2008 JUNE 5768
INSIDE This Issue
Dedication to Jerry page 3
Rabbi Stein page 6
Ron St. Pierre
New Officers & Installation 2008 by Art Poulten
he future success of any business or organization is predicated on the infusion of new ideas by new people joining its hierarchy of officers and board members. This year’s Installation of Officers Ceremony Wednesday, May 2 , featured a Touro recipe for success: new faces and a full course sit-down catered kosher dinner. Two of the seven men installed as members of the board and two of the lodge officers took their official roles for the very first time. And carrying the “new faces” theme a bit further, the night was highlighted by a first-time installation team. Jed Brandes, a member of the board and outgoing Friendship Lodge president, was Installing Officer, and Lester Nathan, retiring board member, was Master of Ceremonies. It all made for a very enjoyable, fulfilling (in more ways than one) evening for the nearly 00 brothers in attendance. And a great start to Touro’s 9 st year. Officers of the Association’s Harmony Lodge for the next year are Steven White, president; Adam Halpern, vice president; and Adam Smith, secretary, all incumbents. The Lodge treasurer is Manochehr Norparvah, a first-term officer. Succeeding Brandes as Friendship Lodge president is Jeff Horovitz, vice president, for the past two years. Ried Redlich moves up from secretary to vice president and Steven Waldman returns as treasurer. Louis Beckenstein joins the line of Lodge officers as secretary. The officers of the Touro lodges serve one-year terms. Re-elected to three-year terms on the Association’s Board were incumbents Milton Bronstein, Jeffrey Davis, Rodney Locke, Alan Lury and Michael Smith. Barry Rotenberg was elected to his first term on the board and newcomer Howard Wasser was selected to fill the two remaining years of the unexpired term of Aaron Sherman who resigned last year when he moved out of state. As part of the evening’s festivities, Chairman Bob Miller presented a special plaque to Lester Nathan recognizing him for his years of service as secretary of the Association and a member of the board. More photos of the evening on pages 4 and 5.
Friendship Lodge President Jeff Horovitz
Harmony Lodge President Steve White
page 6
Social Scene by Ried Redlich
W Community Involvement Committee Helps Kids Go to Camp page 7
hat does it mean to say that Touro has a vibrant, meaningful, and exciting social scene? Well, let's take a look at what Touro has done in the recent past and will do over the next several months. In March, the Membership Committee had a New Member Open House with Ron St. Pierre from WPRO radio as our speaker. He gave us a very interesting ~ ~
insight into the operation of WPRO and the talent at the radio station. Everyone enjoyed his presentation, the food was great, and we received several new applications for membership. April brought us our spring Two-fer, which was held at Johnson and Wales in Seekonk and where Bernie Dean presented a one-man show through history and song about the ‘Rothschilds’. Continued on page 2 - Social Scene
From the Chairman
Social Scene
by Robert Miller As you read this issue of the Tourogram, you will see that Touro continues to thrive. Activities for our members are ongoing and attendance at all of our activities fills our hall and outside venues alike.
Continued from page 1
Ried Redlich
We also had a Harmony Lodge meeting in April where Rabbi Peter Stein gave an illuminating look at his recent trip to the Vatican. May brought us a terrific catered brisket dinner for our annual Installation Dinner. The month of June was busy with two favorite events that Touro members enjoy, the Venus De Milo Dinner Dance with the terrific ‘Windsong’ band and our annual Steak Fry which featured first hand accounts from Touro’s participants in the 2008 ‘March of the Living’. On July 3rd we will “take you out to the ball game” where the Pawsox will provide us with some exciting baseball and fireworks to get us ready to celebrate Independence Day. This is a great family event that is a crowd pleaser every year. On July 28th Touro will host our annual Golf Tournament where you can show off your golf skills, have a great prime rib lunch, and maybe win a nice cash prize. On August 3rd we will have our annual Family Picnic at the Masonic picnic area in Buttonwoods. This event will have good food, a large swimming pool, games for the kids, kibitzing with your friends, or if you prefer, a walk on the beach. If you have never been to this event, come and see what you have been missing. Other events we have planned for the fall include shows at the Providence Performing Arts Center, and of course another outstanding Two-fer. As most of you already know, the Social Committee works very hard to bring you the very best entertainment, food and speakers. However, we can always use more ideas for events and venues. If you are aware of any potential speakers or functions that may be of interest to your fellow brothers, please let us know. Or better yet, come to a Social Committee meeting, held the first Wednesday of every month at Touro Hall and become part of the process.
Activities in the community are moving along quite nicely through our Community Involvement Committee under the guidance of Andy Lamchick. The synagogues and temples of our state are now well equipped should a member unfortunately become ill and need an AED. We have now been through our annual cycle of elections and have some new leaders in place as well as those who are returning and continuing to fulfill their desire to help Touro continue on its path to success. Our new lodge officers bring new perspectives, which will keep our ideas fresh so that our members will always find something new and different at Touro. We also have two new Board members. Howard Wasser and Bruce Rotenberg, both longtime members and regular meeting attendees have decided to take their involvement to a new level. I welcome them and their input in order to continue reaching out to you, our members, with new ideas. I ask each of you to feel free to contact us and let us know what you think Touro should be doing. The only way we can find this out is if you let us know. Good or bad, it does not matter; we are always open to hearing from you. We will bring your ideas to the Board and if so warranted, will bring them to the entire Association. I look forward to seeing you at all of our upcoming events. I hope you have a very happy and safe summer. Fraternally, Bob Miller Board Chairman
Mazels, Mitvahs & Milestones
Job Well Done!
To…Brother Jacob and Marilynn Fink who will celebrate their 60th Anniversary July 4, 2008. To… Brother Bruce and Linda Weisman who celebrated their 25th Anniversary June 5, 2008 To… Brother Morton and Beverly Abowitt who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, June 1, 2008 ~ ~
Thanks to Installing Officer Jed Brandes (left) and Master of Ceremonies, Lester Nathan for officiating the May 2008 Installation ceremony.
Touro Offices Dedicated to
Jerryby HODOsH Art Poulten
hown to the right is the new bronze plaque now on the wall at the entrance to the second floor offices at Touro Hall. It memorializes the contributions made to the Association and its members by our late treasurer and administrator, Jerry Hodosh. Anyone who had any business with Touro knew Jerry. For 4 years he served as treasurer of the Association. He became Touro’s first administrator in 1989 when we purchased our current headquarters and discovered we needed someone to oversee many of our operations. Jerry was the perfect candidate: after all, he had been doing that job for many years, without the specific title. After his passing last year the Board of Directors looked for a way to permanently remind our members – and others – of the valuable role Jerry played in the growth and maturity of Touro. The Board’s Ways & Means Committee was quick to settle on the dedication of the Administrative Office in Jerry’s honor. It wasn’t an unprecedented action. On the outside wall of the boardroom just opposite the office is a similar plaque in memory of the man who first got Jerry intimately involved in Touro. The
late Charlie Coken, Touro’s long-time secretary, hired Jerry as his assistant in 1964. That same year he was elected to his first term as Association treasurer. Through the years Jerry earned the respect and admiration of the entire Association. He was the personification of Harmony, Friendship and Benevolence. He will be missed – but never forgotten!
From The President by Jeffrey Horovitz, President of Friendship Lodge To the Brothers/Sisters of Touro Fraternal Association, It is with honor and pride that I write my first article as the President of Friendship Lodge. This is a chance for me to introduce myself and a little of what I bring to this Association. I have been married for 1 years to a wonderful wife, Lisa, soon to be 29 (again) and we have two beautiful children, Joshua, age seven, and Jacob, age 10. Both Lisa and I grew up in Cranston, only three blocks from each other. Our fathers, Jerry Kaplan and Adrian Horovitz, have known each other for over 60 years having attended Hope High School together. Lisa and I are members of Temple Sinai where our children attend Hebrew and religious classes. As part of my personal life, the Marine Corps and Army Reserves, my travels have taken me to 1 different countries. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a BA from the University of California Santa Cruz and a Masters Degree in Social Work from Rhode Island College. I currently work at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Providence as a Clinical Social Worker in the PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) clinic. As a part time hobby/business, I enjoy buying and selling used and vintage electronics, stereo equipment and other household items. Yes, ones man’s trash is another man’s treasure. So you might just see me at your next yard sale. Wrapping it up, I am deeply honored to have your support and confidence as the newly installed President of Friendship Lodge and am looking forward to a fulfilling year.
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Touro Welcomes seven New Brothers at April 16th Meeting
Our seven new brothers who were initiated on April 16, 2008 were: (l to r): Peter Shore, David Bielory, Stephen Broman, Edward Steiner, Raffi Schochet, Barry Mechanic and Ed Wilner.
Board of Directors
(l-r) Rodney Locke, Milton Bronstein, Jeffrey Davis
(l-r) Michael Smith, Barry Rotenberg, Howard Wasser and Alan Lury
Harmony Lodge: (l-r) Manochehr Norparvah, treasurer; Adam Smith, secretary; Alan Halpern, vice president
Friendship Lodge: (l-r) Steven Waldman, treasurer; Louis Beckenstein, secretary; Reid Redlich, vice president
Lester Nathan (l) receives Service to the Board award from Chairman Bob Miller
Outgoing Friendship Lodge President, Jed Brandes (l), receives his gavel from Bob Miller ~ ~
Newly installed presidents of Harmony and Friendship Lodges Jeff Horovitz (l) and Steven White present a gift of appreciation to Jed Brandes (r).
"Memberfits" by Arthur Poulten This is another in a series of Tourogram features highlighting the “perks” of being a member of Touro. In this issue we’ll deal with Touro’s Student Financial Aid Program. Anyone who has a child in college today or is reviewing colleges for the immediate future is painfully aware of at least one major factor: the cost of that college education. But it’s all worth it. We want to give our kids the best opportunity we can to make the most of their lives. And Touro wants to help where it can. As you read this, Touro’s Student Financial Aid Committee is accepting applications for interest-free student loans and outright scholarship grants totaling up to $39,000 that will be awarded to qualified applicants attending institutions of higher learning during the 2008-2009 school year.
This year there are three $3,000 scholarship grants available. In addition, there is $30,000 in interest-free student loans of up to $3,000 each. Regular Touro members, their children and children of deceased regular Touro members are eligible for both the scholarship grants and the student loans. Spouses of regular members also are eligible for the grants. Deadline for receipt of completed applications for both the grants and the loans is August 1, 2008. If you’d like to apply for this year and think you can do it before the deadline, contact Touro at (401) 785-0066 or email at tourofratl@aol.com for the appropriate forms and complete eligibility requirements. Student Financial Aid – another way your membership in Touro Fraternal Association pays dividends!
More... from the Installation Dinner May 2008
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An Evening with Ron St. Pierre
Rabbi Stein and Deli Night, a Winning Combination!
by Howard Custis
by Barry Schiff
(l-r) Jeffrey Davis, Ron St. Pierre and Andy Lamchick Jeffrey Horovitz, President of Friendship Lodge; and Rabbi Stein
n Wednesday, April 16, 2008, Friendship Lodge hosted Rabbi Peter Stein of Cranston’s Temple Sinai. Following the initiation of seven new brothers and a hearty Deli Dinner, Touro brother Rabbi Peter Stein reported to the membership on his interfaith trip to the Vatican last fall. After giving us a short historical perspective on relations between the Papacy and the Jews, Rabbi Stein brought the discussion into the period between Vatican II and today. While in Rome with other local and national religious leaders, their party participated in a Papal audience. He detailed how important Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI had been in crafting the new papal attitude towards the Jews. He went on to say how he hoped the reforms would continue on both a worldwide and local level. Many questions followed his presentation and our brothers came away with a current global view on interfaith affairs.
on St. Pierre, co-host of the Buddy Cianci Show on WPROAM and General Manager of 790 AM, spoke to the Touro brotherhood on March 26th. Ron, a veteran of 30 years in the broadcast industry and a native Rhode Islander, returned to Rhode Island 10 years ago from New York City where he was Program Director for WABC. During the past 10 years he has been General Manager and the host of a number of news-talk radio programs on WPRO-AM. News-talk radio hosts are supported by objective reporters whose news stories are played off by the host and are commented upon by incoming phone calls from the public. News-talk shows also must be ready and willing to change format to cover breaking news stories at a moment's notice. The radio hosts must be on-air for the entire program, making advertising expensive necessitating “call screeners” who take incoming calls determining which callers will get to the point. Ron, who has known Buddy Cianci for 25 years, enjoys working with Buddy whom he finds a witty and intelligent cohost. Because of Buddy’s past experience as mayor of Providence, he is the foremost authority on local and state government as well as the Rhode Island culture in general giving their show an appeal found nowhere else. Ron credits the late Sherm Strickhauser as the greatest influence and mentor of his broadcast career. Sherm taught Ron not to take himself too seriously and to make his listeners think and laugh. Sherm told Ron that to be a good interviewer he had to be a good listener. Ron passed this advice to news-talk radio hosts starting in the broadcast industry along with his own advice to be original and not copy other news talk radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh. Ron closed with a question and answer session in which he stated that WPRO-AM is first, and mostly, a local-issue talk station. This does not exclude world and national news. Examples include the current presidential race which he called “The gift that keeps on giving” and his relationship with Sean Hannity and other well known members of the broadcast industry. Ron ended his comments with his thanks for an engaging evening and the Touro brotherhood did likewise. ~ ~
Touro…Helping Needy Kids Go to Camp
any, many years ago, Touro had an Endowment Fund that was the primary avenue for making charitable donations. As the years went on, Touro created the Community Involvement Fund, as well as the Welfare Fund which eventually replaced the Endowment Fund. It was decided that the money that existed in the Endowment Fund would be given to the Jewish Committee on Scouting to establish a permanent endowment to aid needy Jewish families send their sons to scout camp. Recently the Community Involvement Committee met with the Jewish Committee on Scouting to review the status of the remaining funds. It turned out that because of the difficulty in disseminating information to scouts of particular religions, this fund has not been utilized by needy Jewish families. Interestingly enough, when I reported the status of this fund at Association meetings, a few Touro members became aware of it for the first time. They followed the proper procedure to apply for these camperships, and were happily awarded them. Is there a moral to this story? Of course…it pays to go to Touro meetings. Last year the Community Involvement Committee donated $2,000 to Adoption Rhode Island to send needy children to Summer Camp. Adoption Rhode Island finds families for needy children.
by Andy Lamchick (You may know them through Channel 10’s Tuesday’s Child segment each week) This year, Adoption Rhode Island came back to us with photos and stories from last year’s summer campers. They told of their experiences leaving the inner city for something totally new to them: wilderness and outdoor adventure. The summer camp experience was life altering for many of them. It was with a feeling of self-fulfillment that our committee decided to allocate $2,100 to sponsor seven needy children for a week at summer camp. We are blessed to be able to provide a better summer for needy kids of all backgrounds. A personal note, if I may… Trying to orchestrate AED training for 12 temples in two days was quite an experience. I would like to publicly thank several brothers who stepped up to help get accomplished the training classes for the Automatic External Defibrillator recipients. When you see them, please acknowledge Brothers Jeff Davis, Stevan Labush, Lester Nathan, Nate Lury, Bruce Weisman who came to take photos of the training, and Adam Halpern, who not only took the training on behalf of Touro and his own Temple, but was basically there for the entire two days to be sure that nothing slipped through the cracks. This is the type of team effort that makes the Touro machine run like clockwork, and establishes tremendous esteem and credibility throughout the entire community. You should be proud of them all, as I am.
Spring Two-fer at Johnson and Wales Inn Seekonk, MA
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Visit Touro's Website at www.tourofraternal.org
Bruce Weisman, Editor Columnists: Jed Brandes Howard Custis Edward Deluty Andrew Lamchick Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Barry Schiff Adam Smith Gerald Tebrow Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: tourofratl@aol.com Website: www.tourofraternal.org
HARMONY LODGE Steven White, President Adam Halpern, Vice President Adam Smith, Secretary Manochehr Norparvah, Treasurer
TOURO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2008-2009 Robert Miller, Chairman Andrew Lamchick, Vice Chairman Steven Waldman, Treasurer Marc Gertsacov, Secretary Judah Rosen, Chaplain Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Jed Brandes Milton Bronstein Morton Coken Jeffrey Davis Edward Deluty Stevan Labush Rodney Locke Alan Lury
August 3
Nathan Lury Barry Rotenberg Barry Schiff Barry Shaw Stuart Solup Michael Smith Howard Wasser Bruce Weisman
Watch for flier in the mail or visit www.tourofraternal.org
FRIENDSHIP LODGE Jeff Horovitz, President Ried Redlich, Vice President Louis Beckenstein, Secretary Steven Waldman, Treasurer