Community Health Programs
Outreach Program MONICA HIDALGO • Manager • x DEBORAH ACEVEDO, RN • Nurse Coordinator • KAYLEEN GARCIA • Program Coordinator • Mission and Goals
Key Accomplishments
The Outreach Program aims to promote health and prevent disease through education and screening with a focus on early detection and interventions. The goal is to connect at-risk people in the community with a reliable source of primary medical care. The program evaluates and prioritizes the needs of underserved residents in the communities surrounding NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital campuses. Its goal is to reduce health disparities in our communities.
During the Bodegueros Health Initiatives at Jetro Cash and Carry in the South Bronx, out of 200 individuals screened, 40 percent presented with hypertension. Participants received counseling and education about the importance of primary care services.
Our events include free screenings, services and counseling, health insurance information, and vetted educational presentations that are culturally reflective and relevant to members of the community. Examples include the BiAnnual Domestic Workers Events, monthly Bodegueros (Grocery Shop) Health Events, and a Men’s Health Event in partnership with livery taxi driver leaders. Number of People Reached
2,000 P eople screened at targeted health events
In addition, we organized our annual community flu clinics which served approximately 300 people. In partnership with NewYork-Presbyterian Nursing, we were able to increase our educational offerings at The Bowery Mission, The Good Counsel Home for Pregnant Women in the Bronx, and other community-based organizations. We also expanded our work with the homeless population in Washington Heights and Harlem while continuing our efforts with The Bowery Mission Salvation Army, NYC Rescue Alliance, and The Church of the Epiphany. The Outreach team also led NewYorkPresbyterian’s involvement in World Pride. Held in New York City in 2019, World Pride is the largest international celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. The event reached millions of people from across the globe. The year 2020 gave us the unique opportunity to virtualize much of this work. We remained engaged with our collaborators by offering educational workshops via Zoom, and providing
financial support to mitigate the challenges presented by COVID-19. We were also able to provide thousands of surgical face masks, shields, and notouch thermometers to community and faith-based organizations. As the City began to plan for reopening, a NewYork-Presbyterian nurse practitioner offered guidance to many of our community organizations via Zoom, as well as in-person walkthroughs of community facilities. The plans were developed to meet the needs of the organizations while observing recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.