Trellis - V20, No4 - Apr 1993

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The newsletter of the Civic Garden Centre in Metropolitan Toronto April, 1993

Volume 20, Number 4


A special program on perennial gardening John Valleau ¢ Marjorie Mason Hogue

Wednesday, April 14, 1993 7:00 p.m.

Members: $27 Non-members: $37

Civic Garden Centre General Information

The Civic Garden Centre is a volunteer-based non-profit organization with open membership, working to foster interest, involvement and education in gardening, horticulture and related artistic, environmental and community issues. Located in Edwards Gardens, at Leslie Street and Lawrence Avenue East in North York, the Centre serves members throughout Metropolitan Toronto and across Ontario. The Civic Garden Centre is pleased to rent facilities for meetings, receptions, exhibits and shows. Please contact our rental agent. Registered charity number 0228114-56.


Summer(April1toOctober31): weekdays 9:30a.m.to5:00p.m.; weekendsandholidays noon to 5:00 p.m. Winter (November 1 to March 31): weekdays 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; weekends and holidays noon to 4:00 p.m.

Telephone: All numbers are area code 416.

Main number: 397-1340

Rentals: 397-1349

Special events: 397-1350

Trellis Shop: 397-1357

Courseinformation: 397-1340

Fax: 397-1354

Gardening hotline: 397-1345 (hours: noon to 3:00 p.m.)

Executive committee:

Honorary counsel: President: ~ Robin Wilson

Aird and Berlis Vice-president and treasurer:

PeterJ. Lewis

Civic Garden Centre staff members: Members: Cicely Bell, Mary Ann Executive director: Sally Sullivan Brinckman, Bayla Gross, Kenneth ~ Accounts: Janie Brentnall Laundy Courses: Ann Warren

Education Officer: Ruth MacKneson

Board of directors:

Horticulturists: For 1992: Mary Ann Brinckman, Bayla Anne Marie Van Nest Gross, Luba Hussel, Kenneth Laundy, ; Helen Craig : : Librarian: Pamela MacKenzie Maureen Naylor. A R

For 1992-1993: Cicely Bell, Heather BT supervxs(?r. ; Walter Morassutti Brodeur, Wendy Lawson,Peter].Lewis, Rintal doteit Hbbe Vs Susan Macaulay, Mary Mills, Laura o .4 ¢ o g Secretary: Shirley Lyons RaPP' i 1993-1995_';\/Iar]orlleHarris, rronis Shop manager: Jackie Brisby houlee Regtpun i awis R Shop assistant manager: Silverthorne, Robin Wilson. B e B i Representative of MetropolitanToronto v/5junteer and publicity co-ordinator: Parks and Property: Victor Portelli. Carolyn Dalgarno

Editor's note

The April Trellis is bursting with information on the perennialplant sale, the annual plant sale, the out-of-town garden tours, the container gardening workshop, Through the Garden Gate by Day and Through the Garden Gate by Night, the Perennial Pleasures evening and Green Thumb Days. Please take time to peruse ourextensiveofferings.Ourregularformat of articles and information will return in the May Trellis.

In the February issue of Trellis, I repeated an error from the newspaper article I read Iplantomake hypertufa pots, not hypertofu . Was the original author a closet vegetarian?


Volume 20, Number 4

Editor: Iris Hossé Phillips

Editorial co-ordinator: Leslie Lynch

Advertising information: (416) 397-1340

Printed by Raised Image, Etobicoke, on recycled paper

Trellis is published ten times a year as a members newsletter by the Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ontario M3C 1P2. Telephone: (416) 397-1340.

Manuscripts submitted on a voluntary basis are gratefully received. No remuneration is possible.

Articles, manuscripts and advertising material must be received by the 15th of the month to insure publication six weekslater. Forexample, materialreceivedbyApril 15will be included in the June issue of Trellis.

Opinions expressed within Trellis do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre.

The Centre is pleased to grant permission to copy material published in Trellis; however, credit to the author and Trellis must be given.



An evening program on perennial gardening

Wednesday, April 14 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Members - $27

Non-members - $37

This evening explores the world of hardy perennials. John Valleau will speak on The new and the unusual and MarjorieMasonHoguewilltalkabout Working with perennials.

Registration form is on page 20. For completedetails,seetheMarchTrellis.


Design, planting, creative projects in wood, stone, concrete. Water features. Nordic Gardens, 493-4702.

Merlin sHollow Englishflowergarden,off Centre Street in Aurora, open on:

Saturday, May 8

Saturday, July 3

Sunday, July 11 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Free entrance, rare seeds and plants for sale from garden.

Information, phone (416) 727-8979.


Garden projects, garden maintenance and clean-up. Windows cleaned. Painting. Call Stephen, 362-7434.

Trellis, April, 1993


Tuesday, April 27

7:30 p.m.

Guest speaker: Allen Paterson

Topic: Gardens of Scotland


TheannualmeetingoftheCivicGardenCentrewillbeheldTuesday,April27,1993inthe Floral Hall at 7:30 p.m. After a short business meeting, Allen Paterson will give a slideillustrated presentation on the Gardens of Scotland. This evening will be Allen s final engagementattheCivicGardenCentrebeforehisretirementthisspringasDirectorofthe Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton.

AftertraininginBritainandworkascuratoroftheChelseaPhysicGarden,AllenPaterson cametoCanadain 1981 asDirectoroftheRoyalBotanicalGardensinHamilton. In 1987, he was appointed a full professor in the Department ofBiology atMcMasterUniversity. Heservesas a DistinguishedAdvisertotheBoardoftheBrooklynBotanicGardenand is a member of the Advisory Groups of the Garden Conservancy and of the Master Gardeners International Corporation. Allen is perhaps best known for his many books and articles including his latest release in October, 1992, Designinga Garden.

Allen s topic for the evening, Gardens ofScotland, is ofvery specialinterestbecause he planstoretiretoScotland. Wewillseehowtheunexpectedsub-tropicaleffectofthewarm GulfStream drift has turned part ofthe landscape into an oasis ofpalms and tree ferns . Chileanand NewZealand flora areparticularlywellrepresentedinthis area. EvenlessfavouredgardensshowarangeofplantsthatwouldbeunthinkableinsouthernOntario. Historicbuildingsandheather-cladhillsprovideauniquebackdroptoScottishgardens.

At the conclusion ofthe evening , we will extend our warmest good wishes to Allen and thank him for his outstanding contribution to horticulture in Canada.

How to obtain plants for your garden: Admire to acquire!

Frank Kershaw

The Eadwards Garden Evening, February 18, 1993

Plant of the month: The year of the pansy

The National Garden Bureau in the U.S. hasdesignated 1993asTheyearofthepansy. Why not celebrate by buying a flat at the saleofpansiesattheCivicGardenCentre? Ifthe ground has thawedenough, youcan plant them out in time to join American gardeners in celebrating National Garden Week, April 11 to 17.

Pansiesare oneofthemostversatileofour annuals. They can stand some frost I even had some in flower before the great snowofDecember 12. Inpreviousyears,[ have gone round the garden in late March and found some in flower, emerging from the melting snow. Generally, we have to treat them as annuals, though in a less extreme climate, they are perennial.

Furthersouth,thesummerheatistoomuch, sotheyarewinterannuals. |wasamazedto find some looking happy in Denver, in 100° F. The cool nights close to the mountains were enough to keep them going.

The colour range is one of the widest in flowers, from black to white, mahogany, red, pink peach, orange, yellow, purple, blue, lavender, single-coloured or bi- and tri-coloured. Some oftenyelloworblue evenhaveadelicatesweetscent. Search theseout. Plantthemina largepatch near where you sit out in the evening the fragrance seems best around dusk.

Thereareseveraldifferentsizesofpansies. Large pansies (9 to 11.5 cm) whichinclude the old-fashioned Swiss Giants to the Accordseries,introducedin1992. Medium (6 to9 cm) havea goodmodernrangewhich includes the Crown series clear faces withnomarkings;Joker,withJollyJokerin velvety purple and orange; and the

Springtime serieswhichare heat and cold tolerant. Multifloras (4to6cm) areastheir namesuggests,againwithseveralmodern series which are bred for heat and cold tolerance. Padparadja was a 1991 AAS winner with a brilliant orange sapphire.

Ifgrowingfromseed,soweightto 10weeks before setting out. Start seeds in a clean containerfilledwithasoillessgerminating mix. This helps to prevent fungi damping offemerging seedlings. The soil temperatureshouldbeabout15°to 17°C. Iftheair temperatureisabout20°to22°C,thisshould be fine. Coververylightly,waterfrom the bottom and keep dark. Check daily.

Aftergerminationin 10to20days,placein acoolroom (10° to 15° C) withbrightlight. Transplant when the plants have two sets of leaves. Feed with a water soluble fertilizer. After transplanting into the garden, mulchwell to help keep the soil cool.

Pansies are relatively trouble free. The following problems may occur root rot, stuntedplants,yellowleaves,mildew,white powderydeposits. Avoidoverheadwatering. Aphids, spider mites and slugs might damage the plants.

Today s pansies were developed from crosses which were started by William Thompson in the 1800s. By 1880, a mail order catalogue in the States wrote, The most popular of all flowers grown from seed our sales exceeding one hundred thousand packets a year.

Pansyflowersandleavesarealsoedible. If youhaven tsprayed,putsomeincoolsummer drinks or salads, or use to decorate a plate.


A one-day workshop with Dr. Howard Pfeifer

Monday, May 3

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Members: $89

Non-members: $99

Dr. Howard Pfeifer is a landscape designerfrom Mansfield Center, Connecticut. He has served asa boardmemberoftheAmerican RockGarden Society, taughtatthe UniversityofConnecticut, lectured extensively in Canada, the United States and England and designed gardens in many countries.

Containergardeningisbecomingincreasinglypopularinthecity tomake maximumuse of limited space. Plant containers can adorn patios and balconies and effectively create attractive, low-maintenance gardening .

Learn how to make your own containers including sinks and troughs or use one you alreadyhave. Dr. Pfeiferwilldemonstratehisownspecialtechniqueand showyou how to correctly plant containers with woody plants, clematis and vines so that they can successfullywinteroutside. Createa miniature garden ofany sizeyou choose for either sunorshadeandlearnwhichplantmaterialthrivesbestinacontainer. Findouthowthis economic approach to container gardening can work for you.

Pleasebringyourown lunch. Therewillbeaone-hourbreakatnoon. Registrationform is on page 20.

finest selection ofnursery stock in Canada, including over 750 types

Need any advice to help make your garden even lovelier? Gardens - -ofplants and trees grown on our own farms. And all ofour nursery

By Sheridan landscape designers offer everything from peerless consultation and planning to complete construction and mainte-

When you're atworkon the garden you love, remember Sheridan Nurseries. At Sheridan, we have expert staffto helpyou, and the ' stock is guaranteed fortwo full years. nanée services. All forthe loveofgardens, at Sheridan Nurseries.

Questions and answers with the Master Gardeners

Q. What is the average date ofthe lastfrost in Toronto?

A. Inthecityitself, April20; attheIslands, April21; outinthe suburbs at the east and west ends, about May 2; at Pearson International Airport, May 8. These are average figuresbased on the records for the past 30 years.

Q. I want to have a scented tobacco plant, but Nicki which is available is scentless.

A. Yes, Nicki is not scented, unlike the old-fashioned tall whiteplantsofNicotianaalata. Try Domino or Sensation for a better scent. A

Thanks to Vivien Jenkinson for illustrations. Nicotlar]a. Master Gardeners answerquestions on the GardeningHotline daily, . noon o SRR w: Evenihg Fragrance

Rights Of Spring ...

Horticutturist Brian Holley, and friends show you how fo prune, plant and generally prepare your garden for spring on ..


Hobby Garden"

A 13 week series of informativeond entertaining television e Programs filed with gardening know-how. Saturdays at 12:30


The gardens of Rosedale

Saturday, June 19 and Sunday, June 20

Noon to 4:00 p.m.

Admission: $15

This year, Through The Garden Gate will visit 20 private gardens in Rosedale, one of Toronto s oldest and most established neighbourhoods. The tour illustrates the great diversityofgardeningstylesthatexistwithinanareaof traditionalstyle. Wehavesought outatotallynewselectionofthebestgardensandconfined thistourtoasmallerareathan pasttoursofRosedale. Youwillbeamazedattheabundanceofplantmaterial,excellence of designand garden ornamentation.

Someofthegardensareowner-designedandhavebeengardenedintensivelyforover40 years. Thesegardens have provided thebackdrop formanygraduations,weddingsand christenings. Somegardensaredesignedasgardenrooms,enclosedbyhedges. Perennial plantmaterialaboundsandfountains,pondsandsmallwaterfeaturesprovideanelegant focus. Several of these gardens are rambling, naturalistic ravine gardens which take optimal advantage of the topography of the site.

Professionally-designed, clever, imaginative and innovative gardens are also included. There are small sophisticated city gardens where classical design elements have been successfully applied within a limited space. The geometric formality of some of the gardens contrasts dramatically with the wide, sweeping expanse of plantings in others.

Alsoincludedonthetouraremanyspecialtygardens. Onegardenboastsanencyclopaedic collection of perennials. Adjoining this garden, through a connecting archway, is a garden made up exclusively of groundcover plants and garden ornaments where ivy lawns have been installed to replace grass.

THROUGH THE GARDEN GATE is an event you will not want to miss. Tickets are limited, so order now to avoid disappointment. This year, we are pleased to announce that Loblaws is the sole sponsor for the day tour. You canbuyyour ticketsattheCivic GardenCentre, 777LawrenceAvenueEast,orderthembytelephonebycalling397-1340 and allowing for a $1 service charge for handling and mailing or pick them up at the courtesycounterofselectedLoblawsstoreswhilesupplieslast. VisaandMasterCardare not accepted atLoblawsbutare accepted for telephoneorders or purchaseat theCivic Garden Centre.

Pleaserememberthatthetourwillbeheldrainorshineandthatyourticketisvalidonly on the specified day Saturday or Sunday. When you receive your ticket, the map indicates gardenlocations. You mayvisitthe gardens inanyorderyou choose. Tickets are not interchangeable and there are no refunds. This is a fund-raising event forthe Civic Garden Centre. A ticket order form is on page 20.


Thursday, June 17

7:30 p.m. to 10: 00 p.m.

Admission: $30

Enjoy the magic ofthe garden at night. Join us onJune 17 when Through The Garden GateByNightvisits 10ofForestHill sfinestgardensspecificallydesigned forentertaining after dark. The elegance of these stately homes is dramatically enhanced by the effective use of outdoor lighting and candlelight.

Forest Hill is shaded during the dayby mature trees. The gardens rely on architectural planning,stonework,ornamentalponds, fountainsand otheruniquewaterfeaturesand garden art and statuary. Strong features ofarchitectural design stand out, are central to the garden and are further complimented by the plant material. There are notable specimenplantingsandtheformsandshapesofshrubsandtreeshavebecomeanintegral part of a mature backdrop. Many outstanding examples of creative container planting can also be found.

Ticketsalesfortheeveningarelimited. Canapesandasparklingbeveragewillbeserved in two of the gardens. When you receive your ticket, the map indicates the garden locations. You may visit the gardens in any order you choose. Civic Garden Centre volunteers will be your hosts and hostesses for the evening.

Theeveningwillbeheldregardlessofweatherconditions. Thisisafund-raisingevent for the Civic Garden Centre and no refunds will be issued. To receiveyour tickets by mail, please add a $1 service charge for handling and mailing. You may order by telephone by calling 397-1340. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

A ticket order form is on page 20.





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® ® ® & For that unique accent piece & in your garden drop by one of our Garden Centres to see our Exclusive line of Reproduction Antique Planters, Fountains and Garden Ornaments Imported from Spain ®

We also offer one-of-a-kind Specimen Plants to add that singularfeature to your Home and Garden ®

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In the library

We are continuing our program ofbook sponsorship. The following titles will be on display in the library during April.

e Bisgrove. The gardens ofGertrude Jekyll. $45.

e PierceandBarnsley.Easylifelonggardening: apractical guideforseniors. $18.

* Andrews. Northern balcony gardening. $5.

o Petelin. Thecountrydiarybookofflowers: drying, pressing andpotpourri. $30.

e Sanecki. History ofthe English herb garden. $30.

e Mulligan. The adventurous gardener s sourcebook ofrare and unusualplants. $45.

If you would like to sponsor a book, you can make payment in person or by telephone. We accept VISA or MasterCard; we will send you a tax receipt.


designed for


Places tohelp S clearone s mindand developa senseofwell-being.

Dennis A. Winters, OALA TALES OF THE EARTH Tel. 416-469-9646 Trellis, April, 1993


The Civic Garden Centre's


Member's Day

Friday, April 30th 10 am until 8 pm

PublicSale Days

PublicSale Days

Saturday and Sunday, Mondayand Tuesday May 18t and 2nd May 37d and 4th 12 pm until 5 pm 10 am until 5 pm

Featuring: Traditional Perennials, Ornamental Grasses and Ferns, the famous "Blooms of Bressingham , and manyexcitingand unusualPerennials.

The finest quality perennials are only $2.59 for a 4 inch (10 cm) pot. More mature varieties are in larger pots and are available at a higher price. Additional varieties will be arriving on Monday, May 3rd for our newextended sale.

Member's receive 10% off all plants purchased any day during this sale with your CGC membership card. Shop early, many of the unusual cultivars are in limited supply. This year's sale will have the best selection ever from even more new sources. Need help choosing plants or getting to your car? Friendly Civic Garden Centre Volunteers and Master Gardeners will be available to advise and assist.


Looking for specific plants...

Achillea (Yarrow)

Aconitum (Monkshood)

Ajuga (Bugleweed)

Dictamnus (Gas Plant)

Digitalis (Foxglove)

Doronicum (Leopard's Bane)

Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle) Draba

Oenothera (Evening Primrose)

Papaver (Poppy)

Penstemon (Beardtongue)

Perovskia (Russian Sage)

Anaphalis (Pearly Everlasting) Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) Phlox

Anemone Echinops (Globe Thistle) Physostegia (Obedient Plant)

Antennaria (Cat's Paw) Filipendula (Meadowsweet) Platycodon (Balloon Flower)

Anthemis (Marguerite) Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)

Aquilegia (Columbine) Galium (Sweet Woodruff)

Arabis (Rock Cress) Geranium (Crane's Bill)

Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder)

Potentilla (Cinquefoil)

Rudbeckia (Coneflower)

Armeria (Thrift) Geum (Avens) Sagina (Pearlwort)

Artemisia Gypsophila (Baby's Breath) Salvia

Aster Heuchera (Coralbells)

Aurinia (Basket ofGold) Hibiscus (Mallow)

Saponaria (Soapwort)

Sedum (Stonecrop)

Bergenia (Rockfoil) Houttuynia (Chameleon Plant) Sempervivum (Hens & Campanula Iberis (Candytuft) Chickens)

Catananche (Cupid's Dart) Iris

Centaurea (Mountain Bluet) Kniphofia (Torch Lily)

Sidalcea (Prairie Mallow)

Stachys (Lamb's Ear)


Members Pre Order Day: Wednesday, May 19th v 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Public Days: Thursday & Friday, May 20-21st 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday to Monday, May 22 to 24th Noon to 5 p.m.

The Civic Garden Centre 777 Lawrence Avenue East North York M3C 1P2 397-1354 (Fax) 397-1355 Presenting:

The Civic Garden Centre's Annual Spring Plant Sale

Member's Preorder PickUp Day Wednesday, May19th, 1993 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Simply make your selections and return this form by mail, Fax (397-1354) or telephone in your order (397-1355) to the Centre by May 3rd. Your order form will be returned to you for use as a reference guide when you select your plants. By preordering, a 10% Member's discount will be given when you purchase your annuals on May 19th. Qualified, knowledgeable volunteers will be available to help with plant information, selection and transportation to your car. Watch for the NEW! selections to the Centre this year. All plants listed in this preorder form are subject to availability from our growers. Occasionally, there may be substitutions or omissions. Help support the Centre, bring your own plastic flats or children's wagon and tell your friends and neighbours to shop on the Public Sale Days, May 20 to 28th (subject to availability).

Name: Phone:


Membership Number:

Annual Bedding Plants

Exp. Date:

Boxes of annuals containing four plants are $1.39 (no price increase since 1989!).

Please indicate the number of boxes you would like to preorder.

Ageratum 'Blue Puffs' (Ageratum houstonianum) A warm weather edging plant to 20 cm in height. The clustered lavender blue flowers appear until late fall.

Ageratum 'White Hawaii' A white form of Ageratum to compliment Blue Puffs. Italsoenjoys growing in full sun to 15 cm in height.

Alyssum 'Snowcloth' (Lobularia maritima) Sweet Alyssum is a favourite edging plant. The tiny, white, fragrant flowers create a mass of bloom.

Alyssum 'Oriental Night' This plant with intense violet coloured flowers attains a mound of 20cm in width. Alyssumgrow well in full sun. NEW!

Alyssum 'Rosie O'Day A low spreading plant reaching 10cm with medium sized rosecoloured flowers. Alyssumblooms from May until the frost. NEW!

Aster 'Dwarf Queen Mixed' (Callistephus chinensis) Dwarf Queen Asters reach a height of 30 cm. This plant has double flowers up to 6 cm across.

Aster 'Early Charm Mixed' Asters are a good cutting flower. Early Charm reaches a height of45 cm and thrives in hot, dry and poor conditions.

Aster 'Powderpuff Mixed' A tall, upright Aster reaching 90 cm. The whole plantcan be cut as a bouquet. Theblooms aredouble and excellent for cutting.

Begonias are four plants $1.49 a box. A flat of one variety (48 plants) is $16.99.

Gin has the typical bronze leaf of the Cocktail series and has adeep rose coloured flower. Gin will grow to 20 cm ina sun or part shade location.

Rum is a bronze leaved Begonia with 3 cm blooms. They are white with a red edge. Rum flowers continually throughout the summer.

Vodka has brilliant red flowers set off by bronze leaves. The Coctail series is a very reliable and favourite garden plant.

Whiskey tops off the list of bronze leaved fibrous rooted Begonias. It has bright white flowers and reaches 20 cm. A good compliment to Vodka.

BFibrous Rooted Begonia (Cont'd)

Linda is the most popular Begonia at the Centre. It has rose-pink flowers and medium green leaves. Linda is an excellentborder plant for sun or part shade. Scarletta grows to 20 cm tall. The bright scarlet flowers are excellent companions to Viva, Vodka or Whiskey. Scarletta has green leaves.

Viva has a pure white flower and green leaves. This compact, free flowering plant is ideal for sun or part shade conditions.

R Begoni

Ideal for shady gardens. These spectacular Begonias produce large, vivid 6 cm blooms. TheTuberous Begonias are in fourinch (10 cm) pots for$2.59.

NonstopApricot D Nonstop Orange D Nonstop Pink

Nonstop Salmon D Nonstop Scarlet l:l Nonstop Yellow

Nonstop White

Browallia 'Blue Bells' (Browallia speciosa) This shade tolerant plant is ideal for hanging baskets. This blue flowering plant reaches 25 cm in height.

Browallia 'Silver Bells' A white (30 cm) plant that blooms throughout the summer and into the fall. An ideal plant for shady baskets and planters.

Celosia 'Kewpie Red' (Celosia plumosa) A bushy, extra dwarf plumosa type. This Kewpie series has good tolerance to hot weather. NEW!

Celosia 'Kewpie Yellow' A dwarf plant growing to 25 cm with bright yellow feathery plumes. NEW!

Celosia 'Century Red' A tall growing plant to 70 cm which produces extra large plumes ofblazing red with bronze foliage. A very showy cut flower. NEW!

Celosia 'Pink Castles' Very heat and drought tolerant reaching 35 cm tall. An AAS winner with unusual pink blooms.

Celosia 'Scarlet Castles' Vivid bright red blooms adorn this medium sized Celosia. Thecolourful, central plumes are up to 20 cm long. NEW!

Cleome 'Helen Campbell (Cleome spinosa) Spider Flowers grow well in sun or part shade gardens. The white flowers bloom from June until frost.

Cleome 'Rose Queen' Rose-pink flowers adorn this tall plant. Ultimately, it will reach 90 cm. Cleome are great drought tolerant plants.

Cleome 'Royal Queen Mixed' This mixture has plants that bloom rose, violet or white. Great planted against a fence. NEW!

Coleus 'Carefree Mixed' (Coleus x hybridus) A popular dwarf (25 cm) small leaved plant. The brightly coloured leaves are deeply lobed.

Coleus 'Carefree Red' This dwarf plant reaches 25 cm in height. A semishaded, moist location is best for vivid colours.

Coleus 'Wizard Mixed' This compact large leaved Coleus reaches 30cm in height.

Dahlia 'Rigoletto Mixed' (Dahlia hybrid) A Dahlia with double flowers that is ideal for low borders. Rigoletto grows to 36 cm in height.

Dianthus 'Ideal Violet' (Dianthus x chinensis) An 1992 AAS winner growing to 23 cm is a new hybrid, a biennial and very tolerant of hot weather. NEW! Dracaena is a striking accent for containers or patio pots. Availablein31/2 inch (9 cm) pots for$2.25.

Dusty Miller 'Silver Dust' (Senecio cineraria) The silvery white foliage of Dusty Miller is an excellent contrast to thebright colours of a sunny garden. COME EARLYFORTHEBESTSELECTION OFDONATED PERENNIALS.



AnnualBeddingPlants (Cont'd)

Fuchsia prefer part shade conditions. They are in 4 inch (10 cm) pots for $2.39.

Beacon is an upright growing plant with single, bright deep pink flowers with a mauve pink bell.

Purple Swingtime is a double-flowered basket type Fuchsia. It has spectacular dark red flowers with purple bells. This plant is ideal for baskets.

Swingtime is the most popular Fuchsia variety listed. It has double flowers that are shiny red with a white bell, ideal for hanging baskets.

Annual Bedding Plants (Cont'd)

Gazania 'Daybreak Bright Bronze' Extra large bright bronze daisy-like flowers with a darker centre. Great for dry sunny gardens. NEW!

Gazania 'Daybreak Bright Orange' Dramatic large bright orange daisy-like flowers on 20 cm plants. Great for dry rockeries.

Zonal Geranium for full sun conditions. Theyare in a 4 inch pots (10 cm) for$2.19.

Alba is a clear white flowered Fischer Geranium with a compact form. Mix this with any geranium. NEW!

Americana Light Pink has a pale apple blossom coloured flower. Very nice in the garden.

Americana Light Salmon is a branching geranium with medium green foliage. Coral and salmon colours have been gaining in popularity at the Centre. NEW!

Americana Rose has an interesting dark pink fleck in each petal. This geranium produces many branches and flowers throughout the summer.

Aurora is a deep purple geranium with large blooms and a compactplant. It is excellent for containers or in the garden. NEW!

Blues has large, intense bright pink blooms with a dark pink fleck on each petal. This Fischer type geranium is ideal for window boxes and planters.

Disco is a Fischer Geranium that is a dark magenta colour. The rich blooms are an eye catcher in the garden. NEW!

Kim is a traditional scarlet colour, outstanding in the garden. This is the traditional red bedding geranium.

Pink Expectations is a good and reliable salmon-pink geranium to plant in the garden.

Schéne Helena is a stunning salmon-rose colour. It will tolerateany summer weather.

Tango is a FischerGeranium withbright crimson semi-double flowers. The leaves are a dark green colour.

Veronica is a bright magenta coloured geranium. A real eye catcher in the garden.

Yours Truly has brilliant scarlet coloured flowers ideal for a sunny garden. They will produce blooms all summer. lin, i

Available by the flat for $29.99. Each flat has eighteen 3 1/2 inch (9cm) pots. Pinto Red is an excellent all-round geranium for the garden. The bright scarlet blooms are held high on sturdy, strong plants.

Pinto Rose is a rich rose pink colour with a lighter centre. This plant flowers almost continuously throughoutthe summer.

Pinto White is an early, uniform seedling geranium. White adds a good contrast and cooling effect in the garden.



BLvy Geranium

Ideal for sunor part shady window boxes. Fourinch (10 cm) pots are $2.49. Salmon Queen has been the top variety in Europe for50years. It has salmonpink coloured flowers. Great for hanging baskets.

Snow Queen is a beautiful white Fisher type of ivy geranium with pink accents to the petals. NEW!

Sybil Holmes is a CGC favourite. It has double bright pink blooms on trailing branches.

Cascade Geranium

These are free-flowering like the European balcony geraniums and more heat resistant than Ivy Geraniums. Four inch (10 cm) pots are $2.49.

Bright Cascade has an overwhelming number ofsingle scarlet coloured blooms. Great for hanging baskets.

Lila Cascade has lilac coloured flowers accented with the light green leaf and flower stem.

Sofie Cascade is a beautiful profuse, single pink flowered Geranium ideally suited forwindowboxes.


The most popular bedding plant for shady gardens. The Accent series of Impatiens are free flowering with large blooms and grow approximately 25 cm in height. Four plants per $1.49 box. A flat of one variety (48 plants) is $16.99.

Accent Bright Eye is a light pink Impatiens with a darker pink centre (eye). A very attractive Impatiens.

Accent Coral is a unique colour in the garden. The Accent Impatiens are a medium height reaching 25 cm.

Accent Lavender Blue is the first lavender coloured Impatiens offered at the Centre.

AccentMixed is ideal for shady or partly sunnygardenbeds. Mixed colours are best in large areas.

Accent Pink is a favourite colour at the Civic Garden Centre. The Accent Impatiens grow to the same width as their height.

Accent Red Star gives an unsurpassed show in the garden. Red Star is a bicolour with white bands from the outside to the centre of each petal. NEW!

Accent Rose is a verydeep vivid rose colour of Impatiens. A brilliant colour in the garden.

Accent Scarlet has deep red-orange blooms throughout the summer in a shady garden.

Accent Violet is a rich colour that blends well with rose, white and pink Impatiens.

Accent White is a perfect compliment for the other Accent Impatiens. A colour that is cool in the garden.

Blitz Impatiens can tolerate up to a half a day of sunlight in the garden and grow taller than Accents. They are well branched with large flowers. The plant grows toapprox. 30 cm. Four plants per $1.49 box. A flat ofone variety (48 plants) is $16.99.

Blitz Light Pink is a welcome new addition to the Blitz series. It has masses of large delicate blooms. NEW!

Blitz Orange has large non-stopblooms. It grows very vigorously in a compact form.

Blitz Red is one of the tallest Impatiens at 35 cm. It is one of the traditional favourites at the Centre.

Blitz Rose is a tall growing Impatiens of vivid rose colour. Flowers reach 5 cm in diameter.

OBlitz Impatiens (Cont'd)

Blitz Salmon is one of the most popular colours of the Blitz series. It can grow to35cminpartsun.

Blitz White is perfect with any of the other Blitz colours or great by itself. A nicecoolcolourfor thegarden.

Dazzler Cranberry is a very unique rich deepcolour of Impatiens for the garden. It will grow to 25 cm in a part shade location.


TheNew Guinea Impatiens are tolerantofalmost full sun. The huge6 cm blooms are very showy with the the decorative foliage. Sunshine Impatiens in this "Lasting Impressions" series are in a 3 1/2 inch (9 cm) pot for $1.59.

Ambrosia has large fluorescent orange flowers atop dark reddish green foliage. It is ideal for containers. NEW!

Blazon is a deep crimson red coloured flower with a dark green foliage. Itisa compact grower. NEW!

Illusion is a beautiful light pink blooming plant with a dark reddish green leaf. NEW!

Impulse has a dark pink coloured bloom and a green leaf. It is ideally suited to containers of all sizes. NEW!

Innocence is a true white sunshine impatiens with variegated bright green leaves. NEW!

Rosetta has rose pink flowers set off by a dark reddish green leaf. It is perfect for hanging baskets. NEW!

Serenade has a beautiful lavender flower with a dark green leaf. It is ideal for a semi-shaded planter. NEW!

Annual Bedding Plants (Cont'd)

Lobelia 'Blue Crystal' (Lobelia erinus) A compact Lobelia with bright blue flowers ideal for edging in partial shade. Blue Crystal grows to 8 cm.

Lobelia 'Pendula Sapphire' A profusion of sapphire blue flowers with white eyes accent the cascading foliage. NEW!

Lobelia Roseamond' This upright type is perfect for garden borders and window boxes. It has carmineblooms with white eyes and bronze foliage.

Lobelia 'Snowball' Masses ofsnow white blooms cover this 15 cm high plant. Snowball should be grown in a semi-shade location. NEW!

Marigold 'Diamond Jubilee' (Tagetes erecta) is one of the best early hybrid African Marigold. Diamond Jubilee is a lemon yellow growing to 56 cm. NEW!

Marigold 'Inca Orange' A medium height African Marigold growing to 30cm with 7cmdoubleblooms.

Marigold 'Inca Yellow' A reliable Marigold growing to 30 cm for the middle of the border. Numerous flowers all summeruntil frost.

Marigold Janie Bright Yellow' A super, dwarf French Marigold with double flowers reaching 20 cm.

Marigold 'Janie Flame' The unique flowers of this dwarf plant are red and gold combined. Great forborders,Janie Flame grows to 20cm.

Marigold 'Orange Jubilee' A fully double African marigold of brilliant orange. Growing to 56 cm. NEW!

Marigold 'Toreador' AAS Bronze winner with gigantic rich orange blooms which last as a cut flower. An F1 hybrid growing to 75 cm. NEW!

Nicotiana 'Nicki Pink' (Nicotiana alata) An old fashioned bedding plant that is gaining renewed popularity. Great forhot sun or part shade gardens.

Nicotiana 'Nicki Red' Flowering Tobacco grows to 40cm and is good in large containers. Can be used as a cut flower.

Nicotiana 'Nicki White' This easy to grow plant (no staking or pinching) has pure whlte flowers. Sun orpart shade. To40 cm. types are themost popularwithblooms up to 12 cm.

Great forblooms all summer long,.

Blue Lace has light orchid blue flowers with darker purple veins. The 8 cm blooms arefringed.

Red Flash flowers early and has good tolerance to rainy weather. The blooms are large (to 10 cm).

White Flash is an excellent Grandiflora Petunia with large pure white flowers with cream coloured throats.

Outstanding for hanging baskets with super sized blooms to 12 cm.

Blue Cascade is a rich velvety wine-red shade of Petunia. This early flowering Petunia trails in hanging baskets.

Chiffon Cascade is a delightful pale pink colour. Large 9 cm blooms cascade down this trailing petunia. NEW!

Supercascade Pink is one ofthe most popularcolours ofcascading Petunias. They have been specially designed for containers.

Supercascade Red is ideal for window boxes. The brilliant scarlet-red flowers are slightly ruffled.

Supercascade White is a favourite in planters or window boxes. Its bright white flowers contrast well with many other hanging basket plants.

Floxibunda Petuni

Extremely prolific and resistant to the summer weather.

Burgundy Madness have big flowers with darkburgundy veins. The masses of flowers areup to 7cm across.

Coral Madness is very prolific with continuous bloom until the frost. The plants are uniform with a high tolerance to rainy weather.

Plum Madness has dark violet veins in the flowers. The Madness Petunias are excellent for large areas in the garden.

Red Madness bloomcontinuously throughout the summer. Try Red and White Madness for a patriotic display !

Sheer Madness is a great name for this pink petunia with darker pink veins in the flower. NEW!

White Madness has the same prolific flowering and disease resistance as the other Madness Petunias.

Double Petunia

A novelty for patio hanging baskets.

Blue Danube has lavender flowers with dark veins running through them. The flowers are large reaching 10 cm.

Cherry Tart has double rose-pink and white flowers. Ideal for a sunny hanging basket.

Purple Pirouette was an All America Selection. The large flowers are ruffled and are velvety purple with a broad white edge.

Annual Bedding Plants (Cont'd)

Portulaca 'Sundance Mixed' (Portulaca grandiflora) A good annual ground cover for hot, dry, sunny areas. Most of the semi-double flowers stay open all day.

Salvia 'Red Hot Sally' (Salvia splendens) One of the earliest Salvias to bloom. Deep red blooms reach a height of25 cm and bloom all summer.

Salvia splendens Flowering in late July, this plant is ideal for the back of the border as it grows to 95 cm. A traditional tall red Salvia.

Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue' Intense violet-blue flowers adorn this 45 cm plant. It is heat and drought resistant and excellent for cutting or drying.

Snapdragon 'Little Darling Mixed' (Antirrhinum majus) A dwarf plant with butterfly type flowers. Little Darling is an AAS winner growing to 30 cm. NEW!

Snapdragon 'RocketMixed' A Snapdragon for hot weather tolerance. The sturdy stem makes this tall plant (90 cm) ideal for cutting.

Snapdragon 'SonnetMixed' The vivid colours of this medium (60cm) height

Snapdragon also make it a popular cut flower.

Thunbergia 'Susie Mixed' (Thunbergia alata) The Black-eyed Susan Vine is useful in baskets for sun or part shade. The flowers are orange, yellow or white.

Verbena 'Novalis Deep Blue' (Verbena x hybrida) This plant is dwarf and very prolific. The blue flowers have a dramatic white eye.

Verbena Peaches & Cream' Pastel flowers are a blend of salmon and apricot colours. A heat tolerant, 1992 AAS winnergrowing to 20cm.

Verbena 'Romance Scarlet' Masses of scarlet flowers cover this heat tolerant plant. It will reach 25 cm and spread to double its width.

Verbena 'Trinidad' An AAS winner, this Verbena has vibrant rose coloured flowers on 25 cmplants.

Vinca 'Tropicana Blush' (Catharanthus roseus) Large blooms of light pink with a rose eye cover this very drought tolerant plant. NEW!

Vinca 'Tropicana Rose' Deep rose coloured blooms with a whiteeye adorn this plant. Blooms all summer long. NEW!

Zinnia 'Burpeeana Giant Mixed' (Zinnia elegans) This Zinnia produces 15 cm cactus typeblooms on bushy 50 cm plants.

Zinnia 'Pulcino Mixed' Double dahlia type flowers adorn this Zinnia. It will reach 35 cmand producesgood flowers forcutting.


Boxes of Vegetables contain four plants for $1.39 (no price increase since 1989!)

Onion Yellow Sweet Spanish are mild and sweet tasting. The plants produce very large globe shaped bulbs.

Parsley is an excellent cooking garnish. It is easily grown in sunny well drained gardens orcontainers. 6 plants/box.

Pepper California Wonder is a nonhybrid sweet bell Green Pepper maturing in 69 days. Great for stuffing, the fruit reach 10 cm in length and width. 6/box

Pepper Super Shepherd is a sweet Italian red Pepper that matures in 68 days. The fruit reach 19 cm and have an extra thick skin. 6 plants/box.

Tomato Giant Beefmaster is the best hybrid beefstake type. Enormous 500 gr (1 Ib) mild, solid fruit are tolerant of cracking and mature in 80 days.

Tomato Better Boy matures in 70 days and is an indeterminate type. Very popular because of the large 450 gr fruit and disease tolerant.

Tomato Early Girl is one of the earliest slicing Tomatoes. Maturing in 52 days, it is indeterminate (needs staking) and will produce 170 gr fruit.

Tomato Sweet Million produces millions! of one inch tomatoes which are ideal for salads or garnishes. They mature in 65 days and are disease tolerant.

Tomato Tiny Tim is a dwarf plant in a 7 inch (17cm) pot for $3.59. It will grow to 46 cmand matures in 45 days. It canbegrown in a containeron a patio.

Tomato Patio Prize is ideal for small gardens or in containers and planters. It is in a 10 inch (25 cm) fibre pot for $4.99. It matures in 70 days.

Ask for the following gardening with annuals information factsheets at the Centre: -<Gardening for fragrance. +Growing a cutting and drying garden. -Sure-fire annuals. -<Annuals for dry gardens. -Container gardening. +Shady annuals.

Friendly Information from Serious Gardeners!

Cerastium (Snow in Summer)


Cimicifuga (Bugbane)

Coreopsis (Tickseed)



Ajuga (Bugleweed)


Aubrieta (False Rock Cress)

Bergenia (Rockfoil)

Digitalis (Foxglove)

Dicentra (Bleeding Heart)


Echinopsis (Globe Thistle)

Filipendula (Meadowsweet)

Geum (Avens)

Athyrium (Lady Fern)

Asarum (Wild Ginger)

Sun-loving Perennials (Cont'd)

Lavandula (Lavender)

Leontopodium (Edelweiss)

Limonium (Sea Lavender)

Mazus (Creeping Mazus)

Monarda (Bergamot)

Nepeta (Catmint)

Heuchera (Coralbells)

Hibiscus (Mallow)


Linum (Flax)


Lupinus (Lupine)


Monarda (Bergamot)

Myosotis (Forget-me-Not)

Papaver (Poppy)

Dryopteris (Wood Fern)


Lamiastrum (False Lamium)

TThalictrum (Meadow Rue)

Tunica (Tunic Flower)

Verbascum (Mullein)

Veronica (Speedwell)

Vinca (Periwinkle)

Pachysandra (Japanese Spurge)


Platycodon (Balloon Flower)

Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder)


Saxifraga (Saxifrage)

Thalictrum (Meadow Rue)

Tricyrtis(Toad Lily)

Vinca (Periwinkle)

Asplenium (Spleenwort)

Pachysandra (Japanese Spurge)

Achillea 'Summer Pastels' AAS winner, beautiful pastel colours. Astilbe simplicifolia Sprite' 1994 Perennial Plant of the Year. Shell pink flowers and bronze leaves. Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila (Dwarf Chinese Astilbe) Lacy foliage, low, hardy perennial to 30 cm. Clematis macropetala 'Rosy O Grady' Beautiful pink star shaped blooms adorn this prolific species. Dicentra eximia 'Alba Ferny foliage with white flowers to 40 cm.

Epimedium xyoungianum Roseum Lilac-rose starry flowers. Great for shady gardens. Filipendula vulgaris 'Flore-Pleno (Double Dropwort) Long lasting white flowers. Tolerant of dry soils. Fragaria x 'Pink Panda An edible strawberry with ornamental pink flowers. Hardy to zone 2. Geraniumcinereum subcaulescens 'Guiseppii' Gray foliage with magenta flowers and ablackeye. Heuchera micrantha Palace Purple' Purple-bronze leaves with white flowers.

Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' Blue green leaves with a wide yellow margin. Lavender flowers. Hosta 'August Moon' Large deeply crinkled gold leaves with a near white flower. Mounding to 50cm. Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona Large purple leaves with bright orange daisy flowers. Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket' Bottle brush yellow flowers to 180 cm.

Physostegia virginiana 'Variegata' Green leaves that are heavily blotched with cream colour. Pulmonaria saccharata 'Sissinghurst White' (Lungwort) Large white flowers. Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes' Single yellow flowers. Thymus x citriodorus 'GoldEdge' Delightful lemonfragrance. Veronica 'Sunny Border Blue' 1993 Perenial Plant of the Year! Very long blooming and easy to grow.

e All plants are subject to grower availability.

¢ Ask for your copy of the new perennial information sheets on the followingNo-Fail Garden Perennials. Toughplants fordroughtconditions. Shady Perennials. And More.

* Thank you very much for your support. It helps keep the Centre growing.

Join the Centre s out-of-town garden tours

All out-of-town garden tours are conducted by Bayla Gross, a member of the Board of Directors who has taken our members on many wonderful excursions in the past few years. She will be assisted by Louise Kappus, a board member and ardent gardener.


Saturday, June 12, Sunday, June 13 and Monday, June 14

Members: $397

Non-members: $425

The tour price includes a $50 donation to the Civic Garden Centre forwhich a tax receipt will be issued, transportation bydeluxe motorcoach, two nights accommodation, one dinner, two breakfasts, all applicable admission charges, taxes, all gratuities. Price is based on double occupancyand a minimum of38 passengers.

Please make chequesforthefull amount payableto the Civic Garden Centre. The Civic Garden Centre, as toursponsor, shall not be responsible or liable in any way for any loss, death, injury, inconvenience, delay, expense, or damage to persons or property incurred by any persons in connection with the tour, however caused, including without limitations, by airlines, buses, automobiles, other transportation, both public and private, hotels and other accommodations, restaurants, private and public gardens. We are, however, offering insurance coverage at $22 per person and urge you totake advantage ofthis offer. Registration form i 20. kls on page 20 )

An excitinglongweekendget-awaytoUpperNewYorkState! Ourthree-day, two-night trip will visit a number of outstanding gardens in Rochester and Ithaca.

Day one: Following a morning departure in our air-conditioned motorcoach, we arrive at noon in Rochester, known as the Flower City . Its nickname was gained from the presence of the internationally-renowned nursery, Ellwanger and Barry. Numerous glorious gardens can be traced directly to their early efforts. The city s reputation as a garden mecca was further enhanced by Fletcher Steele, an outstanding landscape architectwholivedandworkedinRochester. Wewillvisitseveralimportantgardenshe designed. Throughthe courtesy oftheirowners, a number ofother private gardens will beon ouritinerary,as well as the Ellwangerestate and the GeorgeEastman house, a 50room mansion built in 1905, and set in beautifully-reconstructed formal gardens. We spend the night at the new Hyatt Hotel in Rochester.

Daytwo: Ourmorningfeaturesavisittoanextraordinaryprivatepropertysurrounding astatelyGreekRevivalhousebuiltin1840. FletcherSteelelaidouttheoriginalplanofthe property, including dramatic terraces descending to a reflecting pool, and an orchard consistingofmanyapplevarieties.WetraveltowardsIthaca,stoppingenrouteatAurora tovisitHighbanks,theMacKenzie-Childspotteryandfactorylocated inagardensetting

Trellis, April, 1993

overlooking Cayuga Lake. Victoria and Richard MacKenzie-Childs founded this company to produce innovative handcrafted dinner ware, linens, floor coverings tiles, furniture, lamps and tassels, in fanciful patterns and colours.

A high point ofthe trip is a tourofthe stunningperennial garden ofElizabethSheldon, well-knownlecturer,gardenwriterandauthorof AProperGarden.The250-footperennial border is proof of her extensive knowledge and creativity. As this garden experiences extremes of heat and cold similar to those facing Toronto gardeners, much practical information willbe gleaned from our hostess. Our second night is spent at the recently refurbished Statler Hotel on the Cornell University campus in Ithaca.

Daythree: CornellPlantationsisagardener sparadise. The2,900acresincludenotonly anarboretum,butalsospecialtygardens displaying herbs,peonies,roses,groundcovers, perennials, rhododendrons, wildflowers, heirloom and modern vegetables and fruits. Wewill tourgardenareaswhichareatthepeakoftheirbloom. Iftimepermits, wewill visit additional private gardens.


Tuesday, June 22

Members: $64

Non-members : $74

Our chartered buses will leave the Civic Garden Centre at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 6:30 p.m. Tour includes transportation, lunch and refreshments on k\route. Registration form is on page 20. )

The city of London, founded by Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe in 1793, is celebrating its twohundredth anniversary. Rich in tradition, it offers many handsome, established neighbourhoods featuring interesting architecture ranging from the Georgian and Victorian periods to the present. Charming gardens take advantage of the gentler climate (6A and 6B zones) to include a wide range of interesting plant material in well-designed settings. Each of the gardens we visit has a distinct personality, reflecting the owners individual creativity.

Some of the private gardens to be visited are: ThegardenofHarryandJoyceMcGee: TheseardentgardenersretiredtoLondonwhere they have an extraordinary collection of 300 roses from hybridizers worldwide. The garden is in the shape of a Celtic cross, the centre of which is a raised pool containing water lilies, water iris, floating heart and flowering rush among which dart comet goldfishandcalicofantails.Muchattentionhasbeenpaidtogardenfurnishingstocreate inviting places to linger, meditate or enjoy a meal. A shade garden and perennial beds addvariety.Thetimingofthistourwassettoviewtherosesattheheightoftheirbloom.

The garden of Louise Weeks: On a conventional suburban lot, a most unusual garden hasbeencreated. Original plant combinations produce appealing harmonies,burgeoningfree-formgardenbedsminimizelawnandmaximizetheplantingareatocontainthe vast selection of plants. This extremely knowledgeable plantswoman has amassed an astonishingcollectionofhostas,daylilies,ornamentalgrasses,and lilies. Alathstructure provides filtered shade for a collection of shade loving plants. The garden will

intrigueallvisitorsfrombudding enthusiasttocommitted expert. ChattingwithLouise always yields new insights and practical tips.

The garden of Sally Bryant: A most unusual garden has been created in a gracious, establishedLondonneighbourhood. Pleachedtrees,clippedyewhedges,topiary,arched gateway and free-standing copper trellis all provide strong architectural emphasis in a carefullyplannedgardenwhereformisparamount. Aromanticgazeboembellishedwith a trompeI'oeillandscapeenhancesa tranquilcorner. Plantmaterialofinterestincludes woodland and native plants, a boxwood parterre, herb garden, rhododendrons, a wisteria arbor and a shrub border.

The garden of Shirley Aundrey: Charming flower beds painted with a Monet palette givewaytofieldsbeyondinthiscasualruralsetting. Deepbluelarkspurhasbeenallowed toreseedatwill, lendingathreadofcontinuityandprovidingafoilfortheglowingpinks, golds, and oranges that dot the garden in an impressionist canvas.

The garden of Lee Goosens: Behind a charming Arts and Crafts style house, a touch of England transplanted to London, lies a well designed garden which takes advantage of a double lot to createcontrastinggarden rooms. Thevisitor crosses a lawn bordered by perennialbedsandpassesthroughanarborintoasecondgarden. Herecasualplantings spillovergravelpathwaysleading toafurthergardenroomenclosinganoriginalabovegroundwaterfeature.ThisgardenwasdesignedbylandscapearchitectDavidThompson, oneofwhosefinegardenswetouredlastyearinAncaster. AdditionalgardensbyDavid will also be visited.



Peterborough, Lakefield, Buckhorn and Mount Pleasant

*Choice of days: Sunday, July 11 or Monday, July 12

Members : $63 Non-members: $73

* Thetourwill take place on Sunday toaccommodate our memberswhowork and again on Monday for those who find a weekday more convenient. Our chartered buses leave from the Civic Garden Centre at 8:45 a.m. and return at approximately 6:00 p.m. Tour includes transportation, lunch and refreshments en kroute. Registration form is on page 20. p)

Thetourisanidyllicsummeroutingthroughthesparklinglakes,oakandpineforestsand neatlytilledvalleysoftheKawarthas (anOjibwayword meaning appropriatelyLand of Shining Water). Winding our way along the scenic Trent Severn canal system, we will enjoythesightofpleasureboatspassingthroughtheliftlocks. Ourgardenvisitswilltake us to MountPleasant,Lakefield, Peterboroughand Buckhorn. Thesefine gardens inthe 4A and 4B zones will be of interest to those who garden in cottage country north of Toronto.

Gardens on the tour include:

ThegardenofLindaFriend:Alargeperennialgarden,withplantsgrown almostentirely fromseed. Adelighttotheeye,itcombinesvigorousplantsinharmoniouscombinations and attests to the practical knowledge and passionate commitment of its exuberant owner. New cultivars are being constantly introduced with extra plants for sale.

Thegarden ofHenry Spitse: After30years as agreenhouseoperatorintheLeamington area, this plantspecialistretired north to thetop ofBuckhornLake. Herehe has worked wonders in only four years creating an unforgettable garden ofimpressive size, variety and quality on the inhospitable rock of the Canadian Shield. In this relatively cold 4A zone, great drifts of perennials, wildflowers, spring bulbs and bog plants flourish naturally, untouched by chemicals. Most plants are grown from seed and new and interesting varieties are plentiful. This garden is an exciting find for our outing.

The garden of Michael Pineau: This compact English-style garden includes a great variety of plant material. Flagstone edging provides a touch of formality to the flower beds which contain David Austin and the Ottawa explorer roses, tender perennials conventionallyjudged to be too risky for zone 5A, and a selection of shade plants.

ThegardenofJoanneMcInroy: Thistwo-yearoldgardenhasa150footperennialborder. The garden also includes 50 rose bushes (David Austin, bourbons, and shrub roses) and displays plants in attractive windowboxes. The energy and enthusiasm ofthe owner is evident throughout the garden.

Othergardens ofconsiderable interestwillbevisited. Timepermitting, wewill stopat the Curved Lake Indian Reserve to browse in the fascinating Whetung Ojibway Crafts and Native Arts gallery displaying the best of native work from across Canada.

Join MARJORIE HARRIS,authorandNational gardencolumnist fortheGlobe & Mail, togetherwith FRANK KERSHAW, instructor, lecturerandpublisheron a....


Gardener's Cruise to Beautiful Bermuda

on Celebrity Cruises mv HORIZON Saturday, Sept. 11 to Saturday, Sept. 18, 1993

fom $ 720 peseson

Gardener's cruise highlights include * presentations given by Marjorie and Frank over the 7 days « visitations (o private gardens/botanical gardens while in Bermuda + privategardener's social function « Captain'scocktail parties * and much more.

*Fares are in Canadian dollars, per person double occupancy. Price includes return air transportation from Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Buffalo, Detroit, port and departure taxes, baggage handling, transfers. (Ont. Reg. #3241024)

s5 54 F Y Bt Qi~FRsmt

JUST for children!

Green Thumb


Children from 7 through 11 years are invited to learn about plants, gardening, the environment, nature and crafts. The Civic Garden Centre s Green Thumb Days are an unique educational and recreational experience. Each programis led by the Centre s horticulturists and special volunteer guests from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The Awesome AdventuresTourisawholedayfrom9:30a.m.to2:00p.m. A refreshingsnackofjuiceand fruit willbe served each morning. Rain doesn t stop gardening and nature, neither will it stop Green Thumb Days. Pleasebe prepared for all weather!

The program:

Terrific Trees

How old is that tree? Why are trees important? How tall is this tree? What tree is that? Theseanswersandmorewillbeinvestigatedduringthisprogram. July14andAugust10.

Plants Plus

Investigate plants in all shapes and sizes. From the miniature plants in your own terrarium creation to caring for monster trees organically! July 15 and August 11.

Powerful Plants

Explore plantsthatarehelpfultous. Learn abouttheclean airplants, theinsect catchers and other useful plants. All participants will take home a helpful plant. July 20 and August 12.

Plentiful Plants

Multiplyingplantsinmanyways. Practiseonourplantsandtakehomeyourownbabies. All participants must promise to adopt-a-plant . July27 and August 17.

Insect Inspectors

A minihikethroughthewilds ofWilketCreekParkto spotnatureat itsbest. Inspectors will search for strange and wonderful land critters. Exploration of this type needs long pants and running shoes. July 28 and August 24.

Noticing Nature

Budding scientistswill enjoy this program full of nature experiments How acid is our rain? What makes soil acidic? Why is the temperature cooler under a tree? August 25.

Creative Crafts

Letyourartistictalentsloose! Learnhowtocreatecraftswithdriedflowers,pineconesand other recycled natural products and make your own creations. July 29 and August 26.

Awesome Adventures Tour

AfulldayhikeintoSunnybrookParktounravelthemysteriesofthenaturalworld. This adventurerequires thatMom orDad packa highenergy lunchfornourishment. July21 and August 18.

Green Thumb Days Registration Form

I would like to register my child(ren) for the following (9:30 to noon) programs. Registrationfeesforeachprogram(excepttheAwesomeAdventureTour)are$8eachfor children of Civic Garden Centre members or $10 for non-members.

Terrific Trees

Plants Plus

July 14I:I orAugust 10 l_:l

July 15]:I or August 11

Powerful Plants July20 or August 12

Plentiful Plants

July27l:l orAugust 17 [:I

Insect Inspectors July 28 or August 24

Noticing Nature August 25 I:I

Creative Crafts

July 29I:I or August 26

Awesome Adventures Tour July 21 [:I or August 18 I:I (9:30 am. to2 p.m.)

$12 each child of members, $14 for non-members.

Child s Name:

Child s Name:

Child s Name:




Refunds will be issued up to five business days before the program date. Program fees includeGST. Eachprogrammustmeetaminimumregistrationorarefundwillbegiven. Questions? Call 397-1355.


Phone: ( ) Area code

Address City: Postal code:

CGC membershipnumber: Expirydate:

Total amount:

Chequeenclosed :I Pleasemakechequespayable to The Civic Garden Center

I prefer to use my VISA I:j MasterCard |:|

Cardnumber: Expirydate:



Personally escorted by

September 11 -25, 1993 For the Adventuresome of Spirit.

Join us on this beautiful garden tour ofEurope, starting in London, then on to Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and France, ending in Paris.

Limitedseating book early!



The Country Squires Garden

Perennial plant specialists

Our new location is: 2601 Derry Road West, R. R. # 3, Campbellville, Ontario LOP 1BO (just west of the Guelph Line) Growers ofover3,000 different hardyplants, alpines, dwarfconifers andshrubs, hardy ferns, vines, groundcovers and native wildflowers. Send $2 forplant list # 10. We invite you to visit us.

Trellis, April, 1993


April and May are very busy months at the Civic Garden Centre. The outdoor gardening season is underway and the need for volunteer help is great.

We hope that many of you will help us through our plant sales by volunteering foratleast one ortwo shifts. Itis onlywithyour help thatwe are able to offerthis extraordinary service to our members and the public.

- Volunteers are needed at the following times:

Pansy Sale:

Thursday, April 1

Friday, April 2


Members day

Saturday and Sunday, April 3 and 4 Public sale

Perennial Sale:

Thursday, April 29

Friday, April 30


Members day

Saturday to Wednesday, May 1 to 5 Public sale

Hanging Basket Sale:

Friday, May 7

Saturday and Sunday, May 8 and 9

Herb Sale:

Friday, May 14

Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16

Annual Plant Sale:

Monday and Tuesday, May 17 and 18

Wednesday, May 19

Thursday to Monday, May 20 to 24


Members and the public


Members and the public


Members day

Public sale

Asyoucansee,wereallydoneedyourhelp! Justcallusandwe lltellyou thetimes ofthedifferentshifts. There aremanydifferentjobs availableincludingcustomer service, cash, display, watering and many others. We're sure we can find something suitable. Our number is 397-1351.

(Plant sale volunteer training

The Civic Garden Centre plant sale committee invites you to a plant sale orientation afternoon. If you have wanted to participate in a plant sale but felt hesitant about volunteering, here is an opportunity to become familiar with the layout, duties, and schedule of events for a sale. This is also a good refresher session to attend in

preparation for the May plant sales.

Membersoftheplantsalecommitteewillbeavailableat3:00p.m. onThursday,April

\29 in the Floral Hall. See you there!

Trellis, April, 1993

Registration form

Civic Garden Centre programs

Use this multi-eventform toregisterforCivic Garden Centre programs andgarden tours. Send or deliver the form to the Centre or phone the Centre at 397-1340, if you are using VISA or MasterCard. GST is included.

Please register me for: Check Event

Perennial Pleasures

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Coming events at the Civic Garden Centre



* Landscape in watercolour, course #4165E


* C.G.C. sale ofpansies 3

¢ Advancedbotanicalillustrationinwatercolour, course #4130

* Orchidjudgingcentre(SouthernOntarioOrchid Society), 1:00 p.m. 4

* CanadianWildflowerSociety, seminar,9:00 a.m.

¢ Southern Ontario Orchid Society, meeting, 1:00 p.m.


* Landscape in watercolour, course #4165P


* Men s Garden Club, meeting, 8:00 p.m.


* Basic flower arranging: certificate course, #4114C

¢ Colour: planning for all seasons, course #4116


*Ontario Rock Garden Society, meeting, 1:30 p.m.


® Pruning and other related tasks, course #4120-1

* Southern Ontario Orchid Society Newcomers, meeting, 7:00 p.m.

* Toronto Bonsai Society, meeting, 7:00 p.m. 13

* North Toronto Horticultural Society, meeting, 8:00 p.m.


* Perennial pleasures

A special program on perennial gardening, 7:00 p.m. Members $27, non-members $37 ¢ Ikebana International,chapter208, meeting, 7:30 p.m.


¢ Orchids: growing at home, course #4137


® Society of Ontario Nut Growers, auction sale, 1:00 p.m.


* York Rose and Garden Society, meeting, 2:00 p.m.

* Geranium and Pelargonium Society, meeting, 2:00 p.m.


e Climbers / other vines, course #4120-2

* Basketry: beginners, course #4141

* Mycological Society of Toronto, meeting, 8:00 p.m.

¢ Hownottogetlost,withVickieBrownofthe Toronto Orienteering Club


e Wildlife wonderland, course#4176

¢ Toronto Cactus and Succulent Club, meeting, 7:30 p.m.


¢ Identifying native birds, course#4162L

® Southern Ontario Unit, Herb Society of America, symposium, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration required.


¢ Canadian Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society, meeting, 7:00 p.m.


¢ Toronto Gesneriad Society, show 24

¢ Basketry Network, sale, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p-m.

e Canadian Wildflower Society, plant sale, 10:00 a.m.


¢ RhododendronSocietyofCanada,meeting, 2:00 p.m.

¢ Identifying native birds: field trip, course #4162F

¢ Southern Ontario Orchid Society, meeting, 1:00 p.m.


* C.G.C. Annual Meeting.

Speaker: Allen Paterson

Topic: Gardens ofScotland 7:30 p.m.


¢ Rhododendrons, course #4159


C.G.C. perennial sale, members sale CanadianRoseSocety,sale,6:00to9:00p.m. May1,2, 3, 4

C.G.C. perennial sale, public day

May we invite you to join us?

TheCivicGardenCentrewarmlywelcomesnewmembers.Joinus,and meetfriendswhosharean interest in gardening, floral arts and horticulture.


The Civic Garden Centre offers:

e workshops, classes and clinics

e flower shows

* lectures

e The Trellis Shop (garden supplies, plants, gifts and books)

e Trellis newsletter

Member discounts apply on many of these activities.


garden tours horticultural library soil testing service gardening hotline

Master Gardeners' activities plant sales fund-raising activities

ThetalentsandenthusiasmofCivicGardenCentrevolunteerspermitofferingavarietyofprograms and special events. Ifyou are ableto offertime ona regular or as-neededbasis, please contact our volunteerco-ordinator.Volunteerjobsincludetourguides,shopsales,libraryassistants,secretarial, reception,horticulturalassistant, committeememberoravolunteerpositiontailored to meetyour particular skills or interest.


Mail to: The Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Avenue East, North York, Ontario M3C 1P2

New member N Please print:

Renewing member []

Single membership ~ $25

Family membership ~ $35


Gift membership 35 o

Donation, tax deductible

Total Apt.

Method of payment

[_] Cheque (payabletotheCivic City GardenCentre)

[JvisaA [IMasterCard Postad sode

Card number Telephone (home)

Expiry date

Signature (business)

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