Spring 2014 ACA 122 I1 Syllabus

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Arts, Science and Learning Resources ACA-122-College Transfer Success-Section I1 Spring 2014 Syllabus SYLLABUS OVERVIEW: Your college syllabus is your road map to success. You should always keep your syllabus with your class notes AND REFER TO IT OFTEN DURING YOUR ONLINE/HYBRID CLASS. Please CAREFULLY review this syllabus. Your syllabus represents a binding agreement between you and your instructor. The course syllabus will also be available in Blackboard. The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus, except for the grading scale and attendance policy, anytime during the course. You will be notified of all changes in writing. COURSE INFORMATION: College Transfer Success ACA 122-Sections I1 1.0 Credit Hours/1.0 Contact Hours Prerequisite/Co-requisite: NONE Drop Deadline: The last day to drop this course without a grade penalty is MARCH 24, 2014. FACULTY INFORMATION: Instructor: Letoria Gales Lewis Office Location: By appointment. You may email me or phone me. There will be announce times that office hours will be held using Blackboard Collaborate. Email: lglewis@johnstoncc.edu Phone: 919-464-2255 Best time to contact outside of office hours: Phone only during the hours of 9am-4pm. Email me at any time. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic and professional goals beyond the community college experience. Topics include the CAA, college culture, career exploration, gathering information on senior institutions, strategic planning, critical thinking, and communications skills for a successful academic transition. Upon completion, students should be able to develop an academic plan to transition successfully to senior institutions.

COURSE FORMAT: This course will be taught as an online course using Blackboard. You will find weekly content documents and assignments on Blackboard in the Weekly Assignment area. Course documents are available each Sunday by 10pm and will remain available until the following Sunday night at 10 pm, unless otherwise stated. Please pay close attention to details, due dates, and times as your weekly assignments will “disappear” on the date and at the time specified. The course schedule will also be a valuable resource for you as it outlines, in detail, all of the assignments due each week. For your convenience, the course schedule is included in this syllabus and can also be found under “Course Information” in Blackboard. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student will have: • • • • • • • • •

Been introduced to the secrets of transferring successfully. Been introduced the benefits of guaranteed admission programs. Been introduced to the 10 keys steps to transferring. Learned to find the best four year college suited for the student. Learned how to select the right course for transfer credit. Learned how to choose the best major suited for the student. Learned how to write application essays. Learned how to properly complete transfer applications. Learned how to search for money to attend college.

TEXT, TECHNOLOGY AND ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Textbook: (Required): Silver, D. (2013). Community College Transfer Guide. Los Angeles, CA: Adams-Hall Publishing. Software: Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc,), Adobe Reader, Flash 10 or higher, a word processing program with the ability to open .docx files (Word, Google Docs, Open Office, etc.). JCC does not support Works, WordPerfect and other word processing software. For that reason, students must .docx or .rtf files. Computer: Access to a personal computer capable of providing access to the Internet via a highspeed modem will enable students to access on-line course content, their JCC Email account, and communicate with the instructor. Although there are no absolute requirements, computers with faster Internet connections, faster processors, and more memory will get better results. Email: Johnston Community College uses Google Apps for education. All correspondence with me must be via your JCC student email account. The subject line of each email message you send to me must include your course number, section number, and a brief one or two word description of what the message is about. Example: ACA111-I3 Week 1 Quiz.

Because you have registered for this online class, you are responsible for ensuring you have access technology. All students taking online course are expected to have access to a computer online access at home, work, a public library, a neighbor, etc. Upon presenting a current JCC Student ID card, students may use the computers in the Open Computer Lab in the Wilson Building with (Wilson 2007) and the Learning Resource Center (LRC or JCC Library). Not having access to computer with online access will not be an acceptable excuse for late or missing assignments. Students assume the responsibility of securing appropriate technology to complete the course requirements.

COURSE OVERVIEW The scope of topics covered in this course is as follows: • How Community College and a Bachelor’s degree will Benefit you • Why You Need to Do Transfer Planning as Early as Possible • Important Pre-Transfer Issues • Transfer Credit Jargon You Need to Know • Secrets to Transferring Successfully • The 10 Key Steps in Transferring • Selecting the right Major for You • Understanding Money and Other Big Issues • Guaranteed Admissions Programs • Investigating Four Year Colleges • Researching Admissions, Transfer and Graduation Requirements • Asking Questions • Taking the Right Courses • Finding Money for College • Visiting Campuses • Completing Transfer Applications • What to do When You are Offered Admissions EVALUATION METHODS: Letter grades corresponding with the Ten Point Scale will be used in evaluating performance. The scale is as follows: A 90 - 100 B 80 - 89 C 70 - 79 D 60 - 69 F 59 and below Your performance will be assessed through the use of the following tools:

Quizzes and Assignments 80% You will have a quiz each week except the weeks in which you will have your midterm and final exams. The quizzes will consist of questions covering the material during the week the quiz is given. The questions will be based on your reading and/or viewing assignments. You may use your book while taking the quizzes. There is no time limit to complete the quizzes, but, you must complete each quiz once you start it. You will have only one opportunity to take the quizzes. Midterm Exam 10% During week 8, you will have a midterm exam. The midterm will be a cumulative test consisting of questions from the material covered during weeks 2-7. You may use your book while taking the midterm exam and there is no time limit to complete the exam. You must; however, complete the exam once you start it. You will have only one opportunity to take the midterm exam. Final Exam 10% During week 16, you will have a final exam. The final exam will be a cumulative test consisting of questions from material covered during weeks 9-15. You may use your book while taking the midterm exam and there is no time limit to complete the exam. You must; however, complete the exam once you start it. You will have only one opportunity to take the midterm exam. Quizzes, Assignments, and Exams must be completed within the week they are assigned. Late assignments and make-up exams will be accepted only under extreme circumstances and acceptance will be determined on a case by case basis. If a late assignment is accepted, the penalty is the loss of 1 letter grade (10 points) for every week the assignment is late. A grade of “WF” will be issued if a student is dropped by the instructor due to excessive absences. WD will be given if the student withdraws from the course before March 24th and the student has not missed more than 2 classes. I will make every effort to grade assignments within one week. I will also provide comments to you using the feedback options in Blackboard. When reviewing grades in the My Grades section of Blackboard, you can click on any underlined, hyperlinked grade to see more details about the grade. Blackboard will immediately provide you with a score on your quizzes and exams. At the end of the week, I will change the assessment settings to show you your answers, the correct answers, and your score.

CRITICAL SUCCESS STRATEGIES • Course Workload: Outside of scheduled class time (1 contact hour online) students should expect to routinely spend 2 hours per week completing assignments and reviewing course materials for a total of 3 hours per week dedicated to the course. • Technical Skill: A basic comfort level of using a computer to browse the Internet, save files and send email is expected of students enrolled in this course. As an online class you should be comfortable in navigating e-mail, the Internet and Blackboard as well as downloading from the Internet. Students should note that Blackboard training is offered through the Jaguar

Office of Learning Technologies (JOLT). If you need to learn basic computer skills please contact JOLT right away. • Prior Knowledge Needed: Students do not need any prior knowledge of college student success concepts in order to be successful in this class. • Open Communication Statement: As your instructor, I am committed to your success as a student. To that end, I am available via, email, phone and announced Blackboard Collaborate times. I will try to respond to your inquiries within one business day (not Saturday or Sunday). Please do not wait until the due date to ask questions about your assignments as I may not be able to respond in time.

DEPARTMENT ONLINE or HYBRID COURSE ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance in class is expected of all students in order for them to achieve their potential in class and to develop desirable personal traits necessary to succeed in employment. This course is considered an online (or hybrid). In order for you to be considered “attending” this course, you must engage in this course as much as (or more than) you would in a traditional classroom. To be engaged, you must actively participate in all components of the course. Since course content and teaching methods vary, each department will determine its own requirements for attendance. Please read the following information carefully and be sure you understand your requirements for this course. • •

All students must enter class prior to the class 10 percent (census) date, which is the date set by the state for reporting purposes. The 10 percent date for this class is . Each student will be officially “entered” into the class upon completion of the Verify Your Enrollment quiz (typically within 24 hours of the start of the course). The Enrollment Verification Quiz will be located in the course menu entitled “Enrollment Verification Quiz.” You will not be considered “entered” in the course until you complete the “Enrollment Verification Quiz.” If a student has not completed the Verify Your Enrollment quiz or otherwise engaged in the course (i.e., submissions, posts, quizzes, etc.) prior to the 10 percent date, the student will be reported as having not attended (NA).

For this course, if a student misses more than 12.5% or 2 weekly assignments classes in the course the student will be dropped. The student can be dropped at ANY TIME during the semester including that time period before the date designated each semester as the last day a rule includes absences from class for any student can drop without grade penalty. The 12.5% reason. If a student is dropped by an instructor due to excessive absences, a grade of “WF” will be issued, and could affect his/her financial aid. The student must obtain the permission of the instructor to reenter class. If this request is denied, the student may petition the Dean for reinstatement. If the Dean denies the request, the Vice President of Instruction will make the final ruling on the decision. • •

Class attendance is calculated from the first scheduled class meeting to the last. Students who choose to participate in College related activities such as SGA or Athletics must adhere to the attendance policy. Students are responsible for informing their instructors

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in advance of absences and are expected to make arrangements for making up work missed. In such cases, upon approval of the instructor, class time missed will not be counted as absences provided the students are otherwise in good academic standing (2.0 cumulative GPA). Your weekly quiz, assignment, midterm or final exam will serve as your weekly attendance. Please remember that more than two (2) absences will result in a grade of WF. The Jaguar Office of Learning Technologies (JOLT) is available to assist you with technical difficulties or training on distance education technology. You are encouraged to seek their assistance and training resources for online and hybrid courses. The main email is distancelearning@mail.johnstoncc.edu and the phone number is 919-464-2260.

RELIGIOUS OR SOLEMN OBSERVANCE POLICY Johnston Community College authorizes two excused absences from classes each academic year for religious or solemn observances. For the purposes of this policy, an academic year begins on the first day of fall classes in August and ends on the last day of summer classes in July each year. Students requesting absence from class for religious or solemn observance must complete the Religious or Solemn Observance Absence Request Form and obtain instructor approval at least two weeks prior to the date of the absence. Students who miss class for religious or solemn observance will be granted the opportunity to make up work missed due to the absence.

GENERAL POLICIES Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with generally accepted standards of scholarship and morality. A complete listing of all college policies is available in the latest edition of the JCC catalog. Academic Integrity The following regulation sets forth rules of conduct prohibiting cheating. Taking or acquiring possession of any academic material (test information, research papers, noted, etc.) from a member of the college staff or student body without permission; receiving or giving help during tests; submitting papers or reports (that are supposed to be original work) that are not entirely the student’s own; not giving credit for others’ work (plagiarism). Violation of one or more of these rules may result in one of the following sanctions: Reprimand Probation Interim Suspension Loss of Academic Credit or Grade Suspension Expulsion Confidentiality Policy In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Johnston Community College does not release student information concerning attendance, grades, GPA, or withdrawals to anyone, including parents or employers, without proper documentation to the Registrar's office. If documentation is provided, the Registrar will notify faculty if it is permissible to release information. Campus Resources & Information (Please see the JCC website for complete information including hours of operation) •

The openand computer lab is located in Wilson, C2007. Other general computers be found in the Library the Academic Skills Center. YouRoom will need a valid student ID use to access thesecan areas.

Academic assistance is primarily available through the Tutoring and Writing Center (TWC). Tutoring sessions, workshops, and numerous learning resources are available free of charge to currently enrolled students. Tutoring is available in most subject areas by peer and professional tutors. Please see the TWC site under Quick Links at www.johnstoncc.edu

Additional academic assistance is available through:

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Faculty Office Hours Academic Skills Center SMARTHINKING online tutoring Student Support Services Program (TRIO) Disability Services – The Disability Services Office helps adapt Johnston Community College’s general services to the individual and specialized needs of students who have special health conditions, disabilities, or limitations. Services are provided in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973, as amended in 1998 in Part IV of the Workforce Investment Act, Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Our goal is to ensure all qualified students with equal opportunity and access to all programs and facilities. • Disability Services Office – 919-209-2120

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Student Services Office – 919-209-2128 TTY – 919-209-2154

Inclement Weather Policy – The President or designee of Johnston Community College will be responsible for canceling classes in the event of inclement weather or other emergencies. Unless announcements are made to cancel or delay classes, classes will be in session. If classes are canceled or delayed, announcements will be made on the local television and radio stations or the JCC website (www.johnstoncc.edu) Online classes typically are not impacted by inclement weather. Unless otherwise posted by your instructor, continue the online class as directed. If for some reason inclement weather impacts you personally and prevents you from completing expectations of your class, contact your instructor immediately. Canceled classes or classes that do not meet for any reason will require a mandatory make up assignment. • Safety and Evacuation Information -(Instructors please review with each class your evacuation strategy or response to an emergency situation i.e., if fire alarm goes off we have to leave, if tornado warning we must go to hallway etc.) (delete this if online class only, but leave in if hybrid course)

JCC’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS) is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states. As a member of this organization, Johnston Community College (JCC) was required to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that identifies a specific area for improvement. Entitled “On the Write Path,” the JCC QEP is a key component of the Institution’s accreditation process. More importantly, “On the Write Path” is designed to help students discover, sharpen, and employ appropriate writing skills for academic, professional, and personal situations. "On the Write Path,” demonstrates a commitment by the Institution to emphasize the importance of effective writing. This commitment is supported by all members of the College including faculty, staff and the administration. Implementation of the Johnston Community College Quality Enhancement Plan is well underway. Our goal is to help you! Whether texting, tweeting, emailing, composing an essay, completing a research paper, writing personally or in an employment situation, throughout a lifetime there is a significant amount of time communicating via the written word. What may not be realized is that writing needs to be appropriate for a given situation, in the right tone, and custom- tailored for a specific audience. Knowing and effectively applying these basic principles can be instrumental to a person’s overall success. Please take advantage of the following resources to ensure your written work is “On The Write Path”!

Resources: On Campus: • Writing Studio – Wilson Building (Writing Enhancement) • Tutoring Center – Wilson Building (Writing Remediation) Electronic Resources:

LibGuides Smartphone Bar

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