fits-all activity. Some students may take notes on a laptop or other electronic device, while others prefer jotting down information on paper. Make use of all resources: handouts, online resources, study groups, etc.

• Sometimes there are disabilities that can inhibit students’ classroom activities. Those with disabilities that affect their classroom time should visit the TECHniques Center, a part of Student Disability Services. For more details, visit

to figure out


“The cool thing is if you’re an F45 session, every F45 location in the entire world is doing that same exact workout for that day,” Lay her said. “It is kind of cool to be part of a large worldwide community that is all doing the same workout.” The classes are free for students but eventually will carry an additional cost. Layher said he recom mends signing up as soon as possible can as spots fill up quickly due to there being 25 to 30 people in a class. Weight rooms or cardio equipment, indoor running, track or playing basketball, all those things are free ev ery day Layher said. Fitness classes such as yoga classes, spin classes, pilates and HIIT classes are free. “The only fitness pro gram right now that costs and has an additional fee is CrossFit,” Layher said. “We have an official CrossFit box in our facility as well. It is called CrossFit Texas Tech.” Layher said it is a great place to build a community for people that want to have fun and have a great work out. The price for this pro gram is yet to be determined but interested students can reach out to a UREC repre sentative for more details. Layher said the Outdoor Pursuits Center is a center that offers trips and rents equipment for those trips. There are charges for trips, though.“Day trips by will vary by how far away they are and what the activity it is. It could be between $30 and $45 for a day,” Layher said. “And then weekend trips can vary between $35-$125 a day.”Layher said events to look forward to this fall are the UREC participating in the Raider Welcome Week. One of the events the Rec Center has annually is the Total Rec Experience, Aug 23, where students will be able to experience what the Rec Center has to offer. “Come in and have fun, Layher said. “We will proba bly have some special things that aren’t normally don’t have to here every day. But we’re excited to keep those two secrets until the night of theLayherevent.”said the Leisure Pool will remain open for students depending on the weather. Typically it closes in mid-October.Anotherway students can get involved at UREC is by participating in intra murals. Layher said it is a simple step-by-step way to get involved.

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador The Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center, run by the University Recreation department, offers numerous courts for basketball, volleyball, badminton and other competitive activities, as well as a wide variety of weight equipment and exercise machines. The Rec also offers numerous fitness classes each day. UREC offers intramural teams and employment opportunities for students looking for ways to get involved on campus. how can the UREC help. As for UREC hours in August, they are scheduled to change throughout the weeks.“We call it our August interim schedule,” Layher said. “The best place for that information is always on our website to get daily hours and then our normal full hours will probably start the week of Welcome Week and for sure by the first day of class.”Layher said the hours of operation are updated daily on the website so students can check there if they are ever wondering about the UREC’s schedule. “We look forward to stu dents coming back,” Layher said. “We think this is going to be a fun year with this be ing the first year of regular orientation being back in person.”

Rec Center offers sports, workout facilities, activities for students

There is a place for every one at the University Recre ational Center at Texas Tech. Whether there is a student who enjoys playing pick-up games of basketball, work ing out on the treadmills or taking part in dance classes, no student is left out. Scott Layher, assistant director for marketing and IT, said UREC is eagerly waiting for new and current students to arrive on cam pus. Student IDs will begin working as early as Aug. 8. After students scan them selves at the entrance, mul tiple facilities will be open for use in the fall before classes.“There’s no plan to have anything down or offline at that point in time,” Layher said. “The Rec Center should be ready to rock and roll for them to come in and have some fun.”

“We will have a totally online registration process for intramurals,” Layher said. “So that means they can get their own profile online. They can build their team online, and then they can register for a date and time to play online. So that’s a change from years past.” All students can play intramurals free of charge. No registration fee is neces sary, Layher said. Students from on and off campus can participate.Withregard to student organizations that want to rent out rooms, equipment or courts, Layher said the information can be found on the UREC website, with a separate tab for reserving whatever an organization mightTheneed.form provides details of when, where and who would need the facilities and

This new feature to the UREC center is a circuitbased workout program, Layher said. Stations are set up and taught by F45-trained coaches and students go through each station that has different workouts. This exercise is similar to a High-Intensity Interval Training program or HIIT for short. By CHYNA VARGAS Staff Writer

In addition to the equip ment being available, Lay her said, some fitness class programs also will be op erating and as well as the Outdoor Pursuits programs. “All the things will be available,” Layher said. “The biggest thing probably that starting up this fall is our F45 fitness program.”

Fast Originallyfacts:named Texas Technological College, the college opened in 1925 with six buildings and an enrollment of 914. The name was changed to Texas Tech University on Sept. 1, 1969.

es in

“In the Houston area the humidity will practically drown you. I’d rather sit out side in triple-digit weather in Lubbock for an hour than go through 10 minutes of the same heat down there,” Gandy said. “The wet climate down in Southeast Texas also brings a lot of mosquitos. Not having to deal with bug spray constantly is hugely underrated.”Whileheenjoys that Lub bock is dry, Gandy said he still gets excited any time the fore cast calls for precipitation. “My favorite thing about the weather here is the chance of snow,” Gandy said. “We’ve definitely seen some of the worst effects of win ter weather in recent years, but there’s still nothing that matches the joy felt when you wake up to the ground covered in white. It’s even nice here when it rains. It will be short and sweet but you can always tell the grass is a bit greener the next day.”

Fourth-year advertising major Caitlyn James of Dal las said she feels too much preparation is required to come up with a comfortable and appealing outfit resistant to the Lubbock weather. “Any time I leave my house I have to be ready to wear anything three or four layers to just one,” James said. “Even if it’s bright and sunny out the wind can leave someone in short sleeves regretting that they left their room.” Bishop Van Buren contrib uted to this story.

FALL 2022 11WWW.DAILYTOREADOR.COM RAIDERLAND 1301 Lubbock, deep in the heart of the South Plains, is well known for its unpredictable weather.Weather extremes are common, and it’s not at all unusual for residents to ex perience a variety of weather variations within a single day. Thankfully, the city re ceives plenty of sunshine. Lubbock typically sees about 260 days per year of mostly sunshine, well above the U.S. city average of 205, ac cording to snowrainfallaveragesityyear,age,—rain,snow,orhail—falls,onaverabout60daysoutofthewhichmeansthehumidisroutinelylow.Thecityabout20inchesofandseveninchesofannually.Julyistypicallythehottestmonthinthecity,accordingtothewebsite,andthemostpleasantmonthseachyearareroutinelyApril,MayandOctober.Butit’sthesevereweather—theheat,blowingdust,windsandoccasionallyheavysnow—thatkeepthingsinteresting.TheWeatherChannel,initsToughestWeatherCitycompetitionafewyearsback,declaredLubbockthetitleholder.“It’sthesevereweather,heat,blowingdustand,let’snotforget,somesnow”thatlandedLubbockatopthelistofweather-stressedcities,accordingtoTheWeatherChannelarticle.“Extremetemperature

Local weather can be extreme, pose challenges DT STAFF tips:Weather Lubbock weather is unpredictable, and those who handle adversity best tend to be the ones who are most prepared. To help, The DT staff has compiled this quick list of weather tips: • Be aware of the fore cast and possible chang weather phone

to advise when severe weather is possible • Have a plan in place in case of severe weather • Keep an umbrella with you or in your ve hicle • Wear layers of cloth ing FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador While dust storms are fairly common on the South Plains, haboobs, or large walls of moving dust, are relatively rare but they are impressive and even can be a little frightening. Weather on the South Plains much more frequently involves a great deal of sun with occasional snow or rain. Temperature Average high temperature 74º F Average low temperature 47º F Average temperature 60.65º F Average annual precipitation 19.12 inches Average annual snowfall 9 inches Highest temperature recorded 114º F, June 27, 1994 Lowest temperature recorded -17º F, Feb. 8, 1933 Highest monthly average 86º F, July/August 2011 Longest at or below 32º F 207 hours, Dec. 17-26, 1983 Precipitation Maximum 24-hour rainfall 7.8 inches, Sept. 11-12, 2008 Maximum single-month rainfall 13.93 inches, September 1936 Least single-month rainfall 0 inches, December 2003 Wettest year 40.56 inches, 1941 Driest year 5.96 inches, 2011 Maximum 24-hour snowfall 16.3 inches, Jan. 20-21, 1983 Maximum single-month snowfall 25.3 inches, January 1983 Maximum single-season snowfall 41.2 inches, 1982-1983 Wind Highest single-minute avg. wind 70 mph, May 9, 1952 Peak wind gust 90 mph, May 9, 1952 What you need to know: Lubbock weather averages Sources:

warning has been issued. A much more common part of the South Plains’ weather patterns is wind. The city’s el evation and landscape – that is, the long stretches of flat lands surrounding Lubbock – allow winds to blow unim peded, according to a Weather Station Experts article. The city was ranked third in a “10 Windiest Cities” article published by the group earlier this year. The city’s ranking, thanks to a daily average wind speed of 12 mph, fell a bit shy of its neighbor to the north, Amarillo, whose aver age of 12.9 mph earned the No. 1 Theranking.wind sometimes brings in dust. Typical dust storms, which can be irritat ing but are largely harm less, are caused by surface winds that remain close to the ground; however, occasion ally the South Plains will see another type of dust storm. A haboob, the Arabic term for massive rolling clouds of dust, is generated by area thun derstorms whose winds lift the dust higher into the air, creating menacing orange or brown clouds that can greatly reduce visibility. In March 2021, Lubbock was consumed by a haboob packing 70 mph winds, according to reports on,cannewcomers expect to adjust to Lubbock’s un predictable, ever-changing weather conditions? Brad Gandy, a third-year marketing major from Hous ton, said there are many ben efits of living in a dry climate.

swings, tornadoes, dust storms … Lubbock has it all,” the author of the online article “These 30 Places Have the Worst Weather in America” wrote. “These diverse discom forts make this northwestern Texas city a bit of a challenge for new residents accustomed to more temperate climates.” Tornadoes, thankfully, aren’t common. Occasionally a funnel cloud will appear or a tornado may dance across the West Texas skyline; however, most are short-lived and re sult in little to no phenomenon.withdoesUnfortunately,harm.LubbockhaveitsownhistorythistypeofweatherOnMay11,1970,apowerfulF-5tornadoplowedthroughthecityafternightfall,killing26people,injuringmorethan1,500othersandresultinginpropertydamagesofmorethan$200 million, according to lubbock led to the establishment of the Wind Science and Engineering Re search Center at Texas Tech, according to,andstudiesofthestormanditsaftermathaidedinthedevelopmentoftheFujitaTornadoDamageScaleusedtoratetornadoesbasedonthedamagetheyleavebehind.ThecityalsomaintainsanoutdoorwarningsystemthatcanalertmostLubbockresidentswhenatornado

conditions • Set up notifications on your


Although it has existed since 1924, the larger-than-life representation of the university’s seal was put in place on April 27, 1972. The seal is 12 feet tall and made of red granite. According to “Tech Traditions from A to Z,” the seal features a lamp to represent school, a key for home, a book to represent church and the star to signify state. It also features cotton bolls to represent the area’s cotton industry and the eagle to represent country. The statue of Will Rogers and his horse, Soapsuds, “Riding into the Sunset,” is a popular photo spot for students, fami lies and Lubbock residents. According to the Tech traditions webpage, legend says that rather than face the statue to the west, it was rotated 23 degrees so his backside would face Texas A&M. The Saddle Tramps wrap the statue in red crepe paper prior to home football games. The statue also is wrapped before other prominent home games and in black for national tragedies. 1 2


For 65 years,Transportation & Parking Services has managed the transit and parking options on campus, from parking for students, staff and faculty to bus routes and late-night shuttles. That now includes Lime scooters. Most parking lots on campus are controlled by TPS and regulated by permits or park-and-pay stations. The department also hosts bike and car clinics each semester as well as bike sales to help students get a new-to-them bicycle at a low price. Students also can register their bikes through their My Parking Account. This can aid in recovery of the bike in the event of theft.

The Museum of Texas Tech is free of charge and is open from Tuesday through Sunday each week. It provides visitors with a mix of cultural artifacts, fine arts and natural science, according to its website. Visitors are allowed to take photos and videos of their tour, although flash photography is pro hibited. The Museum also includes the Moody Planetarium, which offers programs about the study of stars and constella tions, dark matter and black holes and in-depth looks at the sun, moon and solar system, according to the website. The planetarium also offers laser shows set to a variety of music.

The Student Union Building is home to a variety of dining locations and tables for eating or studying, as well as the campus bookstore, several departmental offices, the Student Government Association and stu dent organization spaces. The building also features numerous rooms to host meeting and events and includes both the Allen Theatre and the Escondido Theatre. Students also may need to visit the SUB to get or replace their student ID or mail something through CopyMail. 7 8 9 10 The Library is one of the more distinctive buildings on campus. It contains nearly 2 millions books and provides access to thousands of databases and electronic publica tions. The Library is open 24 hours a day, five days a week during most of the semester, but those hours extend to 24 hours a day, seven days a week during finals. In addition to books and reference materials, the Library also features nearly 300 computers for student use, a recording studio, additional technology, event space and study rooms — both for groups and individuals.


34 5 6

The United Supermarkets Arena first opened its doors on Nov. 19, 1999, originally as the United Spirit Arena. It serves as the home for Texas Tech’s men’s and women’s basketball teams and women’s volleyball. In addition to athletic events, the facility also hosts graduations, other sizeable events and concerts. The control room in the arena houses operations for the video boards at Jones AT&T Stadium and Dan Law Field at Rip Griffin Park in addition to the in-house video board, according to Tech Athletics. The arena has 15,098 seats. Run by University Recreation, the Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center is the campus fitness facility, but it’s so much more than just workout facilities. The Rec Center also includes the Leisure Pool, an indoor lap pool, a va riety of sports courts, classrooms and a rock wall, which offers more than 4,000 square feet of climbing area, according to the Rec Center website. Another part of the Rec Center is the Outdoor Pursuits Center, which offers equipment rental and trips — both day trips and longer trips to locations such as various areas of New Mexico.

Jones AT&T Stadium has been the home of the Red Raider football team since 1947, according to Tech Athletics. The Jones can hold more than 60,000 screaming fans, with a single-game attendance record of 61,836 for a Nov. 2, 2013, game against then-No. 12 Oklahoma State. The facility is named after former Texas Tech president Clifford B. Jones and his wife, Audrey. Their names have graced the facility since its opening. The stadium has undergone several renovations during its life, including the installa tion of FieldTurf in 2017 and a new video board in 2013.

The Wellness Center houses Student Health Services and the Student Counseling Center. Student Health Services offers primary and urgent care, women’s health care, X-ray ser vices, a full-service pharmacy and a variety of other services. Through Texas Tech Physicians, SHS also offers virtual health care visits. The Student Counseling Center offers a walk-in clinic as well as a variety of services designed to help meet students’mental health needs. The counseling center also of fers crisis intervention services and educational workshops to develop skills to deal with some of the challenges of daily life.

The Residence Halls Association and RISE (Risk Inter vention and Safety Education) will host a Casino Night from 8-11 p.m. Aug. 25 at the United Supermarkets Arena. Casino games, a photo booth, free food and prizes will be included in the evening’s activities. Scavenger hunt, games planned

The Wesley Foundation at Tech will offer a scavenger hunt and games from 8-11:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at the Wesley Founda tion, 2420 15th St. (corner of University and 15th next to CVS). For more details visit Disc golf tourney offered University Recreation’s Intramural Sports will host a Disc Golf Tournament from 5:30-9 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Urbanovsky Park disc golf course on campus. Participants can play the course any time during the allotted hours and the player with the best score will receive the championship shirt. Urbanovsky to host Raider Roundup Transition & Engagement is planning the annual Raider Roundup event from 7-9 p.m. Aug. 28 in Urbanovsky Park. Students new to Tech are invited to mark the beginning of their time at the university by making connections with faculty, staff and other students while enjoying free Whata burger, Insomnia Cookies, live music and yard games. Non-traditional student event set Transfer Connection will host a Non-traditional Student Night from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Aug. 29 at Wagner Park, corner of 26th Street and Elgin Avenue. This event is open to non-tra ditional (married, parent, military, took a break between high school and college, later-in-life student, etc.) students, their spouses and children. Yard games and food will be offered. Transfer Techsans plan kickoff Transfer Techsans, a student organization where transfer students relate to and support one another while at Tech, will host a kickoff event from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 30 in the SUB’s Matador Room. Information about the organization will be offered, as will food and prizes. Arts & Sciences Day slated The College of Arts & Sciences student ambassadors will host their 8th annual Arts & Sciences Day from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aug. 31 on the south lawn of Holden Hall. Students will receive free lunch, swag and information on A&S depart ments and Tech resources. Take part in Turf Takeover University Recreation will host a Turf Takeover from 6-11:59 p.m. Aug. 31 at the Turf Complex, located at the southwest corner of Texas Tech Parkway and 10th Street. Participants will enjoy a night of games, including 9-square, spikeball, corn hole and other “tailgate-type” games for dropin play. Tennis, anyone? University Recreation’s Intramural Sports will host a Flash Tennis Tournament from 5:30-10 p.m. Sept. 1 at Ur banovsky Park tennis courts 1-4. Participants must bring their own racquets, but balls will be provided. Register in advance at to guarantee a spot. Kickball Tournament set A Kickball Tournament, organized by Intramural Sports/ University Recreation, will run from 6-11 p.m. Sept. 2 in the University Recreation Softball Complex. Register in advance at or drop in to play. The Raider Welcome website offers a searchable listing of all Raider Welcome activities. Activities are being added weekly, so check the list to find even more fun and interest ing events.

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Parent and Family Relations will offer a Back-to-School Photo event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 25 at the West Plaza Gazebo at the SUB. Stop by to get a photo for social media or to send home to mom.

The Baptist Student Ministry will host an Ice Cream Night from 7-9 p.m. Aug. 18 at the Tech BSM Building, 2401 13th St. (one block behind Varsity Bookstore). Free ice cream and all the toppings will be served. To register, visit www.

Raider Welcome provides introduction to life at Tech 99-cent Steak Night set

Free pizza at Urbanovsky Campus Crusade for Christ, or Cru at TTU, will host a pizza party from 6-8 p.m. on Aug. 14 at the Urbanovsky Park gazebo. Pizza and drinks will be served, sidelined by sand vol leyball, spikeball, corn hole, kan jam and other fun activities. Pasta Lunch on RISE RISE (Risk Intervention and Safety Education) will offer a free pasta lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Aug. 16 at the Red Raider Ballroom in the Student Union Building. Various student wellness topics will be discussed over the lunch of salad, pasta and dessert.

Photo opp to mark first class day

The International Cultural Center’s Hall of Nations will host an International Game Night with Study Abroad from 5-6 p.m. on Aug. 16. Students can show off their international knowledge in games of Jeopardy! and bingo. Prizes and snacks will be included in the evening’s activities. Scavenger Hunt planned The Catholic Student Association will host a DYRT (Discipleship Youth Retreat Team) Scavenger Hunt from 2-4 p.m. Aug. 17 beginning in the Student Union Building’s North Plaza. Drive a robot

The School of Financial Planning will set up a booth from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 22 in front of Copy Mail in the SUB. Students can learn more about handling finances, paying off Raider Welcome, an assortment of events created for new and returning Texas Tech students, will run Aug. 12 through Sept. 3 at dozens of locations throughout campus. Activities are designed to celebrate academic success, wellness and recreation, community involvement, culture and diversity, social connections and Tech traditions, according to the 2022 Raider Welcome website, studentengagement/raiderwelcome/. The majority of events are offered free of charge. According to the website, Raider Welcome offers students the opportunity to get information about campus resources; become acquainted with roommates and classmates; learn to successfully navigate the Tech campus; become comfortable in your new home away from home; and ask questions you may have prior to the start of classes. Below is a small sampling of the many Raider Welcome activities planned as of mid-July (many require a Tech ID, so be sure to pick that up on your way out the door): student loans and having their money work for them.

ICC to host Game Night

The Robotics and Advanced Tech Society will offer a Drive a Robot event from noon to 4 p.m. on Aug. 18 at the SUB’s West Plaza. Participants are invited to come out and race the society’s latest creation, meet team members and get involved. Grab some ice cream

Honors students event planned The Honors College First-year Experience Welcome Event will run from 1-2:30 p.m. Aug. 22 at the Urbanovsky Park gazebo and sand volleyball courts. All new and returning Honors students should stop by for Bahama Buck’s snow cones, sand volleyball and the opportunity to meet mentors and other Honors students and faculty members. Top it off with ice cream The University Career Center will host an ice cream social from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 22 in the Wiggins Complex. Ice cream will be served free of charge, sidelined by music and a game-day atmosphere complete with appearances by the Masked Rider and spirit squad. Participants can learn more about what the UCC offers as students prep for future ca reers. Dive in to a movie The Leisure Pool at the Student Rec Center will host a Dive In Movie from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Aug. 22. Par ticipants should bring their swimsuits and towels to enjoy a movie under the stars.


SUB plans Open House Learn more about your Student Union Building from 4-8 p.m. Aug. 23 at the facility’s Open House event. Events, games and food will be offered. Find your place at Student Org Fair The Center for Campus Life will host the Raider Welcome Student Org Fair from 4-6 p.m. Aug. 23 in the Red Raider Ballroom of the SUB. Participants can visit with representa tives from more than 80 different student groups and receive free Campus Life and student org swag. This fair is the largest org fair of the semester. Library to host Trivia Night Texas Tech University Libraries will host a Trivia Night from 5:30-7 p.m. Aug. 23 in the Library’s Croslin Room. Those who love trivia, snacks, prizes and meeting new friends should stop by with a team. Trivia subjects will include current events, pop culture and other fun topics. Enjoy some Late-Night Pancakes Billed as the “best free pancakes you’ll ever eat,” this event will run from 10-11:59 p.m. Aug. 23 in the Tech Baptist Student Ministry building, 2401 13th St. (one block behind Varsity Bookstore). Get a game-day shirt Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru at TTU) will offer a Game-day Shirt Giveaway from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 25 at Chitwood, Weymouth, Stangel, Murdough, Honors, Talk ington, Bledsoe, Wall and Gates halls. Supplies of the free T-shirts will be limited; first-come, first-served. Swap out that other school’s shirt Transfer Connection will host a Welcome Day and T-shirt Swap for transfer students from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 25 at the SUB North Plaza. Students should bring a T-shirt from their previous institutions to swap for a Tech T-shirt. Barbecue sandwiches will be offered while supplies last. Glow-in-the-dark Frisbee set The Catholic Student Association will host a Glow-in-theDark Ultimate Frisbee event from 8-9:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at the sand volleyball courts in Urbanovsky Park. RHA, RISE to host Casino Night

The College of Human Sciences Student Ser vices will offer free Tiff’s Treats and chances to win swag from 1-3 p.m. Aug. 19 at the Human Sciences Building’s south entrance. Slip n’ Slide Kickball slated Chi Alpha Campus Ministries will set up a Slip n’ Slide Kickball event from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 19 at the open field in Urbanovsky Park (next to volleyball courts). Free food also will be offered. A cappella workshop set The TechTones A Cappella group will offer an interactive A Cappella Workshop from 1-3 p.m. Aug. 20 in the Escondido Theater at the SUB. Students interested in singing with the TechTones, Tech’s premier co-ed a cappella group, should attend. For more info email ttutechtones@

Learn about financial planning

Pick up some swag, sweets

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador The annual 99-cent Steak Night hosted by the Baptist Student Ministry will run from 5-7 p.m. Aug. 22 in the Urbanovsky Park amphitheater. For 99 cents, each student will receive a steak, tortilla, chips, salad, cookie and bottled water. Sign up at

Need help covering tuition costs? Consider applying for scholarships.Almost60 percent of Tex as Tech students received a grant or scholarship a year ago, according to the univer sity’s scholarship office web site. The average amount of grants/scholarships received by Tech students in the Fall 2021 semester was $7,150. Through the university application for current stu dents, a Tech student can quickly and easily apply for more than 4,000 internal scholarships with a single Scholarships can help cover tuition application, according to the university’s scholar ship website,

• Games • Live music A current Tech student also will offer inspiring words to help students prepare for academic and personalRaidersuccess.Roundup is or ganized by Transition & Engagement.

• “Weird Al” Yankovic with special guest: Emo Philips — Sept. 29, Buddy Holly Hall, www.buddy • Halestorm — Oct. 2, Buddy Holly Hall, www. Howl-o-Ween Dog Run & Haunted Hustle — Oct. 15,

Willie McCool Memorial Half-Marathon, 5K and 10K — Sept. 17, Silent Wings Museum, 6202 N. I-27, memorial/

• Hub City Comic Con — Aug. 19-21, Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, • First Friday Art Trail — Sept. 2 (monthly on the first Friday), various venues, Korn and Evanescence — Sept. 7, United Supermarkets Arena (on campus), KoRn-and-Evanescence.phpedu/unitedsupermarketsarena/events/special/2022-www.depts.ttu.

Panhandle-South Plains Fair — Sept. 23 through Oct. 12 (watch for College Night details where your student ID gets you discounted admis sion), Panhandle-South Plains Fairgrounds, www. • Kevin James — Sept. 24, Buddy Holly Hall,,includingthoseofferedthroughtheTexasTechParentsAssociationandtheTexasTechAlumniAssociation.Checkoutthewebsitetoviewaninstructionalvideoorforfurtherinformation.

New students can join their fellow Red Raiders in celebrating the begin ning of their time at Texas Tech at the 2022 Raider Roundup.Freefood, live music and other activities are planned as part of Raider Roundup, which will begin at Ur banovsky Park from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 28. Urbanovsky Park is located on the Tech campus. The event is being or ganized by the university’s department of Transition & Raider welcomesRoundupstudents

RAIDERLAND 1301 What you need to know: Fall entertainment options

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Raider Roundup, hosted by Texas Tech’s Transition & Engagement depart ment, is an outdoor festival designed to help students celebrate the beginning of their Red Raider journey.


• Justin Moore — Nov. 5, Buddy Holly Hall, www. • Tim Allen — Nov. 12, Buddy Holly Hall, www.buddyhol

• Free Whataburger food • Free Tiffs Treats cookies

Engagement.Plannedas part of the event, according to the Raid er Roundup website, are: • T-shirt giveaways

In addition to the many activities organized within the Texas Tech community each semester, Lubbock plays host to hun dreds of events each year. A handful of the Fall semester activities, which include fairs, concerts, running events and festivals, are listed below: FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador The Panhandle-South Plains Fair, which takes place every fall, is a great chance to Texas Tech students to eat some tasty treats and enjoy rides. The 2022 fair will take place from Sept. 23 to Oct. 12.

There are dozens of other activities planned, as well as the Spring 2023 semester, both on campus and off. Keep up with what’s going on in and around Lubbock by following The Daily Toreador’s social media or visiting




Texas Tech sets aside several dates each year to celebrate students and their families. This year’s Family Weekend, sponsored by Parent and Family Rela tions, will be Oct. 28-29, according to the department’s website, www. on Oct. 28 includes: Parent & Family Relations Ice Cream Social — 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at a location to be announced. Free ice cream will be served. • Family & Friends Night at the SUB — 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., hosted by Student Union & Activities in the SUB Courtyard and Allen Theatre. Activities, which will be detailed at a later date, will be free. Texas Tech Parents Association Family Fun Night — 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., SUB Red Raider Ballroom. Activities will include a family dinner from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and a Housing Fair. This will be a ticketed event; for more details, visit Texas Tech volleyball vs. Kansas State — 6 p.m. at the United Supermarkets Arena. This will be a ticketed event; visit www.texastech. com to purchase tickets or get tickets at the door. Oct. 29 activities tentatively scheduled include: Texas Tech Parents Association Tailgate — Time to be determined by game-time announcement; however, it will run three hours prior to kickoff. Billed as the largest on-campus tailgate at Tech, the event will be catered by the Odessa Chuckwagon Gang. Location and more specifics will be announced. This will be a ticketed event; visit www. for more details.


• Raider Alley Tailgate — Time to be determined by game-time announcement; however, it will begin in the Engineering Key four hours prior to kickoff. The event, hosted by Tech Athletics, will be free and include live music, inflatables and other family-friendly games and traditional tailgate activities. • Tech game against the Baylor Bears — Will kick off on Oct. 29 at a time to be announced at Jones AT&T Stadium. Visit the Parent and Family Relations website listed above for information about tickets, potential discounts, a Gameday Guide, etc.

University Libraries provide more than books majorEachhas a referenceresearchcanLibrarianPersonalwhohelpwithandneeds.

Texas Tech students interested in learning more about local businesses should plan to attend the Hub City Fest 2022. The event, organized by the Tech Office of Transition & Engagement, will run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26. This year’s Hub City Fest will be in a new location -- the R-11 band parking lot at 18th Street and Akron Avenue.Freebies, live music and prizes will be offered, as well as special deals from retailers, according to the event website ( hubcityfest/ expected to participate in the event. The first 1,500 students who present their student IDs will receive free Tech T-shirts. A number of large door prizes are being secured for giveaway every 15-20 minutes during the event. Prizes given away last year included a Dell laptop, flat-screen TVs, a gaming chair, jewelry, backpacks, gift certificates, gym memberships and free passes to various entertain ment venues throughout the city. To be eligible to win one of the door prizes, student IDs must be scanned upon entry to Hub City Fest, ac cording to the website. What you need to know: Hub City Fest FILE PHOTO The Daily Toreador Students can visit booths from a wide range of local busi nesses during Hub City Fest. Numer ous door prizes will be available and many of the booths will have their own games or prizes too.


FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador The University Librar ies include the Architecture Library, the Southwest Col lection/Special Collections Library and the University Library.Open more hours than any other building on campus (ex tended daily hours with special 24/7 hours during final exams) the Library provides access to approximately 191,000 online journals, newspapers and periodicals; almost 1 million e-books; 380 databases; and 1 million architecture and art digitalLibrariansimages.offer personal ized assistance for research and reference needs in per son, by phone, via e-mail or through the Ask-a-Librarian chat service. Every major has its own Personal Librarian. The Library houses more than 270 public computers (both PC and Mac), the most computer stations on campus, each equipped with the full and latest versions of the Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, AutoCAD and other project/product and publishing tools. In the basement of the Uni versity Library, the state-ofthe-art Crossroads Recording Studio provides a free facility to all students and university employees for practice, perfor mance, podcasts, music, the ater and oral presentations. On the second floor, Dy namic Media Services (DMS) offers digital cameras, highdefinition digital camcorders, GoPro cameras and mounts, more than 5,000 American and international film and movie DVDs, and music and audio books on CD available for checkout. Podcast stu dios and an anatomy model lab also are available. The Library Makerspace fea tures 3D printing, scanning, engraving and more. The Makerspace also features a Virtual Reality Lab, which of fers Oculus Rift VR headsets study rooms are available for reser vation and over 180 individual study rooms are available for check-out.Theuniversity offers a onecredit-hour course, LIBR 1100, to convey effective library research methods and strate gies for scholastic success. The Library also offers numerous workshops throughout the year on topics such as 3D printing, databases, managing citations and more. Visit li for more details.


dated — always Enjoy some nachos at Chimy’s Take at least one selfie with Raider Red each year Float the Lazy River at the Leisure Pool Get re-tweeted by an official Tech Twitter account Play flashlight tag at Memorial Circle at midnightTreataroommate to a meal at One Guy’sTake an offbeat class as an elective Experience Mafia Queso at Orlando’s Help build one of the homecoming paradeAttendfloatsaTech women’s soccer home gameTake in a Saturday baseball game at Dan Law Field Rush the court when Tech upsets a rankedEnjoyopponentoneofthe concerts featured at the United Supermarkets Arena


Since 1925, students have walked the same paths you’re about to walk and gone to classes in many of the same buildings. As you look forward toward the path to graduation — it will be here far quicker than you can imagine — check out a list of things to do before you leave Raiderland. Use #TTUBucketList22 to share when you complete one. Have something to add for next year’s incoming students? Share that too. Bottom line? Enjoy being a Red Raider. Texas Tech BuckeT LisT

Stop in and listen to one of the speak ers who make their way to the campus Free Speech Area Eat some fried cheese at Spanky’s Attend a men’s or women’s basketball conference home game Scan TechAnnounce daily for interest ing activities and opportunities Roll up to Amarillo to visit Cadillac Ranch (take some spray paint!) Volunteer with a local nonprofit (check out the Volunteer Center of Lub bock’sPartakewebsite)in a harmless prank war among friends at the residence hall Attend a university production — a play, musical, concert or recital Eat at Skyviews of Texas Tech Uni versityGoon a blind date set up by a trusted friendSplurge on a purchase that ordinarily would be beyond your budget Participate in one of the many Tech Homecoming activities, like the bonfire or the Enjoyparadeaweekend of college-themed movies (“Animal House,” “Old School,” etc.)Attend a Tech home softball game

Participate in a friendly snowball fight on campus Buy a toy you loved as a kid and donate it to one of the local holiday toy drivesVisit the Career Center and explore ways it can help with your career plans Catch a live show by a musician who is a Lubbock native Pull an all-nighter at the Library Take a date to the Stars & Stripes Drive-in and order their specialty — a Chihuahua sandwich Stand in the center of Memorial Circle, inside the seven reservoirs of Pfluger Fountain, and listen Take in one of the free Late Night Movies offered each week at the Student UnionComplete an internship relating to yourGetmajoryour puppy fix by volunteering at a local no-kill shelter Spend a day going to and from class without checking your cell phone Get involved with an organization related to Tech Attend RaiderGate before a home football game Go to the Rec Center and work out daily for a Participateweekin a peaceful political rally or protest Take part in one of the trips offered through the Outdoor Pursuits Center Create your résumé and keep it up

Attend a Tech home football game with your face and/or body painted in school colors Conquer the rock wall at the Rec Camp out at a sporting or musical event at least a day prior to its scheduled time Visit Prairie Dog Town in Lubbock’s Mackenzie Park Check out the Alt’Do Farms Corn Maize northwest of LubbockParticipate in Texas Tech’s annual Arbor Day Learn and sing the real words to the Texas Tech “Fight Song” and “The Matador Song” Take some friends and go to Joyland in Mackenzie Park Sled down a snow-covered hill at Ur banovsky Park Visit the National Ranching Heritage Center or Texas Tech Museum See the pioneers of the South Plains mural by artist Peter Hurd in the Holden HallGrabrotundaafreshman-year selfie at the Tech Seal (to pair with the one you’ll take your senior year in cap and gown) Participate in the next SGA election — either as a candidate or by voting Toss a tortilla at a football game with out getting caught After your freshman year, lounge on the Double T Bench in the courtyard behind the Administration Building Go online and read up on the alleged hauntings on the Texas Tech campus Take in the Tech Pom Squad and CoEd Cheer team performances at Raider Alley before a home football game Take a day trip to Palo Duro Canyon Visit one of Lubbock’s sushi eateries and order the craziest thing on the menu Take a road trip to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico Drive around the Loop Enjoy a picnic at Buffalo Springs Visit the South Plains Fair, Sept. 23Oct. 1, and enjoy some traditional fair food (turkey leg, anyone?) Splash in the puddles following a rain on campus When your family visits, take a group photo with the “Riding into the Sunset” (Will Rogers & Soapsuds) statue

Attend the annual Carol of Lights event on Dec. 2 Have your picture taken with the big ring sculpture outside the Alumni Center on Visitcampusthe Lubbock Lake Landmark and learn about the dinosaurs and fossils found in the area Build a snow sculpture on campus Say hello to a random stranger in the Student Union or the Library Take selfies with your favorite cam pus art installation Join an intramural team and par ticipateAttend a Student Government Asso ciationParticipatemeetingin a face-to-face academic advising session Earn a spot on the Dean’s or Presi dent’sStartLista “Raider Power!” chant at a Tech sporting event Attend a party Find the Blarney Stone on the Texas TechVisitcampustheLibrary and check out its many resources Go a full semester without missing a classGobowling with friends Take a selfie with the Masked Rider and her Recyclehorsewhen and where you can on campusFind one (or more) of the painted mu rals in town and grab a Lubbock selfie to post to social media Make time to take in a few West Texas sunsetsGetquoted by The Daily Toreador or featured in one of its videos Visit the Buddy Holly Center and check out the giant glasses Find your favorite barbecue restau rant in Lubbock Take an arbitrary class unrelated to personal interests just to broaden your horizonsPlaya round of golf at the Jerry S. Rawls Golf Course Try each of the independent burger joints along 34th and 50th streets Follow the Goin’ Band from Raider land to Jones AT&T Stadium before a home football game Get a SpendjobaFriday evening taking in the sights and sounds of the First Friday ArtWhenTrailyou need a Scantron form for an exam, buy extras, take them to class and distribute them to fellow class members Round up some friends and go on a road trip to an out-of-town Tech football gameAttend an event just for the free food or T-shirtSitinthe courtyard behind the Ad ministration Building and watch un suspecting students get sucked into the windPicktunnelupthe print edition of The Daily Toreador and read it Drop by Raider Red Meats in the Ani mal Sciences building for lunch

FALL 2022 21WWW.DAILYTOREADOR.COM RAIDERLAND 1301 Tech has different means of transportation across campus such as buses, Lime scoot ers and to help students get around. Students may utilize these services to contribute to their experience at Tech. Parking in Raiderland Whether a student is liv ing on or off campus, in order to park on campus without risking a parking citation a student must have a parking permit. Students can purchase a permit on the Transportation and Parking Services website and can either pay for the per mit upfront or add it to their tuition bill. “If you’re in a dorm, you’ll get a resident hall lot, which is any lot that starts with the letter Z,” Transportation and Parking Services media rela tions coordinator, Brandon Richard, said. “So whichever dorm you choose, you select the lot that’s right outside yourStudentsbuilding.”commuting from an off campus residences can purchase commuter passes for one of four commuter lots in various parts of campus. Another option is the Flint Avenue parking garage, which is for commuters or residence hall students. It is covered parking on the second and third floor. The top floor is utilized as pay-to-park space. Third-year architecture student, Emily Kotrola, has a parking pass in the Commuter West lot; however, she said she typically parks at the Flint garage on the third or fourth floors where it’s open. Kotrola said the garages are the best parking but it’s hard to get in. She recommended Com muter West and Commuter North as other good options. Students who do not park in their designated parking lots are subject to parking tickets. According to Transportation Services, all license plates are linked to a computer system that verifies if a student is parked in the correct lot. “Everything works through license plate recognition,” Rich ard said. “Basically your li cense plate is your parking pass. If they’re in the wrong spot they will get a ticket, and if they don’t have a permit at all, then it goes on that license plate’sParkingrecord.”tickets begin at $25, but Richard recommends paying within five or six days because the ticket will go up by $5 after 10 days. Students can pay tickets online or they can go to the Transportation and Parking Services office and pay in person.“Inperson is great because you could also then talk to our permit office,” Richard said. “If you have any questions about why you got the citation, it’s good to have that face-to-face interaction to pay the ticket and ask questions if you need to.”If a student wants to dis pute the citation or if there was an issue, Richard said they may be able to appeal the citation. However, if it was rightfully cited, students must pay the citation if the appeal is denied.Thebest input Richard said he can give is to park where one’s permit allows because it will alleviate a lot of the conges tion in the lots. “The reason students have issues is because other people are in their parking area,” Richard said. “If everyone takes that individual respon sibility to park where they’re supposed to, then it clears up a lot of lots.” Scootin’ to class There are also Lime scoot ers and some Lime bikes around campus for student use. Students must download the Lime app, then scan the QR code on the scooter to unlock the vehicle. Limes cost $1 to start and 25 cents per minute afterward.Students should park Limes in a designated Lime parking area on campus. The app will total the amount owed and charge the form of payment a person has linked to theKotrolaapp. said if a student is living on campus, she recom mends Limes or bikes. “You can walk across cam pus in like 30 minutes so it’s not a huge deal, but I definitely recommend biking or scootering,” Kotrola said. “I don’t know how to ride a scooter, so I just walk, but I had a bike my first semester. I recommend biking and obvi ously parking at your dorm.” Busing to Class Tech partners with Lub bock’s transit system, Citibus, which give students the ability to take the bus to campus and aroundTherecampus.aretwo on-campus bus routes, the Red Raider and the Double T, that run from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday dur ing the regular academic year. These buses operate in two different directions, one going clockwise on campus and the other’retheyareastracksbusDoubleMap,isbusRichardseventheresoLaraget9:25nowbecausewhatfirstforandtimestarts40maybusstudentotherthebuilding.waydon’tcampus,”“It’scounterclockwise.easiertogetaroundRichardsaid.“YouhavetotakethelongaroundtogotoanotherYoucanjumponotherbusroutegoingthedirection.”Third-yearpublicrelationsHannahLarasaidthecanbeveryconvenientforstudents.Larasaidsheleavesaboutminutesbeforeherclasstomakesureshehastowalktothebusstopgetonwithoutbeinglateclass.“HaveitplannedoutthedayyoutryitoutandseeworksforyourscheduleIhavetodothatandIknowthatitcomesatlike(a.m.)now,sothat’swhenIonthebusandgotoclass,”said.Therearemultiplebuses,ifastudentmissesonebus,willbeoneaboutfivetominutesbehindthatone,said.Tohelpstudentsnavigateroutes,Richardsaidtherealivebus-trackingapp,whichindicatesroutesandnumbersandthelocationofthebusitmoves.“It’llshowthebusesthatoncampus,andwhereverare,”Richardsaid.“Ifinyourdorm,youseethebusescomein,youhurryupandgetdownthebusstopsoyoudon’tit.”FormoreinformationonServicesonandcampusvisitthewebsite Variety of transportation methods help students get around campus, town FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Lime scooters are a colorful, visible mode of transportation for students to get around campus. Texas Tech also has bus routes to help students traverse one of the largest campuses in the country. Many apartment complexes around Texas Tech have dedicated bus routes to get their residents to campus each day. By ASHER MCPHERSON Staff Writer What you need to know: Things to do in and around Lubbock American Windmill Museum, a museum of the history of wind power, at 1701 Canyon Lake Dr., Lubbock. Silent Wings Museum, which preserves and promotes the history of the World War II military glider program, at 6202 N. Interstate 27, Lubbock. National Ranching Heritage Center, a repository of western history, at 3121 Fourth St., Lubbock. Museum of Texas Tech University, 3301 Fourth St.; an educational, scientific, cultural and research arm of Tech. www.depts.ttu. edu/museumttu The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, with galleries open free to the public Tuesdays through Saturdays at 511 Ave. K. Buffalo Springs Lake , which offers camping, fishing, boating and beaches, as well as special events scheduled throughout the year; located at 9999 High Meadow Road. Moody Planetarium, 3301 Fourth St.; a component of the Museum of Texas

Raider Relief is a program designed to “support the needs of students and connect them with the most essential re sources,” according to the Office of the Dean of Students website, dos/

These needs include food, housing options, financial counseling and/or support, medical and behavioral health services, transportation, em ployment, child care, tax preparation assistance, and academic success strategies.

Many of the resources and services available locally are listed on the website. Students who require im mediate assistance, according to the website, should call 806-742-2984 or email raider

Science Spectrum , 2579 S. Loop 289; hosts permanent and traveling exhibits and serves as a resource of science education to residents and visitors of Lubbock and the South Plains. Bayer Museum of Agriculture , 1121 Canyon Lake Drive; serves as a “living memo rial to … farm families that were pioneers in agriculture”. For a full overview of events and activities planned for the Lubbock area, visit www. West Texas activities Lake Alan Henry, located 65 miles south east of Lubbock in Garza County; camp and hike in the Sam Wahl Recreation Area or enjoy bass fishing — 130 miles round trip Visit the Cadillac Ranch art installation west of Amarillo (take some spray paint and leave your mark!) — 250 miles round-trip Take the 72-oz. Steak Challenge at the Big Texan in Amarillo (eat the entire meal in the prescribed time and it’s free!) — 256 miles round-trip Visit the scenic Palo Duro Canyon State Park, where visitors can hike, camp, picnic, ride horseback or mountain bike and enjoy the raw beauty of the Texas Panhandle — 226 miles round trip

Lubbock Lake National Historic Land mark, 2401 Landmark Drive; another part of the Museum of Texas Tech. edu/museumttu/lll/index.htmlwww.depts.ttu. Buddy Holly Center, 1801 Ave. G; dedicated to the preservation, collection and promotion of Lubbock’s own Buddy Holly, as well as the music of West Texas.

The Buddy Holly Center, located at 1801 Ave. G, is dedicated to the memory of the late musician and is one of many local attractions Texas Tech students can explore during their time in the Hub City. If you visit, make sure to take a photo with a replica of Holly’s iconic glasses. damage campus and even result in difficulty in entering buildings for students with disabilities.” Bikes are not permitted in buildings. Any bike found in violation of university regulations may be impounded.Cyclistsmay use bike lanes and campus streets, the website states, as well as on side walks — except for the following (to avoid collisions with pedestrians): • Sidewalks that run parallel to a street with a designated bike lane (cyclists must use the bike lane); • Breezeways and sidewalks that cross breezeways;Sidewalks to run down the face of a building; • Areas designated by signs as dismount zones, such as the area between the Student Union Building and the Library. For a full outline of state and university regu lations pertaining to bikes or to view a map that includes locations of bike fix-it/air stations, park ing areas and dismount zones, visit the website. Transportation & Parking Services regularly hosts free bike clinics. Watch for announcements about the clinics in TechAnnounce or The Daily Toreador

What you need to know: Biking on campus Bicycles are a popular mode of transporta tion on the Texas Tech campus, but cyclists are advised by Transportation & Parking Services officials to be aware of safety precautions and regulations.According to the Transportation & Parking Services website tofeatures,”railings,bebycutlockparked,,processshouldInformationFor/Bicycling/Basics.php(,bikesberegisteredwiththeiroffice.It’safreethatestablisheslegalownershipofthewhichcomesinhandyifitshouldeverbeTheregistrationlinkisavailableonthedenotedabove.Asasecondaryprecaution,abikeownershouldtakephotosofthebikeandrecordserialnumber(oftenfoundontheundersidethepedalcrank),accordingtothewebsite.Bikesalwaysshouldbelockedupwhenevenduringshorttimeperiods.AU-isrecommended,asitismoredifficultto(chainsandcablesareeasilyandquicklycutbikethieves).OntheTechcampus,bikesalwaysshouldparkedandlockedtoabikerack—“nevertotreesorotherarchitecturalorlandscapeaccordingtothewebsite.“Lockinglandscapingandarchitecturalfeaturescan

Source: Visit Lubbock,; Various travel websites

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador

Raider Relief offers assistance to struggling students

Traditions remain strong on campus as university approaches centennial student organization that en courages men’s sports teams. “The wrapping of Will Rogers and Soapsuds was started by the Saddle Tramps. They go out to the statue the night before every home game and wrap it in red crepe paper. Students can attend Midnight Raiders and watch the Saddle Tramps wrap or they can simply marvel in its glory the day after when it’s complete,” Shelby Morlock, a second-year political science and Spanish student from Houston, said. “It’s important to most students because this tradition unites all of us … .” The Saddle Tramps also are known for the ringing of the victory bells on campus after a sporting victory or big “Theevent.ringing of the victory bells is a longstanding tradi tion for us as well. And, you know, that marks very special events that happen like if we win a National Championship or a big event,” Whitfield said. “During COVID the Saddle Tramps actually opened up the Bell Tower and let people go up there and kind of experi ence what it’s like to ring the victory bell so I think that is a special tradition.”

FILE PHOTO/The Daily Toreador Texas Tech’s 64th annual Carol of Lights event, which will see the lighting of more than 25,000 colored lights on buildings around Memorial Circle, the Engineering Key and the Broadway entrance to campus, is set for Dec. 2. The event, sponsored by Tech’s Residence Halls Association, brings together the university and Lubbock communities each year and is one of the university’s “largest and oldest traditions.” Crowds of more than 20,000 traditionally attend the free event, according to the Carol of Lights website.

The original Arbor Day cel ebrations lasted for about 10 years until the campus hired a landscape architect, ac cording to Daily Toreador ar chives. In 1996, the tradition returned. Bringing back and maintaining those traditions and holiday are important to Tech, Whitfield said. A few of Tech’s most known traditions are linked to the Saddle Tramps, an all-male

FILE PHOTOS/The Daily Toreador 1. Every Thursday before home football games and before other important home sporting events, the Saddle Tramps wrap the “Riding into the Sunset” statue in red crepe paper. 2. The Masked Rider and Raider Red are vital parts of Tech school spirit and tradition. They both make hundreds of appearances each year on behalf of the school. 3. Although not an official university tradition, since the 1980s Tech students have thrown tortillas at the kickoff of football games. 4. Arbor Day started as a campus tradition in 1937 as a way for students, faculty and staff to help beautify the campus. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Tech Traditions

By TANA THOMPSON L a Vida Editor

The wrapping of the Will Rogers statue takes place the night before every home game. The Carol of Lights fills the campus with joy every December.OnArbor Day, campus is filled with flowers plated by studentTexasorganizations.Techisknown for a number of traditions, with hundreds of students getting involved in each one. After almost 100 years, Tech’s traditions are still standing.“Well, when the students first came to Texas Tech in the fall of 1925, they, along with the faculty and staff, founded what would be some of our traditions. So they chose the colors scarlet and black. They named the football team as the matador that became our mascot,” Lynn Whitfield, university archivist at the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, said. “So they founded all these tradi tions to basically bond and, you know, form the founda tions of what the school his tory would be as it developed.” Tech traditions were a part of the university’s founding, and they have grown since then. And although some traditions have faded away, others may be established, Whitfield said. As Tech ap proaches its centennial, it’s nice to look back on its tradi tions.“Arbor Day is probably one of my absolute favorites. That one dates back to I think 1938 with President Bradford Knapp who instituted that,” Whitfield said. “When Texas Tech was founded we pretty much had all this open land, very little trees, very little landscaping. And so that was one of the early traditions that was instituted here at the university to improve the environment and just make it a more beautiful and comfort able place for everybody.”




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