Jaarverslag 2007 - Total Specific Solutions

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Total Specific Solutions B.V. Binnenweg 1a 1261 EK Blaricum The Netherlands T +31 (0)35 538 84 29 F +31 (0)35 538 43 98 www.totalspecificsolutions.com

Strategic alignment in ICT Annual Report 2007

Financial Highlights (All amounts in EUR 1,000 unless otherwise stated)


Selected Profit & Loss Data Net Sales




Result before Taxation


Result after Taxation


Selected Cash Flow Data Cash Flow from Operating Activities


Cash Flow from Investing Activities


Cash Flow from Financing Activities


Selected Balance Sheet Data Total Assets Group Equity Tangible Fixed Assets Intangible Fixed Assets

45,756 8,511 728 32,855

Various Number of employees (fte) ultimo


Notes * The ‘E’ in EBITDAE stands for “Exceptional”.These exceptional costs represent non-recurring expenses related to acquisitions or restructurings. Group companies may book such costs as exceptional only in the first year. After the first year no exceptional expenses are allowed and included.

As a group, you have a broader reach than an individual. Working together to set the right course. Setting and achieving goals. Offering solutions with added value. Formulating the right answers to specific questions and really delivering on the promises you make. Working together ‌ doing business together!

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Contents Total Specific Solutions Company Overview


Specific Solutions


Directors’ Report


Financial Statements Consolidation Policies


Consolidated Balance Sheet


Consolidated Profit and Loss Account


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement


Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet


Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account


Company Balance Sheet


Company Profit and Loss Account


Notes to the Company Balance Sheet


Notes to the Company Profit and Loss Account


Auditor’s Report


Other Information


Other Introduction to the Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts


Consolidated Balance Sheet – Calendar Year


Consolidated Profit and Loss Account – Calendar Year


Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts


Notes to the Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts


Group Companies

Total Specific Solutions

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Company Overview Total Specific Solutions is the ICT company focussing on the delivery of specific ICT solutions. The company operates in the areas of ICT consultancy, services and software, serving its international customer base from offices in the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania. Currently, Total Specific Solutions and its subsidiaries have more than 600 employees.

Client Focus Following the mechanisation of information in the 1960s and 1970s, the digitalisation of the 1980s and the breakthrough of the information society in the 1990s, the ICT market has changed from a sup­plydriven one to being demand driven. Companies can nowadays only benefit from ICT by investing in solutions which contribute directly to the achievement of their business objectives. These solutions need to be perfectly attuned to the company’s needs and to the continuously, ever faster-changing markets and -conditions. Companies look for those specific solutions and expertise which are best-inclass and which add value to their organisation.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Total Specific Solutions serves many of the well-known companies which have an impact on our daily lives.

Total Specific Solutions offers these solutions and the underlying expertise to large and medium


sized companies and to several government departments. Total Specific Solutions serves many of

The Rabobank Group is a full-range financial ser-

the well-known companies which have an impact

vices provider founded on cooperative principles.

on our daily lives.

Rabobank designed a new application for the fixation of signatures and proxies. Our quality assurance specialist KZA, was asked to work with future users and come up with recommendations to improve the functional use and user friendliness of the new application before it was

Our Top 10 customers are:

rolled out to these end users. By being the linking pin between the future users and software


designers within the framework of the Rabobank

Dutch Tax Authorities (“Belastingdienst�)

organisation, KZA assured not only a smooth im-

ING Group

plementation but also lower maintenance fees

NXP Semiconductors Group

on an ongoing basis.

Philips PON Rabobank Group Terberg Leasing Thomson Corporation UWV


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

The company achieved this position by focussing on its key competencies, its market position and the leveraging of its expertise.

The Right Solutions

Handshake Solutions

The Company’s success is based on its ability to deliver the right solutions and skills to its clients.

Handshake Solutions, a line of business within the

Total Specific Solutions understands what drives

Philips Technology Incubator, offers a rigorous

companies and how to support them in achieving

design methodology and associated toolset for

their goals. Its in-depth knowledge of specific

clockless, self-timed Integrated Circuits. This

markets and the related areas of expertise put the

technology enables ultra low-power and low

company ahead of the competition.

electromagnetic emission electronic applications, and has been used in more than 25 successful products, representing hundreds of millions of ICs. The TiDE toolset is an add-on to existing EDA flows and offers designers a smooth design-in Professionals to Staff ratio

Revenue by Solution 18 %

of asynchronous circuits. Handshake Solutions


has recently started a new product development trajectory and TASS Software Professionals deli-

46 %


vered two Software Architects to strengthen 88 % Staff their Research & Development team. TASS Soft-


ware Professionals has been selected because


36 %


of their unique combination of knowledge in the field of embedded software development and high quality software design, and the quality and flexibility of the TASS Account Team, in short: ‘high quality software services’.

Proven Total Specific Solutions is considered by clients and industry experts alike to be a leader in its speRevenue by Market 28 %


Industry Technology & Telecom Public


Male/Female FTE as at 31 December 2007


49 %

3% 16 %


83 %

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

GMT Software company GMT provides several software products for different industries. Currently one of its software products for the waste mana­ gement industry needs to be migrated to a 3-tier Service Oriented solution. Our software solutions provider Nethrom, is currently delivering the required solution and skills for this migration due to its lengthy experience with respect to migrations and their knowledge of Progress and .Net. cific market segments and areas of expertise. The company achieved this position by focussing on its key competencies, its market position and the leveraging of its expertise. By being a consistent trendsetter over a long period of time, Total Specific Solutions has continuously improved its products and services to be able to maintain its leading role. Several solutions have been a part of the company’s offerings for several decades. Total Specific Solutions is committed to deliver these valueadding solutions also into the coming decades. Total Specific Solutions is convinced that its client focus and its right and proven solutions are the ideal mix to meet its clients’ ICT needs.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Specific Solutions

Consulting Solutions Quality Assurance From a practical standpoint, one of the most important lessons to be learned from the past is that, although ICT can provide a business with essential competitive advantages, the risks this creates have

We are committed to deliver our in-depth knowledge and market expertise to our clients. Currently we offer a range of specific solutions.

also become more important than ever. Today, an ICT disruption can paralyse a company’s ability to manufacture its products, deliver its services and connect with its customers – not to mention tarnishing its reputation. Our Quality Assurance team optimises the effectiveness and efficiency of products, processes and organisations, so that cost levels are brought down, ICT implementation schedules are shortened and client expectations are met. Our ultimate goal is to fully align our clients’ ICT capabilities with the objectives and requirements of their businesses.

Service Solutions Testing Our company has a longstanding track record with respect to software and systems testing. This has helped us to refine our approach and to overcome the many pitfalls. Too often responsibilities


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consulting, Services, Software: Specific ICT Solutions.

are not clearly defined within the Test Value Chain and consequently too much testing is carried out,


leading to high costs, unnecessary delays and budget overruns. We prefer to test with a vision.

PON owns several companies within the auto-

We are able to assure the quality required in our

motive industry. Until recently, most of the

client’s ICT solutions, and we do this by clearly

PON group companies used various software

defining both the steps necessary within the Test

packages for their lease business. Co-maker,

Value Chain and the underlying responsibilities

our software supplier for leasing, finance and

and requirements, and by establishing the appro-

rental, is currently implementing its software

priate level of coordination between the supplier,

solution LeaseOffice at various PON subsidia-

ourselves and the ultimate client.

ries. LeaseOffice is the ERP solution for the fleetmanagement, automotive leasing, finance

Top Talent

and short term rental industry. The extensive

An increasingly tight labour market, due to demo-

implementation and migration process will be

graphic and skill trends, is causing severe difficul-

finalised during the first half of 2009. Eventually

ties to many companies. Where and how do you

the solution will be centrally hosted at PON’s

find the talent you need? In addition, we are all

main ICT location.

currently on the brink of a major change in the way the relationships between employer and employee are structured. Traditional arrangements will be turned on their heads. Employees are now looking for inspirational jobs, they want to be guided and coached on the job, and they want to increase their employability. Really talented people are harder to find than ever before and they are very demanding – but they still lack the capabilities and skills needed and therefore require training and coaching. Our Top Talent unit provides


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Our ultimate goal is to fully align our clients’ ICT capabilities with the objectives and requirements of their businesses.

the solutions required for clients facing these challenges, both for general business positions as well as for specific ICT assignments. Embedded Software Our Embedded Software unit has been a pioneer in the market for embedded software since the 1970s and has been involved in the fast and efficient development of innovative products ever since. Each day, newly developed and highly technological products are launched onto the market and their software is an important and growing component. Our skilled people have a deep understanding of embedded software and applicati-

flexible way and with a shorter time-to-market as

on software at varying levels. We have achieved

the conditions rapidly change. Many software

this technological edge due to our early involve-

applications are outdated and not up to standard.

ment in many breakthrough projects. We therefo-

The costs of the enhancements needed are high

re offer specialised services and solutions in tech-

and they are time-sensitive. Our nearshore faci-

nical and embedded software. This expertise is

lity in Eastern Europe has the competencies re-

available for our customers as a total solutions

quired to be able to carry out the necessary soft-

package, on a project or consultancy basis.

ware upgrades, renovations and/or migrations at attractive prices and within the required timeli-

Software Development

nes. We have been providing solutions with res-

In many industries companies are being forced

pect to software analysis, design, development,

to adapt and modify their ICT systems and rela-

engineering, testing and maintenance since the

ted software. They are being required to connect

early 1990s.

with their customers, their suppliers and their own human resources in a much better and more


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Software Solutions

Friesland Bank

Procurement Our procurement unit is the leading provider of in-

This Dutch Bank was looking for a procurement

tegrated solutions for spend management. We pro­

system which could provide its entire organisa-

vide a software solution covering all of our clients’

tion with access to purchase contracts and

requirements for procurement processes: from

which could deliver supporting tools to monitor

sourcing the product to getting it paid for. The solu-

its contractual obligations and notice periods.

tion makes all the processes transparent, gives full

Friesland Bank also wanted to set up a bank-

insight into cost categories and provides our clients

wide vendor management system for Internal

with the execution tools they need. The soft­ware is

Audit and Governance purposes as well. ESIZE,

delivered by means of a SaaS (Software as a Service)

our procurement software solution provider, has

which enables customers to minimise investments

successfully implemented its procurement sys-

in software and hardware and to reduce maintenan-

tems to fulfil these requirements. By connecting

ce and management costs, while still having full ac-

the order-to-pay cycle in an enhanced manner in

cess at all times to the latest version of the solution.

the second phase of the project, Friesland Bank has been guaranteed maximum results in both


direct and indirect cost savings.

We are the leading provider of package software solutions for organisations operating in the areas of fleet management, automotive leasing, finance and short term rental. Our ERP product Lease­ Office is considered to be leading and is a modern and proven solution for national and international businesses operating in a competitive market. It supports the entire lifecycle of a contract, from initiating a contact with a prospect to the settlement of a contract.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Revenue by Solution 18 %

Directors’ Report

Markets & Clients Software

46 % 36 %

Our Consulting markets developed relatively favourably during 2007. According to the survey “ICT MarktServices

It is with pride that we present this report to the shareholders and other stakeholders for the first time in this current form. In 2006

monitor 2007”(1), the Dutch IT sector as a whole grew by 7.6% in 2007, more than double the growth of the Dutch economy. The software segment has shown an even more robust growth, recording an increase of 9.5%. Demand was also strong in our international markets.

Total Specific Solutions laid the foundations for its current business model and this is already

Revenue by Market 28 %

proving to be beneficial to our clients, employees, Industry

shareholders and other stakeholders.

Technology & Telecom


49 %

3% 16 %

Public Consumer Finance

Our clients are nearly all Top 200 companies. Our Top 10 clients are all leading brands in their mar(1)


The ICT Marktmonitor 2007 survey is created and published by ICT-Office.

kets and they generate 56% of our revenue.

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Our clients are nearly all Top 200


Professionals to Staff ratio

companies and our Top 10 clients

18 %

12 %

46 %

are all leading brands in their markets.

36 %


88 %



49% of our revenue is earned in the Technology & 4 % We serve large, well established Telecom market.

28 %

Male/Female FTE as at 31 December 2007

17 %

companies in this sector. The sectors Finance and


Public together represent another 44% of revenue. 49 % 3%

All16these sectors are information intensive indus%

tries and provide excellent opportunities for our services and products. The remaining 7% of


83 %


turnover is generated in the industry and in the consumer goods markets.

Human Resources Our well trained and skilled workforce is highly Close to 600 people were employed by Total Spe-

committed to its professional approach to the

cific Solutions in the year 2007, with just under

challenging developments in the markets we

20% being female – a percentage we hope to in-

serve and is proud of the expertise we deliver.

crease further in the coming years.

Our commitment to offering best-in-class solutions generates high levels of motivation (reflected in an exceptionally low sickness rate of only 2.6%) and it provides a solid base for funding new re-

Professionals to Staff ratio

cruits. 12 %

During 2007 several salary and benefit components have been restructured and harmonised inStaff Professionals

88 %

ternally to bring them into line with current labour market conditions. We intend to continue to grow our labour force


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

and have therefore significantly strengthened our corporate recruitment activities during the year.


We expect to reap further benefits from this in 2008 and beyond.

Schuitema, the company behind the C-1000 retail shopping chain, has developed tailor made

Internal Controls & Risk Management

billing systems which are being used by their franchise companies. It is of great importance to Schuitema to guarantee a constant high quality

We define the risk profile of our company in terms

of these systems. Schuitema has therefore de-

of market, financial and operational risks.

veloped a testing centre where new hard- and software is intensively tested before used in

Our strategy aligns the long experience we have

operations. Test Value, our testing solutions pro-

in the ICT industry and our solid track record with

vider, has started in 2007 with support in this

current market conditions. The development of

test centre at Schuitema.

the strategy is an ongoing process which critically assesses our opportunities and threats within the context of our strengths and weaknesses. Our strategic goals are translated into a system of long-term business planning, detailed monthly reporting and quarterly reviews. Our administrative organisation and internal control have been further upgraded and new accounting and reporting rules have been implemented within the company. This process will be fully completed in the coming few months. Recently acquired companies will make the changes necessary to comply with our strict policies.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Our strategy aligns the long experience we have in the ICT industry and our solid track record with current market conditions.

Our operational risks are addressed by means of

locate budget to such projects on the premise

strong project management and detailed repor-

that value prevails over price. This is reflected

ting systems. Risks are identified and assessed

in our EBITAE margin of 17.3% on an annua-

clearly and transparently at an early stage in the

lised basis.

work evaluation process, then monitored and managed by means of a comprehensive system of

Our capital ratio (at nearly 20%), our net debt to


EBITDAE ratio (at only 2.1), our excellent financial arrangements with banks and the support of

Financial Results

our strong equity partners all provide us with the sustainability we need and allow ample opportunity for future growth. Our business model has

Due to our strong customer focus, operational

been sufficiently tested in the past and our stra-

efficiencies and rigorous cost management, we

tegy is well accepted by our markets. We are

have been able to generate a strong EBITAE of

therefore convinced of our way forward.

€9.4m on a annualised basis for 2007 (we refer to the Reconciliated Profit and Loss Account). Likewise, our operating cash flow was strong. Our


Net Profit was impacted by acquisition-related costs such as non-recurring transaction costs (le-

We acquired a number of solution providers in

gal, due diligence, advisory etc.) and amortisati-

2007. These companies are ready for a more out-

on of Goodwill. All the companies we have ac-

ward focus, and this should accelerate growth in

quired fit well into our strategy, are market lea-

2008. We therefore expect that, with current full

ders in their areas of expertise, and demonstrate

year revenues in excess of €54 million, the orga-

strong and sustainable EBITA performance.

nisation will grow organically and revenue will exceed €60 million in 2008. In addition, we ex-

We focus on delivering added value for our

pect to acquire more solution providers in 2008,

customers by offering best-in-class solutions.

as a result of which overall full year revenue is

We believe that customers are prepared to al-

likely to exceed €80 million.


Financial Statements

Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consolidation Policies

Accounting Policies – general General The general policy for the valuation of assets and liabilities and the determination of results, is the historical purchase price or manufacturing cost. Unless otherwise stated, assets and liabilities are stated at the values at which they were acquired or incurred. Company activities The Company can be classified as an ICT company. Its subsidiaries advise on information systems and supply management advice and training in this field. Policies of consolidation The consolidated accounts include the assets, liabilities and results of Total Specific Solutions B.V. and its group companies in which it holds majority interest. The financial statements of the parent and its subsidiaries are combined on a line by line basis by adding together like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. The minority interest in the consolidated equity has been shown separately. Unrealised inter-company results included in inventories at balance sheet date, resulting from inter-company transactions and


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

inter-company balances, have been eliminated. Retained profits of group companies which can-

Accounting Policies – assets and liabilities

not be distributed without restriction, have been added to the legal reserve.

Intangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets are stated at purchase price

The consolidated accounts include the financial

or manufacturing costs. Depreciation is calculated

statements of:

on a straight-line basis over the estimated payback period. Purchased goodwill, on acquisition

· Total Specific Solutions B.V.;

stated at net-equity value, is included in the

· Information Value Group B.V. (78.05%);

balance sheet and amortised over a maximum pe-

· Kwaliteitszorg in de Automatisering

riod of five years.

(KZA) B.V. (78.05%); · Test Value B.V. (78.05%);

Tangible fixed assets

· TopTalentConsultancy B.V. (95.01%);

Tangible fixed assets are stated at acquisition cost

· TSS TH Forward B.V. (70%);

less depreciation calculated on a straight-line

· Rorema Beheer B.V. (70%);

basis over the estimated useful life. Acquisitions

· Co-maker B.V. (70%);

during the year are depreciated from the date of

· TASS Holding B.V. (88.67%);


· TASS B.V. (88.67%); · TASS Belgium N.V. (88.67%);

Financial fixed assets

· TSS TH Nearshore (70%);

Subsidiaries and other participating interests

· Comprove B.V. (70%);

in which significant influence may be exerted

· Nethrom Prodimpex SRL (70%).

are stated at net asset value, using the equity method. The net asset value is calculated on the basis of the accounting policies included in these financial statements. If the net asset value is negative, a provision is formed. Retained profits of group companies which cannot be


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

distributed without restriction, have been added

Long-term liabilities

to the legal reserve. The other financial fixed as-

Long-term liabilities represent liabilities payable af-

sets are stated at face value after deduction of a

ter one year. The short-term portion (due within one

provision for bad and doubtful debts where ap-

year) has been included in short-term liabilities.

propriate. Current liabilities Receivables

Current liabilities are stated at the values at which

Accounts receivable are shown after deduction of

they incurred and are payable within one year.

a provision for bad and doubtful debts where appropriate. The accounts receivable are due within


one year.

The Company operates a pension plan for its staff that qualifies as a defined contribution plan. The

Cash and banks

Company’s sole obligation is payment of an an-

Cash and bank balances are freely disposable, un-

nual contribution to the insurance company. The

less stated otherwise.

Company does not form a provision for any future increases in the contributions.

Minority interest The minority interest in the consolidated equity is equity of the companies concerned.

Accounting Policies – profit and loss account


General result

Provisions included under this heading are for lia-

Profit is determined as the difference between net

bilities and risks arising in the ordinary course of

sales and all expenses relating to the reporting

business. They are accounted for at estimated

period. Costs are determined in accordance with

amounts due, except for the provision for jubilee

the accounting policies applied to the balance

which is stated at present discounted value of fu-

sheet items. Profit is realised in the year in which

ture liabilities.

the sales are recognized. Losses are taken upon

stated at the third parties’ share in the underlying


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

recognition. Other income and expenses are allo-

Income from participations in group and associa-

cated to the periods to which they relate.

ted companies The income form participations in group and as-

Net sales

sociated companies concern the interest of the

Net sales constitute the proceeds of sales of servi-

company in the result of participations, stated at

ces to third parties less discounts.

net asset value.

Depreciation and amortisation

Minority interests

Depreciation on fixed assets is calculated at fixed

Minority interests in results represents the pro

percentages of cost, based on the estimated use-

rata share of outside shareholders in the results

ful life of the assets. The percentages are:

of group companies.

Goodwill Intellectual property rights

20% 20%



Automation equipment


Accounting Policies – cash flow statement The cash flow statement has been prepared using

Financial income and expenses

the indirect method. The funds in the cash flow con-

Financial income and expenses relate to interest

sists of, cash at bank and in hand current account

received or due from and paid or due to third par-

debt at the bank. Cash flows denominated in foreign

ties and group companies.

currencies have been translated at an estimated average rate. Exchange differences income and ex-


penditure owing to interest and tax on profits have

Taxation on profits is calculated on the reported

been included under the cash flow from operating

pre-tax profit or loss, taking into account any los-


ses carried forward from previous financial years, tax-exempt items and non-deductible expenses applying current tax rates.


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007 (after appropriation of result)

31 December 2007 (x EUR 1,000)


Development expenses

Intellectual property rights


469 2,900 29,486

Total Intangible Fixed Assets

Other fixed assets


Prepayments tangible fixed assets


Total Tangible Fixed Assets


Receivable from associated companies



96 146

Total Financial Fixed Assets


Trade debtors

Receivables from group companies

9,296 163

Tax and social security contributions


Other current assets

Cash at bank and in hand

1,755 23


Total Current Assets


Total Assets


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

31 December 2007 (x EUR 1,000)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders’ equity


Minority interests


Total Group Equity Other provisions


Provisions Amounts due to credit institutions




Total Long-term Liabilities

Amounts due to credit institutions


Trade creditors


Amounts due to associated companies

Tax and social security contributions

Other liabilities and accrued expenses


406 2,543 10,865

Total Current Liabilities


Total Equity and Liabilities



Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2007

2007 (x EUR 1,000)

Net Sales

Cost of sales

Movements in stock and work in progress


3,091 (43 ) 3,048

Gross Margin


Wages and salaries

Social security contributions


Pension contributions




Other operating expenses


11,003 47,806

Operating Result

Interest income

Interest expenses

(5,145 )

48 (1,731 ) (1,683 )

Result before Taxation

Taxes on income

Result after Taxation

(6,828 )

543 (6,285 )


Income from participations in group and associated companies

(138 )

Result from Ordinary Activities after Taxation

(6,423 )

Minority interests


Net Result

(5,275 )

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 December 2007

2007 (x EUR 1,000)

Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Operating result

(5,145 )

Adjustments for:

Depreciation and amortisation

Movements in provisions

Movements in minority interest

9,660 103 1,461


(11,908 )

Current liabilities (banks excluded)


Financial income and expenses


Participations in group and associated companies

Minority interests


(1,683 ) 543 (138 ) 1,147


Movement in working capital:

Total Cash Flow from Operating Activities

(131 ) 14,395

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Investments in intangible fixed assets

Investments property, plant and equipment

Increase financial fixed assets

Disposals of intangible fixed assets

Disposals of tangible fixed assets

(42,101 ) (1,163 ) (242 ) (63 ) 83

Total Cash Flow from Investing Activities

(43,486 )

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Movements in shareholders’ equity

Movements in share premium

5,000 7,325

Increase in long-term liabilities


Total Cash Flow from Financing Activities


Movements in Cash

(2,497 )

The movements of funds is as follows:

Balance as at 1 January

Movement for the year

(2,497 )


Balance as at 31 December

(2,497 )


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007 (All amounts in EUR 1,000 unless otherwise stated)



1. Financial Fixed Assets Subsidiary ESIZE Holding B.V.


2. Current Assets Tax and social security contributions This represents a deferred corporation tax asset and has been calculated at the rate of 15%.

Equity and Liabilities 3. Group Equity Shareholders’ equity is further detailed in the notes to the company balance sheet. 4. Provisions Other provisions Other provisions


Concerns a provision for jubilee. This provision can be classified as long-term. 5. Long-term Liabilities Amounts due to credit institutions Loans contracted


The Company’s subsidiaries have been granted rollover loan facilities at the ABN AMRO Bank N.V. amounting to €26,288,000 on which quarterly payments of €1,386,250 are made. In addition to the rollover loan facilities, the Company’s subsidiaries have been granted overdraft facilities by ABN AMRO Bank N.V. amounting to €4,537,500.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Pledges have been supplied on the following assets as security: · shares in the capital of the companies; · rights under the Sale and Purchase Agreements; · stocks; · trade receivables; · inventories. Finally, one of the Company’s subsidiaries has a rollover loan facility in the amount of €2,000,000 which is subordinated to the loan from ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 6. Contingent Liabilities Rental- and lease commitments The company has rental and lease commitments totalling approximately €4,800,000. Tax group TSS TH Forward B.V. and its subsidiaries Rorema Beheer B.V. and Co-maker B.V. form a tax group for corporation tax and value added tax purposes, under which TSS TH Forward B.V. and its subsidiaries are jointly and severally liable for the corporation tax and value added tax liabilities of the tax group. Information Value Group B.V. and its subsidiaries Kwaliteitszorg in de Automatisering (KZA) B.V. and Test Value B.V. form a tax group for corporate income tax and value added tax purposes, under which Information Value Group B.V. and its subsidiaries are jointly and severally liable for the corporate income tax and value added tax liabilities of the fiscal unity. TASS Holding B.V. and its subsidiary TASS B.V. form a tax group for corporation tax purposes, under which TASS Holding B.V. and its subsidiary are jointly and severally liable for the corporation tax liabilities of the fiscal unity. TSS TH Nearshore B.V. and its subsidiary Comprove B.V. form a tax group for corporation tax purposes, under which TSS TH Nearshore B.V. and its subsidiary are jointly and severally liable for the corporation tax liabilities of the fiscal unity. Bank guarantees The Company’s bank has granted bank guarantees totalling €251,600. Capital commitments The capital commitments amount to €231,000.


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2007 (All amounts in Eur 1,000 unless otherwise stated)


1. Revenues and Gross Margin Net sales


Cost of sales

(3,091 )

Movements in stock and work in progress

43 42,661

2. Financial Income and Expenses Interest income Interest on loans receivable





Interest expenses Interest on loans payable Miscellaneous

1,313 418 1,731

3. Taxes on Income Corporation tax charge


Deferred tax benefit

(694 )

(543 )

4. Income from Participations in Group and associated companies ESIZE Holding B.V.

5. Other information Number of employees On 31 December 2007, 535 staff were employed on a full-time basis.


(138 )

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Company Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007

31 December 2007 (x EUR 1,000)


Intangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets

1,385 4

Financial fixed assets


Total Fixed Assets



Receivables from group companies


Other current assets


Cash at bank and in hand

Total Current Assets


Total Assets




Equity and Liabilities

Share capital

Share premium

5.000 7,325

Other reserves

(5,275 )

Total Equity

Trade creditors

Amounts due to group companies and

jointly and severally related parties

Tax and social security contributions

Other liabilities and accrued expenses

Total Current Liabilities


Total Equity and Liabilities



88 592 31 892


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Company Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2007

2007 (x EUR 1,000)


Income from participations in group and associated companies

(4,694 )

Result from Ordinary Activities after Taxation


Net Result

(5,275 )

Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Notes to the Company Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007 (All amounts in Eur 1,000 unless otherwise stated)

Equity and Liabilities 1. Shareholders’ equity




share capital




Appropriated profit this financial year Result for the year Issue of common shares Other movements Balance as at 31 December 2007



(5,275 )

(5,275 )











(5,275 )


Share capital The authorised share capital of Total Specific Solutions B.V. amounts to €20,000,000, comprising 15,000,000 A shares and 5,000,000 B shares, with a nominal value of €1 each. Issued are 4,333,000 A shares and 667,000 B shares. 2. Contingent liabilities Liabilities according to Art. 403 BW2 Total Specific Solutions B.V. is liable for its subsidiaries, except for ESIZE Holding B.V. and ESIZE Netherlands B.V. 3. List of interests held · TopTalentConsultancy B.V., Blaricum, 95.01%;

· Rorema Beheer B.V., The Hague, 70% (indirect);

· TASS Holding B.V., Blaricum, 88.67%;

· Co-maker B.V., The Hague, 70% (indirect);

· TASS B.V., Blaricum, 88.67% (indirect);

· TSS TH Nearshore B.V., Blaricum, 70%;

· TASS Belgium N.V., Leuven Belgium,

· Comprove B.V., Wijk bij Duurstede, 70%

88.67% (indirect); · Information Value Group B.V., Blaricum, 78.05%; · Kwaliteitszorg in de Automatisering (KZA) B.V., Baarn, 78.05% (indirect); · Test Value B.V., Baarn, 78.05% (indirect); · TSS TH Forward B.V., Blaricum, 70%;

(indirect); · Nethrom Prodimpex SRL, Cluj Napoca Romania, 70% (indirect); · ESIZE Holding B.V., Weesp, 50.03%; · ESIZE Netherlands B.V., Weesp, 50.03% (indirect).


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Notes to the Company Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2007

1. Art. 402 BW 2 The consolidated financial statements include the financials of Total Specific Solutions B.V. Therefore, in accordance with section 402 of Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code, the company profit and loss account of Total Specific Solutions B.V. comprises the items shared in the profit/loss of participating interests after taxation and other profit/loss after taxation. 2. Other Information Average number of employees During 2007 one employee was employed on the basis of a full time contract of services.

Blaricum, 13 February 2008 Total Specific Solutions B.V.

The Board of Directors, Tjitske Beheer B.V.

Tjitske Strikwerda


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Auditor’s Report Report on the financial statements

reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall

We have audited the accompanying financial

presentation of the financial statements.

statements 2007 of Total Specific Solutions, Blaricum, on the pages 16 to 30, which comprise the

We believe that the audit evidence we have ob-

balance sheet as at 31 December 2007, the profit

tained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a

and loss account for the year then ended and the

basis for our audit opinion.

notes. Opinion Management’s responsibility

In our opinion, the financial statements give a true

Management is responsible for the preparation

and fair view of the financial position of Total

and fair presentation of the financial statements

Specific Solutions as at 31 December 2007, and of

and for the preparation of the management board

its result for the year ended 31 December 2007 in

report, both in accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of

accordance with Part 9 of Book 2 of the Nether-

the Netherlands Civil Code. This responsibility in-

lands Civil Code.

cludes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to

Report on other legal and regulatory requirements

fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting esti-

Pursuant to the legal requirement under 2:393 sub

mates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

5 part e of the Netherlands Civil Code, we report, to the extent of our competence, that the manage-

Auditor’s responsibility

ment board report is consistent with the financial

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the

statements as required by 2:391 sub 4 of the Ne-

financial statements based on our audit. We con-

therlands Civil Code.

ducted our audit in accordance with Dutch law. This law requires that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain

Dordrecht, 13 February 2008

reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. BDO CampsObers Audit & Assurance B.V. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain

On behalf of,

audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstate-

A.D. den Braber RA

ment of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circum­ stances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the


Annual Raport 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Other Information Provisions in the Articles of Association governing the appropriation of profits In accordance with Article 16 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the result for the year is at the free disposition of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Profits may only be distributed to the extent that they are not restricted by legal reserves and accumulated losses.

Appropriation of result Management proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that the result for the year be charged to the Other Reserves. The financial statements have been prepared on the assumption that this result appropriation will be adopted by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Introduction to the Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts General Pursuant to Part 9 of Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code the results of the companies acquired during 2007 have been included in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account on page 22, as from the month in which actual control was obtained. Nevertheless, the results of those companies accrue to Total Specific Solutions B.V. for the entire period from 1 January to 31 December 2007. A company which was i.e. acquired in November of 2007 will only report November and December 2007 revenues in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account on page 22. The results for the period January – October 2007 are reported in the Other Reserves of the afore-mentioned company. One company, which was more than 50% owned during 2005 and 2006, has not been consolidated due to specific agreements with local management. As the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account included in this report therefore does not include the full year separately for information purposes. This Consolidated Profit and Loss Account – Calendar Year, presented on page 36, includes the revenues for the period of January – December 2007 for all companies. To present a complete overview, the Consolidated Balance Sheet – Calendar Year has been added.


results for all companies, a Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the calendar year has been included


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consolidated Balance Sheet Calendar Year (after appropriation of result)

as at 31 December 2007 (x EUR 1,000)


Development expenses

Intellectual property rights


Total Intangible Fixed Assets

Other fixed assets


Prepayments tangible fixed assets



Total Tangible Fixed Assets


Receivable from associated companies

469 2,900



96 146

Total Financial Fixed Assets


Trade debtors

Receivables from group companies

9,296 163

Tax and social security contributions


Other current assets

Cash at bank and in hand

1,755 23


Total Current Assets


Total Assets


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

31 December 2007 (x EUR 1,000)

Equity and Liabilities

Shareholders’ equity


Minority interests


Total Group Equity Other provisions


Provisions Amounts due to credit institutions




Total Long-term Liabilities

Amounts due to credit institutions


Trade creditors


Amounts due to associated companies

Tax and social security contributions

Other liabilities and accrued expenses


406 2,543 10,865

Total Current Liabilities


Total Equity and Liabilities



Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Calendar Year 2007 (x EUR 1,000)

Net Sales

Cost of sales

Gross Margin


Wages and salaries

Social security contributions


Pension contributions


Other operating expenses




9,656 40,075












Exceptional items


Interest income & expense

Result before Taxation

Taxes on income

Result after Taxation


2,024 2,271

(982 ) 1,289

(544 ) 745

Notes * The ‘E’ in EBITDAE, EBITAE and EBITE stands for “Exceptional”. These exceptional costs represent non-recurring expenses related to acquisitions or restructurings. Group companies may book such costs as exceptional only in the first year. After the first year no exceptional expenses are allowed and included.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts 2007 (x EUR 1,000)




Profit and Loss

Profit and


Not Consolidated






Net Sales Cost of sales

45,709 (8,076 ) 16,932 54,565


(243 )



Gross Margin


(7,833 ) 15,029 49,857

Wages and salaries Social security contributions Pension contributions Other operating expenses

22,852 (4,005 )

6,765 25,612


(296 )





(69 )


11,003 (1,672 )



38,146 (5,872 )

7,801 40,075


4,515 (1,961 )

7,228 9,782

Amortisation** Depreciation** Exceptional items

9,249 (3,695 )

(410 )



(93 )







9,660 (3,788 )



EBIT/Operating Result

(5,145 )


5,589 2,271

Interest income & expenses

(1,683 )



(982 )

Result before Taxation

(6,828 )


5,933 1,289

Taxes on income


(324 )

(763 )

(544 )

Result after Taxation

(6,285 )




Notes * The ‘E’ in EBITDAE stands for “Exceptional”. These exceptional costs represent non-recurring expenses related to acquisitions or restructurings. Group companies may book such costs as exceptional only in the first year. After the first year no exceptional expenses are allowed and included. ** For comparison reasons, the amount of Depreciation in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, being EUR 9,660, has been presented split out to Amortisation and Depreciation.


Annual Report 2007 Total Specific Solutions

Notes to the Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts 1. Deduct – Extended Period Various companies applied for an extended accounting period in 2006. As a result, additional Revenues and Expenses have been included in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account on page 22. The amount which apply to the calendar year 2006 have been deducted in the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the Calendar Year on page 36. 2. Add Full year results for the companies which are not fully consolidated, as explained in the Introduction to the Reconciliated Profit and Loss Accounts, are added to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account.


Group Companies Co-maker B.V. PO Box 24006, 2490 AA The Hague The Netherlands Tel. +31 70 317 80 40 www.co-maker.nl

ESIZE Netherlands B.V. Leeuwenveldseweg 16A, 1382 LX Weesp The Netherlands Tel. +31 294 752 700 www.esize.nl

KZA B.V. PO Box 249, 3740 AE Baarn The Netherlands Tel. +31 35 543 10 00 www.kza.nl

Nethrom Prodimpex SRL Calea Turzii 36, 400193 Cluj Napoca Romania Tel. +40 264 599 351 www.nethrom.com


TASS Belgium N.V.

PO Box 80060, 5600 KA Eindhoven

Gaston Geenslaan 9, B-3001 Leuven

The Netherlands


Tel. +31 40 250 32 00

Tel. +32 16 24 16 80



Test Value B.V. PO Box 380, 3740 AJ Baarn The Netherlands Tel. +31 35 685 96 11 www.testvalue.nl

TopTalentConsultancy B.V. PO Box 420, 3740 AK Baarn The Netherlands Tel. +31 35 685 44 38 www.toptalentconsultancy.nl

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