Memorial Day Parade
Grand Marshal & Veteran of the Year 8-9
Hometown Artist Paints
Downtown Mural 14
Blossom Heath Pier 16-17
Governor Whitmer Holds Roundtable with Lake Shore District 6
Library Summer Reading Program 10-11
Music on the Lake 18-19
Cruisin' the Bruce 26-27
Coney for Kids 28
V.I.P. - Very Important Pets
Favorite Spot: The Serendipitous Soul (indoors) & Alexander Park (outdoors)
Occupation: Spa Owner of Breathe: Bodywork and Beautification in Ferndale and Breathe East at Greater Chiropractic
Hobbies: Reading, walking my two rescue dogs, working out at MAC gym with my Dad, taking care of my vast garden, singing, cooking vegan food and resale shopping
Last Book You Read: “Braiding Sweetgrass”
by Robin Wall KimmererBrings Me Joy: Those rare moments when it’s quiet outside, the dogs are laying in the sun, peoples’ kids are at school, and I’m enjoying reading a book or gardening. I really value peace and quiet.
Proudest Moment: Placing Top 3 in Hour Detroit Best of Detroit the past two years for massage and podcast (2022), I’m hoping [to place] for the third year in a row.
Personal Motto: “It is what it is.”
Three Words That Describe Me: Resilient, Multi-passionate, Observant
You’re Most Likely to Find Me: At work or in bed watching "The Simpsons"
Obstacle I Overcame: Being poor! In 2012, I lost my house, my car and job and had to start from scratch. It was a long, long journey to overcome. I don’t know if you ever really get out of that mindset.
Thirty-seven-year-old Jessica York refers to herself as a “multi-passionate entrepreneur,” juggling spa ownership, producing a podcast and managing a networking group. A common thread among all her endeavors is health and wellness, both mental and physical.
Jessica’s certifications in massage and cosmetology allow her clients to benefit from higher self-esteem and a better quality of life. Her business, Breathe: Bodywork and Beautification, has a new St. Clair Shores location (in an annex within Greater Chiropractic downtown) and a three-year-old location in Ferndale. Facials, waxing, makeup and massages are some of her specialties – “pretty much everything but nails.”
“When Survival looks like Success,” the podcast Jessica began in 2021, is a way to “reach out to people to let them know that they're not alone and to have a safe space to share both professionally and personally.”
“I'm a huge mental health advocate, which led to the start of my podcast, and I'm very transparent in it,” Jessica says. The podcast which can be found on all streaming platforms and YouTube, features fellow Metro Detroit business owners as well as some solo episodes by Jessica. It tackles difficult topics such as infertility and miscarriage; money problems; eating disorders; and how society and corporate America fail when it comes to grief.
In addition to the podcast and spa locations, Jessica dedicates time to the monthly networking group she formed in 2022, Coterie Detroit. "I want to make sure it's not some flowery networking group. We have great business advice from local experts, because not everybody can afford a business coach.”
Jessica’s natural ability to bring professionals together is shown in another way – how she co-founded the Ferndale Wellness Fair for the third time this May. She hopes similar events will become more commonplace in St. Clair Shores.
“The wellness community in St. Clair Shores is humongous,” Jessica says. “...People want more things that are artistic and creative. There's the opportunity for so many great events in the future. ...So, I am definitely looking forward to that. Because it's been on my radar for a while. Don't be surprised if you see stuff coming up within the next year.”
The Shores
St. Clair Shores
Volume Two • Issue Three
Kimbriel Towar
Editor: Anna Swartz
Copy Editor: Patricia Austin
Assistant: Mary Ann Simmerer
Contributer: George Arsenault
Creative Director: Stephanie Zeoli
Graphic Assistant: Brooke Lady
Scott Whiteman
Account Executives: LeighAnn Hildinger, Jessica Zachara, Rebecca Reyes
Dave Colton, Mary Ann Simmerer
Office Manager: Mary Fitch
The Shores Magazine (313) 882-0702 getshores.com editor@getshores.com
The Shores Magazine is published six times per year by Towar Productions, 19803 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the Publisher: The Shores Magazine reserves the right to reject any advertising.
Follow us: Facebook.com/shoresmag @shoresmag
Cheerleaders, smiling students and staff lined the decorated halls on March 21 to greet Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer at Rodgers Elementary in St. Clair Shores. Whitmer participated in a roundtable discussion in the school’s media center to have “a candid conversation” about the current needs facing educators.
“As we are doing this work, it's just so helpful for me to get into districts and hear a little bit about what you're seeing, what is working, what you think we can learn from, and try to implement [that] across the state,” Whitmer said.
Roundtable participants included Lake Shore Superintendent Joe DiPonio; district educators Deb Peacock, Kim Rueger-West, Rebecca Asni, Billie Wilson, John Daly, Jeff Lip and Dave Warehall; parent Melissa Florek and student Lauren Maciejewski.
DiPonio opened the discussion by addressing Whitmer: “I just can't tell you how excited we are to have you here today. He also expressed appreciation for her education budget, saying: “We've been able to do things that we just have never been able to do.” Regarding her fifth budget for the state, Whitmer said: “I'm really proud that...we've made a historic investment in education. Every year it’s grown... It was long overdue. But then with the pandemic, no question that the need is so much greater.”
The social emotional health of the students was a prominent topic of the discussion.
David Warehall, who teaches math and architecture at Kennedy Middle School, has noticed a wider learning gap among students since the pandemic. “Trying to regain normalcy has been
a struggle for a lot of students,” says Warehall. “It’s more difficult to bring about this intrinsic motivation that allows them to want to learn, to succeed in my classroom.
Asni, who has been working as a social worker at Rodgers Elementary since November 2020, is concerned about students’ mental health. “I've definitely seen anxiety and depression skyrocket.”
Asni felt confident that Whitmer left that day knowing that schools need more resources, even ones like Lake Shore that are fortunate to have one social worker in each building. “We really have to address mental health first. ...[Students] need to feel regulated and safe and secure mentally before they're even capable to access that learning to show academic growth.”
Florek, a 1999 Lake Shore graduate who has an 11th and third grader in the district, understands that teachers are doing far more than providing children with an education. “They're taking on a lot of children's emotions and stress and trying to
teach them how to manage those feelings. I wanted [Governor Whitmer] to know that there are never too many resources for our school staff.”
DiPonio praised educators for the important and challenging work they do every day. “This is a profession that needs skilled individuals – skilled in dealing with human hearts and minds... and skilled at inspiring so that [students] can do things that they never thought they were capable of.”
Lake Shore High School Sophomore Class President Maciejewski spoke about teachers’ willingness to be available for tutoring – the focus of Whitmer’s MI Kids Back on Track Program. “[Tutoring] has a really big impact on students, because you get step-by-step instruction, and you have that safety net support.”
The key to success is knowing that teachers and administration have the best intensions for all students, says DiPonio. “When there's that level of trust that exists between the home and the school, then everything is possible.”
The Army brought Haffner something far greater than an impressive military record and prestigious medals. Haffner met his late wife Ruby during his training in Georgia. “I knew her for five minutes before I asked her to marry me,” Haffner reminisced at the recent Memorial Day Parade fundraiser. He was referring to the one dance they shared before he popped the question. Ruby did not say “yes” that day, but the pair married in the late ’40s. Haffner has two daughters, Cherie and Marcy.
Haffner lived in St. Clair Shores for decades and is a long-time member of the Walter F. Bruce VFW Post #1146 in St. Clair Shores. To find out more about Haffner’s time in the service, go to vimeo.com/216561253 to watch a 2017 video of St. Clair Shores Mayor Kip Walby interviewing Haffner.
Robert Haffner recalls being in the St. Clair Shores Memorial Day Parade for the first time about 50 years ago, but the 2023 parade held extra special meaning for the 98-year-old. A World War II combat veteran who served with the 307th Airborne Engineer Battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division, Haffner was selected as this year’s Grand Marshal.
Haffner says serving in this role “makes me feel good.” At the Memorial Day Parade Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on April 27, Haffner donned a navy cap embroidered with WORLD WAR II VETERAN in gold thread. A frame encasing cherished medals – including France’s Knight of the Legion of Honor Medal – never left his sight.
Drafted into the Army shortly after high school, Haffner’s time in the service spanned from January 1943 to February 1946. During his career, he participated in the Normandy Campaign in France during the summer of 1944; Operation Market Garden in the Netherlands in September 1944; and the largest and bloodiest battle fought by the U.S. during WWII, the Battle of the Bulge, from December 1944 to January 1945.
St. Clair Shores Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshal Robert Haffner with (L-R) daughter Cherie Williamson, St. Clair Shores Mayor Kip Walby, nephew Don Haffner and his wife Carol HaffnerHow does Eva Rodriguez sum up her 20 years of active duty in one word? “Extraordinary.” She was just 16 when she took the test to enter the military. She officially joined at the age of 18 after she graduated from St. Florian High in Hamtramck and went on to serve in the U.S. Army from 1981 to 2001. Rodriguez served as a patient care specialist, L.P.N., for seven years, and then after attending flight school transitioned to a warrant officer helicopter pilot who flew both UH-1 “Hueys” and UH-60 “Blackhawks.”
“We didn't have money to do anything, you know, like go to college or something like that. So, [joining the Army] gave me a chance to do what I wanted to do, which was to help people as a medic. That was the first thing, because I had dreamed of that. I saw a lot of things around me, a lot of people with troubles. And I wanted to do something.”
"I had six uncles who served in the military,” Rodriguez says. “I was the next generation. My father had only daughters.” At the time Rogriguez joined the Army, only about eight to 10% of those enlisting were women. “They deployed 500,000 troops to Desert Storm, and I think that there were 43,000 women in all different jobs,” Rodriguez says. Even now, she estimates that the number of women in the military is about 12 to 15%.
In 1987, Rodriguez became the 827th female helicopter pilot internationally. She has also received numerous awards including the U.S. Legion of Merit, the nation’s seventh highest award, and the Air Medal.
During Desert Shield/Desert Storm, she flew 52 missions, logging 181 hours of combat/danger flight time in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait. She also flew missions in support of the Sinai Peacekeeping force in Egypt, Israel and Jordan, as well as counter-drug and humanitarian relief missions in the Carribean, Central America and Columbia.
As for being selected as this year’s Veteran of the Year, Rodriguez says it was “definitely a surprise and an honor.” A Roseville resident, Rodriguez is a native Detroiter who settled back into the area in 2016 to be with family. She is a member of the Walter F. Bruce VFW Post #1146 in St. Clair Shores. One of the family members Rodriguez is in the Detroit area to spend time with is her 80-year-old father, a singer-songwriter who simply goes by the name Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez is featured in the award-winning 2012 documentary “Searching for Sugarman.” After she retired from the service, Eva Rodriguez toured with her father and filmed much of the concert footage seen in the film.
Eva Rodriguez compares the experience of war with touring with her father’s rock band. “It's an adrenaline rush,” she says. “It's what's new, what's next? Where are we going? I like to travel, and coming back and stopping is difficult. So, touring with my father, you know, the whole rock and roll touring and travel, putting on shows and hotels and airports and all that, it has a similar feeling. You know, it's for peace, it's the opposite of doing it for war, but the unity and the bonding with people getting through the hard times and over the nervousness and all that. I find it's kind of the same, you go really hard, and then you come home and then what do you do? Right? You have to learn how to come down from it healthily.”
Between her time in the military and touring with her father, Eva Rodriguez has visited 52 countries. While in the Army, she completed five overseas tours and was stationed at six different bases in the U.S.
“Within the military, I feel I had two of the best jobs in the army really, to be a nurse and to be a pilot,” she says. “I couldn't think of anything else that I would want to do.”
“AllTogether Now” is the perfect theme for the 2023 Summer Reading Program at the St. Clair Shores Public Library, because it includes everyone from young children listening to a bedtime story to an adult enjoying an audiobook on their morning walk. Those willing to immerse themselves in a story – whether in a graphic novel, magazine, eBook, classic paperback and everything in between – will find a place in the Summer Reading Program. Both the youth and adult reading programs kick off June 19 and end August 4.
Youth Services Librarian Elizabeth Drewek, who has been working at the St. Clair Shores library for a decade, says that ideas for Summer Reading Program decorations start to hit around December the year prior. She and part-time Youth Services Librarian
Cheyenne Smigiel mulled over the theme “All Together
Now”: “You know where people spend a lot of time together? Camping. ...a lot of kids will even do just a day camp. I thought it would be a fun way to kind of visualize that community and coming together.” Bonus: decorations will likely involve a tent.
The youth program is split into Wee Readers (birth to 2 ½), Beginning Readers (3-7), Independent Readers (8-11) and Teens (12-18, or the summer after they finish high school). The reading logs also include activities such as “Sing a Favorite Lullaby” and “Point Out Everything That Starts with the Same Letter as Your Baby’s First Name.” Teens can enjoy options such as “Create a Piece of Fan Art” or “Redesign a Book Cover.”
The Summer Reading Program culminates with raffle prizes and a Touch-A-Truck event on August 8 from 5-8 p.m. featuring vehicles from various city departments in the library’s parking lot. A firetruck, police cars and a snowplow will be among the five to eight vehicles at the event, according to Drewek. The event will also involve games, and the nearby Selinsky-Green Farmhouse Museum is typically open for visitors. The event is open to anyone who would like to stop by.
"What color should Miss Liz dye her hair this year?
Circle one: Pink, blue or purple.” That’s perhaps the most important section on the youth reading log at the library
this summer. For the fifth year, Youth Services Librarian Elizabeth Drewek’s hair will change from light brown to a much bolder color after the conclusion of the Summer Reading Program. Last year, after the votes were counted, Drewek dyed her hair green. Her hair has also been blue, purple and red.
“I actually saw [the idea] on a different librarian's Facebook page... and I was like, sure, why not?” Drewek says. “The kids really seem to enjoy it. I keep the color for a couple months, so they have time to come in and see it.”
“Adults look forward to summer reading as much as kids do,” says Stephanie Fair, assistant director at the St.
Clair Shores Public Library. “Maybe they’re taking a chance to relax. We are here to support those endeavors to access materials online and in person. And I think that’s what’s great about providing a summer reading program.”
The adult program includes weekly drawings, allowing patrons the opportunity to win gift cards to local businesses. Throughout the program, participants can once again enjoy Book Bingo – achieving “Bingo” gives one a spot in the grand prize drawing at the end of the program. Bingo includes options such as “Read a ‘Banned Book,’” “Try a Recipe from a Cookbook” and “Pick a Book by Its Cover.”
According to Fair, many patrons tend to gravitate toward mystery, romance or nonfiction. The books of author Colleen Hoover (of TikTok fame) are popular, as well as “anything adapted into a movie” such as “Where the Crawdads Sing.” Fair herself loves a good mystery and at the time of this interview was enjoying “The Remarkable Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt.
For those who want recommendations, a resource accessed with a library card, NoveList Plus, offers suggestions based on appeal, genre and theme. Readalike recommendations are given for titles, authors and series. According to Fair, NoveList provides much more information than Google or Amazon.
How does everyone enjoy consuming their books? "Overall people still enjoy that hardcover or paperback
book, that physical item in their hand, but we are seeing increasing amounts of people utilizing Hoopla, which is our online resource,” Fair says. She also says that Libby, an online resource for eBooks and magazines, is gaining popularity.
Registration for both adult and youth programs begins June 19.
Youth registration must be done in person at the library. Documents for the adult program can be printed online, ww.scslibrary.org, or be picked up at the library.
Friends of the St. Clair Shores Public Library and Shorewood Kiwanis are sponsoring this year’s Summer Reading Program.
Check out Shores Happenings on pages 24-25 for information about the programming for youth and adults at the library.
Can the highlights of St. Clair Shores living be summed up in one colorful collection of images? By taking input from both residents and city officials, a “Greetings from St. Clair Shores” downtown mural attempts to capture just that. Twenty-seven-year-old artist Haylie Mousseau, a lifelong resident of the city, has been creating the mural since early April. She expects the project to be complete by mid-June, weather permitting.
The mural is made possible by Partners in Public Art (PiPA), “a collaboration with the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) and communities, organizations, and municipalities throughout Southeast Michigan to create community-driven, highly visible public works of art that help express the unique stories and identities of each community.”
Amy Florek, former chair of the St. Clair Shores Cool City Committee, discovered the PiPA program. With the support of the committee, Mayor Kip Walby and City Council, Florek applied on behalf of the city and was successful. Florek also recommended Mousseau for the project. The DIA then worked closely with the city and Mousseau to coordinate the mural.
“It’s really been such an exciting project to work on,” Florek says. “Seeing the mural come to life is a great way for us to celebrate the growth and beauty that the city of St. Clair Shores has to offer.”
Those driving or walking by the mural, which is situated on the side of the 22-foot-tall Ace Hardware building and overlooks Copper Hop Brewing Co.’s patio, are sure to spot iconic city landmarks. These include the gazebo at Wahby
Park; the amphitheater at Veterans Memorial, complete with a band playing inside to depict the annual Music on the Lake series; a sailboat/ sunset image that Mousseau likens to the city’s logo; 9-Mile Tower; and fireworks representing the impressive display each summer.
Mousseau describes two other important parts of the mural: “The hops are, you know, to kind of bring in the beer element. St. Clair Shores has really kind of become a destination spot for breweries. And then there's a dog because everybody in St. Clair Shores loves dogs, which is amazing. I love them too.”
Denise Pike, community development & inspections director for St. Clair Shores, describes the design as “similar to that of a postcard.” Pike continues: “So, we believe that what's included are elements that will evoke memories for both residents and for visitors. ... We're very excited about the conversations we believe the mural design will spark.”
As Mousseau has been working on the mural, she has felt the excitement from the residents. “The community is so great and really supportive. I have a ton of people stopping by every single day.”
An event in honor of the new mural will take place at one of the city’s Social District Saturday events – the date was undecided at the time this article was published. Stay tuned to facebook.com/DowntownStClairShores for more details.
To find out more about Mousseau’s work, go to hayliemousseau.com
Mural artist Haylie MousseauLess than a decade ago, Blossom Heath Park in St. Clair Shores was not the hot spot it is today, known for a constant stream of popular community events, nice facilities and scenic view of Lake St. Clair. A multitude of changes in recent years brought the park back to life. The Blossom Heath Activity Pier extension is the latest completed project to add value to the park. The pier officially opened with a well-attended ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, May 6.
Ceremony highlights included remarks from St. Clair Shores Mayor Kip Walby, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel and St. Clair Shores Tax Increment Finance Authority
(TIFA) Chair Richard Widgren. The Lake Shore High School jazz band provided entertainment.
The 390-foot pier extension features sunshades, numerous benches and Adirondack chairs, as well as seated and standing tables.
Portions of the pier’s railing are lower, allowing the best visibility for guests in wheelchairs. The unique design of the railings, which protrude inward, deter children from climbing on the bars and prevent wear and tear on the bottom rung from people tempted to rest their feet there. St. Clair Shores City Council Member Chris Vitale came up with that design feature.
Best of all, the 360-degree view allows visitors to take in the beauty of the water. “One of the complaints that the city or council members get is the lack of access to the lake,” Walby says. “Jefferson is pretty much built up, and in some areas, you may not even realize the water is just to
“We have now added another opportunity for people to want to come to Macomb County, in particular St. Clair Shores, a destination location for people who want to live, want to recreate and want to come visit.”
“It's just a fantastic view... Lake St. Clair is a jewel here in Macomb County.”
- St. Clair Shores Mayor Kip Walby
- Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel
the east of you there. …[The pier] gives great access to the lake. Not everyone has a boat, so it becomes a little bit of a destination.”
The pier extension project began in September 2021 and was originally scheduled to be completed within about a year’s time. “The project was delayed partially because we had to coordinate with DTE to remove all the overhead [power lines],” says American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)/Special Projects Manager Chris Rayes. Rayes cited supply chain issues as another reason for the slowdown.
While Blossom Heath Park is maintained for St. Clair Shores residents only, the pier has been and always will be open to the public. However, only residents can park on the pier; nonresidents can park in the main lot and access the pier on foot. According to Rayes, non-residents are allowed access because the original pier was built with federal funds, unlike the park which was created with city funds.
According to St. Clair Shores Community Development and Inspections Director Denise Pike, $10 million was invested into the pier project. Funding was provided primarily by TIFA with additional money provided by the American Rescue Plan Act.
St. Clair Shores Parks and Recreation Director Henry Bowman credits the hard work of Rayes, Walby and many others for the successful completion of the
pier. “I’m just sitting back, and I’m like – wow, what a time to be the parks and rec director of St. Clair Shores. ...We’re either redoing or have redone every playground in the city and totally rebuilt this park. Nobody wanted to come to [this park]. Now it’s the destination. Now we’ve built a fishing pier that every community will be jealous of.”
Lac Ste Clair Kiwanis will be hosting free fishing lessons on the pier for children on the fourth Sundays on the month throughout the summer: June 25, July 23 and August 27 at 10 a.m. Loaner equipment will be available (but bring your own if you have it). No registration is required.
In addition to the pier, previous park updates include the boat wells, seawall, boat ramp to the harbor, Beach House, firepits and the new dinosaur-themed playscape.
One of the most memorable changes for both Walby and Rayes is the removal in 2015 of a chain link fence and an overgrown hedge that lined the southern end of the park. Before this change, Rayes describes the park as “unkept” and “not very inviting.” Walby recalls the fence running from the guard shack to the current food truck area, which means it also blocked the view of Lake St. Clair. Once the fence and hedge were removed, it made room for the 60 parking spaces that now exist in that area.
While such a drastic transformation has taken place at the park, TIFA Chair Richard Widgren isn’t done yet. “The pier is one major additional enhancement to area,” Widgren says. “But I think that much more still needs to be done back there to take full advantage of all that is physically available. ...I think there's more that could be done to create even more traction for the city of St. Clair Shores if we keep going on the track that we're on right now.”
“It puts us on the map as having something unique that represents the city of St. Clair Shores.”
- Tax Increment Finance Authority Chair Richard Widgren
Summer in St. Clair Shores means that guitar riffs, drumbeats and nostalgic tunes will be blasting from the amphitheater at Veterans Memorial Park. While favorites like Captain Fantastic (Elton John tribute), Joey Vee Band (country) and Air Margaritaville (Jimmy Buffett tribute) will be back for everyone to enjoy, The Stone Blossoms, Blue Water Kings Band and Sunset BLVD are new to the scene this year.
The Stone Blossoms will play June 21. While the band didn’t return a phone call from The Shores for comment, their website has this to say about their music: “This 4-piece cover project will have you scouring the b-sides of your most beloved records, in search of the songs you've heard. ‘We try to play all of the tunes, the other bands don't...’ says Mike Adkins (guitarist of Uncle Kracker). The Stone Blossoms draw heavy influence from the Classic Rock genre; and, while specializing in 'deep tracks', these 4 aren't shy about taking some of your favorites into uncharted territory either.”
In addition to Adkins, the band includes Matt LaPinta on bass guitar, Bobby Myers on drums and as the vocalist, and Matt Hamann on guitar.
For more information about the band, go to thestoneblossoms.com
A collective of musicians totaling up to 14 depending on the event, Bluewater Kings Band will be playing high energy favorites from a wide variety of genres on June 28. For Music on the Lake, the City of St. Clair Shores requested their six-piece band which includes male and female vocals, keyboard, bass guitar, guitar, drums and trombone.
“We try to play stuff that is coming out on the radio right now,” says Danny Kimosh, one of Bluewater King's founding members who will be playing the drums at Music on the Lake. “So, I think it'd be fun for parents and their kids to be there. It's all clean, appropriate music for all ages.”
What kind of music do they play exactly? Kimosh says to expect anything from Earth Wind and Fire to Dua Lipa. Vocalist Athena Johnson, who will be singing at the show, says “we can bring top 40....Motown, country, you name it, pop, rock, funk, soul, R&B.”
Bluewater Kings was founded in 2012, and multiple members have joined since then. Kimosh says that the collective includes “a few different drummers, a few different bass players, and things like that.” This allows them to play together as a large group or to split up into smaller groups for events such as Music on the Lake.
In addition to festivals, this group of musicians frequently plays at weddings, corporate parties and holiday parties. They won Best of Weddings by The Knot, 20212023 and Couples’ Choice Awards by Wedding Wire, 2023.
For more information about Bluewater Kings Band, go to bluewaterkingsband.com
According to Sunset BLVD’s bass player Mike Scott, having both a female and male singer sets the ’80s tribute band apart. “We have a little broader scope of what we can cover live. So, it's not just all the hard rock stuff which we specialize in. But also, you know, we can mix it up and throw in everything from Pat Benatar and Michael Jackson and Heart and everyone in between."
On August 16, Sunset BLVD is likely to play crowd favorites such as “Living on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi, “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses, “Panama” by Van Halen, as well as “Separate Way” and “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey.
While most of the band members previously played together in another musical project, Sunset BLVD has been playing together for just under two years. Their dynamic shows have not gone unnoticed. The band was selected after a nationwide search for an ’80s band for a themed cruise on Royal Carribean. During their cruising and other travels, Sunset BLVD has played with ’80s icons such as Bret Michaels, Morris Day & The Time, Lou Gramm from Foreigner and Culture Club.
“It's very important for us to make the audience feel like they've been in a time machine and really get to experience that ’80s stage show – the sound and the lights and the look and all of it,” Scott says.
At age 47, Scott notes that it’s not just people like him who are reliving their childhoods through their concerts. Plenty of those in the younger generations, including three of his bandmates, appreciate the music style. “There’s definitely been a huge resurgence in that era,” Scott says.
For more information about Sunset BLVD, go to sunsetblvd1987.com
Wednesdays, June 7 – August 16, 7-8:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave. Open to the public. No park pass is required. Parking and admission are free.
June 7 Family Tradition Band - Country
June 14 Atomic Radio - ’90s Rock
June 21 Stone Blossoms - Classic Rock
June 28 Blue Water Kings - High Energy
July 12 Kathleen Murray & the Groove Council Motown / R&B
July 19 Rockstar - ’80s Rock
July 26 Captain Fantastic - Elton John Tribute
August 2 Joey Vee Band - Country
August 9 Air Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffet Tribute
August 16 Sunset BLVD - Classic Rock
Also, don't miss the Chamber Concerts which begin at Wahby Park on July 10. See page 25 for details.
Genesis Cadillac in St. Clair Shores is among the first in the country to unveil a new Cadillac dealership design that is “aimed to emulate the elevated design and craftsmanship found in the new product portfolio.” A celebratory open house was held on May 3.
“Our family has been in the automotive sales and service business in Macomb County for over 40 years,” says Grace Lopez, Genesis Cadillac Dealer Principal. “Genesis Automotive Group is honored to represent Cadillac here in St. Clair Shores and consistently deliver an experience exceeding our guest’s expectations.”
St. Clair Shores author Lindsay Gizicki visited Avalon Elementary in South Lake Schools for a presentation on March 30. She read her book, “The Pirate Doctor,” discussed the publishing process and answered questions about being an author. Gizicki also gave them a sneak peek at her book, “The Guardians of the Garden,” which comes out this summer.
Stephanie Fair joined the St. Clair Shores Public Library staff in January as the assistant director. Fair previously worked as the public services and outreach librarian at Sterling Heights Public Library for five years. She also has librarian experience at Tidewater Community College.
“I am most excited to strengthen my relationships with members of the community in hopes of creating lifelong relationships,” Fair says of her new role. “Through collaborations with staff, community members and organizations, I intend to find innovative ways to serve the St. Clair Shores community and see the impact of that work.”
Fair, a St. Clair Shores resident, and her husband have been married for 16 years. They have three children and a chocolate lab. “I truly love living in the Shores and look forward to spending more time in the community this summer,” Fair says.
On Thursday, May 4, St. Clair Shoresbased nonprofit Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan was presented with a 2023 Macomb Business Award in the “Small But Mighty” category. The award is given to a business with less than 10 employees that addresses a consumer need through its products or services. The Macomb Business Awards honor outstanding organizations throughout the county’s 27 communities. This year, a prestigious panel of local judges reviewed more than 130 nominations and selected winners in multiple categories. Throughout the last 20 years, Wigs 4 Kids has made a mighty impact in the community by touching the lives of over 5,200 children.
The recent “Dreaming of Spring” Tiny Art Show, sponsored by the St. Clair Shores Cultural Committee and St. Clair Shores Public Library, featured 152 4x4 canvases featuring artwork from both children and adults.
“The Cultural Committee is grateful for the partnership of the library and for all of the community members who have made the Tiny Art Show a success," says Cultural Committee Chair Amy Lockard. "In planning the Tiny Art Show we intended to have an event that all ages could participate in. The pieces submitted to the Tiny Art Show give a glimpse of the vast creativity and vision of the community.”
Library Director Rosemary Orlando added: "While this was the first time the library hosted the Tiny Art Show, we are looking at ways to expand the program and perhaps turn this into a community-wide art-centered cultural event."
The garden is located behind Civic Arena, 20000 Stephens For updates or to check for cancellations due to weather, go to facebook.com/SCSCommunityGarden
Yoga in the Garden
Saturdays: June 4, July 9, August 6, September 10 at 9 a.m 45-minute sessions with Hippie Yoga, $5 donation suggested.
Bee Informed
Saturday, June 24, 1-2 p.m.
A Honeybee learning event featuring Mike Lawler of Unbeeleivable Honey.
Weeding Wednesdays
Every Wednesday evening during the season
Join volunteers, renters and committee members for social garden weeding and watering.
Education Series: Ask Tara, the Master Gardener Nutrients and Soil Health
Monday, June 19, 6-7 p.m.
Learn the best way to create healthy soil for all plants
Education Series: Healthy Gardens: disease and pest control
Monday, July 17, 6-7 p.m.
All about pruning to reduce disease and how to control garden pests
Wednesdays, June 7- August 16, 7-8:30 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave
Open to the public. No park passes are required. Parking and admission is free.
June 7 Family Tradition Band — Country
June 14 Atomic Radio — ‘90s Rock
June 21 Stone Blossoms — Classic Rock
June 28 Blue Water Kings — High Energy
July 12 Kathleen Murray & the Groove Council — Motown / R&B
July 19 Rockstar — ‘80s Rock
July 26 Captain Fantastic — Elton John Tribute
August 2 Joey Vee Band — Country
August 9 Air Margaritaville — Jimmy Buffett Tribute
August 16 Sunset BLVD — Classic Rock
Blossom Heath Park, 24800 Jefferson Ave.
Second Thursday and fourth Sunday of the month, Now through October
Upcoming dates include:
Thursday, June 8, 5-9 p.m.
Sunday, June 25, 8 a.m.-2 p.m
Thursday, July 13, 5-9 p.m
Sunday, July 23, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Thursday, August 10, 5-9 p.m
Sunday, August 27, 8 a.m.-2 p.m
The Cultural Committee is partnering with Art Shack of St. Clair Shores to host free children’s art and craft projects at three Sunday Farmers Markets in the Bath House: June 25, July 23 and August 27, from 10 a.m.-Noon.
Second and Fourth Saturday, Now through October
Downtown St. Clair Shores • 5 p.m.-Midnight
Downtown SCS will be closed to traffic on Greater Mack between 9 Mile and 9 Mack Drive. Enjoy games, vendors, food trucks and live entertainment. Acoustic performances will take place from 5-7 p.m. near Copper Hop Brewery, and the main stage entertainment (see below) will run from 7-11 p.m. Entry is free, and the events are pet friendly.
June 10 - Sunset BLVD
June 24 - Vacationers Band
July 8 - Mainstream Drive
July 22 - Family Tradition Band
Whistle Stop is located at 21714 Harper Ave
Kick-Off to Summer
Saturday, June 10, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m
Meet Mario and Princess Peach in person - Mama Mia! There will be a bounce house, an inflated obstacle course and free ice cream from the J&W Truck. As Mario puts it, "Let's-a go!"
Local Author Day
Saturday, July 15, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Sail into Whistle Stop to join local author Lindsay Gizicki on an adventure that entails a read-aloud of her book, “The Pirate Doctor,” themed crafts and cupcakes from Cake Mitten!
Saturday, June 17, Noon-9 p.m.
Lac Ste Clair Marina, Behind City Hall
Food trucks and live bands
The library is located at 22500 Eleven Mile Road.
Youth and Adult Summer Reading Programs
Monday, June 19-Friday, August 4.
Registration for both begin June 19. Youth registration must be done in person at the library. Documents for the adult program can be printed online, ww.scslibrary.org, or be picked up at the library.
Learn to Draw a Joshua Tree
June 27 at 6 p.m. (Virtual)
Registration begins June 12.
In this all-ages program, a ranger leads a drawing activity of the Mojave Desert while focusing on plant and animal adaptations. Participants will learn several different plant and animal names and their desert adaptations in Joshua Tree National Park. Participants will need to be able to connect via Zoom, have an 8.5 x 11 piece of white paper, and sharpened colored pencils or crayons in green, brown, yellow, blue, orange and black. Registration can be done in person, via phone at (586) 771-9020, or by email at SCSadult@ libcoop.net. Participants will be provided a link via email for Zoom on the day of the event.
Puzzle Tree Adult Craft Event
Thursday, July 6, 6-8 p.m. and Friday, July 7, 10 a.m. - Noon
Create individual pieces of art on canvas using puzzle pieces for the leaves of a tree! Registration for this in-person event begins on June 21. Register in person at the Library’s Information Desk, call (586) 771-9020 or email scsadult@libcoop.net. This free event is open to all 18 years old and up.
“Singing the Good Old Songs Again” with Jackie and Gary
Monday, July 17 at 7 p.m.
Join local musicians Jackie Davidson and Gary Brandt as they perform hits of the ’60s and 70s at the library. Sing along, listen to a few jokes and enjoy a free community event. No registration required.
Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
July 11 at 6 p.m.
Registration begins June 15.
The Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge is the only international wildlife refuge in North America. Join Park Ranger Jazmyn Bernard as she provides insight into the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has seven different branches that all work together to meet the mission of the USFWS. The Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge falls under the National Wildlife Refuge System Branch. There are over 560 different refugees throughout the United States of America, and each one is unique. In this presentation, you will learn about the USFWS, the history of the refuge, what is done at the refuge, and what you can do at the refuge. Register at the Library’s Information Desk, or feel free to call (586) 771-9020 or email scsadult@libcoop.net.
Maker Tuesdays (Grades 3-5)
June 27-August 1 (closed July 4), 2-3 p.m.
This STEAM-focused hands-on program will be held inside the library or on the grounds of the Selinksy-Green Farmhouse Museum. Registration is required: scsyouth@libcoop.net or (586) 771-9020.
Book Camp: Stories, Rhymes, Activities
Wednesdays, June 28-August 2, 2-2:45 p.m.
Geared especially for children ages 2-8, Youth Services will utilize spaces in the community such as the SCS Community Garden, Blossom Heath Park and the library for these activities. No registration is required for most programs. (Animal presentation will require registration.) For more details, stay tuned to the library’s summer reading page on the website.
Sensory Storytime
Registration is required and begins June 12.
Wednesday, June 28, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 12, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 26, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 9, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 23, 6:30 p.m.
Created with a focus on children with special needs or sensory issues, ages 3 to 5 years old. This 30-minute program includes stories, songs, and sensory activities to help your little ones engage and learn. Space is limited. Register in person or contact at (586)-771-9020 or SCSYouth@libcoop.net.
Crafternoons (Drop in for ages 3 and up)
Friday, June 30, 1-4 p.m. - Friendship bracelets
Friday, July 14, 1-4 p.m. - Puzzle piece for community art project
Friday, July 28, 1-4 - Painted rocks
Projects can be worked on at the library in the meeting room. Supplies provided.
Game Day for Grades 6-8
Thursday, July 13, 2-3:30 p.m.
Enjoy a variety of board and card games, as well as snacks. Registration is required and begins July 3: scsyouth@libcoop.net or (586) 771-9020
Murder Mystery for Grades 9-12
Tuesday, July 18, 6:30-8 p.m.
High schoolers will enjoy an interactive Murder Mystery in the style of Clue, as well as snacks, games, and activities like you might have at summer camp. Registration is required and begins July 10: scsyouth@libcoop.net or (586) 771-9020.
Friday, June 23
Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave.
Display begins at dusk. The park will open at 4 p.m. Wristbands: $3 in advance (residents), $5 in advance (non-residents), $5 general admission at the gate. Parking pass: $10 in advance (500 available). Wristbands and passes are only available at the St. Clair Shores Parks and Recreation Office, 20000 Stephens Road.
Sundays: June 25, July 23 and August 27 at 10 a.m
Blossom Heath Park, 24800 Jefferson Ave.
Lac Ste Clair Kiwanis will be hosting free fishing lessons on the pier for children. Loaner equipment will be available, but bring your own if you have it. No registration is required.
Monday, July 10-August 28, 7 p.m.
Wahby Park, 24800 Jefferson Ave.
July 10 - The Swing Shift Orchestra
July 17 - Jeff Cavataio
July 31 - The Sound of Music Band
August 7 - Belgium American Association Band
August 14 - Lakeshore Ukelele Strummers
August 21 - Festival of Flutes
August 28 - Planet D Nonet
Wednesday, July 19, 5-7 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave.
Support the city’s Adaptive Playground Program – a summer day camp for individuals ages 5-26 with disabilities – by purchasing coney dogs, chips and pop. The event will also include a bounce house and petting zoo. Music on the Lake kicks off directly afterward at 7 p.m.
Saturday, July 29, Noon - 9 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave.
Live music, food trucks, mechanical bull
Saturday, July 29, Gates Open at 2 p.m.
Lake St. Clair Metropark, 31300 Metro Parkway, Harrison Twp Enjoy performances by national artists: We Are Messengers, Tasha Layton, Blake Reynolds and Dave Mead. Family-friendly events include a kids’ zone, food trucks, vendors and more! Tickets at www.gracemusicfestival.com. Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities available. Contact Festival Director Kristine Beuro at Kristine.gracechristianevents@gmail.com
Saturday, August 5, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
View some of the loveliest yards in St. Clair Shores. Yardeners and master gardeners will be on hand to answer questions. This is a self-guided driving tour with some walking. Registration, ticket sales and map distribution start at 9 a.m. at the Selinsky-Green Farmhouse Museum located behind the St. Clair Shores Library at the corner of 11 Mile and Jefferson. The cost is $5 for each adult. Children 12 and under are free. Cash or check only.
August 6, Noon-9 p.m.
Blossom Heath Park, 24800 Jefferson Ave. For more details, stay tuned to facebook.com/ st.clairshoresparksandrecreation
Wednesday, August 9 at Dusk
Veterans Memorial Park, 32400 Jefferson Ave. For more details, stay tuned to facebook.com/ st.clairshoresparksandrecreation
Car enthusiasts flock to the VFW Bruce Post 1146 each Friday, June through August, from 4-8 p.m. for a car show called Cruisin’ the Bruce. No advance registration is required, and participation and entry are free. Trophies, including People’s Choice, are given out at each event. One hundred to 150 vehicles are on display each Friday, according to VFW Bruce Post Commander Randy Shafer.
“We want this to be a fun event,” says Duane Michno, vice president of the Lakeshore Chapter of Vintage Motor Car Club of America (VMCCA) and manager of the car show. “We don't want people to have to come there and constantly be polishing their cars all the time. ...You see some of the nicest cars you've ever seen. But we want people to enjoy themselves. So, it's free.”
According to Michno, Cruisin’ the Bruce began about 10 years ago. The show is full of a variety of vehicles including sports cars, race cars, pickups and special hand-built cars. Attendees are also likely to see vintage cars such as a Model T, Model A and Packard.
“Most of our cars generally speaking are from the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, but we have some newer ones like Corvettes,” Michno says. “But we don't know what's gonna show up every week. That's the cool thing. ...We've had fire engines and everything.”
However, cars aren’t the only draw on these Friday evenings. Stars and Strips Entertainment, a husband/wife DJ team, livens the atmosphere with music. The VFW sells food such as hot dogs, hamburgers, brats, chips, pop and water. Attendees are encouraged to purchase dinner or snacks on-site to support the Bruce Post. Additional support can be given by participating in the 50/50 drawings held each Friday. Swap spaces are also available for $10 each.
Car shows are held weather permitting, and Cruisin’ the Bruce will not take place on July 14.
VMCCA will host a larger car show, with about 300 vehicles expected at the Bruce Post on September 17, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. The entry fee is $20, and vendors pay $15 for a 20-by-20 space. Different from Cruisin’ the Bruce events, which benefits the VFW, VMCCA pays to utilize the space. If you have questions about Cruisin’ the Bruce or the VMCCA show, call Duane Michno at (586) 707-3615. The VFW is located at 28404 Jefferson in St. Clair Shores
Coney for Kids, an annual fundraiser to support the city’s Adaptive Playground Program, will be held on Wednesday, July 19 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Park at 32400 Jefferson Ave. The program is a summer day camp for individuals ages 5-26 with disabilities. St. Clair Shores Parks and Recreation Director Henry Bowman calls the program “one of the highlights of our community.”
Held just before the popular Music on the Lake event kicks off for the evening, Coney for Kids offers not just the opportunity to enjoy coney dogs, chips and pop (donated by Faygo) for a good cause, but lots of family fun. A bounce house sponsored by Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union and a petting zoo sponsored by Shorewood Kiwanis will also be part of the event.
For the third time, Brent Skurda, owner of BBQ Daddy, will help by donating food at Coney for Kids. His wife Heather Skurda and their daughters Brooke and Addison pitch in too. Skura remembers his first Coney for Kids event and “seeing the kids that are in the program and just seeing the joy that is on their faces.”
“They are such an inspiration, how the program is helping them,” Skurda says. “I don’t see another program in the area that is helping them like this one. I give the city a ton of credit for doing this.”
Kayla Oakey – who has been involved in the program for nine years and counting, including co-director in 2019 and director from 2020 to 2022 – knows just how special it is. Oakey says that while adaptive recreation opportunities are growing across the county, the St. Clair Shores Adaptive Playground Program is unique in that it is offered for nine weeks, Monday
through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Campers sign up weekly, so some may come during their two weeks off school, while others attend the entire summer.
“This program costs a substantial amount to keep running,” Oakey says. “With 50 campers per week, we also keep 30 counselors on staff per week. This way we are able to maintain a steady ratio, where we are able to meet each camper's needs. Another large cost comes from our weekly community-based field trips. Our field trips need to be carefully selected to ensure camper safety and accessibility. These tend to be more expensive.”
Other costs include transportation for field trips and back and forth to the city pool. Money is also spent on staff training, as well as medical and recreational equipment.
“Coney for Kids is the biggest fundraiser we host for the program,” Oakey says. “It is a great way to come out and meet our staff working there, as well as some of the campers and their families.”
Planning summer vacations for an extremely large family required asking a lot of questions: Where do we want to go? The ocean, mountains, seashore, the Great Lakes? Where could we go and keep the costs reasonable? The last question was, of course, the most necessary one.
Cruises and flying would be too expensive. A day’s drive would be the best option – someplace within 400 to 500 miles.
“I think a trip Up North would be the most practical,” my wife Delores said. “What we need is a cottage that will sleep the entire family.” Our 17-year-old son Donald had another commitment, so that left 18 of us.
In the summer of 1966, we found a cottage on Burt Lake with six bedrooms. It was really two connected cottages, making one large family room and kitchen with a fireplace and a fully stocked woodpile. The rent was only $200 for a week. The owner said that he normally did not rent it except for a few weeks in the summer to help pay for upkeep. Since our large family were regulars at Lou’s Party Store in Grosse Pointe Park, the owner Bob agreed to loan us 16 clean empty beer cases to be used in lieu of suitcases for clothes. We tied them to the racks on top of our two nine-passenger station wagons.
The cottage was just as promised, with a beautiful beach directly in front of it. You could walk quite far into the water before reaching a depth of four feet. It was perfect for our 10 small children.
The weather was clear and sunny every day. One day the owners brought a small pony over for the children to ride. Another day we crossed the Mackinac Bridge to visit the city of St. Ignace. We also rode the ferry and enjoyed a day trip on Mackinac Island. All seven days sped by. We all arrived back home, safe and sound, to 1000 Devonshire with our 16 beer cases on top of the two cars. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.
George Arsenault has been a St. Clair Shores resident for over 26 years. He worked for GM, retiring after 36 years, and then retired from Chrysler Motor in 1996 after eight years. He worked as a financial analyst, computer programmer and systems director. He raised a family of 19 in the Grosse Pointes before moving to St. Clair Shores.
*Limited to the first 50 surveys