Iconography For Littles
Tory Talayi and Sara Nadzam
Iconography For Littles
What is Iconography?
• Iconography is the study of meanings through symbols in art, which is meant to convey some traditional story
Iconography For Littles
How do we learn Iconography?
Iconography For Littles
The 3 Layers of Meaning 1. Natural = most basic 2. Conventional = deeper meaning 3. Intrinsic = most complex
Iconography For Littles
First Layer of Meaning
• Natural meaning • Most basic sense • Without making judgements
• What do you see? • A old man • Old-fashioned • Portrait
Iconography For Littles
Second Layer of Meaning
• Conventional meaning • The deeper meaning • more specific identification
• What do you see on this level? • George Washington • President • 1700s
Iconography For Littles
Third Layer of Meaning
• Intrinsic meaning • More complex understanding • Cultural details
• What do you see now? • The first president of the U.S. • Founding Father • Freedom, Democracy, etc.
Van Eyck Arnolfini Marriage, 1434
Iconography For Littles
FRA ANGELICO - The Annunciation (1441)[RENAISSANCE]
The Annunciation
CAMPIN - Annunciation Mary Detail (1420) [NORTHERN RENAISSANCE]
GENTILESCHI - Annunciation (1630) [BAROQUE]
ROSSETTI - The Annunciation (1850) [PRE-RAPHAELITES]
The Annunciation
CAMPIN - Annunciation Mary Detail (1420) [NORTHERN RENAISSANCE]
GENTILESCHI - Annunciation (1630) [BAROQUE]
ROSSETTI - The Annunciation (1850) [PRE-RAPHAELITES]
The Annunciation
CAMPIN - Annunciation Mary Detail (1420) [NORTHERN RENAISSANCE]
GENTILESCHI - Annunciation (1630) [BAROQUE]
ROSSETTI - The Annunciation (1850) [PRE-RAPHAELITES]
The Annunciation
CAMPIN - Annunciation Mary Detail (1420) [NORTHERN RENAISSANCE]
GENTILESCHI - Annunciation (1630) [BAROQUE]
ROSSETTI - The Annunciation (1850) [PRE-RAPHAELITES]
Iconography For Littles
ALBANI - Apollo and Daphne (1620)[BAROQUE]
Apollo & Daphne
POLLAIUOLO - Apollo and Daphne (1480) [RENAISSANCE]
BERNINI - Apollo and Daphne (1625) [BAROQUE]
WATERHOUSE - Apollo and Daphne (1908) [PRE-RAPHAELITE]
Iconography For Littles
LEONARDO - Last Supper (1495-8) [HIGH RENAISSANCE]
The Last Supper
DALI - The Last Supper (1955)[SURREALISM]
Iconography For Littles
Bonus round: Where’s Judas?
Iconography For Littles
Bonus round: Where’s Judas?
Congrats! You’re all Iconography experts!