Spring 2017

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2017 March 5777

INSIDE This Issue Centennial Update page 3

Hanukkah Contest page 4

Channel 12’s Tim White Highlights our February Lodge Meeting By Barry Jay Schiff

Mayor Avedisian page 5

Out & About Who Done it! page 7

Happy Birthday Milt! page 7

1967 Touro’s 50th Anniversary


n Wednesday February 15th Channel 12’s Emmy winning investigative reporter Tim White highlighted our lodge meeting at the Shriner’s Imperial Room. A Newport native, Tim is the son of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jack White. Tim White and Barry Schiff Tim is the co-author of “The Last Good Heist,” the untold story of the infamous Bonded Vault heist on August 14, 1975. The book details the robbery at 101 Cranston Street, Providence which cleaned out safe deposit vaults filled with the spoils of the New England mob, which was controlled by Raymond Patriarca. It is based on the exploits of Robert “Deuce” Dussault, Charles “Chucky” Flynn and six others who were the perpetrators. Tim’s PowerPoint presentation gave us a chronological history of the heist and the characters involved. A very lively questions and answer session followed. Some of our members turned out to be peripherally involved with the Bonded Vault location and the stories were very enlightening. The meeting was a “home run” for the Social Committee!


1993 Touro’s 75th Anniversary


SEPTEMBER 16 & 17, 2017

G A L A continued D I N NonEpage R & B RU N C H 2 - Mattiello Crowne Plaza, Warwick

Chairman's Chatter By Jed Brandes, Chairman of the Board

Social Scene Spring 2017

Welfare ('wεl,fεәr):

By Richard Levenson, Vice President, Friendship Lodge

the good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc. of a person, group, or organization.

Greetings Fellow Brothers,


or Steve and me, it’s been an amazing ten months as co-vice presidents. The Social Committee planned Hanukkah parties, two-fers, a casino trip, plays at Ocean State Theater and Newport Playhouse, a fishing trip, fantasy football leagues, a picnic and entertaining lodge meetings ... all in the name of Harmony, Friendship, and Benevolence. And it’s all here for the taking. Touro offers so much that it’s hard not to find something that suits your taste or piques your interest. The coming months appear to be even more exciting, especially with our Centennial year on the horizon. Think of it: Touro has been in existence for a hundred years ... and it is still going strong! Come to Social Committee meetings the first Wednesday of every month. Listen, join in, and better yet ... offer your suggestions. We are always looking for new ideas. In the coming months, you will see exciting new events scheduled with the Centennial in mind. Thanks for being part of Touro and we look forward to seeing you soon!


armony, Friendship and Benevolence. How could we ever hope to provide welfare without them? From Touro’s earliest days, when its mission was to provide for needy Jewish immigrants, to modern times, as we do our best to care for the world, these principles have embodied the full scope of everything we do as brothers. Indeed, they are our three cardinal virtues. Let’s examine them. Harmony. Three ways to interpret this word are “peace,” “agreement,” and “consonance.” As brothers, we have common goals. We want to come together regularly in a social setting and be a positive influence in the surrounding community. As we work together to arrange our events and donate our time and money, we grow spiritually. The health of our community grows. And Touro’s legacy grows. In short, we make beautiful music. Friendship. Whether at our own events or social gatherings outside of Touro, friendship is at the heart of why we have come together as an association. Through regular interaction, we uplift each other emotionally. We engage each other intellectually. We share the joys and sorrows of each other’s lives. In so doing, we all benefit; we form the bedrock of a life well lived. Benevolence. As we have all heard many times, it “is the brightest gem in the crown of humanity.” Through our altruistic deeds, our generosity, we practice Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). We cannot possibly hope to conquer all that ails this planet and its inhabitants. But that is not our goal. We simply wish to do our part. Through these acts, we “elevate and ennoble” not only those we serve, but our association, and ourselves too. Harmony, Friendship and Benevolence. Three words. By themselves, nice ideas; together, a way of life. Dem bitersten mazel ken men farshtellen mil a shmaichel.

Upcoming Events: April 19 • New Member Open House featuring (KBC) Kosher Baked Chicken with our guest speaker Maria Kanellis. May 17 • Annual Installation Dinner. Installing this year's lodge officer and board members June 24 • Newport Playhouse and Cabaret featuring "Lunch with Mrs. Baskin" June 28 • June Steak Fry with Guest Speaker WPRO AM Talk Show Host John Loughlin. July 2 • Touro Goes to the PawSox with Fireworks July 23 • Touro Picnic at Masonic Park September 16-17 • Touro's Centennial Gala Weekend at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick ~2~

2017 Centennial Update By Bruce Weisman, Chairman Centennial Committee

From the President


he Centennial Gala is quickly approaching. Everyone has received his Save the Date card for September 16-17, 2017. If you plan to come and are interested in staying over at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, you can contact them via email or phone. In either case, you need to mention the special code (which is “TFA”) to get our special rate. Availability is limited and on a first-come first-serve basis. Complete contact info is on the Save the Date card, as well as on our website at tourofraternal.org. There is one more chance to win an overnight stay and tickets to the Gala and Sunday brunch. Be present at our next spring two-fer, Saturday, April 1 at Café Nuovo to be Brother Adam Card recent winner of eligible to win. Gala Weekend package The Gala is not the only event to celebrate this special occasion. There will be additional events which are in the planning stages throughout the year including a Cruise to Bermuda in June of 2018. Watch your mail, email and the Touro website for information as it becomes available. Touro is also preparing a Time Capsule to be unveiled at the September 2017th Gala. This capsule will be sealed at the 2018 June Steak Fry to conclude our centennial year celebration. Information on how you can participate will be forthcoming.

By Max Guarino, President, Friendship Lodge


ver the past year, we have had many events where brothers have been able to get together and socialize. The monthly meetings, the twofers, fishing, golf, theatre, a family picnic, and family game nights have ensured that there is something to suit all tastes. Some people have taken advantage of all that Touro offers. Others have not. One thing is certain: the more you participate, the more enjoyment you’ll experience. In addition, the price is always right! It is even better for those who can commit the time to serving the association. Touro Fraternal has become a very successful organization through the hard work of its members and teamwork. Many of the committees, such as Communications, Digital Media, Centennial, Golf and House are open to all members. If you’re interested to help, just ask the committee chairperson and you can be invited to their next meeting! It’s the best way to develop your friendships within the organization. With our Centennial year approaching, I can’t help being excited about the Gala celebration and other special social events that we are planning. There has never been a better time to get involved with your association!

Touro Golf League by Jeffrey Davis, Chairman, Golf Committee


pring is around the corner and that means GOLF SEASON is upon us. Touro has a golf league that plays at Cranston Country Club on Tuesdays. Tee off time is from 4:15 – 4:50 PM. If you are interested in bragging rights with your fellow Touro brothers, come join us for a season of great times and great fun. Our season runs from April 25 – September 5. Contact Jeff Davis at info@tourofraternal.org.

Touro Golf Tournament – During Our 100th Anniversary! This year Touro’s Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, August 7, 2017. We will be going back to Alpine Country Club for another great day of fun and food. If you talk to anybody who played last year, they all said the course was in great shape and had a great time. This year we will also open it up to non-Touro members as well. Prices are: Touro Members $100.00, Non Touro Members $130.00. It’s not too early to start putting your foursomes together for this great tournament! If you have any questions, contact Jeff Davis: info@tourofraternal.org


What Do We Do Now?...More!!! By Andy Lamchick, Community Involvement Chairman


or decades, the Community Involvement Committee of Touro has given out hundreds of thousands of dollars to numerous charities throughout Southern New England. While we tend to focus on Jewish causes, we also consider the needs of people from other parts of society. Each year, our committee fields requests and does its best to put our funds in the places they’ll have the greatest impact. Several years ago, we helped the Jewish Voice of Rhode Island to re-institute the Hanukkah Coloring/Essay Contest. We came up with a formula for prizes, and have since awarded thousands of dollars to gifted students and their religious schools. This year, the Providence Hebrew Day School swept nearly all the awards; winning the school a total of $1,440. This award will be used to purchase a technology-oriented prize. Each quarter of the year, a crew of Touro members gathers in the Ronald McDonald House kitchen in Providence to prepare a delicious meal for the families who live there. These families all have a child in one of the nearby hospitals, and need to remain nearby. The meals our brothers make are appreciated more than words can say. Speaking of Ronald McDonald House, did you know that they recently doubled their size? They now have 28 bedrooms versus the 14 they had previously. Recently, Community Involvement donated two vacuum cleaners to help maintain the new addition. We do much more than write checks! Our brothers are in the community to help anywhere we can. So, what’s next for us? The answer is…MORE! We feel that we should do even more on your behalf to help as many needy people, and organizations, as possible. I am proud to announce that the Board of Directors has approved a thirty percent increase to our committee’s annual budget. We vow to continue to make you proud of the choices we make on your behalf. To ensure we do, I’m asking you to send along any suggestions that you may have of charities or organizations that you feel we should consider supporting. You can reach us through the office at info@tourofraternal.org. Thank you for all your support, fraternalism and your upcoming help in spreading the giving.

(l to r) Chairman Jed Brandes with Jewish Voice Editor Fran Ostendorf along with Community Involvement Chairman Andrew Lamchick stand with all the winners of the Touro Hanukkah contest held this past December.

Winning Entries for the Hanukkah Contest

Magician Lon Cerel gets help from the Audience Touro members, children, grandchildren and guests take in the Hanukkah festivities


Lox, Bagels and Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian By Howard Wasser


he November 2016 lodge meeting was a Sunday brunch. We had lox, bagels, whitefish salad, tuna and kugel. Not everyone has these old school delicacies everyday so the meal was appreciated by all who attended. The honored guest was Scott Mayor Scott Avedisian Avedisian who has been the mayor of Warwick since 2000. He was born in Warwick. He has an undergraduate degree from Providence College and a Masters of Public Administration from Roger Williams University. He was on the Warwick City Council from 1990 to 2000, being reelected four times. In fact, he was the youngest ever elected to the city council and the youngest mayor (as well as the longest serving mayor). The mayor is on numerous boards around the state (including chairman of the board of RIPTA).

The evening discussion centered on the Airport, Apponaug, Rocky Point, schools, commuter trains, and panhandlers. The Airport project is almost done as a lot of traffic has been diverted on Main Ave. There is now two way traffic in Apponaug which helps with the congestion of that intersection. Rocky Point is an open park for all to see and walk. There were some questions about some schools being closed. There was also discussion about commuter trains going into Boston (MBTA) from south of Providence. The biggest discussion centered on the panhandlers seen at every street corner. The mayor has tried to address this issue but the law is on the side of the panhandlers as long as they stay on the median strip. There will be continuing discussions statewide about this issue. Some cities have banned the panhandlers but this also means others (like the fire department soliciting for the Jerry Lewis Telethon) are banned too. More to follow. The meal was great and the speaker was very informative. Maybe there could be more Sunday morning brunches in the future. Lox is great but I guess bacon is out of the question.

Membership is on the Move By Barry Ackerman, Chairman, Membership Committee


ouro Fraternal is a great organization that has both social and charitable components. When you talk to prospective members about the reasons to join Touro, mention the friendship and great fun we have together. However, just as important are the contributions Touro makes to our local community and outside Jewish organizations. We have learned that people appreciate the comprehensive view of our mission that leads to greater membership and retention. Why is this important? Our greatest source of referrals is our own brothers. The best advertisement for Touro is the pride and excitement we communicate to our friends, neighbors and family. Like all groups, our lifeblood is new members who will spark fresh ideas, provide camaraderie and become our next generation of leaders. Touro offers a unique environment to members – you participate to the extent you choose. Tell that to your Jewish friends and family! In early February, we held a “mini” Open House in which we had several people apply for membership. The concept of the mini Open House is to allow prospective members to see our beautifully renovated hall and discuss what Touro offers through informal discussions with you – our brothers. The format allows people to come whenever they can and stay as long as they want – which is different from the commitment of our spectacular April Open House. Membership is planning the next mini Open House in the fall, so please join us and bring new members. And don’t forget our traditional Open House on April 19. We are excited to have Maria Kanellis as the guest speaker. Ms. Kanellis is a professional wrestler, singer and businesswoman. Last, if you prefer to discuss recruiting new members with a Membership Committee member, please leave a message in the office or let us know at a lodge meeting. We are happy to help you in your efforts to grow our association! ~5~

Student Financial Aid Update 2017 By Steven Waldman, Chairman, Student Financial Aid Committee


he Touro Board of Directors has budgeted $45,000 for the Student Financial Aid Committee for fiscal year 2017. $36,000 is available in the form of interest-free loans of up to $3,000 each and $9,000 is available in the form of up to three grants of $3,000 each. Regular Touro members, whose membership has been in good standing for at least two years, and their children, may apply for grants and/or loans. Previous grant winners are not eligible for additional grants. Each eligible loan applicant may receive a maximum of $12,000 in total loans over their academic career. Applications are available now via written request through either postal mail or email to info@tourofraternal.org. Please, make sure to fill out all applications accurately and completely.

Trivia Night at Touro

On The House By Steven White, Chairman, House Committee


he House Committee has been very busy over the summer with the renovation of the first floor including the social hall, bathrooms, coat closet and lobby. On the outside, the entire building has been scraped and painted. I am happy to say the second stage of work commenced on Tuesday, Feb. 7. The lobby is getting a new, refreshed look. The House Committee, with the help of our interior designer, has chosen new tile and carpeting for the floor. Throughout the first floor, we have a new drop ceiling, fantastic new colors and flooring. After the work is done in the lobby, we will acquire new furniture and decorations to create an inviting environment. We have additional plans for improving our home, so stay tuned for more announcements.


by Bruce Weisman

ouro organized another successful evening of trivia at our January 25 meeting. Members first enjoyed a turkey dinner with all the fixins' followed by a trivia contest led by Brother Alan Lury. Questions included trivia on TV, sports and cars.

First Place: (l-r) Bob Miller, Barry Schiff and Jeffrey Davis

Touro Welcomes 5 New Brothers at January 25 Lodge Meeting

Second Place: (l-r) Michael Frank and Ed Bochner

(l to r): Barry Rose, Edgar Berrebbi, Howard Brown, Dr. Harvey Reback and William Feldman

Third Place: (l-r) Wayne Forman and Bruce Weisman

N E W B R OT H E R S Brothers who Joined Touro in 2016 Ari Berkowitz Evan Deluty Robert M. Falconero Zachary Levenson Edward H. Newman Rabbi Aaron Philmus Lee J. Pollock Eric Rose Stephen Siegel Ken Siegel Jeff Strachman Jack Tregar Jerrold Weiner

Brothers and sisters who passed away in 2016 Warren Fish Frank W. Horovitz Claire (Waldman) Goodman Meyer Jarcho Sanford Perler Judah Rosen Harry Shore Herbert Singer Victor Tulenfeld Maurice Wine


Witness Michael Smith was "All Ears" but heard nothing

Steve Dinnerman as Chef "No-Tell".

Witness Rhonda Labush as "The Other Woman


Hannibal "Did he really do it?

"Gumshoe" Andrew Goodman solved the Case!!

Witness Harold Hurlich took the stand and kept to the "Script

Happy 100th Birthday Milton Bronstein


Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Providence, RI Permit #719

P.O. BOX 3562 CRANSTON, RI 02910



Saturday, June 24, 2017 TOURO AT THE PAWSOX

Sunday, July 2, 2017 Visit Touro at www.tourofraternal.org or scan the QR code.

Calling All Brothers!

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble and

2 0 1 7 March 5 7 7 7 Bruce Weisman, Editor Columnists: Brett Boisvert Jed Brandes Howard Custis Steven Hopfenberg Andrew Lamchick Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Jeffrey Stoloff Howard Wasser Staff Photographers: Jeffrey Davis Edward Deluty Stevan Labush Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: info@tourofraternal.org Website: www.tourofraternal.org

Bring In New Regular Members at Touro's Annual



Jed Brandes, Chairman Alan Lury, Vice Chairman Steven Waldman, Treasurer Brett Boisvert, Secretary Barry Schiff, Chaplain Robert Miller, Chairman Emeritus Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Nathan Lury Barry Ackerman Robert Miller Jed Brandes Arthur Poulten Jeffrey Davis Ried Redlich Norman Dinerman Barry Schiff Andrew Gilstein Michael Smith Adam Halpern Steven Waldman Stevan Labush Bruce Weisman Andrew Lamchick Steven White Andrew Liss Alan Lury


APRIL 19 featuring


FRIENDSHIP LODGE HARMONY LODGE Max Guarino, President Michael Levin, President Richard Levenson, Vice President Steven Hopfenberg, Vice President Jeffrey Stoloff, Secretary Stuart Solup, Secretary Jason Golditch, Treasurer Peter Silverman, Treasurer Mitchell Cohen, Inside Guard David Weisman, Inside Guard Ried Redlich, Faithful Guide


Kosher Baked Chicken Dinner First Come, First Served Reservations Required deposit $5.00 or 5 Bagel Bucks . Watch the mail for your flier s les the Call or email: Help unate! d fort certifie (401) 785 - 0066 ga item Brin r food er info@tourofraternal.org sh she

Ko the Ko y! tr for Pan Food

Touro Hall, 45 Rolfe Square, Cranston, RI 02910

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