Paul, Silas and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring. All this is evidence that God’s judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you. With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus
may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
LUKE 14։12-24
Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”
Jesus replied: “A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is now ready.’
“But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.’
“Another said, ‘I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.’
“Still another said, ‘I just got married, so I can’t come.’
“The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’
‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’
“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
This Sunday, December 11, is the Eve of the Fast of St. James (Hagop) of Nisibis. This five-day fast starts on Monday till Friday. During Fast of St. James, the faithful give up food of animal origin and consume only vegetarian food.
Just like St. Sarkis's fast, during the Fast of St. James some faithful follow a much stricter fast and abstain from all kinds of food for 1 or 3 days (Dzom). According the folk traditions, for the fasting engaged girls their future in-laws would send gifts and a special sweet called 'St. Hagop's Helva'.
Let us not forget, that fasting is not just the rejection of animal food, but it is also a time to to cleanse our minds and hearts from fallacies; time to repent, pray and lead a virtuous life.

On December 10th the Armenian Church commemorates Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Gregory the Wonderworker and the Bishop Myron.
St. Nicolas The Wonderworker was a fourth-century Bishop of Myra, Lycia in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) and a defender of orthodoxy. St. Nicholas is also called “the wonderworker.” He was also known as a secret gift-giver and is believed to be the model for modern day Santa Claus.
The holy father Nicholas was archbishop of Myra and the son of a pious couple, Epiphanius and Nooneh. He was ordained bishop by his uncle and is said to have participated in the Council of Nicea (325 AD). Because of the special care shown to children, he is considered the protector of children. When his parents died, Nicholas was left a considerable inheritance. He could have lived a life of leisure and pleasure. But he heard the call of Christ and gave his wealth to the poor
and needy.He is known as the liberator of shipwrecked souls and called the “wonderworker.” St. Nicholas died of natural causes in the fourth century and a few centuries later his relics were trans¬ferred to the Italian city Bari, where a large cathedral is dedicated to him. He was truly a teacher of abstinence. (“Soorbk yev Donk” (Saints and Feast Days) by Patriarch Torkom Kooshagian).
The traditional Advent wreath is made of evergreen brunches formed into a circle, that symbolizes the eternal nature of God. 7 purple candles are places on this horizontal wreath and 1 large white candle is put in the middle. In the Western Advent Tradition, they have four candles instead of 7, one for each Sunday before Christmas; but since the Armenian Church has seven weeks of Advent, therefore 7 purple candles are placed. The burning of 7 candles means cleansing from the 7 deadly sins. The color purple is a symbol of royalty, and the colour white symbolizes purity and virtue. On the eve of each Sunday, accompanied with prayers and singing of hymns another candle is lit until they have all been lit on the last Sunday before the Feast of the Nativity. The white candle in the centre of the wreath represents the Christ Himself and this is lit on Christmas Eve. This is a fine custom, especially for children, as it helps them to mark the passing of the Nativity Fast.

Requested by Mr. Haroutiun Toutounjian Mr. & Mrs. Zohrab & TamarToutounjian Miss Patil Toutounjian In Memory of THE LATE SETA ARSLANIAN On 1stanniversary of her passing
Requested by Ms Rose Aharonian In Memory of THE LATE SHOUSHAN KHERBEGUIAN on 40th anniversary of her passing

Flower arrangements are provided by FLOWERS OF WORLD

If you wish to be the sponsor of fresh flowers for the Altar in honour of your loved ones on their birthday, anniversary, graduation or in memory of a departed soul, please contact the church office to book the date Tel: 416 431 3001 OR info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com

December 3-9, 2022
94th Anniversary of Holy Trinity Armenian Church
Levon and Perouz Babayan Foundation
$27,500 to Holy Trinity Armenian Church
$2000 to Sunday School
$6500 to St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School
Fr. Zareh and Yeretsgin Naira Zargarian $500
Mr. & Mrs. John & Margritt Satouri $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi & Joy Bedrosyan $1,000
Mrs. Shakeh Basmajian $1,000
Dr. Isabelle Basmajian $1,000
Dr. & Mrs. Nurel & Lena Beylerian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Harout & Rita Yacoubian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Shahe and Seta Keshishian $200
Mr. Vicken Keshishian $100
Mrs. Armine Boyadjian $250
Dr. Arpi Muttart Panossian $500
St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School Council $500 Mrs. Sirun Torossian $50
Mrs. Jasmine Patterson $500
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes & Grace Tchaglassian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Aram and Tili Isnar $1000
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Yeranuhi Kelledjian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Berdj & Rose Marie Tanielian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Andre & Seza Nazarian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Hovig & Taline Moushian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Civan & Ceni Babaoglu $1,000
Mrs. Rose Marie Kilajian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Sogomon & Areknaz Sakarya $1,000
Ms. Salpy Kadjemian $1,000
Ms Rose Aharonian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Levon and Silva Mermer $1000
Mr. & Mrs. Aram & Tili Isnar $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Shahe & Maria Altounian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Takvor & Lucy Hopyan $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Garbis & Ayda Norian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Andre & Seza Nazarian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Aris & Winnie Kassabian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe & Lena Kerim $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Varoujan & Vergine Karabulut $100
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Margaret G. Kassabian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Alexan & Nora Baltayan $250
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes & Makruhi Karak $250
Mr. & Mrs. Masis & Ayda Afarian $400 Mrs. Ani Sarvarian $300
Ms Vartoohi Keshish-Avanesian $250
Mrs. Ayda Kesisyan $150
Dr. & Mrs. Masis and Elizabeth Asik $250 Mrs. Madeline Sahakian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Juliette Gizirian $500
Mr. & Mrs. Zohrab & Sona Sarkissian $300
St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church $300
Mrs. Diana Bogosyan $200
Ms Lucine Terbanjian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Ardemis Moushian $300 Mrs. Rita Musluyan $150 Mrs. Doreen Berg $100 Mrs. Hera Kavoukian $300
Mr. & Mrs. Boghos & Zaroug Ishkanian $100
Ms Elisabeth Diradour $500
Mr. & Mrs. Madat & Tamar Mamourian $150
Dn. & Mrs. Garbis & Seta Cicekian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Migirdic & Ani Migirdicyan $300
Mrs. Betty Panossian $200
Mr. Ara Muradyan $300 Mrs. Arpine Altounian $200
Dn. Hrayr & Mrs. Nrane Tadevosyan $200
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Annie Derkevorkian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Mihran & Seta Cavdar $250
Mr. & Mrs. Levon and Karine Garibyan $500
Mr. Ara Makdessian $300
Mr. & Mrs. Nazar & Hermine Madjarian $150
Mr. & Mrs. Hovhannes & Armine Muradyan $100
Ms Knar Basmadjian $500 Mrs. Arpine Matnishyan $50
Mr. & Mrs. Haroution & Maria Abajian $500 Mrs. Lena Ouzounian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Bogos & Rita Taskiran $100 Kafessian Family $200
Mr. & Mrs. Meguerditch & Larissa Kanondjian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Narine Zakharyan $500
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Annie Selyan $500 Mrs. Diyana Zabunyan $30
Mr. & Mrs. Kegham & Vivian Kokorian $100 Mrs. Nyree Nalbandian-Gulesserian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Edik & Anahit Babayan $40
Mr. Assador Chopurian $200
Mrs. Sonia Artinian $350
Ms. Maryem Mesrop $150
Mr. & Mrs. Varazh & Hasmik Abed-Stephen $100
Mr. & Mrs. Khatchig & Zvart Mirzoyan $850
Mr. & Mrs. Zadig & Nvart Mirzoyan $850 Mrs. Beatrice Hagopian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Zadeek & Seta Hettan Gorgisian $400
Mr. Shahan Deirmenjian $75 Mrs. Zaghik Siraki $100
Mr. & Mrs. Mihran & Vartouhi Jizmejian $250
Mrs. Jayran Martin $200
Mr. & Mrs. Simon & Salpy Kutyan $100 Mrs. Mara Ohanjanians $150 Mrs. Nelly Khojajian $100
Mr. Nareek Shaheenian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Sabbah & Araxi A. Shaheenian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Samvel & Susanna Harutyunyan $100
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Anna Apel $100
Mr. & Mrs. Bedroos & Harmig Esteefo $100
Mr. & Mrs. Jirayr & Houry Aznavourian $200
Ms Hasmig Kurdian $250
Ms Taline Baltayan $200
Mrs. Taline Gumushdjian $250
Ms Lara B Gumushdjian $500
Dn. Darius Gumushdjian $500
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork & Sossy Barounian $100
Mr. Hayro Ayvazian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Grigor & Gayane Shahmouradyan $200
Ms. Lina Haykaz $100
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Keegan Lee Kurtcu $100
Ms Arine Kemkemian $100
Mrs. Sylva Kemkemian$100
Mr. Dikran Cicek $100
In Memory of The Late Garabet, Aroussiag, Hagop, Araxie Altounian and Gohar Dambourajian
Mrs. Arpiné Altounian $100
Miss Araxie Altounian $100
In Memory of The Late Arto & Vehanoush Arzouian Arpi Mar $200
In Memory of The Late Srbuhi Kandaharian
Mr. Abraham Kandaharian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Hrach & Catherine Kandaharian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe & Margarita Kandaharian $50
Mr. Joseph I. $50
Mr. Zohrab Bedrossian $20
Mr. David Lakie $200
Ms. Teena Derderian $20
Ms. Never Keosseian $50
Alik & Jeannette Harutyunian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Khoren & Nina Mouradian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Harout & Nayiri Seraydarian $50 Mr. Robert Colelli $200 Harout Mardirossian & Hagop Mardirossian $400
Mr. & Mrs. Madat & Tamar Mamourian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Naira Gevorkian $100 Mr. Sam Karounos & Family $100
In Memory of The Late Siroun & Hrant Hamamjian and The Late Armenag Alajajian Mrs. Frances Kandaharian $200
In Memory of The Late Antranig and Frieda Knadjian Knadjian & Davidian Families $100
Altar Flowers Ms Rose Aharonian $100

Mr. & Mrs. Allen & Sonia Atamer $200
We thank all our donors for supporting Holy Trinity Armenian Church through their heartfelt donations. If you prefer to stay anonymous, please contact the Church office and inform the administration.
Tel: 416 431 3001 info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com
Donations may be made
Over the phone: 416 431 3001 ext. 2 or 3 E-transfer via: info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com Cheques payable to: HTAC
We thank you sincerely for your support!

We are happy to announce that Holy Trinity Armenian Church's Sunday School Registration is now open for children 4 years and older. Kindly completetheregistrationformonlineto includeyourchild(ren) forthe year 2022-23.
https://www.torontoarmenianchurch.com/.../sunday-school/ ThefirstdayofSundaySchoolisonFeastofHolyCross, September 11, 2022 and will continue every Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Holy Trinity Armenian Church. For information, please contact us by email: info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com or call us at 416 431 3001 ext. 3