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Tiny gardens in glass enclosures foster creativity and encourage mindfulness

Now that I have answered the where, let us get to the why of the matter. Why all the hype? Why would the average person need or want a terrarium? It is not only for their aesthetic purposes, but for the opportunity for enthusiasts and beginners alike to experiment with their own miniature garden and a chance to get creative with design. They evoke a sense of curiosity and wonder, while promoting a

By Megan Blacquiere TBG Seasonal Horticulturist

feeling of calm and encouraging mindfulness. As a seasonal horticulturist at TBG, I myself have fallen for their charms. Over this past winter I made so many terrariums that I have run out of space and have started selling them in the Garden Shop.

Terrariums are relatively low maintenance which makes them especially appealing. As long as you choose the correct vessel and substrate for the plants there should be very little upkeep required. There is a wide variety of containers that can be used, from glass orbs, to vases, to cloches, and even simple mason jars. The selection of plants will determine the vessel best suited. For arid plants such as succulents and cacti you will want to use a more open container like an orb or shallow glass bowl. For a tropical terrarium it’s best to use something more enclosed such as a cloche, vase or glass cookie jar. Whatever your preference, there is endless opportunity to get creative and use your imagination. There are many reasons why terrariums are still so popular after all these years, and I hope this article has given you some insight. Why not get out there and see for yourself!

Stay tuned for the fall issue of Trellis, where I will provide a detailed do-it-yourself on terrariums. In the meantime, you can check out the terrariums I have created for sale in the TBG Garden Shop.

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