Sp idioms related to the sea (1)

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SP idioms related to the sea idioms



1. Llover a mares

To rain seas

 To rain cats and dogs

2. Haber mar de fondo

To sail choppy waters

 to have unrest in an organization

3. Pelillos a la mar

To throw hairs to sea

 to let past offences be forgotten

4. Sentirse como el pez

To feel like a fish in the water

 to feel completely at home

5. Ir viento en popa

To have tailwind

 To do extremely well

6. Capear el temporal

To weather a storm

 To deal with a difficult situation

7. Estar en la cresta de la

To be on the crest of the wave

 to be successful or become famous

8. Levar anclas

To weigh anchors

 to leave a place

9. Ser una gota en el

To be a drop in the ocean

 to be unimportant, insignificant

10. Echar anclas

To drop anchors

 To settle down

11. Ser un bacalao o un

To be like a cod or a barnacle

 To be stupid

12. Contra viento y marea

In spite of wind and tide

 To come hell or high water, come what may

13. Echar algo por la borda

To throw something overboard

 to get rid of something

14. Sacar a flote

To keep afloat

 To return to a sound financial situation

15. Por la boca muere el

Fish are caught swallowing a bait in the mouth

 To keep a secret. Silence is golden

To bite the fishing hook

 To deceive someone

en el agua.




pez 16. Morder el anzuelo

It´s the sleeping shrimp that the current swept down with it

 To rest on our laurels. Not to act when required

a storm in a teacup

 To exaggerate

19. Caer en la red

To fall into a fishing net

 To fall into a trap

20. Llegar a buen puerto

To arrive to a safe haven

 To solve a problem

17. Camarón que se

duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. 18. Una tempestad en un

vaso de agua

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