Fall 2010

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2010 NOVEMBER 5771

Judah Rosen Roasted to a Turn!

INSIDE This Issue

By Ried Redlich

Judah, best known as our Association’s Chaplain, has been a member of Touro since 1952. In his long tenure as Chaplain–which started in 1978–Judah has participated in most of our meetings where he gives the benediction and closing prayers, swears in new Touro members and recites the Ha-motzi prior to dinner.  He is very active at our board meetings and offers good advice and suggestions at our Social Committee meetings. Continued on page 5 - Roast

Swish - Nothing But Net page 3


riendship Lodge was pleased to host the ‘Roast of Judah Rosen’ on September 15, 2010.  Vice Chairman of the Board Andy Lamchick, Master of Ceremonies for the evening, was the voice-over for a PowerPoint slide presentation featuring photos of Judah which depicted the serious and not-so-serious sides of Judah’s life and his long service to Touro.  Touro's Ryder Cup page 4

Golf League Awards page 5

Summer Recap: Out & About page 7

Three Students Awarded Education Grants for 2010/11 By Jed Brandes, Chairman, Student Financial Aid Committee


Sarah Redlich

Rebecca Dinerman

ummer is the busy season for our Student Financial Aid committee. With a deadline for grant and loan applications at the end of July, the months leading up are spent reviewing submissions. Along the way, applicants are notified of any deficiencies in their materials, so that they will have the opportunity to get them in good order. At the beginning of August, the committee meets for two grueling evenings to vet the applications and make its awards. This year, there were 16 applicants for the available $3,000 grants. A large number of ~1~

Elan Noorparvar

applications for interest-free loans were received as well. Three students were selected as this year’s recipients of the grants. Additionally, eleven $3,000 interest-free loans were extended. Recipients of the three grants are: Elan Noorparvar, Rebecca Dinerman and Sarah Redlich, all children of active Touro members. Elan Noorparvar, son of Brother Rahmat Noorparvar, is a medical student at the Sackler School of Medicine in Israel. His work in the community has included Board positions at Chabad Continued on page 4 - Student Financial Aid

From The Chairman


Social Scene

By Robert Miller

ow that the High Holy Days have passed and we are moving into fall, then winter, I am thinking about upcoming events here at Touro. Unless you are an active member, you don’t see all the work that goes on behind the scenes. We at Touro are no different than any other group or organization. We consist of volunteers from all walks of life. In fact, that was once one of the biggest selling points of belonging to Touro: it made no difference what your background or profession was. That’s right, we were and still are, simply a Jewish men’s fraternal association. You never know whom you will be sitting next to at a meeting. Does it matter? We have no labels at Touro. We do have nametags so you know who is next to you. Sure, like just about every other organization, we have our cliques. Yes, some guys always sit with the same people…. I myself am guilty of that. I say let’s mix it up!! In fact, at one of our upcoming meetings I am going to do exactly that and so will you!! Stay tuned!! We have businessmen. There are professionals: the lawyers, doctors and accountants. We have white collar. We have blue collar. We have retired. We have recently graduated young college. We have guys just looking for another social outlet. So how does all this happen? There is a group of really dedicated men who do a lot of work. Many go unrecognized because they like it that way. They really do the work for the sake of doing the work, not for the “covet” that many people in the world today seek. Our guys just enjoy doing things and helping others to be able to do the things that we do. What exactly am I talking about? Well, let me see. Someone plans all the wonderful social events we have: regular monthly meetings, Two-fers, PPAC, Foxwoods, Hanukah Party to name just a few. Many committees function on a regular basis. All are chaired and staffed by volunteers. The house is managed. Press releases get sent out. Website is maintained. Investments are handled and I could go on for several more paragraphs. My point is that there is something for anyone who wants to get involved and more than just attend a couple of events a year. Believe me; we would love to have your participation. I invite you sit with someone different at the next meeting. Talk with an officer or board member about how you can be involved. Talk with your friends about why you belong to Touro. Get involved and experience the true meaning of HARMONY, FRIENDSHIP and BENEVOLENCE. A Happy and Healthy New Year to You and Yours!!

By Lester Nathan Vice President, Friendship Lodge


s chairman of the Orientation Committee, when I mention the role of the Social Committee, I tell our prospective members about this committee’s importance to Touro. Our group meets regularly to plan social events, true, but it doesn’t end there. We also ensure that the events are properly publicized (flyers, website calendar and Tourogram), the speakers/entertainers have to be booked, outside facilities reserved and finally, the events have to be managed. Norm Dinerman and I recently became the co-chairmen of the Social Committee and have an increased appreciation of our group’s responsibilities. During the summer, Touro’s social events included a Father & Son softball game in June, a Pawsox game at McCoy in early July, the annual golf tournament in late July and a buffet dinner, play & cabaret at the Newport Playhouse in August. On October 27 Harmony Lodge hosted the monthly meeting with invited guest, Bill Rappleye from WJAR-TV.

Here’s what’s coming up in the next few months: • The Fall Two-fer returns to the West Valley Inn in West Warwick on November 6th, with entertainment by mentalist Rory Raven. • On November 17th, our guest speaker will be Profes- sor Maureen Moakley, a political science professor at URI. Harmony Lodge hosts and “dairy” will be on the menu. • Touro returns to the Foxwoods Casino and Resort on Sunday, November 28th. We provide the bus to get you there and back, a voucher for the buffet and some additional coupons to start your afternoon in the casino. • The annual Children’s Chanukah Party is scheduled for Sunday, December 12th, featuring the return of Lucky Bob. • Harmony Lodge hosts the next lodge meeting on December 16th, with American Chop Suey for dinner. The guest speaker is Ray Marshall, Director of the Narragansett Bay Commission. • And finally, on December 25th, it’s the annual Chinese Dinner and Movie, a family event to be held at the China Buffet in East Greenwich.

Mazels Mitvahs & Milestones

For more information about these events, watch your mail for flyers or check Touro’s website. Besides planning the upcoming lodge meetings, the Social Committee is looking for more activities outside Touro Hall, including ideas for new kinds of Two-fers, family events and father-son events. If you can attend our monthly meetings (first Wednesdays at 7:30 PM), we’d love to get your input. Every member, whether regular or social, is welcome.

To…Brother Andy and Sandy Lamchick on their upcoming 25th anniversary, November 30, 2010 If you have a mazel, mitvah or milestone coming up and would like it included in a future Tourogram please contact the Touro office or e-mail your information to info@tourofraternal.org. ~2~

Tourography: STEVE WALDMAN By Howard Wasser

Ted Williams hits .388 at age 39 and loses the MVP to Mickey Mantle.


he year was 1957 and Steve Waldman was born on August 12th. He grew up on the East Side of Providence. As a boy, at the now extinct John Howland Elementary School, young Steve dreamed of being the treasurer of a large Jewish fraternal association. The dream did not die as he progressed to Hope High School. Steve just kept it quiet. He hung out with a group of buddies that are still his friends to this day. After high school, he ventured all the way to Rhode Island College where he received a management degree. With degree in hand, he began a long career in sales, a career that led him to a number of different places including seven years at Minolta and 11 years in the mortgage business. In addition to these jobs he also managed an apartment complex. Of course, this is a brief sketch of Steve’s life up until about 14 years ago. At that time, Steve says, he was a late bloomer. According to him, the smartest thing he has done was to marry his wife Linda. Linda says he was just waiting for her to come along. She also says that even though he hasn’t grown up, marrying Steve also was the smartest thing she has done. “I don’t know any guy who has actually grown up.” Part of the reason she says he has not grown up is because he still hangs around with his high school buddies and plays lots of basketball and racquetball. In fact most guys (myself included) would be a little jealous of Steve because he is still able to play basketball. He is somewhat of a gym rat. His friends call him Swish (as in “nothing but net”) and Schoolyard (for his style of play). He used to play about five days a week but has now cut back to about two (at the Brown gym). Some people accuse him of being lucky to be able to eat so much and not put on any weight. It seems that luck has nothing to do with it.


He has been known to devour huge amounts of pizza (he recommends the Big Cheese in Cranston) at a single sitting and come away smiling. Hopefully, his body holds out because he may have a problem (like Larry Bird) if he is unable to continue burning the calories the way he does. Another activity, which burns calories, is bike riding with Linda. Our own Chairman, “Bullet” Bob Miller, pushed Steve for a few years to join Touro but had no luck -- Steve wasn’t ready. Then, about eight years ago, Steve was ready and joined his old friend as a member. At that time Bob was already the Chairman of Touro. (Bob’s dream had been to be the Chairman of Microsoft, but that job was taken.) Steve spent the next few years being a member of Touro but not really being involved. He started a new job at Cruise Brothers about four years ago. He wanted to get involved in Touro but waited until he was settled in his new job. After a year at Cruise Brothers, Steve felt he could become involved in Touro. In 2003, he became secretary of Harmony Lodge. Next, he started moving closer to his long-held dream. He became treasurer of Friendship Lodge in 2006. He thought he needed to be involved for a few years to become an expert treasurer. Unexpectedly, about a year later, the position of Treasurer for the entire Association became available. He was very close to his dream. Nervously, he applied for the job and was accepted. His dream was now reality. And to top it off, Touro does not pay bills on line. They pay bills “old school”. Steve is one of four members of the Association who has authority to sign checks. What could be better than that?


Touro Puts the Friend in Friendship

By Adam Halpern, President, Harmony Lodge Dear Brothers, Shana Tova to everyone. I hope you have a happy and healthy year. As many of you know, I have not had the best couple of years. My Touro brothers have been a source of support during this rough time in my life, from asking how I am feeling to if I have had any luck in finding a job. They have asked if they can help in any way. Many of you have asked me and for that I am thankful. I bring this up to make a point. Touro is about friendship and support for each other. This is what Touro means when it says every man is your brother. Touro does not care whether you are a white or blue collar worker or you are rich or are just getting by like many people today. I have been a member now for about 10 years and never dreamed of being a part of something as great and special as Touro. This is a benefit that comes with a well-run organization like we have. Please tell your Jewish friends about our great organization. We need you and we want everybody to enjoy this great place. Remember, Touro is a brotherhood for all of us to be a part of, so please help us keep Touro moving forward into the future so all of us can continue enjoying what Touro has to offer. HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR to you and your family and let us all have a better year than last year. ~3~

Mort Coken Receives Service Award

At the September 15, 2010 Lodge meeting, Brother Mort Coken was honored for his years of service to the Association on the Board of Directors.

Touro’s Ryder Cup: New Venue, Great Day of Golf By Bruce Weisman


1st Place TOURO

FIRST PLACE MEMBER GUEST John Kellman Scott Rich Steven Rich Fred Beermunder

TOURO Golf Committee (l-r): Barry Shaw, Joel Cohen, Jerry Tebrow and Abe Strashnick


n Monday July 29 Touro’s version of the Ryder Cup or as we know it “Ride the golf course with a Cup of coffee” was played out this year at Cranston Country Club. Over 70 members and guests participated in a golf outing complete with a little nosh to start, 18 great holes of golf and a prime rib dinner to finish the day. Prizes were awarded for Member and Member/Guest teams for 1st and 2nd place along with individual prizes for both members and guests for longest drive and closest to the pin. There were also plenty of raffle prizes awarded. Kudos go out to the entire golf committee for another great event.

FIRST PLACE TOURO Adrian Horovitz Marvin Greenberg Harold Levin Jeff Horovitz


SECOND PLACE TOURO Howard Shaw Steve Shaw Dave Resnick Jim Goldman SECOND PLACE MEMBER GUEST Abe Strashnick Mark Hosford Joe Dambra  Guido Iaccobb

2nd Place TOURO

Longest Drive - TOURO Howard Meyerson Longest Drive - GUEST Ernie Grilli Closest To Pin - TOURO Alan Moskoff  Closest To Pin - GUEST Ernie Grilli


Student Financial Aid - continued from page1 and Hillel during his undergraduate years, educating Israeli children over his freshman year winter break and building low-income housing in Israel following the war with Lebanon. He has also volunteered at Miriam Hospital and Rhode Island Hospital. Rebecca Dinerman is a sophomore at Stonehill College where she is pursuing a dual major in Psychology and Elementary Education. She is the daughter of Brother Steven Dinerman. In the past year, she has organized a campus-wide drive to collect school supplies for needy children and a kickball tournament to raise funds for relief in Haiti. She also volunteers as a tutor for the Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester. This summer she volunteered at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Sarah Redlich entered Wheaton College this year. She will major in Political Science. Sarah is the daughter of Brother Ried Redlich. During her high school years, Sarah chaired the Cumberland Youth Commission, a youth advocacy organization. Beginning in 2008, they began work on “The Winter Project.” Through raffles, bazaars

and other fundraisers, they were able to provide funding to needy families that could not afford to heat their homes. The commission also was awarded The Rhode Island Community Development Block Grant. Over two winters, the commission succeeded in raising over $14,000. Since the Leo Greenberg Memorial Student Loan Program was introduced in 1981, children of Touro members have received interestfree loans totaling nearly $300,000. None have been defaulted! Regular Touro members, their spouses and children, and children of deceased Touro members enrolled full time in an accredited institution of higher learning are eligible for the grants. Regular members, their children and children of deceased members similarly enrolled may apply for the interest-free loans. The process will kick off again in late winter/early spring with a letter to all brothers, soliciting applications for both the grants and the loans. The Student Financial Aid Committee will then swing back into action for a very worthy cause. ~4~

Judah is defenseless against Harvey Michaels rapid fire, potshots.

Ried Redlich presents the roastee with the "Sleeping Judah" cake (Judah says, "I was just resting my eyes.")

Art Poulten adds his spice to the roast.

Judah Roast - continued from page1

A big hug from Andy Lamchick

Judah has been married to Dotty for 66 years and has two sons, Reid and Craig. His son Craig and nephew John Backner, both Touro members, were in attendance to honor their father and uncle. Judah is also very involved as a member and officer of the Masons (Redwood Lodge) and the Cranston Senior Guild. During the roast, several brothers gave us their retrospective on Judah, which took the form of goodhearted stories. Although the stories were mostly humorous (the purpose of a roast), all showed why Touro members have great regard and respect for Judah. Additional speakers for the evening included Nate Lury, Arthur Poulten, Peter Hodosh, Harvey Michaels and Barry Shaw.  Our Chairman, Bob Miller, could not attend but sent a letter which offered his “sincere thanks and gratitude” for Judah’s many years of service to Touro. As the evening was coming to an end, Judah got up and spoke of his time in Touro over the years, ending his speech with the traditional “In the virtues of Harmony, Friendship, and Benevolence”.  Brother Lamchick then presented Judah with an engraved watch and offered his thanks, on behalf of the entire membership, for our chaplain’s many years as an active and dedicated member of Touro.

Mark Gertsacov gets in his licks.

Nate Lury throws in his jabs

When do I get my chance?

Judah shakes hands with Peter Hodosh ~5~

Touro Golf League Announces Champions by Barry Shaw, Golf League Chairman


he second year of the Touro Golf League was a great success with 20 Touro brothers enjoying the golf and eating great food after the matches. Golf was competitive throughout the season and a great banquet was featured at the season’s conclusion. Here’s a rundown of the league champions for 2010:

Division A: Barry Shaw

(with second place staying in the family, to Steven Shaw)

Division B: Joel Cohen

(second place went to Barry Rappoport).

B Division Winner: Joel Cohen

A Division Winner: Barry Shaw

A closest-to-the-pin contest held the last day of the season was won by Mark Steiman. The next time you visit Touro look for the special Golf League plaque, which will be a permanent fixture in the foyer just outside the hall. It lists all the winners and will be updated annually. It was designed by the league and presented to the Association. The 2009 winners, Neil Arbor in Division A and Howard Shaw in Division B, are listed on the plaque. I would like to thank Abe Strashnick for his many hours of service as the league’s scorekeeper and head of the complaint department. The Touro Golf League will tee off again next May and anyone interested in participating should contact Barry Shaw bshaw22@cox.net. We are not limited to 20 players and the more participants, the more competitive the matches.

A Division 2nd Place: Steven Shaw

Five New Members are Initiated at the September 15, 2010 Meeting

B Division  2nd Place: Barry Rappoport

Closes to the Pin Winner: Mark Steiman

March of the Living Participants Share Experience with Touro Members

Now home from their tour of Poland and Israel, Touro sponsored March of the Living participants (l-r) Abigail Lury, Meah Pollock, Deena Guttin and Micah Moskoff, share their experiences with Touro Members at the June 23, 2010 Steak Fry.

New Initiates (l-r): Lionel Bercovitch, Morris Kortick, Steven Hopfenberg, David Berson and Richard Fain ~6~


Share Our Organization with Someone You Like ! By Andy Lamchick, Chairman, Membership Committee

am very excited to have again been chosen Chairman of the Membership Committee after many years. We have a lot of work to do, as new regular members are the lifeblood and the future of our organization. As we look forward to our one hundredth anniversary, it is our mission to ensure Touro’s future. I am going to ask you to seriously reach out to your family and friends to join our organization and share the fun and community involvement for which we are famous. The Membership Committee met in August for a nitty-gritty discussion of how to grow our organization. It was decided that we would examine our strengths, and weaknesses, and put together a program to appeal to new members. We will also form a “retention”

Pawsox,Venus de Mil0 & Newport Playhouse


committee who will be charged to make new members feel welcome once they join. We know how important it is to gain new members, but equally important to keep those new members. We plan to unveil an exciting action plan to help you bring in new members, and a fantastic Open House program in March to spearhead this campaign. In the meantime, please reach out to prospective “Regular” members you know, to become Touro members. As a reminder, “Regular” members are Jewish men between the ages of 18 to 52. Ask your cousins, ask your neighbors, ask your brother-in-law. Tell them what a great organization Touro is! It’s the best organization in the country, and we’re lucky to be members … so share the wealth!

Touro Fraternal Association

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UPCOMING TOURO EVENT November 28, Touro goes to Foxwoods December 25, Annual Chinese Dinner/Movie

Visit Touro's Website at www.tourofraternal.org

Touro's Annual

Hanukkah Party 2010 Bruce Weisman, Editor Columnists: Jed Brandes Howard Custis Edward Deluty Andrew Lamchick Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Ried Redlich Barry Schiff Adam Smith Howard Wasser Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: info@tourofraternal.org Website: www.tourofraternal.org


NOVEMBER 5 7 7 1

TOURO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010-2011 Robert Miller, Chairman Andrew Lamchick, Vice Chairman Steven Waldman, Treasurer Marc Gertsacov, Secretary Judah Rosen, Chaplain Barry Shaw, Inside Guard Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Jed Brandes Milton Bronstein Jeffrey Davis Edward Deluty Stevan Labush Rodney Locke Alan Lury Nathan Lury

"Lucky Bob" Juggler and Magician Gifts for children 12 and under Open to Touro members, their children and grandchildren

Barry Rotenberg Barry Schiff Barry Shaw Michael Smith Howard Wasser Bruce Weisman Steven Waldman Steven White

• Sunday • 1:00-3:00 PM •

December 12 2010

HARMONY LODGE FRIENDSHIP LODGE Adam Halpern, President Ried Redlich, President Norman Dinerman, Vice President Lester Nathan, Vice President Adam Smith, Secretary Marc Gertsacov, Secretary Manocher Norparvar, Treasurer Benjamin Kaplan, Treasurer Andrew Liss, Faithful Guide Jeffrey Padwa, Faithful Guide Barry Schiff, Inside Guard

Watch for your flier in the mail. Or visit www.tourofraternal.org


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