CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS FILM NOTIFICATION TUES 28 – THUR 30 AUG AND MON 17 – FRI 21 SEP 2018 EVENT DETAILS The City of Greater Geelong and Whistle Movie Productions wish to advise you of the traffic management arrangements for the feature film ‘The Whistleblower’ being filmed in Geelong. This will take place between Tuesday 28 August to Thursday 30 August and again between Monday 17 September to Friday 21 September 2018. Whistle Movie Productions will be filming a major car sequence. It is essential the filming is conducted in a safe manner and to do this a number of Central Geelong roads will have changed traffic conditions. Please refer to the attached map for further information regarding which roads will be impacted. You will also receive further information prior to filming commencing. Not all roads noted on the map will be used at any one time. This production is the largest Australian Chinese partnered film project ever produced, with a budget of $40 million.
TEMPORARY CHANGED TRAFFIC CONDITIONS To enable the safe conduct of the filming, the following roads will have changed traffic conditions, with all filming between 7.00am – 6.00pm: GHERINGHAP STREET
Tuesday 28 August (hold and release traffic)
Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 August (temporary road closure) Monday 17, Tuesday 18 and Friday 21 September (temporary road closure)
Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29, Thursday 30 August (temporary road closure) Thursday 20 and Friday 21 September (temporary road closure)
Tuesday 28 and Thursday 30 August (hold and release traffic) Monday 17 and Friday 21 September (hold and release traffic)
Monday 17, Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 September (hold and release traffic)
Tuesday 18 September (hold and release traffic)
Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 September (temporary road closure)
Tuesday 18 September (temporary road closure)
Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 September (temporary road closure)
Wednesday 19 and 20 September (temporary road closure)
You will receive additional, location specific information in the coming weeks on the impact in your area. Emergency access will be maintained at all times. Local access will be maintained at all times and we ask for your patience in regard to this. Short delays may be experienced.
TEMPORARY CHANGES TO PARKING The primary purpose for this filming is to shoot scenes using Geelong’s roads. We therefore encourage you, where alternative options are available, to park your vehicle off the affected roads. The production will also reserve car spaces in a number of these key locations as required.
NOVOTEL, EDGEWATER AND WATERFRONT APARTMENTS VEHICLE ACCESS Vehicle access and egress will be maintained to the Novotel, Edgewater and Waterfront Apartments via traffic controllers situated on Steampacket Place and Eastern Beach Road via Yarra Street. Access to the Waterfront Apartments is via Yarra Street only. Traffic Controllers will assist with motorists needs. Short delays may be experienced while the filming is in process.
CUNNINGHAM PIER AND WESTERN BEACH FORESHORE CAR PARK VEHICLE ACCESS Vehicle access to Cunningham Pier will be available during the filming via Western Beach Road and Cunningham Street. Short delays may be experienced while the filming is in process.
TEMPORARY CHANGES TO BUSINESSES Deliveries and vehicle access will be maintained. For further details please contact Whistle Movie Productions on the below contact details.
FURTHER INFORMATION Should you have any questions, or would like further details, please contact Whistle Movie Productions Location Manager, Jacob McIntyre, on 0406 036 283. Alternatively, please contact the City of Greater Geelong Event Services Unit on 5272 4616. More information about this production and filming can be found: If you experience any difficulties during this filming, please call the City of Greater Geelong on 03 5272 5272. If your concern happens after hours, this number will go to our afterhours service. Please ask for ‘Events’ and this will enable an officer to help you with your enquiry. GEELONG FILMING CAR SEQUENCE OVERVIEW MAP THIS IS CURRENTLY SCHEDULED OVER 8 DAYS TUESDAY 28 AUGUST / 0700—1800—GHERINGHAP ST/BROUGHAM ST/YARRA ST WEDNESDAY 29 AUGUST / 0700—1800—BROUGHAM ST /MOORABOOL ST THURSDAY 30 AUGUST / 0700—1800—BROUGHAM ST/MOORABOOL ST/YARRA ST MONDAY 17 SEPTEMBER / 0700—1800—BROUGHAM ST/YARRA ST/CORIO ST TUESDAY 18 SEPTEMBER / 0700—1800—CORIO ST/BELLERINE ST WEDNESDAY 19 SEPTEMBER / 0700—1800—SWANSTON ST/EASTERN BEACH RD THURSDAY 20 SEPTEMBER / 0700—1800—EASTERN BEACH RD/MOORABOOL ST FRIDAY 21 SEPTEMBER / 0700—1800—BROUGHAM ST