2023 Vegreville FCSS Community Resources Directory

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This resource is a successful collaboration between the Town of Vegreville, Vegreville & District Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) and Vegreville Kinsmen Directory.

While this resource is a comprehensive list, it is not a complete list.

NoticeofDisclaimer: Weassumenoresponsibilitytoanypersonorpersonsfortheinformationcontainedinthispublication,norshallwebe heldliableforanydamagecausedtoanyperson,whethernegligentorotherwise. Ifthereaderintendstorelyonanyinformationcontained herein,heorsheshouldverifytheaccuracyoftheinformationindependently. Thisdirectoryistobeusedasaguideonlyandshouldnotbe consideredtobeafullyauthoritativenorexhaustivelistofservicesavailableinthecommunity,norofthoseactuallyprovidedbytheagencies listedherein,noroftheirqualificationstoprovidesuchservices.Thelistingofanagencydoesnotnecessarilyconstituteendorsementofits purpose,method,orqualityofservicebytheTownofVegrevilleortheCountyofMinburn. AnypersonalinformationprintedinthisCommunity Services Directory has been obtained and used with written permission from those parties listed, in accordance with the Freedom of InformationandProtectionofPrivacyAct.

We understand that finding information and navigating the system in rural Alberta can be difficult. FCSS will help you get connected…

Help Posters:

FCSS assembles lists of local agencies, toll-free numbers, online supports, and resources that you cancall,text,oraccessonlinetogethelpyouneed.

Navigation & Support:

FCSS Community Programmers can help you through the tough times and get connected to the right servicesandprogramsthatyouneed.

Community Counselling Program: Affordable, in-person, phone, and video counselling services are available. This program uses a sliding fee scale.

Financial Empowerment:

Money worries are the greatest source of stress. Our financial empowerment initiatives reduce poverty by building individuals' financial health. We're here to help you find the information, resources, and education sessions that can help you improve your financialsituation.

Meals On Wheels: Hot noon time meals are available for residents that are unable to cook for themselves due to illness, recent hospitalization, disability,poornutrition.Thecostpermealis$7.00.

Seniors’ Link-In Calls: Older adults can join group phone calls to connect with others and learn new things.It'sfree,it'seasy,andit'slocal!

Subsidized Housekeeping: Wehelp eligible people with either the application for the Government of Alberta Special Needs Assistance Program for Seniors or the Town of Vegreville FCSS Department SubsidizedHousekeepingProgram.

Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP): Our office hosts a free Canada Revenue Agency - Tax Clinic Program where volunteers file tax returns for eligible people who have a modest income andasimpletaxsituation.

Child, Youth & Family Programs:

• Babysitter's Course: Weteachthebasicsof safebabysittingtoyouth11yearsoldandup.

• Sizzlin' Summer: A fun child development day camp that is offered during the summer for children\6–12years

• Junior Leader Program: This program is for youth aged 13 to 15 years who want to strengthen their leadershipskillsandenjoyingworkwithchildren.

• Afterschool Programming: This program provides connection, skill development, snacks, and activities. After Hours (Grades 7-12) and Friend Den (Elementary students and held at the Vegreville FamilyResourceNetwork).

• Kalyna Family Resource Network (FRN): Focuses on child development and well-being, caregiver capacity building supports, and social supports and connections. The Vegreville centre is locatedat5106-48Ave.Call780-632-2912.

Community Development: Our goal is to improve the quality of life for residents of Vegreville by strengthening the non-profit sector. Together we are addressing the root causes of the social issues identified by the community. Give us a call to learn more about what coalitions, task forces, or initiatives arehappeninginVegreville.

FCSS COMMUNITY DIRECTORY 2 Monday-Friday 9 am to 4:30 pm Office Phone: 780-632-3966 Cell Phone (Text): 780-603-1707 fcss@vegreville.com Email: www.vegreville.com/p/fcss Website: www.facebook.com/vegfcss Facebook:
3 FCSS COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Mobile Kids Help Text 686868 KidsHelpPhone.ca

Vegreville & District FCSS Community Counsellling Program: Affordable in-person, phone, and video sessions available. 780-632-3966 or email: fcss@vegreville.com

Mental Health Capacity Building (MHCB)

Vegreville an initiative funded byAHS in partnership with Elk Island Public and Catholic School Divisions. MHCB is located in all 5 Vegreville Schools. 780-218-5844

Alberta Health Services & other Health Services - see page 24.

Alberta Brain Injury Network (ABIN)

Northeast Region Part of a province wide network servicing adults with an acquired brain injury and their families 780-645-3441 ext. 232 Sexually Transmitted Infections 1-800-772-2437

TeleCare The Good Samaritan Society Monitor, support & respond E: telecareinfo@gss.org | 1-800-676-8397 www.goodsamaritantelecare.org

Lifeline 1-800-543-3546 www.lifeline.ca/en/

GPS Guardian Connect Integrated with MedicAlert Mobile GPS MedicalAlert System with Fall Detection 1-877-217-7449 Email:gps@medicalerta.ca www.medicalert.ca

Walking Program - For all ages.Tues &Thurs, LibraryAuditorium 10-11 am - $1/day. Ph: 780-632-4333 or 780-632-2240

Bullying Helpline 1-888-456-2323

Rural ElderAbuse Prevention (REAP) Coalition - FCSS can help provide a clear path to resources that will identify, address, and prevent elder abuse. 780-632-3966

VegAl-Drug-Society - See ad page 80. Outpatient counselling services for: alcohol, other drugs and problem gambling. General topics inAddiction prevention and Mental Health Promotion. Ph: 780-632-6617 | Fax: 780-632-6618

Room #217 Prov. Building (4809-50 Street) Vegreville,AB T9C 1R1 E: vegal@telus.net

Addictions Helpline 1-866-332-2322 Alberta Quits Helpline 1-866-710-7848

Rural / Suicide Distress Line 1-800-232-7288

Vegreville Victim ServicesVegreville RCMP Detachment6820 Hwy16aW Supporting victims of crime & tragedy Melissa Radford - Program Manager 780-631-2800 | Cell 24/7 780-603-1358

CrisisAssociation of Vegreville Operates a HELP LINE for those who are having difficulties in their lives and need assistance.

24 Hour Help Line: 780-632-7070 Vegreville Support Line: 780-603-7381

Alberta Supports - see page 7.

211Alberta You can dial 2-1-1 to speak to an Information & Referral Specialist, or search our online community resource directory, or chat online with us from 12-8pm daily. www.ab.211.ca

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul –A Catholic organization ministering emergency assistance on a case by case basis. 780-603-2270

The Rock Ministries & Church – AChrist centre organization providing mobile/ outreach emergency assistance that is determined on a case-by-case basis: 780-632-2933 www.therockmc.net


Service Canada: Provides Canadians with a single point of access to a wide range of government services and benefits 1-800-O-Canada 1-800-622-6232 www.servicescanada.gc.ca | www.canada.ca

Outreach Services: Once a month staff are available at the VegrevilleAlberta Supports Office 5121-49 St.

Ph: 780-632-8686

Federal Constituency Office, Lakeland (Vegreville), Stubbs, Shannon MP

Ph: 780-657-7075 Toll Free: 1-855-561-4209 Fax: 780-657-7079 Email: shannon.stubbs@parl.gc.ca 5009 - 50 St. (Main Office) Box 247,Two Hills,AlbertaT0B 4K0

Canada RevenueAgency –IndividualTax Inquiries

Tax information for individuals, trusts, international tax and non-residents, including personal income tax returns, instalments, and RRSPs

Ph: 1-800-959-8281

Find theAlberta government services and information you need at 310-0000 | TTY Access 1-800-232-7215 | www.alberta.ca

Fort Saskatchewan & Vegreville Constituency Member of the LegislativeAssembly - Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk

Main Office: 10211 100Avenue

Fort Saskatchewan,AB T8L1Y7


VegrevilleOffice:Box451,492751Ave T9C1M1 Ph: 780-632-6840 Fax: 780-632-6888


Alberta Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is an Officer of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, reporting directly to the Assembly.TheOmbudsmanisimpartial,operating independently from the Alberta government, politicalpartiesandindividualelectedofficials

Ph: 780-427-2756 | Fax: 780-427-2759

Edmonton MailingAddress Alberta Ombudsman: 9925 – 109 Street, Suite 700 Edmonton,Alberta T5K 2J8

Canada RevenueAgency –Benefit Inquiries

Information on the Canada child benefit (CCB), the GST/HST credit, and related provincial and territorial programs, as well as the child disability benefit and children's special allowances Ph: 1-800-387-1193

CanadianAnti-Fraud Centre: Contact if you suspect that you may be a target of fraud, if you want to report a fraud, or if you need more information.

Ph: 1-888-495-8501

Canada Post Vegreville: 4930-50 St Vegreville,AB T9C 1A0

Ph: 780-632-3248 1-800-267-1177

Government of Canada Job Bank

Search Canadian jobs, explore careers and labour market trends, subscribe to email alerts, sign up for Job Match, and find tools and resources for employers. www.jobbank.gc.ca

Vegreville Community Health Centre Alberta Health Services - see page 24.

Alberta Supports

Financial Support, Shelters, Housing, Seniors Benefits, Children’s Services, Persons with Disabilities,AISH, Employment, ReportAbuse. 7:30 am to 8 pm Mon-Fri.

Provincial Helpline: 1-877-644-9992 EmergencyIncomeSupportLine:1-866-644-5135

Vegreville Office: Ph: 780-632-8686 5121-49 St, Vegreville,AB T9C 1S7 www.alberta.ca/alberta-supports.aspx

Vegreville Child & Family Services

Child Intervention, Family & Community Services, Family Services for Children with Disabilities, and Adoption, Foster and Kindship Care. Ph: 780-603-2500

Free Family Mediation –Are you going through a separation or divorce and need to work together for your children but need help?

Check out the Family Mediation program at https://www.alberta.ca/family-mediation.aspx or call Edmonton 780-427-8329 or elsewhere inAlberta call 403-355-2414





ALIS - www.alis.alberta.ca

Alberta career, learning and employment information that helpsAlbertans achieve success.

Provincial Court Vegreville

Alberta Justice Criminal Sittings:

• Every Monday (except 5 Mon) at 10 am Family &Youth Sittings:

• Every Monday (except 5 Mon) at 10 am (Youth)

• Every lastTuesday of the month at 10 am (Family & Child Enhancement)

Note:This is a circuit court location. Send all court documents to Vermilion. General court information 1-855-738-4747 Ph: 780-632-5415 | Fax:780-632-5485

4809-50 St Vegreville,AB T9C 1L8 Vermilion Provincial Building, Box 30, 4701-52 St.,Vermilion,AB T9X 1J9 Ph: 780-853-8130 |Fax: 780-853-8200

Probation Community Corrections

AlbertaJustice Ph:780-632-5407

Alberta Transportation Regional District Office Ph: 780-853-8178

Road conditions onAlberta's Hwys call 511 511.alberta.ca

Driver Fitness & Monitoring Ph: 780-427-8230 | Fax: 780-422-6612

Email: Driver.fitness@gov.ab.ca Main Floor,TwinAtria Bldg. AlbertaTransportation 4999 - 98Avenue Edmonton,AB T6B 2X3 www.transportation.alberta.ca/DriversVehicles

Alberta Environment & Parks Fish & Wildlife Ph: 780-632-5410 4809-50 St, Vegreville,AB T9C 1M9 Report a poacherToll Free: 1 800 642-3800

Alberta Seniors & Housing - see page 13.

Help for incapable adults Information for caregivers that are supporting family members who are no longer able to care for themselves.


The has a population of 3,014 County of Minburn and is located in east-centralAlberta in the parkland area east of Edmonton.The County covers an area of approximately 55 miles (88 km) east to west and 30 miles (48 km) north to south, encompassing 41 townships

Ph: 780-632-2082 | Fax: 780-632-6296 E: info@minburncounty.ab.ca www.minburncounty.ab.ca 4909-50 St., Box 550 Vegreville,AB T9C 1R6

Vegreville & District Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

Provide programs and services that help prevent crisis and take care of the social well-being of the community.

Ph: 780-632-3966 4829-50 St., Box 640 Vegreville,AB T9C 1R7 Email: fcss@vegreville.com | www.vegreville.com

See also page 2.

CommunityAssociation for Lasting Success (CALS) Anon-profit, charitable organization providing programs and services that support children and families to strengthen their skills necessary for successful life-long learning.

Jen Dixon - Executive Director Ph: 780-632-3225 Box 766 Vegreville,AB T9C 1L8 Email: ed@vcals.org | www.vcals.org

Kalyna Vegreville Family Resource Network Hub (FRN) Vegreville’s community-based centre provides services and supports based on the needs of families, children, and youth. FRN focuses on child development and well-being, caregiver capacity building supports, and social supports and connections.

Ph: 780-632-2912

Email: vegfrnhub@telus.net Box 640, 5106-48Ave., Vegreville,AB T9C 1R7


Caring Families Program, WJS Canada

Freehomevisitationservicesforfamilieswithchildren aged 0-6. Services include prenatal or parenting support & education about child development, focusingonbuildinghealthyattachments.

Family Resilience Program, WJS Canada

Free home visitation program, providing parenting education and support to families with children and youth aged 7-18. Parent-teen mediation, healthy relationships,barrierreduction.

For more information on these programs, or to make a referral call 780-645-3313.

Mental Health Capacity Building (MHCB)

Vegreville - see page 29.


Provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport. www.kidsportcanada.ca/alberta/vegreville/ Email: vegreville@kidsport.ab.ca | 780-603-0938


Jumpstart's core purpose is to enrich the lives of kids (from 4 to 18) in need through sports and physical activity. We assist with the costs associated with registration,equipmentand/ortransportation.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities 1-877-616-6600 Apply online: www.jumpstart.canadiantire.ca

ElkIslandPublicSchoolRegionalDiv #14

One of Alberta's largest school divisions serving approx17,150studentsin42schoolsinSherwood Park,ruralStrathconaCnty,LamontCnty,theCity ofFortSask,andVegreville(CntyofMinburn). www.eips.ca Ph: 1-780-464-3477 | Toll Free: 1-800-905-3477 683 Wye Road , Sherwood Park,AB T8B 1N2 A. L. Horton Elementary School

Ph: 780-632-3113 | Fax: 780-632-3933 5037-48Avenue, Vegreville,AB T9C 1L8 www.alhorton.ca

Vegreville Composite Jr/Sr High School

Ph: 780-632-3341 | Fax: 780-632-3533 6426-55Ave., Box 138, Vegreville,AB T9C 1S5 www.vegcomp.ca

Next Step Senior High Vegreville

Analternativeseniorhighschoolforstudentswho require a non-traditional, individualized program. Ph: 780-632-7998 | www.eipsnextstep.ca 4908 50Ave., Box 696, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R7

Elk Island Catholic Schools Division

PartofAlberta'spublicly-fundededucationsystem, proudly serves over 6,000 students in the communities and surrounding areas of Camrose, Fort Saskatchewan, Sherwood Park, Strathcona CountyandVegreville. Ph: 1-800-996-9982 | www.eics.ab.ca 160 Festival Way, Sherwood Park,AB T8A5Z2

St. Martin's Catholic Elementary School

Ph: 780-632-2266 | Fax: 780-632-6886 4314-54AAvenue, Vegreville,AB T9C 1C8 www.stmartins.eics.ab.ca

Vegreville Community Day Care Ph: 780-603-4417

Email: vegrevillecommunitydaycare@gmail.com

Vegreville Preschool Assn. – Provision of early childhoodeducationtochildrenintheVegrevillearea. Provide 3 & 4 year old programming options. Ph:780-632-6008| E:Vpa_registrar@hotmail.com 5106-48Ave., Vegreville,AB T9C 1L8 www.vegpreschool.ca

After School Care Program -A.LHorton School Ph: 780-632-3113

Out of School Care – St. Martin's Elementary School Ph: 587-280-1550

St. Mary's Catholic High School

Ph: 780-632-3934 | Fax: 780-632-2958 4434-53 Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1A1 www.stmarys.eics.ab.ca

VegMin Learning Society

Providing adult learning and literacy programs to residents within theTown of Vegreville and the County of Minburn since 1975 Ph: 780-632-7920 | E: vegmined@gmail.com 4923-50 St, Box 442, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R4 www.vegmin.com

5241-43 Street Box 443, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R4

Vegreville Transportation Services Society (VTSS)

WheelchairAccessible Van: 780-603-1188

Vegreville Office (Taxi Vouchers): 780-632-7363 Box 1113, Vegreville,AB T9C 1S3 Email: vtss@telus.net

Viking Handi-Van Services Society Book the Handi-van for any private booking, wedding or group trip. Call Kerri Davis at 780-385-1757

Meals On Wheels Program Ph: 780-632-3966

Vegreville & District Co-op Grocery Store offers a $5.00 grocery delivery service in Vegreville. Ph. 780-632-2884

Vegreville Food Bank Society To receive a hamper from the Vegreville Food Bank: Ph: 780-632-6002

E: vegrevillefoodbank@gmail.com to make an appointment by 2 pmThursdays. Or go online vfb.link2feed.ca Appointments are scheduled for Fridays between 9 am & 12 pm. Closed on Statutory Holidays

How to Donate:

Monetary: Online via theATB Cares website or mail to P.O. Box 705, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R7. Address cheques to the Vegreville Food Bank Society and include a return address if you would like a receipt.

Food & Hygiene Products: Drop off at 4615 Maple St.,Tuesdays 10am-2pm or contact VFB to make other arrangements at 780-632-6002.

Christmas Bureau - Avolunteer driven nonprofit organization providing relief for families and children at Christmas through donations of toys, food hampers and gift certificates which are redeemable for food or clothing. Application to be a recipient may be made through voice mail to the phone number advertised in local papers in November.All information is kept completely confidential.

Watch for phone numbers published in the newspaper in November Box 31, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R1

Community Futures Elk Island Region

Provides a wide range of small business services and business management tools for people wanting to start, expand, franchise or sell a business.

Ph: 780-632-6064 www.elkislandregion.albertacf.com P.O. Box 608, 5122-50 Street

Vegreville,AB T9C 1R7

Alberta Supports

Career & Employment Information Services help Albertans with career planning, job placement, job search, resume development.

Vegreville Office: 780-632-8686 Toll Free Line 1-877-644-9992 Haverhill Building 5121-49 Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1S7 www.alberta.ca/alberta-supports.aspx

EmployAbilities North

Offers a variety of free employment programs to allAlbertans with a self disclosed disability, barriers to employment, as well as services for employers.

Derek Christensen, Employment Facilitator

Ph: 780-603-8182 Email: derekc@employabilities.ab.ca https://employabilities.ab.ca

BGS Enterprises

BGSs' personalized approach helps you determineyourinterestsandabilities,identifyyour Career Goals and equip you with the tools and resources to develop your personalized Career Success Strategy. Ph: 587-280-3170

Legal Aid - Is a registered society incorporated under the provincial Societies Act, Legal Aid Alberta is an organization independent from government, but is accountable to the Minister of Justice & Solicitor General for Alberta and to the LawSocietyofAlberta.


Fax legal docs: 1-866-382-7253

Edmonton Office: Revillon Building, Suite 600 10320-102AvenueT5J 4A1

Edmonton Community Legal Centre

Free legal advice for individuals with low/moderate income. Ph: 780-702-1725 www.eclc.ca


VALID (VegrevilleAssociation for Living in Dignity)

Amulti-service, not-for-profit community based organization. Supports people with developmental disabilities to have an inclusive life in the community.

Ph: 780-632-2418 4843-49 St., Vegreville,AB T9C 1K7

E: valid@valid-assoc.org www.valid-assoc.org

WJS Disability Services

Residential living, career and lifestyle programs. Strengthening people and communities through innovative, individualized services.

St. Paul and Vegreville Services:

Ph: 780-645-3313 #201, 4701 - 50 St., St. Paul,AB T0A3A2 Ph: 780-632-2332 5122 – 50Ave., Box 371, Vegreville,AB T9C 1M1

Vegreville Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)

Provides a wide range of family-centred supports and services.

Ph: 780-603-2500 Fax: 780-632-2525 5121-49 St., Box 1318, Haverhill Building VegrevilleAB T9C 1T9 Intake email: HS.NCFSCDIntake@gov.ab.ca

AISHAlberta (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped)

Provides financial and health-related assistance to eligible adults with a disability.

Ph: 780-632-8675 Fax: 780-632-8687 Haverhill Building, 5121-49 Street Box 1590 Vegreville,AB T9C 1S7

Vegreville Special Olympics

Promotes all sports for the emotional and physical well-being of all challenged athletes.All age groups are welcome to participate. Includes Floor Hockey, Bowling andTrack & Field.


CorrineAudy 780-632-7665 Box 675 Vegreville,AB T9C 1R7 www.specialolympics.ab.ca/vegreville E: vegrevillelanes1@hotmail.com

Prairie Central FASDAssociation (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)

Provides education, assessment and diagnosis, and prevention information as well as ensuring FASD services are coordinated across the region.

www.prairiecentralfasd.caPh: 587-386-0186

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness 780-632-7575 4706-59Avenue, Vegreville,AB T9C 1X3

SeventhDayAdventist 780-632-3746 5258-46Avenue, Vegreville,AB T9C 1N3

St. John's Baptist Russo Greek OrthodoxChurch 780-426-5163 5527-49 Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1G5

St.John'sLutheranChurch 780-632-3207 4513 Maple Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1L3

St. Martin's Roman Catholic Church Phone: 780-632-3272 Fax: 780-632-3303 5437-43 Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1C8 Email: StMartinTours.Vegreville@caedm.ca Website: StMartinofTours.caedm.ca

St. Mary'sAnglican Church 780-632-3888 Email: stmarysvegreville@gmail.com Website: stmarysvegreville.wixsite.com 5042-48Avenue, Vegreville,AB T9C 1L8

Ukrainian Catholic Holy Trinity Church Phone: 780-632-2370 Fax: 780-632-7907 5705-51 Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1H8

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Vladimir 780-632-3155 5146-48Avenue, Box 1572, Vegreville,AB T9C 1S7

VegrevilleUnitedChurch 780-632-2338 Email: vegucc@telusplanet.net Website: www.vegrevilleunitedchurch.com 5126-48Avenue, Vegreville,AB T9C 1M7

Vegreville MuslimAssociation 587-408-7828 Email: info@vegrevillemuslims.com

North Pointe Church Email: calvin@np.church 780-632-4166 4615 Maple Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1N4 www.np.church/vegreville

VegrevilleAllianceChurch 780-632-2261 4606 55Avenue Email: info@vegrevillealliance.org

The Rock Ministries and Church Ph: 780-632-2933 Email: info@therockmc.com Website: www.therockmc.com


Alberta Seniors Communities & Housing Association (ASCHA) www.ascha.com Online Housing Directory: www.housingdirectory.ascha.com

Alberta Seniors & Housing Create affordable housing options for Albertans most in need and helpAlberta's aging population lead healthy and independent lives.

Seniors Services

Alberta Supports Vegreville Office Ph: 780-632-8686

Alberta Supports CentreToll-free: 1-877-644-9992

TDD/TTYToll-free: 1-800-232-7215 www.seniors-housing.alberta.ca/seniors

SeniorsApartments – Where rent is based on 30% of a household's income.Able to live independently. Is a private apartment with your own kitchen and bathroom.There might be a common area to share with others.

Vegreville Seniors Housing Operates 3 “self-contained” apartment complexes. The Alberta HousingAct gives local housing management bodies responsibility for the day-to-day operation of housing programs.

Email: vegsrhsg@telus.net Ph: 780-632-6782

Address: 4823 49Ave VegrevilleAB T9C 1N8 Application Required 4823 - 49Ave Golden Villa 4833 - 49Ave Parkview Manor 5725 - 49a Street St.Anne's Manor

SeniorsLodges-Seniorslodgeoffersrooms, meals, services, and some recreation. Lodge operatorssettheirownmonthlylodgerates,but eachresidentmustbeleftwithatleast$322for spending money and personal expenses. 65 yearsofageandabletoliveindependently.

Seniors Lodges continued...

Homestead Senior Citizen’s Lodge M.D.OfMinburnFoundation:SeniorsHousing Program - Seniors Lodges & Cottage Units. The Alberta Housing Act gives local housing management bodies responsibility for the day-today operation of housing programs. Intake is partially through Vegreville Home Care, Alberta Health Services Applications for long-term care, supportiveliving,andfacilityrespitecareprogram.

Ph: 780-632-6211 Emergency only:780-632-2229 Fax: 780-632-6231 5253 - 46Ave Vegreville,AB T9C 1P9

Continuing Care –Alberta Health Services has 3 main levels of care: Home Care, Supportive Living, Long-Term Care. and To get started, you need to call the Continuing CareAccess Line 1-855-371-4122. Vegreville Community Health Centre 780-632-3331

Supportive Living Types (Lodge, Group Home andAssisted Living)

Lodge: Homestead Senior Citizen's Lodge - see listing above.

Assisted Living: 1. Vegreville Manor - St. Michael's Health Group – Affordable Seniors' Independent and Supported (levels 1,2,3) Living

Ph: 780-632-3540 Fax: 780-603-0861 5913 - 49 St. Vegreville,AB T9C 1X4 Website: www.smhg.ca Email: vegrevillemanor@smhg.ca

2.CenturyPark-OptimaLiving –Inpartnership withAHSasaDesignatedSupportiveLivingDSL3 & DSL4 & DSL4D. Intake is partially through Vegreville Home Care, Alberta Health Services Applications for long-term care, supportive living, andfacilityrespitecareprogram.

Ph: 780-632-2731 4613 - 50 St., Vegreville,AB T9C 0A1



Assisted Living continued...

3. Heritage House – Points West Living

In partnership withAHS as Designated Supportive Living DSL3, DSL4 & DSL4D. Intake is partially through Vegreville Home Care,Alberta Health ServicesApplications for long-term care, supportive living, and facility respite care program.

Ph: 780-603-0853 | Fax: 780-603-0867

4570 Maple Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1X2 reception.heritagehouse@pointswestliving.com

Heritage House – Points West Living

Apartment units.Affordable, independent supportive living residence. 24 Hour Medical Staff on-site.

Ph: 780-278-1073

4570 Maple Street, Vegreville,AB T9C 1X2 www.pointswestliving.com

Long-Term CareAccommodations: Vegreville Care Centre

Alberta Health Services - LongTerm Care that provides 24/7 residential care for people with complex medical needs.

Ph: 780-632-2871 4525 - 50 Street Vegreville,AB T9C 0A1

Group Home: VegrevilleAssociationforLivinginDignity (VALID) SpecialNeedsHousingProgram

The Alberta Housing Act gives local housing management bodies responsibility for the day-todayoperationofhousingprograms.

Ph: 780-632-2418

Shelter or TransitionalAccommodation

24-HourEmergencyIncomeSupport ContactCentre.Ifyouarefacinganemergency need for food, medication or transportation to temporarysheltercall 1-866-644-5135 or 1-877-644-9992

Find a shelter www.alberta.ca/find-shelters.aspx

Get help with housing at findhousing.alberta.ca

Vegreville Housing & Basic Needs Task Force: The community has started a task force to find creative ways to address the housing and basic needs of residents.

To learn more about supports and services available or to learn more about the task force contact Vegreville and District FCSS at 780-632-3966. Local, provincial, and national help posters are available at www.vegreville.com/p/information-referralsBased on 30% of a household total annual income.

Civida: RentalAssistance & Subsidized Housing (for people with low income and moderate income)

Ph: 780-420-6161 | Fax: 780-426-6854 Email: help@civida.ca | Website: civida.ca Facebook: facebook.com/CividaCA Walk-in visits from Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. –4 p.m., excluding statutory holidays. You can also make an appointment for your convenience and to reduce your wait time. civida.ca/make-an-appointment/

LandellStudios:Low-Income/BelowMarket& Special Needs Housing are available for individuals who have special housing needs including people with developmental disabilities, physical challenges, victims of family violence, wards of the provincial government, the hard-tohouse,andanygroupwithspecialhousingneeds. StudioApartment - Monthly rent is currently $500.00 at all locations

Phone: (888) 963-5698

Address: 5721 - 49AStreet Vegreville (near St.Anne's Manor) Email: info@studiosalberta.com Website: www.studiosalberta.com/

Vegreville Housing Rentals www.VegrevilleDirectory.ca

Notice of Disclaimer: We assume no responsibility to any person or persons for the information contained in this publication, nor shall we be held liable for any damage caused to any person, whether negligent or otherwise. If the reader intends to rely on any information contained herein, he or she should verify the accuracy of the information independently. This directory is to be used as a guide only and should not be considered to be a fully authoritative nor exhaustive list of services available in the community, nor of those actually provided by the agencies listed herein, nor of their qualifications to provide such services.

Classy Canadians

Achapter of the Crown Jewels of Canada Society which is a non-profit National social organization for Canadian women of all ages. Ph: 780-632-3495

Corner Stone

Aplace where youth grades 7-12 can come to wonder about God, seek and find God and serve God in community with each other. It's a fun, safe place to be. It is also a place to find a mentor with one of our adult leaders

VegrevilleAlliance Church Ph: 780-632-2261 4606 - 55Avenue

Garden Club

The Vegreville Garden Club hosts annual Horticultural shows, field trips, and bring in guest speakers on gardening.

Ph: 780-632-3495

MS Society

Provide education, services, programs and support to people who have multiple sclerosis in the Vegreville area, as well as their families/support networks.

Ph: 780-871-0513 www.mssociety.ca

Old Vegreville Social Society

Old Vegreville School is located at 51515 RR 152 (Holden Road), 1 mile south of the Richard Cole Hoggins Cairns Site marking the original hamlet of Vegreville, N.W.T.’s 1894-1906.

Ph: Betty at 780-632-7303 Box 433, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R4


Athrift store that offers the community good quality used items at affordable prices. Managed by VALID.

Go East of Edmonton

Regional Tourism Organization (RTO)

The official tourism organization for East Central Alberta. Promoting roadtrips from Highways 28, 15, 16, 14 and 13 heading east of Edmonton.The #1 RegionalTravel Guide for everything to see and do east of Edmonton - www.GoEastofEdmonton.com

Ph: 780-632-6191

Junior “B” Rangers Hockey Club www.vegrevillejrrangers.com

Kid's Club

Vegreville United Church -After school program for children from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Children enjoy a snack, games, and a Bible story which is followed by a craft or activity time. Contact for further information or to register your child.

Ph: 780-632-2338 www.vegrevilleunitedchurch.com

LavoyAction Society

Holds anAnnual Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast and Canada Day Celebration with kids games, parade and steak supper.

Ph: 780-658-3382 Box 11, Vegreville,AB T9C 1R1

5137 52Ave., 780-632-4909 http://www.valid-assoc.org/

Prairie TailsAnimal Rescue Society

This Society exists to improve the welfare of animals within Vegreville.They strive to save and improve animal lives by rescuing animals in need through volunteering, fostering, adoption, and education. They promote responsible pet ownership by encouraging spaying, neutering, vaccinating and regular veterinary check ups for your pets adopted through our rescue. Our Rescue is made up strictly of volunteers and there are not paid staff on site. They do not have regular hours at the shelter.

Please callAnimal Control for inquiries on lost or found pets at 780-632-7666

Location: 5417 BirchAve, Vegreville

Ranfurly & DistrictAgricultural Society

Operates a Community Centre, Seniors Centre, Museum, Skating Rink, and Ball Diamonds. Holds an annualAgricultural Fair, Horse Show, Parade, and WagonTrainTrek. Monthly meetings and suppers. Bi-monthly Bingos.Agricultural & Recreational Centre available for rent. Meet the FirstTuesday of every month.

Ph: 780-658-2049 Box 162, Ranfurly,AB T0B 3T0


Red Hot Red Hats

Aglobal society of women approaching 50 or beyond that connects and supports women in their pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom and fulfillment Ph: 780-632-2148

Royal CanadianAir Cadet Squadron #341 Mundare

Aprogram for youth 13-19 years old. Providing training in citizenship, leadership, bush survival, etc. Ph: 780-764-2341

Senior Citizens Sunshine Club of Vegreville

Afun place for seniors, family and friends. Hall and room rentals, catering, floor curling, pool tables, cards, events and entertainment.

4630 - 49 Street, Vegreville,AB Ph: 780-632-2624

VegrevilleAcademy of Ukrainian Dance Association

Email: vauda2018@gmail.com

Vegreville 4-H Multi Club

Ph: 780-603-4626

VegrevilleAgricultural Society

Hosts theAnnual Country Fair, Father’s Day Event and Chuckwagons.Also provide facility rentals: board room, dining hall, camping, equine facilities and indoor arena.

Ph: 780-632-3950 4752-45Avenue

Vegreville,AB T9C 1L1

Email: vegrevilleagsociety@gmail.com www.vegag.ca

Vegreville Bowling Lanes

Hosts Special Olympics and theYouth Bowling Group.

Ph: 780-632-7665

Email: vegrevillelanes1@hotmail.com

Vegreville & District Minor HockeyAssn. www.vegrevilleminorhockey.com

Vegreville and DistrictYouth Curling

To promote the sport of curling to youth of Vegreville and surrounding communities

Ph: 780-632-3951

Vegreville CulturalAssociation

Celebrating their 50thAnniversary July 7-9, 2023 showcasing Ukrainian culture!This cultural event involves Ukrainian dance, music, food, spectacular grandstand performances, pioneer demonstrations, trade show, cultural exhibit, beer gardens, evening Zabavas and more.

Ph: 780-632-2777 Box 908, 4737-45Ave. Vegreville,AB T9C 1S1 Email: info@pysankafestival.com www.pysankafestival.com

Vegreville Flying Club

Ph: 780-632-3519

Vegreville Girl Guides

Ph: 780-603-3839 www.girlguides.ca

Location: St. John Church 4513 Maple St. Vegreville,AB T9C 1L3

Vegreville Gymnastics Club

Gymnastics classes for toddlers – 16 year olds Phone: 780-275-0419 www.vegrevillegymnastics.com

Vegreville Heather Curling Club

Curling starts end of October to end of March annually. To register call: 780-632-2010

Vegreville Iron RunnersAuto Club

Aclub dedicated to the collection and display of collector vehicles. 780-632-9971 www.vegironrunners.ca

Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Course

9 hole course with practice greens, pro shop, patio and clubhouse, bookings for private meetings, functions.

Ph: 780-632-3140 www.vegkgc.com

Vegreville Minor SoccerAssociation (VMSA)

Ph: 587-280-0771 E: dsberry@telus.net www.vegrevillesoccer.ca


Vegreville Red Hat Roses

Achapter of the Red Hats Society which is an American private for-profit international social organization for mature women. 780-632-3495

Vegreville School of Ballet Parent Association

Dance instruction in various genres including ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, hip hop, modern and stretch & tech Ph: 780-887-1867

Email: vegrevilleballet@gmail.com www.vegrevilleschoolofballet.com

Vegreville Shooting SportsAssociation

Handgun shooting at the Centennial Building. Ph: 780-632-6315

Vegreville Skating Club

Ph: 780-632-9853

Email: vegrevilleskatingclub@gmail.com www.vegrevilleskatingclub.com

Vegreville &Area Stands with Ukraine

Facilitated by theTown of Vegreville. Powered by the Community. ‘Vegreville Stands with Ukraine’is a committee created in the hopes of building on the strength of our collective desire to assist Ukraine. 780-603-7386

E: supportukraine@vegreville.com https://vegreville.com/m/vegreville-stands-withukraine

Vegreville VisualArtists

Supportingandpromotingvisualartthroughshows, sales, gallery displays, workshops and special events.


Vortex Bantam Football - Tackle football

Ph: 780-632-9222 vegfoorball@gmail.com

Vegreville Wildlife Federation

Offers a 25 yard Indoor archery and a 300 yard outdoor rifle range. Many outdoor related wildlife courses are available Ph: 780-208-7900

E: vegrevillewildlife@gmail.com 5125-50 Street, Vegreville,AB

VegrevilleYouth Ensemble

Group singing for youth aged 6-18 years. Ph: 780-632-7364 (ColleenAlbert) 4513 Maple StreetT9C 1L3

Wendy Brook Music Festival

The Wendy Brook Music FestivalAssociation is a registered non-profit charity which hosts an annual event spanning ten days in March.

It is supported entirely by donations. Competition is de-emphasized in favour of providing a supportive venue for performance

Ph: 780-632-4907 Box 2075 Vegreville,AB T9C 1T3

Warwick Ladies Club

Agroup of women who meet once a month during the winter and spring months (Nov. – June). Their purpose is to maintain contact with our neighbour women in a supportive and social manner and to act as a charitable group in a local and national fashion.

Ph: 780-632-7495

or email: jolenek.design@gmail.com

Please contact Jolene at:

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