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STYLE BY SONECA Your Style Is Your Brand
Your Style is Your Brand
By Soneca Guadara
Many people correlate “dressing for success” as being about formal attire, such as business suits; however, it also relates to your personal leisure attire. What you wear says as much about who you are as it does about promoting and instilling a healthy self-esteem and sense of confidence.
I’m a believer that your presence, reputation and vibe show up long before you do. People are attracted to people and resonate with you when they can see you for who you truly are. Your clothes are an easy reflection for people to generate an impression of you. Sure, that has a tone to it that is dismissive of our beauty inside, but we can’t ignore that most people are Google, Instagram and LinkedIn stalking you before reaching out. Who you are out there in the world and how that visually shows up is an important part of your brand experience.
Branding is “the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
Creating your brand should take a holistic approach blending your personal essence, social media and style. I believe that your personal style plays right into your confidence and how you show up in a room. HOW DOES A WOMAN’S OUTFIT PLAY INTO HER CONFIDENCE OR LACK OF?
A woman’s shoulders are more open when they are dressed in an outfit that is truly them. Creativity shines through a wardrobe – it’s yours and you own that. I think when you are dressed in a fashion that represents you, your confidence exudes, and people feel that energy. Even if you don’t leave the house, dress for you. It can change your mood with little effort to do so. Make it a goal to wear “your style” of clothing at least 4 days a week and feel your confidence soar.
You don’t have to be the trendiest on the block but sticking true to your style makes it quite easy to get dressed. If you see a style icon – perhaps a celebrity or even your neighbor – that has a cool look on, try
Loccke’s unique approach to helpit out. Once you start dressing your style, ing her students not only read more dressing and shopping shouldn’t consume but enjoy what they are reading has too much of your time. Think of it as the made her a successful and popuarmor you throw on to conquer your lar teacher. It has also allowed her awesome day. to carry her message beyond the Franklin Lakes-based school. LocBIG OR SMALL WHAT THINGS WILL MAKE cke, 51, was selected to take part in YOU MEMORABLE AND REFLECT YOUR the Turner Classic Movies celebraPERSONAL BRAND COMMITMENTS? tion entitled “Classroom Cinema: Teacher Selections.” TCM honored First of all, it’s figuring out what your educators in June and Loccke was style is. Are you traditional? Edgy? Bo one of four teachers from around hemian? Rocker chic? Etc.? It could be the country who appeared on the anything from your bracelets, statement network to introduce and discuss necklaces, lip color, rings, colored pants, their favorite classic films. fun bags, and the list could go on and on! If you have a great piece that is near and She appeared on TCM on June dear and gifted to you, that can work or 16 and introduced and discussed go purchase something that gives you A Streetcar Named Desire, the confidence and really speaks to you and 1951 adaptation of the Tennessee your brand. Keep in mind, this could Williams classic starring Marlon change and evolve over the years, so don’t Brando; A Raisin in the Sun, the feel stuck with it. 1961 Sidney Poitier film based on the Lorraine Hansberry Broadway TAKEAWAY play; and Lord of the Flies, the 1963 adaptation of William Golding’s Create time to create your look. It makes novel about a group of boys strandyou confident and approachable. You are ed on an uninhabited island. what your potential clients and customers interact with every day. Beautifully “I like a classic story and I try to thought-out branding and a wardrobe is tell the kids that film is just anothan investment, an investment in the fu-er story platform,” said Loccke, ture success of your brand and business, who lives in Ridgewood with her even if your brand is just you. husband Richard and their three children Olivia, 21, Julianna, 19 There’s a lot more work that goes into and Andrew, 16. “It is so hard to creating a magnetic personal brand expe-keep them reading. Reading has rience and using your outfit to make the become a challenge in the modern right impression is a great starting point. age. There are so many places you can go to not read. It has fallen out of favor and because they [students] Soneca Guadara is a personal fashion stylist who makes her clients feel beautiful and have access to so much technology, reading pales by comparison. So confident. When Soneca is not working her film is a great platform.” magic assisting her clients, she can be found working backstage at New York Fashion Week, “Reading is a personal interaction working on location shoots and contributing as with the author. It’s a one-on-one an on-air fashion/style expert and style writer. conversation that no one else can You can follow Soneca on her Instagram – @ Continued on page 52 StyledBySoneca – for weekly tips.