A learning experiencefor the town and country gardener, homeowner and those who love gardening. -----OO D, ........... SUNDAY, : i APRIL 22nd, ¥ S 10:00 a.m. to }: i 5:00p.m.
April 1990
Civic Garden Centre Staff
Executive Director: Mrs. Sally Sullivan
Accounts: Mrs. Janie Brentnall
Editor-Trellis: Mrs. Iris Hosse Phillips
Horticulturists: Mrs. Anne Marie Van Nest
Mrs. Helen Craig
Librarian: Mrs. Pamela MacKenzie
Library Secretary: Mrs. Edythe Clapp
Maintenance Supervisor:
Mr. Walter Marassutti
Maintenance Staff:
Mr. Alvin Allen
Mr. Robert Burchell
Mr. Carlos Lopez
Programme and Special Events
Co-ordinator: Mrs. Dorothy Whiteman
Rental Agent: Mrs. Pamela Westwood
Assistant Rental Agent: Miss Mavis Griffin
Secretary: Mrs. Shirley Lyons
Trellis Shop Manager: Mrs. Jackie Brisby
Trellis Shop Assistant Manager:
Mrs. Barbara Stevenson
Volunteer Co-ordinator and Publicity:
Mrs. Carolyn Dalgarno
If vou are an enthusiastic, fun-loving individual who is interested in working with children, consider becoming one of the Civic Garden Centre s Tour Guides. Children s tours will be offered May through September. Training sessions begin this month.
For further information call Helen 445-1552
Virginia Mitchell April 17th - 29th/90
Watercolours by Virginia Mitchell
Civic Garden Centre
Vol. 17, No. 4
EDITOR: Iris Hossé Phillips
ADVERTISING INFO: (416) 445-1552
Registered charity number 0228114-56
TRELLIS is published ten times a year as a members' newsletter by the CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ont. M3C 1P2. Tel. No.: (416) 445-1552. Manuscripts submitted on a voluntary basis are gratefully received. No remuneration is possible.
Lead time for inclusion of articles and advertising material is six weeks: manuscripts and material must be received by the 15th of the month to insure publication. For example, material received by October 15 will be included in the December issue of Trellis.Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre.
The Centre is located in Edwards Gardens, at Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue East. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based gardening, floral arts, and horticultural information organization with open membership.
Printed by York Printing House Ltd.
The Civic Garden Centre is open fromi April 1st to October 31st.
Readers of Trellis will have noticed that the March edition contained only one article and that the current issue contains no articles but important information on plant sales, activities, and tours sponsored by the Centre. The May, June, and July issues of Trellis will return to the usual format and include articles on a wide range of gardening topics:
Anne Marie Van Nest
Unusual Flowering Summer Bulbs
Heather MacKinnon
Reflections from the Third Great Gardening Conference Part ||
Bill Granger
Green Hedges for Privacy: Fencing for All Seasons
David Tomlinson
A Tribute to Fred
Mary Perlmutter
A Look at the Leek, Allium porum
Dierdre Tomlinson
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Paradiso: The Making of Merlin s Hollow
Spring is a very busy time for the Centre and gardeners. Join us on our garden tours, weekend conferences, and lectures. Purchase your annuals and perennials from the Centre. We look forward to seeing you. Iris Phillips
Tuesday, April 24th 7:30 PM.
Speaker: Ruth Rogers Clauson
Co-author of PerennialsforAmerican Gardens Horticulturist, Botanist, Garden Designer and Consultant
May 29th, 1990 4 Z
6:30 o clock ,t
Cocktails Buffet Supper Dancing Silent Auction
Games of Chance Fortune Telling Cash Bar
Proceeds from this event will go towards the rennovation and expansion of the Civic Garden Centre. Civic Garden Centre members and their friends are encouraged to attend. Sponsored by the Garden Club of Toronto.
Donations for the silent auction and the tombola (a lottery for a charity items in the $25 - $50 range. can be left in the office at the Civic Garden Center Please leave your name, telephone number and suggested value of the item. Your contributions are appreciated.
May 1st, 1990
Pleasereserve ___ guest tickets at $75.00 per person.
am unable to attend but wish to make a donation. $
Address: Telephone
Cheques should be made payable to the Garden Club of Toronto and sent to the Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Avenue, East, Don Mills, M3C 1P2. Tax receipt for the maximum amount allowable will be issued following the event.
For further information, please telephone 447-5218 or 489-8618
by Joyce Bertram
If you have ever been unwise enough to try your hand at growing zucchini, you will be familiar with what is known in the trade as the Tyranny of the Bumper Crop. Be they white, grey, yellow, crooked, straight or spineless has there ever been a more ubiquitous vegetable? Nor one for which so many dedicated people have dreamed up so many recipes! | have noticed that the chief virtue of these muffins, breads, spices, cakes, soups and even jam, appears to lie in the fact that you can t even taste the zucchini !
| gave up growing these overwhelming veggies some years ago when a forgotten fruit grew to 18 inches from a standing start the evening before. But | too know all about the Tyranny of the Bumper Crop thanks. to a pink chrysanthemum given me by an elderly friend with the trenchant reminder that * It will take over your garden . Since that day eleven friends gardens have been taken over and neighbours detour many blocks to avoid having yet another bouquet thrust into their unwilling hands.
Unless you have been living in a sunless cave in the Himalaya Mountains you too must have plants which flourish like the proverbial bay tree. The thought of digging them up and throwing them away is not to be entertained for a single moment. What, then, to do?
The Centre needs your extra plants for the plant sale on May 16th. To facilitate the collection of plants, the Centre has arranged for drop-off depots throughout the city. Call the Centre at 445-1552 for the depot nearest to you. The depots will open from May 1st to May 14th.
Bring your plants either in pots (available from the depots with no charge) or in plastic bags, labelled with name, variety, and colour. The depot volunteers will pot, water and care for your plants and deliver them to the Centre in time for the sale on May 16th. We will sell your plants to fellow gardeners and you will go on your way, rejoicing, and know that you have been a true friend of the Centre. What could be simpler?
JUNE 16 & 17
The Civic Garden Centre is pleased to present Through the Garden Gate, a tour of private Toronto gardens on June 16 and 17 from noon to 4 p.m. This year, the tour will move to Belmont Street and Forest Hill.
The gardens include a wildflower garden, formal gardens, patio gardens and gardens to entertain in. The Centre s Master Gardeners will be on hand to help you identify plant material and answer your gardening questions.
A complimentary shuttle bus will circulate the route from noon to 4 p.m. You have only to get to one of the locations indicated on your ticket to pick up this service.
Through the Garden Gate offers an opportunity to view gardens otherwise not accessible to the public, to learn how others have designed and planted, and to appreciate the beauty that lies behind many Toronto garden gates.
Please reserve your tickets early. Last year s tour was sold out. Tear off the form below and return with your payment: there is a $1 service charge for handling and postage. Alternately, you can pick-up your tickets in the office at the Civic Garden Centre after April 23rd.
Please charge the fee to my Credit Card
CreditCardNoy.o = 2.0 VISA
July 12 - July 16
We were delighted with the overwhelming and immediate response to Tour 1 and Tour 2.
Tour 1 and Tour 2 are sold out. There are a few spaces left for Tour 3.
For further information and to book a tour call: (416) 445-1552
Postal Code:
| | have enclosed a cheque made payable to the Civic Garden Centre zx_ N o R
Perennials are special plants in the garden. Once they have settled their roots into place, they become a constant companion. A plant that is always present, reliable as Old Faithful and a constant reminder that perennials are worth the extra care in planning and garden preparation. They make very few demands on their owners and reward them with consistent blooms year after year. The Civic Garden Centre is again holding a Perennial Sale on May 6 and 7, noon to 5 pm. As a special preview, C.G.C. members can receive a 10% Discount on our Member s day, May 4, from 2 pm to 6 pm. Drop in on this special day to purchase your spring perennials. The following list contains a selection of the plants available at this sale. These plants are subject to availability. From $2.49 for a 4 pot. Some varieties will be in larger pots.
RemarksDried flowers Dried flowers Dried flowersGround cover, Divide frequently Divide frequently Ground cover BiennialDisease and Insect Free Seeds readilyTolerant of poor soils Rock garden Self seeds Rock garden ground cover Rock garden Rock garden Divide each year Grown for foliage Tolerant native plant Rock gardens or border Divide frequentlyFertilize regularly Rock garden Do not overfertilize Divide frequently Moist areas Deadhead for prolonged blooms Mass for effect Ground cover for rock gardens
June-Sept.June-Aug. May-June
July-Aug.July-Aug.July-Aug.June-Aug. May May May-July May-JuneSept-Oct. June April-May JuneApril-MayApril-May June-Sept. June-Sept.June
Colour YellowPink Double White Blue Blue Blue Mixed Red-Purple
Common Name Fernleaf Yarrow Common Yarrow SneezewortBugleweed Bronze Bugleweed Variegated Bugleweed HollyhockPasque Flower Golden MargueriteMargueriteDwarfColumbineColumbineWhite Rock Cress Pink Rock Cress Thrift Ghost Plant Silver Mound Artemisia Butterfly Weed AsterMichaelmas Daisy Astilbe False Rock Cress Basket of Gold English Daisy Giant Rockfoil Carpathian Bellflower Mountain Bluet Snow in Summer
Botanical Name Achillea filipendulina Achillea millefolium Rosea Achillea ptarmica The Pearl Ajuga reptans Ajuga reptans Bronze Beauty Ajuga reptans Variegata Alcea rosea Anemone pulsatilla Anthemis tinctoria Kelwayi Anthemis tinctoria St. John's Aquilegia alpina Aquilegia hybrid Arabis caucasica Alba Arabis caucasica Rosea Armeria pseudarmeria Glory of Holland
Plant exudes a volatile gas Biennial. Stake. Leaves Poisonous Leaves disappear after flowering Rock gardenDrought tolerant Deadhead for prolonged bloomingBlooms all summer Protect over winter PH should be slightly alkalineFertilize yearly Night Fragrance Divide Summer or Fall Tolerates moist areas Grown for its foliage Divide in Spring Rock garden plant Rock garden plant Divide in August Mulch heavily Dried Flower Biennial, protect over winterPlant in masses Cutting garden Do not crowd Good cut flower Self seeds Drought tolerant Stake. Young plants and seeds poisonous Keep moist. Fe regularly StakeBiennial
Chrysanthemum maximum Alaska Chrysanthemum maximum Marconi Chrysanthemum maximum Little Miss MuffetChrysanthemum parthenium
Coreopsis grandiflora Baby Gold
Delphinium elatum Black Knight
Delphinium elatum Lady Guinevere
Delphinium elatum Summer Skies Dianthus barbatus
Humus Mulch Foliage disappears after blooming Alkaline soil. Rock gardenDriedFlowerPropagate by seeds Wetland Plant No serious problems Biennial. Dried flower Needs Staking Divide every three years Wetland Plant Attracts Hummingbirds Easily Naturalized Tolerant of poor soils Ground cover Dormant after Flowering Prefers well drained soil Subiject to powdery mildew Ground cover Dried flower, Invasive Well drained sites Named for ladder-like arrangement of leaves Mulch and keep moist Very Tolerant Rock garden ground coverDivide in the Spring Roots once used as soap Rock garden Rock garden Rock gardenEdgingLemon fragrance Divide in Spring or Fall Ground cover
May-JuneMay-Aug. July May-June August May-JulyAug.-Sept. June-Aug. July-Aug. June-JulyJulyAug.-Sept.June-Sept.May-June June-Aug.May JuneJuly-Aug.July-Aug. May August July-Aug. June-Aug. May July-Sept.June-July July-Aug.July-Oct. May-June July-Aug.July-Aug.July-Aug. July-Aug.July-Aug.May-June
Pink Pink Rose-Red White LavenderBlueScarlet Blue MauveMixed RedRosy-Purple Scarlet Blue YellowWhite Red Carmine Mixed Mixed WhiteMixed Blue Mixed
Edelweiss Sea Lavender Blue Flax Cardinal Flower Blue Lobelia Money Plant Lupine Maltese Cross Purple Loosestrife Bergamot or Bee Balm Forget-Me-NotEvening Primrose Japanese Spurge Oriental PoppyBeardtongueGarden Phlox Moss Phlox Chinese Lantern Plant Balloon Flower Jacob s Ladder Polyanthus Primrose ConeflowerPearlwort Perennial Salvia SoapwortLondon Pride Saxifrage
Stonecrop StonecropHen and Chickens Creeping Thyme Speedwell Periwinkle
Public Sale - Thursday, May 17th to Monday, May 21st
10% Discount
For members who return this order form prior to May 4th
777 Lawrence Ave. East Phone 445-1552
o After completing your order, please return the plant sale pages with your name, address and telephone number, by May 4th, 1990..
e Your order form is used to calculate quantities to ensure the purchase of sufficient stock. This will be returned to you as your reference guide when you select your plants.
e Please pay for your plants when you select them on May 16th, 1990. We accept your personal cheque, cash, Visa or Master Card.
e Qualified, knowledgeable volunteers will be available to help with information, selection and transportation to your car.
e To further support your Centre, please tell your friends and neighbours to shop at our Public Sale, Thursday and Friday, May 17 and 18. Better still, encourage them to become members and receive a member s discount.
e Your 10% discount will apply only if you return your order form prior to May 4, 1990.
Wednesday, May 16, 1990
1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
PUBLIC SALE, Thursday, May 17, 1 pm - 8 pm
Friday, May 18, 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday, May 19, noon - 5 pm
Sunday, May 20, noon - 5 pm
Monday, May 21, noon - 5 pm
| have completed my order for Spring bedding plants and will select them on Wednesday, May 16th, 90 when | will receive my 10% discount.
Annual flowers have long been the favourite plants of both novice and experienced gardeners. New gardeners appreciate the abundance of blooms throughout the summer. Dedicated gardeners love the range of colours that allow a new garden picture to be created each year. The imagination of a gardener is the only limit to the colour combinations. Annuals are one of the easiest groups of plants to grow and certainly deserve a site in every garden. For 1990, boxes of annuals containing four or six plants are $1.39. Boxes with six plants are marked *.
D Ageratum Blue Blazer (Ageratum houstonianum) A popular edging plant that grows to 15 cm in height. The blue flowers appear in clustered heads until late fall. Ageratum loves the warm weather.
D Ageratum Summer Snow A white form of Ageratum to compliment Blue Blazer. It also enjoys full sun and grows to 20 cm in height.
l:l *Alyssum Snowcloth (Lobularia maritima) Sweet Alyssum has been a favourite edging plant for generations. The tiny, white, fragrant flowers create a mass of bloom on this spreading plant.
[:I *Alyssum Midnight This plant with violet coloured flowers attains a mound 10 cm in height. Alyssum grows well in all soils.
D *Alyssum Wonderland Deep Rose A low spreading plant with tiny rose coloured blooms. Alyssum will bloom from May until the frost reaching a height of 10 cm.
Aster Dwarf Queen Mix (Callistephus chinensis) Dwarf Queen Asters reach a height of 30 cm and are excellent for indoor pots, borders or edging. This plant has double flowers up to 6 cm across.
Aster Early Charm Mix Early Charm Asters are a good cutting flower. This Aster reaches a height of 45 cm and thrives in hot, dry, poor conditions.
Aster Powderpuff Mix A tall upright Aster reaching 90 cm. The whole plant can be cut and used as a bouquet.
Browallia'Blue Bells'(Browallia speciosa) This shade tolerant plant is ideal for hanging baskets and planters. The compact plant grows to 25 cm and can be brought indoors in the fall.
Browallia Silver Bells A white (30 cm) plant that flowers throughout the summer and into the fall. Ideal for shady baskets and planters.
Carnation Enfant de Nice Mix (Dianthus caryophyllus) Annual Carnations are grown in Europe for perfume manufacturing. Enfant de Nice is a compact plant with strong stems for cut flowers.
Celosia Apricot Brandy (Celosia plumosa) An award winner for its bright plumes of apricot-orange flowers. Reaching a height of 45 cm, Apricot Brandy blooms from June to October.
Celosia Century Yellow A tall growing plant, 70 cm, which produces extra large plumes of blazing golden yellow. A very showy annual for massed beds or cut flowers.
Celosia Fiery Feather Fiery-red plumes give this plant a height of 30 cm. The flowers dry well for fall arrangements. Celosia loves hot and dry conditions.
Celosia Pink Castles A plumosa type, new for 1990. An AAS winner.
Cleome Helen Campbell, White (Cleome spinosa) Spider Flowers grow well in sunny or part shady gardens. Helen Campbell flowers are pure white and bloom from June to frost. Cleome is an excellent plant for hot areas and as a background plant.
Cleome Rose Queen Rose-pink flowers adorn this tall plant. Ultimately, the height will be 91 cm. Cleome prefers sun and warm weather.
l::] Coleus Carefree Mix (Coleus x hybridus) A popular, dwarf, (256 cm) small leaved plant. The brightly coloured leaves are deeply lobed.
lj Coleus Carefree Red This dwarf plant reaches 25 cm tall. A semi-shaded, moist location is best for vivid colours.
l:] Dahlia Rigoletto Mix (Dahlia hybrids) A Dahlia with double flowers ideal for low borders. Rigoletto grows to 50 cm.
Dianthus Wee Willie Mix (Dianthus chinensis) The ideal edging plant for cool summers and alkaline soil. An extra dwarf plant growing to 15 cm.
[:] Dusty Miller Silver Dust (Senecio cineraria) The silvery white foliage of Dusty Miller is an excellent contrast to the bright colours of the garden. The finely cut leaves are the outstanding feature of this 20 cm plant.
E:I Lobelia Blue Crystal (Lobelia erinus) A compact growing Lobelia with bright blue flowers ideal for edging. Lobelia performs better in partial shade and ample moisture. Blue Crystal grows to 8 cm.
Lobelia Rosamond This trailing, pendula type is perfect for hanging baskets, planters and window boxes. It has violet-rose flowers.
Lobelia White Lady Snow white blooms contrast with the green leaves. White Lady does better under cool temperatures.
*Marigold Janie Bright Yellow (Tagetes patula) A super, dwarf, French Marigold with double flowers reaching 20 cm. Janie Marigolds are ideal for hot, sunny borders.
*Marigold Janie Golden Orange A good choice for container growing. Flowers appear from June until frost.
*Marigold Janie Flame The unique flowers of this dwarf plant are red and gold. These plants grow to 20 cm.
*Marigold Scarlet Sophia Growing to 30 cm, this Marigold has 5 cm diameter blooms of rich scarlet.
Marigold Perfection Gold A new Marigold. The Perfection Marigolds are 40 cm in height and have double, round flowers that stand up to the weather well.
* Six plants per box $1.39.
Marigold Perfection Yellow A colourful plant for the back of the border. Numerous flowers all summer until the frost.
Marigold Yellow Climax A tall Marigold well suited for cutting. Yellow Climax reaches 90 cm at maturity.
Nicotiana Nicki Red (Nicotiana alata) Flowering Tobacco provides a medium height (40 cm) plant that flowers all summer.
Nicotiana Nicki Rose An old fashioned bedding plant that has received renewed interest, Nicotiana does well in light shade or sun.
Nicotiana Nicki White Nicotiana is an easy to grow plant that requires no staking or pinching.
Portulaca Sundance Mix (Portulaca grandiflora) A very good ground cover for hot, dry sunny areas. Most of the semi-double flowers stay open all day for a longer show.
Salvia Red Hot Sally (Salvia splendens) One of the earliest Salvias to bloom. Deep red blooms reach a height of 25 cm. Flowering continues throughout the summer.
Salvia Red Pillar A medium growing Salvia (35 cm). The fiery-red blooms stand high above the deep green foliage. Full sun and a well drained soil is preferred.
Salvia Splendens Tall Red A late flowering plant (late July) that is ideal for the back of a border. This Salvia will ultimately grow to 75 cm.
Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue Intense violet-blue flowers adorn this 45 cm plant. Victoria is a heat and drought resistant plant that is excellent for cutting or drying.
Salvia farinacea Victoria White New this year is the silver-white form of Victoria. The tall (51 cm) form makes this plant a good contrast to many annuals.
Snapdragon Little Darling Mix (Antirrhinum majus) A dwarf growing plant with a butterfly type flower. Little Darling grows to 30 cm and flowers better in full sun.
Snapdragon Sprite Formula Mixed The vivid colours of this medium (40 cm) Snapdragon make it a popular cut flower.
Snapdragon Rocket Mix A tall Snapdragon bred for hot weather tolerance. The sturdy stems make this tall plant (90 cm) ideal for cutting all summer.
Thunbergia Susie Orange (Thunbergia alata) The Black Eyed Susan Vine is useful in hanging baskets, window boxes or trained on a fence for sun or partial shade. Each flower has a characteristic black eye.
Verbena Novalis Deep Blue (Verbena x hybrida) This plant has a dwarf habit and prolific, deep blue flowers with dramatic white eye. This plant was an AAS winner for 1989.
Verbena Showtime Blaze Masses of red-scarlet flowers cover this heat tolerant plant. Showtime Blaze reaches 25 cm in height and will spread to double its height.
Verbena Showtime Mix This Verbena has brilliant flowers on uniform, compact plants of 30 cm. Showtime Verbena are heat tolerant and are ideal for borders.
Verbena Trinidad Rose An AAS winner in 1985, this Verbena has vibrant rose coloured flowers on 25 cm plants.
Vinca Little Bright Eye (Catharanthus roseus) Madagascar Periwinkle withstands heat, drought, and pollution. This plant has white flowers with a red eye throughout the summer.
Vinca Little Delicata A uniform plant that tolerates sun or part shade. The glossy leaves are contrasted by the white flowers with rose eyes.
Vinca Little Pinkie Pink flowers cover this warm weather plant. The 20 cm plants are ideal for borders, window boxes or hanging baskets.
Zinnia Burpeeana Giant Mix (Zinnia elegans) This Zinnia produces 15 cm cactus type blooms. The medium height (50 cm) plants are bushy and have an outstanding colour range.
Zinnia Pulcino Mix Double dahlia type flowers adorn this plant. The Zinnia will reach a height of 35 cm and produce many flowers for cutting.
Plants marked * are 6 per box.
PETUNIAS are the second most popular bedding plant in Canada, following Impatiens. No other plant can beat the flower power of Petunias. These plants have flower colours and types to please every gardener.
The Single Grandiflora types are the most popular petunia with up to 12 cm blooms. The following are in this group;
*Blue Lace has light orchid blue flowers with darker veins. The 8 cm blooms are fringed.
*Burgundy is a rich velvety wine-red shade that blends well with other Petunias.
*Red Flash flowers early and has good weather tolerance.
*White Flash is an excellent Petunia with pure white, large flowers and cream coloured throats.
Cascading Grandiflora Petunias are ideal for planters and window boxes.
*Supercascade Pink is one of the most popular colours. The 10 cm blooms are outstanding.
*Supercascade Red is ideal for window boxes and planters.
*Royal Cascade is a rich velvety-purple colour that blooms early.
*White Cascade is a favourite in the garden. Its bright white flowers contrast well with many other bedding plants.
Floribunda Petunias are the latest types to be introduced. They are extremely prolific and resist the weather well.
Coral Madness has 5 cm blooms in mass all summer.
Plum Madness has darker violet veins. Even rain cannot stop these flowers.
Red Madness Petunias bloom like crazy all summer.
Summer Madness is the original member of this group and is salmon-red with deep rose veins.
White Madness has the same degree of disease resistance as the other Madness Petunias.
The next group, the Double flowered Petunias offer a unique form of bloom.
Cardinal is a red form of double Petunia.
Cherry Tart is a double flowering Petunia that is rose-pink and white.
Purple Pirouette was a 1987 AAS winner. The large flowers are purple edged with white.
Snowberry Tart is an all white double Petunia.
IMPATIENS (Impatiens wallerana) are the most popular plants for shaded areas. The Blitz varieties can tolerate more sun than the Novette ones. Up to a half day of morning sun will be tolerated. A very versatile plant, Impatiens can be grown in hanging baskets, planters or garden beds. Four plants per box. Each box $1.49
Novette Bright Orange has bronze leaves to accentuate the brilliant orange blooms. Novette Impatiens are compact growing and reach 30 cm.
Novette Deep Rose is a brilliant colour in the garden. This Impatiens is an ideal flower for hanging baskets and window boxes.
Novette Mixed has large blooms (3 cm) on 30 cm plants. Ideal for partly sunny or shady areas.
Novette Pink is a popular garden plant. It is a cool feeling colour.
Novette Salmon is a unique colour for the garden. It heads the list of popular colours for 1990.
Novette Scarlet is a deep orange-red and brilliant in a shady or partially sunny area.
Novette Violet is a rich colour that blends well with many other garden flowers.
Novette White is a perfect complement to the other Novette members. White is always a welcome addition to add a cool look to the garden.
Futura Wild Rose has been a gardener s favourite for years. The flowers are a deep iridescent rose with a white eye.
Showstopper Pink is ideal for hanging baskets. The darker eye is a pleasing accent.
Blitz Orange has the largest Impatiens blooms (5 cm) other than the New Guinea.
Blitz Red is one of the tallest Impatiens at 35 cm. It can withstand more sun than the Novettes.
Blitz Rose is a tall growing Impatiens of vivid rose colour. All the Blitz Impatiens are excellent for baskets, planters and massing in the garden.
Blitz Salmon one of the most popular colours is now found in the Blitz series.
Blitz White is the ideal compliment for the other Blitz Impatiens.
NEW GUINEA SUNSHINE IMPATIENS are a very unique group of plants. These sun loving Impatiens will tolerate aimost a full day of sun. They all produce huge single blooms reaching 6 cm. The sunshine Impatiens are grown in a 4 in. (10 cm) pot and are priced at $2.29.
Equinox is a light pink with a dark leaf.
Gemini is a favourite among gardeners. It has a bright green and yellow leaf offset by vivid pink flowers.
Mirach has deep red flowers and green and yellow variegated leaves.
Nova is characterized by its bronze and yellow foliage. The flowers are large deep orange.
Sun Regal, deep violet flowers complement the dark green leaf.
Twilight is back by popular demand. Many C.G.C. members like the two tone colour of Twilight's salmon flowers against the dark foliage.
CUTTING GERANIUMS were the third most popular 1989 bedding plant. These geraniums are in a 4 inch (10 cm) pot and are priced at $2.09.
Aurora is new this season. Aurora is lilac with a white centre.
Kim has returned in 1990. The typical red colour makes this Geranium outstanding for the garden.
Pink Expectations is a good pink to add to the garden. It will blend with many other sunny annuals very well.
Alba is a white Geranium that wiil perform well in the garden.
Sunbelt is 2 new salmon coloured Geranium that is ideal for a pastel garden.
Yours Truly is a brilliant orange-red colour. This is ideal for areas of full sun.
eAA recent introduction to the geranium scene are FISHER GERANIUMS from cuttings. These plants have a compact growth habit with masses of semi-double blooms. The early flowering varieties are ideal for many uses. Fischer Geraniums are grown in 4 inch pots (10 cm) and are priced at $2.19.
Alba is a new white, semi double Fisher geranium.
Blues has large, intense bright pink blooms on a compact plant. This plant is ideal for window boxes and planters.
Schone Helena is a stunning salmon-rose colour. All plants tolerate the weather without shattering.
Tango has bright dark red semi-double flowers. The leaves are a dark green colour.
The SEEDLING GERAMIUMS are available by the flat for $28.00. Eighteen plants are in each flat in 32 inch pots (9 cm). Seedling Geraniums are ideal for mass displays in the garden.
Pinto Rose is a rich rose pink colour with a white centre. This plant flowers almost continuously throughout the summer.
Pinto Red is an excellent all round geranium for the garden. The bright scarlet blooms are held high on sturdy, strong plants.
Pinto White is an early, uniform member of this group. This white adds a cooling feel to the garden.
For trailing plants, IV'Y GERANIUMS are ideal. vy Geraniums are early to bloom and flower well in full sun or light shade. All the Ivy Geraniums are grown in 4 inch pots (10 cm) and are priced at $2.35.
ABarock is a Fischer Ivy Geranium. The flowers are double and deep red in colour. Barock will flower well in light shade or full sun.
Mexicana is a semi-double lvy Geranium with early blossoms. This plant creates an attractive hanging basket with the white blooms edged with dark scarlet.
D Salmon queen has been the top variety in Europe for 50 years.
I:l Sybil Holmes is a popular favourite. It produces double blooms of a bright pink colour.
FIBROUS ROOTED BEGONIAS are one of the most versatile plants for the garden. They are excellent as border plants for sunny areas, hanging baskets in the semi-shade or patio pots under a shady porch. They come in a wide range of flower colours and leaf colours, too. The Begonias are four plants per box and priced at $1.49.
I:l Gin has the typical bronze leaf of the Cocktail series and is a deep rose colour.
Linda is the most popular pink Begonia. It grows to 20 cm and has medium green leaves.
Rum is a new addition. It has bronze leaves and an interesting flower, white edged with red.
Scarletta grows to 20 cm tall. The bright scarlet fowers are excellent companions to Viva, Vodka and Whiskey.
Viva has a pure white flower. The compact free flowering plants mix well with all the other Begonias.
l:l Vodka has brilliant red flowers set off by their bronze foliage.
D Whiskey tops off the list with bright white flowers and dark bronze leaves.
The TUBEROUS ROOTED BEGONIAS are varieties that prefer morning sun or partial shade. These Begonias produce large 6 cm blooms of deeply shaded colours. The Tuberous Begonias are ideal for hanging baskets and planters in semi-shade. The plants will be in individual four inch (20 cm) pots and are priced at $2.49.
D Nonstop Apricot has semi-double blooms on a 25 cm plant.
Nonstop Orange is a deep colour that is attractive in planters.
Nonstop Pink is unsurpassed in beauty.
Nonstop Salmon is outstanding in a shady garden.
Nonstop Scarlet is a bright red that thrives best under bright shade.
Nonstop Yellow is a brilliant colour to brighten a shady area.
FUCHSIAS are the glamorous stars of the hanging basket scene. The exquisite flower shapes and colours make this plant an attractive feature in the garden. This year Fuchsia will be available in a four inch (10 cm) pot for $2.29.
Beacon is an upright growing plant with single, pinkish-white flowers with a rose bell. The leaves are a bronze green colour.
Purple Swingtime is a double flowered basket type of Fuchsia. It has spectacular dark red flowers with purple bells (corolla). This plant is ideal for a semi-shady basket.
Red Ribbon is an early blooming plant. It is a single variety that is upright growing. The flowers are rose with a dark rose bell (corolla).
Swingtime is the most popular Fuchsia variety. It is double and ideal for baskets. The flowers are light rose with a white bell.
An ideal plant for use as an accent in planters is DRACAENA or Spikes. These plants (Cordyline indivisa) are suited for sunny areas and tolerate drought conditions. The Dracaena are available in 3%z inch pots (11 cm) at $2.19.
Dracaena is a striking plant for containers.
One of the most rewarding group of plants to grow in the garden is VEGETABLES. All of the vegetables are four per box and are priced at $1.39.
Onion Sweet Spanish are mild and sweet tasting. Large globe shaped bulbs are produced.
Parsley is the best known garnish. It is easy to grow in sunny garden area. Parsley makes an ideal plant for containers.
Pepper California Wonder is a nonhybrid sweet bell Green Pepper. This Pepper matures in 75 days.
E Pepper Sheppard is a sweet red Pepper that matures in 68 days. This Pepper prefers a warm sunny area in the garden.
[:I Tomato Better Boy matures in 70 days and is an indeterminate type plant. This is a very
popular Tomato because of the large (14 oz) fruit, and disease tolerance (Verticillium, Fusarium and Nematodes).
Tomato Beefstake is an old nonhybrid favourite. The fruit are extra large and mature in 96 days.
Tomato Early Girl is the earliest slicing Tomato. It matures in 52 days. It is an indeterminate (pole) type plant with 4-6 ounce fruit.
Tomato Sweet 100 produces hundreds of sweet one inch (2.5 cm) fruit. These Tomatoes are ideal for salads and garnishes..
Tomato Tiny Tim is a dwarf plant in a 7 inch pot (17 cm) and priced at $3.59. This plant will grow to 18 inches tall and matures early (45 days).
Tomato Patio Prize is a container grown Tomato. It is available in a 10 inch (25 cm) fibre pot at $4.99. This plant is ideal for small gardens as well as containers and tubs. Three to four ounce fruit are produced on the compact plants.
Our large selection of 10 INCH HANGING BASKETS will be available for you at the plant sale. A wide assortment of sun and shade loving baskets are all priced at $16.99.
All plants listed in this brochure are subject to availability from our grower. Conditions beyond our control may warrant some substitutions.
Milne House Garden Club presencs
Wed. May o7 Thurs. May 10" 12~8 pm 10 am~4 pm. Givic Garden Centre (lawrence & leslie)
1990 Green Thumb Camp
Registrations are now being taken for the Summer Camp run by the Civic Garden Centre. Children aged 8 through 11 years will value the opportunity to learn about gardening and nature at the Civic Garden Centre in Edwards Gardens. The camp is a recreational and educational experience from 9:30 am to noon or 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm each day.
Please register my child for the 1990 Green Thumb Camp. | understand | will be required to provide my child s medical information before the camp begins.
My child will attend: Session 1 [ July 30 - August 3 - 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Session 2 [ July 30 - August 3 - 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Session 3 [J August 13 - August 17 - 9:30 - 12:00 pm
Fees: $65.00 per child of Civic Garden Centre members
$75.00 per child for non-members
Name of parent/guardian:
Telephone (day)
Child s name:
Date of birth:
] Enclosed is my cheque, payable to The Civic Garden Centre. Please charge my [ MasterCard [J Visa
Card number:
Date of Issue:
Signature Expiry date:
Coming Events at the Centre
Registration Deadline: March 30
Members $45.00 Non-members $55.00 - 5 week course
Men s Garden Club - meeting
INTERMEDIATE IKENOBO COURSE Registration Deadline: April 2
Members $35.00 Non-members $45.00 - 3 week course
Members Pre-order pick-up
Toronto Gesneriad Society - meeting
York Rose and Garden Society - meeting
Toronto Bonsai Society - meeting
Registration Deadline: April 5
Members $40.00 Non-members $50.00 - 6 week course
North Toronto Horticultural Society
Ken Duncan Rhododendrons and Azaleas
Garden Therapy
Ikebana International Chapter 208 - meeting
PRESSED FLOWERS WORKSHOP - Registration Deadline: April 6
Members $22.00 Non-members $32.00 - 2 week course
Society of Ontario Nut Growers Auction and Sale
Rhododendron Society of Canada - meeting
Toronto Cactus and Succulent Club - meeting
PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP - Registration Deadline: April 16
Members $15.00 Non-members $25.00 - 1 day course
RUG HOOKING COURSE - Registration Deadline: April 16
Members $50.00 Non-members $60.00 - 6 week course
Canadian Rose Society - Rose Sale
CATCH THE GARDENING SPIRIT - Registration Deadline: April 17
Members $35.00 Non-members $45.00
Geranium and Pelargonium Society of Ontario - meeting
Southern Ontario Orchid Society -Newcomers meeting
Mycological Society of Toronto - meeting
Ruth Rogers Clausen Perennials
Canadian Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society - meeting
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - meeting
Canadian Wildflower Society - Spring Wildflower Plant Sale and Auction
Men's Garden Club - meeting
Garden Therapy
Members Pre-order pick-up
Toronto Gesneriad Society - Show
Toronto Gernerial Society - Show
Ontario Rock Garden Society - meeting
Rhododendron Society of Canada - Plant Sale
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - Show
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - Show
Toronto Bonsai Society - meeting
North Toronto Horticultural Society - meeting
Anna Leggatt Trough Gardens
Toronto Cactus and Succulent Club - meeting
Members Pre-order pick-up
Ikebana International Chapter 208 - meeting
Canadian Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society - plant sale
A one dayprogram on Perennial Gardening at the Civic Garden Centre
Sunday, April22nd 10 a.m.
PLEASE REGISTER ME FOR CATCH THE GARDENING SPIRIT Limited Enrolment Registration deadline: April 17, 1990
Please charge the fee to my credit card
Credit Card No.:
Date of Issue:
Date ofExpiry:
Volunteer Corner
by Carolyn Dalgarno
Volunteers are desperately needed for:
The Perennial Sale:
May 3 - set up - 10:00 to 5:00
May 4 - 2:00 - 6:00
May 5 & 6 - noon - 5:00
The Hanging Basket Sale
May 11 - set up - 10:00 - 1:00
May 12 - noon - 6:00
May 13 - 9:00 - 1:00 1:00 - 5:00
The Annual Plant Sale
May 14 & 15 - plant sale set up 10:00 to noon
May 16 - 1:00 - 4:00 4:00 - 8:00
May 17 - 1:00 - 4:00 4:00 - 8:00
May 18 - 10:00 - 1:00 1:00 - 5:00
May 19 - noon - 5:00
May 20 & 21 - noon - 5:00
This is one of the most intensive times for volunteers at the Civic Garden Centre. We have jobs for everyone cashiers, plant care, assisting the public, selling, displaying, sorting. Please help! Call me at 4450-1552 to volunteer for at least one shift. These sales are a major source of revenue for the Centre. Let s work together to ensure our success.
The eoun 'y Squireé @arden SPECIALISTS
Steeles Ave. W. (2 miles west of Highway 10) R.R. 10 Brampton L6V 3N2
Knowledgeable staff 7 days a week (9-Spm) mid-April - mid-Oct.
Over 3000 different hardy plants, alpines, dwarf conifers and shrubs, Hardty ferns, vines, groundcovers and native wildflowers icates flO. up (10-15-20 etc.f-by mail any time All Year
Gift Certi
Send $2.00 for NEW (No.10) PLANT L ST by mail to above address
SUE SISAM (416) 486-6592
An assortment
T mml
May 12th, Noon to 6 p.m. (416) 686-2151
May 13th, 9 a.m. 10 5 p.m. AJAX, ONTARIO L1S4S7
Soil Analysis
Start the gardening season with results!
® Dwarf Evergreens o Have your soil analyzed by the Civic ®Heathers ®Japanese Maples ® Garden Centre.
® Rhododendrons ®
This year don't just guess about the quantity of lime to add to your soil. Civic Garden Centre members can have their
V]NELAND garden soil tested for pH and salt levels.
NURSERIES Simply bring about one cup of dry garden (416) 562-4836 soil (taken from a number of locations) to the Centre, during business hours.
[ Accurate and detailed results will be ready in less than one week.
P O Box 98 ® Martin Road ) : For more information call Ann Marie or Vineland Station, Ont. LOR 2EO Helen at 445-1552
Civic Garden Centre Volunteers meet every Thursday in the Flowery to prepare crafts for Mistletoe Magic. Drop in and say hello, have a cup of coffee, and see what we are up to. Stay and work with us if you have the time; extra hands are more than welcome.
We have a couple of workshops arranged and would welcome additional leaders to work with small groups.
Like to work on your own at home? Call the Centre and promise some hand-crafted items for our sale.
WORKSHOP FOR APRIL: An Introduction to Stencilling
Wednesday, April 25th, 10 am to 3 pm; please bring an exacto knife, cutting board, scissors, pencil, ruler, a stencil brush and your lunch.
Janette Nickols has generously offered to show us how to cut and apply stencilling to small bags for our potpourris.
WANTED: larch and hemlock cones, acorns, glycerinized cedar, mahonia, holly, etc.
The best selection of gladioli, dahlias, lilies, begonias and unusual bulbs.
Civic Garden Centre Executive Committee
President: Dr. Brian Bixley
1st Vice-President: Mrs. Susan Macaulay
2nd Vice-President: Mr. Klaus Bindhardt
Treasurer: Mr. Kenneth H.C. Laundy
Member: Mrs. Anne Bawden
Member: Mrs. Heather MacKinnon
Board of Directors
For 1989: Mrs. Anne Bawden, Mr. Klaus Bindhardt, Dr. Brian Bixley, Mrs. Barbara Brown, Mrs. Eliane Hooft, Mrs. Doreen Martindale, Mrs. Heather MacKinnon.
For 1989 and 1990: Mrs. Cicely Bell, Mr. Stuart Gilchrist, Mr. Alan Grieve, Mr. Kenneth H.C. Laundy, Mrs. Susan Macaulay, Ms. Laura Rapp.
For 1989, 1990 and 1991: Ms. Georgina Cannon, Mr. William Granger, Mrs. Bayla Gross, Mrs. Judy Lundy, Mr. Robert Saunders, Mrs. Robin Wilson. Mr. Victor Portelli, Representative of Metropolitan Toronto Parks and Property.
For the love ofgardens.
When you re at work on the garden you love, remember Sheridarf Nurseries. At Sheridan, we have the finest selection of nursery stock in Canada, including over 750 types of plants and trees grown on our own farms. And all of our nursery stock is guaranteed for one full year.
If you need any advice to help make your garden even lovelier, just ask. Advice is free and - .our staff is expert. They ll help in any way they SHERIDAN can all for the love of gardens, at Sheridan. LANDSCAPEDEPARTMENT: MetropolitanToronto, NURSERIES Markham, Mississauga and Oakville 822-7575
The Civic Garden Centre warmly welcomes new members. Join us, and you will make friends who share the same interest in gardening, the floral arts and horticulture that you do. In addition to the many exciting classes, garden shows, speakers, clubs-within-the-Centre, etc., that will be available to you, our membership fee entitles you to the following:
e Annual subscription to members e Free borrowing privileges from one of newsletter Canada s largest horticultural libraries
* Discounts on courses, lectures « Discount on Soil Testing Service and workshops
*10% discount on most purchases in *Free Admission othe the Trellis Shop Members Programmes
o Special local and international e Access and discounts at special Garden Tours members day plant sales
Mail to: The Civic Garden Centre 777 Lawrence Avenue East North York, Ontario, M3C 1P2 New Member
Single Membership P25 00 e s Family Membership $35.00 m e Gift Membership s Donation, Tax deductible
TELEPHONE(Home) (Business)