Tori Balliew Image Studio Portfolio

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Tori Balliew Jaunty Stuff: W he n a sc ulpt o r do e s de s ig n

H e l l o ! This book is a col lection of mostly graphic design work with a few sculptures at the end. I enjoy chal lenging myself with new materials but have a particular passion for metalworking. Being that I love both fine art and graphic design, I major in both and enjoy being able to use skil ls and inspiration from one to the other.

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s Forbidden Book Covers




Tidying Up Bacon


Triptych Story


Exploded Skul l


Mirrored Cube Towers


F o r b i d d e n

B o o k


Seven pictures of artworks ranging from 400-1800 had to be used to construct the covers. The book list was from the forbidden book list. A publisher had to be chosen for what the covers resembled most.


Using the raw edges in the various paintings, I layered the multiple layers into one complete image.

C o v e r s

Project Name



Images Used

Images Used Description


Project Name



Images Used

I c o n s Description:

After deciding on a topic, create twelve useful icons for the subject with different variations.


Once deciding on making icons for a music studio, I chose essentianal elements to a studio to make icons of.

12 Music Studio Icons

F l a t

C o l o r

Colored Fill & Outline

Project Name



F l a t

B l a c k


W h i t e

Colored with Gradient W h i t e

C o l o r

w i t h

G r a d i e n t

o n

B l a c k

White on Black

T i d y i n g

U p

B a c o n


Manipulate an artwork on Photoshop or “Tidy up� a piece of artwork inspired by Ursus Wehrli.


I used Painting (1946) by Francis Bacon and separtated the identifiable objects and the f lesh-like objects and laid them out on a background matching the shutters in the work.

T r i p t y c h

S t o r y


Make a three sentence story from the words: shark tooth, tulips, and concert lights.


The story created from these words was that I descended on a tulip field. As I got closer, I saw a tulip that opened up with a shark tooth in the middle. The tooth rose from the f lower and had concert lights shooting out of it.

Exploded Skull Description:

Creating an object from any material to showcase craftsmanship.


Inspired by Ryan Cohn’s explorded skulls, I created a rendition of my own usuing metal, my material of choice.

M i r r o r e d

C u b e


The object of this was to use geometric objects to create a sculpture.


Using 12�x12� mirrors, I made cubes to distrort the perscecptive of what the photograph captured. I turned the cubes to include particular subject matter in the mirrors.

T o w e r s

Fonts used: BodoniXT, Bodoni Std Roman, Bodoni Bold

Programs used: InDesign CC, Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC

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