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News from China............................................................................................6

俄罗斯动画工作室 Platoshka 宣布与中国儿童媒体集团优扬传媒 达成一项合作协议。两家公司已对在中国推出 Platoshka 的旗舰项 目——Beadies 动画系列达成一致意见。 优扬传媒已接下将 Beadies 转译为普通话的本地化工作,并将成为 该品牌在中国的独家代理商。这家俄罗斯工作室的项目能够很好 地完善优扬传媒的国际 IP 系列,其中已经包含宝可梦、小羊肖恩和

“Super Simple Songs”等热门品牌 IP。 优扬传媒将享有 Beadies 第一季(55 x 5 分钟)和主题剧集组合的独 家版权。该公司将全方面监管 Beadies 在中国的开发和推广情况,覆 盖媒体发行、销售和授权。 “我们很高兴能够通过 Beadies 来让我们的俄罗斯节目首次进军中 国。尽管市面上已有大量儿歌品牌,但是对比任何其他节目而言,

Beadies 与众不同,前

所未见。这就像是一 部儿童动画音乐剧。 它不仅主打原创音 乐和歌词,而且还能 传达教育和社会情 感价值。这场洋溢活 力的节目定能让广 大儿童感到十分快 乐。”优扬传媒内容 投资和业务发展副 总裁杨峥表示。 “我们很高兴优扬 能够成为我们打入 中国的合作伙伴。我

确信我们将 Beadies 品牌交到了可靠负责的公司手上。本次海外协议能够说明国际市 场对 Beadies 的需求。为数百万观众提供服务的中国公司更喜欢经 过考验且可靠的内容,因此当他们对一项年轻的俄罗斯项目有信心 时,这就能很好地说明情况。”Platoshka 首席执行官兼总制片人 Anna Shelegina 表示。 Beadies 是一款全新的学习动画系列,面向 0 至 4 岁的儿童。这种 音乐项目的情节主线依托一个强大的教学计划,旨在互动式全面发 展。该项目秉承一大全球使命——成为父母在安排孩子的休闲和学 习活动方面的主要灵感之源,并为其提供帮助和建议。

2021 年 6 月,Beadies 在 YouTube 上以俄语首播,并两个月内收获超 过 1000 万次的播放量。除了在 YouTube 上播放外,Beadies 还登上

了俄罗斯领先的 VOD 服务目录,并在电视上首次播出。 在准备好第一季 Beadies 的发布工作后,Platoshka 开始着手制作第 二季,并预计该季将于 2022 年夏季登上银幕。该工作室还制作了 Beadies 真人实景节目,而在这档节目上,主持人帮助幼儿更好地掌 握系列内容,并为活动、游戏、手工艺和舞蹈内容提出多种建议。 创立于 2019 年的 Platoshka 是一家成立不久的俄罗斯动画工作室, 从最初阶段开始为所有年龄段的儿童开发和制作卡通片。 Platoshka 的创始人成功招募了一些业内最优秀的专家,而该工作室 的第一个项目也在动画市场内引起了极大回响。 除了 SVOD 学前学习应用程序 Ukids(配备精选内容,能够为儿童的 社会情感发展灌输良好的价值),优扬传媒的业务范围还覆盖动画 制作、发行、授权、销售和零售。优扬传媒在北京、上海和新加坡设有 办事处和生产设施。

中国 授权展延期举行

原定于 2021 年 10 月 19 日至 21 日由中国玩具和婴童用品协会 组织举办于上海新国际博览中 心的中国玩具展 (CTE)、中国婴 童用品展 (CKE) 和中国授权展 (CLE) 已延期至 2022 年 2 月 23 日至 25 日同一地点举行。 尽管中国在很大程度上已经控 制了新冠疫情,但最近零散出现 的新增病例仍然对大型贸易展 构成挑战。本次主办方归总道, 延期举办 CTE 和 CKE 将为所有 行业专业人士提供更好的条件 和机会。我们对所造成的任何不 便深表歉意,但在当前情况下, 延期是必然的解决方案。 与此同时,通过为参展商和买家 提供更高效线下和线上服务,以 紧扣当前和贯穿全年,主办方正 在适应新常态。作为唯一一家 全国性玩具和婴童用品行业协 会,中国玩具和婴童用品协会 (CTJPA) 推出了认证供应商在线 平台。该平台汇集了来自中国各 大主要生产中心的优质可靠的 玩具和婴儿用品之制造商,让国 际买家能够更容易、更高效地采 购产品。此外,他们还能够应要 求提供定制的商业匹配服务。 有关详情,请访问


Russian animation studio Platoshka has announced a deal with UYoung, a Chinese children’s media group. The companies have agreed on the launch of Beadies animation series, Platoshka’s flagship project, in China. UYoung has undertaken to localize Beadies into Mandarin and will be repping the brand exclusively in China. The Russian studio’s project will be a good complement to UYoung’s portfolio of international titles already containing such runaway hits as Pokemon, Shaun The Sheep and Super Simple Songs. UYoung will enjoy exclusive rights to the first season of Beadies (55 x 5 minutes) and thematic episode combos. The firm will oversee all aspects of Beadies exploitation and promotion in China – from media distribution to merchandising and licensing. “We are thrilled to bring our first show from Russia into China with Beadies. Although there are lots of children’s song brands in the market, Beadies is special and unlike any other shows out there. It’s like a children’s animated musical. Not only does it feature original music and lyrics, but it delivers educational and social emotional values. This vibrant show is sure to bring much joy to children,” says Clara Yang, Vice President of Content Investment and Business Development from UYoung. “We are delighted to have UYoung as our partner in China. I am certain that the Beadies brand is in good hands. This overseas deal is a telltale sign of international demand for Beadies. Chinese firms serving multi-million audiences prefer tested and proven content, so it speaks volumes when they put their trust in a young Russian project,” says Anna Shelegina, CEO and General Pro-

ducer at Platoshka. Beadies is a new learning animation series for children aged 0 to 4 years. The plotline of this musical-styled project rests on a robust pedagogical program targeting interactive all-round development. The project’s global mission is to become parents’ chief source of inspiration, helper and advisor in matters of organizing leisure and learning activities for their tots. Beadies premiered in Russian on YouTube in June 2021, and amassed over 10 million views in two months. Besides YouTube, Beadies made it into the catalogs of Russia’s leading VOD services and debuted on TV. Having prepared the release of the first season of Beadies, Platoshka started work on the second one slated to hit the screens in summer 2022. The studio is also producing a live-action Beadies Show where hosts help toddlers better master the content of series and suggest ideas for activities, games, crafts and dance. Platoshka is a young Russian animation studio, founded in 2019 that develops and produces cartoons from square one for children of all ages. The founders of Platoshka have been able to recruit some of the best experts in the industry and the studio’s first project made a big splash in the animation market. Besides Ukids, an learning preschool SVOD app with curated content that instills good values for social emotional development, UYoung’s businesses include ani-


China Toy Expo (CTE), China Kids Fair (CKE) and China Licensing Expo (CLE) organized by China Toy & Juvenile Products Association, originally scheduled for October 19-21, 2021 at Shanghai New International Expo Center has been postponed to February 23-25, 2022 at the same venue. Though the COVID-19 situation has largely been controlled within China, the recent scattered new cases still pose challenges to large-scale tradeshows. The organisers concluded that holding CTE & CKE on a later date will provide better conditions and opportunities for all industry professionals. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused but the postponement is an inevitable solution under the current circumstances. In the meanwhile, the organisers are adapting to the new normal by providing more efficient services from offline to online for their exhibitors and buyers to connect now and throughout the year. As the only nationwide toy & juvenile products industry association, CTJPA has launched the Certified Supplier Online Platform bringing together quality and reliable manufacturers of toys & baby products from main production hubs across China to make sourcing easier and more efficient for international buyers. Moreover, they are also providing customized business matching service upon request. For more information, visit www.chinalicensingexpo.com

For over 30 years the team at Jasnor have worked tirelessly to ensure they continue to deliver an amazing line-up of iconic brands and much-loved characters across the ANZ region. Now they are also focusing their attention globally and have expanded their distribution into Mainland China with a brand very close to their hearts – the World of Beatrix Potter. Jasnor have represented this iconic brand for over two decades and have a wealth of experience in managing this charming brand across a wide variety of formats and characters. They pride themselves on long-standing relationships with key partners who have supported them over their 30+ years. James Thurlow, the company’s CEO, said, “We are excited to expand our distribution of the toy and nursery range for this iconic brand into China, utilising our experience over two decades representing this beloved brand. Whilst we see this as a long-term partnership the timing couldn’t be better to launch into this market with the much anticipated 120th Anniversary of Peter Rabbit in 2022.” “We are very pleased that the Beatrix Potter plush range from Jasnor is expanding its distribution to Mainland China,” said Gary Chan, Vice President of CAAGBG, Frederick Warne & Co Ltd’s agent for Peter Rabbit and Beatrix Potter in China. “Beatrix Potter’s imaginative stories and exquisite illustrations are known and loved the world over. We worked closely with Jasnor to bring these high quality and sophisticated products for China consumers.” Jasnor has launched a Flagship store on Tmall Global and will manage the online presence. Jasnor are also collaborating with a highly-regarded digital agency to assit with the launch. They have also appointed a local Chinese distributor to handle offline sales – Shanghai You Le Fu Culture Media Co., Ltd. This is an exciting time for the family-owned and operated business. From humble beginnings, Jasnor has evolved from a small importing business to an awardwinning and industry-leading toy and gift supplier with the exclusive distribution and manufacturing rights to an enviable portfolio of licensed, iconic and bespoke brands.


LMI International in the UK have a number of properties they are promoting in China including British Motor Heritage, BSA, Highclere Castle and ISA. British Motor Heritage established in 1975 represent a selection of classic car marques including Austin, Austin Healey, MG, Morris, Rover & Wolseley, that have been and still are part of British motoring history. Recently licensed categories include apparel and e-mobility. BSA is “The bestselling motorcycle in the world.” The UK licensing programme is spearheaded by Poetic

Brands using heritage artwork from the golden years of BSA which has a timeless appeal. A new range of BSA motorcycles designed in the UK and produced by Mahindra group is to be announced shortly. HIighclere Castle is famously recognisable as the location for Downton Abbey and the licensing programme is expanding with Hangzhou Kanghou launching a luxurious range of quilts and pillows under brand name Sidanda. ISA International Space Archives’ licensing programme now has over 60 international licensees building on the awareness of space travel and Mars exploration. The global space programme features mission patches including but not limited to NASA from the Internationalspacearchives.com Other properties in the LMI portfolio include Schönbrunn Place and the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.

LMI 传统品牌 JASNOR 进军中国

英国 LMI International 正在中国

进行推广多个资产,包括 British Motor Heritage、BSA、海克利尔 城堡和 ISA。 British Motor Heritage 创立 于 1975 年,代表一系列经典

汽车品牌,包括 Austin、Austin Healey、MG、Morris、Rover 和 Wolseley,而一直以来,他们都 是,也将会是英国汽车历史的一 部分。最近获得授权的类别包括 服装和电动汽车。 BSA “世界上最畅销的摩托车”

英国授权计划由 Poetic Brands 牵头,使用来自 BSA 黄金年代、 极具经典魅力的传统艺术品。设

计于英国并由 Mahindra 集团生

产的新系列 BSA 摩托车即将问 世。 海克利尔城堡是著名的唐顿庄 园所在地,随着杭州康浩推出一

系列豪华的 Sidanda 被子和枕

头,相关授权计划正在扩大。 立足于太空旅行和火星探索的 认识之上,ISA 国际空间档案馆 的授权计划现在拥有超过 60 个 国际被授权人。全球太空计划主 打使命徽章,包括但不限于来自

Internationalspacearchives.com 的 NASA LMI 投资组合中的其他资

产包括 Schönbrunn Place 和莎士

比亚出生地信托基金会。 30 多年来,Jasnor 团队孜孜不倦地工 作,以确保他们继续在 ANZ 地区提 供惊人的标志性品牌和深受喜爱的 角色。现在,他们也将目光对准全球市 场,并通过非常贴近自身品牌核心的碧

翠克丝·波特的博物馆 (World of Beatrix Potter),力求将他们的分销业务扩展到中 国大陆。 Jasnor 代表这个标志性品牌已有 20 多 年之久,并且在这个迷人品牌——具有 各种形式和人物——上拥有丰富经验。 他们为自己与主要合作伙伴建立起 跨越 30 多年的长期合作关系而 倍感自豪。

公司首席执行官 James Thurlow 表示:“我们很高兴能够利用我们 二十多年来代表这个深受喜爱的 品牌所积累的经验,来帮助这个标 志性品牌的玩具和婴儿用品系列进 军中国市场。虽然我们将此视为长期 合作,但是选择 2022 年——备受期待的彼得 兔诞辰 120 周年——来打入这个市场无疑是最佳时机。”

“我们很高兴看到 Jasnor 的 Beatrix Potter 毛绒系列正在将其分销 业务拓展到中国大陆,”CAA-GBG 副总裁兼彼得兔和 Beatrix Potter 中国代理商费德里克·沃恩有限责任公司 Gary Chan 表示。“Beatrix Potter 的奇思妙想故事和精美插图风靡全球,深受各地人们的喜 爱。我们与 Jasnor 开展了紧密合作,为中国消费者献上这些优质且 精致的产品。” Jasnor 已经在天猫国际开设了一家旗舰店,并将管理在线业务。 Jasnor 还与一家备受推崇的数字机构合作,以协助发布工作。他们 还指定了上海优乐福文化传媒有限公司(一家中国当地经销商)来 处理线下销售工作。 对于这家由家族拥有和经营的企业来说,这无疑是激动人心的时 刻。Jasnor 从一家不起眼的小型进口公司发展成为业内屡获殊荣的 一流玩具和礼品供应商,拥有令人艳羡的授权、标志和定制品牌组 合的独家分销和生产权。

TOONZ 媒体重视中国

多年来,中国一直是 Toonz 关注 的国家。作为儿童和家庭娱乐的 战略性市场,中国依旧是其中一 家全球一流的儿童和家庭娱乐 公司 Toonz 传媒集团的重要业 务目的地。除了目前在各大平台 上播出大量节目外,他们还与中 国娱乐公司巨头签订了主要的 发行和授权与销售 (L&M) 协议。 他们当前在中国播出的一 些节目包括科学冒险系

列“Darwin + Newts”(第 1 和 第 2 季)、“Lucky Fred”第 1 季、“Gummybar and Friends”系 列和 “Alisa”。以上作品均由中 国一流的发行公司太平洋传媒 集团 (PMG) 负责发行,目前在 不同的流媒体和广播平台上 播放,包括中国的公营广播机

构 CCTV。PMG 还持有“Darwin

授权概览中国 + Newts”、“Lucky Fred” 第 1 季和“GummyBear” 的 L&M 权。除此之外,Toonz 还 与华视电视台签订了“Hogie the Globehopper”和“Lucky Fred”第 2 季的发行协议,并与甜橙娱乐

签订了“Cam & Leon”的发行协

议。 在制作方面,Toonz 正在与中国 制作工作室君舍文化传媒联手 制作两部节目,分别是《怪奇的

虫洞》(Kim and Jim’s Wormhole) 和《毛毛镇》(Wool Wool Town) 。前者是一部 3D 冒险喜剧,而后 者则是一部童话主题 2D 学前系 列。

Toonz 传媒集团与 GummyBear International Inc 联合制作 动画系列“Gummybar and Friends:The Gummy Bear Show”。Gummy Bear 是 YouTube 上观

看次数最多的动 画角色之一。今年

初,Gummy Bear 系列 内容在 YouTube 的多

个频道斩获了超过了 200 亿次的观看次数。 这个品牌具有巨大的全球吸引 力,不仅在中国广受欢迎,而且 收 获了众多粉丝,如 今已跻身为名 人代言和高端 品牌合作的 流行偶像之

列。Toonz 与太

平洋传媒集团签订 了一项多年协议,内容

为 Gummybar and Friends 系 列以及正在前期制作并即将上

映的 GummyBear 电影的电视、 视频、数字开发和 L&M 权。

在中国,GummyBear 的销售方向 包括服饰系列,例如发布于 3 月 海上丝绸之路 2019 新加坡国际

时尚周的 GummyBear-Pollyanna 系列,以及 GummyBear*HiPee 药箱、高铁列车上的 GummyBear 主题车厢、出自极有家之手的

GummyBear 系列家具或日常用 品、GummyBear 系列盲盒、GB * 周大福联名珠宝和 IPTV 旗下酒 店的 GummyBear 主题客房。 在接下来的几个月里,Toonz 将在

中国打造全新 IP,包括 Zoonicorn、 PaJaMa 和 Aliens In My Backpack。 Zoonicorn 立足于风靡美国的

同名玩具品牌,在中国市场拥有 巨大的 L&M 潜力。我们的策略 是首先寻找平台合作伙伴来扩 大节目的影响力,尤其是对学 龄前和家庭观众的影响力。在

全球其他地区的 YouTube 上, Zoonicorn 音乐视频深受欢迎。


场的 Zoonicorn 童谣概念。我

们还将在中国寻找合适该 IP 的 L&M 合作伙伴,以便我们能够复 制该品牌在美国取得的成功。 PaJaMa 是一部非对话式闹剧喜 剧,绝对能够俘获全球各地儿童 的喜爱。这是一部讨人喜欢的喜 剧,讲述了一个顽皮孩子 Ja 在体 验这个世界的小小奇迹期间发 生的各种横祸,以及 Ja 的天真行 为为他毫无防备的父亲 Pa 带来 让人捧腹大笑的后果。

“Aliens In My Backpack”是一 部冒险喜剧,出自多次获奖的

动画创作者 Rob Lee 之手,他 以“Fireman Sam”和“The Shoe People”等作品而为人熟知。作为 面向 7 岁及以上儿童的星际冒 险之作,该 IP 也具有非常强大的 L&M 潜能,尤其是在游戏、收藏 品和活动方面。

MDR 扩大露华浓和 伊丽莎白雅顿

自 2021 年 1 月合作以来,MDR 品牌管理 (MDR)、露华浓和伊丽莎 白雅顿的全球品牌延伸合作伙伴确保这些品牌实现了快速增长。在 全球范围内,MDR 正在为露华浓争取沐浴和身体护理、护肤、护发、 口腔护理、男士美容和体验的机会,让该品牌能够触及新的受众,创 造消费者接触点并构建品牌参与度。MDR 很高兴能够与在中国拥 有领先销量的伊丽莎白雅顿合作,并考虑其在中国市场的文化关联 性,鼓励合作伙伴探索沐浴和身体、护发、创新护肤和家居领域的授 权潜力。

MDR Brand Management 是一家屡获殊荣的品牌管理公司,该公司制 定长期的品牌建设战略,以应对并满足快速变化的消费者和零售环 境的需求。这是全球首家隶属于国际律师事务所 Mishcon de Reya 的 品牌管理公司。该公司成立于 2018 年,旨在提供独特的品牌管理服 务。


在近日举行的 2021 中国授权

方大会上,Line Friends 中国授


示,Line Friends 不会退出中国市

场,而是将以更加多元化的线下 体验空间融入其中。 同时,授权业务已成为该公司的 核心业务模式。

可以看出,Line Friends 近年来扩

大了新用户市场,打造了不同的 线上和线下业务 场景,且这些场 景都调整了整体 战略,并围绕 IP 为核心展开。 根据授权方大会 上的内容,在关 闭传统线下门店

后,Line Friends 将针对不同区域市场和用户重 新打造多元化线下体验空间,同 时更加注重以内容为主的数字 资产的线上发展情况,如动漫、 短视频和虚拟主播等,并转移阵 地至种草平台和电商直播平台 等非传统电商平台上。


版权集团宣布与上海新天地朗 廷酒店和广州朗豪酒店建立新 的体验式合作伙伴关系。 入住上海和广州豪华酒店的宾 客现可享受独家专享沉浸式帕 丁顿熊体验,包括入住特别布置 的帕丁顿熊主题客房和享受配 有帕丁顿熊纸杯蛋糕和主题糕 点的帕丁顿熊下午茶体验。酒店 商店还提供特别限量版帕丁顿 熊纪念品。 伦敦朗廷酒店于 1865 年开业, 是首家供应下午茶的酒店,自 此,朗廷/朗豪酒店以提供顶级 下午茶体验而为世人熟知。在上 海,帕丁顿熊下午茶已被 2021 年第五届 Hotel 探索之旅酒店 大赏评选为最受欢迎的主题下 午茶。 上述两家酒店使用不同的帕丁 顿熊艺术品,展示帕丁顿熊品牌 的多样特色。 此联袂之作是帕丁顿熊在中国 开展的几项关键战略活动之一, 旨在加强品牌知名度和与消费 者的互动。在新电视剧《帕丁顿 熊历险记》亮相中国后,这些活 动由此问世。 “我们酒店与帕丁顿熊的重新 合作体现并加强了朗廷酒店的 英式传承与传统,”上海新天地 朗廷酒店销售和营销总监 Cindy Ying 表示。 “在朗廷酒店,乐趣和奇思妙想 永不缺席,”Ying 补充道。“我们 的客人现在可以在上海中心享 受全套帕丁顿熊体验,包括与帕 丁顿熊见面和打招呼,与这位可 爱的英国偶像合影留念,以及全 套帕丁顿熊主题下午茶体验,尽 情乐享其中。” “对于所有年龄段的粉丝而言, 帕丁顿熊与朗廷酒店开展的新 合作提供了绝佳机会,让他们能 够以不同方式与品牌互动,而且 我们希望他们能在上海和广州 享受到这些有趣的体验。” The Copyrights Group 品牌和国际授 权高级副总裁 Polly Emery 表示。 此次合作由中国帕丁顿熊的版

权代理方 CAA-GBG 促成。

IMG 发展品牌

IMG 报告指出他们在中国的许多产权均有所发展,包括愤怒的小 鸟、粉红豹、梵高博物馆和爱心熊。

作为全球最受欢迎的游戏和娱乐产权之一,由 Rovio Entertainment

中国国际文具及办公用 品展览会改期至 2022 年 5 月举行

Corp. 开发的愤怒的小鸟系列继续吸引数千万活跃用户使用其游 戏和动画内容。愤怒的小鸟通过由 IMG 促成的新合作来改善其消 费品计划,包括与招商银行合作打造的愤怒的小鸟联名银行卡、与 Chaoniao 合作打造的成人服装和配饰以及与上海 Liyu 合作打造的 儿童服装和配饰。今年初,位于沈阳的一个全新室内主题公园“愤怒 的小鸟世界”正式开业,并计划于未来几年在其他城市开设更多主 题公园。 粉红豹继续成为全球风行的顶级流行文化象征之一。在中国,IMG 已促成多项时尚合作,包括与都市高级时尚品牌 Miss Sixty 开展合 作。粉红豹牛仔裤售价 250 美元,且在面世后 48 小时内售罄。此外, 粉红豹联合时尚品牌地 素推出女装和配饰,并由 女演员周冬雨特担任模 特,MiLiu 担任儿童系列和

Zi Que 的成人和儿童系

列的模特。 今年,通过一系列优质联 袂之作和产品,IMG 和 梵高博物馆将文森特· 梵高的设计、艺术品和故 事延伸至多个产品类别 中。2023 年,该博物馆将 庆祝其成立 50 周年,并将 推出多款纪念品,其中就 包括于中国推出的多款被 授权产品。最近,梵高博物馆与中国极简主义女装品牌对白联手打 造时尚之作。 最后,在 2022 年爱心熊诞生 40 周年前夕,IMG 制定并推出了强大 的授权计划,其中包括新款服装、玩具、健康和美容以及食品和饮料 产品。最近,爱心熊与女装时尚品牌妖精的口袋合作,在中国推出了 49 件服饰系列。此外,今年初,首家爱心熊室内家庭中心和咖啡馆在 上海揭幕。 由于疫情的缘故,2021 年和 2022 年中国国际文具及办公用品展 览会将合并举办,时间为 2022 年

5 月 12 日至 14 日。两届展览会

同期进行是为了确保商品展销 会安全和遵守当地政府的防控 措施要求。

原定于 2021 年 10 月 15 日至 17 日在国家会展中心(上海)举行, 而今年的展会将与 2022 年的展 会合并同地举办。作为亚洲领先 的文具、办公用品、兴趣、艺术和 工艺用品的商品展销会,中国国 际文具及办公用品展览会吸引 了大批中国一线品牌在展会上 展示他们的最新产品和创新之 作。在带来商机的同时,该展览 会还以其广泛的非主流活动而 享誉中外,参与者可以通过这些 活动了解行业趋势和学生用品 的最新国家安全标准。 中国国际文具及办公用品展 览会由中国文教体育用品协会 (CSSGA)和法兰克福展览(上 海)有限公司联合主办,是国内 文具行业内唯一得到 CSSGA 官 方支持的商品展销会。如需了 解本次展会的更多详情,请浏

览 www.paperworldchina.com, 或发送电子邮件至:stationery@ hongkong.messefrankfurt.com。


ZAG 将于 2021 年 10 月向中国观众推出面向

6 至 11 岁男孩的 3D 动画/真人混合动作喜剧 片——“Power Players”。 由 ZAG、ON kids & family (Mediawan) 和 Planeta Junior 联合制作的 78 x 11' 系列将同时登陆数字平台——腾讯和芒果 TV。

该品牌的中国媒体和 L&M 代理人雷曦文化促成前 者与腾讯和芒果 TV 展开合作,并与小米、海信、酷 开、TCL 在内的全国 OTT 提供商以及覆盖国内 30 多个省份的 60 多个平台的全国 IPTV 达成合作协 议,并将于首映后负责该系列。

雷曦文化也是 ZAG Lab 和 Playmates 的 Power Players 玩具系列的中国玩具分销商,而该系列预计 将于 2022 年春季问世。该玩具系列包括各种以电 视节目内容为基础的精细铰接式 5 英寸活动人偶, 以及带有电子器件和音效的 9 英寸豪华活动人偶。


《芝麻街》背后的全球非营利教 育组织芝麻街工作室已指定羚 邦集团作为其大中华区(包括中 国大陆、香港、台湾和澳门)授权 代理人。羚邦集团将管理《芝麻 街》消费品的品牌授权工作,建 立零售关系,并与当地被授权人 合作,以便在各自地区创建交叉 促销活动。 芝麻街工作室的使命是帮助世

界各地的孩子发展思维、增强体 质和更加和善,其内容由毛绒卡 通人物传达,极具教育意义和影 响力,且发自肺腑,同时妙趣横 生。《芝麻街》节目触及全球 1.5 亿儿童,播放范围覆盖 150 多个 国家/地区,并在 YouTube 上拥 有 2,150 万名订阅用户。该 节目创造了历史,斩获了 204 项艾美奖,并且是史上 首个获得肯尼迪中心荣誉 奖的电视节目。 今天,《芝麻街》在大中华 区的腾讯、百视通、上海文广互 动电视有限公司、Mampod 和小 小优趣应用上播放,且其全球授 权产品零售额高达 14 亿美元。 “《芝麻街》随处可见,”芝麻街 工作室副总裁兼大中华区总经 理符致铭说道。“为了实现这一 目标,我们通过电视和点播平台 来提供我们的创新视频内容,并 与羚邦等合作伙伴合作,从而通 过芝麻街联名消费品、商品以及 互动体验邀请所有年龄段的孩 子和粉丝与我们备受喜爱的角 色进行互动。” “我们很高兴在大中华区代表 芝麻街。对我们来说,能够与一 个秉承相似使命、强大和值得信 赖的学前品牌合作具有非凡意 义。 我们很高兴能够与芝麻街 合作。”羚邦动漫国际有限公司 兼羚邦文化创意(广州)有限公 司董事总经理赵小凤女士说。


2020 年,中国玩具市场规模为 483 亿美元,预计到 2026 年将达

到 613 亿美元。

中国是世界上最大的玩具市场 之一。该市场的增长为国内外玩 具制造商带来了相当大的机会。 对于儿童而言,互动式和多功能 玩具的热门程度暴涨,这对玩具 市场产生了积极影响。 由于消费支出上升,公众对玩具 的需求不断增加。除了大都市居 民的收入水平和生活水平不断 上升外,人们还历经从传统玩具 向创新电子玩具的转变过程。 中国市场上有 各种各样的玩

具。2019 年,

玩偶和毛绒玩 具取得了非凡 的发展,这主 要得益于快速 崛起的盲盒收 藏品取得的惊 人成绩。由于在封锁期间关闭学 校,对建筑装置和模型的需求上 升。在更长时间内,这被视为绝 佳的儿童娱乐方式。 在新冠疫情封锁期间,线上行业 发展喜人。研究表明,2020 年到 2026 年的中国玩具市场预计将 实现 4.04% 的年复合增长率。


去年夏天,咏声动漫在全球授权 展·中国站上推出了多款新品。 在此次展览期间,咏声推出了 他们最新的玩具和商品,其中 包括猪猪侠、百变校巴、Team S.T.E.A.M.!、Metalion、FeyFeyStyle 和 CUBE-Q。这些产品涵盖服饰、 食品和旅游等多个领域。 最值得关注的产品是名为“菲菲

的童话乐园”(Princess FeyFey’s Farytale Land) 的盲盒。 咏声与 YOU-Q 文化合作推出多 款玩具盲盒,其设计灵感源自咏 声旗下知名猪猪侠动画系列的 人气角色菲菲。咏声将现有的 IP 元素与艺术玩具市场的客户偏 好相结合,为自有艺术玩具 IP 建

立了品牌 Youngdynasty。 咏声进军艺术玩具市场的举措 打破了猪猪侠面向儿童的传统 受众壁垒,并为旗下品牌营销提 供了更多方向和潜能。除了艺 术玩具行业,咏声的全新动画 猪猪侠第 17 季、百变校巴第 7 季、Team S.T.E.A.M.! 和 Metalions 也在展览中亮相。


ViacomCBS, home to some of the biggest entertainment brands talks to Total Licensing China about their brands activities and plans for the coming year.

The ViacomCBS portfolio is home to some of the biggest brands in pop culture and entertainment: Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Comedy Central, CBS, Showtime, MTV, and Paramount, to name a few. We cater to every generation and demographic with our extensive library of content, which we activate and amplify across our whole ecosystem as well as through our partners. In China, we enjoy good long-term and strong partnerships with iQiyi, MangoTV, Youku, Tencent and CCTV, Toutiao, XiGua and these partnerships see our content reaching our targeted consumers on multiple platforms, be they traditional or emerging. ViacomCBS’s portfolio ranks #1 in terms of total share of TV viewing globally, and is the top media and entertainment company on social. From books and movies, to television series, video games, and podcasts, our content has kept viewers continually engaged, informed and entertained during these unprecedented years. Some of our most recognised properties include SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Garfield, Dora the Explorer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Star Trek. Besides existing hero properties, we produce new content that is engaging and relevant to our audiences. We welcome ideas and collaborations to co-create global brands for China, not just for our own networks but for third parties as well. With our wide global footprint and extensive platforms, we are proud to provide local content creators and filmmaking talent with the opportunity to showcase their work to the rest of the world. On the retail front, our Consumer Products division is focused on putting the full power of our ecosystem behind our most valuable IP, across a huge, global footprint that spans feature films, broadcast, cable, free-to-air partners, streaming and premium TV, experiences, and gaming. We have been focused on keeping our business ahead of the changes at retail and shifting consumer behavior, all while staying mindful of what’s happening in the world, and keeping ourselves relevant across every age, every aisle, everywhere. We continue to drive growth and deliver opportunities for all tiers including mass, ecommerce and new channels. Here in China the world’s number one preschool property PAW Patrol has been our major tour de force. We have stayed incredibly close to our fans and consumers through trend and insight analysis, and work hand-inhand with our best-in-class partners Master agent Guangzhou Art-land Holding Company Limited, Spin Master Ltd. and Medialink Animation International to deliver high quality innovative products. Apart from retail, we extend the brand through onground experiences in malls all over China as well as live shows in major Chinese cities. Meet-and-greets in partnership with major retailers like Toys”R”Us are key pulses that we include as part of our efforts to remain connected with our consumers while providing them with that additional touchpoint. This eagerness to connect with fans will see us expand our efforts exponentially in the coming years with more on-ground and ticketed events, guaranteed to bring that extra engagement. We continue to adjust, pivot and recalibrate for new norms in the wake of the pandemic, keeping in mind that it is our belief that we have the best IP to drive your business.


SpongeBob SquarePants is a multigenerational icon with a fan base that can’t get enough. Fueled by the franchise’s 20th Anniversary in 2019 and slate of new content, the SpongeBob business has more than doubled since 2018. To date, SpongeBob has over 700 partners worldwide with 500-plus distinct products in over 20 different categories. In China, SpongeBob continues to be one of our star properties. Just this year alone, we’ve launched new fashion and Softline collaborations with Eptison, HLA, Bananain, N-max, Spao, Chocoolate and Belle. Global fashion partnerships such as with Tommy Hilfiger saw them land here in China too. Two hugely successful toy

collectible launches with POP MART took place – The Monsters and the Space Molly campaign that caused such an amazing online frenzy among fans. But it’s not just buzz-worthy collabs – SpongeBob is soaking up cross-category wins with his multigenerational, dual-gender appeal. 2020 saw significant growth across multiple key categories including Food & Beverage and Home as well. We will build on the massive success of SpongeBob SquarePants by diving deeper into the larger universe where there are more stories to explore - ripe for consumer products. In 2022, our beloved SpongeBob SquarePants series continues with Season 13 alongside new premieres of our two spin-off series. First, we will open the cabin doors to Kamp Koral and take fans back to when SpongeBob and his friends first met at summer camp in Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years. Since its March debut, the series has risen to the top as one of Paramount+’s most popular original titles for kids. In the second spin-off, we’re painting the town pink in honor of Patrick Star. In The Patrick Star Show, fans get to meet the whole Star family. If you love Patrick, just wait until you meet Grand-Pat. This wealth of content presents new opportunities for both SpongeBob as well as Patrick! Our Creative teams have been busy creating tools to support development: from new series style guides to exploratory look books, trend capsules, and more, you’re sure to feel inspired to take a trip down to Bikini Bottom.


There’s no question that PAW Patrol, created by Spin Master Entertainment, is a preschool powerhouse franchise reaching all corners of the world – 170 territories to be exact! These highlyrecognized and beloved pups from Adventure Bay have become a rite of passage for preschoolers and we are continuing to deliver more of what kids love about PAW Patrol – right here in China. Last November, box office receipts for the Mighty Pups special episode movie took it to the #1 spot in the Kids Animation movie category for 2020! The theatrical release of PAW Patrol: The Movie is the biggest news this year. The combined marketing strength of Paramount, ViacomCBS and Spin Master took the franchise to new heights with top-tier retail promotional programs and A-level activations at both online and offline accounts across the world. Following the success of the movie, we’re laser-focused on maintaining momentum. With a steady pipeline of content, we’re set to continue fueling the business and remain one of the top preschool series, new themes super-serve our biggest fans. Content is the inspiration for the development of toys, anchored by Spin Master’s toy line. Consumer products and PAW Patrol continues to deliver. The property is a top performer across multiple CP categories including apparel and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG), which is a growing business year over year. In our last Double Eleven online promotion with Tmall in collaboration with KOLs, we saw sales of more than 1.5 million PAW Patrol cheesesticks in less than 5 minutes! It was no surprise then that our partner Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co., Ltd won the “Best Licensee in Asia Award 2020” in January this year as well as “Licensee of the Year - Food/ Beverage in China Licensing Awards 2021” in July 2021 for this product! Last June, when the pups appeared on CCTV’s digital Children’s Day celebration on Yang Shi Pin, they received an overwhelming reception from their fans in China! To further reach and deepen our engagement with kids, we are starting up PAW Patrol Live! tours as well as our everpopular mall events held in key cities across the country – these typically have monthly visits of more than 2 million visitors each time!


Garfield, the world’s most syndicated comic strip, is alive and well in China! Already charting 95% awareness and likeability in our most recent Brand and Fans Insight Studies and having enjoyed a strong footing here for many years, we have plans to fuel this multi-generational consumer products juggernaut even further. Our collaborations with partners like Fun and BABiBOO apparel stores place Garfield in as many as a thousand retail points across China. We had several successful

partnerships last year with fashion houses like Cabbeen, Gofu Jewellery and a fantasy interpretive toy collection by POP MART, which helped fuel the appetite for more consumer products in the market. For those who ‘hate Mondays’ like our lasagna-loving friend, there was a leisurely Garfield river cruise in Guangzhou to beat the proverbial Monday Blues, while a Miniso presence endeared His Feline-ness even more to the nation. Regular mall events further boosted Garfield’s profile in the world’s most populous country. In 2022, with Medialink, we are planning to eventize Garfield in key cities with a huge celebration to solidify his place in pop culture and drive further CP sales. With local fans loving Garfield because he is funny, lovable and a classic, we see a lot more room to grow (sideways?) for this already cool cat.


Star Trek is a worldwide phenomenon with a global fan base in over 188 countries and is considered to be one of the most iconic brands of all time. It is set in a utopian future where humanity has united and taken to the stars to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly going where no one has gone before. Star Trek is more than just a story; it embodies the dream of a future where optimism, equality, and heroism are the cornerstones and key values. It has become an inspiration and helped advanced science as we know it; it influenced the creation of modern day communication devices, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and many more. This year, Star Trek celebrates its 55th anniversary, a testament to its enduring appeal across generations and cultures. Even though Star Trek already has six classic series, three ongoing series, and 13 movies, there is no slowing down of creative output. With a growing fan base and new upcoming content, the resistance to consumer products is futile! Look out for new seasons and episodes for the three highly reviewed and muchloved ongoing series – Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Discovery, and Star Trek: Lower Decks – that continue to reach record-setting viewership on our various platforms. Many Star Trek collaboration projects in China have been a success. In 2019, the Star Trek: Discovery collaboration with VIVO saw the iQOO Smart Phone Gift Box flying off the shelves and selling out immediately after the first release. Its futuristic theme appeals especially to tech companies such as Alienware and sport companies like Hongxing Erke, which the property has engaged and collaborated with. The Star Trek Universe continues to expand in 2022 with Star Trek: Prodigy, the first entry into animated kids content. It tells the story of a group of lawless teens who discover a derelict Starfleet ship and use it to search for adventure, meaning and salvation. Prodigy is perfect for the whole family and for the next generation to enter the Star Trek Universe; it also will be the gateway to developing Star Trek consumer products just for kids.


Since 2005, the world of Avatar and its engaging characters has transported fans to a rich, immersive and diverse world. Avatar: The Last Airbender quickly made a name for itself with its compelling story of a young hero destined to become the Avatar, the only one who can master bending all four elements of air, water, earth and fire and thereby save the world. The sequel, called The Legend of Korra, continues the story into a modernized world featuring Avatar Korra, a seventeen-year-old girl and successor of Avatar Aang from The Last Airbender. Avatar: The Last Airbender emerged from its three seasons (61 episodes) as one of the most beloved animated properties in history. It won the

Peabody Award, a Primetime Emmy, Annie Awards and Genesis Awards. When in premiered in the US on Netflix last May 2020, it set a record for 61 consecutive days in the Top 10 and was named the #1 US Animated Kids Show for 2020 by NPD. In addition to the series’ success, the property also has been translated into a successful comic book and graphic novel series, which continue to roll out new original stories. Also currently on Netflix and ranked #8 US Animated Kids Show for 2020 by NPD, The Legend of Korra launched in April 2012 on Nickelodeon and ran for four seasons (52 episodes). Its first season premiered as basic cable’s #1 kids show and drew 3.8 million viewers per episode, the highest for an animated series that year. Created and executive produced by Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the series is translated in more than 25 languages. The property has translated successfully into an ongoing graphic novel series written by TV series cocreator DiMartino. The first graphic novel storyline, Legend of Korra: Turf Wars, has captured various Top 10 sales spots across children’s fiction, YA science fiction, and graphic novel categories since its debut in 2017. The Avatar franchise is beloved to this day. The Avatar online fan base has 6.5M+ global followers and is the 2nd most engaged Nickelodeon brand on social, just behind SpongeBob SquarePants. With these

encouraging numbers, the Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel was created in May last year; it has since garnered more than 325 million views and is becoming the fastest growing and most engaged channel in the Kids & Family portfolio. Testament to the fact that fans new and old continue to be drawn into the world of Avatar. Older viewers gravitate to the show’s serious themes of warfare and emotional relationships while younger ones enjoy the action and humor of the twelve-year-old hero. As nostalgia is invoked amongst older fans and a new generation is discovering this richly immersive world, we are developing a refreshed curation of creative and design assets to capture the dynamism, friendship and beauty of Avatar to help translate into consumer products. Targeting adults aged 18 upwards, fans in China can look forward to exciting merchandise from apparel and collectibles, to toys and games. A recent global deal with McFarlane Toys will see a new range of Avatar: The Last Airbender action figures released soon. This, along with many other products, is something Avatar fans will not need to wait a hundred years for!


Connecting with audiences through immersive real world experiences remain an integral part of ViacomCBS’s global business. Partnering with premier leisure developers across the world, our Location Based Entertainment (LBE) division develops highly engaging experiences focusing on iconic properties from our Paramount, Nickelodeon, MTV and CBS brands. From theme parks, entertainment centers, live shows, festivals, hotels, and resorts, ViacomCBS continues to create unique, on-ground entertainment for fans and guests of all ages. In December 2020, we opened the first Nickelodeon PLAYTIME family entertainment center in Asia, which has four themed zones featuring SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Dora the Explorer, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), as well as a Nickelodeon branded retail store and play café. The 1500-squaremeter indoor attraction is the anchor entertainment offering at OCT Happy Harbor, one of Shenzhen’s top leisure shopping destinations. Since its opening, Nickelodeon PLAYTIME constantly ranks in the top family entertainment centers in Shenzhen on Dianping, one of China’s biggest attraction review and ticketing platforms. Nickelodeon PLAYTIME connects families with their favorite characters in a whole new way, meeting the strong demand in China for interactive and cross-generational entertainment. In designing and curating the experiences at Nickelodeon PLAYTIME, we used market data to select IP franchises that are not only popular but also have strong local appeal and cultural relevance, to best cater to a Chinese audience. One of the signature attractions is a story-driven multimedia experience, where guests can go “jellyfishing” at Bikini Bottom with Patrick Star and SpongeBob SquarePants. Building on the success of the Nickelodeon Universe theme parks in the Mall of America and American Dream malls in the US, the first Nickelodeon Universe in Asia is in development at the Mall of China in Chongqing, scheduled to open in 2022. At 35,000 square meters, the project in Chongqing will be our largest indoor theme park with 29 themed attractions featuring 14 Nickelodeon properties that are much loved by Chinese families. The TMNT-themed coaster is expected to set four new world records for an indoor roller coaster ride: longest track, highest drop, most inversions, and fastest maximum speed. The park will also feature the first tilting drop tower attraction in Asia. Currently, Paramount Pictures is developing a theme park in Bali, that will soon give fans a chance to step into some of the iconic Hollywood studio’s classic films and blockbuster franchises such as Roman Holiday, The Godfather, Star Trek, Tomb Raider, and Mission Impossible. On the other side of the world, we are super excited that the brand-new Nickelodeon Hotels and Resorts Riviera Maya has opened in Mexico. The beachfront family resort features many firsts, including 280 oceanfront swim-up suites, a rooftop penthousestyle Pineapple Suite, the first-ever Turtle Lair Suite, and a one-of-a-kind Aqua Nick water park – in itself an incredibly fun destination with a lazy river, waterslides, a splash park, and an interactive water playground! As we expand our LBE business with new developments, we are actively pursuing opportunities for our brands as well as partnerships across multiple platforms. We will continue to fuel fandom, thrill audiences, and deliver unforgettable real world experiences to families everywhere.

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