SLURRY MANUFACTURE IN DELHI – Bajaj Chemicals Delhi, India has over the years been able to specialize in the detergent industry. This has been due to its long running engagement in the detergent production materials industry. Slurry
manufacture in
Delhi has been able to develop as a result of long time investment in mechanisms, structures and man power necessary for the engagement in the sector. A lot has been put into research and development with the aim of improving the processes involved in the manufacturing and production of slurry.
Definition Slurry basically refers to the viscous mixture that is used as a key active ingredient in the manufacture of washing soap and detergent soap. This is mainly through the process of sulphonication. In the processing and manufacture of slurry, there is the use of state of the art machinery and equipment including employment of heavy duty pumps to handle the viscous and acidic slurry. Requirements
Slurry manufacturer in India has involved the use of both manpower and technology. There is the need for investing in skilled manpower as this is a key requirement in the field. It is therefore paramount that employees get access to the proper training and education so as to be able step up to the set global standards.
Bajaj Chemicals has also managed to sustain its outstanding global standards by the use of modern state of the art technology and machinery. Right from the tanks to the pumps, all these are in synchronization with the latest global trends. This also helps in improving their speed of delivery during production and has also enabled the companies to greatly expand on their productive capacity. Uses The production of slurry comes a long way in sustaining various sectors in the manufacturing process. Apart from it being used in the manufacture of detergent powders, detergent cakes and toilet cleaners; it is also used as a key active matter in production of pesticides. Slurry is also used in the textile industry in the process of washing and mercerizing cotton. It is also used as an emulsifier in soaps.
The major advantage of using slurry from manufacturers in Delhi, is that in its production, it is cost effective and that the slurry is also biodegradable hence does not pose any threat to the environment when being used. The slurry is also stable and compatible with enzymes and builders. However there are also some challenges that come along with the production of slurry that the slurry manufacturers in Delhi face and have to find solutions to. These include challenges like the high costs incurred in the setting up of the production plants. It is also equally expensive to manage the plants. There are also challenges involved in the logistics of transporting the slurry.