Trellis Shop Assistant Manager: Mrs. Barbara Stevenson
Volunteer Co-ordinator and Publicity: Mrs. Carolyn Dalgarno
Perennial Flowers
Since 1975, we have beencommitted to producing a collection ofperennial flowers second to none. Visit our nursery or orderby mail. Ourdescriptive illustrated catalogue
Crawfords Country Gardens
R.R.#3, Milton, Ont. L9T 2X7 (416) 878-0223
VISA e Mastercard
Civic Garden Centre
Vol. 18, No. 4
EDITOR: Iris Hossé Phillips
ADVERTISING INFO: (416) 445-1552
Registered charity number 0228114-56
TRELLIS is published ten times a year as a members newsletter by the CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ont. M3C 1P2. Tel. No.: (416) 445-1552. Manuscripts submitted on a voluntary basis are gratefully received. No remuneration is possible.
Lead time for inclusion of articles and advertising material is six weeks: manuscripts and material must be received by the 15th of the month to insure publication. For example, material received by October 15 will be included in the December issue of Trellis.Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre.
The Centre is located in Edwards Gardens, at Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue East. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based gardening, floral arts, and horticultural information organization with open membership.
The Civic Garden Centre is open from April 1st to October 31st.
The Civic Garden Centre is open from November 1st to March 31st.
Weekdays: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays: Noon - 4:00 p.m.
Share Your Abundant Plants
Help! The Civic Garden Centre needs your extra plants. A portion of the funds raised at the Annual Spring Plant Sale are from plants donated by members.
Any day from May 1st to May 15th during business hours, drop off your extra perennials to the Civic Garden Centre library patio. Bring your plants labelled with plant type and flower colour either in plastic pots or bags. Volunteers will put the plants in pots (if needed) and care for the plants until the plant sale on May 15th. Please call the Centre s Horticulturists at 445-1552 if you have any questions.
The assortment of member s plants offers a wonderful opportunity to find a treasure not readily available through the commercial nurseries. These plants could be from some of Toronto s premiere gardens.
Soil Analysis Service
The fee for soil testing is $5.00 for members of the Civic Garden Centre, and $7.00 for non-members (GST not included). The test measures acidity (pH) and conductivity (salt) levels in the soil. Results can be mailed for an additional $1.00 in advance.
How to take a soil sample.
Take a soil sample before watering or fertilizing. Remove any existing mulch. Dig a hole 15 cm deep or 5-10 cm deep in the lawn. Collect soil from the side of the hole near the bottom and place it in a clean container. Repeat three to five times in different locations and mix the samples together. Bring in about one cup of soil to the Trellis Shop in the Civic Garden Centre. Your results will usually be ready within a week at the Trellis Shop.
Tuesday, April 30
Speaker: David Tomlinson
The Annual Meeting of the Civic Garden Centre will be held on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. After a short business meeting, David Tomlinson will speak on The Joy of Shade Gardening .
David Tomlinson trained at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew. As a landscape architect in private practise, he has won several awards for landscape design including a design award for the Botanic Gardens in Venezuela, an award for Design and Research for a garden for the mentally and physically handicapped in Alberta, and an honours award for the plan for Monocliffs Provincial Park on the Niagara Escarpment. Every year more than 3,000 people visit David's own private garden, Merlin's Hollow.
Most gardens have some shade and many gardens large shaded areas. David views these gardens as prime areas for growing interesting plants. He will tell us how to improve impoverished soil and how to select plants which can be successfully grown in these conditions such as blue poppies, primulas and Jack-in-the-Pulpit.
Refreshments will be served.
APRIL 10th to APRIL 22nd
Artistsfrom Collingwood
APRIL 23rd to MAY 6th
Andrew Benyei
The art ofAndrew Benyei
Put Down Roots. . . Plant a Tree!
by Anne Marie Van Nest
In the past, Arbor Day, always brought visions of Boy Scouts, with miniature shovels, planting tree seedlings along a barren stretch of land. Not any more. Arbor Day has evolved into Arbor Week, April 26 to May 5, and trees are no longer planted to replace those lost from the lumbering industry. Now, celebrations focus not only on the encouragement of tree planting and preservation as they have for the past 100 years, but also on the new importance of trees to our environment. As the slogan for 1991 states Arbor Week. An Investment in the Future . Planting trees is an opportunity to take an active part in preserving the environment and protecting our community for the future.
Gardeners have always been one of the closest friends to trees. Caring for trees is second nature. During Arbor Week share some of this caring with your children, grandchildren, or neighbours children. Have an official tree planting ceremony in the backyard. The young participants will enjoy giving the tree its own name. Once named, create Adopt-a-Tree certificates for each child to keep. The new tree is now an important part of their lives.
Trees are more than a source for wooden furniture and paper. There are numerous environmental and economic benefits from trees. They are homes for wildlife, filter air pollution, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, reduce noise pollution, prevent soil erosion, provide wind breaks, conserve energy by shading buildings, and increase property values.
Caring for trees is as important as planting new ones. Landscape Ontario offers tree care recommendations for newly planted and young trees. Regular watering is crucial for newly planted trees. In order to encourage the roots to grow into the surrounding soil, the right amount of watering is needed. A balance is essential somewhere between too wet and too dry. If
the soil around the tree is dry to a depth of 16 cm, the tree needs watering. Young trees should be watered at the base of the trunk. A small trickle from a garden hose left to run over several hours will provide a thorough watering. Short, frequent watering will cause the roots to grow shallowly and cause the tree to be susceptible to damage.
Young trees should have a mulch applied to the surface of the soil. Mulch serves many purposes - it holds the soil moisture, controls weeds, protects the trunk from the lawn-mower, reduces competition and controls the flow of water to the roots. Use only organic mulches and place almost to the trunk of the tree. Since mulches are porous, they can be heaped up to 10 cm.
Newly planted trees often require staking until the trunk is strong enough to hold the tree canopy upright. Use two stakes opposite each other across the root ball. Fasten a flexible tie to the tree. Stakes are needed only for the first year. As soon as the tree can stand on its own, remove the stakes.
All plants and trees require the same three basic nutrients; nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The soil holds supplies of these nutrients that fluctuate or become deficient. Generally, established trees should be fertilized every two to three years in the fall after the leaves have fallen or in the spring before the leaf buds form. Apply the fertilizer near the feeder roots because phosphorus and potassium do not move readily through the soil. Fertilizing in the fall will help the tree to fight winter. Newly planted trees should be fertilized at the time of planting and again in six weeks. Keep the fertilizer away from the sensitive trunk.
Pruning while the tree is young is vital in developing proper structure and will help to control its size and direction of growth. Improper pruning could lead to serious damage from disease or decay. Prune while
the tree is dormant, never in the fall. Trees that bleed a lot of sap should be pruned in August. Any branches that are broken, rubbing, crisscrossing or are damaged should be pruned. Try to space the branches evenly around the trunk. Do not prune the S ¥ d top of the tree to control its height, instead 3 P i prune by thinning the branches. Trees witha | = LR Hanglng central leading branch should never be Rl R A s pruned at the top because it will ruin its 3 natural shape. Pruning cuts should be flush with the trunk leaving the natural small ridge of collar intact. This collar will help with the healing process. Tree paint is not recommended for tree cuts as it often hinders healing. v
.25 An assortment 5% of varieties i for sun "¢ and shade Pty
Some trees for small garden spaces: Cotinus coggygria (Smoketree), Syringa reticulata (Japanese Tree Lilac), Magnolia, Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian Olive), Viburnum lentago (Nannyberry), Hamamelis virginiana (Witch-Hazel), Cercis canadensis L RSN $16'99 each (Redbud), Cornus (Dogwood), Ostra g (GST not included) virginiana (Ironwood), Sorbus (Mountain Ash), Amelanchier (Serviceberry), Prunus (Cherry), Crataegus (Hawthorn).
May 11, Noon to 5 p.m. May 12th, Noon to 5 p.m.
WE'VE MOVED! et THENCourtry équimsi gamdsn
PERENNIAL PLANT SPECIALISTS Our NEW LOCATION is 2601 Derry RoadWest, R.R. 3, Campbellville, Ontario LOP 1B0 (just west of the Guelph Line)
Growersofover3000different hardyplants,alpines,dwarfconifers and shrubs,hardyferns, vines, groundcoversand native wildflowers.
WE INVITE YOUTO VISITUS,and here s OneDollar of Bloomin Money foryou!!
The Gardens of Hogg s Hollow
June 22 & 23rd
Admission $14
In June, Through the Garden Gate visits Hogg's Hollow, a unique oasis in the heart of Metropolitan Toronto. Located in York Mills valley, the area, with its own microclimate incorporates the best of both city and country gardening. Hogg's Hollow developed from a small, rural community dependant on the milling industry to a successful residential suburb incorporated into the City of North York. The winding roads and the strategically placed millstone, near the entrance to the valley, remind us of the area s rural past.
There are many owner-designed gardens on this year s tour as well as outstanding examples of gardens designed by landscape architects. You will see a natural hillside garden, an English cottage garden, perennial gardens, a riverside garden, a woodland walk, vegetable gardens, a garden featuring ornamental grasses, shade gardens and gardens with water features, stone work and decks. The Civic Garden Centre s Master Gardeners will be present to help you identify plant material and answer your gardening questions.
Our complimentary shuttle buses will circulate the route from noon to 4 p.m. The buses will also service the York Mills (south entrance) subway. You will be able to visit 18 gardens, 16 in the valley and 2 optional gardens nearby which will not be serviced by the shuttle bus. When you receive your ticket, a map of the tour is provided with the shuttle bus stops marked so that you can easily pick up this service at any point.
Through the Garden Gate is a popular event and one we know you won't want to miss. To make this weekend more enjoyable for everyone, we are again limiting ticket sales. Order your tickets now to avoid disappointment. Please tear off the form below and return it with your payment. To receive your tickets by mail include $1.00 as a service charge for handling and postage. Alternately, you can pick up your tickets at the Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Avenue East between 9 am. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Please remember your ticket is valid only on the specified day Saturday or Sunday. Tickets are not interchangeable and there are no refunds. The tour will be held rain or shine. This is a fundraising event for the Civic Garden Centre.
Postal Code:
Please reserve
Tickets for: Saturday D or Sunday D
To receive tickets by mail add $1.00 for handling and postage.
| have enclosed $ for tickets at $14* each.
Please charge the fee to my credit card:
Dateof Expiry:
* Prices includeGST
Thursday, June 20 8:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Wine & Cheese
Enjoy the magic of night gardens on Thursday, June 20, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. when Through the Garden Gate opens six exclusive gardens for an intimate, night tour in Hogg's Hollow, York Mills valley.
The gardens have been chosen to show the effective use of outdoor lighting. A steep, hillside property with cascading water and terraces is enhanced by lighting at night. An extensive perennial garden with natural stonework, small pool, and fountain maximizes its beauty by carefully placed lighting. Near the river, lighting highlights a small, private space with cantilevered pool and, in another garden, a dry stream is filled with tall, ornamental grasses and country plantings.
Ticket sales for the evening are limited to 200. Hors d oeuvres will be served in two gardens. When you receive your ticket, the map indicates the garden locations. You may visit the gardens in any order you choose. To receive your tickets by mail, please include $1.00 as a service charge for handling and mailing.
Postal Code:
Please reserve
Tickets for Through The Garden Gate By Night
To receive tickets by mail add $1.00 for handling and postage.
| have enclosed $ for tickets at $27* each.
Please charge the fee to my credit card:
Date of Expiry:
* Prices include GST
This is afundraising eventfor the Civic Garden Centre
Coming Events at the Centre
Registration deadline: March 29
Members $53.50 Non-members $64.20 G.ST. included Men' s Garden Club - meeting 8:00pm 4 weeks 7:00 - 10:00pm
Registration deadline: April 1
Members $28.89 Non-members $39.59 G.ST. included
Members Pre-order Pick Up )
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - meeting 1:00pm
Registration deadline: April 4
Member $80.25 Non-members $90.00 G.ST. included Southern Ontario Orchid Society - Newcomers Meeting 7:00pm Toronto Bonsai Society - meeting 7:00pm
9 North Toronto Horticultural Society - meeting 8:00pm Kathy Cox Perennials out of Season
Registration deadline: April 8
Members $42.80 Non-members $53.50 G.ST. included
Ikebana International Chapter 208 - meeting 7:30pm Art in the Link Artists from Collingwood" April 10th to April 22nd
13 Society of Ontario Nut Growers Sale & Auction 1:00-400pm
14 Geranium & Pelargonium Society of Ontario - meeting 2:00pm
15 Mycological Society of Toronto - meeting 7:30pm
16 Toronto Cactus & Succulent Society - meeting 7:30pm BEYOND HYBRID TEAS: ROSES FOR THE NINETIES COURSE 7:30 - 9:30pm
Registration deadline: April 15 1 evening
Members $21.40 Non-members $32.10 G.ST. included
17 PERENNIAL PROBLEMS COURSE 6 weeks 7:30-9:30pm
Registration deadline: April 15
Members $37.45 Non-members $48.15 G.ST. included PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 1 evening 7:30 - 9:30pm
Registration deadline: April 15
Members $21.40 Non-members $32.10 G.ST. included
Members $30.00 Non-members $40.00 York Rose and Garden Society - meeting 2:00pm
23 PRESSED FLOWER WORKSHOP 2 weeks 2:00-4:00pm
Registration deadline: April 19
Members $28.89 Non-mmbers $39.59 G.ST. included
Registration deadline: April 22
Members $21.40 Non-members $32.10 G.ST. included
Canadian Chrysanthemum & Dahlia Society - meeting 7:30pm
Canadian Rose Society Rose Sale 12:00-5:00pm
Canadian Wildflower Society - Spring Wildflower Plant Sale and Auction 10:00 am - 3:00pm
Toronto Gesneriad Society - meeting 2:00pm
Rhododendron Society of Canada - meeting 2:00pm
Southern Ontario Orchid Society - meeting 1:00pm SHADES OF SHADE COURSE 2 weeks 7:30- 9:30pm
Registration deadline: April 29
Members $28.89 Non-members $39.59 G.ST. included
The Joy of Shade Gardening with David Tomlinson
Tour the Great Private Gardens
The Civic Garden Centre is privileged to offer members and their friends the opportunity to visit many outstanding Canadian gardens. Plans for this year include a visit to the Niagara Penninsula on June 25th and to north west of Toronto in July.
Niagara Penninsula - Tuesday, June 25 $59- Members $65 Non-Members
The tour will leave by bus from the Civic Garden Centre at 9 a.m. sharp. The tour includes transportation, lunch, and refreshments en route.
For gardeners in central Canada, Niagara means an extra zone warmer (Zone 7A or USDA Zone 6) and the chance to grow dogwoods, japanese cherries and fringe trees.
Come to Niagara-on-the-Lake with us to visit one of Ontario s prettiest towns which was settled in 1780 and was Upper Canada s first capital. The beautiful old houses, many dating from the early 1800s, hide old-fashioned gardens of perennials, clipped yews and box, picket fences and roses.
We ll have lunch at the Oban Inn and visit owner, Garry Burrow s garden with three ponds. We will also see the beautiful Bell garden in nearby Font Hill. Other outstanding gardens in the area will be visited on this tour.
As spaces are limited, priority will be given to members and their guests until April 25th after which applications receivedfrom thepublic will beprocessed. Tour willproceed rain or shine. Flat shoes are advised.
Niagara Penninsula
Members $59* Non-Members $65*
Postal Code:
| have enclosed a cheque made payable to the Civic Garden Centre for: $ No. of Members Non-Members
Please charge my Visa D Mastercard D
Card # Expiry date
* Prices include GST
We regret that no refunds can be given after June 3rd. Watch next month s Trellis for details of the July tour.
Share your creativity with us!
Do you enjoy working with nature s materials? Givic Garden Centre volunteers are creating interesting items for Santa s Magic Sack at Mistletoe Magic every Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Studio 4.
Share your supply of natural material. Clean FIR, HEMLOCK and ALDER, ACORNS, GLYCRINIZED MATERIALS, CORN HUSKS, etc. may be left at front desk, marked Santa s Magic Sack.
Share small items of your favourite craft, i.e. decoupage, pressed flower pictures, seed collage, crossed stitch work, children s mittens, etc. Your contribution will make our display more interesting and raise funds for our favourite gardening information education centre.
When do you plan a garden ?
Too often gardens are impetuous acts; a rush to clean up after a renovation, an impulse on the first warm day of Spring. The garden goes ahead with what is at hand and with whomever is available. It is not an area that everyone has expertise in and the rush often leads to disappointment.
Chandler & Co. builds gardens for people. We believe it is important to sit down with clients and discuss their needs and desires in order to give them the best garden possible.
The winter months afford the opportunity for the consideration and reflection that a good garden plan needs. Planning now makes you well prepared for an early Spring completion and a satisfying result.
We would like to introduce you to Chandler & Co. We extend an invitation to you to have an initial consultation free of charge.
Public Days - Thursday, May 16th to Monday, May 20th
Members Day - Wednesday, May 15, 1991 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Public Days - Thursday, May 16, 10 am - 8 pm
Friday, May 17, 10 am - 8 pm
Saturday, May 18, noon -5 pm
Sunday, May 19, noon -5 pm
Monday, May 20, noon -5 pm
Your 10% member s discount will apply on May 15th provided this order form is returned prior to May 6, 1991. GST not included.
Your order is used to calculate quantities of plants so that there is a sufficient number. Your form will be returned to use as a reference guide when you select your plants. Should you wish to make changes in your order you may do so when you pick up your plants.
Please pay for your plants on May 15th.
Qualified, knowledgeable volunteers will be available to help with information, selection, and transportation to your car.
Watch for our NEW selections throughout this list.
All plants listed in this brochure are subject to availability from our grower. Occassionally there may be some substitutions or omissions.
To support your Centre, tell your friends and neighbours to shop on the Public Days, May 16th through 20th.
Can you help? Bring your own plastic flats or children s wagon.
Name: Phone:
Address: City:
Membership Number:
Exp. Date:
For 1991, boxes of annuals containing four or six plants are $1.39. Boxes with six plants are marked *.
Ageratum Blue Blazer (Ageratum houstonianum) A warm weather edging plant that grows to 15 cm in height. The blue flowers appear in clustered heads until late fall.
Ageratum Summer Snow A white form of Ageratum to compliment Blue Blazer. It also enjoys full sun and grows to 20 cm in height.
*Alyssum Snowcloth (Lobularia maritima) Sweet Alyssum is a favourite edging plant. The tiny, white, fragrant flowers create a mass of bloom.
*Alyssum Midnight This plant with violet coloured flowers attains a mound 10 cm in height. Alyssum grows well in all soils.
*Alyssum Wonderland Deep Rose A low spreading plant with tiny rose coloured blooms. Alyssum will bloom from May until the frost reaching a height of 10 cm.
Aster Dwarf Queen Mixed (Callistephus chinensis) Dwarf Queen Asters reach a height of 30 cm. This plant has double flowers up to 6 cm across.
Aster Early Charm Mixed Early Charm Asters are a good cutting flower. This Aster reaches a height of 45 cm and thrives in hot, dry, poor conditions.
Aster Powderpuff Mixed A tall upright Aster reaching 90 cm. The whole plant can be cut and used as a bouquet.
FIBROUS ROOTED BEGONIAS are four plants per box and priced at $1.49. Whole flats of one variety (48 plants) are $16.99.
Gin has the typical bronze leaf on the Cocktail series and is a deep rose colour.
Rum is a new addition. It has bronze leaves and an interesting flower, white edged with red.
Vodka has brilliant red flowers set off by their bronze foliage.
Whiskey tops off the list with bright white flowers and dark bronze leaves.
Linda is the most popular pink Begonia. It grows to 20 cm and has medium green leaves.
Scarletta grows to 20 cm tall. The bright scarlet flowers are excellent companions to Viva, Vodka and Whiskey. Green leaves.
Viva has a pure white flower. The compact free flowering plants mix well with all the other Begonias. Green leaves.
TUBEROUS ROOTED BEGONIAS prefer morning sun or partial shade. These Begonias produce large 6 cm blooms of deeply shaded colours. Plants in four inch (20 cm) pots and are priced at $2.59.
L _:I Nonstop Apricot [:] Nonstop Orange L _] Nonstop Pink
Browallia Blue Bells (Browallia speciosa) This shade tolerant plant is ideal for hanging baskets and planters. The compact plant grows to 25 cm.
Browallia Silver Bells A white (30 cm) plant that flowers throughout the summer and into the fall. Ideal for shady baskets and planters.
Carnation Enfant de Nice Mixed (Dianthus caryophyllus) Enfant de Nice is a compact plant with strong stems for cutflowers.
Celosia Apricot Brandy (Celosia plumosa) Bright plumes of apricot-orange flowers. Reaching a height of 45 cm, Apricot Brandy blooms from June on.
Celosia Century Yellow A tall growing plant, 70 cm, which produces extra large plumes of blazing golden yellow. A very showy annual for massed beds or cut flowrs.
Celosia Fiery Feather Fiery-red plumes give this plant a height of 30 cm. The flowers dry well for fall arrangements. Celosia loves hot and dry conditions.
Celosia Pink Castles An AAS winning plumosa type.
Cleome Helen Campbell, White (Cleome spinosa) Spider Flowers grow well in sunny or part shady gardens. Helen Campbell flowers are pure white and bloom from June to frost.
Cleome Rose Queen Rose-pink flowers adorn this tall plant. Ultimately, the height will be 91 cm. Cleome prefers sun and warm weather.
Coleus Carefree Mixed (Coleus x hybridus) A popular, dwarf, (25 cm) small leaved plant. The brightly coloured leaves are deeply lobed.
Coleus Carefree Red This dwarf plant reaches 25 cm tall. A semi-shaded, moist location is best for vivid colours.
Dahlia Rigoletto Mixed (Dahlia hybrids) A Dahlia with double flowers ideal for low borders. Rigoletto grows to 50 cm.
Dianthus Wee Willie Mixed (Dianthus chinensis) The ideal edging plant for cool summer and alkaline soil. An extra dwarf plant growing to 15 cm.
DRACAENA are available in 3*2 inch pots (11 cm) at $2.25.
Dracaena is a striking plant for containers.
Dusty Miller Silver Dust (Senecio cineraria) The silvery white foliage of Dusty Miller is an excellent contrast to the bright colours of the garden.
FUCHSIAS will be available in four inch (10 cm) pots at $2.39 each.
Beacon is an upright growing plant with single, pinkish-white flowers with a rose bell. The leaves are a bronze green colour.
Purple Swingtime is a double flowered basket type of Fuchsia. It has spectacular dark red flowers with purple bells (corolla). This plant is ideal for a semi-shady basket.
Red Ribbon is an early blooming plant. It is a single variety that is upright growing. The flowers are rose with a dark rose bell (corolla).
Swingtime is the most popular Fuchsia variety. It is double and ideal for baskets. The flowers are light rose with a white bell.
CUTTING GERANIUMS are in a 4 inch (10 cm) pot and are priced at $2.19.
Ben Franklin is the first green and white variegated leaved geranium offered at the Centre. It has semi-double salmon pink blooms. NEW
Carnival has striking single pink flowers with a darker eye. NEW
Kim is a traditional red colour, outstanding in the garden.
Pink Expectations is a reliable good pink to plant in the garden.
Veronica is a new lilac colour this season. NEW
Wendy Ann is a salmon coloured geranium that is ideal for a pastel garden. NEW
Yours Truly is a brilliant orange-red colour ideal for full sun.
FISHER GERANIUMS from cuttings, have a compact growth habit with masses of semidouble blooms. Fischer Geraniums are in 4 inch pots (10 cm) at $2.19.
Alba is a white, semi-double Fisher Geranium.
Blues has large, intense bright pink blooms on a compact plant. This plant is ideal for window boxes and planters.
Schone Helena is a stunning salmon-rose colour. All plants tolerate the weather without shattering.
Tango has bright red semi-double flowers. The leaves are a dark green colour.
SEEDLING GERANIUMS are available by the flat for $29.00. Eighteen plants are in each flat in 372 inch pots (9 cm). Seedling Geraniums are ideal for mass displays.
Pinto Rose is a rich rose pink colour with a white centre. This plant flowers almost continuously throughout the summer.
Pinto Red is an excellent all round geranium for the garden. The bright scarlet blooms are held high on sturdy, strong plants.
Pinto White is an early, uniform member of this group. This white adds a cooling feel to the garden.
For trailing plants, IVY GERANIUMS are ideal. Ivy Geraniums are early to bloom and flower well in full sun or light shade. All the Ivy Geraniums are grown in 4 inch pots (10 cm) and are $2.49.
Mexicana is a semi-double with white blooms edged with dark scarlet.
Sybil Holmes is a favourite. It has double bright pink blooms.
CASCADING GERANIUMS have masses of flowers that cover the plant. Similar to the European balcony geraniums. 4 inch pots are $2.49.
Bright Cascade has an overwhelming number of single scarlet coloured blooms. NEW
Lila Cascade has a lilac coloured flower contrasting with the light leaf and flower stem. NEW
Sofie Cascade is a beautiful pink single flowered geranium. This plant will have hundreds of blooms. NEW
IMPATIENS (Impatiens wallerana) are the most popular plants for shaded areas. The Blitz types can tolerate more sun than the Dazzler ones, up to a half day of sun. Impatiens can be grown in hanging baskets, planters or garden beds. There are four plants per box. Each box $1.49. Whole flats of one variety (48 plants) are $16.99.
Dazzler Coral is a unique colour in the garden. Coral will be one of the most popular colours for 1991. NEW
Dazzler Cranberry a very rich colour for the garden. NEW
Dazzler Mixed has large blooms on 25 cm plants. Ideal for partly sunny or shady areas. NEW
Dazzler Orange has dark green leaves to accentuate the brilliant orange blooms. Dazzler Impatiens are compact growing and reach 25 cm. NEW
Dazzler Pink is a delicate colour for the garden. NEW
Dazzler Rose is a brilliant colour in the garden. NEW
Novette Scarlet has deep orange coloured blooms.
Dazzler Violet is a rich colour that blends well with many other garden colours. NEW
Dazzler White is a perfect complement for the other Dazzler colours. A very cool colour in the garden. NEW
Blitz Light Pink is a strikingly beautiful flower with a darker eye in the centre. NEW
Blitz Orange has the largest Impatiens blooms (5 cm) other than the New Guinea types.
Blitz Red is one of the tallest Impatiens at 35 cm. It can withstand more sun than the Dazzlers.
Blitz Rose is a tall growing Impatiens of vivid rose colour.
Blitz Salmon one of the most popular colours now in this series.
Blitz White is the ideal compliment for the other Blitz Impatiens.
NEW GUINEA SUNSHINE IMPATIENS are sun loving plants that will tolerate almost a full day of sun. They produce huge blooms reaching 6 cm. The sunshine Impatiens are grown in a 4 in. (10 cm) pot and are priced at $2.39.
Caligo has a delicate soft pink blossom with a lilac eye surrounded by dark green foliage. NEW
Gemini is a favourite among gardeners. It has a bright green and yellow leaf offset by vivid pink flowers.
Aurore has red-orange flowers and dark red-green foliage. NEW
Flambe is a spectacular combination of strawberry red and light pink bicoloured flowers with olive green foliage. NEW
Twilight has two toned salmon flowers against dark foliage.
Thecla has a light pink flower with a white centre. Red-green foliage sets off the flowers. NEW
* Six plants per box $1.39
Lobelia Blue Crystal (Lobelia erinus) A compact Lobelia with bright blue flowers ideal for edging in partial shade. Blue Crystal grows to 8 cm.
Lobelia Fountain Blue A profusion of lush cascading blue flowers. NEW
Lobelia Rosamond This trailing, pendula type is perfect for hanging baskets. planters and window boxes. It has violet-rose flowers.
Lobelia White Lady Snow white blooms contrast with the green leaves. White Lady does better under cool temperatures.
*Marigold Janie Bright Yellow (Tagetes patula) A super, dwarf French Marigold with double flowers reaching 20 cm. Janie Marigolds are ideal for hot, sunny borders.
*Marigold Janie Golden Orange A good choice for container growing. Flowers appear from June until frost.
*Marigold Janie Flame The unique flowers of this dwarf plant are red and gold. These plants grow to 20 cm.
*Marigold Scarlet Sophia Growing to 30 cm, this Marigold has 5 cm diameter blooms of rich scarlet.
Marigold Perfection Gold A new Marigold. The Perfection Marigolds are 40 cm in height and have double, round flowers that stand up to the weather well.
Marigold Perfection Yellow A colourful plant for the back of the border. Numerous flowers all summer until the frost.
Marigold Yellow Climax A tall Marigold well suited for cutting. Yellow Climax reaches 90 cm at maturity.
Nicotiana Nicki Red (Nicotiana alata) Flowering Tobacco provides a medium height (40 cm) plant that flowers all summer.
Nicotiana Nicki Rose An old fashioned bedding plant that has received renewed interest, Nicotiana does well in light shade or sun.
Nicotiana Nicki White Nicotiana is an easy to grow plant that requires no staking or pinching.
PETUNIAS The Single Grandiflora types are the most popular petunia with up to 12 cm blooms.
*Blue Lace has light orchid blue flowers with darker veins. The 8 cm blooms are fringed.
*Burgundy is a rich velvety wine-red shade that blends well with other Petunias.
*Red Flash flowers early and has good weather tolerance.
*White Flash is an excellent Petunia with pure white, large flowers and cream coloured throats.
CascadingGrandifiora Petunias
*Supercascade Pink is one of the most popular colours. The 10 cm blooms are outstanding.
*Supercascade Red is ideal for window boxes and planters.
*Royal Cascade is a rich velvety-purple colour that blooms early.
*White Cascade is a favourite in the garden. Its bright white flowers contrast well with many other bedding plants.
Floribunda Petunias are extremely prolific and resist the weather well.
Coral Madness has 5 cm blooms in mass all summer.
Plum Madness has darker violet veins. Even rain cannot stop these flowers.
Red Madness Petunias bloom like crazy all summer.
GSummer Madness is the original member of this group and is salmon-red with deep rose veins.
White Madness has the same degree of disease resistance as the other Madness Petunias.
_D :P_Ig flowered Petunias offer a unique form of bloom.
Cardinal is a double red form of Petunia.
Cherry Tart is a double flowering Petunia that is rose-pink and white.
Purple Pirouette was an AAS winner. The large flowers are purple edged with white.
Snowberry Tart is an all white double Petunia.
Portulaca Sundance Mixed (Portulaca grandiflora) A very good ground cover for hot, dry sunny areas. Most of the semi-double flowers stay open all day for a longer show.
Salvia Red Hot Sally (Salvia splendens) One of the earliest Salvias to bloom. Deep red blooms reach a height of 25 cm. Flowering continues throughout the summer.
Salvia Red Pillar A medium growing Salvia (35 cm). The fiery-red blooms stand high above the deep green foliage. Full sun and a well drained soil is preferred.
Salvia Splendens Tall Red A late flowering plant (late July) that is ideal for the back of a border. This Salvia will ultimately grow to 75 cm.
Salvia farinacea Victoria Blue Intense violet-blue flowers adorn this 45 cm plant. Victoria is a heat and drought resistant plant that is excellent for cutting or drying.
Salvia farinacea Victoria White New this year is the silver-white form of Victoria. The tall (51 cm) form makes this plant a good contrast to many annuals.
Snapdragon Little Darling Mixed (Antirrhinum majus) A dwarf growing plant with a butterfly type flower. Little Darling grows to 30 cm and flowers better in full sun.
Snapdragon Sprite Formula Mixed The vivid colours of this medium (40 cm) Snapdragon make it a popular cut flower.
Snapdragon Rocket Mixed A tall Snapdragon bred for hot weather tolerance. The sturdy stem makes this tall plant (30 cm) ideal for cutting all summer.
Thunbergia Susie Orange (Thunbergia alata) The Black Eyed Susan Vine is useful in hanging baskets, window boxes or trained on a fence for sun or partial shade.
Verbena Novalis Deep Blue (Verbena x hybrida) This plant has a dwarf habit and prolific, deep blue flowers with dramatic white eye. This plant was an AAS winner for 1989.
Verbena Romance Scarlet Masses of scarlet flowers cover this heat tolerant plant. It will reach 15 cm in height and spread to double this in width. NEW
Verbena Romance Mixed Brilliantly coloured flowers on uniform compact plants of 25 cm. Verbena is heat tolerant and ideal for borders. NEW
Verbena Trinidad An AAS winner, this Verbena has vibrant rose coloured flowers on 25 cm plants.
Vinca Peppermint Cooler Vivid blooms of white with a rose eye cover this 15 cm plant. NEW
Vinca Pretty in Pink is a 91 AAS winner. Clear pink flowers are the highlight of this drought tolerant plant. NEW
Vinca Pretty in Rose is also a 91 AAS winner. Deep rose/purple blooms adorn this 40 cm plant. NEW
Zinnia Burpeeana Giant Mixed (Zinnia elegans) This Zinnia produces 15 cm cactus type blooms. The medium height (50 cm) plants are bushy and have outstanding colours.
Zinnia Pulcino Mixed Double dahlia type flowers adorn this plant. The Zinnia will reach a height of 35 cm and produce many flowers for cutting.
Onion Sweet Spanish are mild and sweet tasting. Large globe shaped bulbs
Parsley is the best known garnish. It is easy to grow in sunny garden area. Parsley makes an ideal plant for containers.
Pepper California Wonder is a nonhybrid sweet bell Green Pepper. This Pepper matures
VEGETABLES are four per box and are priced at $1.39. are produced. in 75 days.
Pepper Sheppard is a sweet red Pepper that matures in 68 days. This Pepper prefers a
Tomato Better Boy matures in 70 days and is an indeterminate type plant. This is a very popular Tomato because of the large (15 0z) fruit, and disease tolerance.
Tomato Beefmaster is the best beefsteak type. Enormous fruit tolerant of cracking. It
warm sunny area in the garden. matures in 80 days.
Tomato Early Girl is the earliest slicing Tomato. It matures in 52 days. It is an indeterminate (pole) type plant with 4-6 ounce fruit.
Tomato Sweet 100 products hundreds of sweet one inch (2.5 cm) fruit. These Tomatoes are ideal for salads and garnishes maturing in 65 days.
Tomato Tiny Tim is a dwarf plant in a 7 inch pot (17 cm) and priced at $3.59. This plant will grow to 18 inches tall and matures early (45 days).
Tomato Patio Prize is available in a 10 inch (25 cm) fibre pot at $4.99. This plant is ideal for small gardens as well as containers and tubs.
A section of plants for drying will be introduced this year. Watch for it!
A large selection of sun or shade loving HANGING BASKETS will be available for $16.99.
Don t miss our other May plant sales.
Perennials May 3rd to May 5th, 1991. Traditional and unusual varieties. Show your membership card to receive 10% off your plants.
Hanging Baskets May 11th to May 12th, 1991. A great selection of sun or shade loving plants in hanging baskets. An ideal gift for Mother s Day. Show your membership card to receive 10% off your plants all weekend.
Buy a Book
Here are some of the latest additions to the library, which will be on display in the library during April. We are seeking donors for these titles and welcome your support. If you would like to donate a book you can do this in person, or by calling 445-1552 and asking for the library. We accept VISA and Mastercard. A tax receipt will be issued.
Carita, Helder. Portugese gardens. 1990. $88.00. A classic reference work.
Herbermann, Ethan. The great butterfly hunt. 1990. $17.85. About the Monarch butterfly for children.
Hindley, Judy. The tree. 1990. $18.65. For children: lyrical text provides information on trees.
Lazzaro, Claudia. The ltalian Renaissance Garden. 1990. $77.00. A splendid book about a magnificent epoch in garden architecture.
McDonald, Elvin. Northeast gardening. 1990. $40.00. For gardeners anywhere from Pennsylvania to Montreal.
Penberthy, lan. Building your garden. 1989. $12.95. How to make garden features in brick, stone and wood.
Scott-James, Anne. Gardening letters to my daughter. 1990. $20.00.
Delightful bed-time reading.
Verey, Rosemary. The American man's garden. 1990. $45.00. A detailed picture of gardens from all areas in the United States.
Ornamental Grasses and many exciting rare varieties.
Our finest quality perennials are only $2.49 for a 4 inch pot (10 cm) (the same price as last year). More mature varieties are in larger pots and are available at a higher price.
Members Preview Day
Friday, May 3rd 2 pm until 8 pm
Public Sale
Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th 12 pm until 5 pm
10% off all plants during this sale with your CGC membership card
Well known garden broadcaster ART DRYSDALE, CFCA FM 105.3 will be available on Sunday, May 5th from 12 until 2 pm to discuss perennial plants.
Need help choosing plants or getting them to you car? Civic Garden Centre Volunteers and Master Gardeners will be near to advise and assist.
Papaver orientale Turkish Delight , Single pink, developed by Alan Bloom.
Rudbeckia hirta Double Gold" (Gloriosa Daily)
Thymus x citriodorus Gold Edge Delightful lemon fragrance.
e All plants are subject to grower availability.
e Want to learn more? Register for In Praise of Perennials an afternoon seminar on Sunday, June 16, 1991.
e Thank you for your support. It helps keep the Centre growing.
1991 Green Thumb Children s Camp
Registrations are now being accepted for the fourth annual Summer Camp run by the Civic Garden Centre. Children from 8 through 11 years are invited to learn about plants and gardening, the environment, nature crafts, and wildlife. The camp, a unigue educational and recreational experience, is restricted in enroliment numbers. The children will be instructed by the Centre s Horticulturists and special volunteer guests from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm each day.
Please register my child for the 1991 Green Thumb Camp.
My child will attend: Week 1 O July 15 to July 19 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm)
Week 2 [J July 29 to August 2 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm)
Week 3 [ August 12 to August 16 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm)
Weekly Fees: $74.90 per child of Civic Garden Centre members. $85.60 per child of non-memers.
Name of Parent:
Address: City:
Postal Code: Telephone (day):
Camper s Name:
Camper 's Name:
Civic Garden Centre Membership Number: Expiry Date:
Refunds will be issued up to five business days before the first day of Green Thumb Camp. Green Thumb Camp fees include GST.
[0 Enclosed is my cheque, payable to the Civic Garden Centre.
Please charge my Mastercard [ Visa UJ
Card Number: Dateof Issue:
Signature: Expiry Date:
A perennial is aflower that livesfrom one season to the next, repeating each year theprocess ofleafing out, flowering, andseeding. Patrick Lima
Perennials are often thought of as the foundation or backbone of the garden. They provide continuity of bloom, colour, and textured foliage throughout the growing season. Perennials can be used for borders, with mixed annuals and bulbs, or used in other areas of the garden to create interest. Once established, perennials are an economic feature of the garden because they reduce the need to purchase a great number of expensive annuals each year.
1:00- 1:45
1:45 - 2:00
2:00 - 2:45
Dr. Leslie Laking has been with the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, for 35 years and was the directorfor 28 years. Born near Hamilton, Dr. Laking was educated at the University ofGuelph andstudied as an exchange student at the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. He was awarded the Order of Canada and has received an honorary doctoratefrom the University of Guelph and MacMaster University.
Using slides, Dr. Laking will discuss the kinds of perennials that do a full-time job in the garden plants that have interesting features at all times of the growing season, even in winter. He will show how these plants can stand out as individuals or, at other times, effectively act as a foil for others. He reminds us that it's not always the bloom that counts!
Marion Moore was taught to garden by her grandmother in England and drew herfirst garden plan at age 8. She received her diploma in Landscape Technology from Ryerson and a degree in Art Historyfrom Queen s University. Marion is interested in ornamentalplants and specializes in designingperennial gardens. With thought towards an average size garden, budget, and maintenance requirements, Marion will outline the steps involved in developing a simple plan for a perennial border. Using slides, she will demonstrate: how to analyze one s favourite perennials and incorporate them into the border; how to choose the right background; how to integrate annuals, bulbs and shrubs into the overall plan; and how and when to divide these plants.
Mary Perlmutter, columnist, public speaker, President ofthe Canadian Organic Growers, Master Gardener and author of How Does Your Garden Grow. . . Organically? has been a member of The Toronto Recycling Action Committee for 12 years and is a recipient ofthe City Service Award. She is dedicated to compostingfor its great benefits to the garden and reduction ofcity waste. Mary Perimutter will speak about the organic approach she used to develop her own country garden. It was started three years ago with squash seeds and composted manure and now, her garden features shrub roses, lupins, wild digitalis, rue and gas plants. Her approach is unique, her companion plants unusual, and her presentation entices us to try it ourselves.
Please register me for In Praise of Perennials. Enroliment is limited, registration deadline is June 10, 1991. Civic Garden Centre membership number
| enclose my cheque in the amount of:
£30 b Amember 3t Tar i $43.00 * non-member * GST included.
Name Phone Address
City Postal Code
| prefertousemy Visa___ MasterCard
Card number
Expiry date
Open: Saturday, May 11 Saturday, July 6 Sunday, July 14 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Located off Centre Street, Aurora Plants and Seeds for sale.
Merlin s Hollow, English Flower Garden
by Carolyn Dalgarno Volunteer Co-ordinator
Plant sales are an important source of funds for the Civic Garden Centre. The revenue produced by these sales enables us to continue to provide many services both to our members and to the public. Cashiers and cash helpers as well as volunteers to assist members and the public are required for these sales. Please check your calendars and volunteer as often as possible.
Volunteers are neededfor: Perennial Sale Hanging Basket Sale
Thursday, May 2, 9:30a.m.-1p.m.or 1-4p.m. Friday, May 10, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. To unload and display plants To unload and display hanging baskets
Friday, May 3,2 -6 p.m. or 6 - 8 p.m. 1 -5 p.m. - To sell and provide service Members sale to customers
Monday, May 13 & Tuesday, May 14, 9:30 and following
To unload and display plants. Come for a shift either morning or afternoon. If you are able to stay for the whole day, lunch will be provided.
Wednesday, May 15, 1 -5 p.m. or 5 - 8 p.m. Lunch and snack dinner provided Members pre-order pick up. Sales and service are required for this sale. Thursday, May 16, 1 -5 p.m. or 5 - 8 p.m.
Public sale of annual plants
Friday, May 17, 10 am. -1 p.m. or 1 pm.-5 p.m.
Public sale of annual plants
Saturday & Sunday, May 18 & 19, 12-5 p.m.
Public Sale of annual plants
Volunteers Required Immediately: Week-end help in the Trellis Shop. Training provided. When you call ask to speak to either Carolyn Dalgarno, the volunteer co-ordinator or to Marilyn King, a volunteer, who is presently assisting with volunteer staffing at the Civic Garden Centre.
Call 445-1552. We are anxiously waiting for your call.
Celebrate Earth Day by attending
FROM THE GROUND UP: An Introduction to High Performance Gardening.
SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1991 1:00 - 5:30 p.m.
For details, consultthe March or February copy of Trellis or contact the Centre, 445-1552
Present this ad and get $1.50 off one regular full-price adult admission.
Thisyear, the Garden Festival atthe Spring National Home Show is betterthan ever. Situated in the Coliseum and sponsored by the Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association, the Festival features seminars on every aspect of gardening. With overone hundred exhibits, and twelve landscape
In addition tothe Garden Festival, the Spring National Home Showfeatures overeight hundred otherexhibits, including thefascinating Japanese-inspired Dream Home.
Garden Information Centre & Theatre Schedule Program & SpeakersSubjectto Change
Bruce Zimmerman -White Rose Nurseries/ GROWING ROSES
2:00 & 4:00 John Howard - Metro Toronto Parks Department/LAWN IMPROVEMENT IDEAS
7:00 & 8:00 Bruce Zimmerman -White Rose Nurseries/NEWAGE IN GARDENING
11:00/Noon & 1:00 John Simkins/PERENNIAL KNOW HOW 2:00/3:00 & 4:00 Bert Card/BE GOOD TO YOUR HOUSE PLANTS 7:00 & 8:00 Flowers Canada/FLORAL DESIGNING IS FUN
11:00/Noon & 1:00 Chris Graham - Royal Botanical Gardens/ HOW TO MULTIPLE PLANTS
2:00-3:00 & 4:00 Bruce Gibson/TEACHING KIDS TO GROW 7:00 & 8:00 Tom Morgan/ORCHIDS ARE EASY TO GROW
11:00/Noon & 1:00 Landscape Ontario Assoc./ PLAN BEFORE YOU PLANT
2:00-3:00 & 4:00 Jim Campbell/CREATING BONSAI
GARDENS designed for Contemplation
Places that help to clear ones mind from the turbulence of the day; Places in which to reflect and focus peacefully in timeless surroundings
Landscape Architecture
Join Horticulturists,
Brian Holley & Roland Barnsley
Ross Hawthorne & host
Dale Mullins
APRIL 27 1991
"The Hobby Garden
Saturdays at 12:00 noon
... Experience thejoys ofgardening
*Tour award winning gardens
*Innovationsin horticulture
*GrowingGardeners: Childrenin the garden
awnmc Rose productions
Bugs, Flowers and Things in the Dirt New Tours for Younger Children
by A. Barclay Children Tour Guide Committee
In 1990 the Civic Garden Centre conducted a series of tours for school children called Nature Recycles. These tours for school children were given to the 8-11 age group. Unfortunately, many requests from teachers with younger children had to be refused. Therefore we decided that new volunteers would be recruited to expand the program to include the younger age group. We developed a new program format which is suited to the needs of younger children. The proposed tour will concentrate on ecology and the natural processes of renewal and recycling. The new title for these tours will be Bugs Flowers and Things in the Dirt" to emphasise the down to earth nature of the subject.
The curriculum for the new tours was developed with the help of a group of volunteers who will conduct them. The style of the tours reflects the shorter attention span of younger children, their interest in living things, and their limited tolerance for plant and tree names. The format will include information on the history of the gardens, the role of insects, birds and other living things in the natural processes, and the role of water. The tours complement programs taught in the school system.
The program will run from the beginning of May to mid October. We hope that it will be interesting, educational and enjoyable. The children will be encouraged to participate.
For the love ofgardens.
When you're at work on the garden you love, remember Sheridan Nurseries. At Sheridan, we have expert staffto help you, and the finest selection ofnursery stock in Canada, including over 750 types ofplants and trees grown on our own farms. And all ofour nursery stock is guaranteed for two full years. Need any advice to help make your garden even lovelier? Gardens By Sheridan landscape designers offer everything from peerless consultation and planning to complete construction and maintenance services. All for the love ofgardens, at Sheridan Nurseries.
S 12139
Bulk Ennombre third troisieme class classe
May we invite you to join us?
The Civic Garden Centre warmly welcomes new members. Join us, and you will make friends who share the same interest in gardening, the floral arts and horticulture that you do. In addition to the many exciting classes, garden shows, speakers, clubs-within-the-Centre, etc., that will be available to you, our membership fee entitles you to the following:
e Annual subscription to members newsletter
® Free borrowing privileges from one of e Discounts on courses, lectures Canada s largest horticultural libraries and workshops : s : :
* 10% discount on purchases over $10.00 SHOGNE o o sty Sorvice at the Trellis Shop. (Discount not available ~ ® FTee Admission to the on sale items and some books.) Members Programmes
e Special local and international
e Access and discounts at special Garden Tours members day plant sales
Mail to:
The Civic Garden Centre 777 Lawrence Avenue East North York, Ontario, M3C 1P2
New Member
Renewing Member
Single Membership e=
Family Membership $3500 =t
Gift Membership S Donation, Tax deductible Sl TOTAL -
TELEPHONE (Home) (Business)