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Let’s Keep the Green Momentum Going: Plastic-Free August!
Cutting out plastics during the month of July was a fun challenge, so let's keep the momentum going by incorporating lasting changes in our daily routines to promote a plastic-free lifestyle year-round! We've seen how our efforts in July have already sparked positive change, and now, we're eager to take it to the next level. Whether it's saying no to single-use plastic bags, opting for reusable alternatives, or minimizing plastic waste in creative ways, every action counts!
These little changes add up over time that contribute to a greener planet and happier faces!
Here are a few changes you can make that have a big impact:
Bring a reusable bag
Ditch the straw altogether
Swap to a reusable coffee cup
Bring reusable food containers
Buy in bulk to minimize plastic packaging
Remember, it's not just about one monthly challenge; it's about making conscious choices every day to protect our planet and preserve its beauty for generations to come. To learn even more tips on how to make greener choices, click here You can also visit Plastic Free July and LastObject for more information on how to reduce plastic consumption.
Let’s make greener choices for a healthier planet!