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Centennial Update: Save the Date
Golf page 4
By Steven Hopfenberg
n October 26 Friendship of other publications including The Lodge featured Dexter Jerusalem Post and The Boston Globe Van Zile from CAMERA. as well as being a published author. org along with a delicious Deli Mr. Van Zile kindly accepted the Dinner. The recirculating line of challenge of a non-Jew venturing to brothers returning for seconds (and speak on Israel and Zionist matters thirds?) indicates that the addition to a Jewish organization. Within the of pastrami to the menu was a good first few minutes, Dexter had won decision. Many thanks to the social over the room and his anecdotes and committee. insights kept everyone’s attention. CAMERA.org is a media Dexter recounted his personal Dexter Van Zile watchdog group and advocacy experiences with anti-semitism as well organization. Founded in 1982, as his understanding of the challenges the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East facing Israel and Jewish people, particularly with Reporting in America is a media-monitoring, the media and academia. His discussion of his research and membership organization devoted work to get 60 Minutes to correct an erroneous to promoting accurate and balanced coverage story resonated with our membership, many of of Israel and the Middle East. CAMERA who recalled the broadcast. fosters rigorous reporting, while educating news The background on CAMERA, their mission consumers about Middle East issues and the role and achievements will no doubt help our brothers of the media. understand how important and useful their service Mr. Van Zile, the Christian Media Analyst is. His talk highlighted the need for all to be for CAMERA has had work appear in a number vigilant of the media.
Touro Announces Grant Winners for 2016-17 Academic Year Joe Fleming page 6
Out and About page 7
By Steven Waldman, Chairman Student Financial Aid Committee
he Student Financial Aid Committee is pleased to announce that eight young men and women have been selected to share a total of $30,000 in educational financial aid. Three of the recipients will receive $3,000 scholarship grants, and an additional seven applicants will share a total of $21,000 in interest-free loans from the Association’s Leo Greenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund. The 2016 Grant Recipients are: Samuel Ackerman, son of brother Barry Ackerman. Sam is a junior at Columbia University where he is studying political science. ~1~ ~1~
He is part of a group called the Columbia Political Union which focuses on voter registration on his college campus, as well as providing a forum for debates. Erik Brenner, son of brother Jeremy Brenner will be a freshman, attending Eastern Connecticut State University. Erik will be studying digital art design. He is an Eagle Scout and has competed in Science Olympiad. In addition, he was also a member of the Smithfield High School chapter of the National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society. Halle Lury, daughter of brother Alan Lury, will continued on page 5 - Grant
Social Scene
Chairman's Chatter
Fall 2016
By Jed Brandes, Chairman of the Board
By Steven Hophenberg, Vice President, Harmony Lodge
House (hauŞ): a place of shelter
Felicitations brothers, I hope that you have all been able to take advantage of the events so far this year. It was a day filled with fun, food and games at our Family Picnic. We had a blast at the Fluke Fishing trip, even without a significant catch. Beautiful weather on our lovely bay proved more than enough fun for all. As usual, the Newport Playhouse provided all with a night filled with food, theater and the fun cabaret. The Fall got off to a great start with our Harmony Lodge Meeting where we all enjoyed grilled burgers and dogs (kudos to the grill team). Joe Fleming provided political insight for the recently completed election. In October, Dexter Van Zile of CAMERA. org was our guest speaker. A large crowd enjoyed our Fall Two-Fer at Twin River featuring the “Murder on Us” interactive theater. The Social Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month and we encourage all Brothers to come and participate. All ideas are welcome, especially as we plan for our centennial year. Please find a summary agenda for upcoming events:
rothers, the house is in good repair.” Such has been the House Committee report at many a lodge meeting over the last few decades from its intrepid chairman, Brother Nate Lury. As with any residence, upkeep is an ongoing responsibility that is not without its challenges. We have been fortunate to have such a dedicated brother to maintain the integrity and utility of our home. Time has a way of altering our outlook, though. The décor, which years ago was entirely appropriate for our functions, became tired. To many, it began to feel like a circa 1970s basement. As well, advancing age has made it more difficult for Nate to attend to the needs of the building in the manner to which he had been accustomed. And so, changes were necessary. Nate has passed the torch to Brother Steven White, who has assumed the chairmanship of the committee. Under Nate’s tutelage (yes, he does continue to serve on the committee), Steve has overseen a major project to renovate the hall. With our centennial year rapidly approaching, the Board of Directors felt that updating the hall would ensure that we can celebrate Touro’s historical milestone in style. The work has been arduous, with many a committee meeting to determine a plan of action, choose materials, colors and fixtures and negotiate pricing. Steve spent a good portion of his summer at the hall to coordinate contractors and troubleshoot unexpected roadblocks. The efforts have been met with remarkable success! Those who were in attendance at our Fall lodge meetings were treated to a beautiful meeting hall with a brand new ceiling, new lighting fixtures and sconces and a fresh, modern paint job. The work continues. A new carpet has now been laid in the hall, and the exterior of the building has been repainted. Still to come: renovation of the lobby, which will include new flooring, furniture, art work and window treatments. Stay tuned! It is one thing to own a building. It’s an entirely different thing to have a home, a place where we can take comfort and enjoy the warm embrace of our brothers. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Nate and all his committee members through the years for their achievements. Similarly, Steve and his new committee are to be congratulated for a job well done. Yasher Koach! Vi me bet zikh ois, azoi darf men shlofen.
December 18
Hanukkah Party Magic by Lon Cerel
December 21
Italian Dinner & Movie Night. STRIPES, starring Bill Murray
December 25
Dinner & Movie Hong Kong Buffet Seatings at 5:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.
January 27
Harmony Lodge Turkey Dinner and Trivia Night
January 28
Ocean State Theatre Born Yesterday
Barry Shaw In Recognition of 24 Years of Dedicated Service on the Board of Directors 1992-2016
Thank You Barry! ~2~
From the President
Centennial Update By Bruce Weisman, Chairman Centennial Committee
e are now under a year away from celebrating our Centennial. The committee’s daunting task, which was put forth several years back, is now starting to take shape. Most of you are aware of the upcoming Gala on the weekend of September 16-17, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza, Warwick. What you might not know is that there are many more events being planned. The Social Committee is working on additional upgraded events during the 2017-18 year. We are coordinating a trip to Israel which will be taking place in the fall of 2017 and a cruise to Bermuda in the late spring of 2018. We will be filling up a time capsule with memorabilia which will be closed in June of 2018. More information will be forthcoming over the coming months as things get finalized. SAVE THE DATE
Touro Celebrates 100 Years Join Us at the Touro Centennial Gala
1917 Touro founded. Touro’s founding father Jacob A. Eaton
SEPTEMBER 16 & 17, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza, Warwick, Rhode Island 1993 Touro’s 75th Anniversary
1967 Touro’s 50th Anniversary
1989 Touro Hall purchased, Rolfe Square, Cranston
Touro’s Future
Over the next month you will be receiving a savethe-date card. It will include information for hotel accommodations. Rooms are limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Touro has been given a special rate which is available to all members. There is still an opportunity to win a Gala Weekend package, if you attend one of the Two-fer events happening over the next year. All you have to do to be entered in the raffle is show up! Brother Adam Card is the most recent winner of the Gala Weekend package. Adam had the lucky ticket at our recent Fall Two-Fer at Twin River. Remember, none of this could be happening without the hard work of your Brothers volunteering their time. So, when you come across a Brother who is serving on one of the many volunteer committees, a simple “thank you” is all that is needed. I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
By Michael Levin, President, Harmony Lodge
have been the President of Harmony Lodge for almost a year and a half now. It has been a great experience working with people with whom I share so much in common and those who I may not. We are proud of our Jewish faith and heritage. And we agree this is important and we must work together as a community to keep it strong and vibrant. Throughout my term in office, I have experienced that, beyond our common link as Jews, we are different in many ways. These differences bring about many challenges within the walls of Touro but also have many advantages. I have been so fortunate to learn from others who bring different personalities, perspectives, ideas, life experiences and professional knowledge. The differences can make the job challenging, as there are multiple ideas swirling around. At times, these ideas clash. Thoughts about the direction of the organization and the method to achieve our goals are bantered about. All this energy and excitement actually produce great results. Our members’ efforts and passion are what make Touro one of the best run organizations – one in which you can take pride. Through their efforts, Touro Fraternal Association remains great, vibrant, eternal and full of “Harmony, Friendship & Benevolence.” Each of us may be different. A coil of rope is composed of many fibers, each with its own strengths– but woven together they become exponentially stronger. I am happy to say that this year we have a very diverse, strong group of men, working together diligently, planning for our centennial celebration and beyond. We have big plans for new exciting special events for our membership and families to enjoy. You are going to love them! Touro Hall has just been renovated for the Centennial and looks beautiful. The Community Involvement committee has made some amazing contributions towards securing educational initiatives for Rhode Island students. Of course, the State of Israel will be a big part of the upcoming Centennial. As we get closer more details of these items will be revealed. I bring them all up because this work could only be accomplished by a cohesive group working in sync for the benefit of Touro. Please come and help us move Touro from today, to tomorrow, to 100 years and far, far into the future.
Touro Initiates New Brothers at the June and October Lodge Meetings
Touro welcomes new Brother Jerrold Weiner at the October 26 Lodge Meeting ~3~
Touro welcomes 11 new Brothers at the June 22 Steak Fry (l-r): Stephen Siegel, Robert Falconero, Eric Rose, Lee Pollock, Rabbi Aaron Philmus, Ari Berkowitz, Evan Deluty, Jack Tregar, Zachary Levenson, Jeff Strachman and Ken Siegel
Golf Tournament Recap by Jeffrey Davis, Chairman, Golf Committee
his year, the annual Touro Golf tournament was held on August 15 at the Alpine Country Club. In all, 60+ golfers showed up with the hopes of clinching the title of Touro Golf Tournament Champion. The format for the tournament was “best ball”. An enjoyable round of golf was complimented with a delicious Alpine Gourmet Lunch Buffet and an equally entertaining awards and prizes ceremony. Based on an increase in the number of players this year, in addition to the traditional first, second and third place finishes, we added awards and prizes for a fourth place finish, fourth closest to the pin and two longest drives. Additionally, we added new prizes such as putters, drivers, golf balls, golf umbrellas and a GPS watch. The following golfers earned the ultimate bragging rights: First Place went to the father and son Rappaport Team: Alan Rappaport, Ryan Rappaport, Barry Rappaport and David Rappaport; Second Place: Jeff Moore, Ralph Medessi, Greg
Ralph Nathan (center) is surrounded by the First Place team. To his left, Alan Rappaport, Ryan Rappaport, and on his right Barry Rappaport and David Rappaport
Degiulio, Steve Polselli; Third Place: Tom Mirza, David Bazar, Joel Bazar, Matt Sander; and Fourth Place: Bob Silverman, Ed Creamer, Barry Fishback, Mark Marandola The Touro Golf Tournament was a great success and the committee was very happy with the turnout and participation. Please watch your mail for a save-the-date card for Touro’s Annual Golf Tournament 2017, celebrating our 100th year.
Touro Golf League and Tournament Round-Up
Joel Cohen
Howard Shaw
Andy Lamchick
Jeffrey Davis
T Joel Bazar with "The Commissioner" Abe Strashnick
Jeremy Steinberg
he Touro Golf League finished up another great season on the links. This season, 22 Touro brothers met every Tuesday in late afternoon at Cranston Country Club. Again, this year, we divided the season into two halves. The divisions (A & B) were formed based on each players handicap. On behalf of the entire golf league, we want to extend our sincerest thanks to Abe Strashnick, the “commissioner”, for ensuring that the season went off without a hitch. Your hard work does not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. If any brother is interested in joining the golf league for the 2017 season, please feel free to contact me (Jeff Davis, jndavis35@gmail.com). We will be returning to Cranston Country Club for another great golf season and look forward to welcoming new members. The winners by division and half were as follows: A DIVISION B DIVISION
First Half 1st Place 2nd Place Second Half 1st Place 2nd Place
Jeremy Steinberg Andy Lamchick
Joel Cohen Jeffrey Davis
Howard Shaw Andy Lamchick
Joel Cohen Joel Bazar
Touro Continues the Giving in Year 99! By Andy Lamchick, Chairman, Community Involvement Committee
s we head toward our centennial year, the Community Involvement Committee continues to support the needy in Southern New England. We meet every few months to discuss every charity that approaches us, along with many that don’t. At our last few meetings since the last Tourogram, we have committed literally thousands of dollars on your behalf. Once again, we supported the Jewish youth at URI with a onethousand-dollar donation to URI Hillel. The donation will sponsor three Shabbat dinners for the center. We also received a request from the New England Rabbinical College, based in Providence. This school participates with Providence College in a program for religious diversity. The committee allocated three hundred dollars to the college. We also approved some larger donations for some familiar organizations. A one thousand dollar donation was approved for Jewish Family Services for their Emergency Heating Program. In addition, we donated one thousand dollars to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank, just in time for the holidays. Previously, we had donated one thousand dollars to the Goldie and Louis Chester Kosher Food Bank, as well as the Kosher Food Pantry. Next, I have two brand new projects that Community Involvement has undertaken. First, we will sponsor a program to provide transportation for high school students throughout the state to attend a program which teaches about atrocities of the Holocaust. This program is presented by the Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Center in Providence. The committee allocated one thousand dollars for 2016-17. The second project is a program
sponsored by the Jewish Seniors Agency called the Chaver Program. It provides education for caregivers and volunteers who want to visit with the elderly. Touro’s sponsorship is for fifteen hundred dollars. In addition to these programs, the Committee makes quarterly visits to Ronald McDonald House to prepare meals for the residents who have children at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. This group is spearheaded by Brother Andy Liss. Additionally, we have donated two vacuum cleaners for the new addition to their facility. We have also been working on some spectacular plans to celebrate our centennial year. We have a large budget to help our community. We are very excited to share these plans with you once we begin the celebration.
Touro volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House (l-r): David Weisman, Jason Golditch, Andy Lamchick, Kevin Dwares, Andy Liss, Ried Redlich, and Jeff Greenberg
Grant- continued from page 1
Grant Winners 2016-17 Academic Year member of the higher learning were Smithfield High School eligible for grants. chapter of the National Regular members, Honor Society and their children and National Technical children of deceased Honor Society. members similarly H a l l e L u r y, enrolled could apply daughter of brother for the interest-free Alan Lury, will be a loans. Halle Lury Since the fund freshman at Curr y was established in College, and will study Samuel Ackerman Erik Brenner 1981, approximately graphic design. While in high school, Halle was involved in a Rosh Hodesh youth a half-million dollars has been distributed to students. All loans are interest-free and are not re-payable until six months group for girls. She also attended March of the Living. Regular Touro members, their spouses and children, and after the student graduates or cease to be a full time student. children of deceased Touro members enrolled full-time for To date, no loans have been defaulted. the 2016-17 academic year in an accredited institution of ~5~
Membership Working on New Initiatives for the Coming Year By Barry Ackerman, Chairman, Membership Committee
Joe Fleming - A Political Analyst at September's Lodge Meeting By Jeffrey Stoloff n Wednesday evening, September 21, Harmony Lodge held its annual Hot Dog and Hamburger Dinner at Touro Hall. Our guest speaker was Joe Fleming, WPRI 12’s political analyst. In addition to running his own political consulting business, Mr. Fleming contributes regularly to WPRI 12’s news broadcasts. Because the local election season was quiet, Mr. Fleming shared his views on the national presidential election. He spoke about the highly unfavorable ratings of both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump by the American public. According to Joe, trust was the main issue affecting Mrs. Clinton, while temperament was the main issue for Mr. Trump. Another topic discussed by Fleming was the importance of the recently completed debates. After talking about the other presidential debates’ importance in recent history, he explained why this year’s, especially the first one, were important to the race. He demonstrated how non-policy issues, such as appearance, influenced voting in prior Presidential elections. He described the influence of third-party candidates. While they garnered some interest, Joe predicted they would not receive any electoral votes. All the members came away with a better understanding of the issues in this presidential election as we headed down the home stretch to Election Day.
ike our new year, the Membership Committee starts anew with an effort to enrich Touro with new members. These members invigorate us with new ideas for social events, bring a charged attitude and allow us to make new friends. Just as important is keeping YOU, our long-time brothers, engaged, interested and active in our great organization. This year, our committee will roll out a new program to encourage you to bring new regular members to Touro. As typically happens, we tend to wait for the Open House in April to encourage our friends and family to experience Touro. But then, the new candidates must wait until the Steak Fry for initiation. The result: the first lodge meeting which they can attend is in September. In addition, not everyone can attend the Steak Fry, further delaying his enjoyment of membership. Thus, we are investigating whether to have a Mini-open House this winter. Our hope is you will be more consistent in proposing new members throughout the year. At this smaller Open House, candidates will see our beautifully remodeled hall and speak to members and committee chairmen about what we offer. Another initiative which will help us, when talking up Touro, will be defining “who we are.” This would allow brothers to describe Touro as more than “great food and speakers.” We would like your input and encourage you to provide any thoughts or actual actions you employed to bring in new members. Please send in suggestions or talk to the Membership Committee at one of our meetings.
The "Steaks" were High at the June 22 Fry
THe Annual Steak Fry on June 22 featured plenty of steaks with all the fixin's and the jokes were on us as local comedian Charlie Hall (center) struck a funny bone with all who attended. ~6~
Picnic At Masonic Park
Family Night at the Pawsox
June Dinner Dance at the Crowne
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Providence, RI Permit #719
P.O. BOX 3562 CRANSTON, RI 02910
December 25, 2016 OCEAN STATE THEATRE Born Yesterday
January 28, 2017
Visit Touro at www.tourofraternal.org or scan the QR code.
Touro Hanukkah Party
2 0 1 6 November 5 7 7 7 Bruce Weisman, Editor
Columnists: Brett Boisvert Jed Brandes Howard Custis Steven Hopfenberg Andrew Lamchick Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Jeffrey Stoloff Howard Wasser
Staff Photographers: Jeffrey Davis Edward Deluty Stevan Labush Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: info@tourofraternal.org Website: www.tourofraternal.org
HARMONY LODGE Michael Levin, President Steven Hopfenberg, Vice President Stuart Solup, Secretary Peter Silverman, Treasurer
Jed Brandes, Chairman Alan Lury, Vice Chairman Steven Waldman, Treasurer Brett Boisvert, Secretary Barry Schiff, Chaplain Robert Miller, Chairman Emeritus Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Nathan Lury Barry Ackerman Robert Miller Jed Brandes Arthur Poulten Jeffrey Davis Ried Redlich Norman Dinerman Barry Schiff Andrew Gilstein Michael Smith Adam Halpern Steven Waldman Stevan Labush Bruce Weisman Andrew Lamchick Steven White Andrew Liss Alan Lury
Sunday • 1 – 4:00 p.m.
Magician: Lon Cerel Gifts for Touro Children and Grandchildren 12 and under. Winners of Voice Drawing Contest will be announced at Chanukah party .
FRIENDSHIP LODGE Max Guarino, President Richard Levenson, Vice President Jeffrey Stoloff, Secretary Jason Golditch, Treasurer
Ried Redlich, Faithful Guide
More details to follow...
Watch the mail for your flier Call or email: (401) 785 - 0066 info@tourofraternal.org
Touro Hall, 45 Rolfe Square, Cranston, RI 02910