Student success guide 2014

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New Student Success Guide 2014-2015

Table of Contents Welcome from the President


Agree To Degree Commitment


College Terminology


Programs of Study


Financial Aid at JCC


Academic Calendar


Student Support and Resources


Phone Resource List


Campus Map


Welcome JCC Jaguars!

I am delighted to welcome you to the student body of Johnston Community College. Thank you for choosing JCC! Regardless of the means of arrival here, you will find a pathway which leads to educational success and career opportunity. Providing a vehicle by which you can achieve the preparation for all you want to be is our constant focus. Our class sizes are small. Our instructors are experts in their fields and are dedicated to teaching. Our Foundation is growing to offer more scholarship aid and provide support for equipment and facility needs. Our Division of Student Services will ensure you are not alone in navigating your course of study here. Additionally, you will find we are committed to the philosophy of student engagement as a means of achieving success. Student clubs, Fall Fest, Spring Fling, concerts, movies, community service are all among the many different activities in which you can be involved. When we say we are, “One college – with endless opportunities,” we mean it. We look forward to helping you find the opportunities in store for you! So again, welcome to the Jaguar family! Best wishes for a rewarding college experience! ~Dr. David Johnson, JCC President 5

Agree 2 Degree (A2D) is an all campus initiative designed to help students achieve their educational goal of receiving a degree, diploma, certificate or workplace credential. Dee Dee Daughtry, JCC’s vice president of instruction states, “When our students leave JCC, we don’t want them to be empty- handed. Our goal is to get them in, through, and out of the college as easily as possible, so they can be best prepared to transfer to senior institutions or enter the workforce and land a well-paying job.” Now more than ever academic credentials are vital to ensuring our community continues its upward progress toward innovation and economic growth. As "new knowledge based" jobs enter our economy the obtainment of a college credential is essential to both earning and promotion potential! The A2D initiative will create a clear road map so that students can easily navigate through their program of study, saving both time and money! At the heart of the initiative is a formal agreement between the college and students that creates a partnership, allowing for mutual success.


Essential College Terminology Learn these college specific terms to do your best at JCC. Advisor - A person who assists you in the selection of courses for your chosen field of study and is usually a faculty member. Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S) - Two-year technical program that prepares you for the job market. Associate of Arts (A.A) - A two-year arts program that concentrates on humanities and social sciences for those planning to continue in a bachelor’s degree curriculum at a senior college. Associate of Science (A.S.) - A two-year Arts science program that concentrates on mathematics and science for those planning to continue in a bachelor’s degree curriculum at a senior college. Audit - A course for which you pay tuition and fees, but do not receive credit. Catalog - The official college publication available online that contains almost everything you need to know about Johnston Community College. Certificate Program - A curriculum generally requiring one year or less of course work. Contact hours - The actual number of hours in class per week, per course. Counselor - A person who provides you with personal, academic, vocational or career counseling. Course Load– The number of courses or credits taken in a specific term. Credit hours - Every class is worth a value called a credit hour. Every degree, diploma or certificate program requires you to take a certain number of credit hours. Curriculum - The program of courses required to receive a degree, diploma or certificate in your chosen area of study. Criteria - Pre-determined guidelines that identify requirements for demonstrating competence in a designated skill. Developmental courses - A series of courses in Math, Reading and English that provide preparation, remediation and academic guidance for college level courses in these areas. Drop/Add - This term refers to adjusting your schedule by dropping and/or adding courses. The drop/add period is limited and is indicated on the academic calendar. Electives - Courses which are not specifically named in your curriculum but is required for graduation. Check with your academic advisor before choosing an elective.


Essential College Terminology FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)– The form that must be completed in order for a student to obtain financial aid. FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) - Provides students the right to privacy of their school records. To comply, schools are not allowed to share information about the student without his/her written consent. Full-time students – Students who are taking at least 12 credit hours. Students who are registered for 11 credit hours or fewer in one semester is a part-time student. Grade point average (GPA) - The average of your grades for all classes taken at Johnston Community College. It is calculated by adding all earned quality points and dividing by the number of credit hours taken. Please see GPA calculator listed under academic advising on the JCC website. Hybrid Class– Class delivered primarily over the internet but with regularly required face-toface meetings. Incomplete Grade- A temporary grade given by an instructor as a placeholder until completion of work; Only given in special circumstances. Lab—A course, or portion of a course, devoted to experimentation or practical application.


Essential College Terminology

Placement tests - Standardized tests in Math, Reading, and English which are used to place students in appropriate courses in these academic disciplines. Prerequisites - Preliminary skills, knowledge or courses which are required before enrollment in a particular course. Requirements are listed in the course description section of the catalog. Special credit student- A student who is taking one or more curriculum credit courses, but is not enrolled in a specific curriculum. Syllabus– A document given out at the beginning of a course that includes due dates, assignments, and policies. Transcript - A printed record of every course you’ve taken at JCC and the grades you’ve received. Transcripts may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. WD - Student drops the course without a grade penalty. WF - Student is dropped by faculty due to violation of the attendance policy with grade penalty.


JCC Programs of Study Accounting Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and growth in the accounting profession. Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology Provides the basic knowledge to develop skills necessary to work with residential and light commercial systems. Associate in Arts Provides the student with the opportunity to complete up to 65 semester hours of course work that will transfer as baccalaureate credit to any college in the University of North Carolina (UNC) system. Associate in General Education Provides academic enrichment for students who wish to broaden their education, with emphasis on personal interest, growth, and development. Associate in Science Provides the student with the opportunity to complete up to 65 semester hours of course work that will transfer as baccalaureate credit to any college in the University of North Carolina (UNC) system. Bioprocess Technology Prepares individuals to work as process operators in biological products manufacturing facilities. Business Administration Introduces students to the various aspects of the free-enterprise system. Cardiac and Vascular Sonography Provides the knowledge and skills necessary to acquire, process, and evaluate the human heart and vascular structures. Community Spanish Interpreter Prepares individuals to work as entry-level bilingual professionals who will provide communication access in interview and interactive settings.


JCC Programs of Study (Continued) Computer Integrated Machining Technology Provides training in the use of equipment, materials, and software of the machine technology trade. Cosmetology Provides training and practice in the skills required of the professional cosmetologist. Criminal Justice Technology Provides academics/knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations. Criminal Justice Technology – Latent Evidence Focuses on local, state, and federal law enforcement, evidence processing and procedures. Early Childhood Education Prepares individuals to work with children from birth through age eight in diverse learning environments Emergency Medical Science (EMS) Prepares graduates to enter the workforce as paramedics. Fire Protection Technology Provides individuals with technical and professional knowledge to make decisions regarding fire protection for both public and private sectors. General Occupational Technology Prepares individuals with an opportunity to upgrade their skills and to earn an associate degree by taking courses suited for their occupational interests and/or needs. Heavy Equipment and Transport Technology Prepares individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to service, troubleshoot, and repair heavy duty vehicles. Horticulture Technology Prepares individuals for various careers in horticulture. Industrial Systems Technology Prepares or upgrades individuals to safely service, maintain, repair and install equipment. Information Systems Security Provides individuals with the skills required to implement effective and comprehensive information security controls. Medical Assisting Prepares the individual to be a multi-skilled health care professional qualified to perform administrative, clinical, and laboratory procedures. Medical Office Administration Prepares individuals for entry-level positions in medical and allied health facilities.


JCC Programs of Study (Continued) Medical Sonography Prepares the graduate to be a registered diagnostic medical sonographer, a skilled health care professional who uses high frequency sound waves to image internal body structures for medical diagnosis. Networking Technology Prepares students to install and support networks and develops strong analytical skills and extensive computer knowledge. Nuclear Medicine Technology Provides the clinical and didactic experience necessary to prepare students to qualify as entrylevel nuclear medicine technologists. Nursing Provides the knowledge, skills, and strategies to integrate safety and quality into nursing care, to practice in a dynamic environment, and to meet individual needs which impact health, quality of life, and achievement of potential. Office Administration Prepares individuals for positions in administrative support careers. It equips office professionals to respond to the demands of a dynamic and computerized workplace. Paralegal Technology Prepares individuals to perform routine legal tasks and to assist with substantive legal work under the supervision of an attorney. Pharmacy Technology Prepares individuals to assist the pharmacist in duties that a technician can legally perform and to function within the boundaries prescribed by the pharmacist and the employment agency. Radiography Prepares the graduate to become a registered radiographer, a skilled health care professional who uses radiation to produce images of the human body. School-Age Education Prepares individuals to work with children from elementary through middle grades in diverse learning environments. Welding Technology Provides students with a sound understanding of the science, technology, and applications essential for successful employment in the welding and metal industry.


Financial Aid Checklist Use this checklist to help you navigate through the many steps and important dates to ensure your financial aid is processed on time! Remember to check your JCC email on a regular basis to track your progress!

Obtain your federal student aid PIN (personal identification number) at

Submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at on or after January 1. Submit your FAFSA by May 1 and supporting documentation by June 1 for fall and October 1 and supporting documentation by November 1 for spring to meet JCC’s priority filing deadline.

Apply and get admitted to JCC. Your FAFSA will not be available to the college until you have applied for admission. You must be admitted into a JCC financial eligible degree, diploma or certificate program.

View your SAR (Student Aid Report) at and respond to any messages that appear regarding you application.

Check your JCC email and Webadvisor accounts on a daily basis to check for important messages from the Financial Aid office concerning your status and if additional documentation is required.

If additional information is requested, log in to your Webadvisor account to fill out and submit documentation.

Start your scholarship search at

Check your Financial Aid status by logging into Webadvisor and printing your award.

Receive your Jaguar Plus Card in the mail from HigherOne. (This card is for funds disbursed to you from financial aid awards, grants, refunds, etc.) Activate card and select refund preference by visiting:

Watch for important email messages and written correspondence from the Financial Aid Department. Respond quickly to requests for additional information or action.

Get ready to do it again! Financial Aid is an annual process, so you complete a FAFSA every year.

Contact the JCC Financial Aid staff if you have any questions. (919)209‐2036


Academic Calendar 2014-2015 Get to know the dates and deadlines for Johnston Community College to ensure your success as a college student. Fall Semester, 2014 Late Advising and Registration for Fall .............................................................................. August 11-12 Late Fall Registration Payment Due ....................................................................................... August 12 Last Day for 100% Refund ...................................................................................................... August 14 Classes Begin ............................................................................................................................ August 15 Last Day for Adding Courses ................................................................................................... August 19 Last Day for Charging in Bookstore Using Financial Aid, Sponsorships or Scholarships .... August 26 Last Day to Drop for 75% Refund .......................................................................................... August 26 Labor Day Holiday ............................................................................................................... September 1 Fall Break for Students ...................................................................................................... October 13-17 Last Day to Drop Without Grade Penalty ............................................................................ October 29 Advising for Spring 2015 – New & Returning Students.............................. October 20 – November 24 Spring 2015 Registration and Payment ......................................................... November 3–December 3 Final Payment Due Spring 2015 .......................................................................................... December 3 Thanksgiving Holidays ................................................................................................. November 27-28 Last Day of Classes ............................................................................................................. December 15 Grades Due .......................................................................................................... December 16 by 10 am Spring Semester, 2015 Late Spring Advising and Registration .................................................................................. January 5 Late Spring Registration Payment Due ................................................................................. January 5 Last Day for 100% Refund ..................................................................................................... January 7 Classes Begin ......................................................................................................................... January 8 Last Day for Adding Courses .................................................................................................. January 9 Martin Luther King Holiday .................................................................................................. January 19 Last Day for Charging in Bookstore Using Financial Aid, Sponsorships or Scholarships .. January 20 Last Day to Drop for 75% Refund ......................................................................................... January 20 Spring Break ......................................................................................................................... March 9-13 Last Day to Drop without Grade Penalty ................................................................................. March 25


Academic Calendar 2014-2015 Spring Semester, 2015 (cont.) Summer 2015 & Fall 2015 Advising ........................................................................... March 16–April 30 Summer 2015 Registration and Payment ....................................................................... April 6-April 30 Final Payment Due Summer 2015 .............................................................................................. April 30 Fall 2015 Early Registration (Payments not accepted until July 6) ............................. April 6- April 30 Easter Holiday ........................................................................................................................ April 2 & 3 Last Day of Classes ........................................................................................................................ May 11 Grades Due .................................................................................................................... May 12 by 10 am Graduation Practice ..................................................................................................................... May 14 Graduation – Health Sciences ..................................................................................................... May 18 Graduation – Diploma & Assoc. Degree ...................................................................................... May 19

Ten-Week Summer Session, 2015 Four Day Work Week Begins ....................................................................................................... May 18 Last Day for 100% Refund ........................................................................................................... May 15 Classes Begin ................................................................................................................................ May 18 Last Day for Adding Courses ....................................................................................................... May 19 Last Day to Drop for 75% Refund ................................................................................................ May 21 Last Day for Charging in Bookstore Using Financial Aid, Sponsorships or Scholarships ……....May 21 Last Day to Drop without Grade Penalty *Will vary depending on start date of class .............. June 25 Fourth of July Holiday .................................................................................................................. July 2 Fall 2015 Advising, Registration and Payment Begins ..................................................... July 6-July 27 Last Day to Pay Early Registration Fall 2015…………………………………………………….................... July 27 Last Day of Classes ....................................................................................................................... July 27 Grades Due ................................................................................................................... July 28 by 10 am


Student Support and Resources Academic Enrichment Services The Academic Skills Center The Academic Skills Center, located in Wilson Building, Room 1111, is a lively, studentcentered learning environment open to all JCC students regardless of their program of study or academic level. Students seeking academic support are encouraged to visit the Academic Skills Center during regularly scheduled hours. Staff are readily available to assist students in subject areas such as English, Math, Science, Computers and many more. Additionally, the Center serves as a campus open computer lab with its 20 computers and 3 printers for student use. Tutorial Services The goal of the Academic Skills Center is to provide high-quality academic support to currently enrolled Johnston Community College students. As such, the Center provides group and individual tutoring, by appointment, and at no cost to the student. Tutoring is provided by peer and professional tutors and is available in most subject areas. Tutoring is provided in the Academic Skills Center during regularly scheduled hours. Students can receive tutoring in multiple courses; however, students can only schedule two one-hour appointments per week for course(s) they seek assistance. Online Tutoring Smarthinking is a FREE online tutorial service available to JCC students through their BlackBoard account. Students can access assistance through Smarthinking 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Students have unlimited access to Smarthinking and are encouraged to fully utilize this free service. Over 60 subjects are available for on-line tutoring. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: Writing, Biology, Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, Business, Economics, Spanish, Literature, Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, MS Office applications and much, much more! Log-in Directions: Log-in to your JCC BlackBoard account. Turn off all Pop-Up blockers Click the tab titled “Student Academic and Technical Resources.� Scroll to the Smarthinking link and click on the log-in link. Students will be directed to the external website. Contact the Academic Skills Center at (919) 209-2117 for more information. 16

Student Support and Resources Academic Enrichment Services (Cont.) Academic Workshops Academic workshops are presented by faculty, staff and tutors in Academic Enrichment Services throughout the semester. Please join us in informative and interactive sessions that are designed to reach all academic levels and programs of study. Students are encouraged to check their JCC Gmail account daily for more information about upcoming workshops. The Writing Studio The Writing Studio, located in Wilson Building, Room 1118, is an informal, comfortable, supportive place to work on your academic writing assignments, digital publications (blogs, wikis, social media), literary competition submissions, transitional (application essays), career search letters and writing for fun! The mission of the Writing Studio is to strengthen writing skills for all JCC students. The Writing Studio is designed to help students become more effective, confident, and independent writers by providing assistance with writing in courses across the disciplines. To support the mission, the Writing Studio provides collaborative group sessions, individual mentoring sessions, workshops for students and faculty, faculty consultations, and the opportunity for qualified students to become peer mentors. The Writing Studio is a collaborative, participatory, and productive addition to writing resources offered at JCC. Contact the Writing Studio at (919)209-2089 for more information.


Student Support and Resources Student Support Services (TRiO) Student Support Services (SSS), also known as TRiO, is a federally funded program designed to help first-generation, low-income, and disabled students find success in college. Students benefit from academic support, progress monitoring, success workshops and academic, transfer and career advising. SSS has 5 required services: Advising Financial & Economic Literacy Tutoring Assistance applying for Federal Student Aid Assistance with Transferring & Financial Aid 16% of TRiO Students were on the Dean’s List in 2013-14. 67% of TRiO Students have a 2.5 or higher GPA. $4200 in Scholarships were awarded to TRiO Students last year. 3 TRiO Students were awarded prestigious college awards at graduation. Apply today. Contact Carrol Warren at (919) 209-2075 for more information.

Disability Services Through the disability services office, JCC students with special health conditions, disabilities, or limitations can receive academic support. Services are provided for students who qualify under IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts of 1973. The goal is to ensure all qualified students receive accommodations to help them to be successful. Students seeking accommodations must initiate contact with the disability services coordinator at least 30-days prior to the beginning of classes. The student must provide documentation verifying the disability. While it is the student’s responsibility to request his or her accommodations, the Disability Services coordinator will serve as the contact in making sure the student is treated fairly. To make an appointment with the disability services counselor, contact Student Services at (919) 209-2128. 18

Student Support and Resources Center for Academic Planning (CAP) The Center for Academic Planning (CAP) provides advising to college transfer students, pre-health and special Interest students. Additionally, the CAP functions as an information source for degree program requirements, advising and registration. Our main mission is to help JCC students accomplish their educational goals, by planning a course of study that is consistent with their objectives. Students who are not in these programs are advised by program specific advisors in their particular field of study. Advising appointments can be made by accessing Appointment-plus which is located on the JCC homepage. To make an appointment with an advisor, contact the CAP at (919) 464-2267.

Career and Transfer Resource Center (CTRC) The Career and Transfer Resource Center (CTRC) provides career and transfer counseling services to support student's personal goals and development. Students who want additional career information, including career assessment, exploration, and occupational information and students interested in transferring to a four-year college or university should visit the Career and Transfer Resource Center (CTRC). The CTRC also offers job-search tools, resume builders, interview practice, and other support services for all students. The CTRC is located in room C1034 in the Wilson building right across the hall from Student Services.

Contact them at (919) 209-2128 or visit Student Services (located in the Wilson Building) to make an appointment.

Career services include: Workshops and Seminars Career Assessments Career Exploration and Development Resources Job Listings and Internships Transfer Information Resume and Cover Letter Writing Assistance Mock Interviewing


Student Support and Resources

Student Clubs and Organizations Student clubs and interest groups are encouraged as a means of developing common bonds or purpose and friendship between students with similar occupational and academic interests. Faculty members serve as advisors and assist student leaders in planning club programs and developing group activities. Some of the clubs and organizations on campus include but are not limited to: Student Government Association

Applied Industrial Technology Club (AIT)

National Society of Leadership and Success

Radiography Club

The RITE Program

Keystone Leaders

Phi Theta Kappa

Selective Sound

JCC Ambassadors JCC LIVE JCC Campus Ministries Paralegal Club JCANS Nursing Association


Rotaract Service Club

Student Support and Resources Johnston Community College Library Location and Hours

Electronic Resources (eResources)

The Johnston Community College Library is located in the Learning Resources Building E on the JCC main campus.

The following resources are available to you 24/7 and must be accessed through the Library website. Use your WebAdvisor/ Blackboard username and password for remote access.

Regular semester hours are:

Monday-Thursday……………7:30am-8:00pm Friday…………………………….…9:30am-3:00pm Saturday and Sunday………………………Closed

Library Cards & material checkout Student IDs also serve as Library Cards. All patrons must complete a library application at the Circulation Desk to activate the Library barcode number on the back of the ID. This Library barcode number may be used to renew materials and place inter-library loan requests online. Checkout periods: Print Books DVDs, CDs

14 days 14 days 7 days

1 renewal Nooks 1 renewal no renewal

Library Facilities/Collections Open computer lab with (26) computers Black & white printing: $.05 per page Color printing: $.35 per page Faxing: $.50 per page Group Study Rooms: reserve your own from the Room Reservation tab on the library website. Multimedia production station in the Listening and Viewing Area. Early Childhood Collection, Music Collection North Carolina Archives Collection

Electronic Books: ebrary, NC Live Encyclopedias: Credo Reference Dictionaries: Credo Reference Video Streaming: Films on Demand, NC Live Magazine & Journal Articles: NC Live, Proquest Set for Science Literature Criticism/Biography/Movements : Bloom’s Literary Reference Online Social Issues: Viewpoints, articles, statistics Opposing Viewpoints in Context Historical: History Study Center Allied Health: STAT!Ref, A.D.A.M. Interactive, NC Live

Technology Lending Laptops: 2 hours In-Library use only Headphones In-Library use only Logitech Webcam In-Library use only TI-83 calculators same day return Sony Video camcorders 3 days Digital Audio Recorders 3 days

Phone: (919) 464-2251 Fax: (919) 464-2250 21

Student Support and Resources Jaguar Office of Learning Technologies [JOLT] JOLT expands learning opportunities by providing technical support to students and faculty for online, hybrid, or interactive television [ITV] course delivery methods. JOLT also assists faculty, staff and students with academic and technology needs by providing one-on-one help and group workshops. Contact:, (919) 464-2260

Blackboard Tips In order to log in to any JCC Service including Blackboard, you must have a current WebAdvisor Log in. Due to security settings, all users must choose a new password every 90 days. If you are having log in issues, first try to reset your WebAdvisor password by following these steps: 1. Find your User ID by visiting the What’s My User ID page. 2. Find your JCC Student (Colleague) ID on your Student ID Card, your class schedule sheet, or on your Welcome Letter. 3. Set or reset your Password on the Set or Reset Password page. Keep your password safe and never share it with others. Make sure you remember the answer to your security question! If forgotten, you must call the JOLT Helpdesk to have a JOLT staff member reset it for you. You're good to go! Log into WebAdvisor, Blackboard, and JCC Student Email using the same User ID and password.


Barnes & Noble College Booksellers @ Johnston Community College NEW, USED, DIGITAL RENT OR BUY IT’S YOUR CHOICE Located in the Wilson Building, the JCC Barnes and Noble Bookstore is a great stop for all of your textbook, electronic, and apparel needs. Whether you rent or buy, go digital or print, the bookstore is your one stop shop before classes start.

Bookstore Hours Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday

8:00am – 5:00pm 8:00am – 3:00pm CLOSED

Extended Book Rush Hours will be listed on our website. The bookstore is always OPEN the weekend before and the Saturday after classes begin. Refund Policy: Students have up to 7 days to return books for a full refund. Students who drop a class have 30 days from the start of class to get a FULL refund on FALL or SPRING textbooks. * Present your Receipt (NO RECEIPT! NO RETURN!) * Return books in the original Condition in which it was purchased * Present you DROP SLIP (Drop Class Only) Phone: (919) 209-2104 Fax: (919) 209-2227

Email: Use the QR Reader to place your online orders!


Who Should I Call? 24

For Questions About: Academic Advising and Planning Academic Assistance

Ask: Center for Academic Planning, (919) 464-2267, or your assigned advisor Academic Skills Center, (919) 209-2117

Academic Probation

Director of Student Success, (919) 209-2201

Add/ Drop a Course Admissions Address/ Phone Change

Registrar’s Office, (919) 209-2018 Admissions, (919) 209-2128 Admissions, (919) 209-2128

Athletics Attendance BlackBoard

Athletic Director, (919) 209-2203 Registrar’s Office, (919) 209-2018

Books/Supplies Career Counseling Change of Program/Major Clubs and Organizations Course Selection Disability Support Services Emergencies

Financial Aid General Inquiries Gmail Grading System Library Lost and Found Parking Permits/Rules Personal Counseling Registration Student ID card Placement Testing Transcripts and Records Transfer Counseling Tuition/Fees Tutoring Veteran Affairs WebAdvisor

JOLT, (919) 464-2260 Barnes and Noble Campus Bookstore (919) 209-2104 Career and Transfer Center, (919) 209-2588 Admissions, (919) 209-2128 Student Activities, (919) 209-2203 Center for Academic Planning, (919) 464-2267 Student Services, (919) 209-2128 911/Front Desk, (919) 934-3051 Campus Police,(919) 631-2433/ (919) 634-0167 Financial Aid Office, (919) 209-2036 Operator, (919) 934-3051 JOLT, (919) 464-2260 Instructor/Registrar’s Office, (919) 209-2018 Library, (919) 464-2251 Campus Police, (919) 631-2433/(919)634-0167 Front Desk, (919) 934-3051 Counseling Services, (919) 209-2128 Registrar’s Office, (919) 209-2018 Library, (919) 464-2251 Testing Services, (919) 209-2228 Registrar’s Office, (919) 209-2018 Career and Transfer Center, (919) 209-2588 Cashier, (919) 209-2165 Academic Skills Center, (919) 209-2117 Financial Aid, (919) 209-2028 Registrar’s Office, (919) 209-2018

Johnston Community College Campus Map

Map Legend and Major Facility Resources A – Elsee Building B – Graphic Arts Building C – Wilson Building Academic Skills Center and Tutoring Admissions Bookstore Business Office Center for Academic Planning Career and Transfer Center Financial Aid Registrar’s Office Student Lounge/Jaguar Grill Student Activities Student Services

D – Tart Building Great Hall/Auditorium E – Learning Resource Center Library JOLT F – Health Sciences Building G – Smith Building H – Britt Building I – Transport Technology Building J- Public Safety Services Complex


Important Information and Notes ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 26

Important Information and Notes ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________


Š 2014 Johnston Community College All Rights Reserved

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