Torrisi Design Associates, Inc.
We are a communications firm that integrates a
Our services include:
sophisticated sense of style with detailed technical
corporate identification systems
expertise. After more than 15 years in business, the
collateral system design
unique talents our team, combined with our history and
image analysis
experience, provide us with the depth of resources
marketing strategy
necessary to structure creative solutions for our clients.
print and design copywriting
We specialize in transforming your ideas into an overall
annual reports
visual and conceptual identity. We take responsibility
video production
for the management of your entire program, from
web design
concept development to the realization of your ultimate communication objectives. Our approach is based on one-on-one collaboration with our clients, strategic concept development and awareness of past and present creative trends. Whether continuing with an existing graphic program, designing an annual report or developing an entirely new corporate branding initiative look, the need for consistent creative vision is at the forefront of our approach. Our team is able to manage even the most complex jobs while encouraging artistic creativity and maintaining a refined sense of style within client budget parameters.
We are a communications firm that integrates a sophisticated sense of style with detailed technical expertise. After more than 15 years in business, the unique talents our team, combined with our history and experience, provide us with the depth of resources necessary to structure creative solutions for our clients. We specialize in transforming your ideas into an overall visual and conceptual identity. We take responsibility for the management of your entire program, from concept development to the realization of your ultimate communication objectives. Our approach is based on one-on-one collaboration with our clients, strategic concept development and awareness of past and present creative trends. Whether continuing with an existing graphic program, designing an annual report or developing an entirely new corporate branding initiative look, the need for consistent creative vision is at the forefront of our approach. Our team is able to manage even the most complex jobs while encouraging artistic creativity and maintaining a refined sense of style within client budget parameters.
Our services include: corporate identification systems collateral system design image analysis marketing strategy print and design copywriting annual reports video production web design
CLSA Americas
Grand Street Settlement
Citibank Private Bank
The Cypress Group
When Opportunity Knocks
is a se Chief Fi
Jumping Through The Window
is a Seminar for Chief Executive and RR Donnelley Financial Chief Financial Officers of Companies considering an Initial Public Offering in the next 12-18 months
Presented by:
R DONNELLEY FINANCIAL ldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
When Opportunity Kn
July 15, 1999
When Opportunity Knocks
is a seminar for Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officers of companies looking to merge or go public in 1999/2000.
Santa Clara Marriott
Jumping Through The Window is a Seminar for Chief Executive and
2700 Mission College Blvd.
Chief Financial Officers of Companies considering an Initial Public Offering
Santa Clara, CA 95054
in the next 12-18 months
Panel Participants Include:
Registration and Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. Program: 8:00 a.m. to noon Cost: Complimentary R.S.V.P. Scott Pinkner Presented
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
RR Donnelley Financial
650 • 845 • 6632 or
999 Third Avenue Suite 3201 Seattle, WA 98104
Joseph Barbeau, Morrison & Foerster LLP Justin Bastian, Morrison & Foerster LLP James Cegelski, Arthur Andersen LLP Craig Isom, Arthur Andersen LLP David Ketsdever, Merrill Lynch & Co. 855 California Avenue James Luttenbacher, CFO,, Inc. Building A Richard Scudellari, Morrison & Foerster LLP Palo Alto, CA 94304
Presented by:
Introducing EDGAR II ™
is a seminar Chief Financia looking
Jumping Through The Window
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
An executive summary prepared prior to the SEC’s release of the definitive rules
is a Seminar for Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officers of Companies considering an Initial Public Offering in the next 12-18 months
Presented by: Presented by:
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
When Opportunity Knocks
Plain English Jumping Through The Window
F O R U M ™
Introducing EDGAR II
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
Plain English
WHEN May xx, 1999 xxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxx xxx xxxx xx
Replace with actual copy xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx
Plain English Client Education Programs Individual office address Individual office city, state and zip
A Seminar on the SEC’s modernization of EDGAR
A forum ™
on the SEC’s Plain
Presented by
English regulation
Introducing EDGAR II
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
Plain English
Plain English Philadelphia Financial Sales One Logan Square Suite 1100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone 215.564.3220
A forum ™
on the
Philadelphia Financial Sales One Logan Square Suite 1100 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone 215.564.3220
English regulation
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
Plain English
SEC’s Plain
R.R. Donnelley Financial invites Philadelphia’s securities lawyers to a forum on the SEC’s Plain English regulation
R.R. Donnelley Financial invites Philadelphia’s securities lawyers to a forum on the SEC’s Plain English regulation
Plain English F O R U M
Plain English F O R U M
A Forum on the SEC’s Plain English Regulation
Presented by ™
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
A Forum on the SEC’s Plain English Regulation
Presented by ™
RR DONNELLEY FINANCIAL Worldwide Financial Printing & Information Management
New York Life Insurance Company
Primary Consulting Services, Ltd.
132 Nassau Street Suite 1320 New York, NY 10038 Phone: 800.411.0022 Fax: 212.791.0831 Email: info
The Single Source For All Your Technological Investments
Network Development Services For Wide-Area Connectivity
Primary Consulting Services, Ltd.
Custom Training Services To Maximize Your Technology Investment
Intranet Development
For Easy Information Access
NewYork-Presbyterian International
Hudson-Shatz Mid-Atlantic
Hip Hop Public Health Education Center at Harlem Hospital
Our mission
To reduce healthcare disparities through context-relevant, cost-effective, intergenerational educational interventions focused on disease prevention and health promotion.
Hip Hop Old S.C.H.O.O.L. Hip Hop Stroke Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur interdum tellus, et scelerisque velit tempor quis. adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros nibh, lacinia vel Nullam ac metus non mauris porttitor laoreet et ultricies vitae, scelerisque eget neque. Aliquam in dolor. Nunc vitae dolor vitae mauris faucibus ultricies, felis vitae dignissim fringilla, eros diam adipiscing eget et sem. pellentesque ante, quis convallis lorem risus vitae libero. Suspendisse lacus risus, vestibulum sed Nullam ac libero at risus venenatis ornare sit amet rhoncus eget, pulvinar non odio. Proin feugiat ut nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur nibh dictum quam lacinia et hendrerit tortor adipiscing elit. Sed a ligula ut augue pellentesque fringilla. Vivamus accumsan posuere eros, at pellentesque et egestas lacus. Nullam ut egestas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur interdum tellus, et scelerisque velit tempor quis. porta dolor malesuada quis. Phasellus sed lectus tortor. Cras mattis dolor a augue faucibus pretium. adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros nibh, lacinia vel Nullam ac metus non mauris porttitor laoreet et ac lectus dignissim laoreet. Pellentesque vehicula Quisque nulla nisi, ullamcorper ut bibendum ultricies vitae, scelerisque eget neque. Aliquam in dolor. Nunc vitae dolor vitae mauris faucibus elit ut purus sodales pulvinar consequat felis viverra, gravida vel lacus. Quisque eget leo ultricies, felis vitae dignissim fringilla, eros diam adipiscing eget et sem. imperdiet. Duis cursus eros sit amet leo interdum sem, id pellentesque risus. Phasellus tincidunt pellentesque ante, quis convallis lorem risus vitae pellentesque. Etiam enim sem, imperdiet sit amet congue ligula ut tempus. Sed eu fringilla mi. In libero. Suspendisse lacus risus, vestibulum sed Nullam ac libero at risus venenatis ornare sit amet fermentum nec, dignissim et turpis. Aliquam elementum elit vitae ante euismod non hendrerit rhoncus eget, pulvinar non odio. Proin feugiat ut nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur egestas ullamcorper lorem a dictum. Pellentesque libero congue. Aenean eget sem turpis. Aliquam nibh dictum quam lacinia et hendrerit tortor adipiscing elit. Sed a ligula ut augue pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et vitae velit odio. Donec egestas lacus a arcu mattis fringilla. Vivamus accumsan posuere eros, at pellentesque et egestas lacus. Nullam ut egestas malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin hendrerit eu ornare velit feugiat. We want you talk todolor yourachildren about pretium. calorie number? Do you know what to look for porta dolor malesuada quis. Phasellus sed lectus tortor. Crastomattis augue faucibus eleifend eleifend. Maecenas pharetra sagittis they’venulla learned Hip Hop Stroke ac lectus dignissim laoreet. Pellentesque vehiculawhat Quisque nisi,inullamcorper ut bibendum on the menu boards in New York City restaurants? vestibulum. Nunc sed libero augue, eget venenatis Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed sit amet anddiam Hip Hop HEALS Eating And Ask your child why he/she suddenly wants the elit ut purus sodales pulvinar consequat felis viverra, gravida vel(Healthy lacus. Quisque eget leo dui. Nulla vehicula nisl sed lacus convallis elit adipiscing euismod eu quis Aenean imperdiet. Duis cursus eros sit amet leo interdumLiving sem, idSchools). pellentesque risus. Phasellus tincidunt grilled chicken sandwich instead of the crispy tristique. Duis faucibus, leo in vehicula laoreet, rutrum lorem id nunc pretium ut vulputate enim pellentesque. Etiam enim sem, imperdiet sit amet congue ligula ut tempus. Sed eu fringilla mi. In chicken sandwich. Ask what Go, Slow, and Whoa eros massa dictum tellus, et condimentum risus vehicula. Proin purus lacus, pharetra ut malesuada example, doelit you know child’snon hendreritfoods are—why does your child now say WHOA! fermentum nec, dignissim et turpis. Aliquam Forelementum vitae anteyour euismod neque quis enim. Vestibulum accumsan, quam nec ut, dapibus eu lectus. Morbi calorie volutpatnumber? nisi sed Do you know what to look for egestas ullamcorper lorem a dictum. Pellentesque libero congue. Aenean eget sem turpis. Aliquam when offered that milkshake? tincidunt venenatis, nunc tellus ultrices ipsum, libero pellentesque ut egestasonerat vestibulum. the menu in Newegestas York City restaurants? habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et vitae velitboards odio. Donec lacus a arcu mattis non dictum lectus dui et justo. Ut in purus justo. Quisque auctor auctor nunc Askeuyour child why he/she suddenly wants the Do you know the five signs of stroke? Do you malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin hendrerit ornare velit feugiat. quis venenatis. Mauris justo arcu, viverra id know that there is a powerful drug that can eleifend eleifend. Maecenas pharetra sagittis grilled chicken sandwich instead of the crispy Pellentesque euismod blandit eros, at lobortis pretium et, malesuada at arcu. Cras volutpat chicken sandwich. Ask what Whoa reverse these signs of stroke and do you know the vestibulum. Nunc sed libero augue, eget venenatis Aliquam erat volutpat. SedGo, sedSlow, diamand sit amet orci dapibus quis. Donec lobortis diam in augue sollicitudin odio ac placerat. foods Suspendisse at your child now sayAenean WHOA! name of this drug? dui. Nulla vehicula nisl sed lacus convallis elitare—why adipiscingdoes euismod eu quis nisl. suscipit venenatis. Duis nec leo purus, non nisl id lorem porttitor lobortis eu sitoffered amet that milkshake? tristique. Duis faucibus, leo in vehicula laoreet, when rutrum lorem id nunc pretium ut vulputate enim interdum eros. In nibh nibh, consequat aliquam diam. Nulla sollicitudin elementum orci, et Ask your child to teach you what to look eros massa dictum tellus, et condimentum risus vehicula. Proin purus lacus, pharetra ut malesuada auctor quis, tincidunt vitae mi. Pellentesque volutpat purus interdum vitae. ut velitthe risus. DoNam youdapibus know ve signs of stroke? Donisi yoused for in the event of a stroke! The information neque quis enim. Vestibulum accumsan, quam nec ut, eu fi lectus. Morbi volutpat habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et Nulla semper viverra magna a euismod. Integer thatpellentesque there is a powerful drugerat thatvestibulum. can that he/she learned in Hip Hop Stroke could tincidunt venenatis, nunc tellus ultrices ipsum, know libero ut egestas malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus posuere pulvinar est, ac feugiat tortorthese pulvinar in. reverse ofQuisque stroke and do you know the save your life. non dictum lectus dui et justo. Ut in purussigns justo. auctor auctor nunc aliquet ornare libero, a sollicitudin mauris ornare Vivamus interdum egestas malesuada. Vivamus name ofvenenatis. this drug? Mauris justo arcu, viverra id quis at. Fusce imperdiet, nisl eu mollis lobortis, est sollicitudin, leo vel malesuada egestas, diam Hip Hop LEAN (Learning, Exercise, And NutriPellentesque euismod blandit eros, at lobortis pretium et, malesuada at arcu. Cras volutpat tellus vestibulum nunc, at tempor felis odio eget lacus vulputate enim, ac laoreet orci yourpurus childnon to teach you whatSuspendisse to look tion) is a multimedia program that uses hip hop orci dapibus quis. Donec lobortis diam in augue Asksollicitudin odio ac placerat. at sem. Nam diam tellus, vulputate sit amet molestie ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sitforamet, consectetur in the a stroke! The information music, animation and didactics to actively engage suscipit venenatis. Duis nec leo purus, non nisl id event loremofporttitor lobortis eu sit amet at, adipiscing vitae tortor. Integer eu lacus sed adipiscing elit. Pellentesque that eroshe/she nibh, lacinia vel learned in Hip Hop Stroke could adults and children by imparting the behavioral interdum eros. In nibh nibh, consequat aliquam diam. Nulla sollicitudin elementum orci, et mauris volutpat interdum et sed velit. Mauris eget ultricies vitae, scelerisque eget neque. save your Aliquam life. auctor quis, tincidunt vitae mi. Pellentesque volutpat purus interdum vitae. Nam ut velit risus.skills required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. tortor a sapien ultrices elementum. ultricies, felis vitae dignissim fringilla, eros diam habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et Nulla semper viverra magna a euismod. Integer Artistic development of the program is led by pellentesque ante, quis convallis Hop loremLEAN risus vitae (Learning, Exercise, Andpulvinar Nutri- in. Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated composmalesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus Hipposuere pulvinar est, ac feugiat tortor Morbi pretium arcu in lacus feugiat rhoncus. libero. Suspendisse lacus risus, vestibulum sed is a multimedia that uses hipVivamus hop ers, musicians and producers. The educational aliquet ornare libero, a sollicitudin mauris ornaretion) Vivamus interdumprogram egestas malesuada. In placerat, arcu in suscipit porttitor, risus diam rhoncus eget, pulvinar non odio. Proin feugiat and didactics to actively engage research that drives Hip Hop LEAN is conducted animation at. Fusce imperdiet, nisl eu mollis lobortis, est music, sollicitudin, leo vel malesuada egestas, diam dictum sapien, ut ultrices urna leo sit amet tortor. nibh dictum quam lacinia et adults hendrerit tortor andvulputate childrenenim, by imparting theorci behavioral tellus vestibulum nunc, at tempor felis odio eget lacus ac laoreet purus non by an experienced team from Columbia UniverIn vitae enim quam, ut fringilla orci. Fusce porta fringilla. Vivamus accumsanskills posuere eros, at required to maintain a healthy lifestyle. sem. Nam diam tellus, vulputate sit amet molestie ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur sity, who are experts in the field. placerat diam. Etiam eget lectus sed justo ornare porta dolor malesuada quis. Phasellus sed lectus of the program is led by Artistic development at, adipiscing vitae tortor. Integer eu lacus sed adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eros nibh, lacinia vel lacinia vel consequat tortor. Mauris in elit turpis. ac lectus dignissim laoreet. Pellentesque vehiculaGrammy-nominated compos- Hip Hop Public Health aims to create innovative Emmy-winning mauris volutpat interdum et sed velit. Mauris eget ultricies vitae,and scelerisque eget neque. Aliquam Pellentesque in quam ac odio dignissim cursus elit ut purus sodales pulvinarers, consequat felisand producers. The educational musicians tortor a sapien ultrices elementum. ultricies, felis vitae dignissim fringilla, eros diamand culturally tailored health literacy programs id sed lectus. Praesent metus massa, tincidunt imperdiet. Duis cursus eros sit amet leo research thatinterdum drives Hip Hop LEAN lorem is conducted that are policy relevant and evidence-based. pellentesque ante, quis convallis risus vitae in pharetra ut, fermentum nec nunc. Donec pellentesque. Etiam enim sem, imperdiet sit amet by an experienced team from Columbia UniverMorbi pretium arcu in lacus feugiat rhoncus. libero. Suspendisse lacus risus, vestibulum sed Through exciting and interactive programs in elementum tristique nibh sagittis bibendum. Nulla fermentum nec, dignissim etsity, turpis. Aliquam who areeget, experts in thenon field. In placerat, arcu in suscipit porttitor, risus diam rhoncus pulvinar odio. Proin feugiat schools, we communicate information on stroke sed ligula diam. Praesent luctus lacinia risus et egestas ullamcorper lorem a dictum. Pellentesque and nutrition to children and their parents, guarddictum sapien, ut ultrices urna leo sit amet tortor. nibh dictum quam lacinia et hendrerit tortor consectetur. Integer eu nunc lectus, at facilisis habitant morbi tristique senectus Hop et netus et Health aims to create innovative ians, and grandparents by encouraging student Public In vitae enim quam, ut fringilla orci. Fusce portaHipfringilla. Vivamus accumsan posuere eros, at dui. Curabitur sit amet libero sem, sed ultrices malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin hendrerit culturally health literacy programs placerat diam. Etiam eget lectus sed justo ornareandporta dolortailored malesuada quis. Phasellus sed lectus participants to share what they’ve learned in our ipsum. Morbi a accumsan enim. Proin dignissim eleifend eleifend. policy relevantlaoreet. and evidence-based. lacinia vel consequat tortor. Mauris in elit turpis.thatacarelectus dignissim Pellentesque vehiculaprograms with those that they love. and interactive programs in Pellentesque in quam ac odio dignissim cursus Through elit utexciting purus sodales pulvinar consequat felis we communicate id sed lectus. Praesent metus massa, tincidunt schools, imperdiet. Duis cursus information eros sit ameton leostroke interdum andpellentesque. nutrition to children and their guardin pharetra ut, fermentum nec nunc. Donec Etiam enim sem, parents, imperdiet sit amet ians, and grandparents by encouraging elementum tristique nibh sagittis bibendum. Nulla fermentum nec, dignissim et turpis. student Aliquam to share what they’ve learned in our sed ligula diam. Praesent luctus lacinia risus et participants egestas ullamcorper lorem a dictum. Pellentesque with those that they love. et netus et consectetur. Integer eu nunc lectus, at facilisis programs habitant morbi tristique senectus
Hip Hop H.E.A.L.S.
dui. Curabitur sit amet libero sem, sed ultrices malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin hendrerit want youeleifend. to talk to your children about ipsum. Morbi a accumsan enim. Proin dignissimWe eleifend what they’ve learned in Hip Hop Stroke and Hip Hop HEALS (Healthy Eating And Living in Schools). For example, do you know your child’s
My students and teachers had nothing but good things to say about
Hip Hop Stroke and Hip Hop HEALS.
They were particularly pleased with the interactive nature of the program. The presenters were very animated and pleasant. The students told me that they enjoyed it and learned a lot.
– Jacqueline Y. Bailey Principal, P.S. 9
List of Programs Hip Hop Stroke Hip Hop H.E.A.L.S. Walk It Out! The HOPE Support Group for Stroke Survivors and Care Partners ArtLinks Old S.C.H.O.O.L.
Tel Aviv
Celebrating the first century. Partnering for the next.
The Tel T Aviv Centennial
The American Committee for The Tel Aviv Foundation 220 Fifth Avenue Suite 1301 New York, NY 10001
First Hebrew city, Tel Aviv,
celebr celebrates its 100th birthday in whirlwind of gala events,
Home Environment Centers
Café Europa for Survivors
includ including more than 400 activities to be spread over nine month including flower carpet in Rabin Square, top Israeli months, perfor performers in kickoff performance, and Milan opera house c of Tel Aviv will be the center of celebrations of The city Israel' 61st year of independence. Already on the first day Israel's fest of festivities, the city will be decorated with posters, flags, p wall paintings, and ornaments. For the nine months following, t more than 400 events will be held throughout the city, outdoor festiva art shows, sporting events, historic exhibitions and festivals,
Library Resource Centers
Hemda, gifted high school program
I from Israel and the world.
Founding of Tel Aviv, 1909
Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo
The American Committee for The Tel Aviv Foundation If Tel Aviv is modern Israel’s vibrant heart, American Friends of Tel Aviv supports Tel Aviv’s heartbeat. The American Friends of Tel
Enrichment programs
Arison Conservatory
Aviv’s influence and involvement add enormous value through the city, throughout Israel, and around the world. Tel Aviv – The first Hebrew-speaking city established in modern times – will celebrate its 100th anniversary in just a few months. What better way to celebrate this special centennial than by investing in Israel's leading center of higher learning? That's why we're launching our American Friends of Tel Aviv Centennial Campaign. Our goal is 100 new scholarships to launch Tel Aviv's second century – and we're already one-third of the way there. Please help put us over the top!
Kids at risk
Parks and Playgrounds
American Committee of The Tel Aviv Foundation catalyzes donors to be strategic partners in supporting the
evolving needs of the Tel Aviv community since 1977. The Foundation generates momentum for the city as the
Celebrating the first century. Partnering for the next.
beacon of progress by elevating the quality of life through: education, culture and arts, sports, the environment, and social services. Responsive and purposeful, the Foundation
The Honorable Ron Huldai
provides for the needy, and creates opportunities for a better
Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo and International Chair
future for Tel Aviv and all of Israel. The Foundation has
The Honorable Ronald S. Lauder
raised over $300 million for 300 projects and has affected
Centennial Chairman
over 100,000 Tel Aviv residents and 1 million people in
American Committee
the Greater Tel Aviv area.
Josh Weston Chairman of the Board
November 3, 2008 Mr. Joshua Smith Chairman Joshua Smith and Company 260 Fifth Avenue, Suite 503 New York, NY 10001
Stephen Greenberg
*Founder, in blessed memory
Avi Maidenberg
The Centennial
will mark the 100th anniversary of Tel Aviv as the
first modern Hebrew city established in over 3,000 years and the realization of the modern Zionist dream. Tel Aviv is unique in being the economic, cultural, academic and environmental capital of Israel and the melting pot of cultures. It is the engine behind the creative and innovative parts of Israeli society. With such a strong center of the country, all of Israel benefits. So, this Centennial milestone represents the extraordinary accomplishments of Tel Aviv which strengthens the entire country and the Jewish People as a whole.
• Flying your corporate banner at the May 18th NYC event, likely to be held at the Grand Hyatt adjacent to Grand Central, honoring Harvey Krueger and Josh Weston, and attended by Mayor Ron Huldai, as well as many local, regional elected officials and celebrities • Depending on the magnitude of your support, your company will enjoy premier seating and recognition at the event
David C. Albalah Micky Arison Ted Arison* Gissou Farahi Jose Galicot Steven H. Hirth Bernard Kossar Harvey Krueger Marvin Lender Walter Lieber Jack Mandel Ira D. Riklis Aby J. Rosen Dan Rubin Mark Selinger Gertrude Thaler David Weinstein
Highlight new pre-kindergaten schools opened and advancemnts in education
Dear Mr. Smith As the city of Tel Aviv prepares to make its 100th anniversary in April, 2009, we have prepared a wide array of events in honor of the centennial celebration. Tel Aviv is the first modern Hebrew city, founded on April 11, 1909. On that day, several dozen families gathered on the sand dunes on the beach outside Yafo to allocate plots of land for a new neighborhood they called Ahuzat Bayit, later to be known as Tel Aviv. As the American Friends of Tel Aviv Foundation, we are excited about the upcoming events surrounding the Tel Aviv’s centennial celebration. We hope you will participate in all we have planned and that you will continue to support our fundraising efforts as a member of the American Friends of Tel Aviv Foundation. We look forward to seeing you in the celebration.
• Being recognized on all event-related materials, including the invitation, ad book, and program • Being highlighted in all public relations including significant media coverage during 2009 • Being significantly recognized with banners and a presence at one or all of the 3 evenings (May 18, 19, 20, 2009) at which the Exhibit will be on display at Vanderbilt Hall in Grand Central Station, where thousands of passers-by and hundreds of Exhibit visitors will see your logo, promotional materials, etc. • Provide the opportunity to “sponsor/host an entire Exhibit evening” whereby your company will be significantly highlighted and be the beneficiary of all public relations before and after the Exhibit evening. Should your company choose to be the total sponsor/host for one of these evenings, we would enable the display of special
Fischer Travel Inc.
The Fischer Travel Story Fischer Travel Enterprises
Opening up your world
Opening up your world
Fischer Travel
Opening up your world
The Fischer Travel Story The Fischer Travel Story
Fischer Travel Enterprises
Fischer Travel Enterprises 655 Third Avenue • New York, NY 10017
Opening up your world
One thing stood in his way. Managing elite travel requires a level of attention far beyond the average travel agency. Bill realized that his reputation as “the man who does the impossible” occasionally attracted clients more interested in his connections than his level of caring. He and his staff would spend time and effort crafting over-the-top experiences for individuals that they would never hear from again. Knowing that relationships are built on mutual investment, Bill floored his accountant, and the critics, by charging a participation fee and changing his model of the travel business.
Fortune favors the bold. More than 50 years ago...
In the years since, Bill Fischer, his daughter Stacy, and their
Bill Fischer was selling one side of travel, but living the other.
tireless team of dedicated consultants have continued to develop Fischer Travel into an award-winning and renowned
While working in a small Brooklyn agency booking
leader in luxury travel and lifestyle services. They never
$199 package deals to Las Vegas, Bill would spend his
waver from the Fischer Travel mission: to create unique and
the world’s best hotels. What he found there surprised
extraordinary experiences and lifelong memories.
of the accommodations. Knowing that there is so
personal time visiting what was then recognized as
him: the service level rarely lived up to the grandeur
much more to a great trip than just booking a room,
“ Inspired by my creative vision, Fischer Travel enterprises has realized my vacation dreams of visiting global cultural institutions, relaxing in serene paradises, exploring natural wonders, learning about exotic customs, tasting traditional cuisines, and experiencing enchanting and once-in-a-lifetime adventures.”
Bill began to approach travel agency owners with an
offer to train managers on how to sell luxury travel.
“ stacy is one of my favorite people in the world to talk with. We’ll talk about how to find the best stonecutters in Central Java for brice while exquisitely accommodated at the Aman in borobudur. our experience at lake manyara in Tanzania was perfect. elephants snapped branches for their breakfast around our tree house lodge. baboons chatted and slept in the golden Acacia trees. everyone was wonderful, knowledgeable, and kind. I had a perfect birthday while there. Thank you stacy Fischer and Fischer Travel.” – Helen and brice marden
– Agnes gund
Special occasions are another Fischer Travel signature. Consultants coordinate travel, accommodations, entertainment and so much more to mark the milestones in their clients’ lives, such as destination weddings or special birthdays or anniversaries. Fischer Travel events are known for being one-of-a-kind affairs where every guest is treated to the kind of extraordinary attention that makes being a Fischer Travel client so incredible.
No one was interested and after two years of knocking on closed doors, Bill decided to open his own agency.
Department of Education Leadership
NYCDOE Office of Leadership
LEaDErship paThWaYs
NYCDOE Office of Leadership
LEaDErship paThWaYs DeDicate
i N N O Vat e
i M Pa c t
i N N O Vat e
B E L I E V E to have confidence that all children can learn Work of leadership is about social change
T E A C H to inform, enlighten, and empower
Creating strong cycles of action and reflection
Program Goal
L E A R N to gain by experience and exposure
ALI strengthens experienced leaders’ capacity as systems-level leaders through experiential opportunities such as case studies and workplace challenge scenarios, as well as networking and professional relationships development with other educational administrators.
Provides the course credits necessary for participants to earn state-approved SDL certification.
Program Goal Key Program Components INS P IRE
26 weekly evening sessions
Eight full-day school visits using a live case study model
Individual action learning project under the supervision of a DOE district, network, cluster, or central leader
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Knowing what you believe enables you to stay true to yourself and others •
M E N T O R to guide and support
LEAP is an on-the-job principal developme City Department of Education's Division of NYC Leadership Academy. This rigorous 1 be a Principal in New York City’s public sch
Eligibility Requirements
Current DOE employment in good standing At three years of experience as a DOE principal, or in a network, cluster, or central leadership role At least three years of teaching experience (Teacher/PPS State Certification) Prior certification in School Building Leadership (SBL) At least 45 graduate credits , including a master's degree Current School District Leader (SDL) certification or expectation to receive SDL certification through the ALI in partnership with Baruch College
Key Program Components •
Six-week summer intensive
Weekly evening classes with cluster-bas faculty member throughout the school ye
Program-wide professional learning sessions four times per year
Part-time residency with mentor principa in home school
SBL nomination through Baruch College CUNY, if necessary
How to Apply Applications are accepted in May 2014.
Creating flexibility for each individual to be the exception to the rule
L E A D to inspire the way
Nancy Gutierrez
Treating each minute with our students as precious time to educate them
Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program (LEAP)
LEAP is an on-the-job principal development program designed collaboratively with the New York City Department of Education's Division of Academics, Performance and Support (DAPS), and the month program prepares aspiring aspirin school leaders to NYC Leadership Academy. This rigorous 12-month New York City be a Principal in New York City’s public schools. Department of Education
Education’s (DOE) internal program for aspiring
pass principals. through daily. The most competitive and In collaboration with the New York powerful economic center in the nation. The 2009 and is a 12-month, cluster-based, on-the-job
City Leadership Academy, LEAP launched in
development experience focused on mostleadership linguistically diverse city in the world. But developing individuals who have demonstrated
and readiness to engage what leadership does capacity this mean for ourin 1.1 million students and school leadership positions. LEAP is a unique model
that develops school leaders within their existing our 1,700 schools? What role do YOU play? Lead
Key Program Components
Become an
Six-week summer intensive
Weekly evening classes with cluster-based exceptional faculty member throughout the school year Program-wide professional learning sessions four times per year through Part-time residency with mentor principal in home school
current principals and school communities. The
pathway to leadership. LEAP curriculum differentiates learning based on
SBL nomination through Baruch College, CUNY, if necessary Develop your leadership skills in your existing environment
At least three years of DOE experience as a teacher or in another role that meets state requirements for principal positions Master's degree with a minimum 3.0 GPA Current DOE employment with satisfactory emplo rating Network and cluster endorsement Experience leading teacher teams, including inquiry work, at the school level Current principal must be willing to serve as mentor.
ALI strengthens experienced leaders’ capacity as systems-level leaders through experiential opportunities such as case studies and workplace challenge scenarios, as well as networking and professional relationships development with other educational administrators.
Provides the course credits necessary for participants to earn state-approved SDL certification.
Key Program Components
Eligibility Requirements
26 weekly evening sessions
Eight full-day school visits using a live case study model
Individual action learning project under the supervision of a DOE district, network, cluster, or central leader
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How to Apply
individual needs and creates a pathway for the
Attend the LEAP Open House on December 4th at 5PM the High School of Art and Design in Manhattan.
development of professional learning communities. The LEAP model is aligned with the DOE’s instructional initiatives and priorities, and is grounded in research and leadership-based competencies.
Eligibility Requirements
school leader • LEAP•
• •
school environments and creates opportunities to
with harness us. existing Grow with us.those Inspire with us. Find your relationships including with
Program Goal
Program Goal
The Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program
New (LEAP) York City. live here. 24 million is the New York CityNine Departmentmillion of
New York City Department of Education Division of Academics, Performance and Support (DAPS) Office of Leadership 52 Chambers Street New York, NY 10007
How to Apply
Applications are accepted via online submission and due by January 21, 2014.
Applications are accepted in May 2014.
Nancy Gutierrez
Apply today!
Current DOE employment in good standing At three years of experience as a DOE principal, or in a network, cluster, or central leadership role At least three years of teaching experience (Teacher/PPS State Certification) Prior certification in School Building Leadership (SBL) At least 45 graduate credits , including a master's degree Current School District Leader (SDL) certification or expectation to receive SDL certification through the ALI in partnership with Baruch College
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