Dalata Hotels
Dalatais Ireland’s largest hotel operator, managinga suiteof owned, leased andmanagedhotels including the Clayton Hotel Belfast and Maldron Belfast City. While Maldron Belfast City wasbuilt in 2018 to the highest sustainabilityspecificationat that time,the 23-year-old Clayton Hotel Belfast hasinvested in building andoperationalupgrades as part of its sustainabilityjourney. Both hotels have integrated the DalataLivingGreen Initiativeinto their businessoperations,andboth have achieved the Gold SustainabilityAwardfromGreen Tourism.
ProactiveNewBuild – Maldron Belfast City
Sustainabilityandenergy efficiency were key priorities when constructingthe Maldron Belfast City in 2018. Actions included:
• Careful selection of materialsused during construction
• Highest sustainabilityspecificationsfor water pumpsandboilers
Retrospective Adaptions – ClaytonHotel Belfast
Originally built in 1998,the Clayton Hotel Belfast hada complete refurbishmentin 2018. At that time, a Green Team was set up,supportedwith trainingandempowered to identifykey areas for improvement. Notable actionsinclude:
A Tale of two Hotels
Centrally, the DalataGroup hasprioritised sustainabilitywithin the operations of all 52 hotels in the portfolio,initially settingthe target in 2018 for all hotels to achieve Green TourismGold standardwithin2 years. The responsibilitywasthen witheach General Manager andthe local hotel team to devise andimplement their own sustainabilityaction plan.
• Installationof LED lighting only
• A centrally-controlled air conditioning system
• Installationof sensorlighting andwaterefficient toilets andwashingequipment
The rooftopspacehas been creatively usedfor a garden andbee-keeping project. The hotel collaborates with local beekeepers and the honey is served as part of the breakfastbuffet.
• £450,000 investment in Combined Heat and PowerBoiler. This eliminated the use of 4 originalboilers in the hotel andthe investment wasreturned within 18 months.
• £150,000 investment in LED light replacement in 2022 with a high-speed return on investment of 9 months.
• £35,000 investment in a pool cover in 2023 with an expected return on investment of 18 months.
Key Business Benefits
Staff Recruitment&Retention
Potentialemployees frequently enquire aboutthe hotel’s sustainabilitypolicy andpractices duringthe recruitment stage. New employees have brought fresh perspectives and new ideas for sustainabilityprojects andhow to resource them. The teamsare encouraged to get involved in communityprojects and other initiativessuch as litter-picking andbeach clean-ups. DuringEarthWeek 2023, staffenjoyed morningwalks,morningmeetings took place in locations such as the Botanic Gardens andCity Hall and an awarenesscampaign to remind on the reasons forour sustainabilityendeavours took place.Maldron Belfast City installed a 14th floor sedumliving roof top. This supportsbeehives whichprovide single origin honey tothe breakfastbuffetas well as a herb garden which provides organicproduce to the kitchen. In both the Clayton and Maldron Hotels, coffee grinds are reused to fertilise plants on-site.
“Often,sustainabilityisdiscussedonlyinthe contextofenergy.Energysustainabilityis essential-butsustainabilityhasamuch broadermeaning.Itmeanslong-term thinkingabouthowwemanageourhotel,in thewaywedealwithstakeholders,investin socialspendingandplanforthefuture.This requiresvision,leadership,andadesireto carryoutbusinesslimitingourimpactonthe environmentandothers.AtMaldronBelfast webelievethisiseveryone’sresponsibility andwehavetotalteamengagement.”
MikeGatt,GeneralManager,MaldronHotel BelfastCityDo you know?
TourismNI has a range of practicalsupportsforrecruiting andretaining great people for your business:www.tourismni.com/recruitretain
“Thebiggestthingisthatyou’repullingall thedepartmentstogetherandthey’reall workingtowardsacommongoal.Itis somethingthatpeoplearemorepassionate aboutevenintheirdaytodaylives.Being abletocarrythatthroughintothecultureof thehotelhasapositiveimpactonallthe staffaswell.Takingaleadonsustainability hasbuiltcollaborationbetween departmentsandhasledtoamore attractiveworkplaceoverall.”
JonathanTopping,GeneralManager, ClaytonHotelBelfastCorporate Clients
As well as realising significantcostsavingsthroughgreater efficiencies, the hotels have seen how solidsustainabilityaction positively impactstheir ability to win corporate business. Clients such as airlines and media companies,with whomthe hotels have ongoing contracts,are heavily invested in ensuringthe providers they workwithcanprovide solid evidence of good sustainability practices. To win corporate tenders, transparentsustainabilitycredentials are increasingly essential.
“Fromacorporateperspective,“whatisyourcompanydoingforthe environment?”Issomethingthatwe’rebeingquestionedaboutonaregular basis.HavingachievedaGoldGreenTourismAward,givesourcorporate clientsconfidenceinourhotelsandprovidesclearsustainabilitycredentials.“
NaomiWilson,ClusterDirectorofSales&Marketing,ClaytonHotelBelfast& MaldronHotelBelfastCity