U5 post production & delivery

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Post-Production & Delivery A/B roll editing

Sanford-Brown Freddy Torres Vega Prof. Lynn Pellistri DESIGN255-1403A-01


is not just what it looks like Its how it feels - Steve Jobs

Contents A/B roll editing.................................................................................1 The origin of A/B roll editing...............................................................2 How is A/B roll editing used in digital today........................................3 How does the the 180 degree rule apply?...........................................4 Reference...........................................................................................5

A/B roll editing


The origin of A/B roll editing The terms of A-roll and B-roll are from the days when television news used film and not videotape. This was in the late 1970s, and they recorded images with a film camera while the audio was recorded separately. They used to do a silent film for the footage then adding in editing room a soundtrack that might include voice, music and sometimes sound effects. The A-roll had the narration track, images, and sound for reporter stand-ups and interviews, all the synced sound. The silent footage that contained the action was called the B-roll. Mostly, A-roll includes all the main footage, and the B-roll had two flavors, specific and generic. “A/B ROLL Editing process using two separate rolls (cassettes or reels) of tape. Each cassette contains alternate shots of the sequence, enabling the editor to use transitions other than straight cuts between shots.� I believe these four parts are very important in the A-roll and B-roll editing process production. Editing systems may range from sophisticated digital suites with all the bells and whistles to basic single-source systems consisting of a camera, TV and VCR. Still, the functions of editing remain the same: 1. to connect shots into a sequence that tells a story or records an event, 2. to correct and delete mistakes, 3. to condense or expand time and 4. to communicate an aesthetic.


How is A/B roll editing used in digital today Today Adobe Premiere offers to those new users the A/B, though there’s no need to edit of these two, there are two tracks. There are five simple steps to manage this as a brand-new user on an editing software such as Premiere. Step 1: Launch Premiere and Choose A/B Editing Workspace Step 2: Import and Organize Your Files Step 3: Place Clips on the Video 1A Track on the Timeline Step 4: Place Your Transition on Transition Track Step 5: Customize Your Transition The image shown here, is my initial attempt using Adobe Premiere, I took different shots at National Harbor where I live. As a first user, I found the user interface very friendly, and I took some training before doing the footage. Every shot was about the longest one minute some just 30 seconds, and once I gather my vision and different camera movements, angles I would put my vision through the editing process. I have the A-roll for the video, and the B-roll for the soundtrack, the video isn’t done because next time I go out I want to capture other scenes that I’m still missing for this to be the vision that I want it to be. Now this I did on the first week of this class, and I knew that after the end of this class, I would have more knowledge and ready to continue my journey.


How does the the 180 degree rule apply? The 180 degree rule, if cutting from one character to another, they can look odd if this rule is not followed. The eye-line, or where a character is looking, relates to screen direction. Viewers will be able to follow the character’s eyes, if character. A or B doesn’t look at the screen, then the illusion of them talking and being recorded as they were having a conversation wouldn’t be realistic. If the director crosses that 180 degree line, it will appear as the character is looking away from the person whom he/she is speaking.


Reference These are the following books I found interesting for video production class, and in further reading since I found so many rich content e-books at the school library. Titles Making Media, 3rd Edition Portable Video, 6th Edition Multimedia Foundations The Videomaker Guide to Video Production, 4th Edition Single-Camera Video Production, 5th Edition Guide to Postproduction for TV and Film, 2nd Edition The Videomaker Guide to Video Production, 5th Edition Videojournalism Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video (google e-book)


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