2020 Go East of Edmonton Campground & Adventure Guide

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We highly recommend for you to use this guide to PLAN AHEAD before you venture east of Edmonton. Call to book your tee time, call to book your campsite, etc. COVID-19 Reminder While out on your adventure or road trip, please remember to abide by all Alberta Health Service public health measures to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to continue to keep our communities safe. For more information, please visit alberta.ca/covid19.

Table of Contents Golfing

Lamont County


Two Hills County

Outdoor Adventures

Strathcona County

Athabasca County

Town of Vegreville

Lac La Biche Region

Minburn County

Town of Redwater

Town of Vermilion

Thorhild County

Beaver County

Smoky Lake Region

Town of Wainwright

County of St. Paul

Village of Edgerton

Town of St. Paul

Camrose County

Town of Bonnyville

Flagstaff County

M.D. of Bonnyville

Town of Segdewick

City of Cold Lake

Town of Hardisty

Click to see

REGIONAL MAP with Campgrounds and Golf Courses noted.

g n i f l o G Tee off with these deals and featured Golf Courses highlighted in this section.

Go East of Edmonton and you will find some of the most challenging and unique golf courses in all of Alberta.




780-678-3575 5025 - 51 St. Camrose



Smoky Lake Golf Club

NOTE: Tee Times are to be made in advance. Click here for more COVID-19 Alberta Guidelines for Golf Courses.

1 Boyle 3 Lac La Biche Athabasca 2 Redwater


Go Golfing!




4 5 6


8 9

Bonnyville 8 St. Paul Mundare 9 Elk Point Elk 10 Island 11 12 Two Hills Mannville 14





Strathcona Vegreville 18 Lloydminster 17 County Vermilion Miquelon 22 19 Ryley Wainwright 25 20 Camrose 23 Daysland 21 Edgerton 24 26 27 Sedgewick Rosalind Forestburg 28 Hardisty 29 Provost



6 Cold Lake

4 Fort Saskatchewan

of Edmonton


Smoky 5 Lake



10 11 12


14 15 16 17 18










22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29



Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Course

• RV friendly • Driving Nets • Pro Shop • Year-Round Facility Rental • Licensed Clubhouse • Monday Ladies Night • Tuesday Mens Night

9 hole (par 36), grass greens with challenging water hazards & bunkers Tee Times Call: 780-632-3140 @vegkgc www.vegkgc.com E: vegkgc@yahoo.ca Located 2 km N of the Jct of Hwy. 16A & 47 St, Vegreville





18 Hole Golf Course *Serviced Seasonal RV Sites Available *Licensed Restaurant & Patio Adjacent to Miquelon Lake Provincial Park 20340 TWP 494A, Camrose County

Club House: 780-662-2499 www.miquelonhillsgolf.com For a complete list of over 40 Golf Courses across the region visit www.GoEastofEdmonton.com/Golfing

Click here for COVID-19 Alberta Campground Guidelines

Long Lake Provincial Park, Thorhild County

Over 150 Campgrounds – Over 100 Lakes NORTHEAST HWY 2 & 55 ATHABASCA >> ATHABASCA COUNTY www.athabascacounty.com


Services (PWS/N) P=Power W=Water S=Sewer N=No Hookups

>> Indicates campground has an advertisement. - Most campgrounds have firepits, picnic tables and shaded/wooded sites. - This campground guide also includes Trail & Recreation information. - Services, dates to open/close, and phone numbers listed are subject to change.

Know before you go... www.AlbertaFireBans.ca

Reservations for Alberta Parks: Reserve.AlbertaParks.ca or 1-877-537-2757 General Info: www.albertaparks.ca For locations of BEACHES, LAKES, PARKS, and Recreation Areas refer to the Campground Listings in this Guide and detailed Map inside back cover.


ATHABASCA LIONS CAMPGROUND Open: May to Oct. 20 sites and tenting area. Baseball diamond. Services (N) Located 2.5 km from Athabasca (across the road from the Golf Club) 780-675-5587/780-213-0803 BAPTISTE LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 12 Tenting sites. Day use area, picnic shelter. Services: (N) Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, fishing. From Athabasca: West 17 km on Hwy 2 (becomes Hwy 812) continue west (becomes Twp Rd 664). 780-675-2273 FORFAR RECREATION PARK - Open: May to Sept. 73 sites. Daily to Seasonal available. Group area with cookhouse. Caretaker, day use area, firewood. Ser vices: (N) Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, beach, swimming, trails, ATV compound, fishing & fish cleaning stn. From Athabasca: South on Hwy 2, 18 km to Hwy 663 West 23km. Go North on RR 250. 780-675-2273 GHOST LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 5 sites, Day use area. Services: (N) Recreation: small boat launch, pier, fishing and fish cleaning stn. From Athabasca: West on Hwy 2, continue North to Twp.Rd. 683. Head west 2 km. 780-675-2273 ISLAND LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 12 sites. Day use area. Services: (N) Recreation: small boat launch, pier, bird watching, fishing and fish cleaning stn. From Athabasca: West on Hwy 2, go north to Twp Rd 681 (becomes Twp Rd 682) follow east to

RR 235, head south, at Twp Rd 680 go west 1.5 km. 780-675-2273 JACKFISH LAKE CAMPGROUND Open: May to Sept. 35 sites. Day use area, Group camping, cookhouse, Firewood. Services: (N) Recreation: B o a t l a u n c h , p l a y g r o u n d , p i e r, swimming. 10 km From Athabasca: East on Hwy 55 two km to Airport Road head north. Go east on Twp Rd 670. Go north on RR 213 and then East on Twp Rd 672. 780-675-2273 LONG LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 4 sites. Day use area. Services: (N) Recreation: small boat launch, hiking, fishing. From Athabasca: South on Hwy 2 for 18 km to Hwy 663, west 15 km to Twp Rd 650. Follow as it (becomes RR 250) to Twp. Rd. 651 heading west. 780-675-2273 NARROW L AKE CAMPGROUND Open: May to Sept. 10 sites, Day use area Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, pier, fishing. From Athabasca: West on Hwy 2 for 15 km to Hwy 812 head south 13 km to Twp Rd. 652 head West 7 km. 780-675-2273 RIVERSIDE RECREATION PARK O p e n S u m m e r. T h r e e s h e l t e r s . Ser vices: (N) Recreation: boat launch, quad trails, walking trails, playground. From Athabasca North on Hwy 813, turn east on Twp Rd 684. Turn right on RR 214 to the park. 780-689-9512 ATHABASCA OPEN CAMP & RV PARK 780-499-3670 BLUEBERRY HILL RV PARK 780-675-3733 KATHERINE’S CAMPING CORNER 780-690-0714

BOYLE BOYLE RV PARK - 27 sites, toilets. Services: (PW) 780-689-3643 HOPE LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 51 sites. Daily, seasonal, group camping available. Caretaker, day use area, cookhouse, firewood. Services: (N) Recreation: Boat launch, playground, pier, beach, hiking trails, ATV compound, swimming, fishing. From Boyle: North on Hwy 63, 6 km to Skeleton Narrows Road, then north 11 km on RR 191. 780-675-2273 NORTH BUCK L AKE NARROWS CAMPGROUND - Open: May to Sept. 6 sites, Day use area Services: (N) Recreation: small boat launch, bird watching. From Boyle: North on Hwy. 63 to Twp. Rd. 665. Go east to Rg. Rd. 181 head south to Blue Heron Estates. Turn east on Twp. Rd. 664 and go 3 kms south on RR 180. 780-675-2273 POACHER'S L ANDING PROV. REC. AREA - Open May to Sept. 6 sites. Firewood, toilets, picnic/cook shelter, non-potable water. Ser vices: (N) Recreation: Boat launch, horse corrals, hand launch, loading ramp, playground, hitching rails, trails for ATV, equestrian, hiking, biking, snowmobiling. North of Boyle at Athabasca River next to La Biche River Wildland Provincial Park. 780-623-7189 SHORELINE CAMPING & FISHING RESORT – 780-689-4363

CASLAN CHUMP LAKE CAMPGROUND – Open May-Sept. 53 sites, beach, day use area. Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, fishing, trails – hiking, ATV. 1 km west and 2 km north of Caslan. NORTH BUCK LAKE PROV. REC. AREA Open May-Oct, 125 sites, day use area, firewood, picnic area. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, trails, boat launch, swimming, beach, fishing. 4 km N of Caslan off Sec. Rd. 663. 780-689-4602

KIKINO SILVER BIRCH RESORT - Open: Yearround. 30 sites, 206 seasonal stalls, day use area, dump station, flush toilets, showers, group use area, 9 cabins, caretaker. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: beach, playground, horseshoes, boat launch, fishing, ATV trails. Follow Hwy 28 to Hwy 36, 40 km N then E 7 km on Whitefish Lake. 780-623-3252

LAC LA BICHE >> LAC LA BICHE COUNTY www.laclabichecounty.com BEAVER LAKE PROV. REC. AREA Open: May-Sept. 89 sites, group use area 5 sites, day use, firewood, showers, store. Services: (PW/N). Recreation: boat launch, fishing, beach, playground, swimming. 6 km east of Lac La Biche on Hwy 663. 780-623-7189 CROW LAKE PROV. PARK - Closed for 2020 Season. Check AlbertaParks.ca

FORK LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May - Sept. 43 sites, firewood, picnic area. Ser vices: (P/N) Recreation: boat launch, beach, fishing, playground, swimming. SE of Lac La Biche. 780-404-6196 HEART LAKE CAMPGROUND – Open May-Sept. 10 sites, free firewood, group camping. Recreation: beach, boat launch, fishing, playground, swimming. 62 km N of Lac La Biche on HWY 881. 780-623-2130 LAKELAND PROV. PARK – includes campsites at Dabbs Lake, Helena Lake, Blackett Lake, Jackson Lake, Kinnard Island. Lakeland Canoe Circuit– 38 rustic backcountry campsites located throughout the hiking, biking Trails and Canoe network of lakes in Lakeland Prov. Park. Canoe Circuit area & Shaw Lake Day Use area is open year-round, multi-use trails 100 km. 780-623-7189. www.albertaparks.ca LAKELAND PROV. REC. AREA - Open: May - Oct. 282 sites. 4 different campgrounds; Pinehurst Lake - 126 sites, Touchwood Lake - 93 sites, Seibert Lake 43 sites, Ironwood - 20 sites, dump station, firewood. Services: (N). Spencer Lake - 3 campgrounds. Recreation: In the PRA there is ATV/OHV/snowmobile trails designated, but no OHV use permitted in campgrounds. Beach, boat launch, fishing, hiking, swimming. S & E of Lac La Biche. 780-623-7189 SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL PROV. PARK - Open: May - 0ct. 72 sites, group camping, showers, store, dump station, firewood, canoe & kayak rental. Services: 30 amp (P/N). 2 tipis, 5 summer cabins and 10 year-round cabin rentals, Community facility for rent. Recreation: trails, boat launch, beaches, bird watching, biking, hiking, playground, swimming, fishing. 13 km NE of Lac La Biche off SH 881. 780-623-4144. DIESELS OWL HOOT CAMPSITE – 780-623-2134 SPRUCE POINT RESORT – 780-623-3930 YOUNG'S BEACH - 780-623-2604

LEGAL CENTENNIAL RV PARK – Open: Apr-Oct. 16 sites. Services: (P/N) Reservations are only accepted for group camping. Located at the south end of 43 Street off of 50 Avenue. 780-961-3773. CENTENNIAL FISHING POND & DAY USE PARK – located west of the RV Park. Recreation: Fishing pond, playground, 3 km walking trails.

The following pages feature...

PLAMONDON CAMP 3F GROUP CAMP – Open: MaySept. 4 cabins available, group camping, flush toilets. Services: (N). Recreation: Fishing. 2 km N of Plamondon on HWY 858 and 5 km NE on TWP Road 682. 780-798-3478 PLAMONDON WHITE SANDS RESORT 780-798-2254

Due to COVID-19, it is highly recommended to PLAN AHEAD! Call the Campground directly to confirm availability and what facilities are open. For updates visit


Get Geared up at... For a great selection of hunting, fishing and camping supplies visit Poacher’s Corner in Glendon or swing by Franchere Sporting Goods on Highway 660 west of Bonnyville.


NORTHEAST HIGHWAY 28 ARDMORE ARDMORE CAMPSITE - 10 sites. Services: (N). Recreation: Iron Horse Trail, golf, fish pond. 5013 - 48 St. 780-826-2449


Battle River Crossing Resort, Flagstaff County

While on your paddling adventure soak in the spectacular scenery of the region’s lakes and rivers. Enjoy canoeing, kayaking and tubing at various locations including the North Saskatchewan River, Battle River, Vermilion River, Athabasca River and Beaver River. Astotin Lake in Elk Island National Park is very popular with canoe, kayak and SUP rentals available. Lakeland Provincial Park in Lac La Biche region, offers the only canoe circuit in Alberta. The 38 kilometre paddle is an exceptional experience. When portaging between the seven lakes, use the canoe carts available to add to the ease and enjoyment.

Go Paddling

Elk Island National Park - Astotin Lake l Photo by Leanne Delong

Elk Island National Park Rent canoes, SUPs, and kayaks. Hamilton House Bed & Breakfast - Rent canoes on a private lake near Cold Lake. L&D Marine Repairs All types of marine engine & Sea-Doo repairs. Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park Rent canoes, kayaks and SUPs. Franchere Sporting Goods - Boat rentals.


BELLIS LAKE - Open: May - Oct. 25 sites, day use area, toilets, firewood. Services: (N) Recreation: canoeing, fishing, picnic area, playground. 2 km S of Bellis turn-off on Hwy 28. 587-335-5510 KADUK LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May Oct. 13 sites, toilets, picnic shelter, firewood. Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, motor boating, canoeing, fishing. 7 km N of Bellis. 587-335-5510

BONNYVILLE >> M.D. OF BONNYVILLE www.md.bonnyville.ab.ca www.campreservations.ca FRANCHERE BAY PROV. REC. AREA - Open: May - Sept. 198 sites, showers, cookshack, day use area, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, dump station. Services: (P/N). Recreation: boat launch, beach, playground, fishing, trails. 2 km N of Bonnyville on Hwy 41, 18 km W on Sec. Rd. 660 & 2 km S at Moose lake. 780-594-7856 MOOSE LAKE PROV. PARK - Open: May Sept. 59 sites, picnic area, dump station, day use area, firewood, covered cookshack, group camping. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, trails, hiking, boat launch, bird watching, swimming, fishing. 10 km W Hwy 660, then 2 km S. 780-594-7856 MOOSE LAKE PELICAN POINT M.D. PARK - Open: May-Sept. 35 sites, 2 groups sites, caretaker, day use area, firewood, picnic area, dump station. Services: (N). Recreation: trails, boat launch, canoeing, swimming, beach, paddle board rentals, fishing, playground, 6 km of trails. 16 km W on Hwy. 660 then 6.5 km S on RR 474. 780-573-8828. MURIEL LAKE M.D. PARK - Open: May Sept. 93 sites, caretaker, firewood, day use area, group camping, dump station, laundromat, store, toilets, showers. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: boating, beach, bird watching, baseball, beach-volleyball, horseshoes, soccer, 13 km of trails, day-use horse staging area, fishing, playgrounds. SE of Bonnyville. 780-826-4140.

>> ROCKY MEADOWS COUNTRY GETAWAY - Open year-round. 60 sites Services: (P/W/S). 50 amp, pull-thrus. Seasonal & yearly site rental. Group site and shelter. Flush toilets, showers, laundry, free WiFi (limited access). Recreation: inflatable water slide and play area, spring-fed pond, children’s playground, access to seasonal café, farm yard mini-golf, 1 km hiking trail, river floating, Saskatoon U-Pick and RV Rental. Located 13.4 km north of Bonnyville and 3.4 km west on Twp. Rd. 624A. 780-826-6053 VEZEAU BEACH M.D. PARK - Open: May - Oct. 23 sites, 1 tent site, 3 overflow, day use area, picnic area, outhouse, showers, laundromat, caretaker, dump station, flush toilets, firewood. Services: 30 amp, (PWS). Recreation: playground, golf course, boat launch, beach, fishing. 5 km W of Bonnyville on Hwy 28 – next to visitor centre. 780-826-6337. CANADIAN BIGHORN RESORT – 587-201-7243. POPLAR ESCAPE RV – 780-812-4507 SPRING BEACH CAMPGROUND 780-826-6277

COLD LAKE COLD LAKE M.D. PARK - Open May Sept. 71 sites, caretaker, day use area, group camping, tenting, overflow, firewood, flush toilets, coin showers / laundry. Services: 30 amp (P/N) Recreation: beach, boating, fishing, s w i m m i n g , s o c c e r, v o l l e y b a l l , playground, picnic. 2301 - 1 Ave. 780-639-4121. COLD LAKE PROV. PARK - May - Sept. 117 sites, (26 sites (P/W), 79 sites (P), 12 walk-in tent, day use area, firewood, dump station, group camping, flush toilets, showers, store w/firewood, ice, ice cream & camping supplies. Services: (PW/N). Recreation: bird watching, boat launch, beach, fishing, playground, 11.5 km of trails. 5 km NE of Cold Lake off Hwy 28. 780-594-7856. CRANE LAKE EAST & WEST M.D. PARKS - Open: May-Sept. 2 campgrounds, East - 29 sites, day use area, firewood, picnic area. Services: (N). West - 24 sites, dump station, firewood, caretaker, concession. Services: (P/N). Recreation: boat launch, beach, fishing, playground, swimming. 25 km W of Cold Lake along Hwy. 55 & 5 km N on RR 444. 780- 573-6443. ENGLISH BAY PROV. REC. AREA – Open May-Sept, 57 sites. Services: (P). Recreation: boat launch, beach, swimming. 16 km N of Cold Lake. 780-594-7856 ETHEL LAKE M.D. PARK - Open: MaySept. 11 sites, caretaker, firewood, picnic area. Services: (N). Recreation: camp kitchen, boat launch, fishing, horseshoes, playground, swimming. From Cold Lake 8 km West on Hwy 55 and 10 km N on Hwy 897. 780-573-9569.

>> EVERGREEN BIRCH LODGE – Open: Apr 1 – Oct 31. 10 Sites. Daily, weekly or monthly rentals. Caretaker, firewood, fire pits and picnic tables, free Wifi, free laundry services, free private showers, free black water pump outs. Services: 15/30 amp(PWS) Recreation: beautiful landscape with wildlife viewing, pet-friendly walking trail’s past horse ranch, bird sanctuary. Free storage for seasonal RV site renters. Non-gated easy access. 5 Star Rating by Alberta Campsites. Also rents cabins and cottages. 3 minutes to Kinosoo Beach and splash park, close to shopping. Located 3.5 km W of Cold Lake on 1st ave. Address: TWP 63408 RR 423. 780-639-3114. FRENCH BAY PROV. REC. AREA – Open May-Sept. 10 sites – day use, firepits, picnic area. Services: (N). NO firewood. Recreation: boating, beach, fishing, swimming. 15 km NE of Cold Lake. 780-594-7856 >> HAMILTON HOUSE RV PARK – 4 sites. Services: (P/W/S) weekly and monthly rates. Picnic table, group use firepit. Access to some B&B amenities. Recreation: lawn games, on-site hot tub, canoe rentals, fishing charters, lake tours, hiking, and biking. 10 minutes southeast of Cold Lake in Cherry Grove. 780-5947257 WOLF LAKE M.D. CAMPGROUND Open: May – Sept. 67 sites, caretaker, picnic area, dump station, outhouses, day use area, firewood. Services: (N). Recreation: playground, boat launch, fishing. West of Iron River on Hwy 55, then 30 km N on R.R. 473. 780-826-0556. BODINA RESORT – 780-826-7165 BAYWOOD RV PARK – 780-573-3108 COUNTRY CAMPING – 587-201-0184 MANATOKAN L AKE CAMPGROUND 780-812-5521 RUNWAY RV PARK – 780-815-3246 SHELTER BAY RESORT – 780-639-3069

FROG LAKE/FISHING LAKE RIEL BEACH CAMPGROUND – 36 sites, showers. Services: (P) Recreation: playground, beach, fishing. N of Frog Lake off Hwy 897. 780-205-4724


GLENDON CHICKEN HILL LAKE M.D. PARK – Open: May-Sept. 26 sites, firewood, day-use area, outhouses, caretaker on site Services: (N). Recreation: boating, canoeing, beach, fishing, playground. From Hwy 28 S on SH 882 for 6.4 km, E on Twp Rd 594 for 3.3 km and S on RR 482 for 1 km. 780-573-8941. MINNIE LAKE EAST & WEST M.D. PARK Open: May-Sept. 17 sites – day use, store, caretaker, toilets, firewood. Services: (P/N) Recreation: beach, canoeing, fishing, playground, volleyball, paddle board rentals, swimming, day-use, change rooms. 5 km NE of Glendon on Hwy 660. 780-573-6666.

HEINSBURG WATERTOWER CAMPSITE - 6 sites, day use area, firewood. Services: (N). Recreation: playground, hiking, ATV, equestrian, boat launch, canoeing, North Sask. River. Southside of Heinsburg.


Year-round RV sites. Off Hwy 831 on Long Lake Road. 780-473-2511. LONG LAKE PROV. PARK - Open: May – Sept. 220 sites, showers, concession, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, day use area, group camping, laundromat. Services: 30 amp ( P / N ) . Re c r e a t i o n : p l a y g r o u n d , volleyball, golf, horseshoe pits, interpretive programs, trails (26 km) hiking, biking, equestrian, beach, swimming, boat launch & rentals, motorboating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 38 km N of Waskatenau on SH ELK POINT ELK POINT REC. PARK - Open: May - Oct. 831. 780-576-3959 17 sites, firewood, picnic shelter. NORTHERN RIDGE GOLF & RV RESORT Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: 780-576-3939 playground, baseball, golf, multi-use Iron MALLAIG Horse Trail. On edge of town on Sec Hwy MALLAIG BEACH CAMPSITE - Open: May - Labour Day. 24 sites. firewood, cook 646 by golf course. 780-724-3810 ELK POINT RIVER PARK – Open May to shack, fish cleaning stand. Services: (N). Oct. 8 sites, day use area, picnic shelter, Recreation: children’s play area, beach, viewing deck. Services: (P/N) 3.5 km swimming, boating, fishing. Just south of Mallaig on Vincent Lake. 780-645-5263 south of Elk Point. 780-724-3810 ELKS WILDERNESS PARK - 12 sites, 3 REDWATER day use, firewood, water. On Kehewin REDWATER COMMUNITY Lake, 9 km N of Elk Point. 780-724-4402 CAMPGROUND - Open: April-Oct. 11 KEHEWIN PROV. REC. AREA - Closed for sites, dump station and water station 2020 season. Check AlbertaParks.ca nearby. Services: (N). Swimming and WHITNEY LAKES PROV. PARK - Open showers nearby. On Hwy 38 (48 Ave) in May – Sept. Whitney Lake 53 sites. Ross town. 780-942-3519 Lake 149 sites. Services: (P/N). Day use ST. PAUL area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, > > ST. PAUL COUNTY group use areas, picnic shelter, showers. Recreation: playground, volleyball, www.county.stpaul.ab.ca horseshoes, trails (40km), hiking, beach, www.campreservations.ca swimming, canoeing. 27 km E of Elk Point on Hwy. 646. 780-594-7856.

Due to COVID-19, it is highly recommended to PLAN AHEAD! Call the Campground directly to confirm availability and what facilities are open. For updates visit


From feasting on rainbow trout to trophy fishing on the lakes or the North Saskatchewan River for Alberta Sturgeon–you are sure to experience fantastic fishing in the region. Up to 10 species of fish await your hook in over 100 lakes, ponds and rivers in the area, many of which are great in both summer and winter.

Fishing Charters Hamilton House Bed & Breakfast at Cherry Grove, near Cold Lake offers fishing charters and shoreline boat tours. Anglers Bait Tackle & More offers Summer Fishing Tours from May to September.

Alberta FREE Fishing Weekend July 4 & 5!

ALBERTA SPORTFISHING REGULATIONS for complete details visit: www.albertaregulations.ca

For a complete list of FISHING HOLES visit www.GoEastofEdmonton.com/Fishing

Alberta’s Iron Horse Trail (278 km) is a part of the Trans Canada Trail. This uninterrupted corridor of abandoned CN Rail Line welcomes all types of trail users. ATVs and snowmobiles are very popular on this trail. The western branch starts in Waskatenau, the eastern branch starts in Heinsburg, and the northern branch heads to Cold Lake. Lakeland Provincial Recreation Area (140 km) in Lac La Biche region, has shared trails for motorized ATVs and snowmobiles. Many of these trails have been upgraded so that ATV use does not degrade the trail and the landscape. Lakeland Breakers Trail System (35 km) Along the North Saskatchewan River, these summer trails are open for Hikers, ATV's, and Equestrian users. Cabins provide shelter and Canoe groups can use these for overnite rest stops. In winter snowmobilers enjoy these trails. Located in Two Hills County north of Beauvallon, these trails are also known as the Cougar Patch or Beauvallon Cabin Trails. Find trail maps at www.lakelandbreakers.com North Bruderheim Provincial Recreation Area (14 km), just north of Bruderheim and east of Highway 830 along Twp Rd 565, is a designated OHV/ATV recreation area. However, please note that OHV use is not permitted on roads or road right-of-ways in this provincial recreation area. Poachers Landing Provincial Recreation Area Located on the Athabasca River north of Boyle, it has a network of trails and bridges wind through sand and pine terrain as well as poplar forest. Popular for hiking, ATVs, and snowmobiles, with a riverside campground including an equestrian staging area. Redwater Provincial Recreation Area (100 km) - The Sandhills Area boasts one of the largest sand dune fields in the region, and can be found only five minutes east of Redwater on Twp Rd. 574. The area contains numerous designated looping trails and is used extensively by ATV and snowmobile riders.

ST. PAUL RV PARK - Open: May - Sept. 40 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: golf, baseball, by swimming pool. 4800 - 55 St. 780-614-4244 ST. PAUL IRON HORSE TRAIL CAMPGROUND - Open: mid-May to midOct. 82 sites, day use area, firewood, fishpond, flush toilets, picnic shelter, showers, wifi, caretaker. Services: 30&50 amp (PWS). Recreation: soccer field, multi-use trails. Located at 4012 53 Ave. 780-614-4244 FLOATING STONE LAKE CAMPGROUND - Open: May - Sept 7. 50 sites, caretaker, day use area, dump station, group camping, firewood for sale, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, showers, gazebo. Ser vices: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, volleyball, trails, hiking, biking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, canoeing, fishing, Boyne Lake. From Ashmont west on Hwy 28, N on RR 120 for 8 km, turn right on Twp Rd 603. 780-726-3428. LAC BELLEVUE CAMPGROUND Open: May - Sept 7. 29 sites, day use area, firewood for sale, picnic shelter, gazebo for group use, tenting area, caretaker, showers. Services: 30 amp ( P / N ) . Re c r e a t i o n : p l a y g r o u n d , horseshoe pits, volleyball, trails, hiking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. From Hwy 881, turn west Twp 562 for 4.8 km, south 1.6 km. 780-645-2639. STONEY LAKE CAMPGROUND Open: May - Sept 7. 45 sites, caretaker, day use area, dump station, flush toilets, showers, firewood for sale, group camping & gazebo rentals, picnic shelter, tent area. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, horseshoe pits, volleyball, beach area, swimming, motor boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing, fishing. 12 km W of Elk Point on Hwy 646. 780-724-2381. WESTCOVE CAMPGROUND at Vincent Lake – Open: May - Sept 7. 66 sites, day use fee, dump station, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelter, wifi, caretaker on site, tenting area. Services: 15/20 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, basketball, tennis, equipment rentals, trails, hiking, biking, horseshoes, pickleball, beach, spray park, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. From Hwy 881 N of St. Paul, W on Twp Rd 590 and N on RR 100. 780-645-6688. STONEY LAKE COMMUNITY CAMPSITE (P/N), boat launch. Rg Rd 81 off Hwy 646. 780-646-3170


Small Engine Service ATVs, SXS, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, Generators, Lawn & Garden, Snowmobiles jsaskiw84@gmail.com 5224 - 52 Ave, Vegreville


A fully treed secluded seasonal campground located south of St. Paul on t h e N o r t h S a s k a t c h e w a n R i v e r. www.bearridge.ca


HANMORE LAKE Open: May – Sept. 2 campgrounds 53 sites. Day use area, toilets, firewood, group camping, picnic shelter Services: (N). Recreation: playground, hiking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 16 km N of Smoky Lake on Hwy. 855; then 4 km West. 780-656-6580 HOWLIN’ COYOTE MOTORCYCLE CAMPGROUND 780-646-6382 ISLAND LAKE REC. AREA - 9 sites, toilets, firewood, picnic shelter. Services: (N) Recreation: boat launch, canoeing, fishing. 20 km N of Smoky Lake on Hwy 855, then 3 km NE. 780-656-6580

>> METIS CROSSING RV PARK Open: May - Sept. 41 sites, 10 trappers tents, firewood, showers, picnic area, playground, gift shop, special events. Services: 30 amp (P/N) Recreation: horsehoe pits, trails, hiking, swimming, boating, canoeing, fishing on the North Saskatchewan River. 15 km south of Smoky Lake on Hwy 855, 1 km East on Victoria Trail off Hwy 855. 780-656-2229 MONS LAKE REC. AREA - Open: April Oct. 8 sites, treed, day use area, firewood. Services: (N). Recreation: playground, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 6.4 km E of Smoky Lake on Hwy. 28; 3.2 km N and 0.4 km W. 587-335-5510 SHEMELUK LAKE - Day Use Only picnic area, fishing, boating up 10 hp. 3 km east of Smoky Lake on Hwy 28, 10 km N on RR 165. SMOKY LAKE GOLF RESORT – Open May-Oct. 14 sites. Showers, picnic tables, firepits. Services: 30 amp (PWS). Recreation: golf, shuffleboard, horseshoe pit, playground, licensed clubhouse. 1 minute N of town. Play & Stay Golf & RV Packages. 780-656-2121 SMOKY LAKE RV PARK - Open: April Oct. 12 sites, showers. Services: 30 amp (PWS) Recreation: nearby playground, baseball, museum, spray park. 4612 - 54 Ave. 780-656-0394

SPEDDEN GARNER LAKE PROV. PARK - Open: May - Sept. 61 sites, day use area, dump station, firewood, picnic shelter, showers. Services:(P/N). Recreation: playground, volleyball, sports field, trails, hiking, biking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. 5 km N of Spedden off Hwy 28. 780-594-7856

THORHILD CENTENNIAL PARK - 8 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter, showers, playground. Services: (N). West side of town. 780-398-3741 HALFMOON LAKE PARK - 20 sites, day use area, picnic shelter. Services: (N) Recreation: playground, hiking, biking, beach, swimming. 14 km W of Thorhild along Hwy. 18 & 12 km S. 780-961-3308


Due to COVID-19, it is highly recommended to PLAN AHEAD! Call the Campground directly to confirm availability and what facilities are open. For updates visit


BONNIE LAKE VILNA REC. AREA - Open: May - Oct. 32 sites, firewood, picnic shelter, toilets. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, golf, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing, fishing. 2 km E of Vilna along Hwy. 28 and 2 km N. 780-636-3620

>> PARADISE COVE RESORT Open: Year-round. 150 sites (100 seasonal sites w/P), day use area, dump station, firewood, outhouse toilets, showers, caretaker, store. Services: 15 & 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, beach, swimming, boat launch, water skiing, canoeing, fishing. Hwy. 36 proceed 22 km N, 10 km E to dead-end, follow signs (at Whitefish Lake). 780-636-2819.

biking, x-c skiing, canoeing. 10701 River Road. 780-998-4074

LAMONT >> LAMONT COUNTY www.lamontcounty.ca LAMONT RV PARK - 780-895-2220

>> ELK ISLAND NATIONAL PARK ASTOTIN LAKE CAMPGROUND Open: Year-round. 71 sites, day use area, firewood, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, showers, walk in tenting. Services: (N). Recreation: playground, golf, interpretive programs, trails (80km of hiking trails), snowshoeing, canoeing. oTENTiks and equipped campsites available. Info: 780-922-5790. Reservations: 1-877-737-3783 or reservation.parkscanada.gc.ca


PARK) Open: April - Oct. 132 sites, dump

station, 2 camping cabins, firewood, picnic shelter, firepits, tables, green space family reunion building, 2 camp kitchens, camping. Services: (P/N) NE corner of showers, flush toilets, group camping, Waskatenau next to ball diamonds. picnic shelters, free wifi. Services: 30 780-358-2208. amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, golf, horseshoes, hiking, swimming, boating, boat launch, fishing on North Sask. River. 17 km N of Marwayne on SH 897. 780-847-2273. MARWAYNE CAMPGROUND - Open: April - Nov. 24 sites, day use area, dump station, flush toilets, showers, free wifi. Services: ANDREW ANDREW RV PARK - Open: May - Sept. 30 amp (PWS). 2nd Ave & 2nd St South. 16 sites, dump station, flush toilets, 780-847-3784 showers. Services: 30/50amps. (PWS/N) MUNDARE Recreation: playground. In town next to DRAHOMANOW REC. AREA - 8 sites, Duck. 780-365-3687 dump station, firewood, flush toilets. Open weekends only or by appt. Playground, BRUDERHEIM baseball. Services: (N) from Mundare BRUDERHEIM (VICTORIA TRAIL) junction of Hwy 16 & Hwy. 855, 13 km S, 3 CAMPGROUND - Open May-Oct. 24 km E. 780-632-7486 sites, dump station. Services: (PWS/N). MUNDARE RV CAMPSITE – Open Year Recreation: baseball, oval race track. round. 18 sites. Services: (PWS) Next to 780-796-3731 rec. centre and spray park. 5116 – 50 Ave. CLANDONALD 780-764-3929 CLANDONALD CAMPGROUND - 6 sites, dump station on grounds near Community UKRAINA PARK CAMPGROUND – Open May – Sept. 25 sites, flush toilets, showers, Hall. Services: (P/W). 780-853-8339 picnic shelters, concession building rental. DEWBERRY Services: (P/N) Recreation: baseball, DEWBERRY CAMPGROUND - Open May - playground. North side on Hwy. 855. Sept. 39 sites, Services: (PWS/N) 780-603-1073 Monthly/weekly rates. 1st Ave north. MYRNAM 780-847-3034

EAST HWY 15 & 45


»» ELK ISLAND RETREAT www.elkislandretreat.com Known for its beautiful natural setting, its quietness, and cleanliness, this small private campground features 36 full service RV sites, 2 yurts (new), 2 trapper cabins, 2 tipis and tent sites. Coin-op showers & laundry, firewood $. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Weekly, monthly and seasonal rates available. No large dogs. Recreation: Nature trails, horseshoe pits and volleyball net. Near Elk Island National Park. North on RR 212 off of Hwy 16. 780-998-0708. FORT LIONS CAMPGROUND (TURNER PARK) - Open: May - Oct. 24 sites, firewood, flush toilets, showers. Services: 15 amp(PWS/N). Recreation: playground, volleyball, trails (68 km paved), hiking,

Athabasca County


>> BEAR RIDGE CAMPGROUND www.bearridge.ca Rentals are for full

season. 25 large treed & secluded sites May-Sept. Recreation: boating, canoeing, fishing, tubing, swimming, multi-use trails, wildlife viewing, horseshoe pits, game sites, playground, golf nearby. N of Myrnam on the North Sask. River off Hwy 881. JACKFISH LAKE REC. AREA Open: May - Sept. 24 sites, showers, dump station, firewood, pavilion with kitchen, caretaker on site, store, group camping, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: playground, horseshoe pits, beach, swimming, boat launch, electric motor boating, sailing, canoeing, fishing. 5 km W on Hwy. 45 & 6 km S. 780-208-0223. MYRNAM CAMPGROUND - 5 sites. Dump station. Services: (N) By arena. 780-366-3910

East of Edmonton there are over 20 National and Provincial Parks and Recreation Areas with trails. In addition, there are numerous other trails at campgrounds and other designated natural areas to enjoy. In total, there are over 1000 km of trails at over 50 locations across the region. Refer to the Campground Listings to find details about these parks and trails. See map for locations (inside back cover).

• Cooking Lake-Blackfoot

Provincial Rec. Area - 170 km of trails

• Elk Island National Park - 80 km of trails

• Lakeland Provincial Rec. Area - 140 km of trails

Alberta Parks Trail information is online at www.AlbertaParks.ca Athabasca Landing Trail is a part of the northern leg of the Trans Canada Trail. The 170 km trail is partially completed and starts by Fort Saskatchewan on the west side of the North Saskatchewan River, through Gibbons and leads north to Athabasca. It is a multiuse non-motorized trail for year-round use. Beaver Hills Biodiversity Trail - The trail is located at Range Road 211 and Township Road 530 (Baseline Road), on the east side of the Strathcona Wilderness Centre. The trail is 2 km long with benches, lookout points and a picnic area at the trail head. The Strathcona Wilderness Centre is a four-season outdoor adventure centre, with 12 km of trails. Enjoy snowshoeing, crosscountry skiing, disc-golfing, hiking, wildlife watching, tent camping, picnicking, and more. In the winter you can rent complete x-country ski and snowshoe equipment for all ages.

White Earth Valley Natural Area is a naturalist’s gem with a 17 km winding trail. Hiking, wildlife viewing, horseback riding and geocaching are just some of the activities that your family will encounter. It is accessible from adjacent Long Lake Provincial Park during the operating season, with year-round access from Township Road 621.

www.GoEastofEdmonton.com/Outdoor-Adventures www.GoEastofEdmonton.com/Outdoor-Adventures


MYRNAM CAMPGROUND - 5 sites. Dump station. Services: (N) By arena. 780-366-3910 MYRNAM DERWENT GOLF & CAMPGROUND - 17 sites. Services: (PW/N). From Hwy 45 N on RR 85, E on Twp Rd 554. 780-646-2822.

TWO HILLS >> COUNTY OF TWO HILLS www.thcounty.ab.ca See AD page 82. GELETA PARK - 5 sites. Day use area, washrooms, showers. Services: (N). Recreation: playground, tennis / basketball courts, beach volleyball, soccer field, baseball diamonds. Hwy. 36 S of town. 780-657-3542 SANDY LAKE PARK - Open: May – Sept. 37 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, pavilion with kitchen, day use area , caretaker on site. Services: 15 amp (PW/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horsehoe pits. 9 km W on Hwy. 45 & 13 km N on Sec. Rd. 860. 780-768-2330.

WILLINGDON BOIAN - ROMANIAN HERITAGE MUSEUM RV PARK - Open May-Sept. 6 sites, water. Services: (P/N). 4 miles north of Hwy 45 on RR 143. 780-768-3932. WILLINGDON CAMPGROUND & RV PARK 15 sites, flush toilets, showers. Services: (PWS). In town on Hwy 45. 780-657-3358

Photo Contest



BEST Wildlife Photo: Great Horned Owlet near Wainwright by Linda J. Long

Go Wildlife Viewing East of Edmonton has some of Alberta’s best wildlife viewing opportunities. Look for over 250 species of birds, such as herons, pelicans and bald eagles; also bears, beavers, bison, moose, elk, deer and more! Best spots to see wildlife include Elk Island National Park and Beaver Hills Biosphere Area, the North Saskatchewan River Valley, Lac La Biche Region; amongst many Alberta Parks and national areas all over the region.

INNISFREE >> INNISFREE REC. PARK Open: May - Sept. 67 sites, day use, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, pull thrus, showers. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Re c r e a t i o n : p l a y g r o u n d , b a s e b a l l , horseshoe pits, trails. Hwys 16 and 870 junction at Innisfree, then 1 km S at Birch Lake. 780-592-3886 or 780-592-2414.

>> WAPASU LAKE CONSERVANCY PARK Day Use Recreation Only: Open May to Sept. Beach, firepits, picnic tables, canoeing, non motorized boating, playground, picnic shelter, swimming, 4 km of trails, birdwatching, washrooms, wildlife viewing. 4 km S of Hwy 16 on RR 115.

KITSCOTY KITSCOTY REGIONAL PARK - Open: May Oct. 19 sites, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, picnic shelter and shower building. Ser vices: 30 amp (P/N), internet. Recreation: baseball, golf, horseshoe pits, trails, park. In town. 780-846-2221 LINDSAY EVANS REGIONAL PARK Day Use Recreation Only: Open June to Sept. Canoeing, firepits, Wildlife viewing. South of Kitscoty on 897, West on TWP 490 for 5.5 km. www.vermilion-river.com

>> VERMILION RIVER COUNTY www.vermilion-river.com

LLOYDMINSTER CAMP ‘N RV CAMPGROUND 780-875-4663 ROLLING GREEN FAIRWAYS GOLF COURSE & RV PARK - West side of Lloydminster off Hwy 16. 780-808-1667 SANDY BEACH REGIONAL PARK 20 km N on Hwy. 17. 306-825-2092 WEAVER PARK - Open: April - October. 63 sites, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, caretaker. Services: 30, 50 amp, (PWS/N). Recreation: playground, minigolf, museum. 44 St (Hwy 16 E) & 45 Ave. 306-825-3726

MANNVILLE >> MANNVILLE RIVERVIEW GOLF & RV RESORT Open May – Sept. 63 sites, caretaker, café, flush toilets, firewood, group camping, pull-thrus, restaurant/ store, showers, seasonal sites. Services: 50 amp (PWS) Recreation: golf course, horseshoe pits. 3.5 km N of Hwy 16 on Hwy 881, 2 km E on Twp 510A. 780-7632252.

>> MANNVILLE RV PARK Open year-round. 60 sites. Coin operated showers, washers and dryers, fenced on all sides. Services: 30 amp (PWS). 780763-6404. Situated on Hwy 16 & 881.

PARADISE VALLEY THREE CITIES REGIONAL PARK - Open: May - Sept. 8 sites, day use area, group camping, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter. Services: 30 amp (PW/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horseshoe pits. 1 km E. 780-745-2283

>> STRATHCONA COUNTY www.strathcona.ca/youcanvisit COOKING LAKE / BLACKFOOT PROV. REC. AREA - Back country camping for Youth/Education Oriented Groups onlyreservations required. Recreation : interpretive programs, trails (170km), hiking, biking, x-c skiing, equestrian. E of Sherwood Park on RR 210 just past Twp Rd 524. 780-922-3293

>> ELK ISLAND NATIONAL PARK See feature on the right or complete listing under Fort Saskatchewan on page 31.

»» ELK ISLAND RETREAT www.elkislandretreat.com Known for its beautiful natural setting, its quietness, and cleanliness, this small private campground features 36 full service RV sites, 2 yurts (new), 2 trapper cabins, 2 tipis and tent sites. Coin-op showers & laundry, firewood $. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Weekly, monthly and seasonal rates available. No large dogs. Recreation: Nature trails, horseshoe pits and volleyball net. Near Elk Island National Park. North on RR 212 off of Hwy 16. 780-998-0708. HALFMOON LAKE RESORT – 780-922-3045 KAWTIKH RV RETREAT 780-922-5168

Due to COVID-19, it is highly recommended to PLAN AHEAD! Call the Campground directly to confirm availability and what facilities are open. For updates visit




individuals & groups. Water, firewood. Lodge holds up to 41 people. Services: (N) Recreation: interpretive programs, ski rentals, trails, hiking, biking, disc golf, x-c skiing. 16 km E of Sherwood Park on Baseline Rd, Twp. Rd. 530 & RR 212. 780922-3939.


50 sites, group camping, flush toilets, showers, dump station, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Baseball. In town. 780-754-3665. IRMA GOLF CLUB RV PARK - 12 sites 30 amp (P/W). 780-754-2184


www.beaver.ab.ca CAMPGROUND in the Elks/Kinsmen www.campreservations.ca Park. Open: May - Sept. 65 sites, RYLEY CAMPGROUND - Open: May -

concession, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic area, visitor centre. Services: 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, trails, hiking, biking. fishing. In town next to Pysanka off Hwy 16A 780-632-6800. VEGREVILLE RAINBOW PARK RESERVOIR - Day use only. Fishing trout pond, toilets, birdwatching. Along Hwy 16 N of Vegreville. 780-632-6800

VERMILION HIDDEN LAKE CAMPGROUND – 780-744-2289 VERMILION PROV. PARK - Open: Yearround. 111 sites, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, showers. Services: (PWS/N). Recreation: playground, spray park, canoeing, baseball, horseshoe pits, mini-golf, trails (20km), biking, x-c skiing. In town, follow signs. 1-877-537-2757

SOUTHEAST HIGHWAY 14 CHAUVIN DILLBERRY PROVINCIAL PARK Open midMay - Oct. 83 sites, flush toilets, dump stn. Services: (P/N). Recreation: beach, swimming, playground, sport fishing, sand dunes, x-country skiing, hiking, 13.5 km of trails. SE of Chauvin on Hwy 17. 780-853-8221 KING’S PARK CAMPGROUND Open May 15-Oct 15, 12 sites, flush toilets, showers, dump station. Services: (PWS). In town by Water Tower. 780-858-3881

EDGERTON EDGERTON GOLF COURSE CAMPGROUND – Open May – Sept. 27 sites, caretaker, firewood, golf, playground, licensed dining. Services: (P) East on Hwy 610. 780-755-2462.

>> EDGERTON SAND CASTLE CAMPGROUND – Open May – Oct, 12 sites, dump station, picnic area, play area, Services: (PWS), 50 Ave & Hwy 894. 780-755-3933. RIBSTONE CAMPSITE – Open May – Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter. Services (N). On Hwy 14, 15 km E of Edgerton turnoff.

HOLDEN HOLDEN CAMPGROUND - Open: Yearround. 8 sites, day use area, dump station. Services: 30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, spray park, ball diamonds. 48 St and 52 Ave. 780-688-3928.

Sept. 20 serviced sites, pull thru sites. Water and dump station nearby. No firewood. Services: 15/30 amp (P/N). Recreation: playground, baseball. 47 St. & 50 Ave. 780-663-3653

Photo: ©Parks Canada - Elk Island National Park


TOFIELD BLACK NUGGET LAKE CAMPGROUND Open: May - Oct. 75 sites, caretaker on site, concession, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, group sites, showers, picnic shelter / cookhouses. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: birdwatching, playground, horseshoe pits, electric motor boating, canoeing, trout pond fishing, backcountry hiking. Located next to Coal Creek Golf resort. 10 km east of Tofield on Hwy. 14 to Rg Rd 182 then 11 km south on paved road. 780-663-2421.

>> BLUEBIRD RV PARK Open: May 1 - Sept. 30, 35 sites, (5 pull thrus), handicap accessible clubhouse, coin operated laundry, private shower, private bathroom, mini kitchen and common area, winter storage available, gated community. Services: 30/50 amp (PWS). Recreation: Golfing and fishing nearby. N of Miquelon Lake. 780-4469842 or 780-701-5171. COAL CREEK GOLF RESORT RV PARK - 66 large sites. Daily, weekly, monthly rates and seasonal sites available. Services: 50 amp (P/W/S) Recreation: Discount available on green fees. 780-663-2473. LINDBROOK STAR GAZER CAMPGROUND – Open May-Sept. 40 sites, showers, toilets. Services (P/N). Recreation: Horseshoes, playground, swimming pool, volleyball. W of Tofield – 51123 Rg. Rd. 200. 780-662-4439 TOFIELD CAMPGROUND - Open May-Oct. 18 sites, indoor washroom/shower facilities, dump station. Services: (P). Self-registration on-site. In town near mainstreet, trails and fairground. 4730-51 Ave. 780-662-3269

VIKING EASTVIEW PARK - Open: May - Oct. 18 sites, firewood, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, day use area. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: playground, baseball, horseshoe pits, soccer, golf. Main St. to 55 Ave. 780-336-4747

©Parks Canada

Less than 35 minutes east of Edmonton lies a year-round oasis where bison roam freely, sun glistens off lakes and ponds, and stars light-up the night sky; Elk Island National Park. This gentle wilderness of aspen woodlands, prairie meadows and pockets of wetland is a wildlife-watchers paradise; free roaming bison, elk, deer, moose, and more than 250 bird species call this place home. A short drive to Elk Island National Park rewards visitors with countless recreation opportunities; hike or bike over 80 km of trails, rent canoes and paddle around the islands on Astotin Lake, take in a free program, or borrow a geocaching kit and enjoy a nearly 200 square kilometre scavenger hunt. Fun doesn't end as the sun begins to set; stay warm by a fire and look into a sky filled with stars and dancing Northern Lights. Without the glow of city lights around you'll see more than you knew existed! With so much to do why not stay the night? Book a campsite and bring your tent or RV to the Astotin Lake Campground, or pack a backpack and make the 4 km hike into Oster Lake Backcountry Campground. If you want the experience of camping but need a few more creature comforts, oTENTik's are available at Elk Island! oTENTik’s are a cross between a tent and a rustic cabin; bring a sleeping bag and discover the joys of camping without any fuss. Be sure to stop at the all-new Elk Island Visitor Information Centre and Gift Shop to feel furs of different animals that call the park home, capture a selfie with a bison, learn about how to interact with wildlife safely and shop for Parks Canada official merchandise or crafts made by local Indigenous artisans. Located 35 minutes east of Edmonton on Highway 16 Canada Day - July 1 780-922-5790 Parks Day - July 18 Campground Reservations: Milky Way Days - Sept. 6 1-877-RESERVE (737-3783) www.parkscanada.gc.ca/elkisland reservation.parkscanada.gc.ca

2020 Special Events


2020 Go East of Edmonton Campground Guide CAMP LAKE PARK Open: May - Sept. 71 sites, caretaker on site, concession, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelters, cookhouses, concession. Services: 15, 30 amp, (P/N). Recreation: playground, basketball, volleyball, mini-golf, horseshoe pits, trails, hiking, beach, swimming, boat launch, motor boating, water skiing, sailing, canoeing. 16 km east of Viking on Sec. Hwy. 619 then 2.4 km north. 780-336-3414.

WAINWRIGHT ARM LAKE REC. AREA - Open May-Sept. 124 sites, caretaker, concession, dump stn, laundromat, showers. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). Recreation: golf course, beach, boating, playground, trails, next to Clear Lake with boat launch, fishing, 15 km of trails. 15km E of Wainwright on Hwy. 14, 7 km S on Hwy. 610, follow signs. 780-842-4727 DR. MIDDLEMASS CAMPGROUND - Open: April - Oct. 30 sites, day use area, dump stn, firewood, flush toilets, showers, laundromat, picnic shelter. Services: 15 amp (PWS/N) WiFi. Recreation: playground, trails. At 80515 St. Wainwright. 780-842-3541 FABYAN CAMPSITE - Open: May - Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter. 12 km W of Wainwright in River Valley along Hwy 14. 780-842-4454 >> RIVERDALE MINI PARK Open: May – Sept. 110 sites, concession/dining, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, showers, group camping, picnic shelter, caretaker on site. Services: 30 amp (PWS). Recreation: playground, baseball, volleyball, 18 hole golf course, mini-golf, horseshoe pits, trails, hiking, biking. beach, swimming, canoeing on Battle River. 16.4 km N of Wainwright on Hwy 41. 780-842-2996 WAINWRIGHT GOLF CLUB RV PARK 780-842-3046

SOUTHEAST HIGHWAY 13 >> CAMROSE COUNTY www.county.camrose.ab.ca BAWLF JUBILEE PARK 780-373-3797 BASHAW CAMPGROUND 16 sites. Flush toilets, trailer dump, wood. Services: (N). On Hwy 53. 780-372-3911 BASHAW GOLF CLUB 780-372-2333 BASHAW COUNTRY 9 GOLF & CAMPGROUND 780-372-2427

>> CAMROSE EXHIBITION TRAIL RV PARK 107 sites, standard & pull through


sites, laundry & shower facility, internet (Wifi), firewood, confectionary and RV supplies. Services: 30, 50 amp (P/W/S). Recreation: short walk to CRE Events Building and Camrose Resort Casino. Golf course nearby, children's playground. Located just off Hwy 13 east on the CRE Grounds. 780-678-2888. >> DOUBLE DAM CAMPGROUND – Open: May-Oct. 100 Sites, sani-dump, laundry mat, showers, over-sized sites, daily, weekly, monthly and Seasonal sites. Services: Full Service and “Value Village” with no services. 20, 30 amp, Group sites PW Recreation: Golfing. Licensed clubhouse, horseshoe pits, volleyball courts. RR 18525 Secondary Highway 609 Rosalind, AB. 780-375-2154

EDBERG CAMPGROUND - Open May Sept. 5 sites. Camp kitchen, dump stn. S of Camrose on Hwy 609. 780-877-3999 FERINTOSH CAMPGROUND - Open May - Sept. 19 sites. Day use area, firewood., camp kitchen, dump station. Services: (P/N). On Lassen Drive in Ferintosh on Hwy 21 S of Camrose. 780-877-3767 HAY LAKES TELEGRAPH PARK - Open: May - Sept. 22 sites. Day use area, group camping. Services: (P/N). Recreation: fishing. NW of Camrose. 780-878-3200 JOHNSON'S BEACH CAMPGROUND Bashaw 780-372-3884 MIQUELON LAKE PROV. PARK - Open: Year-round. 273 sites, caretaker, day use area, showers, dump station, firewood, toilets, picnic shelter, group camping, store/visitor centre. Reduced services in winter. Services: (P/N). Recreation: playground, golf, interpretive programs, trails (20 km), hiking, biking, canoeing. From Hwy 21, 20 km E on Hwy 623. 780-672-7274 MIQUELON HILLS SEASONAL RV SITES 780-662-2499 NATURE CONSERVATION CENTRE Day Use Recreation Only: Open May to Sept. Canoeing, dock, non motorized boating, boat launch, fishing, fire pits, playground, picnic shelter, swimming, trails, washrooms, wildlife viewing. 11.5 km S on Hwy 56 to TWP 452 and E 8 km to RR 185. NEW NORWAY CAMPGROUND - Open May - Oct. 6 sites, camp kitchen, flush toilets, dump station. Services: (P/N). Recreation: baseball. Along Hwy 21. 780-672-4446 PELICAN POINT PARK - Open May - Sept. 56 sites, caretaker, concession, day use area, firewood, group camping, flush toilets, showers, picnic shelter, wheelchair access. Services: (P/W/N) Recreation: beach, boat launch, boating, fishing, horseshoe pits, swimming, trails, mini golf, playgrounds. On Buffalo Lake, 10 km east of Bashaw on Hwy 53 & 6 km S. 780-672-4446. ROSS FLATS CAMPGROUND - Open May - Sept. 10 sites. Services: (N). At Duhamel on Hwy 13. 780-672-4446 ROUND HILL CAMPGROUND - Open May - Sept. 10 powered sites, firepits, flush toilets, showers at Rec. Bldg. Services: (P/N) Recreation: ball diamonds. 780-672-6271 SILVER CREEK GOLF COURSE & CAMPGROUND 780-855-3982 THE WILLOWS RETREAT 780-855-2523 TILLICUM BEACH PARK – Open May – Sept. 7 sites, day use area, showers, flush toilets. Services: (P) Recreation: playground, trails, baseball, boat launch. 16 Km East on Hwy 13, 14 km South on Hwy 956. 780-672-4446. WHISTLE STOP GOLF COURSE & CAMPGROUND – 780-672-6490 WILLOW GROVE – 780-372-2193

DAYSLAND DAYSLAND (EDGERTON DAY) CAMPGROUND - 12 sites, large overflow camping, cookhouse, group camping, firewood. Services: (P/N). Recreation: Playground. 1 km south of Daysland on Rg Rd 163. 780-384-4100

DAYSLAND GOLF COURSE CAMPGROUND – 29 sites, flush toilets, free firewood, showers, group sites, trails. Services: (PWS/N). 780-374-3633. ROZI’S RETREAT – Open year round On Hwy 13. 780-373-2385.

>> FLAGSTAFF COUNTY AREA & FORESTBURG www.flagstaff.ab.ca/tourism

>> HARDISTY LAKE PARK Open May – Oct. 58 sites, caretaker, day use area, firewood, group camping, flush toilets, showers. Services: (PWS). Recreation: beach, boat launch, motor boating, canoeing, playground, picnic shelter, dump station, golf, baseball, swimming. In town from 47 St. & Hwy 881 go S. 780-888-2700. ROLLING HILLS RV PARK 780-888-7770

Recreation: beach, birdwatching, kayaking, tubing, trails, hiking, biking, playground, basket disc golf course. Off Hwy 36, west on Twp Rd 410 to RR 144 go south 4.8 km (south of Forestburg). 780-583-2100 BIG KNIFE PROVINCIAL PARK – Open mid-May - mid-Oct. 51 sites, day use, Recreation: playground, fishing, boat launch, 7 km of trails, firewood, dump station, motorboats, canoeing, tap water. Services: (N), 8 Km West & 13 Km South of Forestburg on Hwy 855. 403-742-7516

DIPLOMAT TROUT POND CAMPGROUND – 15 sites, firewood, gazebo. Services: (N) Recreation: nature trail, fishing. 8 Km West of Forestburg & 8 Km South on Hwy 855. 780-384-4100. FORESTBURG GOLF COURSE CAMPGROUND – 17 sites. Café, showers. Services: (PWS) Recreation: Golf. Just off SH 856 on 50 Ave. 780-582-3693 FORESTBURG KINSMEN RV PARK – Open April - Oct. 28 sites, flush toilets, showers, firewood, group camping, dump stations, playground. Services: 30 amp (PWS/N). 4901-47St. – 780-582-3668 GALAHAD VILLAGE CAMPGROUND - 6 sites, group camping, toilets, showers. Services: (P/W). 780-384-4100 IRENE PARLB Y PARK (HEISLER) CAMPGROUND - 10 sites, showers. Services: (PWS). Recreation: playground, baseball, basketball, walking trails. In town at Haultain Avenue & Greenfield Street. 780-889-3774 STROME CAMPGROUND Services: (N). In village off Hwy 13. 780-384-4118.

Bluebird RV Park

ALLIANCE VILLAGE CAMPGROUND - 4 sites. Public washrooms, showers, dump KILLAM stn. Services: (P/W). 780-879-3911. BATTLE RIVER CAMPGROUND – Open KILLAM CENTENNIAL PARK May – Sept. 5 sites, picnic shelter. 3 km S Open: May-Sept. 55 sites, day use area, dump station, free firewood, flush toilets, of SH 602 on Hwy 36. 780-879-3911 showers, picnic shelter, group camping. >> BATTLE RIVER CROSSING Services: 30 amp Recreation: baseball, RESORT & CAMPGROUND Open mid-May - Sept. 40 sites, 6 group playground, skateboard park, paved trail. camping areas. Large group tent area. (PWS/N). 4616-57St. 780-385-3977. Caretaker, day use, pull thru sites, LAGUNA BEACH RV PARK firewood, picnic shelter. Services: (P/N) 780-385-2280

The East of Edmonton region has over a dozen campgrounds with seasonal rentals available in 2020.


LOUGHEED CAMPGROUND – 15 sites, picnic shelter, baseball, museum. Services: 15&50 amp (PWS). Recreation: picnic shelter, baseball, museum, trout pond nearby. Southside of Hwy 13. 780-386-3970

Enjoy the relaxing life style of your OWN LOT with these full season campsite rentals.

PROVOST & AREA BANNISTER CAMPGROUND Open MayOct. 53 sites, flush toilets, picnic shelter, site stoves. Services: (PWS) 30 amp. Recreation: next to Rec Centre, bowling alley, pickleball, tennis courts, skateboard park and ball diamonds. 53 Ave. in Provost Sports Park. 780-753-2261 BODO COMMUNITY CAMPGROUND – 10 sites, flush toilets, showers, dump station. Services: (P). Hwy 899. 780-753-6353 CAPT. AYRE LAKE & RESORT - Open May-Sept. 83 sites, day use, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, dump station. Services: (P). Recreation: beach, horseshoe pits, paddle boat rentals. 17 km W of Cadogan along SR 600 & 1.4 km S. 780-857-2105 HUGHENDON GOLF CAMPGROUND 780-856-2066 SHORNCLIFFE LAKE CAMPGROUND Open May-Sept. 50 sites, day-use, flush toilets, group camping, picnic shelter, dump stn, laundromat, museum. Service: (PWS) Recreation: motor-boating, beach. 3 km west of Czar. 780-857-2435


Open: May–Sept, 59 sites, beach, day use area, dump station, firewood, flush toilets, shower, group camping, picnic shelter. Ser vices: 30 amp (PWS) Recreation: wading pool, paved trail, HARDISTY golf, bird watching, canoeing, swimming, FISH LAKE CAMPGROUND – 20 sites, playground, spray park. 1 km North of day use area, free firewood, group Sedgewick on R.R. 124. 780-384-2256. camping. Recreation: basketball, WETASKIWIN horseshoe pits, gazebo, bird watching, LIONS COMMUNITY RV CAMPGROUND picnic shelter, fishing, playground, – 74 sites, washroom, showers, cook swimming, non-motorized boating. houses, coin laundry, games room, dump Services: 30 amp (P) – 2.5 Km West of station. Services: (P/W/S) Recreation: Hardisty off Hwy 13 on RR102 . playground, horseshoe pits, trout pond. 780-384-4100. 2.4 km east of junction Highway 2A and Highway 13 east. 780-352-7258

Due to COVID-19, it is highly recommended to PLAN AHEAD! Call the Campground directly to confirm availability and what facilities are open. For updates visit


Fifty Plus RV Park Bluebird RV Park - Tofield 780-446-9842.

On the River Bear Ridge Campground - Myrnam, on the North Saskatchewan River 780-275-0363.

Jubilee Regional Park (Lea Park) - Marwayne, where the Vermilion River meets the North Saskatchewan River. 780-847-2273. Rocky Meadows Country Getaway by the Beaver River near Bonnyville 780-826-6053.

On the Golf Course Coal Creek Golf Resort - Ryley 780-663-2473.

Double Dam Campground (Rosalind), Camrose County 780-375-2154.

Mannville Riverview Golf & RV Resort - Mannville 780-763-2252. See photo on right. Miquelon Hills Campground Camrose County 780-662-2499.

By the Lake

Mannville Riverview Golf & RV Resort

Athabasca County has numerous campgrounds for seasonal rentals. 780-675-2273 George's RV - next to Long Lake Provincial Park 780-473-2511. Evergreen Birch Lodge - Cold Lake 780-639-3114. Paradise Cove Resort - Whitefish Lake 780-636-2819. M.D. of Bonnyville has numerous campgrounds for seasonal rentals.


Waterfront Harbour Bed & Breakfast

HAMILTON HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST 780-594-7257 Near Cold Lake. .

LAKESHORE INN BED & BREAKFAST Cold Lake. 780-639-0000



Luxury lodge. Cold Lake. 780-573-8948

10 comfort camping trappers tents overlooking the North Saskatchewan River. 780-656-2229



Cold Lake. 780-654-2132

Country Retreat Featuring...

Lodge, rustic cabins & cottages. 780-639-3114 Cold Lake

FRANCHERE CABINS 4 cabin rentals located at Franchere Bay Rec. Area, Moose Lake,Bonnyville. 780-635-4050

SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL PROVINCIAL PARK Alberta’s only Island park offers 15 lakefront cabins and two tipis. Lac La Biche. 780-623-4144.

• 5 Guest Rooms • Conference/ Party Room

ELK ISLAND RETREAT – 2 yurts (comfort camping), 2 trapper cabins, 2 tipis. 780-998-0708

STRATHCONA WILDERNESS CENTRE – The Lodge is available for

perfect for meetings, family reunions, weddings and other family events.

• Full Breakfast • Outdoor Hot Tub • Fireside & BBQ Facilities • Fully Serviced RV Sites • Hiking/Biking & XC Ski Trails

(an A-Frame tent & cabin in one). 1-877-737-3783.

Photo: ©Parks Canada

A Woodland Oasis


retreat or group bookings, complete with kitchen, dining room and meeting facilities.780-922-3939.

FOOTLOOSE CABOOSE LODGE JUBILEE REGIONAL PARK (Lea Park Campground). 2 camping cabins. Marwayne. 780-847-2273. See ad page 85.

Luxuriously appointed railroad caboose. Tofield. 780-662-2372.

MIQUELON PROVINCIAL PARK 4 Yurts. N of Camrose. 780-672-7274.

with equipment rentals.

Your hosts: Brian & Debbie Hamilton

10 minutes SE of Cold Lake in Cherry Grove

and the Very Popular... • Canoeing on a Private Lake (5 rental canoes) • Fishing Charters • Private Beach Tours

For reservations or to book a tour:

Ph: 780-594-7257


See the complete Accommodations Guide with more details online at www.GoEastofEdmonton.com/Places-To-Stay


Venture out on one of many beautiful lakes to canoe, kayak or paddle board in the Athabasca Region. Or, at the Athabasca Landing Trail, take a longer hike and experience the Tawatinaw Valley. Explore the 17.5 km Muskeg Creek Walking Trails within the Town of Athabasca. You can also enter the Kapawinihk Wilderness Triathlon, go camping at one of a dozen campgrounds, or book a round of golf at one of three golf courses.

Forfar Recreation Park Beach


OF T S A E H T R NO EDMONTON HWY 28 It’s all about Amazing Culture, Lakes & Trails!

• Link to Highway 28 Communities • Click here to see the Adventures in local communities along Highway 28.

Long Lake Provincial Park

Half Moon Lake Park Natural Area is in the southwest area of Thorhild County provides a scenic campground. Enjoy the trails, have a picnic in the day use area, and use the boat launch. Long Lake Provincial Park has become a popular destination with full amenities including camping and a relaxing beach. Nearby is a golf course, and the White Earth Valley Natural Area with 17 km of multi-use trails.

The Smoky Lake Region is a beautiful area full of opportunities for outdoor recreation. Camping, biking, hiking, and horseback riding are common forms of entertainment—and events are held throughout the year. The County region has over 10 campgrounds and parks for you to enjoy including the popular Hanmore Lake, comprised of two campgrounds, a beach, and playground areas. Smoky Lake Region is a great place to venture out on Alberta’s Iron Horse Trail. This multi-use trail is perfect for hiking, biking, quadding and horseback riding in the summer, then bring out the snowmobile and the horsedrawn sleigh when the snow falls.

smoky lake REGION

Paradise Cove Resort


smokylakeregion.ca 1-888-656-3730


"The Resort of Northeast Alberta"

Phone (780) 636-2819

Photo Credit: Francis Parker, Bonnie Lake, Smoky Lake County

Located Approx. 34 Km North of Vilna

in the

County of St. Paul Inviting sandy beaches to enjoy on hot summer days. Family friendly. Day Use areas, playgrounds, fishing, boating, hiking, recreation...so relaxing.

* * * *

Lac Bellevue Powered & Non-serviced Sites Floating Stone Tenting areas Stoney Lake Westcove at Vincent Lake

Make Reservations at campreservations.ca

The Iron Horse Trail, is a multi-use, recreational trail that runs the length of what was the Canadian National Railway line. This is the longest continuous stretch of the Trans Canada Trail in Alberta. The trail begins in Waskatenau, going all the way to Cold Lake and a south east branch that ends in Heinsburg. It’s popular year-round with horse riders, hikers, cyclists, skiers, snowmobilers, and ATV users. Trailheads in the county are located at St. Paul, Mallaig, Elk Point, Lindbergh and Heinsburg. Multiple staging areas, rest stops and some accommodations are distributed the length of the trail making it perfect for planning a multi-day excursion.

* Elk Point Golf & Country Club offers a Play n’ Stay Package * Enjoy golf or footgolf at Mann Lake, a par 34 nine hole course * St. Paul Golf Club is a highly rated 18-hole, challenging course.

Follow us @CountyofStPaulNo.19

Phone: 780-645-3301 Email: countysp@county.stpaul.ab.ca


Ph. 780-645-4481





OPEN YEAR ROUND *Nightly, Weekly & Monthly Rates *Full Service 30 and 50 amp available *Seasonal Sites *Group Site

P ACHER’S CORNER - Camping Supplies - Licenses (AB & Sask) - Fishing Bait - Rifles and Shotguns - Retail Outlet for MUCK Boots - Camo Clothing - Ammunition - Archery Supplies - Oregon Chain - Seasonings - WETT Certified - Scorpion Products - Wood & Pellets Stoves Proud Sponsors of

Bonnyville, AB

www.rockymeadows.net 780-826-6053

In Alberta Dial Toll Free 1-800-642-3800 www.reportapoacher.com

Box 480, 5202 Railway Ave., Glendon, AB Phone 780-635-2458 Fax 780-635-2448


Photo by No

rm Mitchell

This beach is just 3 minutes away


* Fun, Family Gatherings * Healing & Corporate Retreats *Pet Friendly

CALL US AT 780-573-8948

Enjoy one of Canada’s Top 25 Beaches – Kinosoo Beach Explore more than 400 square kilometres of water on Alberta’s seventh largest lake, and enjoy the beauty of the Cold Lake Marina and Kinosoo Beach. Named one of Canada’s top 25 beaches by Canadian Geographic Magazine, Kinosoo Beach is a three block stretch of fine sand on Cold Lake’s north end.

@coldlaketackleshack ksgrey77@gmail.com


Located on the grounds of Evergreen Birch Lodge, 3 min west of Kinosoo Beach, Cold Lake


Rated 5/5 Stars in 2019

• Fire Pits & BBQ Facilities • Dog Park • Playgrounds • 4.6 km of Walking Trails • Covered outdoor seating for 60 people

Just 3 minutes west of Kinosoo Beach, Cold Lake North


CALL US AT 780-639-3114

• Link to Highway 15 & 45 Communities • Click here to see the Adventures in local communities along Hwy 15 & 45



North Saskatchewan River

Only 2 hrs east of Edmonton, 10 min north of Myrnam

It’s all about Scenic Rides, Original Stories and Good Eats!


Only 1.5 hours from Edmonton or Lloydminster (To Smoky Lake)

Hwy. 645

Willingdon ? (To Lamont)

M Boian Museum

29 Hwy. 857

Hairy Hill

(To Fort McMurray)

Sandy Lake


Lac Sante Shores

Hwy. 637

G Lions Golf & Country Club




(To St. Paul)

County of 45 Two Hills Morecambe Hwy. 870

th or






a ew


Duvernay Boat Launch L Brosseau

Two Hills

District of Kaleland




Tranquility Bay

Jackfish Lake

Hwy. 881

M Shandro

Hwy. 860

(To Andrew)

Hwy. 640

Myrnam & Derwent Golf Course

Silverberry Recreation Area N




Derwent District of Rusylvia

Hwy. 631 (To Vegreville)

(To Innisfree) (To Hwy. 16)

*Jackfish Lake/J.Dudar Park *Sandy Lake Park Gazebo & Stall Rental - Jackfish 780-208-0223; Sandy Lake 780-768-2330 *Lac Santé - day use picnic area, boating & fishing *North Saskatchewan River - boat launch at Duvernay; Desjarlais Crossing *Canoeing, Kayaking, fishing, wildlife viewing *Snowmobile & ATV trails *Boian Museum *Birds & Bees Organic Winery and Meadery



(To Mannville)

(To Vermilion)

• Link to Highway 16 Communities • Click here to see the Adventures in local communities along Highway 16.


Where Culture Meets Adventure!

orld’s W e h t Visit anka s y P t s Large

Vegreville Elks/Kinsmen Park ~ Home of the World’s Largest Pysanka ~ Accredited Visitor Information Centre Ukrainian Souvenirs, Snacks & Food Trucks Thursday Night Farmers’ Markets FREE Borrow-A-Bike Program Walking Trails & Accessible Playground Serviced Campground & Fishing Pond Public Washrooms, Free Showers & Sani-Station

780-632-6800 #explorevegreville


Mannville Riverview Golf & RV Resort Features a 9-hole course with grass greens, practice putting green, barbeque & banquet facilities, licensed restaurant, outdoor patio, playground, and scenic walking trails. Serviced seasonal lots and camp sites available. Located 6 km northeast of Mannville, off HWY 881.

Mannville RV Park Situated on Highway 16 and 881, Mannville

60 Fully Serviced Sites Power, (30 AMP Breakers) Water and Sewer (21 Sites Year Round Hook-ups) (27 Sites with Shade Trees, Overflow: 33 Gravel Sites) • Fenced on all Sides with Exit and Enter Driveways • 3 Coin Operated Showers: 1 Shower, 1 Sink, 1 Toilet in each • 3 Commercial Coin Operated Washers and Dryers • Easy Access to Highway 16 and 881 • Close Proximity to: UFA Fuel, Confectionery, Liquor Store, Grocery Store and 2 Banks.

RV Park Office: 780-763-6404 RV Park Manager: 780-853-1129 or 780-763-2222 RV Park Owner: 780-853-0007 Box 60, Mannville, AB T0B 2W0


For more information and bookings call 780-763-2252 For Online Tee Time booking visit... http://mannville.com/river-view-golf-course/book-a-tee-timeonline ©Photo by Dragon Hare Studios

ŠAlberta Parks l Vermilion Provincial Park

The Vermilion Provincial Park is the town’s community treasure, reaching out over nine miles (750 hectares) along the south shore of the Vermilion River Valley. The park is open year round boasting 23 km of hiking trails, a spray park, mini-golf, a 9-hole golf course,

soccer fields, trout pond and playgrounds to enjoy. Camping at the Vermilion Provincial Park is also very popular. Once winter arrives enjoy the Nordic skiing trails where Beckie Scott, Canadian Olympic gold medalist, trained.

• Link to Highway 14 Communities • Click here to see the Adventures in local communities along Highway 14.


Snowbirds Welcome • Reservations Required • Gated Community • Winter Storage A quiet RV Park for people over 50 in a beautiful country location with seasonal, monthly & weekly rates.

HWY 14

bluebirdrvpark.ca 780-446-9842 or 780-701-5171

It’s all about Arts, Parks, Great Food and Good Spirits!

• Link to Highway 13 Communities • Click here to see the Adventures in local communities along Highway 13.


107 Fully Serviced Sites located on the Camrose Regional Exhibition Grounds

HWY 13

adjacent to Camrose Resort Casino.

780.678.2888 reservations@camroservpark.com

•Pull Thrus •Shower & Laundry Facility •WiFi •Children’s Playground •Park Pavilion with Firepit •Short & Long Term Sites


It’s all about Trains, Planes and Antique Automobiles!


Mirror Lake Park is the starting point of 38 km of paved/shale walking trails that wind gracefully through the Stoney Creek Valley and the central part of the city, presenting outstanding natural settings for picnics with the family, cycling or long walks with your best friend. Swing your clubs at the beautiful Camrose Golf Course. The tree-lined fairways situated along the banks of Stoney Creek provide a variety of challenges for the seasoned golfer while still remaining suitable for beginners. Rudy Swanson Recreation Park is home to several outdoor facilities including the Kin Park Ball Diamonds, soccer pitches, tennis courts, basketball courts, beach volleyball courts, shale walking trails, the water spray park and a skateboard park. Stay a day, or stay awhile with your big rig at the Camrose Exhibition Trail RV Park – a full service campground with modern facilities.


The County has an excellent selection of golf courses from 9 to 27 holes, all within a half hour drive of each other. Be sure to swing a round of 18 holes at Miquelon Hills Golf Course. Or set up camp at Double Dam Golf Course and Campground where it’s much more than golfing or camping. It’s full of fun family activities all summer long. For popular campgrounds you can enjoy Miquelon Lake Provincial Park at the north end of the County, Tillicum Park adjacent to Dried Meat Lake just southeast of the City of Camrose, and Pelican Point Park on the north shore of Buffalo Lake at the southern boundary of

the County. Modern campgrounds near lakes create the perfect setting for spending time on the beach, canoeing or just plain kicking back. North of Miquelon Lake Provincial Park is Bluebird RV Park, a 50+ peaceful seasonal RV campground (see ad page 114). Soak up the get-back-to-nature hospitality and create memories with your family. There are also numerous campsites in the hamlets and villages within the County. Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy fishing for Northern Pike at Buffalo Lake and Dried Meat Lake. In the heart of the County, you will find the Nature Conservation Center, a re-claimed gravel pit that has been transformed into a beautiful day use recreation area. Located 8 km east of Highway 56 on Township Road 452 (pictured above).

In Flagstaff County you can enjoy fishing, hiking, boating and camping at the many public and private campgrounds and parks in the region. Check out the facilities at Fish Lake Park just 2 km west of Hardisty – complete with a lakeside gazebo, covered day-use shelter, two large group sites, playground, beach area, fishing and free firewood. Or perhaps drop a line into the Diplomat Trout Pond just 15 minutes from Forestburg. It is stocked annually with rainbow trout and is home to many wildlife and plant species. Go tubing at Battle River Crossing Resort situated along the Battle River. Just north of Strome is Wavy Lake, a favourite feeding stop for geese and ducks, and a choice area for hunters in the fall. If golfing is your game, then come out to enjoy one of the region’s four golf courses, located in Daysland, Forestburg, Sedgewick, and Hardisty.

• A gem located within the borders of the Town of Hardisty • Campsites, public picnic areas, and playground • Adjacent public ball diamond, rodeo grounds, and Hardisty Lakeview Golf Course • Nearby public boat launch • For bookings call 780-888-2700 • Park is maintained by the Hardisty Agricultural Society

Golfing, camping, boating, swimming, and baseball are just a few of the activities that Hardisty has to offer. The campground and the public beach at the Hardisty Lake Park are right in town; inviting campers and day visitors all summer long. A great place to visit; canoes, kayaks, and small motorized boats are welcome on the lake. Nearby, play 9 holes at the Lakeview Golf Course. The Battle River runs adjacent to town - where you can spend the day canoeing down the river or watching wildlife at the riverside campground.

Athabasca Cold Lake Lac La Biche Bonnyville Legal Thorhild

Sherwood Vegreville Vermilion Park Wetaskiwin



Camrose Killam

Lloydminst er

F Saskatcort Redwater Smoky Lake St. Paul hewan Edmon ton Lamont Mundare Two Hills




1 2

EXPLORE THIS FREE 150 PAGE GUIDE This magazine is the #1 and only comprehensive travel guide to the region with everything to see and do East, Northeast and Southeast of Edmonton. You can also view this travel guide online at www.GoEastofEdmonton.com


OUR AMAZING NEW WEBSITE It’s all new for 2020! New stories, videos, events, attractions, camping and more! It’s the #1 regional tourism website with over 1000 pages of everything to see and do. Plus enter online for our awesome prize giveaways!




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1-888-632-8755 Email: info@goeastofedmonton.com Photo by Francis Parker, Bonnie Lake, Smoky Lake County





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