4 minute read
The Winter Warm Up
The Winter Warm Up Now is the Perfect Time to Get Ready for Spring
By Audrey Zona
There’s a reason animals hibernate in the winter. It’s dark, it’s cold and they’re probably also very tired after all the holiday festivities. Okay, maybe not that last part, but you know all you want to do right now is find your fuzziest slippers and your cuddliest sweater and snuggle down by the fire with, what else? Comfort food!
But spring break and summer trips are right around the corner so it’s important not to let the chill in the air (or the early sunset) slow down our wellness journey progress. Believe it or not, now is a great time to initiate, reset and reinforce healthy habits around eating and exercise. Those winter blahs won’t last forever! The days are getting longer and, eventually, warmer. So, remember that often, eating is emotional and is connected directly to our feelings and thoughts; it’s called comfort food for a reason. Take a beat before you decide what you’re going to put in your mouth. Ask yourself if you’re hungry or if there’s something else you’re trying to solve with the treat you’re about to consume. Knowing your why is the first step in changing your relationship with food for good.
Pro Tip: Drink a glass of water before you decide on your snack. It might turn out that you weren’t hungry at all, just dehydrated. Don’t love water? Or 42
don’t love cold water when it’s cold outside? Squeeze some citrus into your water. Then drink it at room temperature or warm it up into a cozy tea.
Now you know why you want that cookie, cocktail or bowl of mac and cheese, and you also know you’re going to eat it anyway. I say, go right ahead! If that’s what you want, there’s nothing else that will taste as good or fill that need. But then it’s important to plan the rest of your day. Decide you’re going to eat a salad for dinner. Or, if salads don’t appeal during these frigid winter months, treat yourself to a plate of well-seasoned roasted veggies or a delicious pureed vegetable soup.
Planning your indulgences and then maintaining a healthy food balance will make it easy for you to give yourself permission to indulge. Oh, one other thing, if you do need that cookie, try my recipe. It has all the flavor and decadence with just a little extra nutrition thrown in for good measure.
Pro Tip: Just before you turn in for the night, mix yourself a “cocktail” made up of warm water, apple cider vinegar, lemon and cinnamon. The ingredients in this drink will mitigate your blood sugar response. If you’ve had a few too many carbs, drink this to reset your body for the next day. But then, do commit to eating those veggies for the rest of the week. Taking the long view will keep you on track.
Speaking of planning, the more of it you do, the better off you will be. Map out your meals and workouts for the day, the week or the month, whichever feels most manageable for you. Write it all in your calendar with alerts. Plans, written out where you can see them, help you stay balanced and keep you honest. Remind yourself that alcoholic beverages add up so if you’re going to indulge, treat booze as your dessert, not as part of your meal.
Food isn’t the only thing you should plan; workouts and sleep are just as important. If you have to, make a bedtime date with yourself each night. Sleep is the number one way you can help your body by cutting down on inflammation, increasing energy and, importantly, curbing sugar cravings. You’re much more likely to make good eating choices after a solid night

of sleep because the comfort is in the sleep, not in the food.
Pro Tip: Move your body every day. Bundle up and go for a 20-minute walk. The fresh air will be a reset for your body and mind. If you have a treadmill or a bike in your house, treat yourself to an episode of your favorite show or podcast or read a book while you walk or bike. Give yourself permission to do what it takes to make your workouts work for you.
What better time than winter to restart the good habits you’ve already developed, then build some new ones. No one deserves it more than you. Here’s to your health!
Audrey’s Favorite (Healthy) Chocolate Chip Cookies
Ingredients: - 2 cups of almond flour - ¼ cup coconut oil, melted - 3 Tbsp maple syrup - ¼ tsp sea salt - ½ tsp baking soda - 2 tsp vanilla extract - ½ cup dark chocolate chips (70% cacao or darker)
Directions: -Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

-In a medium bowl, whisk together almond meal, salt, baking soda, then add coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla and mix well.
-Fold in the chocolate chips and drop batter by rounded tablespoons onto a lined baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until browned. Let cool and enjoy!
Audrey Zona is an Integrative Health & Wellness Coach and the founder of Zo Healthy. She is a mother, wife and personal coach who loves seeing her clients break old diet patterns and enjoy more satisfying, healthier lives. Follow Audrey on Instagram @zo_healthy for recipes, tips and tricks for leading a healthy lifestyle.