SP idioms related to the sea idioms
1. Llover a mares
To rain seas
To rain cats and dogs
2. Haber mar de fondo
To sail choppy waters
to have unrest in an organization
3. Pelillos a la mar
To throw hairs to sea
to let past offences be forgotten
4. Sentirse como el pez
To feel like a fish in the water
to feel completely at home
5. Ir viento en popa
To have tailwind
To do extremely well
6. Capear el temporal
To weather a storm
To deal with a difficult situation
7. Estar en la cresta de la
To be on the crest of the wave
to be successful or become famous
8. Levar anclas
To weigh anchors
to leave a place
9. Ser una gota en el
To be a drop in the ocean
to be unimportant, insignificant
10. Echar anclas
To drop anchors
To settle down
11. Ser un bacalao o un
To be like a cod or a barnacle
To be stupid
12. Contra viento y marea
In spite of wind and tide
To come hell or high water, come what may
13. Echar algo por la borda
To throw something overboard
to get rid of something
14. Sacar a flote
To keep afloat
To return to a sound financial situation
15. Por la boca muere el
Fish are caught swallowing a bait in the mouth
To keep a secret. Silence is golden
To bite the fishing hook
To deceive someone
en el agua.
pez 16. Morder el anzuelo
It´s the sleeping shrimp that the current swept down with it
To rest on our laurels. Not to act when required
a storm in a teacup
To exaggerate
19. Caer en la red
To fall into a fishing net
To fall into a trap
20. Llegar a buen puerto
To arrive to a safe haven
To solve a problem
17. Camarón que se
duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. 18. Una tempestad en un
vaso de agua