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The European Association Summit is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Under the motto ‘Better Together’, a special edition of the EAS will be held on 3-5 May in Brussels.
The 10th edition: Representatives of international associations will discuss the ups and downs of the sector. The aim is not just to exchange thoughts and find inspiration; various associations will also join forces during EAS22. This 10th edition is entirely dedicated to connection. Hence the motto ‘Better Together’. Brussels: With more than 2,500 headquarters in Brussels, the number of international associations in the capital city continues to grow. Brussels therefore ranks 1st as a hub for international associations. It is no coincidence that the 10th edition of the European Association Summit is taking place here. In the heart of Europe, more than 200 locations offer the space and opportunity to host events with international appeal. Moreover, during the pandemic, Brussels profiled itself as a hub for hybrid events.
A hybrid event: The Egg Brussels, near Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid, was chosen as the location. However, the European Association Summit can be participated from anywhere with the programme offering a combination of onsite and online sessions. These range from ‘solid solutions,’ 45-minute workshops, ‘bright ideas,’ short 15-minute sessions, ‘the floor is yours’, longer presentations and discussions of real-world examples, to ‘service showcases’ that present services and tools well suited to international associations. Better Together: Looking for solutions together, working out new ideas and discussing real-life examples. This will take place in various forms during the EAS22. The programme is divided into 5 themes: be.smarter (about leadership), be.closer (about engagement), be.fresher (about hybrid events), be.brighter (about communication) and be.brussels (about Brussels infrastructure).
Participants can design their own programme based on their particular needs and interests. This edition's speakers include Dianna Steinbach (ESAE, ISSA), Mounia Heddad-Masson (EASL), Maria Linkova-Nijs (Cefic), Gareth Harding (Clear Europe), Marjorie Anderson (LLC), Cyril Ritchie (UIA), Martin Sirk (Global Association Hubs), Nadia Rubtsova (Business & Events Academy), and Sina Bünte (DigitalMind.events).
There will be an in-depth look at organising hybrid events, attracting young people, sustainability, crisis communication, leadership, training and other aspects of the international association sector.
Patrick Bontinck, CEO of visit.brussels, and Elisabeth Van Ingelgem, Director of Strategy & International Development, will kick things off with an overview of the Brussels infrastructure. In total, more than 30 sessions are scheduled.
Enrolment and information: Some 200 participants are expected. This year, there are various enrolment formulas. More information about the event can be found at www.easummit.brussels. For more information on the association activities of visit.brussels, please visit www.associations.brussels.
The Cuban Ministry of Public Health, together with the Comercializadora de Servicios Médicos Cubanos, SA have joined forces for the 1st edition of FITSaludCuba, the International Fair of Medical Tourism and Well-being.
FITSaludCuba will be held between 17-20 October 2022, at the Pabexpo fairgrounds in Havana. The event will take place alongside the 15th edition of the Health For All Fair.
For the rest, the new FITSaludCuba aims to expose the products, experiences and advances of health tourism in Cuba and in the world, with the aim of consolidating alliances and setting new pathways in the sustainable development of this sector.