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Dual citizenship and a chance to win tickets to St. Kitts and Nevis; why not?
about this campaign.
“The top priority is establishing an intergenerational network between youths in the diaspora and Federation to promote nation-building,” Brenda began. “The drive aims to create opportunities for youths to strengthen the bond between their birth land and the Federation, and contribute to developing a resilient, sustainable island state.
Having dual citizenship will assist St.Kittians in maintaining a strong connection to their heritage and culture. This is particularly important for immigrants of St. Kitts and Nevis and their descendants who may feel a deep sense of attachment to their country of origin while also feeling at home in Canada.
This opportunity will allow individuals to travel freely and more easily between Canada and St. Kitts. This can be particularly useful for: businesspeople, international students, and those with family and social connections in both countries.”
Consulat Brenda also shared with me some of the other benefits that individuals will have, which include:
• A St. Kitts and Nevis passport allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 156 destinations including Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, the UK, and Europe
• Access to quality education: students and scholars in any field can get educational benefits as St.Kitts and Nevis citizens. They can apply for fully funded scholarship programs in the country and abroad: in the UK and Commonwealth, the US, the EU or Asia. Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D
• Opportunities from leading educational institutions worldwide are also available for SKN nationals
• Citizens have the right to register a business in SKN, purchase real estate, vote in national elections
• SKN is a Commonwealth of Nations and Caribbean Community member. The country’s citizens may use privileges in some other states
• SKN allows dual citizenship, so one can keep their previous passport
The campaign will consist of a contest/raffle prize from the Ministry of Tourism. When a youth applies for and is granted citizenship, their name is entered into a draw for a chance to win a trip for two to St. Kitts and Nevis. The Consulate has extended the deadline to receive applications to September 22nd, 2023. One (1) successful applicant will have the op - portunity to win two (2) airfare tickets to the Federation, accommodation, and excursions while on the islands. The draw date will coincide with the 40th Anniversary of Independence celebrations as the nation reflects on its long, rich history from slavery to colonization and the smallest independent sovereign nation in the western hemisphere.
“We want our young people to reconnect to their homeland,” Consulat Brenda emphasizes. “We want to be able to build a sustainable future for the island, and for our young people to know who they are, and for those who know nothing about the island, they can learn more about their history, and build their island pride.”
Information on the campaign will be updated on their website, and those interested can email info@cgstkittsnevis.ca with your questions. Let the reconnection begin.

The Children’s Health Defence (CHD has been at the forefront of fighting for the rights of children since its inception. In the words of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, “The greatest crisis that America faces today is the chronic disease in America’s children.” The CHD has initiated several class action lawsuits over the years, Children’s Health’s Defence has been actively involved in raising awareness of America’s legally protected rights. They believe that when health freedom is under attack, our goal is to encourage, engage and empower to preserve fundamental and human rights.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, CHD has been informing the public about vaccine mandates and individual and parental rights. It has provided timely, relevant and up-to-date information on: minor consent, liability shield and vaccine injury.

On Monday, March 27th, 2023, it issued a press release that revealed that it had filed a class action lawsuit against President Joe Biden and numerous federal agents and agencies in the U.S District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, Monroe Division.
The class action lawsuit alleges that the defendant has engaged in these actions:

• Colluded with, encouraged, and pressured social medial companies to suppress speech that the government does not want the public to hear
• Silence specific speakers who are critical of federal policy

The class action lawsuit is not pursuing monetary damages, but instead is requesting that the court declare that the defendants’ conduct violates the First Amend- ment, and to prohibit them engaging in any form of social media censorship in the future, It notes that the government has engaged in a campaign to censor online speech and it is one of the gravest threats to free speech this country has ever faced.
The press release states that because of the historically unprecedented power wielded by a handful of behemoth social-media companies over the content of American public discourse, the federal government’s systematic campaign to induce these companies to censor speech is among the gravest threats to free speech this county has ever faced.
Since 2020, an army of federal officers, at every level of the government from the: White House itself to the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, the CDC, the Officer of the Surgeon General, and numerous less well-known federal entities have been engaged in the effort to censor constitutionally protected speech.
In the press release, Potter Stewart, U.S. Supreme Court Justice states, ”Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. It also violates the constitution,”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who has been passionately advocating for children’s rights in the midst of the pandemic is clear in his concerns. He states, “The collaboration between the White House and health and intelligence agency bureaucrats to silence criticism of presidential policies is an assault on the most fundamental foundation stone of American democracy.”
Jeff Rubenfeld, co-council for the Plaintiffs states, “This lawsuit challenges that censorship campaign, and we hope to bring it to an end, The real victim is the public, which is why we’re brought this suit as a class action on behalf of everyone who accesses news from social media.”
Mary Holland, President and General Counsel of CHD states, “If government can censor its critics, there is no atrocity it cannot commit. The public has been deprived of truthful, life-and death information over the last three years; this lawsuit aims to have government censorship end, as it must because it is unlawful under our constitution.”