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TO OUR SUDENTS AND FAMILIES Welcome to Kutztown University! We know your education and your future are top priorities, and we are committed to making a quality education financially possible for you and your family.

This brochure offers information about the types of aid

receive merit-based scholarships, grants, loans or campus

available and provides guidance on what to do next.

employment to defray their educational expenses.

If getting a college education seems out of reach to

Please feel free to call us at (610) 683-4077 or e-mail

you financially, don’t be discouraged from applying to ask questions or make an

for admission to Kutztown. Our Financial Aid

appointment for a personal visit. We are here to help you.

Services Office will work with you and your family to offer aid that meets your eligibility and allows room

Applying for Financial Aid at Kutztown

for work, study and personal time.

When you look at the quality and cost of a Kutztown

There is a broad range of resources available to help you, and more than 75 percent of our students annually

University education, you can see it is a tremendous

“Because of sound decisions made by the Financial Aid staff, my sons Steven and Kevin now have college careers. I really appreciate all the staff have done for us and cannot thank them enough!� Sue Kasopsky, KU parent

value. But the cost of attending college is a significant investment and one to be carefully considered. If you think you need assistance to pay for educational expenses, we recommend you apply for financial aid early in the admissions process. While you and your family have the primary responsibility of paying for your education, funding is available from the federal and state governments, private sources and KU to help pay for tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation.



Our commitment to meeting your full demonstrated financial need continues through your academic career. In order to remain eligible for need-based aid each year, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress, reapply for aid by the application deadline and continue to demonstrate financial need. The level of support is based on the family’s demonstrated need during each year using annual income and need assessment.

Learn more @

Scholarships and Awards


Scholarship programs provide non-repayable gift

Kutztown University offers qualified students part-time

assistance to students who are academically and/

positions on campus. Actual amounts average 15 hours

or financially qualified. General conditions and

per week, and the hourly rate is at least minimum wage.

eligibility requirements are set forth by the donors

Openings are posted online on the university website

or governing body.

under “Student Employment.”

Grants and Loans

Cost of Attendance

The federal government offers a number of grant, loan

You will incur direct costs to the university for

and work-study programs. When you file the Free

which you will be billed: tuition, fees, room and

Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the

meals. Other, indirect costs include books, supplies,

Financial Aid Services Office reviews your eligibility for

transportation and personal expenses. Both direct

these programs and provides awards within program

and indirect costs are added together to determine

guidelines and formulas, subject to available funds.

the “Cost of Attendance” upon which financial aid is based. Use this information only as a guide.

2011-12 Kutztown University Direct Billed Costs PA Resident Non-PA Resident Tuition Total Fees

$6,240 $15,600 $2,119



$5,280 $5,280


$2,750 $2,750


$16,389 $25,927

Meal and room costs are for the 14 premium meal plan and standard double-occupancy room, respectively; actual costs dependent on selection.

First-time students have two additional fees (first semester only) that equal $108 total.

Note: Please add $1,000–$1,500 per year for the cost of books and supplies.



Application Process

The Financial Aid Services Office will automatically

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student

certify a Federal Direct Stafford Loan for students

Aid (FAFSA) by the filing deadlines indicated below.

who complete a FAFSA. Families should go to www.

Complete the FAFSA online at This to (1) complete entrance counseling

is the only application needed to apply for aid at

and (2) sign a master promissory note in order for the

Kutztown University.

funds to be forwarded to the university.

Note: This is the official website to apply for financial

Other programs include a Federal Direct PLUS Loan

aid and it is free. There are other websites bearing similar

for the parent borrower and nonfederal alternative

names, but they are private companies and charge a fee to

loans for students who have a creditworthy cosigner.

complete the FAFSA.

KU’s Title IV federal school code is 003322

“Many people told me that going to school on my own would be impossible. A KU Financial Aid staff member guided me through the paperwork and aided me with my financial planning. She was a big part of how I achieved my goal, and I will always be thankful to her.” Dana Haraske Miller, Class of 2003

Filing Deadlines

Billing Process

The FAFSA must be filed every year for the upcoming

The KU Bursar’s Office will send an email notification

school year. Students are urged to file as early as possible

to students’ KU email accounts informing them it is time

after January 1. The following are priority deadlines:

to view and pay their bill in MyKU. This will occur each

• January 1 — Earliest date to file FAFSA for upcoming

semester and should reflect expected financial aid as a

academic year. • March 1 — KU’s priority filing deadline to be

credit. You will be responsible to pay the balance by the due date in order to maintain your class schedule. Payment

considered on time in applying for university-based

plans are offered through Tuition Pay administered by

scholarships and high-need campus-based aid

Sallie Mae. Visit the website at

(Perkins Loan and SEOG Grant).

to sign up or call (800) 635-0120. You may also contact the

• May 1 — Pennsylvania (PHEAA) State Grant filing deadline.

Bursar’s Office at (610) 683-4133,, or



How can I get the FAFSA?

When will I find out how much aid I can expect to receive?

Every year, complete the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.

The Financial Aid Services Office processes the aid and

gov. First, apply at for a PIN for the

sends a one-time paper award letter to freshmen

student and another for the parent. The PIN serves as

beginning in March. Subsequent changes can be accessed

an electronic signature. This is the only application

online at the Financial Aid Self Service portal. Returning

needed to apply for aid at Kutztown University. By

students may access their financial aid online after spring

listing KU as a school of choice, the FAFSA data is

grades are posted. The award notice lists the type of aid

electronically transmitted to the school.

and the amount of each type of aid you can expect to receive for the fall and spring semesters.

How much aid will I be eligible to receive? The amount of financial aid a student is qualified to receive is determined by the results of the FAFSA. The FAFSA asks about your family size, the number of family members in college, and the student’s and parents’ income and assets. The calculation tells the Financial Aid Services Office how much aid you are eligible to receive. Grants and scholarships are applied to your aid package, if you are eligible for any, and then the student loan is processed. When will my financial aid be disbursed so that I will be able to get my refund? For students who are officially registered and have cleared their bill, aid will be disbursed around the

Will I receive enough financial aid to pay all

end of the first week of classes. Eligibility for aid is

my expenses?

rechecked at the end of the Drop/Add period in order

Most students and families will receive some financial

to generate any refunds the second week of classes.

aid, but most often the aid is not enough to cover the total cost. In addition to the Federal Stafford

One of my parents lost their job, and my family is in a

Student Loan, families often use Federal Parent PLUS

financial bind. Can the Financial Aid Office help me?

loans, alternative loans and payment plans to meet

If your family experiences a change in income due

educational costs.

to unusual circumstances (e.g., loss of employment,

Note: The cost of textbooks is not included in the

separation or divorce, high non-reimbursed medical

semester’s bill. Books are approximately an additional

expenses, etc.), contact the Financial Aid Services

$700 per semester.

Office about a possible reevaluation of aid eligibility. Do I need to qualify for aid each year? Yes. In addition to filing the FAFSA every year, students must maintain satisfactory academic progress. At the conclusion of each period of enrollment, the student must successfully complete two-thirds (.6666) of their total cumulative credits attempted and have a minimum 2.0 GPA overall.

Learn more @


Cost of Attendance

Financial Aid Estimator

How much will college cost? Use the College Cost

Choose “Federal Methodology� when you go to the

Projector to estimate how much college will cost when

Financial Aid Estimation Form and estimate your

you are ready to enroll.

financial need using a formula similar to that used by the federal processor to determine federal aid eligibility.

Savings Plan Designer The Savings Plan Designer shows you how much

Student Loan Repayment

money you must contribute each month to an interest-

The Loan Payment Calculator computes an estimated

bearing bank account or investment fund in order to

monthly loan payment in equal installments using a

reach your savings goal for a college education.

standard repayment schedule.

Kutztown University Financial Aid Services 209 Stratton Administration Center Kutztown, PA 19530

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania P.O. Box 730, Kutztown, Pennsylvania 19530 (610) 683-4000, TDD (610) 683-1315 or (610) 683-4499

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