Winter 2010

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2010 FEBRUARY 5770

INSIDE This Issue

In Memoriam: Irving Wolpert and Bob Hodosh They represented more than 60 years service to Touro

Music Man page 3

PawSox page 4

Irving Wolpert

Bob Hodosh

Irving Wolpert joined Touro February 8, 1950. He was a member of the Board of Directors from 1978 until 2006. Irving was best known as "The voice of reason" while serving on the board. Brother Wolpert passed away January 7, 2010.

Robert J. Hodosh joined Touro May 5, 1962, served as Association president from 1974 - 1975 and was a member of the Board of Directors from 1976 until 2005. Brother Bob was known as "Mr. Sunshine". He passed away February 2, 2010.

They will be sorely missed and never forgotten The Joke's On Us page 5

Alice Goldstein page 4

Trivia Brandes Style page 6

A Message from the Chairman of the Touro Student Financial Aid Committee Dear Brothers: Your Board of Directors recently approved a new upgrade to our Student Fi n a n c i a l A i d ( S FA ) Program. The unfortunate increases in college tuitions resulted in record requests for loans during the past two years. The SFA Committee requested and the Board recently approved an additional $6,000 for interest-free student loans, starting this year. The result: there will be a total of $36,000 available for loans, not to exceed $3,000 each, in 2010. ~1~

The Committee, again with the approval of the Board, has made a change in the qualification requirements of Scholarship Grant recipients. Commencing with the 2010 program year, previous grant winners will not be eligible for an additional grant. They will, however, qualify for the interest-free loans. The Program will continue to offer up to three outright grants of $3,000 each. Please watch for complete details that will follow in a mailing in early March announcing our annual Program kickoff Fraternally, Alan D. Lury, Chairman

From The Chairman By Robert Miller


y the time you read this we will be closing in on spring. This time of year welcomes an annual tradition here at Touro: nominations of officers, a prelude to our upcoming elections in May. I thought I would bring you up to date with what is happening with our leadership here at Touro. We go through this cycle annually so for some of us it has become routine. Not wanting to have anyone believe that our leadership opportunities are closed to a special few here is what is going on. Recently Jeff Horowitz, president of Friendship Lodge, had to resign from his position due to personal reasons. Our thanks to him for a job well done. We will miss you. In accordance with our By-Laws, Ried Redlich, Lodge vice president, notified the Board of Directors of his willingness to step into the president’s role. We welcome Ried and wish him the best of luck in fulfilling the remaining term of Jeff ’s presidency. Now, in moving forward, our annual nominations meeting will be held at Touro Wednesday, March 3rd. at 7:00 pm followed by an ice cream social. Immediately after this event we will hold our normal, first Wednesday of the month social committee meeting, to which everyone is invited. And that invitation applies to every monthly Social Committee meeting, not just this one! Our procedure is to nominate those individuals who express an interest in becoming more involved in Touro by taking on a voluntary leadership role. The only qualification is that you are a regular member in good standing. The positions available are for lodge offices and Association board seats. Each lodge elects its own officers annually: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The remaining lodge offices, Chaplain, Faithful Guide and Inside Guard, have been appointed in recent years. Every year six of the 18 elected board positions are available. Terms are for three years. Nominations will be accepted from the floor during this meeting for each of the lodge positions and for the board seats as well. If there are any positions for which there is more than one candidate, an election will take place at Touro Hall on Wednesday, May 5th. 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM, under the supervision of an election committee to be appointed by the chairman of the board. If after nominations it is deemed that there is no competition for a lodge office or board seat, a unanimous vote will be cast May 5 by the association secretary and each of the lodge secretaries to elect those folks nominated to their respective offices. To conclude this process an installation dinner will be held at Touro on Wednesday, May 26th at 6:30 PM. In addition the installation ceremony there will be a fully catered kosher meal. This meeting is for sure one of the highlights of our year. I urge you to attend regular meetings at Touro. You won’t be disappointed. Our food is good. Our speakers and entertainment are top notch. Not sure you want to be involved? Come to a meeting and find out what goes on. Come see some folks you have not seen in years. Not sure if your friends are members? Ask them. Invite a friend who is not a member to an open house meeting. Come discover what the real meaning of Harmony, Friendship and Benevolence is all about! Fraternally, Bob Miller


Social Scene By Manocher Norparvar Vice President, Harmony Lodge


he Social Committee is probably the best place to get a hand on the pulse of your organization because all of Touro’s programs and events start there! At this committee meeting, the ideas, interests, concerns and plans of all phases of our brotherhood are aired, considered and evaluated and from those come the plans for our future events. And there have been a variety of events in past months … like the revival of the Joke-Off …the trip to Foxwoods … the kids’ Chanukah Party … Trivia Night … the annual Chinese Buffet and movie … Kosher Dairy dinner in January with Michael Gwynne of the PawSox … and in February the Harmony Lodge meeting at Julio’s with Comedian James Dorsey.. Now let’s talk about a few upcoming exciting events that we have on board: On March 17th Friendship Lodge meeting with Touro's version of KFC and guest speaker Stephen Silberfard of the JFRI. On April 17th the Spring Twofer will be held at the Radisson in Warwick with entertainment by the band Reminisce. On April 21 st the Social Committee, in conjunction with the Membership committee, will hold an open house for members and prospective members. Featuring a Turkey dinner and ProJo Sports Writer Steve Krasner. On May 16th we will be at PPAC for Jersey Boys And to wrap up the year the Installation Dinner May 26th. The Social committee puts a lot of effort into assuring the creation and success of new events and programs that make Touro a fun place to be. We really need your suggestions and input for past, present and future programs and events. We can always do better with your suggestions at the social committee meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM in Touro Hall.



hose brothers who attended the Touro Joke-off this past November will remember that like all such past events, there were many great jokes and some not so great. That is why, in addition to rewarding those who provided the best laughs, we are careful to honor those who failed miserably. Hence, the Booby Prize. This year’s reluctant recipient (he was adamant that his picture with the prize not be posted to our website!) was Barry Levin. If Barry is not going to be confused with Jerry Seinfeld, he will compare favorably with many of our nation’s great contributors. Immediately upon being graduated from high school, Barry enlisted in the Air Force. His first assignment was with the Ground Power Division, maintaining the generators that powered the jets. He later worked in Personnel, and eventually rose to the rank of Airman Second Class. After his discharge, Barry went back to school at Providence College studying Accounting. He switched mid-stream and was graduated with a degree in Sociology in 1963. After a brief stint as a social worker, he returned to school and received a Masters Degree in Elementary Education. Over a 24-year career in the Cranston school system, Barry taught grades 3 and 4 (and sometimes 5 and 6). This included positions at the Valentine Almy School, Stone Hill Elementary and the Gladstone School. While his devotion to Cranston’s children came first, teaching provided Barry with a lot of off time. But he did not sit by idly. He started working during weekends, holidays and summers

at Narragansett Race Track and then at Lincoln Downs as a Mutuels Clerk. At the time, it was a second job. However, when he retired from the schools, it became his full time work. And he continues to work at Twin River to this day. Still and all, the work at Twin River leaves Barry with plenty of time to pursue his other great passion—music. Barry started playing Alto Saxophone at the age of 12, when his father bought him his first instrument. He has expanded his skills and now also enjoys Tenor Sax and sometimes Soprano. He is a member of the Providence Civic Orchestra of Senior Citizens. A volunteer orchestra, they perform at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and schools. He also performs with a group known as the Music Makers. He is married to Frances and together they have three children and four grandchildren. Barry joined Touro as a regular member in 1971, sponsored by his brother-in-law, Irving Greenberg. Long time Brothers may recall that Barry served as the Association Chaplain for a few years. Like many of the Brothers, Barry is particularly appreciative of the generous work that the Association does in the community at large. Having given so much to the community himself, this seems perfectly natural. Maybe it’s the sociologist in him that finds Touro’s camaraderie so compelling. Barry is attracted to Touro for the same reasons as most Brothers. But perhaps it is because he has lived a life of Harmony, Friendship and Benevolence that he is so highly regarded by his brethren.

Touro Puts the Friend in Friendship By Adam Halpern, President, Harmony Lodge


he summer of 2009 was long and hot as I recovered from a broken leg. As I recovered I had numerous cards, visits and support from my Touro brothers and my fellow officers stepped up to the plate to help. I had the same kind of support when I went through treatment for cancer a few years ago. It is this kind of loyalty and friendship that is the core of what Touro is all about, and when you marry friendship with harmony this is what makes Touro the great organization that it is. You too can experience this and all you need to do is come to a meeting and get involved. The events are fun and interesting and the people you meet are all terrific. When I joined Touro almost a decade ago I was looking for a place to spend my free time and it has turned out to be much more. Upon reflection, joining Touro was the best decision I ever made and my brothers are mensches and friends and for that I am grateful. ~3~

Calling All Golfers!!! Golf League New Season Starts May 3, 2010 All Touro Brothers Welcome Laurel Lane Country Club Tuesday Tee Times: 4:00-5:30 Cost: Golf $19.00 • Cart $9:00 for 9 holes Great restaurant for after golf enjoyment. Barry Shaw Golf Chairman E-mail or call 401-374-3255 for more details.

Giving Every Penny We Have By Andy Lamchick, Chairman, Community Involvement

Michael Gwynn, director of Marketing, Pawtucket Red Sox (l) with brother Ried Redlich.


arlier this year, I told you that the Community Involvement committee had a lower budget due to the reduction of some of Touro’s income. We did our best to assist the neediest of causes including the Rhode Island Community Food Bank, the new Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry and Jewish Family Services. Our committee met in late November to allocate the remainder of our 2009 budget. After much discussion, we opted to sponsor three Shabbat dinners at URI Hillel over the course of 2010. Hillel is building a brand new facility at URI, and we wanted to support a home for Judaism at our local college. With our remaining money, we once again wanted to help the neediest people at the approach of the holidays. We therefore dedicated a large portion of our funds to the emergency fund of Jewish Family Services. This money goes specifically to families in need of home heating oil. The remaining portion went to a fund to help provide Hanukkah gifts for needy Jewish families. As of the start of 2010, Community Involvement will go back to its full $10,000 allocation. We are already planning to help our community in as many ways as possible. Stay tuned !!

Baseball, PawSox, Apple Pie and ...Touro By Howard Custis n Wednesday, January 20, 2010, Michael Gwynn, Director of Marketing for the Pawtucket Red Sox, was the keynote speaker at Touro’s monthly meeting. Mike, as he likes to be called, a veteran employee of the PawSox for some twenty years visited Touro with a bag full of baseball goodies distributed as prizes for correct answers to PawSox/BoSox questions that tested the expertise of our Brothers to its utmost. Our Brothers made short work of Mike’s questions and his goodie bag quickly emptied. Mike recounted the history of the PawSox from the time that businessman Ben Mondor acquired the team in the late 1970s and discussed the longest game in baseball history, the hiring of Mike Tamburro, steroid use, admission to the Hall of Fame, the celebration of Armed Forces Day at McCoy Stadium, and the repatriation of Bill Buckner to Sox fandom. In the final moments of Mike’s presentation Brother Jed Brandes strongly suggested that Touro’s Chairman Bob Miller be allowed to throw out the first pitch at Touro’s annual PawSox outing this coming summer [this was strongly seconded by the membership]. Mike ended the session with an evaluation of promising young athletes and recent PawSox acquisitions and as a true member of the PawSox organization he epitomized their high standard of professionalism. We all look forward to seeing Mike this summer at McCoy and hope he will visit us again next winter!


Alice Goldstein Highlights Harmony Lodge’s October Meeting By Barry Schiff



n Wednesday October 21 , Alice Goldstein, wife of Brother Sid Goldstein, recounted her story of survival at our Harmony Lodge Meeting. Born in Germany in the 1930s, her story made small town German-Jewish adolescence come to life. From inequality to outright anti-Semitism, Germany after the Hitler takeover was a dangerous place to live for Jews. Alice detailed her experiences in grade school being separated from her non-Jewish classmates to a classroom in the basement. This was just a preview of events to come. Her parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts were subject to arrest and imprisonment without charge, just because they were Jews, an undesirable race. Through perseverance and well-placed ransoms, she and her parents were able to flee Nazi Germany before the Holocaust began for a safe life in the US. A graduate of Connecticut College and Brown University, she has dedicated her life to educating Jews and non-Jews alike to lessons learned from the Holocaust and to prevent it from ever happening again. ~4~

Alice Goldstein spoke with many members while autographing copies of her book.

“Booby” Prize Winner “Best Dirty Joke” Award Barry Levin Steve Goldman

“Best Clean Joke” Award Ben Kaplan

The Joke-Off Makes a Comeback By Lester Nathan


fter a four-year hiatus, the Joke-Off, a joke-telling competition among the brothers, returned to Touro Hall on November 18th. First, a quick business meeting was run by Friendship Lodge, followed by an appetizing spaghetti and meatball dinner. Then, the competition began. Brother Barry Schiff, our new master of ceremonies, opened with a joke about Touro during ancient times. Following that, 25 brothers came up to the mike and told a variety of clean and dirty jokes, trying to impress the audience with their wit and delivery. A difference from previous Joke-Offs was several contestants who told more than two jokes (but often not to their advantage). The judges and the audience appreciated contestants who could deliver their jokes without having to read them. After significant deliberation, judges Bob Miller, Adam Halpern and Ried Redlich awarded prizes for: • Best Clean Joke: Ben Kaplan (Guatemalan who used pictures for numbers) • Best Dirty Joke: Steve Goldman (King Arthur, Lady Guinevere and Sir Lancelot) • Nice Try: Richard Garfinkel (three quick jokes) • Booby Prize: Barry Levin (three jokes with weak punch lines) Finally, the Joke-Off Trophy, based on the number of individual winners from a lodge, was won by Friendship Lodge, breaking a two-year losing streak. ~5~

“Nice Try” Award Richard Garfinkel

New Brothers THE CLASS OF 2009

Movies d Trivia Turns to SportBy sRiedan Redlich


his year’s “Trivia Night” was held on December 16, 2009. Jed Brandes presented the questions in the form of a 40-question power point. He selected two topic categories, Movies and Sports, which were worth 20 points each. If you were a fan of ‘The Godfather’ and ‘Godfather 2’ you would have done well answering the movie questions. Those with knowledge of Red Sox and Yankee baseball statistics and players would have had a good chance of correctly answering those questions. One of the movie questions asked by Jed was “What was the opening line from the Godfather?” The answer was “I believe in America”. Typical sports related question included, “Which Red Sox pitcher holds the team record for most games lost?” The answer was “Tim Wakefield”. The 1st place winners were Barry Rotenberg and Howard Wasser who won the grand prize of $100.00, 2nd place winners were Andy Lamchick and Steve Goldman who won $50.00, and 3rd place winners were Bruce Wasser and Bruce Nasberg who won $30.00. The delicious dinner for the evening was meat loaf and mashed potatoes, prepared by Chairman Bob Miller. Bob’s secret recipe for his meat loaf is always a big hit with the brothers. Because this meeting was taking place during Chanukah we had a special treat for desert, Sufganiyot.

Curtis Abbott Lawrence Bloomberg Norman Bolski Richard Cohen Jeffrey T. Greenberg Jason Michael Hochman Alan B. Hopfenberg Dale K. Klatzker Bradley Laye Michael L. Levin Rafi Minkin Bruce Nasberg Steven Parenteau Frank I. Resnick Michael Rovin Howard Schulman Adam Sinel Arthur Spingarn Richard Sutton Bradley Walter

Brothers who passed away in 2009

Barry Rotenber (l) with Howard Wasser took first place.

Third place went to the team of Bruce Wasser (left) and Bruce Nasberg (right). Seen here with "MC" Jed Brandes.

Steve Goldman (l) with Andy Lamchick took second place.

Irving G. Chorney Edward Consove Arden B. Klar Owen B. Kwasha Samuel J. Stepak Irwin Stone Samuel Weisman Milton Weissman

Six New Members are Initiated at the January 20, 2010 Meeting

Three New Members are Initated at the October 21, 2009 Meeting

Touro welcomes six new members at our January 20th meeting they are (l to r): Andrew Liss, Mitchell Cohen, Jeffrey Padwa, Max Guarino, Michael Zucker and Craig Gordon.

Touro welcomes three new brothers at the October 21, 2009 meeting. They are (l to r): Frank Resnick, Howard Schulman and Rafi Minkin. ~6~

Touro's Annual Chanukah Party featuring the

Children of Touro!


Touro Fraternal Association P.O. BOX 3562 CRANSTON, RI 02910

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April 17 at the Radisson, Warwick RI featuring the band “Reminisce”

Visit Touro's Website at

2010 Bruce Weisman, Editor Columnists: Jed Brandes Howard Custis Edward Deluty Andrew Lamchick Lester Nathan Arthur Poulten Reid Redlich Barry Schiff Adam Smith Touro Fraternal Association 45 Rolfe Square, P.O. Box 3562, Cranston, RI 02910 Phone: 401-785-0066 Fax: 401-941-8781 E-Mail: Website: HARMONY LODGE Adam Halpern, President Manochehr Norparvar, Vice President Adam Smith, Secretary Norman Dinerman, Treasurer Barry Schiff, Inside Guard

FEBRUARY 5 7 7 0

TOURO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2009-2010 Robert Miller, Chairman Andrew Lamchick, Vice Chairman Steven Waldman, Treasurer Marc Gertsacov, Secretary Judah Rosen, Chaplain Barry Shaw, Inside Guard Arthur Poulten, Chairman Emeritus Jed Brandes Milton Bronstein Morton Coken Jeffrey Davis Edward Deluty Stevan Labush Rodney Locke Alan Lury

Nathan Lury Barry Rotenberg Barry Schiff Barry Shaw Stuart Solup Michael Smith Howard Wasser Bruce Weisman

FRIENDSHIP LODGE Ried Redlich, President Marc Gertsacov, Secretary Benjamin Kaplan, Treasurer Steven White, Inside Guard


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