Darci Kistler and Robert La Fosse of The New York City Ballet and dancers are joined by friends from the Broadway smash hits A CHORUS LINE and DANCIN
Thursday, September 19th, 8 p.m.
GARDENS designed for Contemplation
Places that help to clear ones mind from the turbulence of the day; Places in which to reflect and focus peacefully in timeless surroundings
Landscape Architecture 416-469-9646
Civic Garden Centre
Vol. 18, No. 7
EDITOR: Iris Hossé Phillips
ADVERTISING INFO: (416) 445-1552
Registered charity number 0228114-56 TRELLIS is published ten times a year as a members newsletter by the CIVIC GARDEN CENTRE, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ont. M3C 1P2. Tel. No.: (416) 445-1552. Manuscripts submitted on a voluntary basis are gratefully received. No remuneration is possible. Lead time for inclusion of articles and advertising material is six weeks: manuscripts and material must be received by the 15th of the month to insure publication. For example, material received by October 15 will be included in the December issue of Trellis.Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre.
The Centre is located in Edwards Gardens, at Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue East. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based gardening, floral arts, and horticultural information organization with open membership.
The Civic Garden Centre is open from April 1st to October 31st. Weekdays: 9:30a.m.-5:00 p.m. Weedends: Noon - 5:00 p.m.
The Civic Garden Centre is open from November 1st to March 31st. Weekdays: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: Noon - 4:00 p.m.
Delivered at the Annual Meeting, April 30, 1991. Susan
Macaulay, President
The Civic Garden Centre is a dynamic and vital organization which serves about 3500 members. Gardening is now recognized as the number one recreational activity in North America. This gives the Civic Garden Centre a central role to provide a wide range of courses, events, and services to the gardening public.
1990 was another successful year of programming for the C.G.C. and it might be interesting if | touched on a few of the highlights.
Touring gardens has become one of our favorite pastimes. Through the Garden Gate, ably chaired by Board Member Heather MacKinnon, toured Forest Hill and the Belmont St. area. This was a catalyst for another Board Member, Bayla Gross to plan two one-day tours outside of Toronto. A four-day trip to Quebec in July, once again led by Bayla, toured historic and recently developed gardens. These events were a huge success and made a profit of $35,000.
The Edwards Foundation Lecture held each November and financed by the Edwards Foundation welcomed Don Vaughan who enchanted us with the history and beauty of the Dr. Sun Yat Sen classical Chinese garden in Vancouver 's Chinatown. Members programme evening lectures held seven or eight times a year, cover a wide range of topics and consistently attract a healthy audience of 200.
Catch the Gardening Spirit, held one Sunday each Spring to provide a complete package of gardening information was once again sold out. The Special Programme Committee, chaired by Adrienne Folb, has now developed a series of four events to be held annually. These include the original Catch the Gardening Spirit, From the Ground Up, an afternoon of basics held for a hugely enthusiastic audience in April, In Praise ofPerennials coming up on Sunday afternoon June 16th and an evening for Bulbs, forall Seasons to be held in September. Watch for the last two.
Our course offerings continue to develop. A summer camp introduces young children to many exciting concepts of nature. We also provide many services which include: 28 tour guides, trained at the Centre, conduct summer tours of Edwards Gardens; 45 Master Gardeners, who have become an enormously valuable resource to the public, answering the hotline, giving short talks and garden clinics, providing plant 1.D. at Through the Garden Gate, and working at the plant sales.
And we hold a number of fund raising events: Mistletoe Magic, the annual November Craft Show is establishing itself as one of the premier Christmas sales in the Toronto area and raised $42,000. Seven plant sales held throughout the year raised nearly $30,000 and provide service to our members.
The critical link which allows all of this to happen is two indispensable groups of people; a hard working staff and a large, dedicated volunteer staff.
First just a brief description of the role of our staff. Our valued Executive Director, Sally Sullivan, oversees the activities of 11 departments. Dorothy Whiteman and Carolyn Dalgarno organize and promote many of our events. Carolyn and her volunteer colleague, interview and place our volunteers. Anne Marie Van Nest and Helen Craig run the complex
we help you plan and build your garden?
For many years, Chandler & Co. has worked with homeowners to plan their own special gardens. We can help you solve your garden problems, select the right plants, help you create a unique outdoor environment.
We are landscape designers and contractors.
Our experienced staff has the skill to quickly and efficiently put that plan into place. We handle all aspects ofthe installation; soil preparation and planting, brick and stonework, woodwork, even garden lights and irrigation systems.
From plan to finished garden we deal personally and attentively with the customer to ensure the finished product is everything it can and should be.
We would enjoy talking to you about your garden project. Call us now at 477-1980
Chandler & Company
Landscape Designers and Contractors
The Civic Garden Centre Soil Analysis Service
The fee for soil testing is $5.00 for members of the Civic Garden Centre, and $7.00 for non-members (GST not included). The test measures acidity (pH) and conductivity (salt) levels in the soil. Results can be mailed for an additional $1.00 in advance.
How to take a soil sample.
Take a soil sample before watering or fertilizing. Remove any existing mulch. Dig a hole 15 cm deep or 5-10 cm deep in the lawn. Collect soil from the side of the hole near the bottom and place it in a clean container. Repeat three to five times in different locations and mix the samples together. Bring in about one cup of soil to the Trellis Shop in the Civic Garden Centre. Your results will usually be ready within a week at the Trellis Shop.
Although volunteers are required to run the Centre all year long, in July and August our special event volunteers receive a bit of a break. We hope you will renew your commitment to the Civic Garden Center in September. We have a busy and exciting Fall ahead with the Great Gardening Conference, a theatre night, an evening on bulbs, the Edwards Foundation Lecture, the Sale of Garden Mums and, of course, everyone s favourite, Mistletoe Magic.
Enjoy the summer and call us in the Fall. There will be lots of volunteer spaces to be filled and we will need you more than ever!
Carolyn Dalgarno
Designing Gardens for Contemplation
with Julie Moir Messervy
Monday, October 21, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
A garden for contemplation is a place in which to feel the quiet joy of reverie and reflection. Julie Moir Messervy will help students explore the creation of such imaginative but palpable dream worlds by using their own personal experiences and then examining these with reference to design problems and basic elements.
Intended for gardeners, designers, artists and reflective souls alike, this course will address which archetypal landscapes foster contemplation; what are the design elements of these gardens; and how does a designer choreograph emotion, sensory awareness, spiritual depth and symbolic meaning in a garden? Lectures and class discussions will alternate with short design exercises. This workshop is suitable for the amateur and for the professional. A list of required materials will be available on registration.
Julie Moir Messervy is a landscape design consultant, teacher, and author of Contemplative Gardens. Julie has taught at Harvard, Radcliffe and MIT School of Architecture and has lectured at the Arnold Arboretum, and the New York Botanical Society.
Please register me for, Designing Gardens for Contemplation with Julie Moir Messervy. Registration deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 1991. AGAResSS o i e R e e L e e R Gode o i CGC Membership Number: . ., . s s gaiseaii st oiss coc Bl e s
| have enclosed my cheque for $133.75 member GST included ......................... $160.50 non-member GST included . . . ...................
Please Charge my Visa ....... MasterCard ....... ExpiryaDate g L v U Card:Numbep = s ket o e L s pen s S i e e rRIS e s OO Wi o T R R et G R e S L R E DR R B e
Friday, October 18 - Sunday, October 20
Fridayand Saturday, Dinner at 6:30
Saturday, 9:30 a.m 4:30p.m.
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. 3:00p.m.
The Fourth Great Gardening Conference will bring to the Centre leading garden makers and garden writers from Great Britain, Holland, the United States and Canada. They will share with us a wealth of insight and knowledge related to gardens here and abroad. The speakers and their topics have been carefully selected to provide both amateur and professional gardeners and designers with practical information and a new way of viewing the garden and the landscape. LOOKING AT THE GARDEN will be:
® The Plantsperson
® The Designer
® The Artist
® The Photographer
® The Historian
The speakers at this conference will give:
* A review of cultural traditions which have influenced contemporary garden design
® Practical and aesthetic information to apply to your own garden
* New directions in the use of shape, colour, and texture in the selection of plants hardy for our climate
¢ Inspiration from some of the world s most beautiful gardens
* An understanding of the garden as art
JORN COPIJN, one of Holland s leading landscape architects and garden designers, will discuss some of the modern gardens of Europe and explain how they have been influenced by their historic tradition.
EDITH EDDLEMAN has a B.A. in Chinese History and an M.A. in Divinity. She is an amazing plantswoman and the designer of the three new perennial borders at North Carolina State University. She will speak to us about how to create beauty by choosing and combining plants. She will emphasize the role of colour.
MICHAEL LAURIE, Professor at the University of California at Berkley, will speak to us about the changes in garden design influenced by outdoor living and modern art. He will discuss the work of the influential designers, Thomas Church and Garrett Eckbho.
JULIE MOIR MESSERVY, author of Contemplative Gardens, lecturer and garden designer will guide us through the quiet gardens of Russia, India, England, Japan, Morocco and the United States. She will explore how people of many periods and cultures have created gardens that reflect the human need for places of physical and spiritual refreshment.
CORNELIA OBERLANDER, Member of the Order of Canada (1990), is the doyenne of Canadian landscape architects. She has designed award-winning gardens at the new Canadian Chancery in Washington, D.C., the National Gallery in Ottawa and numerous private and public projects. Mrs Oberlander is known for integrating her designs with the natural environment and creating a unique vision. Her topic is The Garden as Art.
ALLEN PATERSON, our well-known and well-loved Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington will once again instruct, regale and entertain us. This time, his topic is A Garden from a Plantsman s Point of View.
MARCO POLO STUFANO has been the Director of the renowned Wave Hill garden in New York City for the past 24 years. He will talk to us about the bones of the garden, emphasizing how to use shape and form to provide an underlying architectural structure. Mr. Stufano is a much sought after speaker.
Friday, October 18, 6:30p.m. The Civic Garden Centre
SAM ABELL, international, award-winning photographer for the National Geographic magazine and for several books, including Contemplative Gardens, travelled the world with Julie Messervy seeking the most beautiful gardens. He will show us his favourite slides from his amazing collection.
Saturday, October 19, 6:30p.m. The Prince Hotel
DAVID WHEELER is the founder, editor and publisher of the much admired Hortus magazine published in Wales. He is the author of two books to be released this autumn. His talk will be based on the famous gardens of the Cotswalds including Rosemary Verey s garden and Hidcote Manor. He will emphasize hardy plants that we can grow here. Bring your notebook.
Registration Form for The Fourth Great Gardening Conference is on page 9.
Registration Deadline: July 1, 1991
Members $53.50 Non-members $64.20
Children s Camp
$74.90 per child of CGC Member
$85.60 per child of non-member
Canadian Rose Society - Executive Meeting
Children s Camp
$74.90 per child of CGC Member
$85.60 per child of Non-member
Children s Camp
$74.90 per child of CGC Member
$85.60 per child of Non-member
Canadian Iris Society Sale Table Iris Auction
Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society Meeting
PLANT SPECIALISTS Our NEW LOCATION is 2601 Derry Road West, R.R. 3, Campbellville, Ontario LOP 1B0 (just west of the Guelph Line) Growersofover3000 different hardy plants,alpines,dwarfconifers and shrubs, hardy ferns, vines, groundcovers and native wildflowers. Send $2.00forPlant List #10
Please register me for The Fourth Great Gardening Conference.
Lunch and all taxes are included in the fee for the conference and dinners.
Civic Garden Centre member, conference fee g s G
Non-member, conference fee SIBR2h
| would like to register for the dinner on Friday S BGHOTN
| would like to register for the dinner on Saturday S 4EBO e
INaRgeu: Piatisand ar i s e B L R RO FHOne Wl s
Acdressi sl i sEe Lo Bl Sy o i i i g o ) ity e o GCode L o
Civic Garden Centre membership number .......... Epiydate " e L
| enclose my cheque made payable to The Civic GardenCentre .................
| prefertouse my Visa ..... MasterCard .....
Card'number:. .13, . SUE N ARE T e o T R L Expiry date
Accommodation: A corporate rate has been secured at the Inn on the Park for Great Gardening Conference delegates. Please call (416) 446-3326 to reserve a room (please say that you are with The Civic Garden Centre s Great Gardening Conference) or write/call us at (416) 445-1552 for further details.
White Rose:
Canada's Largest Craft and Garden .- Centre has a complete selection of Tropical Plants, %, Flowers, Evergreens, Trees, and Shrubs, Annuals, ! A N Perennials, Pots and Planters, Patio Leisure Furniture m and so much more... D LSy NOW WITH 16 BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CENTRES TO SERVE YOU BETTER! OPEN SUNDAYS %) UNIONVILLE SCARBOROUGH NEWMARKET BARRIE [} 4038 Hwy# 7 1306 Kennedy Rd. 55YongeSt. S. 561 Bayfield St. OSHAWA WHITBY SCARBORO/PICKERING > 300TauntonRd.E. 1243Dundas St E. PortUnion/401 33 ETOBICOKE MISSISSAUGA REXDALE % 1582 TheQueensway 333Dundas St. E. 35 Woodbine Downs Rd. BRAMPTON BURLINGTON HAMILTON g% Hwy #10/#7 Bypass 4265 Fairview St. 2500Barton St S\ .4 o " ST CATHARINES CAMBRIDGE WATERLOO {28 RIP¥\ § 459 Welland Ave. 525 Hespeler Rd. 200 Weber St.
In memory of Bernice Wilson from Philip & Mary Armstrong FOUNDATIONS
The Edwards Charitable Foundation gave a total of $52,411.76, a portion of which funded the Memorial Lecture Programme.
Athens Painting, Cruickshank s Inc., Ridpath s Ltd., The Garden Book Store
Marietta Reviczky-Dolan; Ruth Caston; Joseph Miklos; Mrs. C.M. McKeown; Mrs. B.T. Clarke; Mr. L.R. Douglas; Mrs. J.B. Wilkes; Mrs. C.G. Bishop; Mrs. Jean Hunt; Mrs. Philip B. Jackson; Michael Laing; Mrs. W.P. Wilder; Miss Margaret C. Smith; Mrs. Frank Middaugh; Ms. Marcia E. Knowles; Carl Brown; Frances Gilbert; Alison Fryer; Ms. Toshi Oikawa; Anne Marie Van Nest; Dorothy Denure; Miss Barbara M. Adams; Mr. Grant Ross; Mr. T. Solecki; Mrs. Julia W. Harvie; Maude Kenny; Mrs. Beth Kilner; Mrs. L.A. Beech; Mr. J.G. Greey; Gisels Albrecht; Ivana Drapal; Shirley A. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Stapels; Linda Low; Mr. & Mrs. J. Barnett; Mrs. Barbara P. Tracy; Mrs. Carolyn Drummond; Miss Nora Dawson; Mr. Eli Hamady; Emil D. Grahovac; Mr. F.T. Hill; Mrs. Herta Mathes; Ms. Margaret Sharp; Mr. J.D. Bodley; Gabriela P. Kearney; Mrs. Anne L. White; Mrs. J.P. Glendenning; Catherine Cragg; Christine Croarkin; Mrs. Mary Anne Brinckman; Mrs. W.E. Curry; Miss Ruth Bolt; Helen Ohorodnyk; Mrs. D.E. MacNeill; Dr. & Mrs. H.M. Taylor; Nana Nishimura; Ms. A. Clarkson; Adair Hope; Klaus Bindhardt; Miss J. Kerr-Lawson; Mrs. W.F. Prendergast; Mrs. Angela Branscombe; Dr. & Mrs. Fearon; Paul & Karen Smith; Ms. Mary Shortt; Ms. Eileen Ginou; Mrs. P. Neely; K.M. Davidson; Hannah Reichmann; Ruth C. Smith; Miss M.K. Neely; Muriel L. Keogh; Mr. & Mrs. K. McFarquhar; Mrs. R.F. Hetherington; Barbara Anno; Mrs. Sheila Davis; Eileen Konkin; Agnes M. Gray; Olga Andruch; Mrs. D.S. Chant; Ms. Susan Helwig; Grant Filson; Ms. Ruth Wiens; Mrs. M.G.S. Elliott; Dr. C.P. Rance; Mrs. T.H. Murphy; Catherine Bennett; Betty Nichols; Sylvia Verkley; Konrad Radecz; Bayla Gross; Mrs. J. Roberts; Agnes Stevens; Isabel A. Russell; John P. Fisher; Mr. J.A. Downey; Mrs. B.M. King; Mr. Leslie Laking; Margaret Aldworth; Mrs. R.J. Helmstadter; Wan Kho; Mrs. Olive G. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Dembeck; Mr. & Mrs. G.M Horne; Miss Sandra C. Peterson; Phyllis Holmes; Helen Welsh; Janet A. Chattin; Miss Mable Geary; Mr. & Mrs. R.W. McMeekin; Mr. T. Hibbert-Bailey; Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Dunlop; Mrs. Sandra Murray; O.J. Muller; Miss M. DeFreitas; Margarete Leiper; Mr. & Mrs. D.A. Hargrove; John & Agnes Carroll; Marion Moore; Mrs. Pleasance Crawford; Mrs. Carol Tatkon; A. Chang; Mrs. M.E. Bezoff; Mary Davies; Mr. & Mrs. Miranda; Caroline Hansen; Maureen Bixley; Lavina Lickley; David Buck; Lois Buck; Ralph Hansen; Robin Wilson; Dora Whilsmith; Susan Slottow; Stu Allen; Robert Law; Barbara Paterson; Shirley Richardson; Jean Foss; Fraser Wilson; Margaret Pickersgill; Prudence Gooderham; Mr. H.S. Godderman; Mrs. Francis Redelmeier; Mrs. Elda Bolton; Mr. Donald MacKinnon; Eveleen Armour; Elizabeth Tschopp; Audrey Meiklejohn; Nancy Bounsall; Miss A.M. Pae; Barbara Bateman; Amy Stewart; Clair Stewart; Mr. M.C. Stafford; Mrs. M.C. Stafford; Mr. H.B. Mayer; Mrs. H.B. Mayer; John G. Whyte; Morris Gross; Susan Macaulay; Anne Bawden; Bruce M. Young; Mary K. Young; Mrs. Carol Henderson; Dr. John Henderson; Mary Van Straubenzee; Marian Lawson; Marion Keith; Mrs. W. Goldring; Miss Joyce Leaver; Mrs. P. Holmes; Dona Hainer; Alen McCombie; M.T. Ross; Miss Marion Nicholson; Miss E. Newton; Mrs. G.W. Jacobi; David C. Hamilton; Sally J. Keeley; Mary Carol & Tony Lant; Mrs. Shirley Gies; Mr. & Mrs. E. Caston; Mrs. J.F. Brooke; Mrs. Catharine MacDonald; Joseph Miklos; Mrs. Louise Black; Paul & Karen Smith; Gordon Wick; Eva Ritz; Philip & Mary Armstrong.
Botanical Illustration in Watercolour
with Dorothy Bovey
September 16 to 20, 1991. 10 am to S pm.
This five day, intensive course, for students with some experience, will allow for concentrated practice, which is reinforced by frequent critique. Output is increased with this lesson format.
A materials list will be provided upon registration and a representative of Curry s Art Supply will be available on the first day and will offer a 25% discount. Please bring suitable plant material as subject matter.
Dorothy Bovey is a highly accomplished English artist, photographer, lecturer, and instructor. She is widely travelled and has served as botanical artist on many expeditions around the world. She has received five gold medals for her work from the Royal Horticultural Society of London.
Please register me for: Botanical lllustration in Watercolour. Registration is limited to permit individual attention. The fee includes GST. Registration deadline: September 12, 1991.
Ce [ et Sl iie Sl s bi et il RV e ey Goga s
| have enclosed my cheque for $133.75, member. $160.50 non-member.
%&W/l f r é{ V474 July 2 15 e o e R The Garden and the Sea MARKHAM'S NATURE Peter Booth HEADQUARTERS IN e TR
Miniature Paintings by Marino 159 Main St., Unionville, Ontario (416) 513-9214 Vincent Marino
August 27 Sept. 9 Hugo Slepoy
Civic Garden Centre s Fund Raising
Members Pre-Order Day Friday, September 13th, 1991.
2 pm to 6 pm
Public Sale
Saturday or Sunday, September 14th/15th, 1991.
Noon to 5 pm
Celebrate autumn with a colourful plant of Garden Mums. The eight inch fibre pots are ready for planting instantly in the garden (or place them on your patio or deck). These nursery grown garden mums of the highest quality are $5.49 a plant. Please show quantity required.
BABY TEARS - A small plant with delicate white buttons.
HEKLA - An attractive, prolific white daisy flower.
ILLUSION - New! Large quilled daisy flowers in white.
DEBONAIR - A short plant, an intense lavender colour.
STARGAZER - A dark lavender daisy flower with yellow centre.
NAOMI - A nice, new pink quilled daisy mum with a light yellow centre.
GRENADINE - Our favourite (and the most popular), a coral-pink colour.
BRAVO - A deep dark red decorative mum. Short in height.
ANNA - A delightful new yellow daisy garden mum.
JESSICA - A new, bright yellow decorative mum. A cheery addition.
YELLOW ILLUSION - A new yellow quilled daisy type of mum.
TARGET - A sunny, dark yellow decorative flower.
GINGER - A two tone bronze mum decorative form.
e All varieties are subject to availability.
® 10% members discount will apply to pre-orders returned prior to Sept. 9th, 1991.
* Please pay for your plants on Members Pre-Order Day Sept. 13th, 1991.
® A selection of large patio pots will be on sale for $9.49.
e Questions? Call 445-1552.
Name: Phone
Address: City
Postal Code:
Membership Number: Exp. Date
In the Library
by Pamela MacKenzie
Continuing our BuyaBook programme, we are looking for donors for some of the newest additions to the library. These books will be on display in the library during the summer. If you would like to donate a book, you may do this in person, or call 445-1552 and ask for the library. We will be happy to help you. We accept Visa and MasterCard; you will receive a tax receipt.
Bartholomew, James. The Magic of Kew. 1988. $20.00.
Breck, Joseph. The Flower Garden. 1851. (facsimile reprint) $30.00.
Conran, Terence. Terence Conron s Garden Style. 1991. $30.00.
Eliovson, Sima. The Gardens of Roberto Burle Marx. 1991. $38.00.
Felton, Elise. Artistically Cultivated Herbs. 1990. $15.00
Grenfell, Diana & Grounds, Roger. The White Garden. 1990. $28.00.
Jones, Pamela. Just Weeds: History Myths and Uses. 1991. $33.00. Murphy, Wendy B. Beds and Borders. 1990. $38.00
Ocone, Lynne. National Gardening Association Guide to Kids Gardening. 1991. $11.00.
Osborne, Robert. Roses for Canadian Gardens. 1991. $24.00.
Preston, Richard J. North American Trees; 4th ed. 1989. $47.00
Wandell, Willet N. Handbook of Landscape Tree Cultivars. $39.00
Pamela Mackenzie Librarian
Imported classical fountains, statuary and other garden accessories in clay, concrete, lead, marble & wood
Open Saturdays. Sundays and Holidays. 11 am.-5 p.m. or weekdays with a phone call. 1094 Derry Road West W ofGuelph Line. N. of Q. EW. & Huy. % 5 S. 0of401 exit 401 at Guelph Line Derry Rd. West ends at Pickletree Farm (416) 336-1398
Canada s Largest Bonsai Nursery OPEN 7 DAYS MON. - FRI. - 9-8 SAT. - SUN. - 9-6 (416) 686-2151
380 KINGSTON RD. E., R.R. 1, AJAX, ONT. Come to PICOV S and depart Jfrom the ordinary.
Bulbs For Every Season
September 18, 1991. 7:30p.m.
Marjorie Mason-Hogue ® Chris Graham
After the gray days of winter, is there any sight more welcome than the season s first snowdrops? But the plants we know as flowering bulbs are more than just harbingers of spring. Aristocratic lilies and exotic Peruvian daffodils grace summer borders while fall crocus and colchicums extend interest well into autumn. Even our winter window-sills are brightened by dramatic amaryllis and fragrant paper whites.
Bulbs are truly plants for every season their diversity and ease of culture make them a necessary addition to any well planned garden. In addition to their cultural requirements and use, this illustrated presentation will explore the origin, mythology and history of this fascinating group of plants.
About the Speakers
Marjorie Mason-Hogue is a garden broadcaster and green house manager for Pine Ridge Garden Gallery. Her program, Let's Get Growing, can be heard on CKQT, 94.9 FM on Saturday mornings.
Chris Graham is the Manager of Horticultural Services at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton. He graduated from the University of Guelph in environmental horticulture and has worked in nursery and landscape in the commercial sector. As a member of the International Plant Propagation Society, he pursues his professional interest in plant propagation.
Please register me for Bulbs for Every Season , enroliment is limited. Registration deadline: Monday, September 16, 1991. | have enclosed my cheque, made payable to the Civic Garden Centre, members $21.40, non-members $32.10. GST included.
Civic Garden Centre Membership number ...................
Lpreterito use myMisa#F . . chemiass bl onuisiineT EapinaS i,
Master@ard & 0o Lo e e L e e By i e
Slgnatheie. . U e
Hedgehog Bootwiper
Cast iron head and top-quality bristles comes with hardware to anchor to wooden deck or in concrete. $95.00
Duckgarden faucetin solid $40.00
Executive Committee
President: Mrs. Susan Macaulay
Treasurer: Mr. Peter Lewis
Member: Mrs. Cicely Bell
Member: Mrs. Mary Ann Brinckman
Member: Mrs. Bayla Gross
Member: Mr. Kenneth Laundy
Board of Directors
For 1991: Dr. Brian Bixley, Mrs. Georgina Cannon, Mrs. Martha Finkelstein, Mr. Bill Granger, Mrs. Bayla Gross, Mr. Kenneth Laundy, Mrs. Ruth MacKneson.
For 1991-1992: Mrs. Mary Anne Brinckman, Mrs. Luba Hussel, Mrs. Susan Macaulay, Mrs. Robin Wilson.
For 1991, 1992 and 1993: Mrs. Cicely Bell, Mrs. Wendy Lawson, Mr. Peter Lewis, Mrs. Mary Mills, Ms. Laura Rapp. Representative of Metropolitan Toronto Parks and Property, Mr. Victor Portelli.
For the love ofgardens.
When you're at work on the garden you love, remember Sheridan A Nurseries. At Sheridan, we have expert staff to help you, and the
finest selection ofnursery stock in Canada, including over 750 types . ofplants and trees grown on our own farms. And all ofour nursery stock 1s guaranteed for two full years.
By Sheridan landscape designers offer everything from peerless consultation and planning to complete construction and mainte-
Need any advice to help make your garden even lovelier? Gardens nance services. All for the love ofgardens, at Sheridan Nurseries.
Bulk En nombre third troisieme class classe
May we invite you to join us?
The Civic Garden Centre warmly welcomes new members. Join us, and you will make friends who share the same interest in gardening, the floral arts and horticulture that you do. In addition to the many exciting classes, garden shows, speakers, clubs-within-the-Centre, etc., that will be available to you, our membership fee entitles you to the following:
e Annual subscription to members newsletter ® Free borrowing privileges from one of e Discounts on courses, lectures Canada s finest horticultural libraries and workshops e Discount on Soil Testi Vi
* 10% discount on purchases over $10.00 b (,) gl b at the Trellis Shop. (Discount not available ~ ® Free Admission to the on sale items and some books.) Members Programmes
e Special local and international o Access and discounts at special Garden Tours members day plant sales
Mail to: The Civic Garden Centre 777 Lawrence Avenue East North York, Ontario, M3C 1P2
New Member O Renewing Member [l
Single Membership $25:001 50 s 0 Family Membership 535100 > 2vai s Gift Membership calrges Donation, Tax deductible St e
TELEPHONE (Home) (Business)