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Convention & Visitors Bureaus Recognises GLOBAL MEETINGS INDUSTRY DAY 2022

During Brain Awareness Week (14-20 March 2022), Glasgow Convention Bureau took the time to acknowledge the tireless work of its Conference Ambassadors; the academics that work alongside its venues and with the Glasgow Convention Bureau team to host their academic meetings in the city.

Glasgow’s Conference Ambassadors create collaboration and debate to share knowledge and research innovations through the medium of the conference session room.


Over 70% of meetings held in Glasgow are led, or supported by, one of the city’s academic institutions, and in 2022 a remarkable number of conferences taking place in Glasgow are in the field of neurology; aligning to the city’s world-class research excellence in the sector.

Glasgow's neurology history: Glasgow’s links with neurology and neuroscience go back onver a century: In 1879 at Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary hospital, Willian Macewen performed the world’s first successful brain tumour removal. In 1968, Professor Bryan Jennett became the University of Glasgow’s, and Scotland’s, first Chair of Neurosurgery. In 1974, he worked with Professor Graham Teasdale to create the Glasgow Coma Scale, which is used across the world to describe the level of consciousness after a brain injury.

This year and looking forward numerous events linked to these meetings will help to take the subject matter of the conferences outside the walls of the convention centre and into the community.

Glasgow is hosting the European Association for Neuro-Oncology and ESTRO, the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, taking place in 2024.

The Springfield Convention & Visitors Bureau, U.S.A. joined organisations across the globe in support of the annual Global Meetings Industry Day that took place on 7th April.

GMID, led by the Meetings Mean Business industry advocacy coalition, spotlights the proven value that business meetings, conferences, conventions, incentive travel, trade shows and exhibitions bring to businesses and the recovering local travel economy.

This year’s theme, Meet Safe, highlighted how safe, productive meetings are taking place now—offering a reminder of the importance of face-to-face professional interactions.

86% of business travellers are looking forward to traveling again. GMID is of particular importance this year as Springfield builds back its meetings and events sector following the pandemic. The U.S. saw a decline of UK£295 billion in business travel spending in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021—UK£143 billion which was due to the decline in meetings, conventions and trade shows.

Professional meetings and events accounted for 42% of all business travel spending and 11% of all travel spending in the U.S. prior to the ‘health crisis 2020-2022.


Malaysian Gifts & Premium Association is back. The event recently took place in April and was organised by Malaysian Gifts & Premium Association (MGPA) and endorsed by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE). The 3-day exhibition is ASEAN’s largest gifts, premium and stationary fair, bringing together various industry players from all over the world for exchange of ideas, sharing of knowledge and networking opportunities.

The 12th Malaysia Gifts Fair was strongly supported by Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture.

MGF 2022 was part of the 3R initiative (Reset, Restart and Responsible), a recovery programme announced by MyCEB.

Malaysia Gifts Fair (MGF) serves a platform of both local and global gifts and premium industry players, comprising over 200 booths. This year, international exhibitors will be present in hybrid mode via MGF Online, with participation from reputable companies from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, and Indonesia.

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