HEBREWS 1.1-14
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father”?
Or again, “I will be his Father, and he will be my Son”?
And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says,
“Let all God’s angels worship him.”
In speaking of the angels he says, “He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.”
But about the Son he says, “Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore, God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.”
He also says, “In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.
They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed.
But you remain the same, and your years will never end.”
To which of the angels did God ever say, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
LUKE 17.1-10
Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves.
“If your brother or sister a sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them. Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.”
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.
“Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’”

This Saturday, December 17, is the Feast of St. James (Hagop) of Nisibis (Mdzbin). St. Hagop was born and died in the city of Nisibis (Nusbyien) located in what is now days southeastern Turkey. He was the second bishop of Nisibis and was called the "MosesofMesopotamia" for his wisdom and wonderworking abilities. Some sources say he was the cousin of St. Gregory the Illuminator. St. James was from the Parthian dynasty and the nephew of St. Gregory the Enlightener. When the family members of Anak the Parthian were killed, nurses secretly fled to Caesarea, taking with them the infant James. In Caesarea, they were educated in the Christian faith. Later he returned to Nisibis. He was the student of Hermit St. Marouge and the spiritual father of the renowned Christian theologian St. Ephrem the Assyrian, one of the 12 Holy Fathers of Universal church. St. Hagop of Mdzbin (St. James) is one of the most beloved saints in the Armenian Church. He is honoured in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Coptic Church, Catholic churches, and especially in Syriac and Armenian Orthodox Churches. According to St. Ephrem, St. Hagop founded the basilica and theological School of Nisibis.
In 320 he was ordained as the Bishop of Nibisis by Bishop Melitus. and in 325 participated in the first ecumenical council in Nicaea where he earned great respect from the Emperor Constantine and the other church fathers. On several occasions, with his prayers St. Hagop saved Nisbis from Persian invasions.

St. Hagop died peacefully at an old age in 338 A.D, or according to other sources in 350 A. D. His relics were taken to Constantinople in 970 A.D. and became the subject of great honour.
In the Armenian religious literature his name is known by the book entitled "The Wise", which has been translated from Assyrian in the 5th century. In the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Feast of St. Hagopof Nisibis is celebrated on the Saturday between December12-18 together with Hermit Marougue and Bishop Melitos. This day is marked by special celebrations in all Armenian churches baring the name of St. Hagop.

- On the Feast day of St. James (Hagop) of Nisibis, by the order of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians the relic of St. Jacob is taken to a church bearing his name.
The faithful will have the opportunity to receive blessing of the relic and pray for St. James's intercession, as he is considered as a patron saint of protecting from diseases and temptations.
On this occasion, a special Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the St. James Church of Ararat. Following the Divine Liturgy there will be a blessing ceremony for everyone named Hagop and those with Hagopian last names.
- St. James was determined to find Noah's Ark as a proof for skeptics. He started his ascent to the peak of Mount Ararat, but it proved to be very difficult to reach to the top. But St. James did not give up. For his determination God had sent an angel in his dream, who left him a piece of the Noah's Ark. According to tradition, in the place where St. James had lain down and received the relic of Noah's Ark a cold stream appeared with healing and miraculous qualities. Later a church bearing the Saint’s name was built nearby the stream (St. Hagop church of Akor). This relic from Noah's Ark was of an imputrescible wood, that is now kept at the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin.
Requested by Her Nieces and Nephews
In Memory of Their beloved Aunt
And the deceased members of Gumushdjian, Citak, Asdvadzaduryan, Dulgeroglu, Gedikyan, Havlucuyan and Abdalyan Families
Requested by
Mr. and Mrs. Berc and Karan Nayir and children
Mr. and Mrs. Sogomon Sakarya and children Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis Gokdag and children Mr. and Mrs. Arslan Arlsan and children

In Memory of Their beloved Father, Grandfather, Brother and Relative THE LATE KEGAM NAYIR
On 40th day of his passing
If you wish to be the sponsor of fresh flowers for the Altar in honour of your loved ones on their birthday, anniversary, graduation or in memory of a departed soul, please contact the church office to book the date

Tel: 416 431 3001 OR info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com

December 10-16, 2022
94th Anniversary of Holy Trinity Armenian Church
Levon and Perouz Babayan Foundation
$27,500 to Holy Trinity Armenian Church
$2000 to Sunday School
$6500 to St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School
Mr. & Mrs. Rostom & Vivian Mirzoyan $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Hagop & Juliette Janbazian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Jirair & Diana Hanimyan $200 Mrs. Sela Tossounian $100
Mr. Ruben Galstyan $100
Mr. & Mrs. Vegmir & Rima Khachatourian $100
Mrs. Fran Bedrosyan $150
Mr. Garbis Bedrosyan $150
Mr. & Mrs. Harution & Tsolina Zeroghlian $50
Fr. Zareh and Yeretsgin Naira Zargarian $500
Mr. & Mrs. John & Margritt Satouri $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Raffi & Joy Bedrosyan $1,000
Mrs. Shakeh Basmajian $1,000
Dr. Isabelle Basmajian $1,000
Dr. & Mrs. Nurel & Lena Beylerian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Harout & Rita Yacoubian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Shahe and Seta Keshishian $200
Mr. Vicken Keshishian $100
Mrs. Armine Boyadjian $250
Dr. Arpi Muttart Panossian $500
St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School Council $500
Mrs. Sirun Torossian $50
Mrs. Jasmine Patterson $500
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes & Grace Tchaglassian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Aram and Tili Isnar $1000
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Yeranuhi Kelledjian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Berdj & Rose Marie Tanielian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Andre & Seza Nazarian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Hovig & Taline Moushian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Civan & Ceni Babaoglu $1,000
Mrs. Rose Marie Kilajian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Sogomon & Areknaz Sakarya $1,000 Ms. Salpy Kadjemian $1,000
Ms Rose Aharonian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Levon and Silva Mermer $1000
Mr. & Mrs. Aram & Tili Isnar $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Shahe & Maria Altounian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Takvor & Lucy Hopyan $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Garbis & Ayda Norian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Andre & Seza Nazarian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Aris & Winnie Kassabian $1,000 Mr. & Mrs. Vahe & Lena Kerim $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Varoujan & Vergine Karabulut $100
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Margaret G. Kassabian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Alexan & Nora Baltayan $250
Mr. & Mrs. Ohannes & Makruhi Karak $250
Mr. & Mrs. Masis & Ayda Afarian $400 Mrs. Ani Sarvarian $300 Ms Vartoohi Keshish-Avanesian $250 Mrs. Ayda Kesisyan $150
Dr. & Mrs. Masis and Elizabeth Asik $250 Mrs. Madeline Sahakian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Juliette Gizirian $500
Mr. & Mrs. Zohrab & Sona Sarkissian $300 St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church $300 Mrs. Diana Bogosyan $200
Ms Lucine Terbanjian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Avedis & Ardemis Moushian $300 Mrs. Rita Musluyan $150 Mrs. Doreen Berg $100 Mrs. Hera Kavoukian $300
Mr. & Mrs. Boghos & Zaroug Ishkanian $100
Ms Elisabeth Diradour $500
Mr. & Mrs. Madat & Tamar Mamourian $150
Dn. & Mrs. Garbis & Seta Cicekian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Migirdic & Ani Migirdicyan $300
Mrs. Betty Panossian $200
Mr. Ara Muradyan $300
Mrs. Arpine Altounian $200
Dn. Hrayr & Mrs. Nrane Tadevosyan $200
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Annie Derkevorkian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Mihran & Seta Cavdar $250
Mr. & Mrs. Levon and Karine Garibyan $500
Mr. Ara Makdessian $300
Mr. & Mrs. Nazar & Hermine Madjarian $150
Mr. & Mrs. Hovhannes & Armine Muradyan $100
Ms Knar Basmadjian $500 Mrs. Arpine Matnishyan $50
Mr. & Mrs. Haroution & Maria Abajian $500 Mrs. Lena Ouzounian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Bogos & Rita Taskiran $100
Kafessian Family $200
Mr. & Mrs. Meguerditch & Larissa Kanondjian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Levon & Narine Zakharyan $500
Mr. & Mrs. Ara & Annie Selyan $500 Mrs. Diyana Zabunyan $30
Mr. & Mrs. Kegham & Vivian Kokorian $100 Mrs. Nyree Nalbandian-Gulesserian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Edik & Anahit Babayan $40
Mr. Assador Chopurian $200 Mrs. Sonia Artinian $350
Ms. Maryem Mesrop $150
Mr. & Mrs. Varazh & Hasmik Abed-Stephen $100
Mr. & Mrs. Khatchig & Zvart Mirzoyan $850
Mr. & Mrs. Zadig & Nvart Mirzoyan $850
Mrs. Beatrice Hagopian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Zadeek & Seta Hettan Gorgisian $400 Mr. Shahan Deirmenjian $75
Mrs. Zaghik Siraki $100
Mr. & Mrs. Mihran & Vartouhi Jizmejian $250
Mrs. Jayran Martin $200
Mr. & Mrs. Simon & Salpy Kutyan $100
Mrs. Mara Ohanjanians $150
Mrs. Nelly Khojajian $100
Mr. Nareek Shaheenian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Sabbah & Araxi A. Shaheenian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Samvel & Susanna Harutyunyan $100
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Anna Apel $100
Mr. & Mrs. Bedroos & Harmig Esteefo $100
Mr. & Mrs. Jirayr & Houry Aznavourian $200
Ms Hasmig Kurdian $250
Ms Taline Baltayan $200
Mrs. Taline Gumushdjian $250
Ms Lara B Gumushdjian $500
Dn. Darius Gumushdjian $500
Mr. & Mrs. Kevork & Sossy Barounian $100
Mr. Hayro Ayvazian $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Grigor & Gayane Shahmouradyan $200
Ms. Lina Haykaz $100
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Keegan Lee Kurtcu $100
Ms Arine Kemkemian $100
Mrs. Sylva Kemkemian $100
Mr. Dikran Cicek $100
St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Saturday School
Mr. Matthew Muttart $2,000
Mr. Sasoon Manoukian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Allen & Sonia Atamer $200
Miss Araxie Altounian $100
Membership 2022
Mrs. Mary Kalaydjian $80
Mr. Zaven Kalaydjian $80
Mr. & Mrs. Tigran & Anna Grigoryan $100
Mr. Rafael Sakarya $100
Mrs. Mary Toutounjian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Zaven & Mary Kalaydjian $40
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Maryam Nar $100
Ms Payloun Movsessian $50
Mrs. Shakeh Gharibian $20
Mr. Missak Komedissian $50
Mr. George & Liza Mesrop $1,000
Mr. & Mrs. Armen & Berjouhi Nalbandian & Family $1,000 Keghouhi Bastajian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Boghos & Zaroug Ishkanian $100
Mr. & Dr. Armand & Sevan Boyadjian $100
Mr. & Mrs. Hratch and Nevart Melconian $100
Mr. Megurdich Melkonian $20
Mr. Ara Nakhnikian $200
Mr. & Mrs. Krikour Yacoubian $100
Mrs. Sona Minassian $50
Mrs. Ayda Melconian $200
Mr. Hagop, Setta, Shant Hovsepian $100
Ms Christine Coverdale $100
Mirari Belgen $40
Ms Victoria Eginilian $50
Mr. Aram Eginilian $50
Mr. Krikor Artinian $25
Mr. & Mrs. Apraham & Silva Atik $50
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Maryam Nar $100
Mr. Berc Sorhuncu $100
Mr. & Mrs. Agop & Suzan Azar $50
Mr. & Mrs. Hayik & Guluzar Goren $100
Mr. & Mrs. Shahin & Varteni Cancik $60
Mr. Yervant Icliates $50
Mr. & Mrs. Ara Gozum $100
Mrs. Lida Kirtavit $50
Mr. & Mrs. Nubar & Yepraksi Tascioglu $100 (Armenian Saturday School)
Sevan Tomarci $50 (Armenian Saturday School)
Mr. & Mrs. Ovagim & Satenik Tascioglu $50
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel & Maritsa Gozum $100
Mr. Zeki Kundakci $100
Mr. Mike Kundakci $100
Mr. & Mrs. Bogos & Rita Taskiran $50
Mr. Setrak Evihan $100
Mary Jewellery $100
Ararat Diamond Setting $100
Mr. Hampartsum Tosun $50
Mr. & Mrs. Aren & Talin Mermer $50
Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Rousanna Artinian $20
Mr. Hagop Nar $100
Mrs. Anna Gozum $100
Mrs. Hilda Sirabian $50
Mrs. Takuhi Allahverdioglu $100
Mr. & Mrs. Haig & Madlen Baravyan $50
Mr. Herman Tosun $50
Mr. Kegham Kerestecioglu $25
Mr. Arslan Arslan $100
Mr. Ari Seyranian $100
Mr. Aziz Bozuk $40
Mr. Hampartsum Tosun $50
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham & Maria Celikoz $50
Ms Ayda Sorhuncu $150
Mr. & Mrs. Harutiun & Seta Sahakoglu $100
Mrs. Pirlanti Torikoglu $100
Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Seta Dislioglu $100
Mr. Bartev Sakadjian $140

Mrs. Christine Semerdjian $150
Mr. Haroton Totonjian $200 (Women's Guild)
Mr. & Mrs. Apraham & Silva Atik $100
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Elisa Benlian $100 Anonymous Donor $20
We thank all our donors for supporting Holy Trinity Armenian Church through their heartfelt donations. If you prefer to stay anonymous, please contact the Church office and inform the administration.
Tel: 416 431 3001 info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com

We are happy to announce that Holy Trinity Armenian Church's Sunday School Registration is now open for children 4 years and older. Kindly completetheregistrationformonlineto includeyourchild(ren) fortheyear 2022-23.
https://www.torontoarmenianchurch.com/.../sunday-school/ ThefirstdayofSundaySchoolisonFeastofHolyCross, September 11, 2022 and will continue every Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Holy Trinity Armenian Church. For information, please contact us by email: info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com or call us at 416 431 3001 ext. 3