emese tóthová selected
works 2022 commissioned works
UFA Magyarország kft., Hrenko kft., Jobgroup, Theatre Thália Kosice, The Budapest Operetta & Musical Theatre, 4Bro, NormaGrand

Emese Tóthová


#portaitssongwriter_2022musician,Salgó_painter,Viktoria #mood

#portaits #mood

Anett Dobra_stylist, art director, fashion designer_2019

Zsófia + Gábor 2020 #weddings

Gabriella + Peter 2022 #weddings

#behindthescene #werk

2020Red_Track#2,Hope Molnár,Csabadirector: AngyalGáborDOP:

The Foam of Songs, 2020 director: Csaba Kiss
#behindthescene #theatre

The Budapest Operetta & Musical Theatre

#behindthescene #werk

#event #exhibitions
LIGHTHOUSE: ON art exhibition

Csokonai Theatre - Debrecen [2020, Debrecen, HU]

#event #parties

Gombaszögi Nyári Tábor 2014-2019 #event #festivals



stylist_Anett Dobra/designer_Vanda Kaviczki/model_Kincső Rozsnyai

#enterior #mood

designer_Vanda Kaviczki
