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It shows how innovators from around the world can keep tourism, hospitality and travel at the very forefront of sustainable development and positive change for all

In June 2020, the World Tour- ial projects among the 30 winners waste reduction and sustainabiliism Organization (UNWTO) and will receive seed money from Eu- ty, jobs and education, safety and Sommet Education launched the razeo, the leading global investment travel experience, as well as revenue Hospitality Challenge. This was de- group to which Sommet Education and productivity. Almost 50% of the signed to identify ideas and individ- belongs. projects address Sustainable Develuals capable of accelerating the re- Out of the 600 applications, 39% opment Goal 8 - Decent Work and covery of the tourism sector in the were submitted from the Americas, Economic Growth. Many projects wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. followed by Europe (28%), Africa and also offer new perspectives on the

The initiative has received almost the Middle East (both 18%), and Asia COVID-19 response. 600 applications from all around the and the Pacific (15%). A large number of the high-quality world. The 30 top finalists will be Putting People and Planet First projects promoting inclusivity and granted a full-board scholarship for The Hospitality Challenge focused sustainability to reinvent the HosBachelor or Master’s degree-level on four categories. The Hotels and pitality of Tomorrow, also provides courses at 30 different hospitality Hotel-Related Operations category fresh ideasfor the tourism sector. programs. All of them are hosted by was the most popular, receiving 41% These will allow tourism to keep on Sommet’s internationally renowned 19 of all applications, followed by the contributing to overall socio-ecoinstitutions specialized in Hospitality Luxury Travels, Goods and Services nomic recovery. and Culinary Arts: Glion Institute of category (34%), then the Food and Higher Education, Les Roches, and Beverage category (17%), and finalÉcole Ducasse. ly the Smart Real Estate category

The scholarships are dedicated to (8%). The breakdown of the different accelerating the personal develop- categories demonstrates a strong ment of talented individuals who interest in improving the operational will build the Hospitality of Tomor- side of hotels through its social imrow. Bringing the submitted projects pact, with many projects aiming to to life and increasing their chances reduce unemployment and the betof impacting the tourism sector has ter management of hotel staff. been the driving force of this chal- Among the four categories, four lenge. The three most entrepreneur- eminent trends have emerged:

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