Touro Election 2014 Issue

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2014 APRIL 5774


The six candidates with the largest vote count will receive three-year terms. Jeffrey Davis 1. Previous Office(s) held: Member of the Board of Directors, President, Vice President and Secretary of Harmony Lodge 2. Committees on which you have served: Chairman of the Constitution and Bylaws, Welfare, Membership, and Assistance Committees. Served on the: Budget and Finance, Investment, Ways & Means, Community Involvement, Golf, Social, Student Financial Aid and Sunshine Committees. 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? My past experiences and the positions I’ve held in Touro and being president of Temple Torat Yisrael. My commitment to Jewish life and principles. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? As we approach our 100th anniversary, we have to be cognizant of the future of Touro. As the median age of Touro increases, we need to grow the organization. We need to increase our membership by attracting new regular members. We need to insure that Touro continues to thrive and prospers for the next 100 years.

Rodney Locke 1. Previous Office(s) held: Board of Directors (33 years), Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee (6 years), Chairman of the Budget & Finance Committee (6 years) and Chairman of the Cemetery Committee 2. Committees on which you have served: Budget & Finance, House, Investment, Ritual, Student Financial Aid, Ways & Means and Cemetery Committees 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? The experience accumulated over 33 years on the Board of Directors, Chairman of three committees consecutively over eighteen years and the 33 years guiding our investment funds have provided a well-rounded background for future planning and decisions for Touro’s increasingly successful benefits to its members. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? Continue to suggest and support improving benefits for our members and outreach to the Jewish community and Israel.

MAX GUARINO 1. Previous Office(s) held: 2012/13: Inside Guard for Friendship Lodge 2. Committees on which you have served: Communications, Community Involvement, House, Investigation, Membership, Ritual and Sunshine Committees 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? Touro needs people who are willing to get involved in the nuts-and-bolts of the organization. I have shown over the past year that I am willing to do this, and now I am taking on more responsibility by taking on the job of Vice President of Friendship Lodge. This is exactly the type of leadership that Touro needs right now. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? I would give it the attention it needs, and dedicate time to it. I would make it to as many of the meetings as possible, and make sure I speak my mind whenever issues come up. When an issue is brought to me by any members of the organization that need attention, I would make sure that I bring it up at meetings if no one else has.

Alan Lury 1. Previous Office(s) held: Vice President and President of Harmony Lodge. Multi-term member of the Board of Directors. Currently serving my first term as the Vice Chairman of the Association 2. Committees on which you have served: As vice chairman, I have had the opportunity to attend a meeting of every committee that exists at Touro. I was the chairman for many years of the Student Financial Aid Committee and currently have been chairman of the Investment Committee for approximately six years. Also, I have been actively involved in the Membership, Community Involvement and Budget & Finance Committees over the years. 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? I believe that I have contributed to the continued growth and success of Touro during my years of involvement at the Lodge and Board Levels. I have brought to Touro my many years of business professional experience which have included many years in management roles in the High Technology industry and during the past 11 years-plus as managing member of my own CPA Firm. As chairman of the Investment committee, I have assisted my fellow committee members and advisor in making sure that the financial assets of Touro are invested to assure that our members will continue to enjoy the benefits of being Touro members for many, many years to come. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? Being a Board member of Touro has been a very personally rewarding opportunity that I have enjoyed and look forward to enjoying for the next three years. As a Board member, you have the opportunity to influence the direction of our organization and contribute to its continued growth and success. The only item that I would like to be able add to our agenda would be the opportunity for the Board to have one or two off-site meetings to discuss, as a group, long-term planning issues that we currently address in special committees (i.e. Executive Committee). It would be nice to have the input of all Board members, together in one location, to review these important issues together without the need to carry on a regular Board meeting at the same time.

Adam Halpern 1. Previous Office(s) held: Lodge Secretary, Vice President and President, and member of the Board of Directors. 2. Committees on which you have served: Chairman of the Social, Ritual and Cemetery Committees Member of the Community Involvement, Welfare, and Centennial Committees. I have also served on a variety of sub-committees. 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? I have served on the board for one term now and am finding my voice on the board more strongly with each meeting. I continue to be passionate about Touro and all it stands for as I help to move the organization forward by building on its past strengths, while also helping to mentor the next generation of Touro leaders. As a line officer who worked my way up to a board seat, I am uniquely qualified to understand the views of all of the constituencies Touro serves. In addition, I rarely miss a meeting and am dedicated to Touro’s continued success. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? I would continue the work I have started in order to keep Touro a strong and viable organization. I would also work to strengthen the committees I chair and to try and bring more members in. This office is already meaningful but the growth of Touro and its continued work would make the office both more meaningful for me and for all of Touro. Andrew Liss 1. Previous Office(s) held: Faithful Guide, Vice President of Friendship Lodge 2. Committees on which you have served: Community Involvement, Membership, Social Committee (co-chair) and Ritual Committees. 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? I have been involved a great deal in spreading the good of Touro Fraternal. I have made sure we have always been looked in a positive light. From our quarterly cooking at the Ronald McDonald House, to working with the JSA and the Kosher Food Bank. I have been in leadership since I started with Touro Fraternal. As co-chair of the Social Committee, I feel I have helped make a difference in bringing better events and dinners to our brothers. I have never shied away from being the first to chip in for a cause or event of Touro Fraternal. My goal for anything I do here is success; for me, the brothers, and of course, for the Association itself. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? I bring a most positive light, and one that realizes that goals are obtainable. The last few years have been amazing with the Social Committee. I have been told it is one of the toughest committees we have. I don't look at it that way – you get what you put into it. If I have a committee to run, I look at it as something that may be hard work, but you still can enjoy it, especially if you are helping others. I am not saying our current board is not doing a great job, for they are. I feel it is time for new blood, but with leadership experience. I feel I have the qualities to fill this role as a board member of Touro Fraternal Association.

Michael Smith 1. Previous Office(s) held: Board member, Association President, Vice President, Inside Guard and Faithful Guide. 2. Committees on which you have served: Assistance, Cemetery, Community Involvement, House, Investigation, Membership, Student Financial Aid and Welfare Committees 3. Why do you believe you are qualified for this position? As an active Board member, past president and committee chairperson for many years, I believe that I can teach the new Board members and other members how to become more interested and active in the organization. I also enjoy the banter at the Board meetings. 4. What would you do to make this office more meaningful? I would be more assertive on the Board in making decisions and bringing up new items of interest.


5:30 -8:30 pm at Touro Hall, 45 Rolfe Square, Cranston, RI 02910 See sample ballot on reverse side.



TOURO MEMBERS In compliance with the Constitution of Touro Fraternal Association and the By-Laws of


Harmony and Friendship Lodges, the Annual Association and Lodge elections will be held


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 From 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. At Touro Hall 45 Rolfe Square – Cranston, Rhode Island

Touro Fraternal Association ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS May 7, 2014

The Election Committee is comprised of Bruce Weisman, Chairman with Ried Redlich, Barry Schiff, Barry Shaw and Steven White.

Board of Directors Six Open Positions

Since no candidate for office in Harmony and Friendship Lodges are opposed, at the time of the election the

Place your mark opposite the name of the

secretaries of those lodges and the secretary of the

candidate(s) of your choice.

Association will cast unanimous ballots for these candidates:

Vote for no more than six (6)

HARMONY LODGE: President, Marc Gertsacov; Vice

Only one (1) vote per candidate

President, Barry Ackerman; Secretary, Andrew Shuster;

Jeffrey Davis



Max Guarino



President, Max Guarino; Secretary, Richard Cohen;

Adam Halpern



Treasurer, Michael Levin.

Andrew Liss



Rodney Locke



Alan Lury



Michael Smith



Treasurer, Lester Nathan. FRIENDSHIP LODGE: President, Andrew Liss; Vice







Remember, even though there are no contests for

PLEASE NOTE: Ballots with more than six (6) votes cast will be declared invalid and disqualified.

lodge officers, you are encouraged to vote in the election of the Board of Directors.

In the event of a tie for the sixth position, a run-off election will be held among those involved in the tie.

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