Toronto Waterfront Magazine, Fall/Winter, 2019/2020

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SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Cover Story Exclusive: Arlene Dickinson ........10 Exclusive Interview: Robert Herjavec ..............42 Exclusive Interview: Dr. Jean Augustine ..........80

Arlene Dickinson 10

COMMUNITY Publisher’s Note ................................................6 Waterfront Awards 2019 ..................................14 Sidewalk Toronto .............................................20 Toronto Waterfront: Sustainable Solutions ......22 Ripley’s ‘Believe it or Not’ ................................24 Hazel McCallion ..............................................26 THE ENVIRONMENT Let the Children Vote? .....................................28 Green Cars ......................................................30 Toronto’s Lakefront Aviation Neighbour ...........32 A 740 Kilometer Water Front Trail ...................34 Waterkeeper: “Great Lakes Guide”.................36

House of Mirrors 38

ARTS AND CULTURE Finding Yourself in the House of Mirrors .........38 Film for Peace Festival ....................................40

Robert Herjavec 42 Dog Wear


LIFE STYLE Canadian Arts & Fashion Awards 2019............46 Environmental Role Models ............................48 Dog Wear ........................................................50 FOOD AND DRINK Dalai Lama’s World Smallest Vineyard ...........52 Scotthill Restaurant Review ............................54 HEALTH AND WELLNESS Happiness May not Make You Happy .............56 How Trigenics Changed a Life ........................58 Green is the New Black ...................................60 Essential Oils Helped to Rejuvenate Life.........62 Rawthentic Living ............................................63 Loss can Lead to Found...................................64



Dr. Jean Augustine 80

Place your smart phone camera over QR Code to read articles and join Waterfront Club to win a dinner for two and free tickets for upcoming entertainment events, courtesy of our advertisers - as well as discounts at retailers, restaurants and events. Cover Photo by: Alkan Emin

TRAVEL Azores and Madeira ........................................66 Casablanca .....................................................67 Oman ...............................................................68 Radisson Blu ...................................................70 BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Toronto’s CryptoChicks ....................................72 Becoming Cyborg ............................................74 Identity Engineering .........................................76 What NOT To Do in Social Media Marketing ....78



Living near the shores of the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth - The Great Lakes, I am always drawn to stand on its vistas. The water's fluidity gives me energy throughout Canada's seasons – calm or stormy, warm or cold. The boundary between water and land offers a strong feeling of security against the changing global elements. That fluid energy and the power of the shoreline became Waterfront Magazine. For sixteen years Waterfront Magazine has captured community events and its people into exciting stories in fashion, environment, business, travel, lifestyles and future trends. We now offer QR Codes. No need to copy website and phone numbers. Just place your phone's camera over the QR and it will take you to our website where we offer longer and more stories, prizes and discounts. Thank you for growing with me and Waterfront Magazine - welcome as we journey together.

karim_mirshahi Experienced Publisher, Visionary, Media Personality, Thought Leader, Strategist, Communicator, Social Organizer.




With the demise of traditional publications, it's with great pleasure that we're able to present Waterfront Magazine's quixotic art form, in its 16th year. There's something about handling a high end styled magazine that feels, looks, and brings joy to your touch. In a world with budding Virtual and Augmented realities, such as; the Mona Lisa, Eiffel Tower, Burj Khalifa, Niagara Falls, people still flock to personally; see, touch, climb and marvel at the physical creations all around them. The trend to implant Cyborg chips, human identification engineering, Google AI Sidewalks is the next stage of Homo Sapien progression. Is this good or bad? You can be the judge. In business, there is CryptoChicks Blockchain, and the future to eliminate paper money. However, some things such as our environment are being reversed engineered. There is a mad dash to go back, to the good old days, where we had no plastic and try to recreate clean air, water and less pollution in our lakes and oceans. Ripley's ‘Believe It or Not' is leading the way along with Green Cars and lifestyle designers.

sniedzins Chief Executive Editor, Waterfront Magazine, Patented Inventor, Key Note Speaker, Bestselling Author, Traveler to 108 countries.

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At PBN “We Build Relationships.”

Karim Mirshahi Erwin E. Sniedzins Aida Memisevic Linda Montgomery Georgina Bencsik Natasha Ramjohn Marty Galin Barry Brown, Darren Dobson Dorothy Guerra, Shannon Skinner CREATIVE DIRECTOR Hudson Bozorgi EDITORS AT LARGE Ross Ulysses Munroe Virginia Munroe



Angela Allain, Dr. Ewa Antczak, Alexa Baeva, Georgina Bencsik, John Bessai Laura Bilotta, Barry Brown, Donna Bulika, Darryl Cailes, Meghan Callon Sandra Creighton, Marissa Cristiano, Robert Deluce, Tia Desrosiers Darren Dobson, Kevin Dubrosky, Simone Ferriera, Laura Fernandez Colin Fortune, Monica Frangulea, Marty Galin,Deb Gibbons Dorothy Guerra, John H. Hartig, Arija Ione, Hassan Jaffer Emma Kaplan, William Kaye, Bill King, Daryl King, Jasna Kosovac Michelle Levy, Rick Maltese, Greg Marlo, Aida Memisevic, Linda Montgomery Ross Ulysses Munroe,Virginia Munroe, Rick Myers, Dr. Farnaz Najm Kate Hemming Pachal, Annie Rizwan, Roanna Sabeh-Azar, Maeve Salichuk Lera Salt, Kim Samnang, Shannon Skinner, Erwin E. Sniedzins, Erwin Snow Rebecca Spour, Bob Stevenson, David Suzuki, Lauren Toffan CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Alkan Emin, Joseph Fiore, William Kaye, Jonathan Levy, Chris Matamoros Gary Van Netten, John Ortner, George Pimentel,Tom Sandler PBN is a community of business professionals committed to helping each other succeed in their professional and business lives through networking and building relationships. Social networking is a powerful tool to help you achieve professional and business success. For the last 15 years, PBN has faithfully been inviting you to networking events and you’ve been there with us. PBN is one of the most prestigious networking organization for sophisticated professionals in Toronto. PBN “meet and greet” events” – At these events you will meet other like-minded individuals and increase the size of your business as well as your personal network. You will build referrals while you exchange ideas with other members who want to help you in creating a more successful life. PBN - TV interview – PBN produces TV interviews featuring PBN members. These interviews will be done by a professional crew including a host and a co-host. Our mission is to find out and let everyone know about your business, project or organization. Your interview will be featured on PBN and your website, YouTube, and other social media networks and continue to generate interest and awareness in you and your project or business.

CONTRIBUTING VIDEOGRAPHERS Hugh Avendano Toledano, Rodger Edralin Tony Morrone, Vitaliy Novikov, Hugh Reilly PRODUCTION MANAGER: Hudson Bozorgi DIRECTOR OF MARKETING: Manuel Canales DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS: Natasha Ramjohn CIRCULATION MANAGER: Carman Cicciarella DIGITAL MEDIA MANAGER: Mary Khaladj GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Aidin A. Beigi SALES MANAGER: Peter Bonch DIRECTOR OF PARTNERSHIPS: Suzanne Coy PUBLIC RELATIONS: Lisa Gruszecki EVENT TEAM Ewa Antczak, Mikkailla Bolotenko, Frank A. Caruso, Sonia Dolar, Marty Galin Rosemarie Ghiz, Elsa Hsieh, Angela Johnson, Hillary LeBlanc,Terrence Lushington Elizabeth Muzak, Satie Narain-Simone, Vivian Shapiro, Daniela Spirlac, Vicky Sturgeon PROOF READERS Barry Brown, Hillary LeBlanc, Julia Galinsky, Soraya Gallant CONTACT US Waterpark Place, 20 Bay Street, Suite #1100 Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2N8 Tel: 647.770.7311 ● 888.295.2060 Advertising: 888.295.2060 ● Toronto Waterfront Magazine is published for daily consumption online and in print. All rights reserved. Reproduction of the contents, either in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the publisher’s written authorization. All letters and their contents sent to Toronto Waterfront Magazine become the sole property of Toronto Waterfront Magazine and may be used and published in any manner whatsoever, without limit and without obligation and liability to the author thereof.Views and comments expressed in all the articles reflect only those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher and staff of Toronto Waterfront Magazine.

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Arlene Dickinson: Capitalism with Heart

Photo Credit: Courtesy of CBC

Aida Memisevic


s one of Canada's well known businesswomen, Arlene Dickinson is back to join the dragons on CBC's 14th season of Dragons' Den. She is recognized as one of Canada's "top 100 women" for business and entrepreneurship. Like many successful women, Arlene's early life included overcoming obstacles and self-doubt, and lessons in perseverance. A quiet, curious child, who was very much a book worm, Arlene Dickinson immigrated to Canada from South Africa at age 3. Married at age 19, Arlene found herself jolted into adulthood, raising four children in her twenties. Through struggle and humble beginnings, those memories and lessons serve her today, keeping her grounded and grateful; traits she wanted to infuse in her children. "I have two boys and two girls. I wanted them to have generosity and gratefulness because I think those are two qualities that people always need to have. I also wanted them to learn confidence and courage, to hold themselves to the highest standards, to be what they want to be. I don't want them to be what somebody else expects them to be."


The gutsy CEO of Venture Communications used her creative vision and strategic approach to grow the company from a small local firm to one of Canada's largest independent full-service marketing agencies. "I joined in 1988 as a partner. But basically, I worked for free. We didn't have any money, so I got the title." Venture Communications flourished, and in 1998 Arlene bought out her partners, taking over the company. Arlene credits such traits as independence and self-reliance as part of her success. "I was raised to believe that I could pull my boots on and get to work. I was able-minded and able-bodied and was able to do it. I guess that was the best lesson that my dad gave me. To believe that my opinion matters, that it counts and that I was capable of taking care of myself." On the outside, most people would look at Arlene Dickinson and say she has "made it," yet this outspoken entrepreneur thinks there is much more to do. "Oh no, I still don't think I have made it. This is a kind of curse that probably drives people, inherent insecurity that's never quite enough, that we could do more, and that we should

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do more. I think this is the drive that many entrepreneurs have, that is constantly pushing yourself. Success to me is feeling that I'm doing everything I can. You'll always fall a little bit short, and you'll always want to do a little bit more. I think that's the beauty of the curse." That desire to do more doesn't just apply to her own business. At this stage in her life, she has the time and resources to help others. "I've always done what I can. I think that when you get into a position where you have, as a role model, real influence on people; due to your money, time and effort, then you do have the ability to try and help people with their struggles. Those things have been very meaningful to me." Arlene serves as a role model for both young women and mature women who might have limited ideas of what is possible for them in the "second half" of their life. "I hope to be somebody who can show women that you don't need to look like the stereotypical kind of figure that people sometimes put on women. I want to be able to represent that you can be strong and independent and contribute to society; you also can be single and older. You don't need to be twenty. You don't need to necessarily have a partner and two and a half kids and a dog, and a white picket fence, and a perfect figure and all of those things. You don't need to have all that to be the best you can be." Part of the journey of being all we can be is the ability to deal with obstacles, and challenges from our past and not let our past determine our future. “I think that everybody has challenges in life that they have experienced as a youth, whether it's their family, a financial situation, bullying or whatever they have gone through in life. When you dwell on a negative past, you can let it define you. You do a disservice to the present and the future. Although that can be very difficult, and I am very respectful of people who have gone through horrible childhoods and horrible things in their past, I've seen how the past can destroy people's lives. So, it's really important that we try our best to deal with the past, so that it doesn't ruin the future." As outspoken and authentic as she is, even a star like Arlene Dickinson has insecurities. "Oh sure, I've got insecurities that you could write on a mile long field. Everything from being hard on yourself for your physical appearance, or I'll go back after this interview, and I'll think, "Why did I say that? I should have said this." I'm proud that I've gotten to a place where I appreciate my physical state versus where I constantly belittle it. And I think we constantly are re-evaluating and thinking about what we've done and said. We're all incredibly hard on ourselves. But I have learned to get past it. I have learned


to accept that it is what it is. I am a much kinder version of myself than I used to be."


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Few people get the opportunity to participate in a long running, successful Canadian television show. Appearing on “Dragons' Den" impacted Arlene's life in a way that led to a deep sense of gratitude. “To get a chance to be on a hit TV show is rare. People have been so kind to me. Some of the emails I get, stop me, and make me cry because I realize the impact the show had on people's lives. While you give up much, your privacy and some of yourself, I find that when I walk down the street, people stop me on planes, and in restaurants. They are so enthusiastic about somebody who's helping them pave a way to make it a bit easier for them. Those things are incredibly meaningful to me. It is beyond anything I could ever hope to accomplish in my life, and all from a TV show." Principles of lean start-up, and "fail fast and fail often" are terms buzzing in business these days. Arlene feels they need to be put into the right context. "Life is like a business with a series of lessons. This notion of everyone should fail and fail often; I don't even like the word. Because "failure" to me feels too finite a description for what life is, that is an evolution. I think life isn't perfect and you're always going to be learning. If life were not full of those things, then it would be pretty boring. You're always going to encounter obstacles and challenges. How you manage, that is really how you get through



life. When we overcome those things, we learn, and we grow, and we become stronger and deeper, and we see the meaning. I just say, try. If it doesn't work, try again, only this time, be a little bit smarter, then if that doesn't work, you just try again."


Terms such as "social capitalism," "social entrepreneurship," and "people, planet, profit" are changing how we define profit and business models. Arlene started District Ventures, a unique Canadian ecosystem that focuses on bringing capital, marketing, programming and commercialization to the food, beverage, health and wellness industries. Twice a year District Ventures invests $150k with 10 Canadian entrepreneurs in exchange for a minority equity stake of their company. "I think it's TWICE A YEAR important we have social enterprise. It's one thing to help DISTRICT people succeed, and another thing to have a ripple effect VENTURES through the economy, and into other people's lives. There's INVESTS $150K nothing more exciting to me than a true entrepreneur WITH 10 CANADIAN who's committed to doing something meaningful and then ENTREPRENEURS supporting that effort. I think that's what's led me first to be a marketer, and now a venture capitalist. So I love business from that perspective." For some entrepreneurs achieving a high level of financial success and notoriety, triggers a desire to

create something of deeper meaning. "I would say today, success for me is centered on this feeling of legacy. District Ventures Capital matters a lot to me. I want to leave something that I believe has impacted Canada. It is a country that accepted me as an immigrant child and has given me every opportunity to be all I could be. I think Canada is well situated to help feed the world and to hopefully take our great agricultural and health expertise and create products that could actually change and help our economy significantly." Arlene is the author of two best-selling books, "Persuasion" and "All In", and is preparing to launch her third book, “Reinvention.” A generous philanthropist, mother of four and grandmother of seven, Arlene Dickinson is an inspiration to others for her values and compassion as a person. Although very accomplished in business, it is how she conducts business that sets her apart: capitalism with a heart. And as most of us would agree, these are the ideals and traits you need when building a true legacy. Aida Memisevic, TEDx speaker, journalist and executive producer focusing on mindset and wellness based television shows, films and digital content.


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ever has so few women represented so many…” - at the annual Outstanding Women Awards, hosted by Waterfront Magazine for 2019 - “…in raising the awareness of Torontonian women, that they too, can be nominated when they excel in all that they do.” Against Toronto’s sparkling cityscape, the receding sun, cast its golden rays, to crown, the gathering at the prestigious Global and Mail Centre. The assemblage of Outstanding Women, from 15 different industries, had been nominated on their expertise and recognized accomplishments. Like the Academy Awards, from hundreds of nominations, only the top three would be selected with the finalist announced to receive the OWA crystal sculpture. The anticipation generated an energy that permeated the hall as the buzz shrouded the angst of wondering who would be selected to win by the independent Women in Governance committee. One of the highlights of the OWA event was the Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award that Toronto Deputy Mayor Ana Bailao bestowed upon Dr. Jean Augustine, PC, CM, CBE. Over six decades, Dr. Augustine has led and crusaded to improve education and woman’s rights. She was one of the first Black women to be elected to the House of Commons of Canada where she served as Minister of State for Multiculturalism and the Status of Women. Other noted presenters were; Member of Parliament Julie Dabrusin, Ellen Fulcher and Karim Mirshahi, Publisher, Waterfront Magazine. The glamour of this gala event was accented by red

carpets, flower bouquets, sparkling wine, gourmet blue coffee and a buffet of scrumptious delights. Intermingled throughout the evening, Ringmaster Terrance Lushington orchestrated a superb array of troubadours with: pianists Elsa Hsieh, Elizabeth Spano and Anjelica Johnson, classical guitarist Peter Mathers, flutist Linda O’Conner, drums Sheldon Universe; singers Nash Xu, Jason Peng and Tija Coules, Ballroom Dancer Jamie Domb and live painting by Angela Kim and artist Jennifer. Once again Aida Memisevic was the MC along with Mike Wixson to introduce the OWA nominees and outstanding performers such as; 9 year old singing sensation Roberta Battaglia, Mira Solovianenko amazing soprano arias and riveting Dr. Draw Electric Violin as they moved the program to its conclusion. I WAS SURPRISED TO BE NOMINATED, BUT NOW THAT I’M HERE I’M THRILLED

Ms. Natalia Galinskaya, the Founding Owner/Principal of Little Owl Preschool and Elementary, was one of the OWA nominees who confessed that “I was a bit nervous to be here. I was surprised to be nominated, but now that I’m here I’m thrilled. This is such a wonderful setting, and I’m really impressed with all the accomplished women here. Whatever happens, it’s just great to have this experience.” The OWA event supported the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness.

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Erwin Snow, President of Toronto Education Press, Best Selling Author, North American Award Winning Poet.

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Gayathri Devi Vijayakumar

Arts and Culture

Dr. Dianne Saxe


Dr. Caroline Makaka


Florah Terah

Othalia Doe-Bruce

Ameera Ameerullah

Natasha Medrano

Community Activism

Entrepreneurship and Business


Lindsay Anne Delaney

Leslie Ann Coles

Elsa Hsieh

Linda Pinizzotto

Fashion and Style

Film and Television

Claudette McGowan

Dr. Jean Augustine

Charmaine Loverin


Science and Technology

Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award


Outstanding Innovator

Outstanding Achievement

Arshiya Bhan

Sports, Health and Fitness

Master of Ceremonies Aida Memisevic Aida Memisevic is a TEDx speaker, media personality and executive producer/ creator of 5 television series broadcast in over 60 countries.

Caroline Codsi, Founder Women in Governance, also known as La Gouvernance au FĂŠminin, is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to support women in their leadership development, career advancement and access to board seats.

Mike Wixson Mike Wixson has been a radio guy, starting at CFNY 102.1 back in the day and All Hits 680 CFTR. He has also produced TV shows for YTV, CBS and QUEBECOR.

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WATERFRONT AWARD * Selected by On-line Votes


Munni Subhani

Laura Avolese

Vanessa Lachman

Angelica Johnson

Jade Naraine

Inga Spatari

Arts and Culture


Gladys Orozco Stojko

Sports & Fitness


Outstanding Achievement

Community Activism

Science & Technology

Janette Burke

Film, TV, & Digital Media


Kehkashan Basu

Legacy Lifetime Environment


Michele Taras

Samantha Brookes

Katya Haro

Sahar Hajimohammadi


Entrepreneurship & Business

Culinary Arts

Fashion & Style

Lannette Jamieson

Outstanding Innovator


1. Florah Terah, presented

with the Author Award by Vivian Shapiro

2. Jean Augustine, recipient of the Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award

3. Leslie Ann Coles,



presented with the Film Award

4. Hedieh Samimi,

presenting an award

5. Claudette Mc Gowan,

presented with the Science and Technology Award






1. Dr Draw, entertaining guests


2. Singer Ella Farida, with Natasha Sonja and Rosario Vega

3. 9-year old Vocalist Roberta Battaglia



4. Vocalist Mira Solovianenko 5. Elsa Hsieh, entertaining guests

6. Aida Memisevic and Hillary LeBlanc

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1. Linda Pinizzotto

with Karim Mirshahi holding the award for Outstanding Innovator






2. Activation Products CEO, Ian Clark, presenting an award

3. Guests enjoying cocktails on the terrace with a dramatic view of the Toronto skyline

4. Dr. Valeria Muriel from

Trigenics, presenting an award

5. People Choice Award winners

6. Eleanor Fulcher,

presenting an award






Toronto’s boardwalk is getting a 12 acre Google sidewalk T

Erwin Sniedzins

oronto, the fourth largest city in North America, is contemplating in building a digital 522,720 square foot sidewalk, to go along with its historically famous, three kilometer, Beaches boardwalk (1918(1)). The word, boardwalk conjures nostalgic times when The Drifters sang “Under the Boardwalk” (1964). Back then the pace was slower and not as connected. Unfortunately, the only place we can stop time is in our imagination.

around Toronto’s ‘Gwalk’ as we anticipate the good and bad of IoT for our future.

One 100 years later, Toronto is in discussions to partner with Google, to share a vision and mission to build a 12 acre modern sidewalk (Gwalk). This is not the traditional concrete sidewalk but a digital smart one. We’ve heard a lot about the future of the Internet where all manufactured devices that are used in our households, cars, schools, businesses, hospitals and leisure will be connected to everything that helped to create these devices via the cloud (internet). It’s called the Internet of Things (IoT). Is this a good thing or bad? That is the question swirling

What has all of this data, information got to do with boardwalks and sidewalks? Everything! As much as we want to hang onto the slow pace of walking along a boardwalk, the stride has leaped frogged into 2030, where AI and robotics will displace about 800 Million workers(2). How do we prepare for this displacement? By understanding and learning about the global technology trends which will enable you to acquire the new knowledge to cope with this transference of current job skills.

In an interview with Mr. Steve Diamond, Waterfront Toronto, Chair who is in charge of working with Google Sidewalk, stated that he is, “Very sensitive to the needs of the community and is working hard with all the stakeholders to address their privacy issues as one of his top priorities.”


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City CityofofToronto TorontoArchives, Archives,1918 1918

Diamond feels that Toronto Waterfront with Google's partnership can lead the way to help Torontonians to be better prepared for 2030. Gwalk development will be creating a model that will address the future jobs that people will need to learn so they can work in an AI and Robotic Gwalk environment. He also felt that, “Toronto is a vibrant city and with the Sidewalk project it will attract other technology companies which will create an amazing futuristic global Toronto technology centre to showcase these future jobs.” Toronto, is the 8th most innovative city in North America(3). Hence, Google is willing to invest over $63 million to partner with Toronto’s innovative mindset in building a 12 acre, smart 2030 digital Gwalk community, in the Port Lands. About 76% of Torontonians support this type of partnership. If successful, Toronto and Google would be showcasing the world’s first futuristic Gwalk city. This will require shared IoT research data and collaboration with people who would be moving


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to live in the Gwalk community. To construct Toronto’s Gwalk community will require Exabytes(1018) – this is like two stacks of CDs that go to the Moon each day of IoT data from: moving platforms, tunnels, driverless vehicles, using fuel cell garbage disposal to continuously create clean energy, pre-fabricated LEED homes using Light Gauge Steel, medications and autonomous food deliveries, Quantum Intelligence (QI), Knowledge Generator™, Avatar teachers, VR and AR classrooms, Educhain and blockchain processes, smart graphene textiles, to name a few. In this medley of future things is the question what will happen to my personal data? The short answer is we need to learn how best to combine all this Gwalk data for the benefit of the community and to improve their lives in the long term. The long answer - a world of personalized data with knowledge avatars (kAvatars™) to help filter your big data into your personalized knowledge.



Toronto Waterfront

A World-Class Gathering Place for All! John H. Hartig


dvocates of sustainable development call for recreating front porches on city homes to encourage a sense of community. Toronto and Region are recreating lakefront gathering places for both people and wildlife. An essential precursor step in this effort to create a new lakefront porch has been the cleanup of Toronto Harbour. As Toronto & Region grew into Canada’s largest city, environment protection was not at the forefront of planning and development. This manifested in poor water quality, contaminated sediments and fish, loss of wildlife habitat and populations, and beaches that were often closed due to high levels of bacteria. As a result, in 1985 the International Joint Commission’s Great Lakes Water Quality Board identified Toronto & Region as one of 42 Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOC) or pollution hot spots requiring cleanup. Federal, provincial, and local stakeholders came together in the late 1980s to develop a remedial action plan to clean up the Harbour and restore uses. Early efforts focused on preventing pollution through regulations and voluntary initiatives. Since 2003, the City of Toronto has spent $485 million to control stormwater pollution and reduce basement flooding risks, and projects to spend $2.8 billion in 2016-2025 on additional stormwater projects. The Don River and Central Waterfront Project is particularly noteworthy and will capture and treat stormwater discharges and address discharges from the combined storm and sanitary sewer outfalls to the Lower Don River, Taylor-Massey Creek, and Toronto’s Inner Harbour – a $2 billion investment over the next 25 years. More than $80 million has been spent on habitat rehabilitation since 1987. In the last 10 years alone, over 823 ha of habitat and 57 km of shoreline were created or restored in the AOC. The federal government and Toronto are now creating Canada’s first national urban park – Rouge National Urban Park. Rouge Park is rich in natural, cultural, and agricultural features, including 1,700 species of plants and animals, and some of the rarest and best remaining wetlands, forests, and agricultural lands in the

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region. Once fully established, it will be 101 km2 in size – nearly 30 times the size of Central Park in New York. Federal investment in Rouge Park will be $100 million. In 2017, federal, provincial, and municipal governments announced $1.25 billion to construct a new naturalized Don River mouth through the Port Lands. This created a new urban island neighborhood called Villiers Island. Continuous and vigorous oversight is needed to maintain these ecosystem gains and ensure longterm sustainability. Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (now called Waterfront Toronto) was established in 2001 by the federal and provincial governments and the City of Toronto to redefine its waterfront as a public asset for everyone. Working with public and private partners, Waterfront Toronto creates complete neighborhoods anchored by parks and public spaces, and diverse, sustainable, mixed-use communities that offer a high quality-of-life for residents and visitors alike. Waterfront Toronto has worked synergistically with the remedial action plan team to restore and sustain a vibrant ecosystem that provides environmental, social, and economic benefits to local communities and visitors. For example, the remedial action plan developed a habitat strategy to support waterfront revitalization that resulted in restoring over 26 ha of wetland and aquatic habitats and 6.4 km of shoreline habitat in prominent locations like Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto Island, Port Union, Mimico Waterfront Park, and others. As part of an effort to measure economic effectiveness, Waterfront Toronto commissioned studies of the economic benefits stimulated by its waterfront investments. Between 2001 and March of 2017 a total of $1.6 billion was invested in waterfront redevelopment to establish unique gathering places that foster a sense of authentic human attachment. Economists have estimated that this $1.6 billion investment, adjusted for inflation, will: generate approximately 14,100 full-time years of employment, of which approximately 88.5% were in the City of Toronto; stimulate $4.1 billion in total economic output to the Canadian economy (the majority in Toronto); and generate total government revenues of approximately $848 million. Although Toronto Waterfront’s expenditures are significant, they are relatively small compared to the recurring benefits, like permanent jobs, property taxes, income taxes, and tourism spending that occur with continued development of new office, residential, retail/service, cultural, and entertainment uses along the waterfront which would not occur without the initial Waterfront Toronto investments. While these impacts relate to Waterfront Toronto’s direct spending on planning and infrastructure, economists have also quantified benefits accruing to private- and publicsector real estate projects both on lands controlled by Waterfront Toronto and other privately-owned land on the waterfront. For example, the combined development on East Bayfront and West Don lands, and the adjoining neighborhoods, will generate nearly 207,900 years of employment, add $13.8 billion to the Canadian economy, and provide $7.5 billion in tax revenues to the three levels of government. Clearly, Toronto has become a North American leader in harbour cleanup, revitalizing its waterfront and reaping economic benefits, and creating waterfront destination of choice that is accessible and welcoming to all. For more information visit:

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John H. Hartig Visiting Scholar at Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research of University of Windsor.



Ripley’s “Believe it or Not”

is Reducing Plastic Pollution 100% Tia Desrosiers


t the footsteps of Toronto’s CN Tower is Canada’s own Ripley’s Aquarium.. What makes this exciting and worthwhile is to investigate what Ripley is doing to eliminate all plastics from their environment. At the entrance of the Aquarium, hanging above the water fountain, is a poster display that states: ▄▄ 50% of plastic bottles sold in Ontario are NOT recycled. Instead, they end up in landfills or in the environment ▄▄ Plastic bottles DON’T DECOMPOSE, they PHOTODEGRADE and break down into smaller toxic pieces that move up the food chain if they are eaten by fish and wildlife ▄▄ There are more than Six Million bits of plastic per square km in our Great Lakes. That’s similar to the Great Pacific garbage patch! ~ Environmental Defence (1)

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not needed for cold beverages. We have them for hot beverages for safety concerns.” Since only 50 % of plastic bottles are recycled, the other 50% are ending up in land fills, on the side of the road and in the environment in general. This wasted 50% are either not getting into the recycling stream in the first place, or for some reason, cannot be recycled in the recycling facility. KM: “At the RAC, boxed water is sold as well as other beverage bottles for those people who wish to take it with them.”s As I toured through the facility and came across the cafeteria, I noticed people drinking from paper cups with no lids nor straws. According to Environmental Defence Canada 12,000 plastic beverage bottles are discarded every 4 minutes in Ontario.

How and why is the elimination of all plastics possible? To find out I interviewed, Education and Conservation Manager, Katie Mc Mahon. As we walked into her office I observed that she had a stainless steel water bottle on her desk. Our interview began with the discussion of the non-use of plastic straws and lids within the Ripley’s Aquarium Canada (RAC). KM: “We have never had straws since the inception of RAC, 5 ½ years ago. This was an investment in the health and safety of the animals within the aquarium, and in turn outside the aquarium. We have many open exhibits, and although it is rare that litter makes it into our exhibits, though on the odd chance that it does, it is a high risk that one of our animals will mistake it for food. A straw in particular is dangerous, as it can make them sick from the toxins in the plastic itself. Sea turtles’ main food source are jellyfish, so they often mistaken plastic debris for food.” KM: “Secondly, the plastic that they are ingesting gradually fills up their stomachs, as they cannot digest the plastic which takes up valuable room in their system that they would normally use for food, so they eventually starve to death.” “On the external perspective, straws are the most prevalent litter items that are found around the city. They are a short time usage item, they are light and small, therefore frequently escape from landfills and garbage receptacles. They are too small to be recycled, and much of it ends up on our beaches and waterways which is a risk to animals.” “With lids, it is the same outcome as straws. It is a convenience and ingrained in us to use them, although



“In partnership with Environmental Defence, some members came to RAC on Earth Day Weekend in 2018 as part of their ‘Cash it Don’t Trash it!’ program which is similar to returning beer and wine empties to The Beer Store in exchange for money, so they have a big advocacy campaign for plastic bottles. They collected over 12,000 bottles over a span of 3 days. Toronto Installation artist Rebecca Jane Houston collaborated with Environmental Defence in creating the sculpture for Pride Toronto 2018. She reconstructed the sculpture for RAC surrounding a canoe to show the magnitude of plastic bottle use, naming it Over Our Heads.” This is displayed at the end of the tour and the visual impact is startling. The mega large cluster of the plastic bottles surrounds a canoe, which is dwarfed in comparison. “People need to see what 12,000 bottles looks like. It is not easy to picture that in our heads. To know that many are wasted in 4 minutes is crazy!.” “The idea is to have people walk out of the Aquarium and think to reduce single usage of plastic, whether is it straws, lids, plastic bottles, cutlery and plastic bags. “We are trying to bring awareness to the issue, though it takes everyone to make an effort to make a difference. We strive to be better as a company, to be better as a staff team, and we hope that our guests strive to be better environmental stewards.” My perception of Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada’s policy of ridding plastic straws, lids and bottles is responsible and motivating; from the inner community of the Aquarium rippling into our communities.

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For further information on what Environmental Defence does, visit (1)



Hazel McCallion

Recognizing a Legacy in Leadership Waterfront Awards 2018 - Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award Winner


ast year, Toronto Waterfront Magazine launched their first annual Waterfront Awards honoring women that have made great strides of achievement in the GTA. It was based on 15 categories of recognition. Their top award for Lifetime Achievement went to the well-deserved and admired "Hurricane" Hazel McCallion. The evening proved to be one of glitz, glam, and prestige, especially with the presence of the vibrant Hazel McCallion taking the stage. There was dancing to the beat of live drums that had everyone up on their feet, cheering and clapping thus setting the tone for the entire evening. A year has passed, and Toronto Waterfront is gearing up for their second annual 2019 awards. I had the pleasure to follow up with Hazel at her office, where she is President of the Ontario Women's Hockey Association. Hazel has since turned 98 and continuing to build her legacy of trailblazing leadership. As Mississauga's former mayor of 36 years,

Dorothy Guerra Hazel was far from laying her hat down. She dove into her current positions that occupy her time, sitting on multiple advisory boards and being appointed as Chancellor of Sheridan College.


As the Waterfront Awards stands out for recognizing women, I had an exclusive conversation with Hazel on what being a woman in leadership means and how she defines her success. I wanted to uncover the secret power of the "Hurricane" to share with other women. It was fascinating how she humbly spoke of her success, contributing her entire career to three simple words - confidence, consistency, and purpose. As she spoke about her childhood; in helping her father count fish, working on the family farm, and the progression into adulthood, without a formal higher education, you get a glimpse on the making of a "Hurricane." Then how she inevitably becomes mayor. She reiterated many times, the need to be good at what you do and do it with purpose. This has led to a series of profound

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Hazel-isms that, I felt, would truly inspire women to adapt to their quest for greatness as leaders.

"I made a decision early in my life that I would serve the community. I knew that no matter what I did, I wanted to have a purpose. My career gave me the opportunity to be of service to the people of Mississauga. It was never about me. I could have advanced my career in politics, but I knew that staying mayor would leave the greatest legacy in my life. I honestly can say that I can look at Mississauga and see the wonderful city, it has become, It was because of the good people I had the pleasure to work with and the consistent vision and dedication we had to stay debt-free in our growth."

In her words: "If I decide I want to be a part of something then I don't just participate I become the best at it. I am confident to know that I can be great at what I set my mind to. This is how I became the first female president of the Anglican Young People's Association. They had never had a female president before, and I made that happen, which I am very proud of." "You have to do your homework in life and be consistent at it. If you want to be successful then you have to know what it takes, what is needed of you, what risks you will need to overcome, then you need to keep doing it. Be consistent when you set your mind to a career goal." "Be a team player; you can't go at things alone. You need to develop respect, and you do that by being good at what you do. Women sometimes have a harder time in the corporate world trying to get ahead. You can't get caught up in trivial things; you need to stay focused and work hard. In my career, I owe many thanks to men that saw how good I was at my job and would go out of their way to enhance my career. I earned that respect with confidence and consistency."


Hazel McCallion, is, without doubt, a woman in leadership that has earned every iconic title given to her from Hurricane to Trailblazer. At 98 years of age, Hazel continues to serve on boards and provide outstanding leadership in politics and business. She is honored to have been the 2018 Waterfront Lifetime Achiever. Her final remarks attributing to her own personal success "As a woman, set your mind to who you want to be, what kind of legacy you want to leave behind. When you know your purpose, work hard, and have no regrets." Scan to read more

Dorothy Guerra Freelance writer, published author, show host of Get LOUD, a life couch to inspire people to amplify their life.



Let the Children Vote? Y

David Suzuki

oung people have been speaking out for their rights. Many are wise beyond their years. Without the blinkers of ideology, workaday priorities and ingrained values, they can see clearly what’s happening. They’ve had to step up for their own futures because too few of their elders are willing to accept that rampant consumerism has been an illusory quest for happiness at the expense of the planet’s life-support systems.

What if we gave them that power? A cheeky movement to lower Canada’s voting age from 18 to eight might sound… out there. But I’m not seeing much evidence that adults are any better at making political decisions than young people. So many grownups are electing politicians who don’t even accept climate science, let alone the need to treat climate disruption as an emergency. Many governments and politicians around the world seem more beholden to the fading fossil fuel industry than the people they’re supposed to represent.

“We have learned that if we don’t start acting for our future, nobody else will make the first move,” a Guardian article signed by 46 young people, including 16-year-old Swedish student Greta Thunberg, said. Kids understand that their well-being, safety and lives depend on a healthy planet, with clean air, good water, nutritious food and a stable climate. And many are skilled at distinguishing truth from lies. But while tens of thousands are marching in streets worldwide — for the #FridaysForFuture youth climate strikes that Thunberg started and more — they don’t always see much evidence that adults with the power to make change are listening. “We’re feeling the burden of it, so it makes sense that I would care the most,” 15-year-old Lily Gardner of Lexington, Kentucky, told the Guardian. “But I think it’s really difficult to get politicians and legislators to take our voices seriously, especially because they believe that we do not have any voting power.”


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“Politicians have known about climate change for decades,” Thunberg and her fellow youth wrote. “They have willingly handed over their responsibility for our future to profiteers whose search for quick cash threatens our very existence.” This is not hyperbole. Every reputable scientist in every climate-related discipline, from oceanography to atmospheric physics, is saying we have little time — not much more than a decade, if that — to turn things around, to keep from pumping so many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that they can’t be re-absorbed or broken down before Earth heats beyond its ability to support human life. Every legitimate scientific academy and institution in the world agrees. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has worked with scientists and researchers worldwide to regularly compile and summarize the research and evidence to share with government leaders

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and policy-makers. There’s no shortage of solutions. Many are being deployed and new ones are being developed all the time, but not quickly enough. The only thing holding us back is lack of political will. Yet many grown-ups are willing to risk that all these scientists and their research are wrong — even though we’d still end up with cleaner air, water and soil and healthier people if we took their advice and it turned out they all somehow missed something. Those who are gambling away our youth’s future often support politicians who are likewise willing to bet against impossible odds. Young people may not always make the best or most informed decisions, but given that their futures are at stake and they understand that change is possible and necessary, I can’t imagine they would make worse decisions than their elders. As adults, we must do all we can to support our youngers. The Friday youth walkouts are expanding to a Global Climate Strike on September 20, kick-starting a week of activities that


people of all ages are invited to join, and culminating in another strike on September 27. We should encourage our kids and grandkids to take part and get out there ourselves. Let the children speak, and listen to them. We should also make sure to take our election responsibilities seriously, asking candidates about their climate plans and voting for those who are committed to a cleaner, safer, brighter tomorrow. Should we let the kids vote? As the 18to8 campaign says, “Let the future decide the future.” David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. Written with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation Senior Editor and Writer Ian Hanington. Learn more at




Darren Dobson

s market acceptance of gas-electric hybrid [HEV], plug-in hybrid (PHEV), and full battery electric cars [BEV] grows, even punctilious luxury car makers are eschewing ultra-efficient combustion engines for the greener pastures of advanced battery-powered options offering huge advances in maximum range capabilities. Regardless of social strata, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that it is more cost-effective to power a vehicle with cheap electric power once the stigma of ‘range anxiety’ is removed. With many luxury marquees lining up ‘alternate propulsion’ [non 100% combustion] vehicles to showcase publicly, it’s an exciting time for more capable buyers who can afford the best tech money can buy. Luxury leaders like Tesla’s Model S [BEV], BMW’s i8 Roadster [PHEV], Jaguar’s I-Pace [BEV], Volvo’s XC90 T8 [PHEV], Cadillac’s CT6 [PHEV], and Lexus’ LS 500h [Hybrid] are but a few. These luxury brands are investing billions into R & D to be the next BIG thing. Typically, luxury automakers begin a push into alternate propulsion with the reliability of hybrids. With the growing advances in technology, they can now skip this initial phase and the plug-in hybrid stage, advancing straight to the all-electric vehicle option. Lodestar luxurymarque Rolls-Royce has indicated that’s their plan with an upcoming new all-electric Phantom. The CEO of BMW’s luxury British brand Rolls-Royce, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, confirmed, “We will go full electric, we don’t do any interim steps.”

Even McLaren Automotive, an illustrious alumnus of the combustion-powered Formula One circuit, is committed to ensuring that its sportscar and supercar range will be hybrid within seven years. Beginning in 2013 with its revolutionary P1 model, the [world’s] first gas-electric hybrid hyper-car, McLaren’s entire range is due to be all hybrid models by 2025.


McLaren is introducing the 2019 Speedtail this October 2018 with new hybrid technology. The Speedtail is described as the “Ultimate Hyper-GT” with the highest top speed of any McLaren yet, including their iconic F1 which exceeds 391 km/h (243 mph), and promises levels of customisation and individualization never seen before in a three-seat configuration. But sadly, a production run of only 106 cars worldwide. Jaguar, known for breathtaking design in luxury is opting to excite the soul with an all-electric performance SUV. Jaguar (BEV) says the I-PACE is the “world’s smartest five-seater sports car”. Offering a fully-charged estimated range of 386km, it uses technology developed in the I-TYPE Formula-E car, specifically electric motors that generate 394 horsepower and 512 lb-ft of torque. Volvo Cars has announced that every Volvo it launches from 2019 (delayed) will have an electric motor, marking the historic end of cars that only have an internal combustion engine (ICE) and placing electrification at the core of its future business. “This is about the customer,” said Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive. “People increasingly

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demand electrified cars and we want to respond to our customers’ current and future needs. You can now pick and choose whichever electrified Volvo you wish.” It will launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021, three of which will be Volvo models and two of which will be high performance electrified cars from Polestar, Volvo Cars’ performance car arm. Porsche, with their current offerings with the new Cayenne E-Hybrid and 6 Panamera E-Hybrid Models are now launching Porsche E-Performance. A little history. Porsche's first electric model manufactured was the 2014 Panamera S E-Hybrid. In September 2013, production began on the Porsche 918 Spyder, a mid-engine plug-in hybrid. In 2017, Porsche won the 24h Le Mans for the third consecutive time with the 919 Hybrid. Fast forward to today and Porsche is focused on the Mission E Cross Turismo, a new concept of pure electric mobility.

stringent fuel economy requirements. In both Europe and North America, governments are working with automakers to make their vehicles more fuel efficient. Certain Canadian provinces offer incentives like British Columbia and Quebec, but in Ontario, they have been cancelled, effective as of July 11, 2018. However, Eligible vehicles that have been delivered to consumers, registered, and plated on or before July 11 will receive the incentive, up to $14,000. Also, Inventory that dealers have on lots or orders made by dealerships with manufacturers on or before July 11, will also be honoured for the incentive provided that the vehicle is delivered to consumers, registered, and plated by September 10th.

Mercedes-AMG showcased their halo car called THE ONE hypercar, a celebration of their 50th anniversary. The vehicle was built around the F1 racer’s 1.6 litre turbocharged hybrid engine with a rumoured 1,000 horsepower. The Canadian price is roughly $3.5 million, but my understanding is that all 275 units are now SOLD. Mercedes-Benz has revealed that all future electric vehicles will be under the EQ namesake, starting with the

Here is some basic terminology that will help you get started in your research: Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) or Electric vehicle (EV) runs purely on electric power; Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a combination of an internal combustion engine (ICE) and a rechargeable battery, allowing for either pure electric-powered driving or extended range from a combination of the gasoline engine and electric motor; Plug-in vehicle (PiV) is a blanket term for any vehicle with a plug socket, including BEVs and PHEVs; Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) car that has tailpipe carbon dioxide emissions of less than 75g/km; New Energy Vehicle (NEV) refers to vehicles that are partially or fully powered by electricity, such as PHEVs and BEVs; and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) refers to an EV which uses a fuel cell to power its electric motor. The fuel cells create the electricity to power the EV.

EQC all-electric SUV currently in development with the EQA to follow. California’s Tesla blazed the trail with sleek, all-electric vehicles that all luxury cars are measured. Since the debut, Tesla’s super quiet and superquick Model S fourdoor sedan outsold the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series, and the Lexus LS. Even reliability-oriented Consumer Reports reported that the Model S was the most-loved car of 2014 by its owners and more Tesla owners say they’d buy one again than any other car, by an astonishing 98 percent. Forever, manufacturer, there are increasingly more

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Darren Dobson Veteran Lifestyle Global Credited Journalist in: luxury automobiles, yachting, private jets, and exotic travel.



Toronto’s Lakefront Aviation Neighbour Robert Deluce


ne name that Toronto is known by is "a city of neighbourhoods." There are 140 official distinct individual community identities and the people who live there, with residents taking great pride in their particular slice of the city. The Waterfront is a signature Toronto neighbourhood with essential attractions, harbour access and a still-developing community to the east.

years since Porter officially launched from Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, with two aircraft flying back and forth to Ottawa. Today, we operate 29 Bombardier Q400s and fly to 23 destinations across North America. Behind the scenes are 1,500 team members who make it all happen; most of whom live in Toronto and the surrounding area.

My own experience in Toronto is tied closely to the Waterfront and its neighbourhood airport. I grew up in Northern Ontario, pumping floats, fueling and loading planes. Eventually, I started to fly Cessna, Beaver and Otter aircraft that my family operated from various regional bases. As a young child, I would ride in planes landing at old Toronto Island Airport. I admire the Royal York Hotel, which dominated the skyline in those days.

The airport itself has transformed over this time to accommodate the 2.8 million passengers moving through it each year. The ability to walk or take public transit to the airport is a significant convenience for passengers and for the two thousand plus people who work there. It also reduces traffic in the surrounding community. 41% of people who made their way to the airport last year walked, biked, took the airport shuttle or public transit; the highest percentage of any airport in North America.

I moved to Toronto initially for high school because of limited schooling options in the north. There has always been something special about the now-named Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport for me. As a teenager, I would ride the streetcar to the airport. Sometimes cutting afternoon classes to get enough hours for my pilot's licence, which I earned on my 17th birthday. Years later, I would move to the city permanently, and it has been my home for more than three decades. Growing up around a family aviation business, and learning to fly, at the Island Airport, produced that initial spark - to realize that an airline could not only be based, in downtown Toronto, - but be a success. It's been almost 13


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Changes at the airport have occurred in step with the developing Waterfront and to meet the travel requirements of a thriving city. If you haven't been there in some time, you may not recognize it. Gone are the days of waiting for the airport ferry. If you do take the ferry, I highly recommend the view of the CN Tower, especially on a warm summer morning. There is an 853foot tunnel under the Western Channel, once again, vastly improving the flow of traffic in the area. Once inside the terminal, you'll find new food and retail options and plenty of seating –renovations completed in 2018 more than doubled the size of the lounges.

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Most recently, the airfield was completely modernized, with significant upgrades to the runways and taxiways, the installation of new energy efficient lighting, and the construction of a Ground Run-up Enclosure (GRE) designed to reduce sound associated with aircraft engine maintenance procedures. Last year, there wasn't a single noise complaint related to engine run-ups. As a waterfront community member, Porter supports a range of local events and organizations. Neighbours near and far have been able to experience different areas of the airport for themselves and meet our team at Doors Open Toronto. Last year, teams tried their hand at pulling a 37,000-pound Q400 aircraft at the ALS Canada Plane Pull fundraiser. We also spend time at the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre, including during the Christmas holidays when our team delivers gifts to adopted families and seniors.


One initiative that I'm quite proud of is our relationship with Hope Air. Growing up in Northern Ontario, I know how difficult it can be for smaller communities to access medical care. Porter provides seats to Hope Air to assist families with medical travel, so they can get the care they need at Toronto's distinguished hospitals. TORONTO’S URBAN AIRPORT FULFILLS MANY COMMUNITY NEEDS

The airport is also contributing to a developing plan led by the city that will see Bathurst Quay transform into a public plaza focused around the Canada Malting Silos. This will increase access in the vicinity of Eireann Quay and improve the public realm space. Toronto's urban airport fulfills many community needs and has so much potential to drive economic growth and connect residents with affordable air travel. We'll continue to work with Ports Toronto to balance the needs of the airport and community interests because Toronto is not just our hub; it is our home.



Discover Our 740 km Waterfront Trail limit of 20KPH, which some biking speed demons ignore, so beware, when you walk, cross or travel north and south the ignorant may hit and engage in some nasty commentary and or cause an ugly accident/ incident.

Rick Myers


iving on the waterfront at HarbourSide, we are very fortunate to have a new, east and west trail that is fully paved, in front of our Toronto lakeshore Condo complex. Don’t let the path fool you into thinking it is for bikes only! In fact, the path is known as the “Water Front Trail” communities/toronto/ It’s part of a 740 KM trail network connecting east Toronto through to Niagara and connecting with other trails for walkers, runners, bladers, bikers and anything un-motorized - electric or otherwise. It has a speed

My wife and I are both active bikers and are very aware of the few that abuse this wonderful pathway and claim it as their own and are unwilling to share it with others. Actually we have both been involved in accidents whereby the excessive speed of others traveling along the path has resulted in the said accident/incident. Helmets, awareness and good signals help us along our journeys. Scan to read more

Use this path and all others in and around the Toronto streets with care, but please remember Buses, Cars and Trucks are bigger and in the end will win the battle of size.

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A Guide to Connect to All the Great Lakes T

oronto is located on the smallest of the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario. Swim Drink Fish conducts a harbour monitoring program. What happens when we are near the water? Waves crash against the shore, the gentle bubbling river washes over rocks. We gaze out onto the glimmering waters, sun reflecting off of the mirror-like calm with the promise of life below. This natural, soothing lullaby connects us, to ourselves, and to a place and time. I am lucky. For me, the lake has always been a place to escape, to breathe, and to reset. Have you ever noticed how a walk on a beach, a paddle along a riverbank, or a stroll through the woods makes you feel calm and more centred? These activities are powerful medicine for your emotional and physical well-being. The time you spend outside - particularly near the water - helps to alleviate pressure from everyday life. Sadly, most Canadians spend 90% of their lives indoors.

Meghan Callon

But this doesn't have to be the case. Those of us that live in the Great Lakes region are fortunate to live in an area so accessible to water. From the tiny trickling tributaries to the open waters themselves, the Great Lakes offer endless possibilities to rekindle your relationship with the natural world. Let's look at some stats. The Earth may appear water-rich, but most of the Earth's water - 97% - is salt water, and another 2% is locked away in glaciers and polar ice caps. That means that just 1% of the water in the world is available freshwater. Of that 1%, the Great Lakes themselves hold over 20% of the world's surface freshwater. This relative scarcity of freshwater is one of the things that makes the Great Lakes so remarkable. Even though each river, creek, and spring in the region eventually empties into the Great Lakes, 99% of Great Lakes water is non-renewable fossil water (a one-time gift from glaciers). This non-renewable water "capital" cannot be replenished; once consumed, it is gone forever. Only 1%

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of the water in the Great Lakes system is "renewable" replenished each year through rainfall and springs.

down the Waterfront Trail, which runs along Toronto's harbourfront on the beautiful Lake Ontario.

The lakes are the foundation of a vast, complex ecosystem; the way of life that they support is unlike anything else on Earth. We know the lakes provide drinking water to all varieties of living things (including humans). But how many of us truly feel a connection to the Great Lakes?

Discover new places to explore, find new and exciting outdoor activities, and learn all about the history and ecology of these truly spectacular waterbodies. You can even sign up for an account on Great Lakes Guide and save places that you want to visit, creating your own personalized Guide. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates. The best stories, newest tips and trip ideas, and hidden gems will be delivered straight to your inbox each month.

Whether we know it or not, everyone has a connection to water. If you live in the Great Lakes region, every minute of every day is shaped by these water bodies. Your health, your home, your job, and your social life are what they are because of the lakes. The Great Lakes are always present, even if the water is hidden from view. It may be locked away in the rock beneath you or diverted through pipes and underground tunnels. The closest coastline maybe a hundred kilometres away. But the Great Lakes shape your life and you, in turn, shape the Great Lakes. This is why the Great Lakes Guide was created. Great Lakes Guide is a platform that connects you to activities and destinations near the Great Lakes. Through the Guide, you will be able to connect with this ecologically diverse and economically important area easily. If you're in Toronto, we suggest taking a walk or bike ride


Great Lakes Guide is a product of Swim Drink Fish, a national charity that has been connecting people to water since 2001. Growing the number of people actively participating in outdoor activities will benefit every part of the Great Lakes community and helps ensure a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future. We hope that you will come to love the lakes as much as we do. And if you love something, you want to protect it. Your Great Lakes journey begins here: www.greatlakes. guide. To get involved, sign up as a volunteer! Scan to read more

Meghan Callon is a content specialist communicating science through the written word and visual media, to connect people with nature and to foster change.



Finding Yourself in the House of Mirrors T

he warnings were issued that the mirrors were coming! Despite these warnings the mirrors arrived! Toronto needed to be prepared or they would be grasped by its reflective powers. Thousands of people did not heed the warnings. They flocked liked grazed tourists to the landing site to explore the verboten warnings. Not since the day that Narcissus was captured by a reflective mirrored pool was there so much excitement and anticipation. Who is Narcissus? According to ancient legend he was the first person in the world who was seized by a mirrored image. When he leaned over, to take a drink from a crystal clear pond, he saw someone staring back at him. He was enthralled. The person staring at him was so beautiful that he could not help but fall in love with himself. Mirrors have been capturing peoples imagination ever since. To paraphrase Grimm’s Snow White, fairy tale, her Step Mother’s queried, ‘Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?’

Erwin Sniedzins Who can resist glancing at their alter ego? A study done by Avaj, a men's lifestyle brand company in England, states that men look at a reflective surface 23 times per day while women only 16. People have an automatic tendency, when passing by a mirror or reflective glass window, to glance at their silhouette, to check out their ‘fairest’ image of themselves, against other people they admire or are involved with. Mirrors have played an important part in ancient mining and architecture. The interior art work in pyramids and noble tombs enabled light to be reflected around corners into chambers deep underground to illuminate its walls. Now, for the first time, a huge boat had reached the shores of Toronto, bringing the world renowned House of Mirrors to Toronto Luminato Annual Festival. Created by Keith Courtney and Christian Wagstaff, two Australian artists, from Melbourne, who left their event planning corporate world to craft a global 55 ton mobile art show. From imagination,

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to creation, the artists toiled over two years building an infinity mirror maze to ensnare those that dare to enter its portal. When asked how they knew their artistry would be successful, Christian said, “We didn’t”. After much research into the subject of mirrors and its meaning and humanity’s fascination to its mental and off world dimensions the idea took form. Keith mentioned, the Versailles Palace’s Hall of Mirrors and the funny mirrors that change people’s shapes at various circuses as inspirational points. Christian chimed in that they also watched some of the famous movies that had reflective mirror themes such as; The Lady from Shanghai, featuring Orson Welles (Michael) and World War II heart throb Rita Hayworth (Elsa) to give them better insight into how people responded to mirrors. There were many days of doubt until the opening day, when as unknown spectators, they observed how people reacted to their House of Mirrors. Some of the people were, a little timid at the entrance others more excited. It was the expression on their faces and exclamations of joy that made them realize that they had created something that would bring a unique experience to people around the world. In an age of digital displays and selfie egoism the House of Mirrors MEN LOOK AT harkens back to pre-digital historic A REFLECTIVE times. Its analogue construct evokes SURFACE 23 similarities of amazement when seeing TIMES PER and experiencing the feeling you get DAY WHILE entering, the Great Pyramid’s chamber WOMEN ONLY or Luxor’s Valley of Kings, tombs such 16 as young Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Fast forward 3600 years later to the House of Mirrors aperture. Do you take the red pill or blue pill and step into a huge puzzle? If you had chosen to go into the orifice you could be entering an imaginary Stargate with all of its illusory uncertainties. What will your mind see? You are creating you own reality as you try to navigate your way through the maze that reflects every move you make. An infinity display of all of your visual ingenuities. But don’t be afraid if you are lost there are people inside that will help you find the exit. Once they entered the maze they were not disappointed. Tens of thousands marvelled, touched, explored and figured out how to get out. Listening to the exclamations, bewilderment, exhilaration and frustrations from all the people who were meandering from one mirror to another trying to find the exit, made the House of Mirrors incursion into Toronto an unexpected treat. Bravo for Luminato Toronto’s International Arts Festival in bringing, the House of Mirrors, from down under, into the hearts and minds of ‘We the North’ visitors. What could follow the House of Mirrors? It’s cousin, the “House of Doors.”

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Colin Fortune


cooperation between people, he explained.

t a time when sensationalized stories about community violence and sectarian hatreds are multiplying everywhere, Karim Mirshahi, publisher of Waterfront Magazine, decided it was time to change the subject. In 2018, he launched the ‘Film For Peace’ (FFP) contest and invited filmmakers from around the world to tell their stories about achievements in peace and cooperation.

“I hope that we, as a group, can do something to make a difference,” Mirshahi added. Pulitzer Prize-nominated Canadian journalist Barry Brown has volunteered his time to serve as one of the festival’s judges and promoters. Brown, author of Humanity: The World Before Religion, War & Inequality, said the Film for Peace festival is a reminder that making a film is like building human civilization – it’s a collective effort.

“We need to start this discussion about ending violence in our communities, and I wondered what would happen if I invited everybody to share their ideas about peace,” Mirshahi said.

“Although modern media is filled with images of prehistoric humanity at war, that’s not accurate. There is no evidence of organized human war anywhere on Earth before about 6,000 years ago. War is a new invention. The spread of human language, trade and technology was the result of cooperation not conflict,” Brown explained.

The response was overwhelming. More than 1,100 short films were submitted representing almost every country in the world and other film festivals welcomed the inaugural Film For Peace festival (Sept. 21, 2019) as a ground breaking initiative.

The films he’s seen so far are “incredible. The diversity of themes and styles are breathtaking. There are intimate stories about personal struggles for peace against mental illness and social ignorance. Others are humorous animated tales about life in a conflicted neighborhood. And then there are some deeply moving shorts about life in a war zone.”

The issues of violence and cruelties - especially among young people - are overwhelming, and so “I am delighted and proud to host Waterfront Magazine’s “Film for Peace” Initiative” at our closing gala party, said Sabine Mondestin, co-founder of the Open World Toronto Film Festival. Mirshahi said his original plan was to create something for youth in Toronto or the GTA, but he quickly realized he’d tapped into a vein of pain and hope that united people of all ages and backgrounds living everywhere in the world. “That’s when I realized this could be a Film for Peace festival” and the short film contest became a filmmakers’ movement to explore and celebrate global peace and

Natasha Ramjohn-Mohan, founder of FBW+, an integrated marketing and public relations agency, is another volunteer. She said Toronto is the perfect place to start a movement like Film for Peace and see it grow into a global phenomenon. Scan to read more

“Explosive violence is a worldwide problem. This festival is one step towards finding a solution,” she said.

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■ 1- Hossein Khalaj, David Rosen, Urszula Ula, Karim Mirshahi, Ghazaleh Ghasemi ■ 2-Urszula Ula ■ 3-Yanka Van Der Kolk, ChaCha Chapin, Ewa J. Antczak, Urszula Ula ■ 4-Open World Film Festival founders Sabine Mondestin and Steve Lareau ■ 5- Guests ■ 6- Kyra Ottier, Karim Mirshahi, Judi Embden ■ 7- Warren Booth and Guest



The Shark

Without the Bite An exclusive interview with Robert Herjavec Aida Memisevic


few years ago, I attended a gala award ceremony. The guest speaker was Robert Herjavec. You may know Robert from CBC’s Dragons’ Den, ABC’s Shark Tank or his toe tapping moves on Season 20 of Dancing with the Stars. I don't recall Robert's exact words from the talk he gave that evening, but I do remember how it made me feel. The event was the gala awards ceremony for the Canadian-Croatian Chamber of Commerce. I was moved by Robert's authenticity, humbleness and vulnerability as he described his story of coming to Canada as an 8 year old boy. His father Vladimir Herjavec passed away the day before the event, and Robert bravely pushed through a very emotional time to deliver the speech, in honour of his father.

Photo Credit: Chris Matamoros

appeared on Season 20 of Dancing with the Stars, with Kym Johnson as his dancing partner. A love connection evolved and the following year, Kym became his wife. The two are blessed with one year old twins. Mom and babies were coming to meet Robert at the office right after my interview. Ahhh, yes, probably a text request from his wife. I finally understood the need for baby wet wipes!

Now, almost ten years later as I walk down the corridor of Herjavec Group’s global headquarters in Toronto, hanging along the wall are framed testaments of Robert's many business achievements: Profit 500 Canada’ s Fastest Growing Companies, Inc Magazine, Success Magazine, Profit 100. This Canadian immigrant boy grew up to achieve business success as CEO of a one of the world's largest privately held cyber security firms. As I drew closer towards the open door of a large office, a brilliant flash of gold caught my eye. I walked in and was greeted by four absolutely, stunning golden statues; Emmy Awards from Robert's work on ABC’s Shark Tank. I had no idea how truly magnificent they would be up close! Great... one more thing I now have to add to my bucket list. As my production assistant was setting up the microphones for this interview, I was getting my notes ready. Robert was on the phone checking his texts and emails. He suddenly looked up and called for his assistant, asking her if they had baby wipes in the office. He was quite persistent, and I remember thinking that was a little odd...  why the sudden need for baby wipes? The answer was soon revealed. In 2015, Robert

From a little immigrant boy doing his best to navigate life, to one of Canada's great success stories, the words below are edited excerpts from my interview with fellow Canadian-Croatian Robert Herjavec. I DIDN’T KNOW WE WERE POOR

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Do you have any memories of your childhood in Croatia? I have great memories of my childhood in Croatia. Canada has come a long way in accepting immigrants from all religions, race, colour, but at the time, it was really difficult. I grew up in a village back home and we had dirt floors, pigs running around, no phone or paved streets... but I didn’t know we were poor. I thought everybody lived like this and I thought it was great. Then I come to Canada, and the other kids tell me I’m poor. I realized we were different. We had to wear the same clothes every day because we had no money. My mom would wash them every day. People made fun of me. That was a really shaping moment for me. I think my experiences at nine made me who I am today. When you

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have something that's challenging, it either breaks you or makes you. It definitely broke me for a while, but then I just got to a point where I didn't want to be that person anymore. Your mother was a receptionist and your dad worked in a factory. Your dad was a tough guy; a brave man who spoke out against communism. What are some of the greatest lessons you learned from your father?


business and I got a job. And I did both for the first three months and then one day, I literally couldn't do both. So I quit the job. And ten years later you sold that company for just over $30 million? I did. I sold it to AT & T. At the moment when you sold it, what were you thinking would happen for the next ten years of your life?

Never complain, work really hard, and I think the biggest At the moment all I remember thinking was - I hope their lesson I've always taken away is to respect anybody in WE HAD cheque clears the bank because I had never seen so much the pursuit of taking care of their family. My dad never TO WEAR money. There is a great piece of advice I always give to looked down at a janitor or a waitress. And the greatest THE SAME entrepreneurs, they say, “When do you know it's time to lessons I learned about my dad, I learned too late in life. CLOTHES sell your business?” I always say, in two situations: one, When you're growing up, you are embarrassed by your EVERY DAY when the money can change your life, and two, when you parents. The greatest guilt I feel at times is that I was BECAUSE don't have the heart to do it anymore. That money, $30 embarrassed of my dad. He was such a great guy, and WE HAD NO million changed my life forever, so it was time to sell. he was so honourable. He had various faults like every MONEY The $30 million was so unbelievably more than I could human being, but that man gave up his life for me, and fathom, that I didn't have the ability to dream any bigger. I was embarrassed by him. But you only learn that in It took a long time for me to think I can do more. hindsight and all those lessons just become part of who you are. There was a time in your personal life, when you were in a really At what point did you get the vision of being an entrepreneur? dark place. You decided to spend a few weeks helping out at a homeless shelter in Seattle. What led you to do that? I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. I just wanted to get a good It was one of those dark days that so many people have when you job. I only became an entrepreneur because I got fired, and I needed actually don't think there's going to be a tomorrow. You’re in that to pay my mortgage. I remember the day I told my mom, “I'm depth of despair. I called a good friend of mine, John McAuley going to start a business.” She looked at me, with worry in her face who is a priest. And he kind of talked me off the ledge, if you will. and said, “Don't worry you'll get another job one day.” I started my

Photo Credit: Herjavec Family Collection



He said to go to this place in Seattle and it will lift your soul. I was devoid of hope, and without hope, there is no life. I think he just wanted to show me how grateful I should be for what I have. I showed up, and even though they had less and their lives were worse, they had more hope, more positivity and their souls were fuller than mine. And I'm thinking, “How can that be? They have nothing!” I realized it all comes down to you. The last book you wrote is titled “You Don't Have to Be a Shark: Creating Your Own Success.” What's the meaning behind the title? People that are shy or introverted like I was, often times think that they have to change who they are in order to get ahead in life. So they think they have to be mean or they have to be a shark. I think that's what we were trying to say in the title, you don't have to be a jerk to get ahead. But you do have to believe in yourself. You can't be a wallflower. You can’t let people push you around, but that doesn't mean you have to push other people around. You have, like many people in business, experienced betrayal; having money stolen and other negative things happen. How have you chosen to see those situations now? I remember the first time somebody did something bad to me. I couldn't believe it. I thought the world was going to end.



I felt my soul leave my body. I think I cried. Today I don’t remember what they did. The difference between people who do great things and others, is how long they allow themselves to feel sorry for themselves. Today I have shitty things that happen to me and I feel really bad about it for a couple minutes then I realize I’ve just got to move on. Back then, I would wallow in misery for days. That’s the difference. You have commented on the importance of being able to take a loss. How important do you think it is for business success? It’s everything. If you think about it, in your lifetime, how many true successes are you going to have? I sold my first company; I think I made $60,000. I sold the next one, and I made $30 million. One day we will take the Herjavec Group public, or we will sell. And I’ll probably do another one after this, so maybe I’ve failed 20,000 times in the course of those four successes. People only remember the success. Nobody sees the failure. You will fail in life way more then you'll succeed. If you can't take the failure, you won’t get the success. Aida Memisevic, TEDx speaker, journalist and executive producer focusing on mindset and wellness based television shows, films and digital content.



Canadian Arts & Fashion Awards 2019 CAFA #WearCanadaProud Natasha Ramjohn


here would you find fashion industry’s top artists, designers, influencers, and industry leaders all in one place? The Canadian Arts and Fashion Awards (CAFA), of course! At the 6th annual Awards Gala, CAFA did not disappoint as it celebrated outstanding ON BEHALF OF achievement and emerging talent in the Canadian WATERFRONT fashion industry. This prestigious event was held at the MAGAZINE, Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto and hosted by CONGRATULATIONS Canadian television personality, Jessi Cruickshank, who TO ALL THE was hilarious and fabulous, among her 16 designer outfit WINNERS AND changes. NOMINEES

Year, and The Suzanne Rogers Designer ($20,000) Grant for International Development. Refreshingly, Canadian model, Tasha Tilberg, won The Model of the Year 26 years after the start of her career, and Krow Kian, one of the most sought-after transgender models, was awarded The Fresh Face of the Year Award. Matt & Nat was awarded The Fashion Impact Award and KOTN was celebrated for their contribution to sustainability in fashion. The Menswear Designer of the Year Award went to Christopher Bates. For the full list of winners:

Attending my first CAFA, outfitted by Canadian designer, Auneya Munir of Auneya Bridal, I felt like a star at the Oscars. Described by another first-timer, Marie Copps, fashion and accessory designer, “It was like attending the Oscars, not for the film awards but for arts and fashion.” Canada’s most stylish dressed to impress in the best of our homegrown designers. Whether they were sashaying and posing on the red carpet, or they were camera posturing for our talented photographer George Pimentel, or they were Oscar-style interviewed by Lisa Kisber via Facebook Live Stream, or they were posing in the portrait room, it was the one night of the year where Canada's most fashionable re-acquainted with old friends and made new friends.. We celebrated and “wore Canada proud” because isn’t that what it’s all about – recognizing and showcasing Canada’s fashion?

The evening concluded with “Slay the Runway” fierce runway walk-off. Cheers to another successful event!


Over clinking glasses, dining on smoked steelhead and beef strip loin, honorary awards were presented in 22 categories; across design, photography, styling, modelling, social impact, and digital impact. The 2019 Vanguard Award was presented for significant contributions to the creative community. Loriot was attributed with leaving a mark on the art world through his work as a curator and creative director. Douglas Kirkland graciously accepted The International Canadian Designer Award. Kirkland was acknowledged for his exceptional career as a coveted photographer who has photographed some of our most iconic Hollywood celebrities. Aurora James, founder and creative director of Brother Vellies, a line of footwear and accessories, picked up The International Canadian Designer Award. Other notable winners included Sid Neigum who took home two awards, The Womenswear Designer of the

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1- Jessi Cruickshank 2- Jenna Naumovich Freda 3- Douglas Kirkland, Catherine Martin 4-Viktor Horsting, Thierry-Maxime Loriot and Rolf Snoeren 5- Coco Rocha, Sid Neigum, Sylvia Mantella 6- Jessica Mulroney, Krystal Kooper 7- Jayjay Kings, Naomi Leone 8- Britney Kelleher, David Dixon, Donna Kuczynski 9- Suzanne Rogers 10- Coco Rocha

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Photo Credit: George Pimentel







The Hollinsworth Sisters

Role Models in Environmental Sustainability


hen you google sustainable clothing in Canada, one of the first sites that pops up is Ungalli Co. in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It's a company that was founded, in 2013, by the Hollinsworth sisters as a sustainable web based clothing line fashioned out of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Inspired by, 'Name of the Tree,' a book by Celia Wong, Ungalli's dedication to sustainable, organic clothing has been raising awareness since it began as an online clothing line in 2014. Ungalli means, "Everyone helps everyone". It's a fitting name for the clothing business since they use oil from recycled plastic water bottles in their textiles; as opposed to synthetic clothing. Over the last five years, Ungalli Co. has implemented 500,000 recycled plastic water bottles into its textiles. The use of recycled plastic water bottles has been rising in the fashion industry over the years. This year's Fashion Week featured designs made from plastic water bottles in London, New York and Toronto and the use of recycled plastic is gaining steam with both mainstream designers like Tommy Hilfiger and independent companies like Ungalli. Ungalli Co. was the first of its kind and received the ‘Top 30 Under 30’ Award for Sustainability Leadership Award. The Hollinsworth sisters carved an economical and environmentally friendly future for themselves. It was through their creative strategy of sustainable clothing development that enabled them to pave an environmentally friendly future for Thunder Bay.

Lauren Toffan


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Earlier this year, a study was released indicating that 80 percent of Canada's treated drinking water from the Great Lakes was filled with microfibres. Microfibres are tiny particles of plastic found in synthetic fibres and are shed when they go through a wash cycle. These microfibres are built up in washing machines and are then flushed into the water piping systems, eventually causing pollution and poisoning fish. In recent years washing machine filters have been made available to curb the buildup of microfibres. However, Ungalli Co. has designed an organic solution to collect the microfibres before they enter the water stream called; The Cora Ball. This handy little tool comes from a manufacturing company in Vermont. Its design is made to collect microfibres as they build up in one's laundry machine and turns them into a visible lint or fuzz, to be thrown in the garbage. While the labour is more expensive and the cost of importing organic, recycled textiles and products is higher, Hailey Hollinsworth says it is worth it. "I hope it makes people more conscious about their clothing, brings awareness that there are sustainable and ethical options out there for the products they purchase. It needs to be a permanent part of our lives to have a big impact." In the wake of Canada's recycling system being in the hot seat, perhaps taking a cue from two innovative entrepreneurs in Thunder Bay, is a good idea. It's just one google click away.



Dog Wear for Pawesome Safe Fun! Roanna M. Sabeh-Azar

Dog Shoes: Just as we need gloves and shoes to protect our hands and feet from the cold, dogs need them for the same reasons. Dogs sweat through their paws which make them susceptible to infections, cuts and burns. In hot or cold weather, if you plan on biking, skateboarding, rollerblading or jogging with your dog, invest in quality dog running shoes with shock absorption. These will protect your dog against harmful elements such as broken glass, thorns, nails, fleas, ticks, splinters, pebbles, to name a few. Your dog will thank you for it! Proper footwear may also help prevent early signs of joint pain. As dogs age, they are likely to experience a variety of issues such as degenerative myelopathy, arthritis, and bacterial infections. These generally result in blisters, cuts, infections, cysts, deformed paws, nerve damage, tumours, cancers or corns. As the paw pads wear down, dogs also start to slip on all slick surfaces such as hardwood flooring. This is when shoes or non-slip socks must be used. Otherwise you might want to invest in wall-to-wall carpeting or rubber mats all over your home. To save you the financial hassle, it is probably best to invest in footwear early.


ow more than ever, dogs have incorporated themselves ‘pawfectly’ into our busy everyday lives so what we do, they do right alongside us. They are our ‘new kids’ or as many call them, ‘fur babies’! But with title and notion there comes equal responsibility, to take care of them, as much as we look after ourselves and our children! People often say, “Dogs have been living in nature for so many years without extra protection, so why do they need it now?” Well, the answer to that is: Dogs have never been asked to endure ongoing rigorous conditions in different geographic locations and time zones. It's thanks to proper nutrition and great apparel that they are living longer, healthier lives! So what does this mean exactly? There are many important points and safety items to know about and remember. Call it the ‘How-to Guide for safe and Yappy times!’ Most of us are not used to putting clothing on our animals, but allow me to explain why dressing your dog in proper apparel will ensure safe and fun times in the great outdoors. As my two favourite sayings go: ‘It’s better to be safe than sorry’ and ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!’ Here are the reasons why.


Life Jackets: It’s a safety measure and there are boating laws to ensure us humans wear life vests. The same measure should hold true for your furry Best Friend! When the sun is HOT and water is glistening, who doesn’t want to jump right in? Chances are, your furry best friend will. That’s the point. We all know the dog paddle is the hardest of all strokes, so why not help your best friend out by giving him or her some extra support with a dog-sized life jacket. Even inside a pool, the dog will be able to float which could save your pool liner from pesky scratches! Seat Belts: By law, we must wear them and in some countries, pets are obligated to wear them too. For the sake of safety, be ahead of the trend and buckle in your furry friend. We never know when we might be involved in a motor vehicle accident and, our canine passengers need to be secured every time they get into the vehicle. Like the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” True fact: ‘The American Humane Society reports that an estimated 100,000 dogs die from riding in truck beds alone each year.

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Roanna M. Sabeh-Azar, Founder: Neo-Paws International Inc, Leader in Safety Pet Apparel!

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Dalai Lama's World's Smallest

Vineyard and Switzerland's Robin Hood Shannon Skinner Walking through Saillon's vineyards is a dream come true. The Valais is one of Switzerland's most important wine regions where several grape varieties are grown, such as Pinot Noir, Syrah and the indigenous Fendant. Vehicles are not allowed, to protect the vines from pollution. The only sound is our shoes trampling the dirt and the whir of my Canon. We reach the top of the hill overlooking Saillon and, finally, the Dalai Lama's vineyard, which was bequeathed to him in 1999 and is a memorial for Farinet. The land is registered at 1.618 sq. metres - the Pythagoras Golden Mean, or divine proportion. It has only three vines. Their grapes are used in the production of wine that is sold to raise money for charity. Although the Dalai Lama has only visited once, the vineyard is taken care of by many celebrities, such as Gérard Depardieu, Peter Ustinov and royalty; with their names appearing on signs.


arrive by bus in the medieval village of Saillon, in Switzerland's Valais region. The sun is shining over the Rhone Valley with its legendary river, terraced vineyards, thermal baths, orchards and surrounding Alps. It is a perfect day for a pilgrimage. My guide picks me up, and we begin to walk the Farinet Path. It was a spiritual pilgrimage that traces the life of Switzerland's legendary outlaw, Joseph-Samuel Farinet, known as the Swiss Robin Hood. "The Farinet Path is a personal journey about finding happiness," says my guide. It starts in Saillon village, goes uphill through the terraced vineyards and ends on top of a hill at the world's smallest vineyard, owned by Dalai Lama. It is 3 km and takes about one hour. At our first stop we saw a beautiful stained glass window. The guide tells me about the 19th century criminal who loved women, wine, and making counterfeit money and giving it to the poor. On the run from the law, he sought refuge in Valais. Buried in Saillon, he died in mysterious circumstances. "Murder or an accident, no-one knows," says my guide. Farinet has been memorialized in a novel, songs, movies and local currency – as a defender of freedom and peace, values he shares with Dalai Lama. The village also has a museum of counterfeit money. Along the path, we passed 21 extraordinary stained glass stations. Each tells a story of the counterfeiter's life. Tales of Farinet from his childhood - to self-discovery, injustice, suffering, prison and escaping, to pleasure, to giving away his counterfeit money to the poor and to his untimely death.

This is a welcoming place for silence and contemplation. There are small plaques as reminders of the universal human condition, such as destiny, love, suffering and courage. Inspirational signs left by many famous visitors, including Madonna, hang along the path; and there is a slab where you can write messages. THE WORLD’S SMALLEST VINEYARD IS REGISTERED AT 1.618 SQ. METRES, IT HAS ONLY THREE VINES

Here is the last and most impressive Farinet window, immortality. As the story goes, Farinet has been stripped of all material possessions, and all he has is his essence. He is free. "The wind blows where it wants." ~ St. John On full display around us is the magnificent Rhone Valley and Valais Alps. The wind whistles through my hair. At this moment, with nothing but my camera, I feel free. After our walk, I check into my hotel, Les Bains de Saillon, to relax in its thermal baths, located alongside the Rhone River in the valley. With the sun setting, I look up to the hill where I walked amongst the vines and thought of Farinet. If you go… Where to stay: Les Bains de Saillon (Baths of Saillon) 4-star resort and Thermal Park, with contemporary-style rooms, several restaurants, and spa/wellness facilities. Reservations:

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Shannon_Skinner Shannon Skinner is the host/creator of, radio host, international speaker, author and travel writer.

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Scotthill Caribbean Restaurant Marty G’s Sensational Review Marty Galin flavours. Kingfish was served next. It felt as if we were at the Royal Palace. The whole fish is served in a majestic platter. The fish is pinkish, sweet and very tasty. It also has very few bones, which made me very happy. The taste gives you the feeling the gods are dancing on your head. I had never tasted plantain before. It was sweet, crisp and very yummy. Sort of an exotic taste. The curry chicken makes you want to taste each and every morsel. The taste says “Welcome to Jamaica.” It was like a warm hug by the seaside.


hen we entered the ScottHill Caribbean Restaurant, we were quite surprised. What lay ahead was a magical mystery tour. The tour included great Caribbean food and music. The chef, Coconatty, is a poet and a singing minstrel. Bob Marley lives on here. The patrons are given an added delight, a vegetable soup so good it has a feeling of raindrops kissing your face in the morning. The national dish of Jamaica is called Ackee and Salt fish. It is a fruit brought to Jamaica from Ghana in 1727. This dish pays homage to the great chefs of Jamaica. This dish turns sunshine into smiles. The fruit and the codfish complemented each other with their unique


The crème de la resistance is the grape nut ice cream, a favourite mainstay of Jamaica. This brings all the flavours, smells and senses of Jamaica in a bowl.

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of women are ‘unhappy’ with the financial services industry*1

The dishes here are made with love and years of family tradition. All the music here is recorded by daughter, Rachel, and Coconatty. This is a family restaurant and welcomes you the moment you walk in. This is the first of many more visits. We will be back again and again. And so should you. Mi deh yah yuk know…which means, “Everything is ok.”


of women looking for an advisor say they can’t find one they can connect with*2

Are your needs currently being met by your financial advisor? Charlotte Paul is a financial advisor who specializes in working with divorced and widowed women. If you’re looking for a trusted partner to help you plan and execute your financial strategy, reach out today for a complimentary chat about your portfolio. | P. 416-777-6385 | E. Raymond James Ltd., member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund 1. The Boston Consulting Group, Women Want More (in Financial Services), October 2009 2. The Financial Brand, When Marketing to Women, Financial Brands Fall Short, December 4, 2013

Light up

the night




The Happiness of Other People Does Not Necessarily Make Us Happy Dr. Ewa J. Antczak


ave you ever felt envy when you find out about your neighbour buying a new sports car? Or anger when you saw, your best friend was leaving with his family for an exotic vacation, while you are working hard to pay your bills? An old proverb says: "a friend in need is a friend indeed." In my opinion, a real friend is one who can enjoy our happiness. It is noble to help people in need, especially when it does not involve physical effort, financial cost, or legal implications. Helping others allows us to feel important and needed. When we help someone, we also build our self-esteem and create an image of ourselves as a "helpful person." Politicians, businessmen, and celebrities like to share photos showing them surrounded by children, or "leak" information about the amounts they donate to charities. Helping people in need is undoubtedly a virtue, but it is not a value in itself. The chance that a homeless person or an orphaned child might threaten our wellbeing or our social or economic position is very limited. On the other hand, helping those who are better off may be seen as an attempt to get access to them and thereby to get some advantage for ourselves. In psychology, there is a concept of cognitive dissonance. It describes a sense of discomfort that we experience when the outcomes of our actions - or the way in which we see ourselves - are contradicted by the


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way other people perceive us. Most people like to think about themselves positively, and they want the external world to reinforce that self-image. In fact, our creation of self-image and the way we present ourselves to the external world is one of the most revealing human traits. We usually do this by using external signs such as body language, the way we dress, our gestures, or changes in our tone of voice. People are rarely forthcoming about their problems and struggles on Facebook, whereas we are very willing to share information about our successes and about the things that give us pleasure. Public Relations specialists know that the art of image creation can be learned, but what if the new image we are creating is not congruent with our self-image? How do we reduce cognitive dissonance? Actually, constructive thinking can also be learned, but it requires time, effort, and determination. In turn, what we focus on will become more important to us, expanding and becoming more accessible. When we are thinking about our Self and our experiences, positively - we are subconsciously creating the ground in which these positive thoughts and impressions, will grow even stronger. On the other hand, feelings of anger, hatred, or envy will more likely form waves of negative experiences, feelings, and reactions. Thus, if you want to think about yourself as a helpful person, behaving in a useful way is

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not enough. This is because there is a connection between the way we think about ourselves and our actions in the external world. What this means is that our ability to actually perform meaningful or genuine acts of kindness also depends on the way in which we regard ourselves. It is when we can unconditionally love and accept ourselves as we are with all our various strengths and weaknesses that we are able to act genuinely without self-doubt or concern about our "real" motivation. "Love your neighbour as you love yourself" - do not judge, do not criticize, do not compare. We can see today how difficult this seemingly simple command is. There is no easy task to behave with humility - or to accept negative responses from other people, especially when we do not receive the gratitude we were expecting. The world is not a fair or safe place. When trying to change the world, we must begin by recognizing that we are doomed to some degree of failure. This failure is because neither the weather nor the opinion of other people can easily be changed. On the other hand, we can change ourselves and the way we think and see the world. In a few years, today's children and youth will become leaders, parents, and educators. The sooner we can teach young people to think about


themselves more positively, the more it will help them to control their feelings and behaviour. The more likely they will be able to achieve better results. Remember, if we can help others unconditionally, the more likely we are to build a stronger and safer society. This would be based on mutual respect and a sense of responsibility. IdealMe has created a program to help youth develop a better understanding of themselves and especially their strengths and weaknesses. We also help to improve their emotional and social interactions with peers, teachers, and family. The program provides training for young people to practice recognizing and regulating their feelings and constructively solve problems. It also helps to improve their overall self-esteem and resiliency. IdealMe is a proactive way for parents and educators to help youth address the many challenges that are awaiting them in the world. These challenges have become increasingly complex and often increasingly harsh. Dr. Ewa J. Antczak, School psychologist, founder and creator of IdealMe. She coaches youth, parents and educators to focus their efforts on the development of each child's inner core strength. She provides the child with the tools they need to maintain self-confidence. The goal is to teach youth that they must strive to surpass themselves - rather than others.



Dr. Valeria Muriel

Trigenics® ClinicTreatments - Helps to Change Lives Lauren Toffan Dr. Muriel, originally from Mexico, came to Canada to study business and finance. Her life’s plan was to follow in her father’s footsteps, who, at the time, was Chairman of the Board of Scotia Bank. While studying business at the University of Toronto, Muriel met a young doctor named Alan. He was slowly establishing himself and his Trigenics® practice. While in university, Valeria volunteered her spare time to help Dr. Austin and his patients. It was during her spare time that she felt the calling to change her life’s path. “I was amazed at how he helped the patients. It was very gratifying to work in that environment, so I decided to change my life where I can help people recover faster,” explains a very soft-spoken Dr. Muriel. She then enrolled in courses for naturopathic medicine and invested her knowledge in finance and business to build Trigenics.

Photo Credit: Joseph Fiore


o one likes pain, especially chronic pain due to Frozen Shoulder, throbbing elbow, knee or back. In most cases, pain killers are bought or prescribed by doctors. In extreme cases, surgery is used, while other people have discovered Trigenics Clinics that are producing fantastic results. Trigenics’ reputation has become a global destination for people to get their pain treated. Entering the Clinic, a celebrity Wall of Fame greets you. Celebrities such as; X-men Magneto, Sir Ian McKellen, Randy Bachman, Simon Cowell, Barry Pepper, to name a few, who flew from around the world to get rid of their pain. The Clinic was founded in 1988 by Dr. Allan OoloAustin, who offered a unique combined approach of PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) principles for receptor therapy and brain stimulation to end the suffering of those in chronic pain. The success of the Clinic, however, likely would not have risen to the international level it stands at today, had it not been for the financial wisdom, entrepreneurial spirit and compassion of Clinic Director, Dr. Valeria Muriel.

According to Statistics Canada, as of 2008, 1.5 million Canadian men and women experienced chronic pain. The root cause varies, but after injury, pain is considered chronic if it remains consistent over a few months or if the pain prevails after an injury has been healed. Without proper, thorough treatment, it not only has a profoundly negative impact on the person experiencing but also on

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family members, workplace absences, the health care system and is a factor in mental health disruptions and eating disorders. Using the example of Frozen Shoulder, Dr. Muriel says most treatments such as physiotherapy, chiropractic care and osteotherapy would take over a year to bring back mobility. Trigenics treatment can restore mobility and long term relief within two visits. “There is no other treatment like this on the market,” she says. The root of its success may stem from its original design. Trigenics technique was inspired by the work of Herman Kabat and Maggie Knott. Kabat and Knott had established the (PNF) principles. Trigenics combined those principles with muscle neurology, receptor therapy and brain stimulation. The combination of all three therapeutic techniques has been designed to alter neurological control and allow for change to occur in weak and tight muscles, which are commonly the leading cause of instability and chronic pain. This technique helps the practitioner discover the root of the pain at a faster pace, therefore allowing the treatment to be developed more quickly and take effect. According to Dr. Muriel, the goal of the Trigenics treatment is to alter neurological control so muscles can learn to function in a healthier, more functional way again.


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Valeria is a two time surviving cancer patient. While recovering at home from the hospital treatments she did not stop pursuing and growing Trigenics business. She and Dr. Austin also launched a multitude of NEW medical spa and anti-ageing services with highly advanced medical machines that use the latest technology in facial and body skin regeneration to make everyone look so much younger. Trigenics has surpassed its humble beginnings. From a small exclusive practice in Toronto, Dr. Muriel and her partner Dr. Austin has presence in Canada, USA, Estonia (Europe), Australia, New Zealand, and South America. Along with clinics that offer the Trigenics, neurological treatment system, educational courses and seminars are open to doctors and therapists in a variety of positions within the medical field.



Green is the New Black Diet

5 Easy Ways to Add More Plant-Based Foods into Your Diet Jasna Kosovac


emphasizes eating more produce and plant products instead of animal-based foods. What does it look like in practice? An abundance of whole fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, seeds, and spices!

ood is so much more than just fuel; it shapes our daily life, mindset and our health.

At age 46, I was diagnosed with autoimmune disease. My immune system was attacking my healthy cells. Frequent eye inflammations caused terrible pain which resulted in temporary loss of vision accompanied with pain, stiffness, and tenderness on both sides of the body. Doctors wanted to put me on costly prescriptions with enormous side effects. They said this would help "manage" my disease. But nothing felt right about the pharmaceutical path they had laid out for me. I felt there must be a better way, and I wanted to know more about how the foods I was eating were impacting my health. I researched, read studies and reached out to experts who helped me develop a plant based nutritional plan. I was on the right path. Within eight months, all my symptoms disappeared. It was truly extraordinary, and I felt more alive than ever before. We have all heard the term "plant-based diet," but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean all you can eat is leafy greens...? A plant-based diet, as the name suggests, is an eating lifestyle in which most, if not all, the foods consumed, come from plants. Vegetarian, vegan and raw diets are all forms of plant-based diets. There are several others you have probably heard of that are popular for health reasons, including the Mediterranean Diet and Okinawan Diet. Basically, it's about a diet that

Research spanning more than three decades, with most experts agreeing with the same conclusion: there is a correlation between animal-based diets and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In fact, the World Health Organization recently made a bold claim, concluding that processed meats are deadly carcinogens, putting them in the same category as asbestos and tobacco. THERE IS A CORRELATION BETWEEN ANIMAL BASED DIETS AND HEART DISEASE, DIABETES, AND CANCER

The idea of changing your eating habits can seem daunting, but the benefits of a plant-based diet are so extraordinary that it is a choice everyone should seriously consider. As a certified nutritionist, I have seen the impact it can have on people. Putting the right foods in your body can make a huge change, including losing weight, gaining energy, and decreasing or eliminating medications for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Often people report that their emotional outlook is stronger, and their sexual health improved. These are results that anyone can achieve by adopting a plant-based diet and having the right system of support along the way. However, the benefits of a plant-based diet are not limited to disease prevention - I believe the benefits also extend into disease reversal. It is a bold claim, but it is one I make based on my personal experience and those of

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beet (Swiss chard), and spinach. Be creative in your preparations, steaming, grilling, and braising.

many people whom I have personally worked with. Making healthy changes doesn't require a complete overhaul of one's diet. Everyone needs to start at their own pace and slowly make the changes required. Below are five tips to help to incorporate plant-based foods into a new, healthier lifestyle: 1. Start the day with whole grains. Ditch the eggs and milk for quinoa, oatmeal, or a whole wheat egg and dairy free pancake. Add in favourite nuts and fresh fruits. 2. Lead with vegetables. Try filling at least half of the plate with colourful vegetables and fruits at lunchtime and dinnertime. Choose a variety of vibrant colours and dip the vegetables into homemade condiments like salsa and hummus. 3. Good fats are the way to go. Olives, olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds all have the type of fat that our bodies need.

For many, the real challenge is developing new habits that meet their goal of living a longer, healthier life. Working with a professional nutritionist will offer encouragement, a plan of action and accountability. This is the integral first ingredient towards eating a more plant-based diet.


4. Meatless Monday. Transition into a healthier lifestyle by picking one day each week to create meals with beans, vegetables, or whole grains. 5. Green is the new favourite colour. Experiment with waterfront_ad.qxp_Layout 2019-10-28 5:15 PMsilver Page 1 a variety of leafy greens1such as kale, collards,


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Through an evolution of choices, your palate will develop over time. A plant-based diet focuses more on the abundance of what we can eat instead of depriving us of what we shouldn't. You may discover a whole new delicious world! It is important to know that the food we consume is filled with meaning, communication and information. The food choices we make send messages to our bodies and directly influence our health and wellbeing, our body composition and our performance. Making environmentally friendly and sustainable food decisions are equally important and go hand in hand with proper nutrition. When we pay attention to what we eat and make mindful and careful choices, we almost certainly eat better. What's good for the planet is usually good for us. Jasna Kosovac, Certified nutritionist helping people create new, permanent eating habits. She can be found at:

Core Centre provides assessment, consultation and treatment. We help children and adults who struggle with learning problems, emotion and behavior regulation, extensive worries, low mood, and more. We provide 1:1 assistance, home visits and group programs for youth, their parents and professionals - IdealMe. All services are reimbursable through extended health plans and are tax deductible.

220 Burnhamthorpe Rd W., Suite 202 | Mississauga, ON, L5B 4N4 T: 647.515.4357 | F: 866.891.2547 | | email:



Essential Oils Helped to Rejuvenate Life How Raw Marine Phytoplankton Gives the Body an Internal Charge Lauren Toffan


ne small bottle containing essential nutrients and minerals that are missing from the human body seems like a miracle drug. To some, perhaps it is. To others, it is a complimentary supplement which ensures a healthier and more vibrant life. To Ian Clark, the founder of Activation Products, it was life-changing. In 2004 Clark was diagnosed with heart disease and liver cancer. He was told that he had 1000 days to live, and he was prescribed chemotherapy, surgery and multiple forms of prescription drugs. Rather than follow the advice of his doctors and go under the surgical knife, Clark chose to alter his life habits and tackle his diagnosis with natural remedies. Up until that point, he had worked in the energy industry, living a high-stress life, consuming unhealthy foods and making poor choices. Clark felt his poor lifestyle choices caused his diagnoses; therefore, his solution was to do the opposite. "I caused it naturally by doing the wrong thing, and I believed I would repair myself naturally by doing the right thing," says Clark. With the support of his sons, Clark spent five years improving his health, and while his doctors suspected he was suicidal for not taking their advice of surgery and chemotherapy, Clark continued to change his life naturally. The kick start to his life's success, however, came from the ocean floor. Clark was introduced to marine phytoplankton by a friend in Vancouver. He recalls sprinkling it into his food and instantly feeling a significant change to his body. Marine phytoplankton, a natural remedy where the best quality is found in the oceans, contains all essential nutrients and minerals for body and brain improvement. Not to be confused with a stimulant, phytoplankton gives the body an internal charge, which the brain recognizes immediately and improves mental energy and focus. Clark compares it to "Mother Earth's breast milk."

Marine Phytoplankton is a microalgae in its purest form which is found on the ocean floor. It is the one with the highest concentrated superfood containing omega three fatty acids, amino acids, magnesium, potassium, zinc, anti-oxidants and a long list of essential minerals and vitamins. Over the years, due to high volumes of pollution, marine phytoplankton has been at risk of being exposed and giving off a lower quality of its benefits. According to Clark, the only way to ensure a safe product is to purchase marine phytoplankton. This product needs to be produced in a photo bioreactor. To the misfortune of Canadians, photoreactors are only found in Europe. Oceans Alive, under Clark's company's management, imports the marine phytoplankton from Europe and manufactures it here in Canada. Thankfully, the price of Ocean's Alive remains reasonable, and the product maintains its highquality standards. Now in his 15th year as the Founder of Activation Products, Clark no longer has heart disease, nor a tumour. His transformation not only saved his life but gave him a fresh start at an entirely new one. He jokes, "I went from a dumb, fat, ugly white guy to a knowledgeable, handsome white guy. While Clark adamantly states marine phytoplankton is not a cure for cancer, he does support that it has optimal effects on the human body. He feels that he is living proof of its health benefits. Activation Products, including its signature, Ocean's Alive operating out of Cobourg, Ontario. Consumers can purchase highquality health supplements from anywhere in Canada and Online. "The knowledge is what matters if we want to live a healthy life. Your body is pro-active and priceless." - Ian Clark


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Rawthentic Living

How to Become a Raw Foodist in Toronto


any people have the misconception that becoming a raw foodist has to be an expensive, highly complex, and time-consuming process when in actuality, it's the exact opposite. It's quite easy, especially if you live in Downtown Toronto. We have access to so many great shops, as well as many restaurants that are either fully raw, vegetarian, or vegan with raw options availability. When I mention that I’m predominantly a raw foodist to people who are unfamiliar with this dietary lifestyle choice, they seem puzzled. I often get a response along the lines of, "Do you live off eating carrots and celery sticks and munch on lettuce all day long like a rabbit?" (LoL no!)

Angela Allain


For any meal, snack or drink that you can think of that is normally cooked - there's an existing raw recipe, that's easy to follow. If not, you can create one with your imagination. When I became a raw foodist, over 14 years ago, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, my selection of resources was a

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lot more limited - remember, this was before Facebook was invented. There was a limited pool of people who attended our monthly raw potluck — those who attended raw workshops enabled me to share ideas and learn new recipes. After taking so many seminars, eventually, I started teaching raw food workshops myself. Here in 2019, there are a bountiful amount of raw recipe books readily available in physical and online book stores worldwide. Fast forward to 14 years later, when I'm grateful to call Toronto my home. I can easily and readily be a raw foodist "on the go" with my version of "fast foods" when and if needed. Even when I'm travelling, it's easier as well. So, it's a great time to become one. The benefits of following a raw food diet are seemingly endless. Angela Allain Raw & Holistic Nutrition Expert as well as a Registered Massage Therapist.



Loss, can Lead to Found How the Founder of Haleh Coaching Overcame the Loss of Her Sister Lauren Toffan


very business owner, successful artist or remarkable parent has a unique story, to sum up how they made it to where they are. For Hedieh Samimi, CEO and Owner of Haleh Coaching, her story is one that begins with devastating loss and confusion. Two years ago, Samimi's only sister Haleh passed away after battling colon cancer. She was thirty years old. Hedieh, now an only child, grieving over her sister, was in a committed relationship at the time. One year after her sister's passing, Hedieh married her fiancĂŠ. Ten days after the wedding, Hedieh's new husband left her to be with his family. Hedieh, alone, angry and experiencing deep remorse, was at a fork in the road. Instead of allowing her grief and an-guish to take hold, she took hold of her life and established Haleh Coaching. one-on-one coaching business, inspired by and named after her sister, Haleh, has not only been an entrepreneurial venture for Hedieh, it has saved her. When she was young, she had always been someone to offer coaching and wisdom to those in need of it. Now, a Grief Recovery Method specialist, certi-fied Life Coach and Relationship Coach, Samimi has taken her passions, her expertise and her personal experience with grief and loss and turned them into a productive venture to help those experiencing deep loss. She offers guidance and tools to clients to work through the pain and anger by using healthy, effective techniques. One of her more recent techniques is Art Therapy. Haleh Samimi was a visual artist. Throughout her struggle with cancer, she painted several pieces, expressing the



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anguish she had been experiencing. He-dieh has taken this form of expression and has incorporated the technique for her clients. She says, "Those who cannot speak their pain, can paint. People need their souls to be at peace in order to get through the grief," she says. For inspiration, Hedieh turns to her sister's art gallery, which is show-cased in her family's home. "Art was my remedy," Haleh used to say. Samimi's family opened the art gallery in honour of Haleh. It has been open for over a year. Regardless of what curveballs are thrown toward one's life, each person, at some point, will most likely experience devastating loss. Hedieh is someone who has first-hand experience with a loss. She firmly believes that to move forward in a healthy way, one must face the reality of their situation and acknowledge the pain they are suffering. "The pain is there almost every day, but people are afraid to face it," she says. "People want to let it go and not face it. People are afraid that if they face it, they will forget the ones they love, but it simply means living without them in a different way." Two years later, Hedieh feels she is a stronger person. She has gotten to know herself, her strengths and her abilities. She has learned to complete her loss and can see life from a different perspective. She is now able to share her experiences with her clients and give them guidance and compassion at a time of devastation and uncertainty. It is a passion and a purpose for Hedieh. Lauren Toffan Freelance journalist focusing on broadcast radio, television and writing for the web.



The Beautiful Gardens of the Portuguese Archipelagos of Azores and Madeira Shannon Skinner


he Portuguese archipelagos of Azores and Madeira are distinctly different, yet they have much in common such as nature, adventure, water sports, hiking, wellness, delicious wine and food. Except for the perfect weather year-round on volcanic islands, they also happen to have two of the most beautiful private gardens in the world. The Azores, located off the coast of mainland Portugal, comprises nine volcanic islands known for lush vegetation and hot springs with therapeutic properties. Located in the volcanic Furnas Valley on São Miguel, the largest one of the islands, is the stunning Terra Nostra Gardens, a sprawling private garden owned and operated by the Terra Nostra Garden Hotel, which is more than 200 years old and perhaps one of the most beautiful anywhere. It is an oasis with more than 2,000 different trees from around the world, ponds, and many different plants and flower species. There are several types of camellias and roses, wild garlic which is unmistakable to the senses and hundreds of varieties of ferns. At the heart of the gardens is a thermal pool, surrounded by trees from North America, which attracts visitors for its healing properties.

The Portuguese island of Madeira, located off the coast of Africa and 965 kilometers from Azores, may be the best known for its namesake wine, seafood, street art and basket toboggans. It also has a drop-dead stunning garden named Madeira's Monte Palace located at the top of the mountain ("monte") in the city of Funchal. Monte Palace is a private property belonging to the José Berardo Foundation, which includes a palatial 18th century mansion with a stunning view of Funchal Bay, a museum and Monte Palace Tropical Gardens that has a multi-level private garden with creative

influences from Japan and China, and infused with art, sculptures and ponds. The gardens feature a large collection of exotic plants and trees from around the world, including cycads, clivias and hydrangeas from South Africa, Belgian azaleas, Himalayan orchids and heather from Scotland. As well, there is a laurel forest (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) with trees such as the laurel, Indian bay, barbuzano and til.


There are two oriental-themed gardens with a nod to Japanese and Chinese culture and symbolism, featuring a marble dragon, Buddha sculptures, pagodas and bridges, koi fish ponds and a lake with swans. Lining the walkways are the collection of tile panels from the 15th20th centuries. Portugal’s history lines the walkways with large panels dedicated to the four elements of nature: earth, fire, water, air – and lovely windows and arches. The Monte Palace Museum holds a collection of sculptures from Zimbabwe, and a display of minerals and gems. Visitors can take a guided trolley-car visit and enjoy a tasting of Madeira wine free-of-charge in the cafe. The cable car which rides up to the gardens from lower Funchal provides a breathtaking panoramic view of the island. To get back down to Funchal, you can take the traditional “basket sledge” (or basket toboggan). It is a thrill ride for tourists today, but in the past, it was a practical way for locals to get down from the steep hilly streets to lower Funchal. If you go…

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How to get there: Azores Airlines offers direct flights (4.5 hours) from Toronto to Ponta Delgada, São Miguel. From the Azores, Azores Airlines flies to Funchal’s Christian Ronaldo Airport in Madeira only 90 minutes.

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The Romance and Intrigue of Bogart & Bergman


Erwin Snow Faded Wall Painting of the 1942 Actors in the Melliber Hotel’s, Casablanca Suite.

The title says it all. You may not be familiar with the names but do search on Google. Humphrey Bogart, in the day, portrayed himself, as a rough and tough American movie star. Ingrid Bergman was a three time Academy Award winning, Swedish/American actress. The story unfolds during 1942 and 43. World War II was ravaging Europe and North Africa. Casablanca, Morocco was an escape route to freedom from the Nazis. If you’re a romantic or seek its allure, then read on. We all have a wish or bucket list. One of my goals was to go to Casablanca and sit beside the piano with a neat scotch, at Rick’s bar. Now, I’m here, sitting at Rick’s Bar, My fantasy turned into feeling the wooden bar against my knees and feet hooked around the stool. In a dream, you can change your mind and direction instantly. In reality, you have the same privilege. To commemorate the occasion, I passed on the neat scotch to order Champagne. With flute in hand, I slowly turned around to meld my imagination with actuality. What a feeling! Is this how Neo felt in the Matrix movie when he took the Red Pill? I’ve awoken from my Casablanca movie odyssey into its setting. I can see Ingrid asking Sam, “Play it,” and my mind adds, “again, Sam.” The place is much smaller now. The décor is similar with its upstairs balcony that overlooks the main floor. On the second floor, a lounge, with inviting leather chairs, has been set up, with a gambling table and a large flat wall screen that plays, the Casablanca movie, on an endless loop. Now was the time to switch to a neat scotch and enjoy the movie.

A 15 minute walk from Rick’s was the Melliber Apartment Hotel. This was the hotel where the movie stars stayed, during their filming. I strolled along Blvd. Sour Jdid and Ziraoui, passing the Grand Hassan II Mosque, back to the hotel. It is the largest Mosque in Africa, third largest in the world and has the second tallest minaret at 689 ft. (210 metres). The mosque’s hall can handle 25,000 people with another 80,000 on the grounds outside. The Melliber Apartment Hotel was a Hapchance find. Spending a few days in Lisbon, I decided to book a flight to check off an item on my wish list – Casablanca. I didn’t want to stay at a global franchised Hotel and Googled for alternatives. It had to be close to the beach, have WiFi and near the Grand Mosque. Little did I know that the hotel had history and a connection to my Casablanca movie yearning to visit Rick’s Café. The hotel had gone through some extensive renovations and was recently re-opened for business. The General Manager, Laurent Delord, met me in the lobby. When I explained my quest for being at the hotel, he surprised me with providing a free upgrade in the very suite that Humphrey Bogart stayed. The view overlooking the Hassan II mosque from the window was divine. The entanglement of desire brought all the pieces together for a fantastic experience to a long sought quest. A poignant moment in the movie was when Humphrey said to Ingrid, “Here’s looking at you, kid.” The finale to life’s romantic intrigues.

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Land of Peace and Beauty


uscat, Oman, the capital city, was my first stop in this engaging part of the world. With a brand new, award winning, International airport, I was about to embark on a vacation that would excite and mesmerize any tourist. With first class tourism projects and modern infrastructure developments ongoing, Oman’s Ministry of Tourism is making significant efforts to enhance the country’s offerings in the sector while emphasizing sustainable development. As a signatory to the United Nations Agenda 2030 for sustainable tourism development, Oman has adopted several measures to enhance tourism facilities in a sustainable manner. The new airport has nearly doubled passenger capacity to 12 million per year and is expected to boost the country’s tourism and hospitality sector, while also opening new development opportunities for land parcels around Muscat.

Darren Dobson


The MoT has signed agreements with international companies to boost sustainable and leisure tourism projects in the Sultanate. One of note is the Sultanate’s first snow park, part of the Palm Mall Muscat project, would be a new-generation Alpine winter-themed real snow and ice amusement park. Spread over 5,400 sqm, the snow park and the mall are expected to be ready this year. An 8,000 square metre aquarium within the facility will have 55 exhibit tanks. Thirty thousand marine animals, from small shrimps to large sharks, will find a home in the new Oman Aquarium in Palm Mall, Seeb, which is set to open later this year. Additionally, the Oman Tourism Development Company has launched the $1.3 billion (Dh4.77 billion) Mina Sultan Qaboos Waterfront project aimed at transforming Port Sultan Qaboos into a major tourism base.

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The first of the mall’s four phases comprises a fisherman’s wharf, fish souq, a five-star marina hotel, a

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four-star family hotel, residential facilities, destination shopping, restaurants, cafés, boutiques, entertainment and cultural facilities, along with a super yacht and leisure boat marina. This will be completed by 2020. Another upcoming project is the Qurayat Tourism Complex, of which the first phase will cover a total area of 1,282,300 sqm, will be launched by 2021. Oman’s tourism is forecast to contribute to the country’s GDP by 6 percent over the next two decades, according to UN figures. “With over 1.2 billion people now crossing international borders each year, tourism represents an opportunity to break down barriers of ignorance and prejudice. It plays


an important role as a vehicle for inter-cultural dialogue and, ultimately, peace,” said Francesco Bandarin, Unesco Assistant Director-General on Culture on his recent visit to the Sultanate. “Unesco and UNWTO are also united in our commitment to tackling the challenges of poverty and development through sustainable tourism,” Bandarin concluded To book your VIP experience, reach out to Malik at Magic Arabia at CNN has listed Oman as one of the top destinations to visit in 2019. Darren Dobson Veteran Lifestyle Global Credited Journalist in: luxury automobiles, yachting, private jets, and exotic travel



Radisson Blu

Uses Colour to Spread Global Harmony Erwin Sniedzins


ubai, Oh my, what a place. I marvelled at Dubai's beginnings. The city started from wind sweep designer, sand dunes, then a village and today having the world's tallest structures. Hope springs eternal in this city of imagination to be a global leader in humanity's quest for new horizons. I was excited to be invited as the Key Note Speaker on Artificial Intelligence and Education. Dubai was a fitting place for the 5th World Machine and Deep Learning Congress to hold a conference at the Blu. There is no history in Dubai, but there is excitement to make history. Dubai has become the future, and people are eager to see it – myself included. When I checked into the five star Radisson Blu Hotel, in Deira Creek, I was curious with the Blu name of the hotel. I asked Mr. Abhishek Grover, Marketing Executive for Radisson, why the 'Blu' moniker. Radisson, it turns out, had sought a word that would symbolize trust, sincerity, tranquillity, friendliness, warmth, assurance, acumen, reliance, certainty and harmony across all cultures and languages. The colour blue, they discovered, is associated with the essence of humanity in our blue skies and waters, and exhibits a positive effect on both the mind and body. Just ask any astronaut who has gazed upon the Earth's vivid blue visage from space. It's awe-inspiring. I believe Radisson marketing got it right. 2019 is being heralded as the year of blue. On September 21, humanity will be surrounded by a harmonious Blu, during the United Nation's International Peace day events, celebrated around the world. Blue is an auspicious colour, as evidenced by UN, airlines, hotels, companies, fashion, logos and designs. They are all showcasing Blu in their marketing. Toronto Waterfront Magazine hosts the International Film for Peace Festival, as part of the United Nations celebrations on that day. During my stay at the Deira Creek Radisson Blu, I discovered that at one time it was the tallest building in Dubai. Forty years ago, Queen Elizabeth visited the 8 year old country, to officially open and lay, a commemorative plaque, at the old city hall. It just happened I could see the plaque from my hotel. When the Prime Minister of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, erected a 50-story-high window 'Frame', a must see attraction, to

frame his harmonious futuristic vision and the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa Tower, he highlighted the "Frame" with blue light. Peaceful 'blue' in numerous designs, fashion, tone, energy, attitude and belief, will become the foundation in spreading harmony. For 40 years the Sheikh has been coming to the Radisson Blu hotel. He sits, in the same chair, looking from old Dubai, across its Creek and imagining, as a young boy, the future of his city. I sat in his chair and imagined how he had the vision and courage to make his dream into what we see and visit today. In my conference, I found myself seeped in Radisson Blu hospitality. There was much to do and see in between my keynotes and workshops. Each day I meandered through the opulent hotel touching and tasting its delightful offerings. In the mornings, the executive floor served a scrumptiously delicious breakfast. Sipping on my second cup of coffee, I gazed across old Dubai's harbour into its future. At night you look across the Creek towards the 50 story Blu "Frame" and the faint outline of the Burj – magical. The evenings were accented with visiting, dining, dancing and enjoying, the 16 different restaurant cuisines – Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Persian, European, and American - that would tame the palate of any hungry guest. The Radisson Blu is also fortunate enough to have; world-renowned, Lifetime Culinary Achievement Award winner, Chef Uwe Michael, Director of Kitchens. During the day temperatures reached into the 40 Celsius range. I managed to survive at their poolside sipping on happiness and covered by the sun to create natural vitamin D while taking numerous dips into their refreshing pool. What more can I say and Scan to want when you got - Blu skies, Blu pool and the Blu Hotel. read more

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Toronto’s CryptoChicks Unravel Blockchain and New Opportunities! Enterprising Toronto Women Bring Blockchain to the Waterfront and the World

Linda Montgomergy


ising from a sea of alpha males and "tech bros" are some pioneering Toronto women in Blockchain. These women are bringing their brand of inclusiveness and diversity to a mostly male industry. They are having an impact on Blockchain communities around the world. Recently, they made the Toronto Waterfront area Blockchain central, for the second year in a row with two hallmark events. Toronto's CryptoChicks hosted their Hackathon and Conference, in May, at the RBC Auditorium, on Queens Quay West. In August, Tracy Leparulo, Founder of Untraceable, produced the Futurist Blockchain Conference, and the largest Blockchain conference in Canada. The venue was held harbour-side at the Rebel Entertainment Complex in the Port Lands area.


But what is Blockchain? It’s that new technology powering new forms of digital money like Bitcoin, and "tokenizing" assets into more efficient digital ways, extending even to future transactions for Facebook users. Blockchain is garnering interest and uncovering new applications in nearly every industry. Blockchain is a catalyst in driving game-changing attributes to traditional financial markets through its - decentralized, immutable, streamlined, and cost-effective properties. Rarely are women the early community drivers of new technology ecosystems, and even more rare; expressly to bring opportunities to other women and youths. The CryptoChicks inaugural event in 2018 was the world's first all female Blockchain Hackathon, attracting 200 high school students and aspiring female founders from all over the world. A hackathon is an application

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your lunch. Tracy, the consummate community builder, puts the focus on inclusivity by leveraging an army of student volunteers. She tries to make ticket prices affordable.

development weekend where teams of "hackers," with the help of mentors, focus on solving a business or community problem. They compete to be the winner as the most viable project chosen by a group of judges at the end of the weekend. This year's successful event featured a family day with learning opportunities, including educational sessions and Blockchain games for kids. CryptoChicks is a not-for-profit established by an all women team just two years ago. Since then, they've hosted Blockchain hackathons, education initiatives, and started chapters in places like New York, Pakistan, Switzerland, Australia and Russia. The name and logo, a cartoon-like pigtail girl, was purposely chosen to stand out and be a bit controversial, according to Founders Elena Sinelnikova and Natalia Ameline, who both have master's degrees in computer science. The Blockchain Futurist Conference welcomed 2500 international attendees and top speakers such as Vitalik Buturin, Tone Vays and Roger Ver. It was two days of dawn to dusk keynotes, panel discussions, Bootcamp sessions, exhibits, networking events, parties and even dips in the Cabana pool. All in an immersive experience to understand everyday applications, including airdrop crypto coins, to buy



Tracy is the first Blockchain event organizer in Canada, and a force on the international scene undertaking past events in Chicago and the Bahamas. She discovered Bitcoin in 2013 while working as a microfinance volunteer in Kenya. Active since those early days of the Toronto Blockchain community, she reminisces about it consisting of developers and groups of counterculture libertarians and anarchists. Bankers in the crowd preferred not to mention they worked for a bank. However, much has changed since then; almost all banks are now researching or working on use cases incorporating Blockchain. Perhaps next year, diversity extends to more excellent representation from Bay Street. More information on these organizations and future events is available at or

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lindamont3 Linda Montgomery, Marketing and Growth Expert for FinTech companies. She is Technology Editor of Waterfront Magazine and a Waterfront resident.



Becoming Cyborg:

Is this the Next Step in Human Evolution? Aida Memisevic


he "neuro" and "bio" based technological advancements of the last few decades have been so profound and rapid that the experience of humanity, as we know it, will forever be changed.

interface (BCI) technology that allows people with paralysis to control robotic arms through thought alone. Imagine making cursor movements on a tablet just by thinking about it. No need to imagine, they are doing it.

Let's start with biotechnology. Developments in this field include advancements in the regeneration of limbs, teeth, and organs. Although most research is still rudimentary; it is very conceivable that in a few decades, you could replace your kidney with a fresh new "petri-dish" kidney. Or perhaps you may be able to grow a new limb. A recent research study, in the prestigious journal Science, details how researchers identified a "DNA switch" that enables animals to regrow entire portions of their bodies. This switch is an important finding that could one day pave the way to our human ability to regenerate lost limbs.

If you think sharing posts and photos is fun - just wait. According to Mark Zuckerberg, we will one day be able to share "full sensory and emotional experiences." Facebook is also working on BCI and mind-reading technology; non-invasive sensors that measure brain activity at high resolutions. This BCI technology may one day decode language-based brain signals in real-time. The mindreading technology could allow people to communicate with each other by reading minds (this may play havoc on our already high divorce rate). Zuckerberg has suggested that telepathy is the "ultimate communication technology." Yikes, Facebook is developing the ability to read minds. Their execs are probably salivating at the data-gathering possibilities.

In neuro-technology research, the Donoghue Lab at Brown University has been specializing in decoding human movement. Scientists have created a brain-computer


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The worldwide, scientific research that is currently being worked on in the field of neuro-technology opens possibilities for the future that are nothing short of astounding. Consider this, based on the rapid acceleration of neuro-technology after living a long, robust life, it is possible that many of the children born today will die as cyborgs. An evolved human "hybrid" of biology and machine may be the next step in human evolution. In 1960, when scientists Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline coined the term Cyborg (cybernetic organism), it was the lofty idea born from space exploration and science fiction movies. Today, the concept of a cybernetic organism with enhanced functions as a result of using integrated artificial technology is a reality. Neuroscientists and computer engineers are working on creating new versions of humanity. Many believe that human and machine integration is inevitable, including Yannick Roy. Yannick is the Director of Neuro-Tech X, an international neuro-tech organization that supports community-based neuro-tech exploration. As a proponent of using neuro-technology to solve human problems, Yannick is excited by the future possibilities to increase his memory and mental capacities. He looks forward to the day when he can put a chip into his brain: "Now is the first time we can reverse engineer ourselves, that we can modify ourselves. That was never possible. No species has ever transformed itself. We can replace our bodies with technology." During my interview with Yannick at one point in the conversation, I had a deeply profound, slightly disturbing personal revelation... it's not a matter of IF humans will become cyborgs (or some version thereof); it's a matter of WHEN. A new age dawns, one that points towards humans no longer being a strictly biological species. Elon Musk thinks that human beings will need to evolve beyond our AI (Artificial Intelligence) counterparts. He is convinced AI will one day become "more intellectually advanced" than humans; surpassing the biological functions of us mere mortals. Musk says that we will need to evolve our capabilities to "communicate directly with machines, or risk irrelevance." His research teams are working on neural lacing: which would serve as "a layer of artificial intelligence inside the brain." The lacing can be implanted through veins and arteries. Travelling to the brain through the bloodstream, the technology would create a cortical interface. The supposition is that one day, these "cranial computers" could merge us with digital intelligence. And so it begins... Aida Memisevic, TEDx speaker, journalist and executive producer focusing on mindset and wellness based television shows, films and digital content.




Identity Engineering The Next Steps in Goal-Crushing Kevin Dubrosky


f you're struggling to achieve a heart-centred goal, it may be time to address a more significant, underlying issue: who you believe you truly are. The definition of insanity, according to the oft-repeated idiom (usually ascribed to Einstein) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. While these words have a lovely ring to them, they're untrue. Yes, doing creates getting. That part is fine. But the deeper reality is that doing never occurs in a vacuum, but is itself a product of stronger, deeper forces behind the scenes. As Charles Haanel-the Father of the "law of attraction"-wrote 107 years ago in The Master Key System, "there is always the cry to have, but never the cry to be." If you want something more or if you want something different in life, then it's not enough just to do something more or do something different. You must become something more or become someone different. We don't get what we do, we understand what we are. And everything you've been getting is a direct result of who you've become. Durant's paraphrasing of Aristotle that "we are what we repeatedly do" is true. Its anti-metabolic inverse also holds: we do what we repeatedly are. So, who are you, anyway? If you were pressed to distill your identity down to a single, powerful word, what word would come to mind? Think about it for a moment, then fill in the following blank: I am ___________. Don't move on until you've written a word down, or at least completed the sentence out loud. Do it now.

Okay, great! The identity you just articulated: — "That the essence of what makes you, you—have been responsible for creating the external reality of your life; as you know it: your relationships, your lifestyle, your career, your emotions and your health." All of it is a reflection of who you believe you are. And to be fair, it's likely served you well, helping you attain achievements you're proud of. Celebrate that! It feels good knowing who you are, has generated what you've got.


Time to move forward. As Marshall Goldsmith says, "what got you here won't get you there." So, now that you want something more, or something different, how do you figure out who you need to become to make it happen? My high-performance coaching clients have found the RAFT-BI framework to be very helpful in this situation. R is for Results, so start there and work backwards: Results are from Actions. Actions are from Feelings. Feelings are from Thoughts. Thoughts are from Beliefs. And Beliefs depend on...Identity. To illustrate how this RAFT-BI flow works, let's say you're working towards a fitness goal. Result → Release 15lbs of unhealthy weight in the next 90 days. Actions → Exercise daily for 30 minutes, no sugar, no alcohol. Feelings → Confidence & determination! Thoughts → I can overcome these hunger pains and will get my butt to the gym. Beliefs → Losing this weight is possible. Identity → I am powerful.

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Here's where the rubber meets the road. Using the "weight loss" goal above, you need to look in the mirror and see a powerful person looking back. You're going to need more than a morning routine chock full of chestpounding, vocalized affirmations and visualization tactics. You'll need consistently congruent behaviour until you; - look like a duck, walk like a duck, and quack like a duck you won't wholeheartedly step into those shiny, new, webbed feet. We must become to believe. Here's where Einstein circles back and vindicates himself with another handy formula. His theory of relativity - the famous e=mc2 - does more than establishing the relationship between matter and energy. With the subtle addition of brackets, it unlocks the power of alignment. Becoming e=(mc)2, with e for excellence (representing every time you choose to show up powerfully, in this example), and (mc)2 standing for the micro-congruence multiplied by macro-congruence. In other words, excellence is a function of little congruence, multiplied by larger congruence. Everything affects everything. Identity is forged by the force of myriad small acts of alignment, multiplied by their more significant, inevitable expressions. Congruence is a game of compounding. Hundreds of times a day, we choose to lie or align. When


it comes to identity, how we do anything is truly how we do everything.


But here's the danger: When it comes to identity, misalignment shares the same exponential power as its nobler cousin. We are holistic and global creatures when we willfully choose non-excellence in small things. It will inevitably affect the way we show up in ordinary things, which in turn affects how we show up in big things. When the bumblebees die, everything else dies, too. In short, the true definition of insanity is being the same person over and over, and expecting a different result! Start with your desired end goal in mind, and use the RAFT-BI formula to reverse-engineer the precise identity to align with. Put your life under the microscope, and take note of where you're out of whack and then one-by-one, straighten out these kinks. Start with the smallest actions, the most hidden habits, and the things you think you're getting away with, Because you're not. Those mosquitos are dragons. Swat with deadly force. Be. Do. Repeat.

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Kevin Dubrosky, As a High Performance Coach, Kevin helps entrepreneurs see the clearest they’re ever seen, to feel the strongest they’ve ever been.



What NOT To Do!

in Social Media Marketing Hudson Bozorgi


ere are five misstep areas that you should be aware of in being part of the Facebook and Instagram social media landscape. If the content generates the wrong impression, it could bring the wrong attention to your business.

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Any Advertising is Good Advertising Bragging about how great you are and promoting your excellence too often on social media will turn people off. Instead, focus on storytelling and diversifying your content by sharing client testimonials and useful content that adds value, or creating contests or last-minute promotions.

The Number of Your Followers Counts The number of your fans is a good indication of your success. Is it?! Do you prefer to be the dentist who has 200 followers in which 100 of them are returning clients? Or the dentist who has 1000 followers, whereby 990 of them are just there to follow you or see the videos of your puppy you post every week!

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The More Social Media Profiles


Automate Everything You Can


The More #Hashtags, the Better

The more social media profiles you have, the broader your audience reach!? It creates mixed content, makes your audience confused and stops you from delivering a uniform integrated message. Although Automation could be a beneficial strategy to save time and standardize processes, it can also take the human touch away and make the communication very robotic. It is always more effective when people feel like they are communicating with another person. Hashtags only carry a value when they are relevant to the context. Think of your hashtags as small flags or signs which bring attention to you and your business. If you want to put some small signs in front of your office, what would you put on them? What would you not put on them?! hubo_75 Hudson Bozorgi has over 15 years of experience in IT, Web Development, Business & Marketing Consulting and Digital Marketing Solutions.



Dr. Jean Augustine

Waterfront Awards 2019 - Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Erwin Sniedzins


ne of the highlights of Waterfront Magazine’s annual Outstanding Women Awards (OWA) event is the Legacy Lifetime Achievement (LLA) award that recognizes woman, who have made a big difference, in other people lives and their communities. In 2019 this distinguished award went to, Dr. Jean Augustine, PC CM CBE, for her trail blazing contributions in politics and community. Over six decades, Dr. Augustine has led and crusaded to improve education and woman’s rights. On May 26, 2002, she was one of the first Black women to be elected to the House of Commons of Canada where she served as Minister of State for Multiculturalism and the Status of Women. She has established the Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment to support 7 to 17 year old girls achieve their potential.

Recently, Waterfront Magazine (WM) caught up with Dr. Jean Augustine to ask her a few questions. What were your impression and feelings about your Waterfront Magazine Legacy award? I was surprized and deeply humbled with the nomination and award. I was also impressions with the extraordinary turnout and the calibre of women that made this recognition event so important. There was a wonderful Waterfront spirit that exuded strong energy throughout the evening. I connected with some of these amazing women who offered to help support our girls at the Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment. What message would you have for other women? It is important that women are not afraid to underscore


their efforts and contributions. Women do so many things that help other people; family, neighbours, community and business – spiritually and physically. In most cases only they know what they have done. This reminds me of the adage, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" by George Berkeley. A venue like Waterfront’s Outstanding Women Awards helps to highlight some of these accomplishments that millions of women produce each day. How can women help to empower other women?

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Toronto has about 140 distinct neighbourhoods. Each has their own strength and opportunities for growth and recognition. We can develop a circle of communities where women can join forces to share their idea of empowerment in their family and communities. It

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would augment and nurture their diversity, talents and abilities to support their outstanding achievements. You mentioned the Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment (YWE). Can you tell us more about what this centre does for young women? The Centre is one of my passions. I believe that an empowered young girl or woman can improve her life and have a positive impact on the world around her. The Centre is committed to building the self-esteem and self-worth of young women and girls by positively influencing their outlook on life, broadening their horizons, & helping them to empower themselves. Our VISION is to enrich the lives of girls aged 7 to 17 years old through mentorship, empowerment programs and civic engagement with opportunities that place special emphasis on personal development & experiential learning. Our CORE VALUES are: Empowerment, Mentorship, Leadership and Civic Engagement. sniedzins Erwin Sniedzins, Chief Executive Editor, Waterfront Magazine, Patented Inventor, Key Note Speaker, Bestselling Author, Traveler to 108 countries



If you have an event you would like to tell us about, please email

1. Paul Golini, President @ ICFF 2. Christopher Bates and Natasha Ramjohn 3. Suzanne Rogers and Sahar Haji @ CAFA Awards 4. Glen Baxtor and Lisa Tant @ CAFA Awards 5. Maurizio Magnifico, Managing Director @ ICFF 6. Cheryl Gushue @ CAFA Awards

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7. Titos Vodka @ Allstar Gala 8. Cailli Beckerman and Sam Beckerman @ CAFA Awards 9. Guests @ PowerBall 10. Guest @ Allstar 11. Guests @ PowerBall

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