2005 June 5765
New Officers, Board Installed by Art Poulten
he 87th annual installation of Touro officers and board members might not have been as elegant as it has been at times in the past, but it was as impressive as always. Six newly-elected board members and eight newlyelected lodge officers assumed their offices at the 2005 edition of the installation at Touro Hall May 25. Two current board members
and past presidents officiated: Brother Stevan Labush as Installing Officer and Brother Bruce Weisman as Master of Ceremonies. After enjoying a catered kosher dinner, the 100+ members in attendance sat back and listened to the kind words Brother Labush had for the men being installed. He also set down the challenges they continued on page 6 -Officers Edward Deluty, Friendship Lodge President
Incoming president, Barry Schiff, hands outgoing president, Jeffrey Davis, his Past President Plaque for a job well done.
Barry Schiff, Harmony Lodge President
Outgoing President of Harmony Lodge, Jeffrey Davis, receives his Past President Sweater from Chairman Bob Miller.
Inside This Issue
The Jester of Ceremonies page 4
From the Chairman ........................... 2 As I See It .......................................... 3 Yuckfest ............................................. 4 New Officers ...................................... 6 Family Feud ....................................... 7 Out and About .................................. 7 ~1~
Installing Officer Stevan Labush expresses words of wisdom to the newly installed board members and lodge officers.
A "Schiff-t" In Harmony page 3
From the Chairman by Robert Miller
ouro continues to move ahead on its journey to Harmony, Friendship and Benevolence. We have just completed another election cycle and our leadership is in place for another year. This past year was, overall, another good one for Touro. Our investments continued to do well. Our monthly meetings were well attended, as were the special events outside the building and our involvement in the community continued. What makes all that happen are the volunteer leaders who put their hearts and souls into everything we do at Touro. The lodge officers work hard at planning events for the membership. The board makes certain our business is taken care of. Our house chairman, Nate Lury, goes above and beyond making sure that our house is in good order. Make no mistake, this is no easy task. (THANK YOU VERY MUCH MARTHA) What I am really trying to say here is: Thanks to one and all for helping Touro be whatever it is to each of us. And what is Touro to you? Have you ever tried to answer that question? I can honestly say the folks who volunteer here have. We ask ourselves that question all the time. When we plan social events–we ask. When we talk about community involvement – we ask. When we ask for volunteers – we ask. When we lose members - we ask. We even ask when we get new members! So here I am asking again–WHAT IS TOURO TO YOU? Let us know. We really are interested! At the same time you can fulfill another request we've made – for your e-mail address. We're compiling a list of all email addresses that we can use to disseminate breaking news and special information to the membership. Please submit a brief answer to the question of the day: What is Touro to you? Why are you a member? Why do you come to meetings? Let us know if you want to be more active. E-mail to: tourofratl@aol.com or freentrprz@cox.net along with your email address, of course. LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU SOON Fraternally, Bob Miller
Big Laughs at the Open House! by Andy Lamchick
Social Scene by Jed R. Brandes This spring, Touro was really hopping. All at The Imperial Room at Rhodes Place had a great night of food and comedy. April saw the first Touro Family Feud and the Annual Joke-Off with Burt Fischman. In May the membership turned out for "Movin' Out" at PPAC. And new officers and directors were installed. Touro is cooking this Summer. Literally! The Annual Dinner Dance was held at the Venus de Milo on June 11th. Friendship Lodge hosted the Steak Fry on June 22 which featured guest speakers WHJJ Steve MacDonnald and URI Men's Basketball coach Jim Baron. Just in case you need one more steak, the Annual Golf Tournament will be held on July 25, followed by a Steak Fry. And if your craving for red meat persists, how about hamburgers and hot dogs at the July 31st Touro Family Picnic at Buttonwoods? Still Hungry? The annual outing to see the PawSox under the Red Tent will be held August 9. Bring your appetite! Turn to our website for up to date details:
s the longtime Chairman of the Membership Committee, one of the highlights of my Touro year is the Annual Open House. Each year we try to top the previous event by bringing in great guest speakers, and awarding great prizes for our participating members. The one staple to a successful evening is our now traditional Open House Dinner of K.F.C. (kosher fried chicken) with all the fixings. Once again, it pleased a crowd of almost 135 members and guests. We took a different tact during the meeting portion of the evening by having many of the committee chairmen come up to the microphone and describe in detail what their committee does. After our sumptuous meal, we brought to the stage Comedian Michael J. Petit who demonstrated the reason he is known as the "Man of 1,000 Voices". He mixed a routine of impersonations, with some fantastic stand-up comedy. Michael had no problem handling the best of Touro’s hecklers. After the program, we held a raffle of great prizes for those Touro members who brought a qualified regular member guest. Congratulations to Steven White who won a boxed set of cds from Fleetwood Mac. It was appropriate for Steve to win as he brought four potential members to the Open House. Several new prospective members had a great time, along with a full hall of existing members.
In Harmony with Barry Schiff by Jed R. Brandes
ight years ago, on an unusually warm April day, I was in front of my new home with my family. A man and woman were circling the area with their small boy in tow in a Fisher Price wagon. They seemed intent upon meeting us (in retrospect, I'm fairly certain that meeting the "new Jews in town" was somewhat of a priority for Barry and Pamela Schiff ), but perhaps wanted to size us up a bit more. My wife and I walked over to say "hello." We became fast friends (their son, Bennett, is over to play with my sons so regularly, we have offered him a bedroom). One year, at an Israeli Independence Day block party, our families were outside the JCC when we happened upon the Touro table manned by Art Poulten. Art reviewed the benefits of membership. Prominent in his sales pitch was a description of a most significant Touro tradition, "Hot Night." While this did pique our interest, regrettably it is an event Barry and I have yet to experience. In spite of this great disappointment, Barry embraced his membership and immediately began to make his presence felt. Quickly, Barry was elected Lodge Secretary, and then Vice President of Harmony Lodge. Along the way, he served on the Communications, Cemetery and Cemetery Search Committees. He excelled in the role of Chairman of the Social Committee, demonstrating a commitment to detail and hard work. And the results showed! Events
were well planned and prepared and came off without a hitch. During his tenure, new events were introduced, with great success. To this day, active Touro members know that on meeting nights, Barry is always among the first on hand and last to leave, in order to help with the setup and cleanup. Barry also is the driving force behind the Touro Business Directory, the second edition of which is soon to be published. Outside of Touro, Barry is equally active. A few years after earning a Physics degree from Clark University, he indulged his lifelong fascination with cars, and started Schiff European Automobile Literature, buying and selling car manuals. He estimates that since he began the business in 1984, he has handled over 100,000 manuals, an amazing figure when you consider that he developed the business through advertisements in trade publications and club magazines. Barry has kept up with the times and now a good portion of his business is conducted over the Internet. Barry also serves as Vice President of the Temple Beth El Brotherhood, which seems to keep him as busy as Touro. But since he doesn't have to pull a wagon around the neighborhood anymore, he has just a little more time for all his commitments. Now that Barry has assumed the Presidency of Harmony Lodge, he likes to remind me that much of this responsibility is mine, as a second term Vice President. But I don't sweat it. Deep down, I know he likes it too much to ever let it all go. At least, I hope.
As I See It
New Members Initiated at April Meeting
by Barry Jay Schiff, Harmony Lodge President
ouro runs smoothly because of the voluntary contribution of its members. Whether it is a social event, lodge meeting or board committee, everybody gives time and effort of their own free will and for the good of the organization. Having completed two years as co-chairman of the social committee, I've often seen my brothers go above and beyond the call of duty to make our annual and newly introduced events succeed. Our recent Open House, Family Feud Night and Joke-Off are only a few examples. Upcoming events such as the Golf Tournament, Family Picnic and PawSox Game all originated as voluntary suggestions as to how we could offer more to our members. I would urge you all to take volunteerism to heart and get involved. Come to a meeting, pitch in with meeting set-up or clean-up, join a committee! Your ideas are not only wanted, but are needed and encouraged. To paraphrase the classic World War I recruiting poster, Chairman Miller, President Deluty and I WANT YOU!
Pictured left to right: Frank Schatz and Dennis Brynes were initiated at the April 20th meeting.
Touro Holds Annual Yuckfest By Lester Nathan
Harmony Lodge takes trophy.
Best Dirty Joke - Scott Miller
ouro celebrated its 13th edition of the annual Joke-Off April 20th. After the monthly lodge meeting, the initiation of two new members and a delicious chicken dinner, the show got under way. Brother Burt Fischman, who flew in from Chicago to be our master of ceremonies, warmed up the audience with various jokes and funny stories. Seventeen brothers, both veterans and newcomers, came up to the mike to tell their best dirty or clean joke. Michael Penn, told one of the most memorable stories about an obsessive engineer who tried, and failed, to build his dream summer home. It had one of the longest build-ups to a punch line in Joke-Off history. Unfortunately, there is no prize for the longest joke told. After due deliberation, judges Bob Miller, Jeff Davis and Ed Deluty awarded these prizes:
Best Clean Joke Harold Labush (rabbi and young auditorHarold's second win in a row)
Best Dirty Joke Scott Miller (lady in a supermarket)
Nice Try Aaron Sherman (two good jokes)
Booby Prize Ed Goldberg (man and his parrot)
As for the Joke-Off trophy, Harmony Lodge won for the second year in a row. Our condolences to Steve Dinerman, who had predicted a Friendship victory. The Joke-Off contestants this year were Larry Alkins, Paul Botvin, Sy Port, Ed Goldberg, Rich Glucksman, Harold Labush, Barry Levin, Scott Miller, Martin Page, Michael Penn, Fred Raisner, Leon Resnick, Judah Rosen, Barry Shaw, Steven Shaw, Aaron Sherman and Sol Spitz. ~4~
Best Clean Joke - Harold Labush
"Booby Prize" - Ed Goldberg
"Nice Try" - Dr. Aaron Sherman,
continued from page 1
New Officers, Board Installed faced in the years ahead. Installed for another three-year term on the Board were Brothers Milton Bronstein, Rodney Locke, Alan Lury, Lester Nathan and Michael Smith, all incumbents. Jeffrey Davis, president of Harmony Lodge for the past two years, was installed for his first three-year term as a member of the Board. Barry Schiff, Harmony Lodge vice president for the past two years, succeeds Davis as Lodge president. Steven White begins his first term as vice president. Steven Waldman was re-elected secretary and Peter Hodosh treasurer. Edward Deluty, president; Jed Brandes, vice president, and Steven Shaw, treasurer, begin their second terms in those offices at Friendship Lodge. The new addition to that line of officers is Adam Halpern, secretary. As part of the installation ceremony, out-going president Davis thanked the officers who Thrice!!! Master of served with him the past two years. Ceremonies, Bruce Weisman, He was given a sweater signifying concludes the ceremony. his official welcome into the Touro Past Presidents' Club. NOTE: The reference to "times past" is to the Annual Installation Dinner once held at a local hall, with tuxedos, wives, a grand march, a band, etc. But that was abandoned some years ago in favor of the Venus DeMilo dinner dance, a more relaxed, informal affair. One of the main reasons: the wives really didn't want to sit through all those speeches! — ap
Board of Directors-Three-year Term: (l-r) Lester Nathan, Michael Smith, Alan Lury)
Board of Directors-Three-year Term: (l-r) Rodney Locke, Milton Bronstein, Jeff Davis
Friendship Lodge Officers
Harmony Lodge Officers:
(l-r) Adam Halpern, Secretary; Jed Brandes, Vice President; Steven Shaw, Treasurer
(l-r) Peter Hodosh, Treasurer; Steven White, Vice President; Steven Waldman, Secretary ~6~
Touro’s Family Feud Night by Barry Jay Schiff
BJs One of the "perks" of Touro membership is a special group membership rate at BJs Wholesale Clubs throughout the country. The current regular annual fee is $40. If you're a Touro member you can join for half that: $20 a year. If you're interested, please contact the Touro office by phone, 401-785-0066; email, tourofratl@aol.com; or mail, 45 Rolfe Square, Cranston, RI 02910 and the proper forms will be sent to you. Then, bring the completed form to the service desk at your local BJs. The membership expires September of each year so you'll be charged just a portion of that $20, depending on when you apply. After that, renew for a full year each September at the register at the nearest BJs. It's that simple.
Family Feud Winners
The survey says success! Over 50 hungry contestants chowed down on hors d’oeuvres and desserts and then took to battle at Touro’s Family Feud Night Saturday April 16th. Brother Steve Labush was the quizmaster and Brother Richard Garfinkle was the scorekeeper. After grueling elimination rounds including the inevitable Red Sox-Yankees showdown, Team Maccabee consisting of Shirley and Jack Kirsh, Mindy and Reid Redlich and Ann and Nate Stairman was the last team standing and won the grand prize.
Spring Two-fer at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet
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Visit Touro's Website at www.tourofraternal.org
June 2005 Editor: Columnists:
Bruce Weisman Jed Brandes Edward Deluty Andrew Lamchick Richard Levenson Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Barry Schiff Gerald Tebrow
Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: tourofratl@aol.com Website: www.tourofraternal.org
Robert Miller, Chairman Andrew Lamchick, Vice Chairman Gerald D. Hodosh, Treasurer Gerald Tebrow, Secretary Judah Rosen, Chaplain Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Milton Bronstein Morton Coken Jeffrey Davis Steven Dinerman Andrew Gilstein Stevan Labush Rodney Locke Alan Lury Nathan Lury Lester Nathan Joel Pressman Barry Shaw Dr. Aaron Sherman Michael Smith Bruce Weisman Irving Wolpert
July 31
For more information log onto
www.tourofraternal.org and download the flier or call 785-0066
HARMONY LODGE Barry Schiff, President Steven White, Vice President Steven Waldman, Secretary Peter Hodosh, Treasurer
FRIENDSHIP LODGE Edward Deluty, President Jed Brandes, Vice President Adam Halpern, Secretary Steven Shaw, Treasurer
Picnic ~8~