Trellis Shop Assistant Manager: Mrs. Barbara Stevenson
Volunteer Co-ordinator and Publicity: Mrs. Carolyn Dalgarno
Civic Garden Centre
Vol. 18, No. 2
EDITOR: Iris Hossé Phillips
ADVERTISING INFO: (416) 445-1552
Registered charity number 0228114-56
TRELLIS is published ten times a year as a members' newsletter by the CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ont. M3C 1P2. Tel. No.: (416) 445-1552. Manuscripts submitted on a voluntary basis are gratefully received. No remuneration is possible.
Perennial Flowers
Since 1975, we have been committed to producing a collection ofperennial flowers second to none. Visitour nursery or orderby mail. Ourdescriptive illustrated catalogue
Crawfords Country Gardens
R.R.#3, Milton, Ont. L9T 2X7 - (416) 878-0223 VISA e Mastercard
Lead time for inclusion of articles and advertising material is six weeks: manuscripts and material must be received by the 15th of the month to insure publication, For example, material received by October 15 will be included in the: December issue of Trellis.Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre.
The Centre is located in Edwards Gardens, at Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue East. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based gardening, floral arts, and horticultural information organization with open membership.
The Civic Garden Centre is open from April 1st to October 31st.
York Cemetery Greenhouse 101 Senlac Avenue North York, Ontario behind North York Civic Centre (416) 221-4744
Free Admission
Wednesday, February 6, 1991
#.S0 pi.
Past Glories and Things to Come
in Garden Design: the Garden Works of
Mr. and Mrs. Dunington-Grubb
Christopher Campbell, a garden speak on the garden designs and horticultural influence of Mr. and Mrs. Dunington Grubb on the gardens of numerous drawings and photographs of the Dunington Grubbs work that have been in storage at Sheridan Nurseries for more than fifty years. The programme will be held in the Dunington Grubb Hall at the Centre.
designer with Sheridan Nurseries, will Ontario. Of special interest will be the
Non-members $4.00
Master Gardeners: Questions and
Q. My African Violets are under lights but they are not thriving. Are Gro-lights necessary for them? | have got them under an ultra-violet bulb at present.
A. No, you do not need to have Gro-lights for African Violets; however, ultra-violet light is too strong for them. Try using a cool white bulb.
Q. | am choosing Geraniums from a nursery catalogue. What is the difference between MULTIBLOOM and CHALLENGE?
A. MULTIBLOOM has more colours available, produces more flowerheads, and comes into flower earlier. CHALLENGE is a more expensive plant.
9]. How should | care for my cyclamen?
A. Keep it cool if possible and in a bright light. Water thoroughly from the bottom (do not let the corm get watered from above) when it starts to dry out. Keep it in a position where there are no draughts. When a flower stem dies out, remove it with a sharp tug. When the plant stops flowering, let it rest and dry out; it can stay out of doors in the summer.
In the Library
by Pamela MacKenzie Librarian
The Garden in Autumn, by Allen Lacy. New York, Atlantic Monthly press, 1990.
It is always a pleasure to open a new book by Allen Lacy. This time he has given us an informative and stimulating book on plants that shine in the fall: perennials, annuals, bulbs, ornamental grasses, and woody plants. An added bonus is the excellent colour photography.
Botany for Gardeners, an introduction and guide, by Brian Capon. Portland, Timber press, 1990.
Even the most experienced gardener needs to know some botany. Brian Capon, a specialist in plant physiology and an amateur gardener provides an interesting and detailed introduction. The book is divided into five sections: growth, organisation, adaption, functions and reproduction.
by Barbara MacGowan Chairperson, Tour Guide Committee
Do gorgeous flower gardens, majestic trees, sunny vistas, a babbling brook and an enthusiastic audience appeal to you? This atmosphere is part of the attraction for the Volunteer Guides at Edwards Gardens. You can join our enthusiastic group and participate in all our activities. We conduct tours through Edwards Gardens from the beginning of May to the end of September. The tours through the gardens last from 60 to 70 minutes. Guides are not required to be horticulturists but an interest in gardening is a big help.
The tour includes a brief history of the gardens starting with the initial purchase of the land by Alexander Milne and the subsequent purchase of the extisting grounds by Rupert Edwards who was responsible for the development of the gardens.
There is a training session every Wednesday morning during the month of April. Tours start in May and are given Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
We are a congenial group and welcome new members. Come out and meet us. Join in the love we have for gardening, the environment, walking and meeting new people.
To become a member of the Civic Garden Centre Tour Guides please call Helen Craig, 445-1552.
When you're at work on the garden you love, remember Sheridan ' ofplants and trees grown on our own farms. And all ofour nursery Nurseries. At Sheridan, we have expert staff to help you, and the stock is guaranteed for two full years.
Need any advice to help make your garden even lovelier? Gardens - .finest selection ofnursery stock in Canada, including over 750 types
By Sheridan landscape designers offer everything from peerless consultation and planning to complete construction and mainte-
nance services. All for the love ofgardens, at Sheridan Nurseries.
Our new programme, From The Ground Up , looks at the gardenfrom surveying the site to soilpreparation. It will help you achieve afunctioning green environment.
Learn how to determine the prioritiesforyour outdoor space and how to create a living soil system.
2:15 - 230
2:30 - 3:45
Horticultural journalist and author of The Canadian Gardener, Marjorie Harris will guide you through the process of identifying key function areas of your property: where to make pathways, how to apportion space for varying family needs, and how to integrate outdoor living areas with the green environment.
A partner in the design/construction firm of Garrison Creek Planting Company and an instructor in the School of Landscape Architecture at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Kim Delaney will explore the characteristics of Toronto soils and methods for creating a living soil system. Master the mysteries of acid and alkaline pH ratings, fertilizers both organic and synthetic, and the growing list of available soil amendments.
3:45 - 4:00 Coffee
4:00 - 5:30 CIVIC
Civic Garden Centre Master Gardeners are trained horticultural educators. They will offer hands-on demonstrations of soil amendments and fertilizers, seed-starting methods for lawns and ornamental plants, and pruning of shrubs and trees.
Bring your particular gardening questions for individual answers from the Master Gardener s panel. You will receive a take-home kit that shows where and how to begin transforming your garden into a living green environment.
The speakers will be available after the programme to answer questions.
Please register me for From The Ground Up.
Enroliment is limited, registration deadline is April 15th, 1991.
Civic Garden Centre membership number
| enclose my cheque in the amount of:
S0 00 membes .~
$40.00 non-member
Name Phone Address City Postal Code
| prefer to use my Visa MasterCard
Card number
Expiry date
777 Lawrence Ave. E., North York M3C 1P2 Tel: (416) 445-1552
Please use the form provided and mail proper remittance. Classes are limited, bookings are made as received with fee.
PROCEDURE: To assess beforchand whether a given lecture or course will be economically feasible, we must have advance registration for most events involving an admission charge. Participants will be registered on a first come, first served basis, on receipt of the requisite fee. Registration can be accomplished by delivery of fees by mail or in person prior to the registration deadline. Visa or MasterCard will be accepted by mail or by phone.
Anyone may withdraw registration and receive a full refund up to the registration deadline. There will be no refund after a course has begun.
Should a course be cancelled, registrants will be notified by telephone and refunds issued. It is therefore vital that you supply a 'phone number where you can be reached, directly or by message, between 9am and S5pm during the week. Fellowing registration deadline we will not accept responsibility for inconvenience caused for those who cannot be contacted.
Please register me for the following courses: the fee includes 7% GST.
Course Time Eeg
Course Time Fee
Course Time Hee
Name Phone
Address City Code
CGC Membership Number Expiry date
M| I enclose my cheque, payable to the Civic Garden Centre
8 week course on Tuesdays, March 5,12,19,26, April 2,9,16,23
Instructor: Barbara Pinkham Time: 9:30-12:30pm
Improve your drawing skills. Using botanical and natural materials, study various drawing techniques with emphasis on structure, volume and value. Produce finished drawings from pencil and pen and ink. Please bring a sketch book and pencil. A materials list will be provided at the first class.
6 week course on Tuesdays, March 5,12,19,26, April 2,9
Instructor: Margaret Challenger Time: *i1:15-3:15pm
Old English Script - for beginners and those with some calligraphic experience. A six week course on the old style Gothic letters, first the basic script then the more decorative capitals. Please bring Osmiroid (or other brand) basic pen set, with three nibs (fountain pens only, not dip nibs), Skrip or black ink and a pad ruled 5 squares to the inch.
8 week course on Fridays, March 8,15,22, April 5,12,19,26, May 3
Instructor: Anne Baker Time: 10am-2pm
Beginners: Please bring scissors and lunch. Supplies are available at the class for a small charge. Advanced: Please call Instructor at 223-9773 regarding patterns.
6 week course on Tuesdays, March 19,26, April 2,9,16,23
Instructor: Judy Ellen 10am-Noon
Explore the ancient craft of basket making. Participants will use natural and dyed rattan reed to learn the fundamentals of this craft and make several types of baskets. Materials will be supplied for approximately $5.00 per session. Please bring a 5 gallon bucket, towel and scissors to the first class.
How to resolve the problems inherent in the increasing interest in gardens versus the decreasing time available to care for them. Learn how thoughtful analysis of growing conditions, thorough soil preparation and careful plant selection pay off in substantially fewer hours of work. Consider time-saving techniques and learn what plants are self-sufficient in the garden.
Trees are the first line of defence in the fight against pollution. Learn how to select trees that are resistant to airborne pollutants. Consider the criteria of rate of growth, season of bloom, shade-making value, privacy, screening and windbreaks. A tree for every purpose.
Learn how to introduce new designs into established older gardens by using more modern materials for patios, decks and walks. Investigate the "mew looks" in plants and colour through the seasons. With your new- found knowledge of these special gardening techniques you will be able to bring your garden into the 90's.
Registration deadline: March 25, 1991
Fee: $53.50 members, $64.20 non-members. GST included. 6 week course on Wednesdays, March 27, April 3,10,17,24, May 1
Instructor: Pearl Wilby 10am-noon
OR Instructor: Gretta Slapkauskas 1-3pm
Fulfill your artistic needs by taking this enjoyable course. A list of mechanics and plant material required will be available at the time of registration. Mechanics are available at the Trellis Shop.
Registration deadline: March 29, 1991
Fee: $53.50 members, $64.20 non-members. GST included. 4 week course (plus a field trip) on Tuesdays, April 2,9,16,23
Instructor: David Rowe Time: 7-10pm
This course covers Bonsai history and styles, sources of trees and containers, and detailed instruction for creative display and maintenance of your Bonsai. Sessions will include a field trip (on Saturday, April 6) to a nursery to purchase an appropriate plant. Please bring a notebook, pencil and $3.00 for supplies.
Registration deadline: April 1, 1991
Fee: $28.89 members, $39.59 non-members. GST included. 2 evenings on Wednesdays, April 3,10
Instructor: Cathy Cox Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Flowering plants for the ecarly and late garden. As well as the overwhelming bounty of perennial bloom during June and July, many plants will lend blossom and interesting foliage to accent your garden from March to May and August to October.
A Civic Garden Centre course makes a wonderful gift.
8 week course on Mondays, April 8,15,22,29, May 6,13,27, June 3
Instructor: Americo Del Col 1-4pm
This is a more advanced course for those with some experience in this genre but who wish to improve their paintings. This course delves more deeply into composition, mood, techniques, pulling your paintings together and on "getting creative". The emphasis is on "doing". Come and enjoy.
The lure of the rose endures even into the decade of low-maintenance gardening. Learn what old and new rose varieties are reliably hardy and will perform without obsessive spray programmes.
6 week course on Wednesdays, April 17,24, May 1,8,15,22
Instructor: Marion Jarvie
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
The focus of this course is on how to use perennials in an innovative way. Take a look at 'designing' with perennials, combining colour and form for a more beautiful garden and fewer perennial problems.
Registration deadline: April 15, 1991
Fee: $21.40 members, $32.10 non-members. GST included. 1 evening course on Wednesday, April 17
Instructor: Betty Greenacre Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Improve your garden photography by learning how to deal, through the seasons, with light, focus, backgrounds and moving water.
Registration deadline: April 19, 1991
Fee: $28.89 members, $39.59 non-members. GST included. 2 week course on Tuesdays, April 23 & 30
Instructor: Betty Greenacre
Time: 2-4pm
This course will include what to plant and will introduce you to the art of flower pressing. Kits will be available at a small cost. Please bring white glue, scissors and tweezers.
In this three hour workshop, you will learn to cast a trough in concrete, using cardboard boxes as molds. Planting techniques and landscape use will be shown through demonstrations and slides.
6 week course on Tuesdays, April 30, May 14,21,28, June 4,11
Instructor: Barbara Pinkham Time: 9:30am-1pm
An opportunity for painters with experience to work on individual painting projects, using their own subject matter, in the company of other artists. Practise botanical painting, still life, or landscape with an instructor for guidance and critique.
Understand the types and characteristics of shade, and learn how to increase available light in shady gardens. Successful plantings in limited light require careful attention to soil conditions. This course will explore the dynamics of wet and dry shade and review the plants that flourish in low light.
"Birding" is a significant pleasure of garden life in Toronto, but rather than rely exclusively on packaged birdseed mixes, why not supplement the landscape with the fruits of many indigenous trees, shrubs and plants? Learn what to plant to feed and shelter birds in four seasons.
Registration deadline: May 3, 1991
Fee: $48.15 members, $58.85 non-members. GST included. 6 week course on Tuesdays, May 7,14,21,28, June 4,11
Instructor: Margaret Challenger Time: 1:15-3:15pm
Calligraphic Layouts - how to use your calligraphy for display cards, flyers and decorative envelopes, and how to use borders and decoration. A six week course using any calligraphic script you have learned. (No script to be taught, layout and design principles). Please bring Osmiroid (or other brand) basic pen set with three nibs (fountain pens only, not dip nibs), Skrip or other black ink and a pad ruled 5 squares to the inch.
A complete range of gardening and flower arranging books are available in the Trellis Shop.
Learn how to put small spaces to effecive use in growing an ornamental and edible garden. Narrow strip gardens, balconies and patios, containers and walls can all support the growth of beautiful and useful plants. Explore the potential of small spaces and big ideas.
4 week course (plus a field trip) on Wednesdays, May 15,22,29, June 5
Instructor: David Rowe Time: 7-10pm
This course is for those of you who have had a tree for more than a year and need to know what's next. A field trip to purchase a tree on which to experiment is part of this course and will take place on Saturday, May 18. Please bring a notebook and pencil.
When gardening in limited spaces, why not use plants that are the aristocrats of the gardening world? Plants that will make your garden, whatever size, a special garden. You will be introduced to trees, shrubs, perennials, bulbs and rock garden plants that are suitable and in scale for smaller gardens.
For flower arrangers with some experience, this workshop deals with mass designs suitable for many homes, churches, cathedrals and special occasions such as weddings. Emphasis is on looser, softer lines. Please bring your lunch, container, mechanics, branches, flowers and leaves. A more detailed materials list is available upon registration.
Inventive space saving methods for small city gardens. Learn techniques, both traditional and innovative, for vertical growing. Plant materials to be discussed include trees, vines, fruits and vegetables.
Flower arranging containers and mechanics are available in the Trellis Shop.
Pools, bogs, streams and waterfalls can find a place even in the smallest garden. Learn how to appropriately choose a water feature that complements your garden design. Consider construction techniques from vinyl sheeting to poured concrete and create the ultimate water lily environment.
For the totally inexperienced would-be watercolourist, who may not even own a brush, an introduction to the materials and familiarization with the medium. Basic techniques of watercolour, colour mixing, glazing, wet on wet, etc. will be demonstrated. Students will practise and experiment in order to get a feeling for the wonderful medium of watercolour. Minimum materials (paint, brush, paper,) will be required. A representative of Curry's Art Store will be available at the first class and will offer discounted prices on supplies. A list will be provided before the course starts. Enrollment is limited in order to permit adequate individual instruction.
6 week course on Wednesdays, July 3,10,17,24,31, August 7
Instructor: Pearl Wilby Time: 10am-noon
Fulfill your artistic needs by taking this comprehensive course. The emphasis is on plants, both cultivated and wild, useful for flower arranging, as well as for drying and preserving for future use. The first session is a lecture and demonstration showing the principles of flower arranging - please bring a notebook and pencil. The following sessions are practical work. Suggestions of the type of plant material that you should bring will be made at the first class. Containers and mechanics are available at the Trellis Shop.
Geranium and Pelargonium Society - Meeting
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - Meeting
Master Gardeners - Meeting
Men's Garden Club - Meeting
Christopher Campbell Past Glories and Things to Come in Garden Design: the Garden Works of Mr. & Mrs. Dunington Grubb".
Registration Deadline: February 4
Members $21.40 Non-members $32.10 GST included THE LANDSCAPE IN WATERCOLOUR COURSE
Registration Deadline: February 4
Members $80.25 Non-members $90.95
Toronto Gesneraid Society - Meeting
Ontario Rock Garden Society - Meeting
Jeannie Vesall Hardy plants from Minnesota
York Rose and Garden Society - Meeting
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - Newcomers Meeting
Toronto Bonsai Society - Meeting
North Toronto Horticultural Society - Meeting
Audrey Meikeljohn, Gardens in Quebec
lkebana International - Chapter 208 - Meeting
Registration Deadline: February 12
Members $45.00 Non-members $55.00
Rhododendron Society of Canada - Meeting
Mycological Society of Toronto - Meeting
Canadian Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society - Meeting
Presenting another "blooming"' Spring in Europe - thisyear we have two Garden Tours to choosefrom:
Sicily & Rome - April 2 - 16, 1991 orBritain - May 9 -24, 1991
You will bepersonally escortedfrom Toronto, to explore some ofEurope s most beautiful andfamous gardens. Experience the history, art and exquisite scenery at a leisurely
am - 5:00 pm 2:00 pm 7:30 pm 7.30 pm pace.
Presented by: TRAVEL 24INC. and TRAFALGAR TOURS in conjunction with CULLEN COUNTRY BARNS
For further details, please call TRAVEL 24 INC. (416) 222-2440
Catch The Gardening Spirit 1991 on Sunday, February 17th takes a comprehensive look at The City Garden. We offer five exciting presentations which address specific problems commonly experienced with city gardening. Shade, constructed things, colour and texture, design, and how fo combine vegetables with other plant material will be carefully examined.
Allen Paterson is Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, Ontario. After training at the University Botanical Garden, Cambridge and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, he became curator of the Chelsea Physic Garden. He is well-knownfor his writings and lectures on gardens and gardening andfor his work with the Garden History Society. He is the author of Plantsfor Shade and many other books.
Reference will be made to the urban oasis, secluded corners, ravine settings, stylish patio gardening, the woodland wild garden and the sylvan retreat. The availability of light will be discussed, the use of variegated foliage and the selective high pruning of trees with the goal of bringing light to the shade garden. Deciduous and evergreen foliage combinations will be studied with the objective of creating full and lush foliage combinations. A study of plants for shade gardens includes broad leaf evergreens, wild and woodland plants and perennial bloom in the shade. Damp and dry shade will also be part of the consideration of the shade garden.
11:00 - 11:45 DESIGN-MADE-EASY
Susan Macaulay, a keen gardener, landscape architect, garden designer, lecturer at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute and the new President and Chairman of the Board of the Civic Garden Centre.
John Brookes Grid System is a simple technique created by renowned garden designer, John Brookes which enables one to create a ground plan for viewing the garden from a design perspective. Devising a grid system will make any pattern you choose suit the proportions of your house and its garden space. This step by step process will enable you to evolve a plan, relate the shape, realize the design and make way for planting.
11:45 - 12:30 Lunch break
Note: The morning speakers will be available during the lunch period for questions
12:30 - 1:15 CONSTRUCTED
Thomas Sparling, B.L.A., O.A.L.A., C.S.L.A., graduatedfrom the University of Guelph with a Bachelor ofLandscape Architecture. As a landscape architect, his projects have included work on the publication The Urban Landscape for the Conservation Council of Ontario. He is a professor at the Department ofArchitectural Science and Landscape Architecture at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute and doesprivate consulting work specializing in residential renovation, restoration and landscape design.
From Stonehenge to Unistone, man has always had a need to build things in the landscape. The materials and how they are constructed, fences, pergolas, terraces are all things that are appropriate to the modern garden. Investigate what you might effectively use in your own garden.
17, 1991
Marion Jarvie is a Toronto landscaper and horticulturist as well as the creator ofan exhibition class garden in Thornhill. She is currently on the teaching staffof George Brown College and a course instructor at the Civic Garden Centre.
Create a garden with year-round colour using small flowering trees, dwarf woody plants, conifers and shrubs. The city landscape becomes a harmonious contrast of colour and texture in confined planting areas and under varying shades of light. Innovative concepts and imaginative groupings such as alpine lawn and city-lovers wildflower garden will bring diversity and delight to the urban back yard.
Brian Holley has been associated with the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamiltonfor the past 13 years. For 8 years, he has been head of the Teaching Garden and has taught all ages, especially children, about the edible landscape. He is a writerfor the Hamilton Spectator and appears weekly on Global T:V. s The Hobby Gardener. Brian also has a weekly radio show on K103 in Hamilton.
While showing how to achieve maximum production in the space available, Brian will demonstrate how to combine edible flowers with vegetables and herbs. He will show how to achieve maximum production in the space available. He will demonstrate how to prevent insect problems by using companion plantings such as trees, vines, shrubs and flowers that are compatable with such vegetables as red-leafed lettuce, radicchio, squash, corn and herbs. Many of his suggestions are also suitable for container gardening.
Note: The afternoon speakers will be available at the conclusion of the programme for questions.
Limited Enrollment. Registration deadline February 12, 1991 Civic Garden Centre membership number .. ..........
I enclose my cheque in the amount of $45.00 member . . . .. $55.00 non-member . . ...
* I include an additional $8.00 for lunch . . ... $53.00 member . .. .. $63.00 non-member . . ...
* Our lunch box contains, cheddar on whole wheat and swiss on a kaiser sandwiches with watercress, romaine lettuce, mavonnaise and mustard. This will be served with a mixed green salad, followed by vour choice of pastry dessert and fresh fruit. Juice and coffee will be served throughout the day.
Name __ v Phone= St
Addrasssmewis i Code
I prefer to use my Visa ___ MasterCard 5.
Card number - Expiry Date
V| AR NAR. 14151617 ISHOW A
6900 Airport Road, Toronto
@The BEST in pools, patios and decks
®Spectacular feature lifestyle, hobby and leisure gardens
®Tropical rain forests, waterfalls and beautiful flowers in bloom
®Garden seminars by horticultural experts, including C.J.C.L s Ross Hawthorne
@®Close to 1000 exhibit spaces showing and selling the latest home renovations, furnishings and garden products
Special Feature
by Carolyn Dalgarno Volunteer Co-ordinator
The Centre requires volunteers to perform soil tests from April to October. The time commitment is two hours a week and volunteers can alternate the weekly schedule. The Centre will train interested persons.
When do you plan a garden ?
Too often gardens are impetuous acts; a rush to clean up after a renovation, an impulse on the first warm day of Spring. The garden goes ahead with what is at hand and with whomever is available. It is not an area that everyone has expertise in and the rush often leads to disappointment.
Chandler & Co. builds gardens for people. We believe it is important to sit down with clients and discuss their needs and desires in order to give them the best garden possible.
The winter months afford the opportunity for the consideration and reflection that a good garden plan needs. Planning now makes you well prepared for an early Spring completion and a satisfying result.
We would like to introduce you to Chandler & Co. We extend an invitation to you to have an initial consultation free of charge.
Call us at 477-1980
Landscape Designers and Contractors
Spring is on the way.
Watch March Trellisforyour Members Pre-Orderform for the Easter Plant Sale.
The Member s Sale will be on Friday, March 22nd, 1991, 2 - 6pm
Thepublic sale dates are Saturday and Sunday, March 23rd and 24th, noon - 4 pm.
Support YOUR Centre
On Sunday March 17th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. (4 AT THE CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE L4 Demonstrations from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. by a professor from Kyoto Headquarters Japan
Admission: $5.00 Containers for sale Tea Room
¢ Join Canadian 54 Gardening
¥ Columnist
Arctic Art: Baffin Island
A group show of MAY 21 - JUNE 5, 1991
Southern Ontario artists
Visit the world famous Chelsea Flower Show plus 3 castle, 2 royal, 2 botanic and 4 educational March 9th & 10th gardens plus Europe s largest retail nursery and garden centre and tour 5 private gardens, and meet their owners. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Also meet and hear Philip Swindells, award winning British Garden Writer and Broadcaster, author Auditorium of 16 horticultural books.
Civic Garden Centre
Trip includes: London City Tour, Thames River Cruise and a whole day free in London. FOR DETAILS WRITE TO:
104 King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario. N2J 1P5 or call: (519) 886-3320
Our NEW LOCATION is 2601 Derry Road West, R.R. 3, Campbellville, Ontario LOP 1B0 (just west ofthe Guelph Line)
Growers of over 3000 different hardy plants, alpines, dwarf conifers and shrubs, hardy ferns, vines, groundcovers and native wildflowers. Send $2.00 for Plant List #10 WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT US, and heres OneDollar of BloommMoney for you!!
JAMES GUELPH SNOW 4 o . 4 e%oun
Executive Committee
President: Mrs. Susan Macaulay
Treasurer: Mr. Kenneth H.C. Laundy
Member: Mrs. Cicely Bell
Member: Mrs. Heather MacKinnon
Board of Directors
For 1990: Mrs. Cicely Bell, Mr. Stuart Gilchrist, Mr. Alan Grieve, Mr. Kenneth H.G. Laundy, Mrs. Heather MacKinnon, Mrs. Doreen Martindale, Ms. Laura Rapp.
For 1990 - 1991: Dr. Brian Bixley, Mrs. Georgina Cannon, Mrs. Martha Finkelstein, Mr. William Granger, Mrs. Bayla Gross, Mrs. Judy Lundy, Mr. Robert Saunders, Mrs. Robin Wilson.
For 1990, 1991 and 1992: Mrs. Mary Anne Brinkman, Mrs. Luba Hussel, Mrs. Wendy Lawson, Mr. Peter Lewis, Mrs. Susan Macaulay, Mr. Victor Portelli, Representative of Metropolitan Toronto Parks and Property.
Largest Craft and Garden _.>%-YiL
Centre has a complete selection of Tropical Plants, } ¥ Lo Flowers, Evergreens, Trees, and Shrubs, Annuals, 7 %( Perennials, Pots and Planters, Patio Leisure Furniture ._ and so much more... 2 oo NOW WITH 16
@ UNIONVILLE SCARBOROUGH NEWMARKET BARRIE [} 4038 Hwy# 7 1306 Kennedy Rd. 55 Yonge St. S. 561 Bayfield St. A OSHAWA WHITBY SCARBORO/PICKERING R, > 300Taunton Rd. E. 1243 Dundas St. E. PortUnion/401 ;s ETOBICOKE MISSISSAUGA REXDALE & 1582TheQueensway 333DundasSt.E. 35Woodbine Downs Rd. BRAMPTON BURLINGTON HAMILTON # Hwy#10/#7 Bypass 4265 FairviewSt. 2500Barton St. " ST.CATHARINES CAMBRIDGE WATERLOO 459 Welland Ave. 525 Hespeler Rd. 200 WeberSt.
S 12139
Bulk Ennombre third troisieme class classe
May we invite you to join us?
The Civic Garden Centre warmly welcomes new members. Join us, and you will make friends who share the same interest in gardening, the floral arts and horticulture that you do. In addition to the many exciting classes, garden shows, speakers, clubs-within-the-Centre, etc., that will be available to you, our membership fee entitles you to the following:
e Annual subscription to members newsletter
® Free borrowing privileges from one of e Discounts on courses, lectures Canada s largest horticultural libraries and workshops iscount on Sail Testing Service
¢ 10% discount on purchases over $10.00 SR ting S at the Trellis Shop. (Discount not available ~ ®Free Admission to the on sale items and some books.) Members Programmes
e Special local and international
e Access and discounts at special Garden Tours members day plant sales
Mail to:
The Civic Garden Centre 777 Lawrence Avenue East North York, Ontario, M3C 1P2
New Member ks Renewing Member O
Single Membership $25:.00 Te Family Membership $35.00: == Gift Membership Easioe Donation, Tax deductible e TOTAL s
TELEPHONE (Home) (Business)