Morning Service at 9:30 am
Divine Liturgy at 10:30 am
Pastor’s Assistant
Choirmaster: Mr. Shahe Altounian
Organist: Mrs. Sona Artinian
HEBREWS 9:1-10
Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sanctuary. A tabernacle was set up. In its first room were the lampstand and the table with its consecrated bread; this was called the Holy Place. Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, which had the golden altar of incense and the goldcovered ark of the covenant. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory, overshadowing the atonement cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail now.
When everything had been arranged like this, the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance. The Holy Spirit was
showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still functioning. This is an illustration for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings - external regulations applying until the time of the new order.
JOHN 10:22-30Then came the Festival of Dedication b at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe. The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Sixty-four days after Easter, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Feast of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin. This year it falls on June 11. The Etchmiadzin Cathedral was the first cathedral built in Armenia. It is located in the city of Etchmiadzin. The original cathedral was built by Saint Gregory the Illuminator, who converted Armenia to Christianity. In 301, by the royal decree of King Trdat III Armenia adopted Christianity as its state religion. St. Gregory had a vision of Christ descending from heaven with a hammer and a gold spike. On the place where Christ planted the spike the outline of a church appeared. The vision of Etchmiadzin inspired the construction of the Cathedral dedicated to the Holy Mother of God and became the Holy See of the Armenian Church. Later the name was changed to Holy Etchmiadzin, as a reference to that vision; it can be translated as “the Descent of the OnlyBegotten”. On this feast day the Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, following which the Catholicos of All Armenians will offer a Pontifical Prayer at the Altar of Descent for the vibrancy and strength of the Mother See.
Հայաստան՝ 303 թ. Յունուար 6-ի այգաբացին՝ Սուրբ Ծննդեան եւ
After ordering the execution of Christian nuns Gayane, Hripsime and their companions, King Trdat III became very ill. King's sister Princess Khosrovidukht had a recurring dream, where she was told that there was one person who could cure her brother: the imprisoned Gregory. She told the nobles, that Gregory was alive and was the only man who could cure the King, but nobody believed her. She insisted and finally convinced the nobles to follow her request. They sent men to the pit and found that after more than 13 years of imprisonment, Gregory was alive. Gregory was brought to Vagharshabad. The first thing he did was to

collect and bury the scattered remains of holy nuns. He built chapels over their relics (St. Hripsime. St Gayané and St. Shoghagat) After being anointed bishop by the Metropolitan of Caesarea Leontius in 302, he assumed the leadership of the Armenian Church as its first Catholicos, a post he graced for 25 years. He baptized the king and royal family in 303 on the Christmas day in the River of Aratsani. According to historian Agathangelos, for 7 days St. Gregory St. Gregory kept baptizing people and later conducted mass baptisms throughout Armenia.
The Deliverance of St. Gregory the Illuminator from the pit became the beginning of the “Great Conversion" of Armenian people. As a result, Armenia became the first country in the world to adopt Christianity as its state religion in the year 301. The Armenian Church commemorates the Deliverance of St. Gregory the Illuminator from the Pit on Saturday following the feast of Sts. Hrimpsimé, Gayané.
A-As a universal Christian Saint, Gregory the Illuminator is also celebrated by Orthodox and Catholic churches. The sister churches commemorate St. Gregory on September 30.
B- On the Feast day of St. Gregory the Illuminator's Deliverance from the Pit, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates a special service and the relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator were solemnly taken from the Mother See to Khor Virap.

The Armenian Church remembers Sts. Nunė and Manė on the second Tuesday after the Pentecost. St. Nunė and St. Manė were two of the companions of St. Hripsime, who fled persecutions by the Emperor Dioklethianos and came to Armenia. However, these nuns were not destined to die together with their companions.
St. Manė was a follower of Sts. Hripsimė and Gayanė. After separating from her companions, St. Manė started living a life of solitary prayer and contemplation in one of the caves in mount Sebuh. Later, the cave was named ‘Mane’s Cave'. During that same period St. Gregory the Illuminator decided to live the remaining of his days in seclusion. He went to the Mountain Daraghanyats to find a place to live and chose the same cave where Mane was living her abstinent life. When he approached the cave, Mane askied him to return in three days, prophesying, that she would die by then. Following her wishes, St.

Gregory returned to the cave three days later and found her dead and buried her body in the cave (323).
St. Nunė (in the Georgian sources Nino) was also a follower of Sts. Hripsimė and Gayanė. She was an active missionary and healer in Georgia. Escaping the persecutions of the Armenian King Tirdat she left for the Georgian capital city of Metskhita. There she continued to live a prayerful life and preached the Gospel.
Becoming famous for performing miracles in the name of Jesus Christ, Nune was brought to the royal palace where she cured the Queen. Refusing the precious gifts offered to her, Nooneh continued preaching the Gospel. The Georgian King Mihran, felt the might of Nune's God and converted to Christianity. The Gospel was preached also to the nobles.
St. Nunė preached and wasconverting the Georgian people to Christianity. Following her advice a delegation was sent to St. Gregory the Illuminator and King Tiridates asking them to send clergy for assistance. By the order of St. Gregory, St. Nunė destroyed all idols and raised crosses on these sites.

On Saturday, June 17, the Armenian Church commemorates Catholicos Nerses the Great and Khad the Bishop. According to historical sources, St. Nerces the Great was from the family lineage of St. Gregory the Illuminator, thegrandson of the ArmenianPatriarch Houssikand the fatherof Catholicos
). Following the death of Catholicos Paren I, King Arshak II summoned a meeting to select the next Catholicos. The people were eager to return to the line of their beloved Gregory the Illuminator.
At the time Nerses served in the royal army and was the chamberlain for King Arshak II. He was found to be the most deserving candidate for the throne of theCatholicos,butNersesdid notagree thathedeservesthe throne of Catholicos. Under the compulsion of King Arshak Nerces was ordained as a deacon on the spot and was sent to Caesarea to receive the Church Hierarchical levels and was consecrated as Catholicos. Nerses was a student of St. Basil of Caesarea, one of three great Cappadocian Fathers. Nerses the Great established numerous monasteries and schools. He built hospices, residences and hospitals for the ill, homeless and the poor. For his devoutactivityNersestheGreatisalsocalledthe“IlluminatorofHearts”.His accomplishments for the spiritual and social well-being of the people earned him the name “Great.” Bishop Khad worked closely with St. Nerses the Great. Like Nerses he had great passion for social issues, especially helping the poor. He was instrumental in the implementation of the Catholicos’ initiatives and undertakings. Nerses entrusted most of the benevolent work of the church to Khad. He was closely associated with St. Nerses and therefore the church honors them on the same day.

June 10th is the remembrance day of St. Gregory the Illuminator leaving the Virap, and the following names are celebrated: KRIKOR & KOKO

Requested by Mrs. Angela Hanimyan and son, Alexander Hanimyan
Mr. & Mrs. Jirayr and Diana Hanimyan
Mr. & Mrs. Rob and Lisa Hanimyan and children, Christopher and Emily Hanimyan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and Daniela Dendy and children, Lucas and Livia Dendy
Mrs. Virginia Guccione
In Memory of Their Beloved Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Brother-in-law, Uncle and Son-in-law

On 40th day of his passing
Requested by Hovhaennesian, Avanessian and Mirzaian Families
In Memory of

On the 1st anniversary of his passing in Armenia
On the 40th day of his passing in Los Angeles
Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Kevork & Sevan Kazandjian and children Vana & Nerses
In Memory of Their Beloved Father and Grandfather THE LATE NERSES KAZANDJIAN
On the 1st anniversary of his passing
Requested by Mrs. Marie Topalian
Mr. & Mrs. Hovsep Antiblian and Mrs. Alin Topalian and sons, Khachig and Vrej
On the 2nd anniversary of his passing as well as
Requested by Mr. Bedros Muradian and Family

on the 15th anniversary of his passing THE LATE MURAD ESTEEFO and in memory of THE LATE ESTIFAN MURADIAN
On the 5th anniversary of his passing
The Altar Flowers are Sponsored by MR. & MRS. BERDJ & ROSE MARIE TANIELIAN
In Loving Memory of All Departed Souls of THE TANIELIAN AND ZADA FAMILIES

We thank all our donors for supporting Holy Trinity Armenian Church through their heartfelt donations. If you prefer to stay anonymous, please contact the Church office and inform the administration.
Donations may be made:
Over the phone: 416 431 3001
E-transfer via: info@TorontoArmenianChurch.com

Cheques payable to: HTAC

Mrs. Elina Marinosyan $100
Mr. & Mrs. Berdj and Rose Marie Tanielian $100
Mr. Kirkor Ozsogomonyan $150
Mr. Allen Atamer $200
Mr. & Mrs. John and Margritt Satouri $100
Mr. Kevork Kassabian $80
Mrs. Nellie Kassabian $80
Kristopher Kassabian $40
The Late Hagob Topalian and deceased members of Topalian, Ayntablian and Chaghlassian Families
Mr. & Mrs. Hovsep Antiblian and Mrs. Alin Topalian $50
The Late Oliver Noah El-Abou
Miss Lorig Sarkissian $50
Zaven & Varsenig Sarkissian $50
Mr. Julie Selelenk $100
Ms Sandy Sarkissian $100
Steve Boily and Barb Greco $50
Miss Nooshig Sarkissian $50
Great Aunts, Zvart, Areknaz and Anaheed Der-Boghossian
Berdj, Sarah and Henry Der-Boghossian $250
The Late Principals, Teaches and Alumni of Esayan School
Esayan School’s Alumni $100
The Late Yerjanick Haghverdian
The Haghverdian Family $1000
The Late Manoush Avedissian Shaverdian
Mr. Rachik Minassian $50
Mr. Hrach Shaverdian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Minas and Nora Shaverdian $50
Ms Elyn Minassian $50
Mr. Ade Minassian $50
The Late Zorik Minassian
Mr. Rachik Minassian $50
Ms Elyn Minassian $50
Mr. Ade Minassian $50
Mr. Hrach Shaverdian $50
Mr. & Mrs. Minas and Nora Shaverdian $50
Mr. Rachik Minassian $200
Don’t miss the opportunity to have an amazing day with friends and family. See you at Milne D am Park on June 18!

Vicar of Armenian Church
Canadian Diocese and Parish Priest Rev. Archpriest Fr. Zareh Zargarian
Pastor’s Assistant Rev. Fr. Hayari Tanashian
Church Office Hours:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Executive Secretary, Ani Sarvarian
Administrative Secretary, Betty Panossian
920 Progress Ave. Toronto, ON, M1G 3T5 Tel: 416 431 3001
