Larchfield Estate - Sustainability Case Study

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Sustainability Case Study Larchfield

June 2023

Larchfield Estate

Larchfield Estateis an award-winningluxuryvenue forweddings,corporate awaydays and special events located 20 minutesfromBelfast. Larchfield’s heritage dates back to the 1600’s andhas an interesting 350-year history.The property extends to 600 acres andincludes numerous heritage cottages for selfcatering accommodation,a large stone-walled luxury barn,walled gardens and converted stables.

How did your sustainability journey start?

“When we took over the estate in 2007, we had a vision to develop it into a luxury events venue. Financingthat vision wasn’tsomethingthe bankswere too interested in at that time andso we really looked at makingsavingsandbeing as efficient as possible throughoutthe operations.We have tried to focuson the big, simple stuffthatreally makes a real impact first.We were both always interested in sustainabilityin general, savingenergy andminimisingwaste.We alsosee ourselves ascustodiansof this special place, its culturalheritage and naturalbeauty. Being sustainablehelps us answerthe question:how can we makean income andalso protect this place forfuturegenerations?

Sustainability Case Study: Larchfield Estate

What have the greatest areas of impact been?

Reducing use of fossil-fuelled electricity

Initially,the venue washeated by electric heaters powered froma diesel generator. When it wasn’tpossibleto eliminate the generator by increasingelectricity supply, the couple looked insteadto reduce electricity consumption.All lightbulbs were changed toLED andlight sensors were installed. The generator wasset to only power on when demand required extra electricity. All cookers were changed to gas.Next, 12kVA of PV solarpanels were installed on the roof of a shed to cover the daytimeelectricity use of the office and barn events space.

The challenge remained of heating large spaces andheating water,which wasexpensive and fuel intensive. In 2015, a new biomassboiler wasinstalled and in in 2017, a 2m deep by 110m long track wasdug fromthe Biomassboiler to the barn anda Rehau heavily insulatedpipe wasinstalled. This allowedthe removal of all the electric heaters in the barn andto change the heating to run via fin tubepiping and stratfans.Thermostatsin each room now only call forheat when required. Wood fromthe estate is usedin the biomassboiler.

Sequestering carbon

Due to the size of the estate and numberof trees on it, Larchfield sequesters more carbonevery day thanit produces. Up to 1000 trees are planted on the estateeach year, mostly native hardwood.

The amountof carbon sequestered by woodlandon the Estate has been calculatedat 502 tonnes per year

(usingForestry CommissionCarbon Code calculation method) while the Scope 1 and 2 Emissionsfromthe Estatehave been measuredat 168 tonnes per year. As methodologies for measurement become more accurate,the Mackie’sare looking forwardto havingtheir carbon negative statusindependently accredited.

Protectingnaturaland culturalheritage and biodiversity

Having grown upon Larchfield Estate,Gavin appreciates the importanceof upholdingits legacy. The websiteshares informationon the historytimeline of the Estateand the life of an employee there in the early 1900s. The buildings,cottages andbarns have all been restored topreserve their rustic features anduphold their history.An events space has been created through the restorationof an Old Piggery and recently an old beekeepers folly in the woodswhich hashad no roof for 40 years has been 100%restored. Along with extensive tree planting,several wildflower meadowshave been planted, new lakes created, and a wetland walkis being developed. Nesting bird boxes, lakes and the 5 beehives on the Estateprotect the local biodiversity and enrich the lives of local species fromBarn andLong Eared Owls to Otters andKingfishers

Do you know?

TourismNI offers a range of practicaltoolkitsandtemplates to help reduce the carbon emissionsfromyour business:

Saving Energy & Reducing Waste| TourismNI
Sustainability Case Study: Larchfield Estate

What are your sustainability ambitions for the future?

“We wantto find a reputableorganisationthat will properly quantifythe carbon that is sequesteredon the estate so that there is full transparencyand credibility aboutbeing carbon negative.While we havea greatbiomass boiler,a newerone could now be twice as efficientso we would like to changethat and add at leastanother30kVA of solar panels.It’s a bigger win in terms of cost and carbon savings and we like to focus on the simple, big wins. A paybacktime of about 6 years is a rule of thumb for us. Over the next5 years,we expectthat improvementsin battery technologyand greatercapacityof solar will allowus to eliminatethe use of fossil fuels for electricity entirely.”

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