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Global Steering Committee to revive international travel
WTTC is continuing to lead the response to the devastating challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to the struggling Travel & Tourism sector.
To provide a route to recovery save the embattled Travel & Tour- recognised standard for an airport for the Travel & Tourism sec- ism sector and explored key initia- test and trace regime, amongst tor by reviving international tives to deliver the prompt recov- others. In addition, a Government travel through the public-private ery of the sector and save millions Affairs Working Group will liaise partnership, WTTC takes on global of lost jobs. with individual governments to leadership and coordination role. WTTC is continuing to lead the ensure they have all the relevant
G20 Tourism Ministers have response to the devastating chal- data and information needed to hosted more than 45 CEOs and lenges posed by the COVID-19 support our efforts. Members of WTTC, who at the re- pandemic to the struggling Travel Ms. Gloria Guevara, WTTC Presiquest of Saudi Arabia, presented & Tourism sector. dent & CEO, said: “WTTC is uniquetheir Jobs Recovery Plan to save Now it intends to establish a ly positioned to provide a platform the besieged Travel & Tourism sec- structure to deliver on these goals, at the highest level where the pritor and 100m jobs globally. led by a global Steering Commit- vate and public sector can work to-
The WTTC Jobs Recovery Plan tee, comprised of 12 WTTC Mem- gether to help revive international could save 65 million jobs across ber CEOs and other business and business and leisure travel and all G20 countries, including Spain. institutional leaders to establish save 100 million jobs globally and Regionally, Asia Pacific could save an international consensus to take 16 million in India alone. the most, with 45.8 million jobs, action. “What came out of the historfollowed by the Americas with 20.2 The priorities and recommenda- ic G20 meeting with international million and Europe with 19.9 mil- tions made by the Steering Com- business leaders was a clear conlion. In India alone, 16 million Travel mittee will be passed onto func- sensus that only cooperation at & Tourism jobs could be saved un- tional working groups for action the highest level and engagement der the WTTC plan. and delivery. These specialized with the public and private sector
During the historic G20 Tourism working groups will address how will achieve action. Ministers session, WTTC and its to open up travel by creating cru- It is vital that ‘air corridors’ be reMembers presented their plan to cial ‘air corridors’ and a globally stored between the world’s leading